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Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:39 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Knocking on Heaven's Door (minor)

So is it all Deific realms of just one?
-Jade Emp.

Is there a flip side power that lets the char enter a Hell also? Or is it the same power with just the underworld rulers' giving access?

The character typically enters the deific realm he knows at first, but has a chance of learning (30% chance on failure) of new realms by accident or by being taken to new ones, increasing the number of destinations.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Nova-Caine (Major)

The character can convert impacts into pressure, unleashing a nova blast.

1. Impervious to Pain: The character can absorb any impact without trauma.

2. Impervious to Fire, heat and Plasma: Takes no damage from heat and fire and half damage from explosions.

3. Pressure Wave: Any impact (physical, melee, or projectile) will burst back multiplied times 10 on all within a radius of the damage number times ten feet. This impact is also able to affect the nerves of targets, so they will not even feel it rip into them and have no trauma from it.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:11 pm
by taalismn
Flesh Magnets(Minor)
“Really, honey...I wish you wouldn’t stick Evil Junior’s crayon pictures of me ON me! I have a reputation to uphold!”

Range: Touch
Effects: This power allows the superbeing to ‘magnetize’ a non-living object to behave like a magnet with regards to other non-magnetic/organic objects, including living flesh; the magnetized object will cling, without tacky adhesive, to the other object(s), and can be moved around and even pin smaller objects(like sheets of paper) between them, just like a magnet on a refrigerator door. The objects to be flesh-magnetized cannot be larger than can be handheld, nor weigh more than a standard pound. The magnet holds with a PS equal to the number of melees spend ‘magnetizing’ them x2(so a flesh-magnet that Maglord spent a full minute---4 melees---concentrating on, to the exception of all else, would require a P.S. of 8 to pry loose). The flesh-magnet will also have an attractive range of six inches per every two melees spent in its creation(so that P.S. 8 flesh-magnet would have an attractive range of 2 ft).
The superbeing themselves can cancel the flesh magnet by touch, and can render THEMSELVES immune to being clung to by flesh-magnets.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Fire Placement Teleport (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can teleport via fire from one flame to another. The character will still take damage from the flames unless otherwise impervious to fire.
Range: One mile per level; limited to self.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: The character takes 2d6 damage (in addition to any the fire does) from the teleport and cannot teleport belongings, which burn up.
Attacks: Uses all attacks for a melee round.
Limitations: Cannot take anything other than the physical body, takes damage from the teleport, leaves character vulnerable and uses all attacks.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level of experience.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Lightning Jump (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Hit me!"

When hit by lightning or electricity, the character can use the electrical energy to spark a teleport. The character is resistant to lightning and electrical attacks (half damage).
Range: One mile per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks: Uses two attacks/actions.
Limitations: Still takes half damage from attack causing teleport; cannot carry anything more than his clothing and 50 pounds of equipment.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level. A failed jump leaps him to a random destination in range.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Lightning Jump (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Hit me!"

When hit by lightning, the character can use the electrical energy to spark a teleport. The character is resistant to lightning and electrical attacks (half damage).
Range: One mile per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks: Uses two attacks/actions.
Limitations: Still takes half damage from attack causing teleport; cannot carry anything more than his clothing and 50 pounds of equipment.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level. A failed jump leaps him to a random destination in range.

is there a min damage level to spark the T-port?
Would they be able to t-port if hit be a TAZER?


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:12 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Lightning Jump (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Hit me!"

When hit by lightning, the character can use the electrical energy to spark a teleport. The character is resistant to lightning and electrical attacks (half damage).
Range: One mile per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks: Uses two attacks/actions.
Limitations: Still takes half damage from attack causing teleport; cannot carry anything more than his clothing and 50 pounds of equipment.
Chance of successful teleport: 50%, plus 5% per level. A failed jump leaps him to a random destination in range.

is there a min damage level to spark the T-port?
Would they be able to t-port if hit be a TAZER?

I had assumed a minimum damage of 1d6, but a taser might work for a short jump.
Mephisto wrote:I hate to be a naysayer, but are the lightning and fire teleports even worthy of being powers? They seem pretty situational specific in my opinion, and seem to be adequate as minors for majors, or additives for Magic Weapons or antithesis powers for Achilles Heels (such as Deadly Cold, with the ability to exit as fast as possible)

Their situational nature is what makes them minors. I will take any ideas right now, since I have been in a creative drought. Or would you rather I just didn't post anything?


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:27 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Ember Bolt (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character absorbs half of any fire damage taken, taking the other half as normal damage, and can use his next action to shoot the fire absorbed as an attack, shooting 1d4 damage for every 1d6 damage taken as long as it does not exceed damage taken (so a shot normally doing 12 (of 4d6) would do 6 (of 2d6) damage and allow the character to shoot up to 2d4 damage (for a maximum of 6 points)). Range is one half that of the maximum range of the initial attack (so an energy expulsion of 600 feet could be returned up to 300 feet).


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:26 am
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Nova-Caine (Major)

The character can convert impacts into pressure, unleashing a nova blast.

1. Impervious to Pain: The character can absorb any impact without trauma.

2. Impervious to Fire, heat and Plasma: Takes no damage from heat and fire and half damage from explosions.

3. Pressure Wave: Any impact (physical, melee, or projectile) will burst back multiplied times 10 on all within a radius of the damage number times ten feet. This impact is also able to affect the nerves of targets, so they will not even feel it rip into them and have no trauma from it.

Nice language but can we clean this up a bit.
#1 he he immune to the damage or just the pain and trauma?
#2 No explanation required. though if he absorbs any impact without damage (see #1) then resistant to explosions is redundant (otherwise...good)
#3 this is worded badly. so if you stub your toe (1 damage) you inflict 10 damage to everything within 10 feet. must play havoc with your pants.
Also, the impact affects the nerves of targets. doesn't that mean that they should feel it more? or is this an anesthetic pressure wave of magnified damage?



Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:47 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Ok, let me clarify:

Nova-Caine (Major)

The character can convert impacts into pressure, unleashing a nova blast.

1. Impervious to Pain: The character can absorb any impact without trauma, though he will still take initial damage and effects of attacks.

2. Impervious to Fire, Heat and Plasma: Takes no damage from heat and fire and half damage from explosions (will not take fire damage from explosions but will take it from debris, pressure and shrapnel).

3. Pressure Wave: Any impact (physical, melee, or projectile) will burst back multiplied times 10 on all within a radius of the damage number times ten feet. This impact is also able to affect the nerves of targets, so they will not even feel it rip into them and have no trauma from it. So if you stub your toe (1 damage) you inflict 10 damage to everything within 10 feet. The impact affects the nerves of targets making them not feel it at all due to psionic waves in the pressurized wave.


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:10 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Leather Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, AKA Flying Leatherneck

The character has leather skin and wings which give added abilities:

1. Flight: Winged: Leather: Same as the winged flight minor superability (HU2 232-233)

2. Natural AR to Total Body and Wings: 8 at level one, plus 1 AR at levels 4, 8, and 12. This provides a resistance to fire and cold damage (half damage).

3. Enhanced Strength: PS is considered Extraordinary for the purpose of lifting and carrying.

4. SDC Bonus to Body: +1d4X10+10 SDC

5. Horror Factor: 8, plus 1 to horror factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

6. Wing Spikes: Can claw with the wings for 1d6 damage, normal PP bonuses apply.

7. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character can hold breath for their PE number in minutes.
+1d4 PE


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Insect Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has bug-like wings and a light endo-skeleton.

1. Flight: Winged: Insect: Same as the winged flight minor superability (HU2 232-233)

2. Natural AR to Total Body and Wings: 8 at level one, plus 1 AR at levels 4, 8, and 12. This provides a resistance to fire and cold damage (half damage).

3. Enhanced Strength: PS is considered Extraordinary for the purpose of lifting and carrying.

4. SDC Bonus to Body: +1d4X10+10 SDC

5. Horror Factor: 8, plus 1 to horror factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

6. Razor Wings: Wings do bladed damage of 1d6, normal PP bonus applies.

7. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character can hold breath for their PE number in minutes.
+1d4 PE


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:I like Insect Wings except the Razor wings part doesn't sit well because it lacks purity, so I'd simply replace it with Super Vision: Advanced Sight to make it more complete and in-line with the intended thought of a psuedo-insect flyer.

Works for me. The razor wing part was added as an attempt to bring it in line with leather wings.

Insectoid Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has bug-like wings and a light endo-skeleton.

1. Flight: Winged: Insect: Same as the winged flight minor superability (HU2 232-233)

2. Natural AR to Total Body and Wings: 8 at level one, plus 1 AR at levels 4, 8, and 12. This provides a resistance to fire and cold damage (half damage).

3. Enhanced Strength: PS is considered Extraordinary for the purpose of lifting and carrying.

4. SDC Bonus to Body: +1d4X10+10 SDC

5. Horror Factor: 8, plus 1 to horror factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

6. Super Vision: Advanced Sight: Same as the minor superability (HU2 page 237).

7. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character can hold breath for their PE number in minutes.
+1d4 PE


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Bird Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has bird-like wings and feathers.

1. Flight: Winged: Feathered: Same as the winged flight minor superability (HU2 232-233)

2. Natural AR to Total Body and Wings: 8 at level one, plus 1 AR at levels 4, 8, and 12. This provides a resistance to cold damage (half damage).

3. SDC Bonus to Body: +1d4X10+10 SDC

4. Horror Factor: 8, plus 1 to horror factor at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15

5. Super Vision: Advanced Sight: Same as the minor superability (HU2 page 237).

6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character can hold breath for their PE number in minutes.
+2d4 PE
+2d4 PP


Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:15 am
by Steeler49er
Universal Doner (minor) by Steeler49er
"You give and you give and you give, and still they want more"

The super has the power of absolute universal body & blood donation. Should the super ever wish to do so they may give up any portion of the limbs, organs, and or blood and it will be accepted by the recipiant in full. Once transplanted into a target through whatever means available, any organs, blood, bone, skin, etc that is given will adapt to the target becoming natural with out any form of rejection. The donated mass becomes an identical match and, in addition, merges perfectly with the target in a matter of miniutes with minimal to no signs of scarring (20% +5% chance per level the super donator). Even beings of other races may benifit from this transfer since the donated mass will begin to mimic the targets DNA in a matter of a minute after transplant acting like a form of super stem-cells bio-matter.

More over, the supers Own body can, in time, recover from even the worst of wounds at an excellerated rate and their body closes wounds in 2D4 melees so as to prevent blood loss.

Natural Bonuses:
Natural boonuses functions of this power and are duplicated by those mimicking this ability.
•+2D4 PE
•Increase the supers HP by 10%
•Add the Supers PE bonuse (if any) to healing rates and increase the total by X4 times. Any other powers which increase natural healing rates by a multiple add said multiple to this one.
•The super may heal from all lost body parts once they recover an amount of HP & SDC equal to x3 the limb or body parts total value.
•The super life span is doubled.
•Blood also recovers at the above rate multiplier.
+1D6 additional HP per level.
+1 to PE every 5th level.


Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:39 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Steeler49er wrote:Universal Doner (minor) by Steeler49er
"You give and you give and you give, and still they want more"

The super has the power of absolute universal body & blood donation. Should the super ever wish to do so they may give up any portion of the limbs, organs, and or blood and it will be accepted by the recipiant in full. Once transplanted into a target through whatever means available, any organs, blood, bone, skin, etc that is given will adapt to the target becoming natural with out any form of rejection. The donated mass becomes an identical match and, in addition, merges perfectly with the target in a matter of miniutes with minimal to no signs of scarring (20% +5% chance per level the super donator). Even beings of other races may benifit from this transfer since the donated mass will begin to mimic the targets DNA in a matter of a minute after transplant acting like a form of super stem-cells bio-matter.

More over, the supers Own body can, in time, recover from even the worst of wounds at an excellerated rate and their body closes wounds in 2D4 melees so as to prevent blood loss.

Natural Bonuses:
Natural boonuses functions of this power and are duplicated by those mimicking this ability.
•+2D4 PE
•Increase the supers HP by 10%
•Add the Supers PE bonuse (if any) to healing rates and increase the total by X4 times. Any other powers which increase natural healing rates by a multiple add said multiple to this one.
•The super may heal from all lost body parts once they recover an amount of HP & SDC equal to x3 the limb or body parts total value.
•The super life span is doubled.
•Blood also recovers at the above rate multiplier.
+1D6 additional HP per level.
+1 to PE every 5th level.

combine this with super healing.... and you get a chars you have to vap in one shot or they can't be killed.


Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:03 am
by Steeler49er
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:combine this with super healing.... and you get a chars you have to vap in one shot or they can't be killed.

Not sure how you can do that withnthat combo... BUT Iczer DID come up with the powers Organ Farming & Limb Recovery which Both allow you to Instantly recover from both...
If you combine them both with APS: Blood for an endless blood supply, then your are Very hard to kill (you still loss the HP/SDC, but you get back all of your body mass in seconds... even if you still die... Unless you get shot in the head... Then you're really dead.)

On the Combo Thread I mixed Organ Farming, Limb Recovery, Universal Doner & APS: Blood to get you the ULTIMATE body doner... Throw in Zombie Flesh and you could even donate your BrAiN to science... CreePy spOOky


Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:05 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:Stone Gargoyle, the Major flight powers...I like them all, but which is the faster flyer? The most maneuverable? The highest altitude? I'm not trying to nit-pick, but the insect flight power should get an automatic dodge while having a modest top speed, the leather flyer should have a decent altitude range and top speed but weak dodge bonuses (Flying Turtles can DODGE?) while the bird flight should be at the top of the chain, with good speed and ariel ascent but weak on the automatic dodge. Again, that's only my take on the matter.

I will be doing more flight powers to try and resolve some of those issues. This was just a test run so far to get some basic ones.


Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:18 pm
by taalismn
Steeler49er wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:combine this with super healing.... and you get a chars you have to vap in one shot or they can't be killed.

Not sure how you can do that withnthat combo... BUT Iczer DID come up with the powers Organ Farming & Limb Recovery which Both allow you to Instantly recover from both...
If you combine them both with APS: Blood for an endless blood supply, then your are Very hard to kill (you still loss the HP/SDC, but you get back all of your body mass in seconds... even if you still die... Unless you get shot in the head... Then you're really dead.)

On the Combo Thread I mixed Organ Farming, Limb Recovery, Universal Doner & APS: Blood to get you the ULTIMATE body doner... Throw in Zombie Flesh and you could even donate your BrAiN to science... CreePy spOOky

...ewwwwwww.....gotta check out that combo.... :twisted:


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:22 am
by Iczer
Phantom limb: [Minor]
'Look Buddy..I feel your pain. I feel your anguish. Mostly, I feel your liver, so don't push me today until I've had my coffee'

The character can cause a limb to simply vanish, becoming insubstantial and invisible to normal sight. The character retains a sense of touch (but not pain) while it is 'phantomised' giving him several advantages. Primarilly he can extend his sense of touch to inside objects, allowing to feel out the contents of a safe, or the condition of a target's bones. This x-ray touch allows him to add +10% to relevent technical, mechanical and medical skills, assuming such an insight is viable (feeling the inner workings of a lock you are picking is fine, as is diagnosing broken bones and internal injuries.)
In addition, a limb made 'phantom' can strike intangible characters, as well as astral creatures. The limb can be 'phantomised' at instantaneous speeds. The character can pahse his limb out, strike a ghost and then phase it back in all as part of a normal action. As a phantom limb is intangible, it makes an effective escape from handcuffs.
The character can make even his head 'phantomised' allowing him to peer around corners without having the head shot at. While his head is phantomised, the character is immune to knockout and stun attempts, and he is able to see invisible and astral creatures.

Thunder Jump [Major]
'Yeah i can get out of here, but I have no Idea where I'm going'

The character can transform himself into a bolt of negatively charged energy. when he does so, he creates a sonic boom and leaps Hundreds of feet into the air reforming high in the atmosphere, where he may reverse the process, landing back on the ground.
1) Leaving the earth: Transforming into energy in this fashion causes the character to jump upwards into the sky. The character needs an uninterupted access to the sky to perform this leap and needs to expend one action. Additionally, he must be standing on a grounded surface. while this is pretty much most open air places on the earth, a thick sheet of rubber or plastic will hinder his ability.
When he leaves the earth, he creates a sonic boom. all living creatures within 15 feet of his departure point must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or lose an action from the sudden shock. (as a sonic effect, creatures with hearing protection gain a +4 to the saving throw, or may be immune depending on the protection). anyone touching the character takes 2D6 damage from the electrical conversion. The character can take up to 15lbs with him as he leaps, but held items will also take the listed damage.
Once he has leapt, he finds himself in the air, roughly 4000 feet, plus 250 feet per level and falling.
2) Returning to earth: By expending another action, the character reverses the process, his positively charged state drawing him downwards. The character arrives back on earth with the same boom and inflicting 4D6 damage to his point of landing.
Actually aiming this landing is frought with problems though. Becuase he's riding lines of electrical potential back down to earth, his aim is often deflected by the viccisitudes of physics. factor in the 3 second freefall between his actions ( a drop of about 150 feet) and the general inability to see his landing point means that he's guided by general desire and his own vague senes of direction. The maximum angle he can deflect himself is only a few degrees, giving him a landing point of up to 1000 feet plus 100 feet per level away from his starting location. the character has an Error rating of about of 20% (Roll 1D20. thats the percentage 'drift' from his desired landing spot in a random direction. if the character has heightened senses sufficient to see the ground clearly, then his error rating is dropped by half) as a general rule, the power tends to cause him to land on higher places rather than lower places, and on conductive/grounded places rather than non grounded.
3) general protections and immunities: No fear of heights. resistant to cold and electricity (half damage) Immune to the sound of his own sonic booms, and resistant to other dangerously loud soaunds (half damage or +4 to save as appropriate)
4) combat options: By jumping into the air (normally) and dropping down on a target by turning positively charged, the character can inflict extra damage on a target. This attack requires 2 actions and inflicts the listed 4D6 damage in addition to the basic attack. It cannot be parried, but it can be dodged at -4. the attack itself is made without combat bonuses (aside from PP) Combined with a leap attack of any kind, or jump kick, it adds the base 4D6 and sonic boom to the mix at the cost of an additional attack.
The character can also leap upwards as part of a dodge. this adds +4 to the dodge attempt, but obviously places the character over 1000 feet in the air and falling.



Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:42 am
by abe
grey gargoil,don't you think that you should add penguin wings to the mix?


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:41 am
by Stone Gargoyle
abe wrote:grey gargoil,don't you think that you should add penguin wings to the mix?

No, no I don't.


Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Jet Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has detachable bio-organic wings which serve a number of functions.

1. Flight: The character has a cruising speed of 240 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can hover when the outer wings are detached at 20 mph, plus 2 mph per level, or boost to 480 mph, plus 40 mph per level, in a burst once per hour for 2d4 minutes when the outer wings are present.
+2 to dodge without outer wing sections; with outer wing sections attached, the character is +4 to dodge under 60mph, +5 to dodge under 80mph, +6 to dodge under 120 mph, +7 to dodge under 240mph, +8 to dodge over 240 mph
+1 damage for every 5 mph of flight speed
Can fly to an altitude of 40,000 feet at level one, plus 10,000 feet per level, with full wings. Can only fly to 4,000 feet, plus 1000 feet per level, without the outer wing sections.
SDC: Central jetpack-like bone growth on back adds +20 SDC, with each outer wing section adding an additional +30 SDC. SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes.
AR: Provides Natural AR to the spine of 8 at level one, plus one additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12.

2. Wing Missile: The outer wings can detach to be shot at opponents as a boomerang-style attack.
Range: 600 feet, plus 60 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant; wings may remain detached for the character's PE number of minutes before having to return or they dissolve. Regeneration of lost jet wings takes 24 hours. Wings generally return and reattach unless destroyed or caught by opponents.
Damage: Wings strike for 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. They can also be made to detonate at will for 2d6X10 damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike at level one, plus 1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Limitations: Shooting off the wings at high altitude will cause severe loss of altitude and severely endanger the character. Loss of one outer wing will limit flight speed as if both were detached.


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I am loopy from having 8 teeth removed but have some powers in the planning stages. Hopefully I will have some up shortly.


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:58 pm
by 89er
To a speedy and painless recovery Stone Gargoyle.
To give your creativity something to exercise

Gridiron (Minor)
“Watch Out, Quarterback is headed right at the safe.”
The user can cover themselves in a football-style armor made for charging and taking heavy damage.

APS: Glacier (Major)
“Well Aunt-Arctic, I knew you were an ice queen but not a giant one.”
The user becomes a giant humanoid ice shelf.

Whirl Cycle (Minor)
“Let’s go for a whirl.”
The user creates a large tornado of spinning energy that she can ride in. The vehicle can travel over water and up walls.

APS: Volcano (Major)
“Lava is bad, but lava in a hard shell is worse”
The user can become a walking volcano, complete with control over smoke, magma, and stone that he is made of.

Booming Clap (Major)
“No, don’t let Applause clap or its curtains for us all”
The user is able to create explosions in his immediate area by clapping his hands. He does so by harnessing the minor kinetic force created when his hands strike each other, amplifying it to a significant degree, and redirecting it spatially so that it strikes and affects some other object in his line-of-sight, causing an explosive release of force.
Cronos Trigger (Major)
“Sorry we couldn’t kill Hourglass boss, but Jed needed a nap and my back aches like crazy”
Any firearm the user wields, the ammunition is replaced by temporal energy that either ages or rejuvenates (Makes young) the target.

Animal Fusion (Major)
“I can’t tell, is that an Elegator or an Alliphant?”
The user can seamlessly merge two animals together to create a super animal that obeys the user’s will. Cannot merge animals with humans or mythical beasts.


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
89er wrote:To a speedy and painless recovery Stone Gargoyle.

Thank you...

89er wrote:To give your creativity something to exercise

Gridiron (Minor)
“Watch Out, Quarterback is headed right at the safe.”
The user can cover themselves in a football-style armor made for charging and taking heavy damage.

Powers already exist that do this, so it is just an appearance issue that can be worked out with a GM and thus redundant.

89er wrote:Whirl Cycle (Minor)
“Let’s go for a whirl.”
The user creates a large tornado of spinning energy that she can ride in. The vehicle can travel over water and up walls.

Didn't I already do these for you?

89er wrote:APS: Glacier (Major)
“Well Aunt-Arctic, I knew you were an ice queen but not a giant one.”
The user becomes a giant humanoid ice shelf.

APS: Volcano (Major)
“Lava is bad, but lava in a hard shell is worse”
The user can become a walking volcano, complete with control over smoke, magma, and stone that he is made of.

Combine various APS and CEF powers and they will always come overpowered. These work better as a combos.

89er wrote:Booming Clap (Major)
“No, don’t let Applause clap or its curtains for us all”
The user is able to create explosions in his immediate area by clapping his hands. He does so by harnessing the minor kinetic force created when his hands strike each other, amplifying it to a significant degree, and redirecting it spatially so that it strikes and affects some other object in his line-of-sight, causing an explosive release of force.

Sounds familiar... might already have been done.

89er wrote:Cronos Trigger (Major)
“Sorry we couldn’t kill Hourglass boss, but Jed needed a nap and my back aches like crazy”
Any firearm the user wields, the ammunition is replaced by temporal energy that either ages or rejuvenates (Makes young) the target.

This one seems do-able. In fact, I am pretty sure it was done by Iczer; this is just the super-invention application.

89er wrote:Animal Fusion (Major)
“I can’t tell, is that an Elegator or an Alliphant?”
The user can seamlessly merge two animals together to create a super animal that obeys the user’s will. Cannot merge animals with humans or mythical beasts.

This seems too much like a conversion from a certain DC character. Not touching it.


Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:17 am
by Iczer
Concussive blows [Minor]
'Hey Power haus, what's shaking...besides your face that is'

The character's fists and feet store and release concussive waves when he strikes. The character adds +1D6 to any melee strikes he makes in combat from the released energy, which also gives off loud sonic booms as he does so.
When the character scores a critical strike on an opponent, the concussive waves become more dangerous.
At first level, if a target is struck with this power with a critical hit, the target must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) or become deafened for 1D4 rounds.
At third level, a failed saving throw results in being stunned for an equal amount of time.
At fifth level, the target is also knoked down on a failed saving throw.
At eighth level, the target is knocked unconscious instead of stunned.



Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:47 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am loopy from having 8 teeth removed but have some powers in the planning stages. Hopefully I will have some up shortly.

8 teeth? I hope at least some of them were replaced...

OOOHH OOHH Get them replaced with Lasers. No one really expects lasers in your teeth!

Or tigers.



Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:53 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I am loopy from having 8 teeth removed but have some powers in the planning stages. Hopefully I will have some up shortly.

8 teeth? I hope at least some of them were replaced...

I'm getting an upper denture once they get done filling one last tooth and clean the bottom teeth.
No, no lasers... :( That would be a cool power, though, for biting through things impervious to physical attacks.


Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:17 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Laserbeak (minor) by Stone Gargoyle, inspired by Iczer

The character's mouth projects lasers into his bite, doing +2d4 damage at level one, plus 1d4 damage at levels 3, 6, 10 and 13. The bite will disrupt electrical equipment and allows the character to bite through metal without harming his teeth.

Polearm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Surely you joust."

The character can elongate and sharpen and harden his arm. This allows the arm to be used as a lance or as a vaulting tool.
Range: Arm lengthens to 4 feet long at level one, plus one foot at levels.
Duration: Can keep the arm altered for his PE attribute number in minutes.
Attacks: Uses two attacks/actions to alter the arm.
Damage: 2d4 piercing damage at level one, plus 1d4 damage at levels 4, 8 and 12, with PS damage bonus applicable.
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to PP bonuses and those from applicable WP skills.
Special Skill: Pole Vault: The character can use the arm to vault over walls and high edges with a skill of 40%, plus 5% per level.

Mountie (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can morph his legs to merge with a riding style vehicle or animal to prevent being dismounted, using two attacks/actions. In the case of the former, it is harmless and the character can remove himself without harming the vehicle. In the latter case, 2d4 HP damage is done to the animal upon extraction. Adds +20% to Horsemanship, motorcycle and related riding/piloting skills.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:42 am
by abtex
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Laserbeak (minor) by Stone Gargoyle, inspired by Iczer
Polearm (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
"Surely you joust."
Mountie (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

Could almost make a major power by putting them together with some extras, APS: Knight [or like name]
Or has that already been done?


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:10 am
by Stone Gargoyle
That is one application of the minors I was working on:

Knight Rider (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character transforms to become a knight in shining armor, the exact look and color to be determined upon character creation.

1. Polearm: The character can elongate and sharpen and harden his arm. This allows the arm to be used as a lance or as a vaulting tool.
Range: Arm lengthens to 4 feet long at level one, plus one foot at levels.
Duration: Can keep the arm altered for his PE attribute number in minutes.
Attacks: Uses two attacks/actions to alter the arm.
Damage: 2d4 piercing damage at level one, plus 1d4 damage at levels 4, 8 and 12, with PS damage bonus applicable.
Bonuses: +2 to strike in addition to PP bonuses and those from applicable WP skills.
Special Skill: Pole Vault: The character can use the arm to vault over walls and high edges with a skill of 40%, plus 5% per level.

2. Mountie: The character can morph his legs to merge with a riding style vehicle or animal to prevent being dismounted, using two attacks/actions. In the case of the former, it is harmless and the character can remove himself without harming the vehicle. In the latter case, 2d4 HP damage is done to the animal upon extraction. Adds +20% to Horsemanship, motorcycle and related riding/piloting skills.

3. Armour: The character can harden his skin to the consistency of plate mail, giving him a Natural AR of 16, Extraordinary strength for the purpose of lifting and carrying, and +1d6 to Hand to Hand unarmed strikes. Adds +1d4X10+20 to his SDC when hardened. Added SDc heals at a rate of 4d6 per ten minutes.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:51 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Jet Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has detachable bio-organic wings which serve a number of functions.

1. Flight: The character has a cruising speed of 240 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can hover when the outer wings are detached at 20 mph, plus 2 mph per level, or boost to 480 mph, plus 40 mph per level, in a burst once per hour for 2d4 minutes when the outer wings are present.
+2 to dodge without outer wing sections; with outer wing sections attached, the character is +4 to dodge under 60mph, +5 to dodge under 80mph, +6 to dodge under 120 mph, +7 to dodge under 240mph, +8 to dodge over 240 mph
+1 damage for every 5 mph of flight speed
Can fly to an altitude of 40,000 feet at level one, plus 10,000 feet per level, with full wings. Can only fly to 4,000 feet, plus 1000 feet per level, without the outer wing sections.
SDC: Central jetpack-like bone growth on back adds +20 SDC, with each outer wing section adding an additional +30 SDC. SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes.
AR: Provides Natural AR to the spine of 8 at level one, plus one additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12.

2. Wing Missile: The outer wings can detach to be shot at opponents as a boomerang-style attack.
Range: 600 feet, plus 60 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant; wings may remain detached for the character's PE number of minutes before having to return or they dissolve. Regeneration of lost jet wings takes 24 hours. Wings generally return and reattach unless destroyed or caught by opponents.
Damage: Wings strike for 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. They can also be made to detonate at will for 2d6X10 damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike at level one, plus 1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Limitations: Shooting off the wings at high altitude will cause severe loss of altitude and severely endanger the character. Loss of one outer wing will limit flight speed as if both were detached.

A suggestion for this...
3) Wing Hardpoints.....allows the superbeing to hold a handheld weapon like a pistol, rifle, or light rocket launcher(essentially handheld ranged weapons) or grenades on the underside of the wings. The superbeing can then fire or drop these objects(without bonuses). THese hardpoints do not count as extra attacks....using a hardpoint-mounted weapon counts as one of the superbeing's normal attacks.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Jet Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has detachable bio-organic wings which serve a number of functions.

1. Flight: The character has a cruising speed of 240 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can hover when the outer wings are detached at 20 mph, plus 2 mph per level, or boost to 480 mph, plus 40 mph per level, in a burst once per hour for 2d4 minutes when the outer wings are present.
+2 to dodge without outer wing sections; with outer wing sections attached, the character is +4 to dodge under 60mph, +5 to dodge under 80mph, +6 to dodge under 120 mph, +7 to dodge under 240mph, +8 to dodge over 240 mph
+1 damage for every 5 mph of flight speed
Can fly to an altitude of 40,000 feet at level one, plus 10,000 feet per level, with full wings. Can only fly to 4,000 feet, plus 1000 feet per level, without the outer wing sections.
SDC: Central jetpack-like bone growth on back adds +20 SDC, with each outer wing section adding an additional +30 SDC. SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes.
AR: Provides Natural AR to the spine of 8 at level one, plus one additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12.

2. Wing Missile: The outer wings can detach to be shot at opponents as a boomerang-style attack.
Range: 600 feet, plus 60 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant; wings may remain detached for the character's PE number of minutes before having to return or they dissolve. Regeneration of lost jet wings takes 24 hours. Wings generally return and reattach unless destroyed or caught by opponents.
Damage: Wings strike for 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. They can also be made to detonate at will for 2d6X10 damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike at level one, plus 1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Limitations: Shooting off the wings at high altitude will cause severe loss of altitude and severely endanger the character. Loss of one outer wing will limit flight speed as if both were detached.

A suggestion for this...
3) Wing Hardpoints.....allows the superbeing to hold a handheld weapon like a pistol, rifle, or light rocket launcher(essentially handheld ranged weapons) or grenades on the underside of the wings. The superbeing can then fire or drop these objects(without bonuses). THese hardpoints do not count as extra attacks....using a hardpoint-mounted weapon counts as one of the superbeing's normal attacks.

I was already considering something like that for the Bomber Wings variant version but have been too out of it to want to figure out the points system for the bomb generation. Care to write up the variant for me using this?


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Attack Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has detachable bio-organic wings which serve a number of functions.

1. Flight: The character has a cruising speed of 240 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can hover when the outer wings are detached at 20 mph, plus 2 mph per level, or boost to 480 mph, plus 40 mph per level, in a burst once per hour for 2d4 minutes when the outer wings are present.
+2 to dodge without outer wing sections; with outer wing sections attached, the character is +4 to dodge under 60mph, +5 to dodge under 80mph, +6 to dodge under 120 mph, +7 to dodge under 240mph, +8 to dodge over 240 mph
+1 damage for every 5 mph of flight speed
Can fly to an altitude of 40,000 feet at level one, plus 10,000 feet per level, with full wings. Can only fly to 4,000 feet, plus 1000 feet per level, without the outer wing sections.
SDC: Central jetpack-like bone growth on back adds +20 SDC, with each outer wing section adding an additional +30 SDC. SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes.
AR: Provides Natural AR to the spine of 8 at level one, plus one additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12.

2. Wing Missile: The outer wings can detach to fly and shoot grenades.
Range: Can be shot out to hover as far away as 600 feet, plus 60 feet per level of experience; can shoot grenades up to 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level, with impacts doing damage to a blast radius of 30 feet.
Duration: Instant; wings may remain detached for the character's PE number of minutes before having to return or they dissolve. Regeneration of lost jet wings takes 24 hours. Wings generally return and reattach once ammo is depleted unless destroyed or caught by opponents,or willed to return.
Damage: Wings shoot bombs which explode for 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. Payload is the character's PE attribute number in grenades, plus one per level.
Bonuses: +2 to strike at level one, plus 1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Limitations: Shooting off the wings at high altitude will cause severe loss of altitude and severely endanger the character. Loss of one outer wing will limit flight speed as if both were detached.
Attacks: Detachng the wings uses one attack, and each shot uses one attack/action.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:12 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Jet Wings (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has detachable bio-organic wings which serve a number of functions.

1. Flight: The character has a cruising speed of 240 mph, plus 20 mph per level, but can hover when the outer wings are detached at 20 mph, plus 2 mph per level, or boost to 480 mph, plus 40 mph per level, in a burst once per hour for 2d4 minutes when the outer wings are present.
+2 to dodge without outer wing sections; with outer wing sections attached, the character is +4 to dodge under 60mph, +5 to dodge under 80mph, +6 to dodge under 120 mph, +7 to dodge under 240mph, +8 to dodge over 240 mph
+1 damage for every 5 mph of flight speed
Can fly to an altitude of 40,000 feet at level one, plus 10,000 feet per level, with full wings. Can only fly to 4,000 feet, plus 1000 feet per level, without the outer wing sections.
SDC: Central jetpack-like bone growth on back adds +20 SDC, with each outer wing section adding an additional +30 SDC. SDC regenerates at a rate of 4d6 per 10 minutes.
AR: Provides Natural AR to the spine of 8 at level one, plus one additional point at levels 4, 8 and 12.

2. Wing Missile: The outer wings can detach to be shot at opponents as a boomerang-style attack.
Range: 600 feet, plus 60 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant; wings may remain detached for the character's PE number of minutes before having to return or they dissolve. Regeneration of lost jet wings takes 24 hours. Wings generally return and reattach unless destroyed or caught by opponents.
Damage: Wings strike for 2d6 damage, plus 1d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12. They can also be made to detonate at will for 2d6X10 damage.
Bonuses: +2 to strike at level one, plus 1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Limitations: Shooting off the wings at high altitude will cause severe loss of altitude and severely endanger the character. Loss of one outer wing will limit flight speed as if both were detached.

A suggestion for this...
3) Wing Hardpoints.....allows the superbeing to hold a handheld weapon like a pistol, rifle, or light rocket launcher(essentially handheld ranged weapons) or grenades on the underside of the wings. The superbeing can then fire or drop these objects(without bonuses). THese hardpoints do not count as extra attacks....using a hardpoint-mounted weapon counts as one of the superbeing's normal attacks.

I was already considering something like that for the Bomber Wings variant version but have been too out of it to want to figure out the points system for the bomb generation. Care to write up the variant for me using this?

Bomb generation? Let's see....I figure a PE-based point system with 1 PE=1d6 damage per half a superbeing with a PE of 15, could produce 90 pts of damage-inflicting ordnance every 30 minutes...this can be expressed in a number of smaller, lighter, bombs, or concentrated in one or two larger bombs(1 bomb doing the full 1d6x15damage, or two smaller bombs doing 1d4x10+5 MD each)....Blast diameter of 5 ft per 1d6 of that big 1d6x15er will have an area of effect of 75 ft....
Dunno if you'd want to add additional damage with experience?


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sure, just not every level. Maybe stagger the bonuses a little...


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:43 pm
by Steeler49er
Hembree77 wrote:not sure if anyone has thought this one up yet and posted it.

Light Sword(A variant of Energy Expulsion Light/Laser)

Damage:3d6 + 1d6 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13,15.
Length: Determined at character creation, and unless the player is playing a larger than human race, it should not excede 60 inches.
Duration: 3 minutes + 1 minute per level.
Penalties: loses 1 attack per melee having to consentrate on keeping the blade in existance.

Bonues: +2 initiative, +1 strike, +2 Parry.

The power already has a range of contact, a durational limitation, and -1ATPM to maintain it (never mind thelost AtPM used to create and re-create it), why Also give it a damage that is lower than EE: Light? This power is not balanced in that Light Expulsion is far more powerful than this power. It seems that everytime I see someone make a reduced range version of an EE: Power, it is far weaker than the original.

Cut loose already and give a higher damage potential to help off-set the overly large weaknesses.
Additionally for Length, give it one based on their size like 10% of or some such thing. Keep in mind that you never mentioned whether or not this power is a 'solid light blade' or more like laser light (not very solid and can be affected by mirrors).
At the very least you have you Light Swords Damage be equal to EE: Light (Higher would be better).


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:48 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sure, just not every level. Maybe stagger the bonuses a little...

Every other level add 1d6?

Maybe every THREE levels select from the following:
*Smart Bomb----+1 to strike
*Incendiary---Does HALF damage burning per melee for 1d4 melees
*Armor-Piercing--Hardened nose and penetrator head add a +1 to strike through Armor Rating
*Area Denial---Bomb sits and does nothing, but will explode if tampered with/moved. Disappears after 24 hours (per number of times the option is taken).


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sure, just not every level. Maybe stagger the bonuses a little...

Every other level add 1d6?

Maybe every THREE levels select from the following:
*Smart Bomb----+1 to strike
*Incendiary---Does HALF damage burning per melee for 1d4 melees
*Armor-Piercing--Hardened nose and penetrator head add a +1 to strike through Armor Rating
*Area Denial---Bomb sits and does nothing, but will explode if tampered with/moved. Disappears after 24 hours (per number of times the option is taken).

I was thinking every third level for damage increase as well, but your call. I take it the smart bomb bonuses would stack... :twisted:

I will be working on a Create Explosive Objects: Booming Bananarangs power.


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:40 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sure, just not every level. Maybe stagger the bonuses a little...

Every other level add 1d6?

Maybe every THREE levels select from the following:
*Smart Bomb----+1 to strike
*Incendiary---Does HALF damage burning per melee for 1d4 melees
*Armor-Piercing--Hardened nose and penetrator head add a +1 to strike through Armor Rating
*Area Denial---Bomb sits and does nothing, but will explode if tampered with/moved. Disappears after 24 hours (per number of times the option is taken).

I was thinking every third level for damage increase as well, but your call. I take it the smart bomb bonuses would stack... :twisted:

I will be working on a Create Explosive Objects: Booming Bananarangs power.

Likewise the Armor you could punch through bunker walls..... :D


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:56 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sure, just not every level. Maybe stagger the bonuses a little...

Every other level add 1d6?

Maybe every THREE levels select from the following:
*Smart Bomb----+1 to strike
*Incendiary---Does HALF damage burning per melee for 1d4 melees
*Armor-Piercing--Hardened nose and penetrator head add a +1 to strike through Armor Rating
*Area Denial---Bomb sits and does nothing, but will explode if tampered with/moved. Disappears after 24 hours (per number of times the option is taken).

I was thinking every third level for damage increase as well, but your call. I take it the smart bomb bonuses would stack... :twisted:

I will be working on a Create Explosive Objects: Booming Bananarangs power.

Likewise the Armor you could punch through bunker walls..... :D

Nice! :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Create Explosive Objects: Booming Banana Bombs (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character generates bio-organic bananas which can be thrown and detonated.

1. Banana Clusters: Bananas grow at a rate of one per minute and will grow in clusters of 3d6. Bananas may be removed as a group or individually. Each banana will explode if all SDC is depleted, with each banana having 2d6 SDC. Bananas rot away after 2d4 melee rounds if not blown up before then. The character can grow his PE number of banana clusters in various locations on his body.

2. Impervious to Banana Bombs: The character is immune to the explosions from his own bombs if they impact on his body and takes half damage from their explosion if impacting and exploding away from his body due to shrapnel. Bananas hit while on his body explode as mines, with a single cluster exploding at a time doing 1d4X10 damage per banana in the cluster to the person striking.

3. Bananarangs and Bombs: A banana can be thrown for damage, taking one point itself and exploding when the last SDC is depleted.
Range: Can be thrown for 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level, striking as a boomerang and returning to the thrower.
Duration: Can be used until exploded or SDC is depleted and it explodes.
Damage: 1d4 as thrown object; does 1d4X10 to 10 foot radius if peeled before thrown or if SDC is depleted when thrown. Will still explode if caught in the mouth and swallowed by the target.
Attack: Uses one attack/action to throw to catch a banana and an extra action to peel it if throwing to explode. Can catch and re-throw a banana as a single action.
Bonuses: From PP and gets WP Throwing skill free with this power which the character can use for the purpose of throwing bananas.

4. Banana Mines: If buried, the banana clusters will explode from the weight of a person stepping on them more than 30 pounds in weight, doing 1d4X10 damage per banana in the cluster to the person stepping on it.

5. Remote Detonation: The character can also cause a banana to explode at will for 1d4X10 damage to a one foot radius, from a range of 30 feet away, plus 3 feet per level of experience.

6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Resistant to fire and heat (half damage)
+2d4 PE


Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:36 am
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Create Explosive Objects: Booming Banana Bombs (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character generates bio-organic bananas which can be thrown and detonated.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
"When I said 'Go ape', I didn't mean....."


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:00 am
by abe
didn't rifter 91/2 already cover food based powers?


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:52 am
by Stone Gargoyle
abe wrote:didn't rifter 91/2 already cover food based powers?

It might cover some, but who cares? I don't have that issue, but it could not possibly cover EVERY wacky power possible.


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Acyd Byrn wrote:So a power called "Salad Tossing" or "Tossing the Salad" should include W.P. Tongs! I said Tongs, not thongs! :D

Hmmm... WP Tongs...


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:02 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Acyd Byrn wrote:So a power called "Salad Tossing" or "Tossing the Salad" should include W.P. Tongs! I said Tongs, not thongs! :D

Hmmm... WP Tongs...

Not off the wall far fetched, I've seen Kung-fu movies where tongs and chop sticks were used as weapons.


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:43 am
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Acyd Byrn wrote:So a power called "Salad Tossing" or "Tossing the Salad" should include W.P. Tongs! I said Tongs, not thongs! :D

Hmmm... WP Tongs...

Not off the wall far fetched, I've seen Kung-fu movies where tongs and chop sticks were used as weapons.

I know. While not quite a power, it does open up ideas about combat style using food to distract opponents.


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:26 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Acyd Byrn wrote:So a power called "Salad Tossing" or "Tossing the Salad" should include W.P. Tongs! I said Tongs, not thongs! :D

Hmmm... WP Tongs...

Not off the wall far fetched, I've seen Kung-fu movies where tongs and chop sticks were used as weapons.

I know. While not quite a power, it does open up ideas about combat style using food to distract opponents.

Maybe call the power something like Improvised Weapons. If based off the Weapon Improvisation WP, the Minor form would give only one aspect's bonuses of WI WP, with the major form giving all the aspects' bonuses of the WI WP.
The limitation would be that the power could not be used formalized constructed weapon. (i.e. sword, staff, spear, whip)


Having the minor only work with a few sorts of objects but with full WI WP bonuses.