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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I havce been contemplarting doing a capture spere power.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Have been contemplating a metal-plating /coating power(Matter Expulsion: Metal Mist or Metallic Leaf), just to get back into the swing of things.
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Speed Surge (Minor)


A power that grants a tremendous temporary boost to speed, for a price.

Upon activating this ability (which uses up one melee attack/action), the hero can move at four times his normal speed. As well as the increase in raw velocity, use of Speed Surge grants the following bonuses:

+1 to initiative per level of experience.
+1 attack at levels one, three, five, nine and fourteen.
+1 to dodge and strike at levels two, four, seven, eleven and fifteen.
+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of speed.

Unfortunately, the super being can’t sustain this level of movement for very long - a Speed Surge can be maintained for only one melee round per level of experience (roughly fifteen seconds at level one, thirty seconds at level two and so on).

Furthermore, using this ability is exhausting. For every melee round that the super being employs this power, he suffers fatigue penalties for twice as long, i.e. using the power for five melee rounds means that he is exhausted for the following ten rounds: during this time, his normal speed, all combat bonuses and number of attacks/actions are halved. The hero cannot use Speed Surge again until he has recovered from this exertion.

Additionally, the hero is -6 to pull punch while using Speed Surge; at this rate of movement, delicate and precise movements are kind of tricky.

Note: While this ability can be selected by any super human character, it is most impressive when combined with another movement power, such as Extraordinary Speed, Sonic Flight, Underwater Propulsion, Super Borrowing, etc. Then, truly terrifying rates of movement are possible!

However, this level of speed is even more draining. In addition to the fatigue penalties detailed above, for every melee round that a character uses Speed Surge in conjunction with another power, he loses 1D4 S.D.C./Hit Points; e.g. using Speed Surge and Sonic Speed together for ten melee rounds would cost the super being 10D4 S.D.C./Hit Points.

Because who doesn't want their speedster to do stuff like this? :D
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Sense Sexuality (Minor)

"Who says gaydar's a myth?"

The hero is superhumanly sensitive to sexuality and sexual impulses.

1. Sense Orientation. With just a glance, the super being can unerringly determine both the gender and sexual orientation of an individual; specifically, he can tell at what point on the Kinsey Scale a person lies.

Synthetic or truly alien beings (robots, energy-based life forms, A.I.s, etc) with no innate capacity for sexual activity will register as asexual and the power will detect nothing at all if used on inanimate objects.

Range: 50 feet (15.2 m) + 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: None, effectively a free action.
Saving Throw: None.

2. Sense Sexual History. The character can glean information about a target’s recent sexual history: how long ago he/she/it had sex, whether or not it was consensual, the number/gender/species of partner/s (though not their specific identity), the presence and type of any STI affecting the target and how long ago it was contracted, whether or not an encounter led to conception, whether or not the target has lost his/her/its virginity, etc. Essentially, the hero can attempt to discover the answer to any question directly related to his target’s sex life.

This is more difficult than simply determining orientation or gender and requires the super being to roll against his Sense Sexual History skill: he has a base proficiency of 50% +3% per level of experience. The hero must successfully perform a skill check for each fact he wishes to uncover. Failure indicates that the character cannot discern the answer at that time, and must wait for at least one hour before trying again.

Range: 50 feet (15.2 m) + 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: This sub-ability requires a few moments of observation of the target and uses up all of the character’s actions for the melee round. While the hero can talk and walk normally during this time, being forced to fight, run or perform complicated skills will break his concentration and ruin his attempt to study the target.
Saving Throw: None.
Limitations: The hero can only attempt to discern information about his target going back as far as one day per level of experience.

3. Super Seduction. The character gains a bonus of +35% to Seduction, due to his uncanny insight into his target‘s turn-ons. If the super being does not have the skill, use this as a base proficiency score. If the hero has any type of shape-shifting ability, then this bonus increases to +55%, as the character can physically change into a form ideally suited to tempt his target.

4. Bonuses.
The super being automatically possesses the skill of Sexual Techniques - Advanced, with a base proficiency of 70% +2% per level of experience.
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Unread post by taalismn »

(Reads the last) :shock: :oops:
Somehow, the name 'Cassanova Frankenstein' comes to mind....

Yeah, I can see superheroes/villians with names like SuperLover, McLovin, Ladykiller, and The Seductress having that power.... :D
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Speed Surge seems unbalanced somehow, given the combat bonuses and limited relative running speed.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Seems like you are replacing a category with a single power. The regenerative ability would probably be a major on its own.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Senator Cybus wrote:Speed Surge (Minor)


A power that grants a tremendous temporary boost to speed, for a price.

Upon activating this ability (which uses up one melee attack/action), the hero can move at four times his normal speed. As well as the increase in raw velocity, use of Speed Surge grants the following bonuses:

+1 to initiative per level of experience.
+1 attack at levels one, three, five, nine and fourteen.
+1 to dodge and strike at levels two, four, seven, eleven and fifteen.
+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of speed.

Unfortunately, the super being can’t sustain this level of movement for very long - a Speed Surge can be maintained for only one melee round per level of experience (roughly fifteen seconds at level one, thirty seconds at level two and so on).

Furthermore, using this ability is exhausting. For every melee round that the super being employs this power, he suffers fatigue penalties for twice as long, i.e. using the power for five melee rounds means that he is exhausted for the following ten rounds: during this time, his normal speed, all combat bonuses and number of attacks/actions are halved. The hero cannot use Speed Surge again until he has recovered from this exertion.

Additionally, the hero is -6 to pull punch while using Speed Surge; at this rate of movement, delicate and precise movements are kind of tricky.

Note: While this ability can be selected by any super human character, it is most impressive when combined with another movement power, such as Extraordinary Speed, Sonic Flight, Underwater Propulsion, Super Borrowing, etc. Then, truly terrifying rates of movement are possible!

However, this level of speed is even more draining. In addition to the fatigue penalties detailed above, for every melee round that a character uses Speed Surge in conjunction with another power, he loses 1D4 S.D.C./Hit Points; e.g. using Speed Surge and Sonic Speed together for ten melee rounds would cost the super being 10D4 S.D.C./Hit Points.

Because who doesn't want their speedster to do stuff like this? :D

Firstly...Props to the Jhonny Quick reference :-)

Second...I like it. I'm not a fan of abilities that are more usefull if combined with another, but this is good.


(who will have the internets back full time very very shortly. man I expected you guys to break it while I was gone)
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Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

I liked both of Cybus' powers...
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Hot Foot (minor)

"Nice carpet you had there..."

The hero can amplify the surface friction between himself and solid surfaces at the point where he has the most contact - his feet. Once this is done, simply moving around can cause the ground to burn, allowing the hero to perform a number of useful tricks.

1. Flaming Footsteps. The super being can will the ground beneath him to ignite as he walks, leaving behind a burning imprint of his footsteps which will continue to smoulder for 1D4 melee rounds, lending him an intimidating, seemingly demonic presence.

Horror Factor: 10.
Bonus: The character can use this ability to start larger fires, simply by kicking at combustible materials.

2. Flaming Kick. The hero can increase the damage of his kick attacks, burning whatever he hits.

Range: Hand to hand combat.
Damage: +4 per level of experience to any strikes made with the feet.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks Per Melee: As per normal kick attack.
Bonus: This damage can be added to that caused by the Energized Kicks sub-ability of Power Stomp.

3. Trailblazer. By running at top speed to increase the friction between himself and the ground, the super being can use this power to the fullest - he can create a wall of fire as he runs, igniting the ground, particulate matter and even the air itself.

The trail of fire that follows the character will be roughly 2D6 inches (2.5 cms) taller than the hero himself and roughly 2 feet (0.6 m) wide. It’s length is determined by how long the hero can run for (see Range below). Anyone passing through the wall will be badly burned (see Damage below) and flammable items that come into contact with it will ignite immediately.

Potentially highly destructive and dangerous, this ability can also be used to confine the super being’s opponents, trapping them within a prison made of flame.

Range: As the hero must move at his top speed to use the Trailblazer ability, the maximum length of the wall of fire is limited by his endurance; once fatigue forces him to slow down, the wall will start to sputter out.
Damage: 1D6 +1D6 per level of experience (2D6 at level one, 3D6 at level two, etc).
Duration: One melee round per level of experience. Note that the wall will not just disappear in its entirety once the duration expires: while earlier parts of the wall are fading away, the more recently created sections will still be burning.
Attacks Per Melee: To use the Trailblazer ability, the hero must do nothing other than run at top speed for one full melee round, building up the necessary friction. He must then continue to sprint flat out for as long as he wishes to maintain it, preventing the use of any other actions.
Limitations: If the super being slows down, either through choice, exhaustion or outside interference, the wall of fire will begin to dissipate.
The hero has no special immunity to fire, so he must be careful in how he employs this ability or risk burning himself, especially around highly flammable substances.
Bonus: If combined with Extraordinary Speed, the damage of Trailblazer is doubled. If combined with Sonic Speed, the damage is tripled.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Speed Surge seems unbalanced somehow, given the combat bonuses and limited relative running speed.

How so, exactly? How would you do it?

Iczer wrote:Firstly...Props to the Jhonny Quick reference :-D

Second...I like it. I'm not a fan of abilities that are more usefull if combined with another, but this is good.

Many thanks. :)

Gryphon Chick wrote:I liked both of Cybus' powers...


I wanted to write up Speed Surge for two reasons:

One - Extraordinary Speed seems too powerful, IMHO, to be a minor; Speed Surge gives you an alternative.

Two - I wanted to create a way to distinguish one speedster from another; take Sonic Speed by itself, and you're pretty much exactly as fast as everyone else who took Sonic Speed. Combine it with Speed Surge, and you've got a trick up your sleeve that sets you apart from the pack.

Plus, just watch that clip! You know you want to punch Lexiac in the head at a million miles an hour! :lol:
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Unread post by abe »

super sweat!
basically in few as 1d12 minuites you can choke people to unconcunous via your smelly sweat alone!
your automatically imune to your own sweat
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Speed Surge seems unbalanced somehow, given the combat bonuses and limited relative running speed.

How so, exactly? How would you do it?

I would have made the speed ten times SPD attribute and made the initiative bonuses every other level for combat, not every level. I just thought too slow running and too quick fighting. But that is just me. Also would have limited the +1 attack and dodge to first, fourth, eighth and twelfth levels.
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Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:super sweat!
basically in few as 1d12 minuites you can choke people to unconcunous via your smelly sweat alone!
your automatically imune to your own sweat

Agreed...short on detail...
You need to define it as a Minor(with one or two additional effects) or as a Major, in which case you need to seriously beef it up. Turn that 1d12 to a 2d6 for convenience's sake, and define the threshold and duration of 'unconsciousness', as well as its effective range.
Also, take a look at the other things sweat does(in order to keep this from just being another form of existing powers that create stench) shed heat...A side effect of prolific sweat might be to reduce damage from heat-based attacks by 1/4 to 1/2.
Drawbacks would be you ruin anything you're wearing that's not waterproofed. It could also make the skin slippery(not enough like existing powers like Chemical Secretions that allow you to sweat oily sweat, but enough to make grasping the superbeing rather more difficult).
Another possible drawback to this power might be the superbeing can only maintain sweat flow for their P.E. in melees(or minutes) before needing to seriously tank up on water(or gatoraide-like sports drinks) or suffer acute dehydration.
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Unread post by Mercdog »

Just a little something...

Debris Storm (Minor)
Range: Radius of 10 feet plus 1 foot per level
Duration: 1 Melee Round

Debris Storm causes a localised area centered on the hero to erupt into a storm of telekinetic energy that grabs up sand, leaves, snow, twigs and other objects weighing less than 1 lb. and whips them around at near hurricane speed.

Anyone within the area of effect without an A.R. of 12 or better will take 2D4 damage (total, not per action) as they are pelted from all sides by the tiny maelstrom. Additionally the psionic utilizing this power makes one attack roll for each individual within the area of effect, friend or foe. On a Natural Roll of 19-20, any target without proper eye protection is blinded as their eyes are struck by some of the debris. Blinded characters lose initiative and are -8 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for the next 1D6 Melee rounds.

The Hero utilizing this power instinctively protects himself from the debris by maintaining an "eye" in the center of the Debris Storm that projects up to 6 inches from his body.
Last edited by Mercdog on Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mercdog wrote:Just a little something...

Debris Storm

Psionic: Physical
Range: Radius of 10 feet plus 1 foot per level
Duration: 1 Melee Round
I.S.P. Cost 12

Debris Storm causes a localised area centered on the Psionic to erupt into a storm of telekinetic energy that grabs up sand, leaves, snow, twigs and other objects weighing less than 1 lb. and whips them around at near hurricane speed.

Anyone within the area of effect with an A.R. of less than 12 will take 2D4 damage (total, not per action) as they are pelted from all sides by the tiny maelstrom. Additionally the psionic utilizing this power makes one attack roll for each individual within the area of effect, friend or foe. On a Natural Roll of 19-20, any target without proper eye protection is blinded as their eyes are struck by some of the debris. Blinded characters lose initiative and are -8 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for the next 1D6 Melee rounds.

The Psionic utilizing this power instinctively protects himself from the debris by maintaining an "eye" in the center of the Debris Storm that projects up to 6 inches from his body.

Nice, but misplaced. There is a thread for psionics in the Guild of Magic & Psionics forum.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Remove the ISP cost, and the term Psionic, and define it as a Minor or Major power(I'd go with Minor; it's limited and not as versatile as regular TK or Gravity Control), and you could make it a SuperPower very easily.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Mercdog »

Gryphon Chick wrote:Nice, but misplaced. There is a thread for psionics in the Guild of Magic & Psionics forum.

:oops: Oops, Sorry.
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Unread post by Mercdog »

taalismn wrote:Remove the ISP cost, and the term Psionic, and define it as a Minor or Major power(I'd go with Minor; it's limited and not as versatile as regular TK or Gravity Control), and you could make it a SuperPower very easily.

Noted and Edited. Thanks.
Blade with whom I have lived.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Mephisto wrote:
abe wrote:super sweat!
basically in few as 1d12 minuites you can choke people to unconcunous via your smelly sweat alone!
your automatically imune to your own sweat

you do realize that not only is this power lacking in detail, but Palladium doesn't use the 1D12?

Incorrect. PB allows the usage of Any and all existant dice. PB has Never once that I am aware of stated that a D12 was excluded nor 'dissallowed' at any point in the companies existance. More to the point, PB used to use them from time to limited time, as well as the ever-once-popular "Doubler Dice".
The truth is that PB writters (Other than KS) simply don't know or 'care' to use said die anylonger due to some oddball querks of theres (IE they take illogical issue with the darn D12 fer no grounded reason yet given other than "I just don't like it"-end quote).

So "Yes", you can use the D12, the D8, Doubler Die, and the ever odd 'itneverstopsrolling' D30's if you so like (PB Equals=Quasi-freedom of play)...
In Fact, if you'd like you can even use the ever More popular "D2"... AKA a Quarter.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

Yeah, it's an odd die out...
I've only seen it a few times myself, mostly in the older books like Palladium Fantasy, TMNT, Recon, Old original HU, and once or twice in Robotech (I think it was Sentinals and was used for an automated robots partical beam cannon-I think... Powerful gun it was... NO wait, it was fer the darn Zendradi auto canons... I'm sleepy and forgetting).

Anywho, D12's are almost Never used anymore (Like the doubler die, which I've only seen Thrice, Once was in the PBFRPG's Northern Wilderness for an amber glowing Psycho Anarchistic rune sword sheathed in a chain)...
Theses die have gotten Majorly phazed out over the years.

The D30 I've only ever seen once.
The D8 is seen more often but is itself gotten slowly phazed out over the years.
I think it's kinda nice to see someone throw it into a power now and then from time to time since it can be used to display some Major randomness, or if you're just wanting to roll one die instead of 2D6... But it's not ultimately all that useful since it is one of the only die (outside of D8) which can be subed for more useful die.

But now back on toppic.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

A question fer STONE GARGOYLE in regards to you power Absorb Superabilities, I had an NPC that I thru into the Rifts game of mine saturday an realized that I was in need of a few Q&As.

First, is are the powers absorbed at the level of the victim, you, or are they at level one?
Two, is the stolen HP from the victims gained by the theif, or is it just lost?
And IF gain, does that HP heal as per normal or is it lost for the rolled duration?

Lastly, does the super theif choose which powers are stolen (and in which order) or are they taken randomly, in which case 'I' as the GMmust choose which power go by-by?

Sorry to bother you with this, but I can see it being a question in upcomming games...
Fun power by the way, especially for the NPC since he can't touch his wife and that fact is killing him... Muwa Ha ha ha :twisted:
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Steeler49er wrote:A question fer STONE GARGOYLE in regards to you power Absorb Superabilities, I had an NPC that I thru into the Rifts game of mine saturday an realized that I was in need of a few Q&As.


First, is are the powers absorbed at the level of the victim, you, or are they at level one? Level One OR victim (GM's discretion)
Two, is the stolen HP from the victims gained by the theif, or is it just lost? Lost
And IF gain, does that HP heal as per normal or is it lost for the rolled duration? N/A

Lastly, does the super theif choose which powers are stolen (and in which order) or are they taken randomly, in which case 'I' as the GMmust choose which power go by-by? Randomly (GM discretion)
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Comment: AKA-"Steeler49er"

Steeler49er is to the BOARDS, what C.J. Carella and Jhonen Vasquez are to RPG's & Underground Comics. You know! BIG FAT NUCLEAR DA-BOMBS!"
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Unread post by Steeler49er »

:D Okay, cool cuz that is what I figured you intended the power to work and I was running him the way you described.
Danka again SG1

And FYI-I'm sending you a PM.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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Unread post by abe »

super-sweat is a minor power
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Unread post by gaby »

I got idea for a minor power Blood Marked/Tracking,the character can marked a object with his blood,sense it,s location and track it down if it,s within 1 mile.

Add 1 object he can marked at Experience levels,3,6,9,12 and15.

This Power is a Natural tie with Teleport and Portals.
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I like.
Now just write it up in NMI Super Power format.
Image...."SMILE YOU S.O.B"....Image

Problem is I used Placebos "Running Up that Hill" to get Catherine Wheels "Black Metallic" to get Monorals "KIRI" to get Dan Balans "Crazy Loop" out of my head in the first place.
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abe wrote:super-sweat is a minor power

Okay, that's a step in the right direction towards making it plausible.
Next steps are the most difficult; using what you already have and going through the books and the Black Vault to make sure that the power's specifics aren't already covered by an existing power...Then, refining what you got to give your power some unique property not already covered...this step becomes all the more difficult as more powers are added in this thread, but with some blood-popping-out-of-your-brow concentration and flexing of some mental muscles, it CAN be pulled off.
Then re-write, repackage, tidy up, and present for peer review(again).
Redo and re-submit until it meets with approval.

This is how some supervillains come to being; they are RPGers driven mad by the quest to come up with original material. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Nice little gritty power and has the whole 'life force' vibe going for it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Fuse/Weld (Minor)
“Lemme get this straight: Spark WELDED herself to your car?”
“Yeah, she claims it was an accident; which means she’s either the clumsiest sidekick we’ve ever had...or she’s stalking me.”

This power allows the superbeing to molecularly weld non-living materials together with a touch, even normally incompatible materials like metal and fabric. Materials held in the hand can be touched to another object or surface and stuck there, or, if the material is electrically conductive, like a metal chain, the effect can be carried down the length of the chain to fuse at the end to something(in this example, the superbeing can selectively fuse parts of the chain, welding all the links together into a solid rod, or just the end). Bonding is instantaneous.
The downside of this power is that the superbeing cannot so easily UNbond objects they’ve previously fused together; reversing the power will take 1d4 minutes to carefully undo, without damaging the materials so welded together.
Range: Touch
Duration: The superbeing must declare at the onset when using this power how long the bond will last; a melee, a minute, an hour(or any increments thereof) or a permanent weld/bond.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Rage reversal [Major]
'The angrier you get, the tougher you make me'

The character can transmit a virus that makes them angrier and angrier, while making them weaker and weaker.

1) Virus transmission. The character can voluntarilly transmit this virus upon contact. his control is such that he can not only not transmit it if he feels like it, but can selectivly anihilate it through his own link with it.
Targets touched (can be done in hand to hand but not as part as any attack except a grab or tackle), must make a saving throw vs the virus (10+ PE bonuses apply). each successive touch within 15 minutes reduces the target's saving throw by one. Once a target is infected, he remains so for 10 minutes, plus 2 minutes per level.
2) effects of virus. The virus stimulates the target's amigdala sublimating season and enhancing impulse. Infected targets are subjected to short tempers, and jump to quick conclusions. Targets suffer from a -4 to IQ and ME for the duration.
The greater danger is part of the virus's real power. In any melee round that an infected victim is in combat (excluding purley defensive combat) he loses one PS as the virus, now being fully fed, goes to work suppressing the target's physiology. This occurs every round. Targets suffering from Affective disorder: outraged by acts of violence (HU2 Pg 29) Hates music and muscicians (HU2 Pg 29) Hysterical aggressive reaction (HU2 Pg30) Hysterical aggresive reaction to fear/phobia (Hu2Pg 30) or mindless aggression (Hu2Pg 30) or anyone already suffering from a quick temper from drug withdrawal lose 2 PS per round, while those conditions are in effect. Likewise a crazy hero entering frenzy will also lose 2 PS per round while in frenzy.
Adrenaline based superpowers are far less effective when infected. Their durations are halved and their activation also causes a round by round reduction in PS (3 per round). aspects of Alter metabolism, adrenaline surge, battle rage, feral and super consumption all apply, as does any drenaline or chemical based performance enhancing power, and any attemopt to enter hyperbrawl (Refer to HU2 GMG).
Any target reduced below PS of 5 acts as if fatigued. any target with PS of zero collapses, barely able to shift his own body weight.
3) benefits for the character: so your opponents are getting more impulsive and steadilly weaker. what does this mean for you.
Through a kind of energy feedback, you are getting stronger. every PS point a target loses from this power comes to you as long as you are within 30 feet +5 feet per level. the PS lasts 5 minutes +1 per level, and comes with a temporary +5 SDC per point gained (damage comes off these temporary points first) when the character has gained 10 points of PS it becomes extraordinary. when he gains 30 it becomes superhuman. If he drops a target to fatigued he gains +1 attack per melee, if he drops a target to unconscious, he gains a second.
4) resisting. The easiest way to resist is to calm yourself down. If the character has a power that allows him to do so, or a skill (such as meditation, or the natural genius's mind over body techniques) this he can simply nullify his rage and anger. normal people can expend one action per round, attempting to 'calm down'. this requires a saving throw vs Psionics every round (but remember...lowered ME) a success means the character is in control of his emotions and can fight in a calculated fashion for the remainder of the round. the other way is to stop attacking. if the character makes no attempt to be aggressive, then he does not lose the PS point (or more). activating any of the aforementioned powers will trigger the PS loss, even if the character just uses them to escape.
If the character becomes aware that his target is attempting to resist, he may try to goad the target into action. mechanically, an action spent goading the target will force them to make a saving thow (14+ ME bonuses apply) to not retaliate.

Earth mastery [Minor]
'as soon as we get out of this city, I'll be able to catch him'

The character can, subtly and overtly, manipulate the natural terrain around him to grant him special benefits.
1) Earth: when the character sets his feet down on solid ground (natural ground) it bends and shapes to his needs. rocks develop handholds(never needs to make a climbing check), unstable surfaces flatten out(never needs to make a sense of balance check), and when he runs and jumps he can double his Spd score and double his jumping distance, as the earth literally vaults him forward. If fallijng onto rocks or earth, the ground softens and buckles halving any falling damage (and no damage under 20 feet). The downside is that he leaves a pretty obvious trail of distorted earth and ground. the artificial nature of concrete means that this doesn't function in the city.
2) Plants: the character can pass unharmed and unhindered through the thickest of shrubbery and undergrowth, and may brachiate through trees at his normal Spd score. He never needs to make a climbing skill check when climbing a natural tree. Though dead wood fails to respond to the character, rotting natural wood (such as a dead log over a chasm) will. As above, the character leaves a pretty obvious trail where he goes of parted shrubs and convenient branch growths.
3) Defensive: characters transformed into natural, earth based substances inflict only half damage to this character. Likewise, his attacks bypass any Natural AR posessed by such a target and inflict 50% more damage.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Instant expertise [Major]
'Don't worry Ultramaiden. I have far more use for you alive.'

The character adjusts himself to the targets he faces. while within 50 feet of a target, the character can raise his effective level to match. WP's, HTH, skill performance and effective level for all superpowers raise to that of the highest experince level within range, and remains that way for 1 minute per level of experience after that target leaves the affected area. when the character 'levels up' he glows and sparks, signifying the artificial rasing of his own bio-energy

The character can also sense a person's experience, a kind of bio-energy sense that can feel how much a target has learned and experienced. effectively he knows the level of all targets within range, even sensing non visible targets in this manner, and can track people in this way at 40% +4% per level. roll every 500 yards.

Becuase he simulates a target's own unique bio-energy signiature, he also gains a relative immunity to his powers. the character is immune to psionic and psionic like powers posessed by the target, as well as any powers that affect others directly (usually with a saving throw, as opposed to indirectly, needing a dodge or strike roll). Obviously this only works while the active mimicry is in effect (also, sensors that can read a bio-energy signiature will be confused by the sudden duplication of a single signal.)

Backstage to the universe. [Minor]
'OH.....How did I get here again?'

The character can create portals to a kind of 'side universe' that runs alongside ours. This universe surrounds and connects ours through a web of corridoors that bind things together in ours.
1) opening the portal. By concentrating for one minute, the character can force the nearest portal to open. the nearest portal is typically within 2D4x10 feet away and 90% of the time is level with the character (if not it is within 4D6 feet above or below the ground). Once the portal has been established, it doesn't move (so trying again only reopens the same portal). an opened portal remains open for 1D4 melee rounds. The character can sense the open portal, and remembers all portal locations he has opened.

2) Travelling the portal: the portal is a series of swirling lights that lead like a tunnel towards an inky blackness. Portals appear 2D4 x 500 feet long from the inside. In our world, the portal's other end is determined below:
01-10% 2D4x10 feet.
11-40% 2D4x100 feet
41-80% 3D6x100 feet
81-95% 2D4x1000 feet
96-100% 2D6 miles

Portals, as a general rule, synch well with each other, and conditions on one side typically reflect conditions on the other side. they generally open onto solid ground, or within a dozen feet of a solid surface. a portal that opens over water generally opens near the same or similiar body of water, a back alley portal will open to another abck alley etc. Once a portal's start and finish points are known, then they remain stable and fixed. No two portals can be found within 50 feet of another.
While inside, time moves differently. an open portal remains open for 1D4 rounds. no matter how long the character tarrys inside, he leaves on the other side at the moment the portal closes.
It is safe to remain inside the portal's tunnel for 3 minutes per level. after that point he is ejected at the tunnel's exit point (but only 1D4 rounds have passed)

Level loan: [minor]
'Here..drink this'

The character can distil his own bio-energy and pass it to others, usually in the form of a liquid. with it he can pass on to another any of the following.
1) a level of experience. the character loses it, the imbiber gains one
2) a primer on a specific piece of information (standing orders, codes to a safe etc). the imbiber gains the information, the character gains a headache. the donor may choose to 'lose' the memories if he wants
3) the loan of a skill. once again the loaner loses that skill, the imbiber gains it. the level of that skill remains the same and it overwrites any previous skill knowledge)
4) a single minor power (once again, the lender loses it, the imbiber gains it).

The 'bio-energy' cocktail (which is liquid when dispensed, and can be drunken straight from the target's veins, as a dispensed fluid, or stored and drunken/injected/dried and smoked) takes one melee round to concoct, and takes a single action to dispense (either to a target on hand to drink it or to a vessel to store it). If held in the body, the fluid dissipates within 1D4 rounds. If dispensed to a vessel, it remains fresh and usable for 1D4 days (plus 1 every 'Odd' level) after drinking, the information remains for 1 day per level (though some things are not 'forgotten') after a vessel goes stale or the drinker has lost the information the character gains it back.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Destructive surge [minor]
'Hmmm....titanium steel door. 8 inches thick. quadruple tungsten bolts fastening it down. Give me a minute'

The character can analyse a substance and then formulate a specific energy frequency to break it down.
The character is required to spend some time touching the substance. One action is all that is needed to start, but best results require more time.

After touching and sampling a substance, the character can unleash a bolt of energy that is horribly damaging to that substance at a range of 30 feet (plus 5 feet per level) with a bonus of +3 to strike with an aimed shot. each blast requires one action and inflicts 6D6 damage (AR still must be overcome though)

For improved results, the character can spend extra time 'sampling' the substance.
each full round spent 'analysing' improves the effect by;
* decreasing the AR (for the blast) by 2
* Increasing the damage by 5
* creating a 'hole' 12 inches wide and 6 inchs deep in the targetted object, per round of analysis (by sampling brickwork for 6 rounds, the subsequent blast would inflict 6D6+30 damage, and would guarentee a hole 6 feet across and 3 feet deep per blast..assuming the damage alone doesn't destroy it. all that would be left is paint and mortar.)

The power is fussy. touching a painted concrete wall gives the ability to destroy paint. (though that would leave brickwork exposed after the first shot) some types of coating are intrinsic to the material (the paint on a ferrari is ingraned into the body work for instance) and can be blown through as a single object (GM makes the call). The power fails horribly on organic material. if he 'samples' some then the subsequent blasts do 4D6 damage only. he can sample himself if he wants a sample of 'flesh' but a simple layer of clothing protects his targets. that said, it can be used a safe cleanser, paint stripper or armour remover.
This power affects targets transformed into inorganic or very dead organic substances. putting a hole in a target in this way inflicts normal damage, plus carries one point of damage direct to Hitpoints. Of course getting close enough to sample a target for a full mellee may prove hazardous to the character's health.

Eyesore [Minor]
'come on...I'm not that bad'

The character can create oscillating patterns of light across his body that can disorientate and disturb viewers. By expending a single action per round to manitain the effect targets facing him (within 30 feet) suffer a -3 to strike him and must make a saving throw once per round (16+ PE bonuses apply) or suffer a tempoary nausea ( a further -2 to strike/parry and dodge). blind targets, or those who can fight while blind (radar, heightened senses etc) suffer no penalty by simply not looking at him. other character can do the same but are effectively fighting blind.
The character can choose a less severe form of light, that requires no such concentaration. It lights a 30 foot area like a torch which is dimmer for another 30 feet. He can also coat himself with graffiti, scroll crude images and words along his body etc.
If the character can get close to a target, he may oscillate light through his eyes. if a target has eye contact it acts as a kind of hypnosis, giving the character a virtual +10 to MA and makes most things he says agreeable. the target usually fails to notice the hypnotic patterns, but outsiders will notice the obvious flashes.

Heart attack [Minor]
'You know the difference between you and me Omnivore is that I have heart'

The character's heart pumps like a battery, discharging an excess of energy that can be fuelled into additional power.
1) bonuses (for having a large and powerfull heart) +4 PE +4 PS. fatigues at half rate.
2) pulsate: the character's heart emits a definitive E/M frequency that can be detected by releveant machinery. the character's body is slightly obscured to Radar.
3) Adding Heart: by causing his heart to beat faster and harder, the character can cause any one of the following effects.
* leap his PS in feet stright up or across
* gain one action per melee round
* add +10 to PS
* shake off one failed saving thow based on PE.

using any of the above causes the character to strain his heart, inflicting 1HP damage to himself.
4) other defences. the character's heart muscle is immune to direct attacks from powers. he cannot be foreced to have a heart attack, and his heart cannot be stopped short of damaging it directly (though it will stop if he dies). electrical shocks, for instance, will not stop his heart. likewise, his blood by extension is proffed against outside interferance. powers or abilities that alter or affect his blood are half as effective and if a saving throw is allowed, then the character recieves +4 to it.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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On the Destructive surge power: Is there a duration for how long he "remembers" that material after sampling it? I ask because of a situation such as a character having that power coupled with a petrification (or similar) power. Suppose he petrifies something/someone that isn't really dangerous to him or which consents, and he spends the full duration of the petrification examining/sampling that petrified material, maybe a melee round per level (I don't remember where I'd find an actual petrification power and didn't want to look one up for now). Say it's a 4th level villian who did this on some flunky. Now when he faces an opponent, if he petrifies him, while the official damage of the blast wouldn't be too terrible for many heroes, 6D6+20, one of which is to his HP, it also lets him blow a hole in said hero that's 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep (probably the hero isn't 2 feet thick/deep). Looks like a hero was just killed in 2 actions. :shock:

So is there a duration or some other mitigating factor for such a power combo?

I really like the power though, and the little quote at the beginning really communicates the usefulness and intent. :ok:
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you ask good questions.

1) memorization: an analysed substance stays 'locked in' or remembered until a new substance is memorised. so yes, it is a valid tactic for the archvillain.

2) as to the insta kill nature of petrification: well, sad to say once you are petrified, you are petrified for hours anyway. If the Green horn turns our heroes to wooden statues, then the chainsaw is just as much a threat as anything else. The problem power in this equation is really the dedliness and finality of petrification (missed your saving throw?'re an iron statue now) rather than a the accompanying minor power (after all...disintegrate would do the same thing, only a little slower)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Iczer wrote:The problem power in this equation is really the dedliness and finality of petrification

Fair enough point there. Thanks for the clarification.
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Heart Murmur (minor)
The character can cause his internal gas to echo so as to form words which can be heard by instruments designed to listen to the body (such as stethoscopes), enhanced hearing and delicate listening devices. He can thus send messages to comrades if otherwise unable to speak or use other methods of communication.
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I suddenly have an image in my mind of a mutant George Washington using a similar power to cross the river....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Heart Murmur (minor)
The character can cause his internal gas to echo so as to form words which can be heard by instruments designed to listen to the body (such as stethoscopes), enhanced hearing and delicate listening devices. He can thus send messages to comrades if otherwise unable to speak or use other methods of communication.

"Ah, it's nice to enjoy a peaceful meal, isn't it, Sona?"
#Sona; tap your salad fork if you can hear!...The waiters in this place...I recognize them; they're all S.H.O.C.K.'s what we're going to do...#
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unity (Major)

"Oh look, there I am!"

The super being has a companion, twin or partner with whom he shares an unusually strong bond; the two always seem to work uncannily well together, in perfect co-ordination and without any disagreement or dispute.

Close observers may assume that the pair have a psychic link, some telepathic connection that transcends the need for mundane communication. The truth is even stranger: the hero is a single entity who experiences life through two separate bodies simultaneously - one mind, occupying two brains! This means that the hero has a partner who is just as capable as he is and 100% loyal - because the partner is him.

Due to the unique bond between the hero/es, he/they can communicate instantly over any distance, unfailingly locate himself/themselves with pinpoint accuracy, and is/are aware of everything he/they experience/s. This link is far more profound and powerful than simple telepathy and cannot be disrupted, even by a Group Mind Block.

Additionally, the super being’s doubled brain power, perfect coordination and facility to cope with so much simultaneous sensory input grants him several useful advantages:


+1D4+2 I.Q.
+1D4+2 M.E.
The hero/es possess the minor super ability of Heightened Sense of Recall.
The hero/es possess the minor super ability of Multi-Tasking.
The character/s effectively possess the minor super ability of Speed Tasking when working on the same project.
+1 to strike, parry and doge when fighting against the same opponent at levels 1, 3, 6, 10 and 15.
+2 to initiative when within ten feet (3 m) of each other, and a further +1 at levels 4, 9 and 15.
+2 to save vs. any magic, toxin or attack that would stun the hero or render him unconscious. Furthermore, the super being/s is/are completely rested after only four hours of sleep.
Both of the character’s bodies possess exactly the same physical attributes and other super abilities, if any, even if they may look entirely different.


The hero’s other half is not a temporary construct, like the entities created with the Multiple Beings/Selves super ability - he is a living, breathing person who needs food, water and shelter like anyone else.

If one of the hero’s bodies is injured or tortured, his other half feels the same pain.

If one of the character’s selves is sleeping or is rendered unconscious, the other self loses access to the combat bonuses, Speed Tasking ability and +2 to save vs. stunning effects listed above, though the other bonuses still apply.

If one of the bodies is killed, the remaining individual immediately and permanently loses all of the bonuses listed above, with the single of exception of Multi-Tasking, which he retains due to his experience of coordinating so much simultaneous sensory information.

Note: If a player chooses the Unity power for a second time, he gains a third body and the following bonuses, which supplant those listed above:

The hero/es possess/es the minor super abilities of Extraordinary Intelligence, Extraordinary Mental Endurance and Sleeplessness.
The character possesses Heightened Sense of Recall, Multi-Tasking and Speed Tasking, as detailed above.
+2 to strike, parry and dodge when all fighting the same opponent, +1 at levels 3, 5, 8, 11 and 15 (use the initial bonuses listed above if only two of the super beings are attacking the same foe).
+3 to initiative when within 10 feet (3 m) of each other, and a further +1 at levels 3, 5, 8, 11 and 15 (use the initial bonuses listed above if only two of the super beings are within range of each other).
All of the character’s bodies possess exactly the same physical attributes and other super abilities, if any, even if they look entirely different.

If one of the trio is killed, the remaining two super beings lose these bonuses and revert to the initial bonuses granted for a single selection of the Unity power.

Limitations: the same as for a single selection of the Unity power, as detailed above.
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:07 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Leon Kennedy wrote:Cybus, Hot Foot is an outstanding power. My feet are warm just thinking about it!

Why, thank you kindly, sir. :-D

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I would have made the speed ten times SPD attribute and made the initiative bonuses every other level for combat, not every level. I just thought too slow running and too quick fighting. But that is just me. Also would have limited the +1 attack and dodge to first, fourth, eighth and twelfth levels.

Yeah, I think you're right here, and I think Mephisto's right about needing a longer cool-down time. And I think, if characters are going to be moving at ten times their normal rate, combining this with another speed power should incur a heavier S.D.C. loss: does 2D4 S.D.C. per melee round seem reasonable?
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Senator Cybus wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I would have made the speed ten times SPD attribute and made the initiative bonuses every other level for combat, not every level. I just thought too slow running and too quick fighting. But that is just me. Also would have limited the +1 attack and dodge to first, fourth, eighth and twelfth levels.

Yeah, I think you're right here, and I think Mephisto's right about needing a longer cool-down time. And I think, if characters are going to be moving at ten times their normal rate, combining this with another speed power should incur a heavier S.D.C. loss: does 2D4 S.D.C. per melee round seem reasonable?

Yes, I think so... either 2d4 or 2d6...
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The Creature wrote:Armor Bond (Major)

2. Increased durability: +20 M.D.C. to main body +5 to all other locations per level of experience.


not to nit pick but do you mean S.D.C.?

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Factoportation: [Minor]
'Excuse me while I get my medical kit...>Ping<'

The character can summon objects to his side for a brief moment before they snap back to where they belong.

If the character can clearly see the object, and it is within 40 feet (+5 feet per level), and the object is less than 20lbs per level, he can expend two actions to summon it. The Item moves to his side or two his hand. One melee round later (plus one melee round per level) the item returns to the point in space it left. if the original posessor has moved in that time he is out of luck, but if he is still there he may make a strike roll to 'catch' the item when it returns to him. the character can also send objects in the same fashion. they return at the end of the duration. (Good if you really really need to retain your kisentite boomerang) any explosive devices sent in this fashion had better detonate before they return to you.

If the item cannot be seen, or is out of range it is normally impossible to perform any summoning. also if an item is attached to another object, it will not move (you can teleport the handcuffs off a target, but not the wheels off a car).
The character can prime an object for summoning, which extends his ability. a primed object can be summoned from up to one mile per level, and remains summoned for up to 10 minutes per level, and has the bonus ability of being able to be returned ahead of time. The character can 'prime' up to one object (normal mass limit remains) per level. summoning a primed object requires one action only.

Uncanny reflexes [Minor]
'I'm fast when I need to be sonny.'

The character can utilise short duration boosts of speed to assist him in an emergency.
The character has a pool of 'reflex points' equal to his PP score (plus 2 per level)
Reflex points recover at a rate of 3 per hour.
reflex points can be spent in the following ways.
* one point allows the character to dodge as if he had auto dodge against one percieved attack.
* Two points can be spent to gain an extra attack in the current melee round.
* One point can add +4 to dodge, initiative or Roll
* One point can be spent as a reaction to danger. if taken by 'suprise' the character can expend the point and make defenses in a normal fashion.
* one point allows the character to make a aimed or called shot, even after moving and ducking, or positioned badly.
* three points allows the character to enter a kind of bullet time affair, where shooters and ranged attacks suffer a -8 to strike rolls against him.

Shell formation: [Minor]
'Stay close'

The character can rapidly grow a shell around himself enclosing an area 5 feet high (he will have to crouch) and 8 feet wide (enclosing people nearby).
In side the shell the character can only make a single action per turn (the rest are used maintaining the shell). light is cut out, and sound is horribly muted. The shell remains until broken or released by the character.
Outside, the shell has an AR of 16 and an SDC equal to 20 times the character's PE score, and regenerates 10 SDC per round. It requires a supernatural PS equal to the character's regular PS to even be moved.
More to the point, the shell reflects damage. any attack that fails to penetrate the AR, ricochettes off. even energy weapons and half of all explosive damage reflects. If a valid target exists within 45 degrees of the angle of attack (as figured from the shell from the firer) then there is a random chance that they will be struck by the deflected attack (20% chance 30% chance if closer than 15 feet to the shell, 10% chance if further than 40 feet from the shell) the damage is halved if they are struck.

Loan Likeness [Minor]
'I wanna be just like you...'

The character can synch with another target. when he does so he gains the target's appearance (strictly cosmetic) and in addition can swap life energy from one target to the other.
If both targets are willing, any damage done to one, is divided evenly amongst them. any defensive powers(immunities and resistances) that one has, both can take advantage of them. likewise, if one heals he may transfer the healing along the link to heal the other.
The pair can communicate with each other over this link. while actual information is not exchanged, feelings and impulses are. simple concepts such as 'I see him hiding over here' or 'I'm out of ammo' can be felt, but not abstract information ('meet me at starbucks in 20 minutes' is out but 'I need a coffee' is acceptable)

To synch with someone takes 1 melee round and a willing target. the synch continues as long as the synched target is within 60 feet +10 feet per level. if the character wishes to break the synch then it drops instantly. If the partner wishes to break it, he must make a saving throw (14+ ME bonus applies) to do so. he may try once per round (or simply leave the effective range)

If the target is willing, the character may instead loan his likeness to the target. the effects and abilities involved remain the same.

Geyser: [Major]
'I think you have just landed yourself in hot water'

The character can increase the temperature and pressure of water.

1) Summon geyser: in open ground, the character can cause underground water (or water sealed in pipes) to swell, boil and burst rapidly, tunnelling upwards for the character's convenience. In open ground, it takes three actions to create a geyser. a Geyser fires for one melee round (plus one round at levels 2,4,6,8,10 12 and 14) before subsiding. If summoned underneath a target, the target may make a dodge roll (no penalty. it's slow to arrive and is forewarned by a rumbling in the earth) If struck, as long as the character weighs under 300lbs, he will be shot into the air 1D6 feet (plus 1D6 at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12,14) and takes 4D6 damage from the heat and pressure (plus any falling damage) and loses initiative and 2 attacks.
A geyser summoned in this way is hot, stinks like boiled minerals, and lays down a thick cloud for 15 feet. It has a superhuman PS equal to the character's ME, plus one per level. If created under an object, check its lifting capacity to determine if it moves it. a summoned geyser rises 15 feet plus 5 feet per level.
2) Boil and hurl water: if the character is near an open source of water, he can expend an action to boil a handfull and hurl it at a foe. The boiled water (up to a gallon) inflicts 2D4 damage, plus another 2D4 damage from the heat. the character has +1 to strike. if the water source is out of the target's line of sight he suffers a -4 to dodge. the water soruce can be within 20 feet to be affected and water can be shot in this fashion up to 20 feet. (note that less than a gallon inflicts no damage, but still inflicts the 2D4 from the superhot liquid. boiling a target made out of water (Or ice) inflicts 6D6 damage (more if vulnerable to heat or fire)
3) Geyser Propulsion: If in or near water, the character can propel himself by boiling and squirting the water around him. The character can skim across the surface of water either using his own body or another vessel (surfboard, water skis etc) at a speed equal to 20 per level. Underwater his speed becomes 15 per level (extra drag, and it's harder to boil water when it's surrounded by so much cooler water) In addition he may propel himself straight up out of the water, up to 15 feet plus 5 feet per level.
4) general immunities. The character can hold his breath for one melee round per point of PE. The character is immune to the effects of boiling liquids and takes half damage from fire and heat. His ability to create geysers in a desert environment is valuable, but only after sorting out impurities and letting it cool first.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Prince of Powers
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Adaptive weaponry [minor]
'I got what you need right here'

The character grows his weapons as he needs them. When he does so one limb mutes and bubbles to accommodate this new bio-weapon.
It takes 2 actions to grow the weapon, which leaves one arm (or a leg or tail depending on the character) malformed and 'changed'.
Once grown the weapon inflicts 1D6 damage per level of experience, has a range of 50 feet and has a +2 to strike with aimed shots.

The type of damage is selected when grown. an organic flame thrower might be nice against an ice opponent, while a kind of acid shooter may be more appropriate against a plant based opponent. By expending an action the character can change the type of damage he is inflicting.

By sacraficing 1D6 of damage, the character can add +2 to strike, double the range, bypass 3 points of AR or give himself an extra ranged attack with the weapon. Or combinations of the above. (Mutefire, 6th level mutant would do 6D6 with this power, but can drop it to 4D6 by gaining a +4 bonus to strike rolls) each reconfiguration also takes an action to perform. (If mute fire is in not in love with his 4D6 +6 to strike fire version, he could spend an action and gain a 5D6 +2 to strike Armour peircing version)

Soul bomb: [Major]
'Stay down Helena, or you will be feeling a lot worse'

The character can disrupt a target's own bio-energy, robbing him of vigour and vitality.
The character designates a target within 60 feet and expends 2 actions. the target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) If he succeeds he feels a wave of nausea and dizziness (loses initiative) for the round. If he fails he is subject to the full force of the power.
A victim becomes fatigued. he lsoes one attack per melee, halves his speed score, loses 10% from all skill usage and suffers a -2 to all combat rolls. resources he has access to, aside from HP and SDC are halved (PPE, ISP as well as powers or abilities that rely on a pool of points or uses per day. Round down) In addition, while affected, the character does not heal, nor can he maintain any powers that require concentration.
The fatigue persists for one hour per level of the character. multiple soul bombs extend the duration but have no additional effect (except the nausea as stated above). at duration's end, the target makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) if he fails, then the duration continues and the character loses a PE point. the character cannot rest properly either and starts to lose sleep if this persists.

Repeat history [Minor]
'does this seem familiar? I used the upending talon move on you last week if i recall'

The character can copy moments in time, and replay them later. Fundamentally, anytime the character rolls a dice to perform any action (in or out of combat) he may expend an extra action to copy and store it for the future. The character can have one such action saved for each level he posesses. When he wants, the character can simply repeat a saved action, deleting it from his repetoire. when he does so, he performs the same action in the same way, getting the same results as saved on the dice roll.
(EG: Familiarity, a 3rd level experiment, lashes out at a ninja with a front kick, and rolls an 18 to strike (22 with her strike bonus). she copies that action realising that good kicks are hard to find. One round later, because her ninja is still standing, she performs the exact same front kick. instead of rolling, she just assumes a 22 strike roll.)
Theoretically, the character could simply pratice certain prefered actions in a gym until he or she gains the desired strike roll. This is acceptable, and part of the design of the power BUT training and practise differs from real world experience so much that it's effects are limited. If the character spars or practises, just assume a held strike roll is an 18, or a skill use is a 15% on the dice roll. Likewise if the character spent all morning copying jumpkicks, he cannot use those stored actions for her sword strikes.
There are likely many out of combat uses for this power. using it to 'memorise' looking at a lisence plate to be relived when talking to the cops is one such, or copying a moment where a limited resource was used is another.

Predict outcome [Minor]
'OK..I know what you are going to do now'

The character can expend one action per round simply living a few seconds in the future. when activated, the character gains a bonus of +4 to initiative and dodge. The character's power is deductive in nature and thusly the character can still be taken by suprise.
while the power is active, the character has a unique from of defence. anytime a strike roll is made against the character, he may match wits with that attacker. roll D20 and add the characters IQ. the attacker does the same. if successful, the character predicts the trajectory and style of attack and simply sidesteps it (no damage) The character can still be suprised by new data though (if fighting ninja's, he can reasonably expects all manner of HTH attacks, even shuriken and spit darts, but if one can breathe fire then that first attack has to be dodged normally.)

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Volitile [Minor]
'Come on...hit me...You know you want to'

The character's body radiates energy that is released by physical impact.
Whenever the character is struck by any attack, the trauma releases a wave of energy, reaping retribution.
The wave of energy targets everything within 6 feet (+2 feet per level) and inflicts 2D6 damage (+1 per level of experience) but never more than the damage inflicted.
If the damage taken by an impact or shock is less than the character's PE score, he may choose to refrain from the energy burst. If it is greater than his PE score, he must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonus applies) to resist letting the wave loose. every 5 points in excess of his PE raises the required saving thow by one.

The released energy is determined at character creation. The character is resistant (half damage) to that energy type.

Electrical conversion [Minor]
'ohmygoddidyouseethatijustgotstruckbylightningand...oh the charge is gone'

The character transfers electrical energy into raw speed.
1) immunity to electricity. as long as the character is awake, he may turn any electrical (and by extension ion) energy that strikes his body into a kind of superfuel. The electical energy inflicts no damage.
2) Conversion: every point of electrical damage converted becomes a point of Spd. for every 10 points of Spd he has over 30 he gains 1 point to initiative, and 1 to dodge. every 30 points gives him an extra attack per melee round. Excess spd drops away at a rate of 10 points per melee round.
3) Absorb electricity. the character can, once per melee, draw 3D6 electrical damage from an unshielded power source (overhead power lines or a live car battery) or 2D6 from a shielded source (an uncovered wall socket, a batery powered large appliance) within 20 feet. During a storm, he may draw a single 6D6 bolt of lightning to himself once per round. anyone touching him when he does this absorption takes the same damage, but otherwise the bolt is drawn to the character only.

Visualize [Minor]
'Let's see what we have here'

The character can create detailed 3D holograms of any object he comes into contact with. He can withhold parts of the illusion, to display only what he wants to show if he desires. By touching a safe, he can ignore the steel exterior and examine the contents, or the tumblers as he manipulates the dials. By touching a masked or armoured hero he can display his internal organs, his bone structure, or just his unmasked face.
The image can be manipulated though false details cannot be added (not with this power. supplementery illusion based powers can add all the extra detail they want). an image may be blown up (up to 20 times normal size) or reduced. it can be cropped, rotated etc as desired.
The ability to examine objects in this fashion enhances the use of skills. A medical diagnosis can see up to +20% if this power is employed to perform some quick exploratory examination. Likewise lock picking and safe cracking enjoy a +20%.

In a pinch the character can project an image of himself (by touching himself), projecting his own image out to 15 feet (the range of this power). he cannot project through walls though, and the image copies his every move so he may have difficulty selling the copy as himself.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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With so many new ones by Iczer, it will take a while to get the Black Vault Wiki updated.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:With so many new ones by Iczer, it will take a while to get the Black Vault Wiki updated.

to be fair, I did lay off for a month

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Stone Gargoyle
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Comment: "Your inferiority complex might be justified."
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:With so many new ones by Iczer, it will take a while to get the Black Vault Wiki updated.

to be fair, I did lay off for a month


I know, it just takes time to get everything up.
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Mephisto wrote:so does this mean Iczer is back online full time?

Condition for Panic? Yes/No?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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