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Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:46 pm
by taalismn
Her0man0 wrote:Thats a great alternitive to my Metamorphosis: Human minor power i posted a little while ago, in fact i think i like it a little better.

Metamorphosis: Human

The character is able to change into a completely ordinary looking human being. While in this form all the characters attributes stay the same accept the P.B. attribute which gets rolled as 3D6. The actual appearance of the human form is created at the time of the characters creation and NEVER changes. Most likely this human form will look average with average height and weight of the gender being observed. This ability is meant as a disguise for otherwise monstrous or alien looking beings, or, in the alternative, the “secret identity” for human looking super humans.
Penalties: While in this form the character does not have access to any natural weapons or appendages such as claws, wings, antenna, fur, extra arms, tail, or fangs UNLESS they are retractable. This means any bonuses due to these appendages are also lost. Also, any H.F. or A.F. based on appearance alone is lost when transformed into a human being.

ACK! It's the Attack of the Normal People!

Seriously, though, it's a good set of powers for beings trying to HIDE their superpowers or unusual anatomy...useful especially for those decidedly conspicious mutants, post-experiment survivors, god-entities, and eldritch abominations.


Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:41 pm
by Kovoston

These are all awesome powers! Why don't you put them in Rifter and share them with the world?


Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:16 am
by NMI
Kovoston wrote:Guys,

These are all awesome powers! Why don't you put them in Rifter and share them with the world?

The Black Vault Wiki aka Sharing With The World


Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:31 pm
by Iczer
Cold Power [Major]
'Is it cold in here or is that me'

The character derives power and strength from sub zero temperatures.
1) General immunities: The character is immune to cold, and takes half damage from Ice. he cannot lose his balance on ice, and can move at normal speed through ice and snowy terrain. Instead of taking damage from cold, he can heal one SDC or HP for every 3 damage he ignores (this does not work with Ice though). the character is still able to be trapped by snow and ice, and even blinded by snow and ice (snow blindess comes from refracting light not snow in and of itself)

2) enhanced abilities. when at temperatures of 20 to 40 degrees farenheit (-6 to 4 degrees Celcius) the character enjoys increased healing rates (x2) boosted strength (+5PS, +10 Spd) and endurance (Fatigues at one half rate) and has a bonus of +30 SDC Below 20 degrees, he enjoys 4 times normal healing rates, a +10 bonus to PS (Extaordinary if nor already better) a +20 bonus to spd a +4 to PPand +1 attack per melee round . His SDC bonus climbs to +60.
after -58 degrees F (-50C) he gains +100SDC a PS bonus of +15 and a +30 to speed, along with +8 PP and 2 extra attacks per melee round.

3) Cold body. His superhuman bonuses end when the local temperature rises. local temperature refers to an area of at least 60 feet across. a campfire in the snow will not cancel the power. The character carries cold with him as well. Fire and heat attacks are reduced by half and he can reduce a source of heat or fire by 10% per level as long as he concentrates on doing so (One action per round required). This includes vehicles (which require the combustion of fuel) and firearms (that rely on rapidly expanding hot gasses to function) this effect extends for 20 feet per level. The cold body effect renders the character invisible to heat sensors (except those calibrated to discern cold spots of course) and allows the character to inflict 1D4 damage from his freezing touch (+1D4 per level) The character can turn this effect off if he desires and return to normal ranges of human body temperature)

Nervous Twitch [Major]
'Let me give you a piece of my mind'

The character can sink his fingers into a target and make contact with their nervous system. this is excrutiatingly painful for the target and leaves him with severe mental scarring.

To effect this, the character must be able to strike the target in the head or neck area with his bare hands. This attack requires two actions to perform, and can be parried or dodged as usual. The target must be flesh and blood (not intangible and not transformed into an inorganic substance) but will affect invulnerable foes.

If successful, a number of things happen
1) the two become attached. the character and target are welded together for the powers duration. On the target's action, he may make a saving throw vs psionics to 'eject' the character. if successful, the character must release the target or take 3D4 damage direct to HP.
2) The character may expend actions to harm the target. Like a mental squeeze, the character can inflict any of the following.
* 1D6 HP
* -1 to targets ME score. ME scores reduced to zero renders the target catatonic for 2D4 hours.
* Inflict mental trauma. target Must save vs Insanity or develop a short term mental disorder (randomly derived or selected by the GM)
* Inflict agony: save vs pain 16+ (PE bonuses apply). a failed saving throw renders the target stunned for one melee round and adds +20% to 'interrogation' rolls.
* Drain 4D6 ISP
The target may make a saving throw on his action, even if being stunned would cost him his actions for the round. if he chooses to forgo his saving throw to eject the character, then he can punch, kick or perform any normal action he can do.
3) Vulnerabilities: when attached, any damage suffered from outside sources affect both targets equally. If either party should die, then the character is automatically ejected (and takes the HP loss) and both parties must make a saving throw vs Insanity or develop a random mental disorder from the shock.
4) other abilities: the character can also grab the spine to perform these feats, but he cannot inflict HP or ME damage, and the target enjoys a +2 to his relevant saving throws. on the plus side, seperation damage is halved.
The character gains +2D4 to his ME and has a HF of 8 when he uses this power on others (HF 12 for the victim, who treats the character as HF 10 even after the experience has ended)

Matter absorption: [Minor]
'I am what I eat'

The character has a limited form of disintegration with a twist. The character can spew energy from his mouth at a target within 30 feet with a +3 to strike. The struck object is dealt 6D6 damage (+2 points per level), which causes the matter to whisp away as smoke.

as an action, the character can inhale this smoke from up to 30 feet away. Doing so allows the character to gain a bonus to his IQ and ME equal to half that objects AR. this bonus lasts for 10 minutes per level. if another object is 'consumed' then that bonus replaces the current one.
In addition, the character gains a temporary encyclopedic knowledge of the object 'consumed'. if a source of information, like a hard drive, a CD rom, or a note book, the character knows the subject matter verbatim for the duration of this effect. if a dleicate electronic component, the character knows how it is engineered. This power has no effect on living matter*
[*Variant: or you can have one that does affect living matter. in which case it does not affect non living matter. the character gains may mimic his target's IQ and ME scores if they are higher than his own, and they gain a summary of the target's life, as if reading their autobiography.]

Martial Burst [Minor]
'Let's finish this'

The character can supercharge himself very briefly before succumbing to his own power.
The character may activate this at any point. when he does so he gains +8 initiative +4 attacks per melee, and +8 PS. while the surge is active, he also gains +1 to strike parry and dodge as well as 30 temporary SDC.
Each melee round after activation, the character lsoes one melee attack, 2 initiative and 2 PS. When the bonuses dissapear, the temporary SDC and combat bonuses also vanishe.
afterwards, the character continues to lose initiative, attacks and PS each round for 1D4 rounds afterwards. after this time the character must wait another 3D4 rounds before he may use it again.
The character can delay the loss of bonuses for one round by lowering his PE score. lost PE points return at a rate of 1 every 15 mintes of rest.



Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:03 pm
by Iczer
Cellburster: [major]
'I don't hate you captain Power. I think you're....swell'

The character can saturate a target with energy so that it bursts from within, spilling blood and body parts around it.

The character need only select a target within 30 feet and expend 3 actions. The target feels a sudden, stabbing pain. The target must make a saving throw of 12 or better, and may add his PE bonus vs poison. If successful, he takes 3D6 damage from swolen cells and bursting skin. If he fails, the damage is done to his Hit points instead as the power has affected more vital cells.

In addition, the target may suffer additional damage along the way. If the damage dealt, plus the character's level exceeds the target's PE score, then the target doubles over in pain from the attack (loses initiative and 2 actions unless immune or resistant to pain). If the damage is done to HP, then use twice the character's level.

The target bleeds heavilly, from these wounds. every time he is afflicted with this power, he starts losing one HP per minute from the open lacerations and may very well bleed to death in short order if affected by multiple uses of this power.

Build power [Minor]
'Patience. It's a virtue'

The character can build power until the last moment, striking like a jackhammer.
The character declares he is building power at any point in a combat round. when he builds power, he begins to absorb light and nearby energy, as well as minute particles, creating an obvious effect around himself. Once he starts he cannot stop until the end of the melee round though. While building energy, he cannot move, or make any significant use of skills, and his concentration is focused on his power build. At the end of the melee round, after all actions have passed the character Must release all the built energy in any one of the following manners.
* Make a normal HTH strike roll with +2 to hit and +4 damage for each and every attack spent building it up.
* Rocket 20 feet forward and/or 10 feet upwards (per action spent charging) and make a body block tackle with +1 to strike and +2 damage per attack spent charging.
* Emit a ranged energy attack, with a +6 to strike and inflicting 2D6 damage per action spent in the charge.

Releasing the energy early, if he changes his mind for instance, or has to dodge causes a backlash that inflicts 1D6 damage for each action spent charging to everyone within 5 feet per action spent charging. The character can voluntarilly inflict this any time during the charge.

While charging, the character takes half damage from energy attacks.

At third level, and again at 6th, 9th and 12th, he may extend his build up of power for an additional melee round, though he must commit to the whole melee round.

Puppeteer [Major]
'I'll take that'

The character can manipulate the actions of others, seizing their nervous systems and overriding the signals from their brain.

1) Override: The character can force another target to do his bidding. The target, who must be within 50 feet (Plus 5 feet per level) makes a saving throw (14+ ME bonus applies) if he fails then the player may use the target's body to perform a single action on his behalf. anything longer than a second or two is right out, and the character cannot force the target to perform any action that requires any level of concentration (Though using this power breaks any concentration) the target gains a +4 to the saving throw if the action being forced has immediately harmfull repercussions (such as shooting oneself, or jumping out a window)
2) shutdown: the character can simply deny a target his normal actions. the target amkes a saving throw as described above. if he fails, then the target loses his next action (but can defend himself as normal) he also cannot move, and if he lacks any remaining actions, cannot dodge either.
3) Nervous defence: the character instinctively disrupts attacks against himself. anyone attempting to attack him must make a saving throw as described above or suffer a -4 to do so. The character must be aware of the attacker to do this, and he must be within range as described above. The character can extend this to others, but doing so requires the expenditure of an action.
4) multi-reflexes. The character enjoys +2 actions per melee round while using this power.



Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Build Power is nice.


Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:21 pm
by NMI
Iczer wrote:Build power [Minor]
'Patience. It's a virtue'

The character can build power until the last moment, striking like a jackhammer.
The character declares he is building power at any point in a combat round. when he builds power, he begins to absorb light and nearby energy, as well as minute particles, creating an obvious effect around himself. Once he starts he cannot stop until the end of the melee round though. While building energy, he cannot move, or make any significant use of skills, and his concentration is focused on his power build. At the end of the melee round, after all actions have passed the character can release all the built energy in any one of the following manners.
* Make a normal HTH strike roll with +2 to hit and +4 damage for each and every attack spent building it up.
* Rocket 20 feet forward and/or 10 feet upwards (per action spent charging) and make a body block tackle with +1 to strike and +2 damage per attack spent charging.
* Emit a ranged energy attack, with a +6 to strike and inflicting 2D6 damage per action spent in the charge.

Releasing the energy early, if he changes his mind for instance, or has to dodge causes a backlash that inflicts 1D6 damage for each action spent charging to everyone within 5 feet per action spent charging. The character can voluntarilly inflict this any time during the charge.

While charging, the character takes half damage from energy attacks.
Is there a maximum amount of attacks a person can use to charge? Can the person say spend 5 minutes worth of attacks charging up?


Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 1:21 am
by Iczer
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Is there a maximum amount of attacks a person can use to charge? Can the person say spend 5 minutes worth of attacks charging up?

Hmmm...looking at that now.

No, it was intended for a one melee round thing, sort of like a minor super power punch, or tamashiwara.

Will edit to include that caveat.

though an extended shot may not be too bad.....[math]...[/math] OK edits getting done



Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:01 am
by Iczer
Seperate head: [Minor]
'I'll head him off'

The character can detach his head from his body and send it roving around, harmlessly skittering while his body attends other matters.
Removing the head requires a an action. The detached head retains all the character's normal attributes, but suffers from normal problems of being, well, a head.

The head has 30% of the body's total SDC (the body loses that 30%) and the head has a Spd of 2D4. It can swim (88%) prowl (86%) and climb (45%) with either tiny insect like legs, or a snake like tail. as a head it has 2 attacks per melee round, but is extremely limited on what it can perform. ranged attacks have a -4 to strike the head (small target). as a head, the character has a +2 to dodge in addition to any PP bonuses it may posess. The head cannot make melee attacks unless it is equipped with a set of head based melee weapons (horns, bite etc) but the awkward positioning makes melee attacks at -4.
The head keeps any head based powers (laser eyes for instance) as well as powers that affect the whole body (healing factor).
The body remains normal in function as long as the head can clearly see it. the head enjoys +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be taken by suprise as long as the head is present. lacking a head, the body cannot suffer knockout or stun. the body does suffer a loss of one attack per melee when the head is detached.

If the head is not present, the body is blind unless the head spends an action per round gaining a clairvoyance like vision of the body. the body is deaf blind and mute, but is immune to gas attacks (the head does the breathing and performs oxygen exchange via some unknown means) The head needs to maintain concentration to perform this.

If carried, the character can hurl his own head as a weapon. this inflicts 3D6 damage plus the character's PS damage bonus, but the head has to return of its own accord.

Miasma Cloud [Minor]

The character can generate a cloud of vapours that induce dizziness, drowsyness and, occasionally, sleep.

Activating the cloud requires an action, and the expenditure of an action every melee round to maintain. The cloud itself extends for 20 feet in all directions, though in a sealed, indoor environment, every round it persistsexpands the cloud by 5 feet.
every breathing being in the cloud must make a saving throw vs non-lethal toxins or become drowsy and sluggish. targets lose an attack per melee round, -2 to all combat abilities, have halved speed and -15% to skill performance. While the cloud is visible, it does not obscure vision sufficiently to provide any form of concealment.
Out of doors, this power is vulnerable to strong breezes. a mild wind has no effect, but anything stronger than 15 miles per hour reduces the cloud's radius by 10 feet. stronger than 25 MPH and the cloud cannot form, except as a 60 foot trail flowing from the character downwind.
Targets who spend more than a minute in the cloud without succeeding in a saving throw will fall asleep within 1D4 melee rounds and remain so for 1D6 minutes or until woken.

Hooves: [Minor]
'I say to thee...Neigh!'

The character can turn his hands and feet into hardened bone, split and flat bottommed. When he does so, he adds +4 to damage when striking with these hardened surfaces. and has +1 to parry with his bare hands (hooves)

The character can also go down on all fours to increase his speed. He doubles his ground land speed when he does this, and adds +6 to any body block/tackle damage when doing so.

Volcanic Gut [Major]
'It's getting hot in here'

The character's insides are filled with a seething hot magma like substance. when the character activates this power (can be done on his turn, but does not count as one of his actions) his eyes glow with heat and fire, and whisps of plasma erupt from his mouth and nose.
1) Energy resistance: the character takes ahlf damage from energy attacks, and none from fire/heat or plasma. during this time, the character is highly visible to infrared and thermal sensors. the character does take an extra 50% damage from cold and water based attacks.
2) Spit fire: the character can spit some of his insides out to 40 feet with a +2 to strike. The spit plasma inflicts 4D6 damage. each use of spit fire counts as a single action.
3) flaming tongue: The character can disgorge a flaming tongue as a tendril. The tendril does 2D4 damage without the benefit of the character's PS damage bonus. The tendril has a +2 to strike, grab, disarm and entangle and can be extended out to 15 feet. A target grabbed, object disarmed or limb/object entangled suffers an additional 2D4 damage from the flames every time the character takes an action. The 'tongue' has only 10 SDC, but can be regrown in an instant (or can simply be ripped free with an action by any target willing to take a further 2D4 damage and has a PS greater than 12)
4) Fiery insides: cutting and peircing weapons cannot score critical damage against the character, (including bullets), and any cutting or pericing weapon used on the character suffers 3D6 damage from his flaming blood. anything swallowed by the character takes 3D6 damage twice per melee round. while this power is active, he enjoys a bonus 50 SDC
5) fire vision: the character posesses thermal vision (as per the minor power)

Krakomorph: [Major]
'Let me embrace you'

the character can alter his body, becoming a half man/half squid like monstrousity.
1) enhanced attributes: gains +80 SDC an AR of 12 +4 to PS and PE and grows to gain +30% height and double his normal weight.
2) Physiological changes: The character has a humanoid shape, but his chest barrells out and his neck thickens. hair dissapears, and suckers cover portions of his body. His arms divide at the shoulder or elbow to form three tentacled limbs. these limbs add +1 attack per melee and have +1 to strike and parry, but his ability to handle tools and weapons drops through the floor (-6 or -25%). the suckers, and the limbs flexibility allow him to grapple a normal, man sized target with only one arm and still flail with the other. anyone grappled by this character can be squeezed (2D4+PS bonus) as an action. If the character uses both arms, then he gains a +10 effective PP and PS to both the squeeze damage and the ability to maintain his hold.
The character's no boneless body means he takes half damage from blunt kinetic attacks, can squeeze through openings as little as the size of a softball within one melee round and has +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
The character can alter his skin colour as camoflage, adding +20% to Prowl. as a now cold blooded organism, he does not show up on heat sensors.
3) aquatic abilities: the character can dive 2 miles under normal earth oceans, and can breath freely in both salt and fresh water.. His swimming speed is equal to his normal land speed, though once per melee he can 'squirt' himself an additional number of feet equal to his PS plus his PE. this can eject him out of water.
his eyes can see in dim light out to 90 feet
He can also perform an inkblast. on dry land this affects a single target up to 2 feet across. if squirt into eyes or face, the target will lose an action from the shock (unless the eyes and mouth are covered) and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or become blinded for 1D4 melee rounds (-5 to strike/parry and dodge) transperant objects, such as glasses, camera lenses and car windshields are stained black until scrubbed clean. this ink attack has +2 to strike and can be used out to 30 feet.
Underwater, this creates an ink cloud, effectively blinding everyone in a 30 foot area for 1D4 minutes (or until they leave the cloud) this can be combined with the squirting motion allowing for a quick escape.

Bio-shift [Minor]
'I have got something just for this occasion'

The character has a swiss army toolbox of powers that he can swap between.
at any moment, the character may have any one of the following enhancements;
* +6 to PS
* +4 to PP
* +10 speed
* +20% prowl
* +20% climb
* AR 12
* natural wepaon inflicting 2D6 damage

each enhancement takes an action to swap out, and is accompanied by a visual, physical change (horns, body armour, enhanced musculature etc). the character can choose to have no enhanceent active so he may pass unnoticed.

The character also gains +5D6 SDC



Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:23 pm
by taalismn
Bio-Shift...good little power. Very handy, especially for indecisive players who aren't sure how to spend their Minor powers for permanent effect, when creating their characters.


Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:35 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Bio-Shift...good little power. Very handy, especially for indecisive players who aren't sure how to spend their Minor powers for permanent effect, when creating their characters.

Agreed. Very nice little power.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:43 am
by taalismn
“Hmmm..gotta big date tonight...Gotta impress her...Do I go smart tonight, but smart but weak, or smart but slow, or smart but ugly, or do I max out my looks at the expense of my athleticism?”

Range: Self
Effects: The superbeing’s physical/mental attribute stats constitute a power pool of points that they can manipulate, drawing down one stat score to boost another temporarily at a one-for-one ratio. This feat isn’t done easily, and it is time consuming to switch points, and takes a toll physically. Once a Trade-Off has occured(takes one melee to accomplish and takes ALL APMs for that melee), the superbeing has to remain that way for a minimum period of time, or suffer bioshock prematurely swapping points around again. Once the minimum ‘run-time’ has elapsed, the superbeing can swap the points again in one melee(15 seconds).
Stats max-out at 30, except P.S. and Speed.
The superbeing can only draw on one stat to boost another; he or she cannot spread the drawdown across several, until he has gained additional experience(and practice).
Duration: The superbeing must/can maintain the Trade-Off for a minimum of 30 minutes at first level of experience, but at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12, can shorten the minimum by 5 minutes. The superbeing can attempt to override the minimum duration in an emergency and undo the Trade-Off(or do another Trade-Off) in one melee round, but feedback will do damage equal to the number of points being redistributed(so if Mighty Morphus pulled 15 points of his P.S. to temporarily boost his I.Q. so he doesn’t get lost listening in at the Century Station Science Convention, and the Con suddenly comes under attack, MM can either wait until his minimum time for his Trade-Off runs out, or he can try to restore his former P.S. level of 20 by crash-shifting the points back in 15 seconds, but he’ll take 15 points of damage just from the physical feedback. Ouch!).
At levels 4 and 9, the superbeing can simultaneously juggle an additional pair of stats, or can draw on one additional stat to boost a single one(so at level 4, Mighty Morphus can draw on his M.A. and his P.B. to boost his P.P. stat, or use his M.A. points to boost his P.S. and his P.B. to boost his P.P.).


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:57 am
by Crazy Lou
I really like trade-off! Is there a max duration, or is it just the minimum?


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:53 am
by taalismn
Crazy Lou wrote:I really like trade-off! Is there a max duration, or is it just the minimum?

It's just a minimum....I wanted to keep characters with this power from changing their stats from turn to turn. The backlash means that unless you're willing to accept some damage to quick-swap your stats, you're stuck with a set of stats for the duration of the Trade-Off. Long term? A guy who changed his IQ for something higher, more perceptive, more analytical, can get used to being smart, and may find it abhorrent at some future time to have to 'dumb down', especially if he HAS to at some future time, then boosts his IQ back up, and deals with mistakes he made while he was lower IQ("Man...I can't BELIEVE I missed that! All because I had to have muscles for a week!").


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Hive Mind (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"These thoughts do sting."

The character generates mental holographic bugs which act like the real thing.

1. Honeycomb: The character's head resembles a bees' nest, complete with honey. The honey will give any who eat it a temporary +5% boost to skills based on knowledge for one hour. This is not cumulative, so eating more will not give a greater boost. This gives the head a Natural AR of 10 and adds +10 to the SDC of the head.

2. Mental Buzz: The character radiates a mental buzz which makes him impervious to mind control and psionics. Furthermore, any psionic character trying to attack him will immediately become a target of the bugs.

3. Bees In My Bonnet: The character can generate a swarm of up to his ME attribute numberX100 bees. They can only be destroyed by energy attacks, psionics or magic, and are immune to physical attacks.
Size: 1/2 inch
Hit Points: 1 each
Attacks Per Melee: 2, plus a number of attacks equal to +1 per every +2 points of the character's ME attribute bonus.
Bonuses: +2 to dodge, +2 to strike, plus any ME attribute bonuses add to these.
Natural Abilities: Fly 99%, sense of direction 99%. Stings do 3d6 per 30 individual bees per melee round, plus victims become -2 to save vs. psionics for the melee round stung in addition to losing initiative.
Speed: Equal to the character's MA attribute number. Range is limited to the character's ME numberX100 feet in radius around the character.
Limitations: Range limit listed above, plus the bees only regenerate once per 24 hours. The IQ and ME drop one point per 100 bees killed, and loss of all bees at once will create permanent brain damage.
Other Notes:
The bees can be made to carry mental messages which they can plant directly into a target's brain as long as the target is within their range of flight.
Horror Factor of the bees is 8, with this being 12 for those allergic to insect bites. Psychosomatic reaction to the bees causes anybody with a susceptibility/allergy to insects or specifically bee stings takes say, 1d6 Hit Point damage per melee of being 'swarmed'. At zero HP, the victim collapses, respiration going wild, heartbeat off the chart, flushed, and apparently suffering a full-blown allergic reaction...only no real damage has been done, the damage is all virtual, and the victim is merely unconscious for 1d6 melees(and likely quite panicked when he awakens, not realizing he's all right aside from having just had an adrenaline wringer).

4.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+1d4 MA


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I want to do one called Changemind by which the character causes two targets in range to temporarily occupy each others' minds but am not sure exactly if it is already covered by other powers which already exist. Oh, well, here goes:

Changemind (Major): The character can cause the minds of two people in range to swap, making them feel each other's pain or to allow them to change viewpoint on the scene without moving.
Range: ME attribute number X10 foot radius around the character, plus 10 feet per level.
Duration: One melee round per level of the character's experience.
Saving Throw: As per Psionics, 14 or better, ME bonus applies for normal people, 12 or better for latent psionics and 10 or better for master psionics.
Other Abilities and Bonuses: The character is himself immune to mind control and possession. +2d4 to ISP if applicable.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:52 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hive Mind (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"These thoughts do sting."

The character generates mental holographic bugs which act like the real thing.

Dang! They're only holographic!
I was about to hit this guy with a can of 'Raid' just to see what would happen. :D
If he has a nervous breakdown, is it a case of 'colony collapse'?


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:58 pm
by Gryphon Chick
I personally love Hive Mind. It conjures images of a mastermind sending little bees into the brains of his minions and attacking with swarms of them.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Hive Mind (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"These thoughts do sting."

The character generates mental holographic bugs which act like the real thing.

Dang! They're only holographic!
I was about to hit this guy with a can of 'Raid' just to see what would happen. :D
If he has a nervous breakdown, is it a case of 'colony collapse'?

Something like that. The bugs rely on him to be conscious to do anything, I suppose, so knocking him out might cause them to stop. I never really clarified that, so it would be a GM's decision on how his mental state affects the bugs.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:I personally love Hive Mind. It conjures images of a mastermind sending little bees into the brains of his minions and attacking with swarms of them.

That is how it is intended. It is a frightening power, which makes me think maybe I should have given it a Horror Factor, especially for those frightened of bees.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:20 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I personally love Hive Mind. It conjures images of a mastermind sending little bees into the brains of his minions and attacking with swarms of them.

That is how it is intended. It is a frightening power, which makes me think maybe I should have given it a Horror Factor, especially for those frightened of bees.

Psychosomatic Bee Allergies?
Anybody with a susceptibility/allergy to insects or specifically bee stings takes , say, 1d6 Hit Point (or make it ME) damage per melee of being 'swarmed'. At zero HP/ME the victim collapses, respiration going wild, heartbeat off the chart, flushed, and apparently suffering a full-blown allergic reaction...only no real damage has been done, the damage is all virtual, and the victim is merely unconscious for 1d6 melees(and likely quite panicked when he awakens, not realizing he's all right aside from having just had an adrenaline wringer).


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I personally love Hive Mind. It conjures images of a mastermind sending little bees into the brains of his minions and attacking with swarms of them.

That is how it is intended. It is a frightening power, which makes me think maybe I should have given it a Horror Factor, especially for those frightened of bees.

Psychosomatic Bee Allergies?
Anybody with a susceptibility/allergy to insects or specifically bee stings takes , say, 1d6 Hit Point (or make it ME) damage per melee of being 'swarmed'. At zero HP/ME the victim collapses, respiration going wild, heartbeat off the chart, flushed, and apparently suffering a full-blown allergic reaction...only no real damage has been done, the damage is all virtual, and the victim is merely unconscious for 1d6 melees(and likely quite panicked when he awakens, not realizing he's all right aside from having just had an adrenaline wringer).

Very interesting. I shall have to edit the power to include such things.

Update: Edited.


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:44 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I personally love Hive Mind. It conjures images of a mastermind sending little bees into the brains of his minions and attacking with swarms of them.

That is how it is intended. It is a frightening power, which makes me think maybe I should have given it a Horror Factor, especially for those frightened of bees.

Psychosomatic Bee Allergies?
Anybody with a susceptibility/allergy to insects or specifically bee stings takes , say, 1d6 Hit Point (or make it ME) damage per melee of being 'swarmed'. At zero HP/ME the victim collapses, respiration going wild, heartbeat off the chart, flushed, and apparently suffering a full-blown allergic reaction...only no real damage has been done, the damage is all virtual, and the victim is merely unconscious for 1d6 melees(and likely quite panicked when he awakens, not realizing he's all right aside from having just had an adrenaline wringer).

Very interesting. I shall have to edit the power to include such things.

Update: Edited.

You boys are evil. :twisted: I love it!


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:50 pm
by taalismn
Well, the power is a predominately mental one, so 'it's all in your head' . :twisted:

Actually, considering that the holo stings ALREADY do 3d6, a bee-allergic victim should take 4d6 points of damage, therefore...that should make them as deadly as a medium-caliber pistol...sound about right for a life-threatening condition?


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:15 am
by Iczer
Spatial slippage [Minor]
'Hold on...I'll just peer behind him'

The character can step outside his body for a brief period. this can be done once per melee round and does not require an action. During the time his is out of his body, time slows to a crawl, as if no time is passing at all. The character is unable to affect or influence the outside world, but can think, plan strategise and spy.
While outside of his body he can wander around, an intangible and invisible phantom. The universe has, from his perspective, ground to a halt so no one has a chance to percieve them, even if they could. The characters other powers function normally, except that they cannot affect the real world at all, though actions that affect only the character work as normal. (The character could fly away at sonic speed if he had that power, extending his range. Or he could still use enhanced senses)

Duration: One minute at first level. this extends one melee round every subsequent level. at duration's end, the character is snapped back to his own body, and back to a normal time reference.

Microorganism assault [Major]
'Got a cold? you do now'

The character can bump microorganisms up the evolutionary ladder for a brief period.
while specifics vary, the net effect is to alter the scale of a microorganism's efforts.
Viruses: incomplete organisms that replicate inside a host species. Enhancing these provokes an immune response from the target resulting in sickness (Typically -2 actions, -20% to skill checks, half skill bonuses and speed). If the target is already exposed to a virus, it instead becomes more virulent and deadly (double the rate of infection, chance of infection and severity of symptoms. potential sufferers have a -4 to make saving throws vs enhanced viral agents)
Bacteria: occur virtually everywhere. In nature they scrub air, recyle nutrients and allow peutrification. The character can affect these things, slowing or increasing their speed by a factor of 10. In living things (which recieve a saving throw 14+ PE bonus applies) it can cause them to cease digesting food for a period,(make a saving throw every 6 hours. failure means the character gains no nutrition from his food and starves for that period. lasts until he makes the saving throw) or cause their internal bacterium to expand and grow aggressive enough to start eating the host (Saving throw or take 1D4 HP damage and lose an action per melee round due to pain. make a new saving throw once per orund until successful). some diseases are bacterial and if enhanced function the same way as mentioned under viruses.
Fungi: use of this power causes a masive growth spurt in exposed funguses. Double the volume of fungal masses every melee round as long as it remains within the character's area of effect, and that it has the ability to sustain itself (food and a surface to grow on). this can block roads, choke waterways and accellerate the decay process of organic objects. you can reduce the time for brewing or cooking with yeast by a factor of ten (a three week homebrew can be done in 2 days) and bread can be made to rise or fall without heat (though it will remain doughy unless toasted.)
Protozoa: essential to the decomposition process, enhancing protozoa can cause a target to start to fall apart. on an area, decay accellerates, reducing the SDC of most objects by 5% per round. living creatures in this area must make a saving throw once per minute or suffer 1D6 SDC damage and the loss of a PE point. directly targeting a living being forces a saving throw or the loss of a PE point and 3D6 damage. enhancing some protozoa in atarget can reverse the effects of any and all of the other organisms, fighting and reducing disease, illness and infectation. targets affceted by this power can gain a +6 to saving throws vs poison and take half damage from natural (or unnatural) decay.
Helminths: small, worm like objects (such as the tapeworm and all forms of nematodes). enhanced they become aggressive and territorial. as these only live inside a host they cause problems similiar to enhanced virus and bacteria. a saving throw is required to avoid ill effects. If it fails, the target becomes host to these parasites. the penalties are varied, but are commonly reduced healing (half rate) increased appetite feelings of weakness (Fatigues 50% faster) and a genarl malaise (-1 to initiative and -5% to skill use) Helminths outlast other infections, able to carry on on their own until medical treatment is sought after (penalties persist until treated)
Other bonuses: natural bology skill equal to 30%+5% per level, or +20% to biology skill.
Immune to diseases. heal at double normal rate.

Tap: [Minor]
'Oh goodie...more mutants'

The character can gain a kind of boost by making regular physical contact with an object, substance or person, chosen at character creation.
If an object, it must mass at least 10% of his own body weight, must be manufactured and can be broadly defined (Books, cars, Body armour etc)
If a substance, it must be defined specifically, must mass at least 25% of his own body weight (or 50% volume) and cannot be ubiquitous (air is right out, but salt water, granite, glass, iron or fire are acceptable)
If a person it must be a specific type or group that is distinct. he may fall into that category himself, but he cannot use himself as the subject. (Asians, Mutants, children etc).
If the character makes deliberate contact with the subject as an action, he gains the following benefits for one melee round.
* +30 SDC (this is temporary. it does not heal damage already taken)
* +4 PP
* +6 PS
* +10 Spd
* +10% to skills

The contact may not be combined with a hand to hand attack, but can be combined with a grab or entangle. If the character is incontinuous contact with the object,substance or person (Is surrounded by seawater, is grappling a mutant or riding a motorcycle for instance) then he simply expends an action per round rather than using the first action per round.

At third level, 6th, 9th 12th and 15th, he expands the duration of the 'charge' by one round.

as an alternative, he may use damage as a trigger. either an energy source, (which garners him resistance to that energy source) or simply kinetic damage. every time he takes that damage, he triggers the boost.

Enhanced blasting: [Minor]
'I may be outnumbered, but you are outgunned'

The character's inborne ranged attacks are more effective at combating multiple foes.
* Split attack: the character can divide his attack to cover two seperate targets. the character has a +1 to strike either target and makes two seperate strike rolls as a single attack. the damage is divided as the character chooses, dividing individual dice between targets. a divided blast enjoys a +1 damage per level.
* Spray: the character can fire his attack as short modulated pulses instead of a single attack. The attack is broken down into a burst comprising of one dice of damage each (or nearest equivilent. a 1D4x10 sonic blast may be broken into seven 1D6 blasts). the attack roll (+1 to strike) can be directed at a single target who takes (x2 damage) or at a clustered group within a 20 foot area (single damage). each individual 'shot' in the burst adds a single point of damage (so the above 1D4x10 sonic burst has a base damage of 1d6+7) bursts have a -4 to dodge and the ar of targetd objects are reduced by 2.
(It is possible to split and spray at the same time, combining bonuses. if Sonarman with the aforementioned 1D4x10 damage sonic boom wishes he can divide the adjusted 7D6 into a 3D6 and a 4D6 burst. Both bursts have a base damage of 1D6., one with a +3 damage, one with a +4 damage. both recieve +1 damage per level.)
* precision or power: the character can add a +1 to strike by reducing damage from a ranged attack by 1D6. likewise he can ignore 3 AR points of a target by lowering the damage by 1D6.
* extra attacks: the character enjoys one extra attack per melee, with the proviso that that attack be a ranged energy attack.

The power presumes the character has some other form of inborn ranged attack. if this is not the case then the characer recieves a bio-energy blast with a range of 60 feet, with +2 to strike and 2D6 damage (Plus 1D6 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15)



Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:38 pm
by taalismn
Another nice selection of powers to mess around with. :)


Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I like Enhanced Blasting.
I am still trying to get more powers up myself.


Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Blood Wings (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The character has permanent open wounds on his back which are pools of blood he can solidify into wings. He cannot cover them in any way or they will not work. The wings are bat-like and extend 12 feet each. The wings, being liquid, are invulnerable to physical attacks (punches, swords, bullets, etc.), but can still be harmed by energy, psionics and magic. When extended, the wings give him a Horror Factor of 12.

Bonuses in Flight:
Flight Speed: 120 mph, plus 20 mph per level of experience.
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike
+2 to parry, +2 to dodge when flying under 20mph, +4 to dodge when over 20mph but less than 80mph, and +6 to dodge when flying over 80mph.
+4 to damage for every 20mph of flight speed.
The wings give the character an additional 20 SDC, with each individual wing having 15 SDC. Wings reduced to 5 SDC or less reduce speed by half. If a wing is reduced to 0 SDC, it is crippled and the character cannot fly. Wings heal at a rate of 1d4+4 SDC per day.

Penalties: -2 to PB.


Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:14 pm
by taalismn
Got a feeling I'm missing something with this one so I'm putting up for peer review, possible revision...

“I foiled you because you look absolutely STUNNING in silver!”

Range: Self, or 50 ft per level of experience
This is the ability to project and spray a cold metallic vapor that can be used to coat and layer other objects.
*Spray----The superbeing can deliberately spray the metal vapor into exposed eyes, nose, respiratory tracts, and other organs, clogging and blinding them, or into sensitive electronics(coating a microphone and rendering it useless or plugging a power socket, for example). Against organics, this causes the victim to lose initiative, HALF actions/attacks per melee, and bonuses to strike/parry/dodge for 1d4 melees while they clear their eyes or cough/choke out the offending material.
*Cloud---This produces an airborne cloud of metallic droplets that can be used to defuse energy attacks, especially lasers(do only 1/4 damage shooting through the cloud). Depending on local wind conditions, the cloud remains airborne for 1d4 melees, and covers about 10 ft in area. Inhaling the vapor cloud does 2d4 damage per melee to the lungs.
*Bronze---This lays down a thin layer of paint-like metallic particles that give the object a metallic gleam. Lasers do 25% less damage against a bronzed target.
*Metal Leaf---This creates the equivalent of thin metal foil or gold leaf that’s flexible and lightweight. It’s too thin to offer much protection against physical attacks like punches, kicks, clubs, and bullets, but it does provide some protection against energy weapons and strikes (effectively serves as an A.R. 12). Lasers will do HALF damage against a target so covered.
*Plate---This lays down thicker, heavier, layers. The superbeing can layer a victim such that they are trapped, but still able to breath(add 25 lbs of weight and accumulative -2 to initiative, dodge, strike, parry, and roll, and -2d4 to Speed per melee of continual plate-covering), or can encase them in an airtight suffocating casing of metal(only 1d6 melees of air). The plates have 100 SDC/1d4 MDC per melee spent forming them, and can be pried off, but with considerable effort.
Producing armor with this takes three times as long, as the superbeing takes care to shape the forming plates and allow for movement.
Duration: Metal lasts 1 hour per level of experience
Saves: None


Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Metallisize is AWESOME, Taalismn!


Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:43 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Metallisize is AWESOME, Taalismn!

Thanks...I added a -2d4 to Speed penalty for Plating; any other fixes I should/could put in? :?


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:13 pm
by taalismn
“All together now!”

Range: 50 ft per level of experience. All members in the gestalt must be in line of sight of the initiator.
This power allows the superbeing to create a temporary mental gestalt among multiple persons. Like a conductor leading a band, the superbeing initiating the power can direct the other people in the gestalt to a single purpose(such as ‘pull together NOW’, or ‘target that one guy/point with all your powers NOW’) allowing for perfect coordination of action.
Under the effects of Harmonize, the temporary gestalt uses the Initiative roll and actions/attacks per melee of the Harmonizer, any bonuses for such things as Striking, Dodging, Parrying, and Perception, the entire group uses the best bonuses of the members in the gestalt (Example: DanceMaster directs his gang to shoot at Gangbuster. He uses his Harmonize ability to get his gang to act as one, and they use his initiative roll. However, DanceMaster isn’t such a hot shot with a gun, but he is able to use the link he’s established between his gang members to use the sharpshooting skills of one of his lieutenants in the link. Using the sharpshooter’s bead and bonuses to strike on Gangbuster as a guide, the gang opens fire as one).
Similarly, the gestalt also shares on bonuses for saves versus mental attack, such as psionics and Horror Factor(Example: Bullet-ridden Gangbuster’s sidekick Patience Virtue decides to retaliate with an Empathic Projection attack, targeting DanceMaster’s nearest minion, Willy the Weasel. Feeling Willy’s will cracking under the attack, the still-Harmonized DanceMaster gang, among whom are many made of sterner mental stuff than Willy, bolster his will with their own, giving him a much better chance of successfully fending off Virtue’s psi-sending).
The superbeing can ‘link’ one person per level of experience into his gestalt.
Harmony can be forced an unwilling participant, making them do what the rest of the harmonic gestalt is doing, but under such circumstances, the peson can make a save versus being drawn into the gestalt. Similarly, if a being already in the gestalt chooses not to follow the common lead, they can fight it, but their roll to save is at -2
Duration: 1 melee(15 seconds). Maintaining the power takes 1 APM.
Bonuses: The initiator gets a +1 to Initiative at levels 3, 6, 12, and 15 for Harmonized actions ONLY. The initiator also gets a +1 at levels 4, 12, and 15 for Harmonizing reluctant linkees.
And yes, if used to pool performing arts abilities like Singing, Cooking, or Dancing(provided they’re all singing the same song, cooking the same food, and dancing the same dance), the participants will all get a base performance ability equal to the pooled AVERAGE of the skilled performers in the link, +5% per level of experience of the Harmonize initiator.
Saves: Unwilling participants get to to Save Versus Psychic Attack (15 or better for ordinary people, 12 for Minor and Major Psychics, and 10 for Master Psychics)

“I will track you down and kill you!...You cannot escape!...I am everywhere!...I am right behind you!...I am closing in even as we speak!”
Range: Touch or 20 ft per level of experience
Effects: This border-line psionic power allows the superbeing to ‘tag’ a living target with a persistant audio-visual hallucination that randomly appears to them (4d6 times per hour, more frequent if the target is under duress). This hallucination can be recollection/flashback to a fight the target was in(and the casting superbeing witnessed), or a repetitive message by the caster themselves, threatening or taunting the victim. If the event or caster of the Haunting has an associated Horror Factor, that Horror Factor is repeated in the hallucination(but H.F. -1 due to its second-hand nature). Each time the Haunt hallucination is active(for roughly 1d4 melees) unless the victim makes a roll versus psionics/psychic attack, they are -1d4 to Initiative, strike, dodge, parry, and roll, and -10% to skill rolls because of the distraction.
Duration: 1 hour per M.E. of the generating superbeing
Saves: If the target can make three saves versus psionics in a row, they see through the illusion and can tune it out.


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I did not care for Harmonize, though I can see its potential, but Haunt was amusing.


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:50 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I did not care for Harmonize, though I can see its potential, but Haunt was amusing.

Yeah, I figured Harmonize was experimental at best, and potentially lethally munchkin if 12 people opened fire on one target ALL AT ONCE, but we have networks for AAA weapons in Palladium, no?

Well, at least I took care of 'H' in my list of Major Powers(personal challenge; trying to come up with Powers for every letter of the alphabet) :D


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I did not care for Harmonize, though I can see its potential, but Haunt was amusing.

Yeah, I figured Harmonize was experimental at best, and potentially lethally munchkin if 12 people opened fire on one target ALL AT ONCE, but we have networks for AAA weapons in Palladium, no?
Aha, so you admit it! It basically takes a Power Category and compresses it into a power, sorta. At least, that is how I saw it.


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:32 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I did not care for Harmonize, though I can see its potential, but Haunt was amusing.

Yeah, I figured Harmonize was experimental at best, and potentially lethally munchkin if 12 people opened fire on one target ALL AT ONCE, but we have networks for AAA weapons in Palladium, no?
Aha, so you admit it! It basically takes a Power Category and compresses it into a power, sorta. At least, that is how I saw it.

I admit nothing!!! NOthing I tell you!!! :-x Bring on your thumbscrews! I'll admot nothing!....because I hadn't considered it that way... :oops:
However, since you raise that possibility...
I'm not sure it's properly a compression of the Gestalt Power, so would/could it be expanded into full-blown Power Category and called what? A Networker? There would have to be extra powers added to such a Category, and/or a wider selection of drawbacks.
But we've had mind control and puppet powers before(ponder, ponder).


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:There would have to be extra powers added to such a Category, and/or a wider selection of drawbacks.
But we've had mind control and puppet powers before(ponder, ponder).

True. I just saw the power as rife for abuse and whatnot. Gestalt type powers HAVE been done before, but I really don't tend to like to do mind control powers which affect GROUPS of people.


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:07 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:There would have to be extra powers added to such a Category, and/or a wider selection of drawbacks.
But we've had mind control and puppet powers before(ponder, ponder).

True. I just saw the power as rife for abuse and whatnot. Gestalt type powers HAVE been done before, but I really don't tend to like to do mind control powers which affect GROUPS of people.

So there is nothing wrong with the power, then; it is just a matter of personal preference.


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:47 pm
by taalismn
Gryphon Chick wrote:So there is nothing wrong with the power, then; it is just a matter of personal preference.

(moments before)


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:58 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:There would have to be extra powers added to such a Category, and/or a wider selection of drawbacks.
But we've had mind control and puppet powers before(ponder, ponder).

True. I just saw the power as rife for abuse and whatnot. Gestalt type powers HAVE been done before, but I really don't tend to like to do mind control powers which affect GROUPS of people.

So there is nothing wrong with the power, then; it is just a matter of personal preference.

I suppose.

Back on topic, I am contemplating a power like 20 questions where the hero can only ask 20 questions per day, but can get basic answers from people and objects about things that happened, where the answers MUST be truthful unless a save vs. magic is made. I am not sure if limiting it as such would make it a major or minor, so feedback is appreciated.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:02 pm
by Severus Snape
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:There would have to be extra powers added to such a Category, and/or a wider selection of drawbacks.
But we've had mind control and puppet powers before(ponder, ponder).

True. I just saw the power as rife for abuse and whatnot. Gestalt type powers HAVE been done before, but I really don't tend to like to do mind control powers which affect GROUPS of people.

So there is nothing wrong with the power, then; it is just a matter of personal preference.

I suppose.

Back on topic, I am contemplating a power like 20 questions where the hero can only ask 20 questions per day, but can get basic answers from people and objects about things that happened, where the answers MUST be truthful unless a save vs. magic is made. I am not sure if limiting it as such would make it a major or minor, so feedback is appreciated.

In my humble opinion, I'd say that whether or not this is a major or minor depends on what type of questions and answers the power allows.

If it allows only simple questions to which someone can answer yes or no, or even a simple sentence (for example, "He went through the door"), then it would be a minor. If we're talking about complex, open-ended questions and detailed, specific answers, then it would be a major. Any chance you could make both versions?

I like the limiting of the power to a certain number of questions per day, though. Prevents a character from just asking everybody on the street any questions they want until they find the right person to give them the right answer.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Severus Snape wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:...I am contemplating a power like 20 questions where the hero can only ask 20 questions per day, but can get basic answers from people and objects about things that happened, where the answers MUST be truthful unless a save vs. magic is made. I am not sure if limiting it as such would make it a major or minor, so feedback is appreciated.

In my humble opinion, I'd say that whether or not this is a major or minor depends on what type of questions and answers the power allows.

If it allows only simple questions to which someone can answer yes or no, or even a simple sentence (for example, "He went through the door"), then it would be a minor. If we're talking about complex, open-ended questions and detailed, specific answers, then it would be a major. Any chance you could make both versions?

I like the limiting of the power to a certain number of questions per day, though. Prevents a character from just asking everybody on the street any questions they want until they find the right person to give them the right answer.

I had planned to do a few variants based on this theme, as I am known to do when I get a concept working around in my head, so there will be a major and several minors, most likely.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:08 pm
by PapaMambo
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Severus Snape wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:...I am contemplating a power like 20 questions where the hero can only ask 20 questions per day, but can get basic answers from people and objects about things that happened, where the answers MUST be truthful unless a save vs. magic is made. I am not sure if limiting it as such would make it a major or minor, so feedback is appreciated.

In my humble opinion, I'd say that whether or not this is a major or minor depends on what type of questions and answers the power allows.

If it allows only simple questions to which someone can answer yes or no, or even a simple sentence (for example, "He went through the door"), then it would be a minor. If we're talking about complex, open-ended questions and detailed, specific answers, then it would be a major. Any chance you could make both versions?

I like the limiting of the power to a certain number of questions per day, though. Prevents a character from just asking everybody on the street any questions they want until they find the right person to give them the right answer.

I had planned to do a few variants based on this theme, as I am known to do when I get a concept working around in my head, so there will be a major and several minors, most likely.

Sweet! "Magic 8-Ball" could be the minor (only yes or no answers), and 20 Questions could be the Major. If you limited the minor to 8 questions per day - yes or no only, and the 20 questions to well.. 20 questions per day (total, not per target) I think you'd have some interesting powers here..


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:38 pm
by taalismn
20 Questions and 8 Ball? By Jove, I think you're onto something there! By all means, run with them!


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:20 Questions and 8 Ball? By Jove, I think you're onto something there! By all means, run with them!
Thanks to Papa Mambo for ideas for the major and minor expressions of the power.

Magic 8-Ball (minor) by Stone Gargoyle, with thanks to Papa Mambo

The character possesses the power to glean answers from an object by asking questions and getting a "yes" or "no" answer. The object may be anything the character owns (decided upon creation) and will only respond to the character himself. Since the power derives from the character himself, destruction of the object will cause him to get the power back once he assigns a new object as his focus. He can only use the object eight times per day.
Range: Touch; the character must be holding the object.
Duration: Instant
Uses and Limitations: Limited to eight times per day. Power cannot be taken twice to increase this number. The object answers the question as asked so a "no" answer might come about if even one word is off. The question must be spoken out loud.
Effect: The object speaks to the character only, so no one in range of the character will hear an answer.

20 Questions (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can ask 20 questions per day of anyone, including animals, or any object in his immediate vacinity and hear the answer. The character and everyone within earshot will hear the answer.
Range: The person, animal, or object questioned must be within 20 feet of the character.
Duration: Instant, and the character will only remember the answer for his ME attribute number in minutes and people asked questions will only remember the answer for their ME attribute number of seconds.
Saving Throw: People may make a saving throw vs. magic (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to shrug off the effects and not be compelled to answer.
Uses and Limitations: Limited to 20 times per day. This power cannot be taken twice to increase the number. Magically Bestowed characters and mystically trained characters are not affected, nor are enchanted animals or objects.
Effects: The answer given will always be in the character's language and audible to 20 feet, regardless if the person questioned speaks the character's language or if an animal or object. The answer is asked of the universe, so the answer does not have to actually be known by the one asked before it is given.

How's that? As I said, I will do a couple variants also.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:08 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Twenty Questions (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character possesses the power to glean answers from an object by asking questions and getting a "yes" or "no" answer. The object may be anything the character owns (decided upon creation) and will only respond to the character himself. Since the power derives from the character himself, destruction of the object will cause him to get the power back once he assigns a new object as his focus. He can only use the object twenty times per day.
Range: Touch; the character must be holding the object.
Duration: Instant
Uses and Limitations: Limited to twenty times per day. Power cannot be taken twice to increase this number. The object answers the question as asked so a "no" answer might come about if even one word is off. The question must be spoken out loud.
Effect: The object speaks to the character only, so no one in range of the character will hear an answer.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Question of the Hour (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The character can ask 24 questions per day of anyone, including animals, or any object in his immediate vacinity and hear the answer. The character and everyone within earshot will hear the answer.
Range: The person, animal, or object questioned must be within 20 feet of the character.
Duration: Instant, and the character will only remember the answer for his ME attribute number in minutes and people asked questions will only remember the answer for their ME attribute number of seconds.
Saving Throw: People may make a saving throw vs. magic (14 or better, PE bonus applies) to shrug off the effects and not be compelled to answer.
Uses and Limitations: Limited to 24 times per day, with one question able to be asked each hour. This power cannot be taken twice to increase the number. Magically Bestowed characters and mystically trained characters are not affected, nor are enchanted animals or objects.
Effects: The answer given will always be in the character's language and audible to 20 feet, regardless if the person questioned speaks the character's language or if an animal or object. The answer is asked of the universe, so the answer does not have to actually be known by the one asked before it is given.


Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:50 pm
by Crazy Lou
Suppose a character wanted to take Twenty Questions (second major version) and Magic 8-Ball both. Is this ok, since it's just giving them more questions to ask the object? It seems okay to me, but since you always are clear to specify that can't take the power again for more questions, would you still consider it okay to spend another power to increase the number of questions in that way? Same question goes for Question of the Hour (I think that's a really cool variant concept btw) and 20 Questions (original major version).


Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:51 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Crazy Lou wrote:Suppose a character wanted to take Twenty Questions (second major version) and Magic 8-Ball both. Is this ok, since it's just giving them more questions to ask the object? It seems okay to me, but since you always are clear to specify that can't take the power again for more questions, would you still consider it okay to spend another power to increase the number of questions in that way? Same question goes for Question of the Hour (I think that's a really cool variant concept btw) and 20 Questions (original major version).

No, because I consider that to be too much. The questions are limited to avoid abuse.


Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:41 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:No, because I consider that to be too much. The questions are limited to avoid abuse.

That's what lead pipes, bright lights, and waterboarding's for...

Extra questions... :twisted: