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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:54 pm
by Iczer
Spur of corruption
"Up yours."

The character has the ability to form a wicked spur from one of his apendages (read that how you will). this spur, aside from damage, delivers a wicked mutagen that warps both mind and body.
1) Spur: the spur itself inflicts 2d6 damage. its peircing nature, allows it to bypass 2 points of natural AR or 4 points of artificial, worn AR. Obviously, it is unable to damage characters who have completely transformed thier physical structure, or those encased in vehicle or robotic AR. It's length and hardness grant it +1 to parry as a weapon.
2) Mutagen: on any helpless, surprised or otherwise temporarilly incapacitated foe, the character can combine an injection of mutagens with any spur strike. Such an attack takes 2 actions.
The mutagen is a virulent poison, a protean smack rush that warps and twists the body and mind. The victim of such an injection must save vs lethal poison or take 4d6 damage. he then makes a save vs (non lethal) poison once for every level of the character. every failed save induces a semipermanent mutation (select at random from either the mutations column or your favorite rifter) that takes 6d6 hours to manifest. these mutations last 3 days per level of the character. during the transition phase, the character is woozy, groggy and limited in action, suffering half attacks and speed, as well as -20% to all skills and half all normal combat bonuses. When the mutations finally arrive, the character turns into an animal, with only a 30% chance of recognising freinds and family.
3) addictive: the worst bit is, when the rush is over, and the victim emerges from a semi dream like state wherever his hyde like self has left him, he will crave the touch of the spur again. he must make a save vs addiction every day for as many days as he was a beast. (14+ ME bonuses apply) on any day he fails, he falls into addictive withdrawal (see the drug withdrawal rules for specifics) and stays that way for the duration (no more saves vs withdrawal needed). If the character seeks out the touch again, and recieves it, he gains the same mutations from the last touch.
4) other bonuses. The character with this power automatically dominates any of his brood, and can give orders like a pack leader. notably, his charges no longer understand much of any language, and so complex commands are beyond them.
The character is resistant to natural poisons and chemicals (1/3rd damage effect and duration).
The spur itself has 45 SDC when formed. if destroyed, it reforms after 4d4 days. needless to say, the spur may be retracted at will.
[Major power]

"Actually, I've had the diamonds all along...BLEEEERRCHH"

The character has the abilityt to incorporate physical matter into his flesh at will, forming custom flesh pockets and sacks within his form. this has a variety of benefits.
1) absorb matter: the character can simply place objects inside himself. there is no matter alteration going on here, so the character will have to compress and deform himself dependant on the object. absorbing a handfull of diamonds will have no noticable effect. absorbing a ming vase will make the character look a little fat as his torso bulges to make room. absorbing a wall safe will make the character positively bulge in all the wrong places. he can safely hold items indefinately. Note that he keeps no register of what he has stored except for his own memory. It is possible for him to leave things inside himself and forget them (Honey...have you seen my car keys?)
2) poison absorption: if the character is made aware of a poison, he may simply incorporate it as an action rather than let it affect him. in this manner he may contain pockets of poison in himself, to be released at a later date.
3) defensive incorportaion: the character can absorb weapons as they impact with his body, flowing around and through them. This is a parry, done with a +4 bonus (plus any ME bonuses. treat as if PP for parry purposes). such an incorporation is an action, until level 6 when it becoumes automatic. he cannot incorporate living matter though.
4) Operation: It is possible to only partially absorb something, and in fact, the caracter can only partially incorporate anything that has greater dimensions than himself (the aforementioned wall safe for instance). any item so partially incorporated is held by the character as if adhered with a PS equal to the character's PS+ME. this strength is considered superhuman. thus, a sword impaled through the body is held fast. In addition, the character can manipulate objects inside or partially inside his body. a partially absorbed rifle can be made to fire . any equipment so manipulated is done so as if the character posesses the appropriate skill at a level equal to his own (mostly this applies to incorporated weaponry)

Dutiful Flesh
"Bah..didn't need that joint anyway. or that eye."

The character has a complete control over his flesh, able to make it perform feats just by exerting his will. This is not shapeshifting in so much as it's a kind of malleable cell, allowing different parts of the anatomy to perform different duties. The character can now ignore the effects of almost any wound. he still takes damage, and can still be killed but it becomes damned hard to cripple or maim him. Any single attack against him inflicts 1/3rd damage, unless it relies on mass or bulk, in which case it inflicts 1/2 damage (a hail of bullets, a gout of flame, or car crashes are good examples). any attack that affects the whole body (close explosions, acid immersion, complete immolation) inflicts normal damage. The character cannot suffer critical hits. As an important organ fails, another takes up the slack. While he can suffer broken bones, head trauma and internal injury, these do not actively impair him. The character is immune to the effects of biomanipulation and cannot be affected by electric current (he still takes the damage, but he does not suffer from muscle contraction). All these feats are poissible by reassigning the work of damage parts of the body to undamaged parts. If the character loses an eye, the skin on his forehead becomes photoreceptive. If he takes brain damage, the kidneys take over some of the thought processors. If his heart fails, the lungs start pushing blood. In addition to these immanently usefull survival traits, the character also heals at 4 times normal rate, and can recover from lost limbs and organs (though may take many weeks)

"Bah...any one can be a freak...only I am...SUPERFREAK!!"
The character has the ability to swap out any obvious physical mutation for another. This is a limited form of shapechange, aloowing the character to adopt mutations. If the character does not currently posess any mutations then this power is not helpfull to him, except that it allows him to resist powers that manipulate his form against his will (+6 to save vs these powers, and they have half effect and duration)


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:50 pm
by Iczer
Bio computing
"It just so happens i have been carrying your file around with me after all"

The character has the abilityt to transfer electrical patterns around, across and through his body through a weird kind of tele electrical control. while not as potent as the abilityt to summon lightning, it does allow for some useful tricks.
1) Transfer data. The character can transfer information from one medium to another. this does not translate, but it can be held in storage for a while. Like a human tempest monitor, the character can drag electronic information from one source and transfer it to another at touch. In this way, he can pull a file from a computer, store it, and then transfer it onto his own for later perusal. He can also write to floppy disks just by holding it. He cannot understand the 1s and 0s individually, for that he needs a computer to translate. The transfer of information occurs at a rate of 1 MB per melee round. This rate is reduced by 1/4 if the relevant storage medium is without power. the character can store 1 GB per level inside his own mind. anything more and he will need some sort of secondary storage device on his person to perform a data dump. The character can also transfer thoughts to others by touch. these transfers are silent, but only one way. The character cannot read or write to optical media.
2) Mental manipulations: the character can manipulate his own nervous electricity. He has a +4 to save vs psionics. he can ignore pain, and command otherwise paralysed muscles to act. Through force of will the character can allow himself to move, even with a broken back, by simply ommanding neurons to fire over any gaps or breaks. the character is immune to neurological disorders, including deteriation due to age.
3) Transfer across flesh: the character can also command dead flesh. by touching the body of a person who is asleep, unconscious or deceased (or otherwise unable to cognizantly control his body) the character can make a semblance of life. As a sick party trick, the character can place his hand on a corpse and make it speak. a more practical use is to force a person who is normally unable to function to keep performing life functions, by forcing the heart to beat and the lungs to move, (though if the victim of this is bleeding to death, or is unable to get oxygen to the brain then death is inevitable anyway.
4) other benefits. the character takes 1/2 damage from electricity and ion weapons. is immune to electrical based stunners and tazers. the character has +15% to first aid and paramedic. +3 to IQ and ME.

Plant absorption
"Care for an apple. I grew it myself...literally"
[Major, though may need a tweak or two]
The character can allow plants to take root and grow through his body. this transplanting is harmless to both parties, and allows the character some unique abilities. Firstly and foremostly, the character photosynthesises with the plant, while the plant absorbs nutrients from the host. in either case, the character overall needs only half as much food and water while playing host to another plant. secondly, the character gains 6d6 HP after 6 hours of bonding with any plant. He also gains 20% of the plants SDC when he bonds to it. The plant's weight does not count for purposes of encumberance or carrying capacity, though it's size may prove prohibitive. Any plant he has growing inside himself can be animated as if controlled by a person with the control plants major power. The character gains an extra attack with any plant matter bonded to him. The character is unnusually virile while playing host, gaining a superhuman endurance (goes 4 times longer without fatigue and heals at 3 times normal rate). The character is limited by the size of invested plant matter. he cannot do more than double his mass. if he does, then the plant absorbs him instead. not such a bad proposition though, as the character reatains all his benefits (aside from plant control) when part of a larger plant (he could, for instance, enter a sequoia for his enhanced healing rate, and sleep inside the plant for a few nights).

"listen to me very are gettig very sleepy"
The character can manipulate his vocal chords to produce super and sunsonic, dissodant harmonies that disrupt and control others.
1) affect thought. the character can modulate his voice to affect the thoughts of others. the scrambling subsonics lull the listener into a complacent state. effectively this functions as the psionic power of hypnotic suggestion with only a few distinctions. firstly the save is 14 or better, though ME bonuses help but resistence to psionics does not. secondly, it can affect all listeners within 30 feet in front of the character. like hypnotic suggestion, it has no effective use in combat nor can it make someone act against their better judgement.
2) Vocal tricks. the character can mimic sounds with 88% accuracy. he can make his voice booming in volume (10 times louder) and can speak in sub or supersonic tones. He can shatter glass and annoy dogs.

Army of one:
"Six against one. seems hardly fair....for you"
The character's fighting skills improve when he is confronted with multiple opponents. similiar to natural combat ability, this allows the character to tackle greater numbers rather than superior fighters. The abilities granted only apply when the character is personally outnumbered. if he enters a fight against 3 opponents, but has a friend with him, he is considered to be fighting only 1 extra opponent (and even then only if that extra opponent attacks him.) Bonuses do not appear until after one round of combat, but if the character has a round of preperation, (such as a minute or two of tough talking a group of gansgters) the bonuses increase wtith every newly engaged opponent.
Firstly: every extra opponent the character faces, increases his HTH level by 1.
Secondly: if the character faces 4 or more opponents, he gains +1 attack per melee.
Thirdly: he gains a sort of zen awareness of who is a threat and who isn't. he knows when he is being snuck up from behind, and he knows when an opponent is going to hold back rather than attack in a given round.

Pheonix Rebirth
"I'm Back from the dead!!! Oh...and I appear to be blonde now."
[Major..but could be configured as a minor]
The character is somewhat resistant to grevious injury by means of rapid emergency regeneration. He cannot come back from the dead, unlike what the name of the power suggestes, if he is dead then he is dead. Essentially, the character, if reduced to below -10HP or less can sacrafice a PE point to recover 50 HP. (rolling over to SDC if necessary) This causes, over the next 6 mintes, the character to rise from his own body as it falls to ash, forming a new shape and form. He cannot change species and must re roll his PB score, but his new shape can have any of the following optional differences.
* Can swap out one minor power for another
* Can change hair colour, ethnicity, build, eye colour or gender
* Can reroll any side effects or mutations.
* Can select his apparent age.

In addition, the character is healed of any untoward conditions when rebirthed, such as missing limbs, disease or poison.
Add 3d6 HP and +2 PE

Ablative armour
"Heh...I take a licking but I keep on ticking"
The character can form a sheet of protective armour over his body. This sheet of armour is hard but brittle, and allows for normal motion. The sheet grants him a conditional natural AR of 20 and adds 25SDC plus 5SDC per level. All of this comes with a caveat. Whenever the character is hit with any brute force kinetic attack, the damage is rolled even if deflected from armour. if more than 20 points of damage would have been done, then the AR drops by 1. armour piercing attacks of any sort only need to inflict 10 points of damage or more (but these do not enjoy their normal AP benefits). explosions, and similiar attacks that bypass AR (such as explosions, Acid and fire immersion) only need to inflict 15 virtual damage to drop the AR by another 1. On the plus side, the SDC of the armour recovers at a rate of 1 SDC point per minute. The AR rises at a rate of 1 point every half hour up to an AR of 20. Attacks that bypass the armour, such as attack rolls over the AR or attacks that ignore such a sheet of armour (phase weapons) do not affect the ablative shield.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:12 pm
by znbrtn
man, i really love incorporation, iczer. there's just so many awesome situations that can arise from such a power.

edit: oh, and army of one is incredible :D

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:14 am
by Mr Scorpio
Metamutation is my favorite from this group and Phoenix Rebirth is starting to grow on me (maybe with some random tables for rebirth changes?). Oh, and Army Of One does rock.

ZEN wrote:Iczer's power creation skills are jedi-like.
Beat him, you can not.

Hmmm, I think he has a super ability....Spontanious Super Ability Creation (Minor)? Must be a Mutant.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:05 pm
by abtex
ZEN wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Buttocks That Double As Throwing Stars:

It's a minor power.
They do 2d4 SDC each.

That gets the prize for the worst power concept post to date I think. :-?

It least it's not gas powered :D
Quick pass out the clothes pins :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:00 pm
by MrTwist
I say who cares about the format; it's bribe time!

Ok, nevermind. I'm broke.

Also, I'm still looking for suggestions on that Dreaming Hero thing. What to add, change, remove, blah blah blah....
And I think I may still do a write up for that power that links you to a building. I'm thinking of calling it Inhabit.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:15 pm
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:Metamutation is my favorite from this group and Phoenix Rebirth is starting to grow on me (maybe with some random tables for rebirth changes?). Oh, and Army Of One does rock.

ZEN wrote:Iczer's power creation skills are jedi-like.
Beat him, you can not.

Hmmm, I think he has a super ability....Spontanious Super Ability Creation (Minor)? Must be a Mutant.

You know, I always wondered about my spiky hair and swolen gut. I have been living in denial for all these years.

[Iczer]: Hi. My name is Iczer.....and I'm a mutant

[Mutants anonymous]: HI Iczer.

Seriously...the guy with the water breathing power still kicks crap outa me :)


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:45 pm
by MrTwist
Well, here's a concept for someone to try. There was power I was having trouble trying to conceive of how to do in game terms. Basically the idea is a bit more specialized than the Mentat power, with a different use of the mathematical capabilities. Basically, I was looking for some kind of super powered tactical genius. Whether or not they are good at math is not really important, but the power gives them an innate 'feel' for battlegrounds. They know where to place large or small numbers of troops for maximum efficiency, where enemies are most likely located, how many enemies there are, etc... Maybe their own martial skills would be improved due to knowing just where to hit(or shoot) for maximum efficiency. In game terms, this may give them and those who they are directing bonuses in combat. Wasn't quite sure how to put it down as a power though. Maybe even extend it to the point where they can, with a successful roll, have a very good idea of the capabilities of the enemy(weapons, super powers, possibility of unknown weapons but a decent idea of what they might be capable of, etc...).

Of course, this person would be a master at games of strategy(like chess, go, stratego).

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:45 am
by Iczer
MrTwist wrote:Well, here's a concept for someone to try. There was power I was having trouble trying to conceive of how to do in game terms. Basically the idea is a bit more specialized than the Mentat power, with a different use of the mathematical capabilities. Basically, I was looking for some kind of super powered tactical genius. Whether or not they are good at math is not really important, but the power gives them an innate 'feel' for battlegrounds. They know where to place large or small numbers of troops for maximum efficiency, where enemies are most likely located, how many enemies there are, etc... Maybe their own martial skills would be improved due to knowing just where to hit(or shoot) for maximum efficiency. In game terms, this may give them and those who they are directing bonuses in combat. Wasn't quite sure how to put it down as a power though. Maybe even extend it to the point where they can, with a successful roll, have a very good idea of the capabilities of the enemy(weapons, super powers, possibility of unknown weapons but a decent idea of what they might be capable of, etc...).

Of course, this person would be a master at games of strategy(like chess, go, stratego).

Tactical genius -By (Iczer
"A sneak attack from the sewers WOULD have have crippled me general..had I not expected it"
The character has a mind geared towards combat on a mass scale, combined with a type of precognition based on predictable results and a kind of human behavior number crunching. as a result, when this person plans large scale combat, his insights prove invaluable.
1) Benefits to mass combat: when directing the movements of 20 or so coordinated and obedient troops, these troops gain +2 initiative and treat their combat skills as being 2 levels higher. If the Character is not actively directing these troops (either by his presence or by regular long distance communication) then these effects are halved. no bonuses apply if more than half the group deviate from orders.
2) Benefits to small unit tactics: If actively directing the activities of a small unit (3-8 people) then those troops gain a much more comprehensive benefits. The small unit enjoys +2 initiative, +2 to perception checks and have an additional +10% to skills used by the group (wilderness survival and prowl spring to mind) Incoming attacks suffer a -2 to hit.
3) Personal benefits: Even when not directing combat, the character can instantly analyse threats and tactical advantages as he sees them. Under normal conditions, he cannot be surprised in or out of combat and if he has a working knowledge of an individual then he enjoys a +2 to strike, parry and dodge that individual. even when he does not know his opponent, he is still quick to seize advantage (+2 initiative). This ability can be used to identify potential treachery up to 3 days in advance with 60% success rate (+3% per level) roll once every day.
4) Long range planning: essentially, if given the chance to examine the plateau of potential combat, the character can attempt to predict the flow of battle. The character can predict the outcome of battle, as well as significant likely events. complete surprise tactics will still catch the character unawares. 75% chance of success (+3% per level) with the same level of accuracy
5) Other benefits: The character enjoys a +25% to the intelligence skill (or gains it at +25% if he does not already posess it).
+15% to games of strategy (If the character knows the opponent, he can play the game in his head before he even sits down)
+2 MA
+2 IQ
In addition, this character's ability to see and exploit tactical weakness allows him to identify the flaws in grand schemes and plans. whether finding the weak point in a security system, identifying a bribable guard or the weak point on a castle fortification, the character can spot it easily with a regular perception check (12+)


Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:57 am
by MrTwist
Nice job Iczer. I've had that fumbling around in one form or another in my head. Since I couldn't quite think of decent bonuses an descriptions, I figured it was easier just to throw the idea out there. I like it. When I first thought of it, I was thinking of someone like Benedict from the Amber novels. Someone with such a mind for tactics they would walk into a room and find the best seat for efficiency in case of an attack, and what attack most likely would happen.

As an addition, I think a slight personality change might be in order because of the power. Since they would most likely see every moment as a combat possibility, they might be rather cold. Or they could be very competitive, seeing everything as a challenge.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:15 am
by Prince Cherico
finally dance revolution will be on the list

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:19 am
by Killer Cyborg
NecroTechno wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Buttocks That Double As Throwing Stars:

It's a minor power.
They do 2d4 SDC each.

Wait wait, let me see if I'm visualizing this right. You actually pull your ass-cheeks off and throw them at me?

Not just you... anybody!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:37 am
by MrTwist
Is there a power made by someone that senses the imminent death of another? I don't have PU1 handy, so I can't really check on the limits of Sense Death and Destruction. I thought it would be interesting to have some kind of precognitive power that is specifically tuned.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:43 am
by MrTwist
This strange power is very similar to Control Others and various hypnotic suggestion powers because it changes the behavior of those who sense it. The person with this power is able to encode a viral idea into other's minds, causing them to be affected in specific ways. These memes are propagated through various means involving the five senses, depending on the being with the power. This power takes time to work because time must be spent creating the meme in the first place. When all the materials are gathered, then the meme creation can be done with a successful roll.
Meme Creation: 55% + 3% per level of experience. This skill is only affected by I.Q. bonuses, and not increased by education bonuses or even bonuses from other powers. If a 'quick' meme is attempted, the roll is at -30%.
Roll Randomly On The Following Table, or choose one, to determine vector;
1-20% - Sound. You can encode memes into sounds, weaving together tones and beats into orders. This kind of meme is versatile because a person can encode multiple memes within a single song, changing people multiple times.
21-43% - Smell. This kind of meme is encoded into odors, weaving together scents into one scent that influences a person. Some creative uses are weaving together the right flowers to create a relaxing scent, or cooking with the right spices to make a meal give off a scent that causes people to be angry.
44-60% - Sight. This sense can be affected in various ways in meme creation. Some use sculpture, some write symbols on things, and some arrange things in the room to evoke a certain response. Some people tattoo themselves with sight memes for certain purposes.
61-75% - Taste. Generally used to encode memes into food, creating love recipes and food that tastes perfect only because you are told it tastes perfect.
75-99% - Touch. Very subtle, these memes are encoded into surfaces so that the command in them is only activated when touched. Some creative uses are creating specific vibrations that are felt and propagate the command.
100% - Choose Any Two
Duration: Created memes are no more permanent than the materials used to make them. A visual meme etched into steel will generally last longer than one printed on paper, but rust and other factors can make it useless. An auditory meme will last only as long as the sound is present. Olfactory memes will only last as long as the scent is detectable. Those with heightened olfactory senses will be affected by an olfactory meme long after a normal person is no longer affected. It must be noted that when you can no longer sense a specific meme, it's effects no longer apply. If you are in a room with a scent meme of intense calm, you will feel completely normal when you are no longer exposed to the meme.
Area of Effect: All who have the correct sense(s) to receive a meme are affected.
Saving Throws: Any who receive a meme designed to fool the same sense(a scent meme used to fool smell) or for emotion must roll a 16 or higher to not be affected. M.E. bonuses do not apply, but any bonuses to save vs. mind control/hypnotic possession do. If the meme is used to fool a different sense(a taste meme that causes you to see little goblins), then the roll must be a 14 or better. If someone who is not affected by the meme specifically calls others' attention to the fact the meme is not real("What do you mean he's Chinese?? Look at him!!"), then everyone else gets to attempt another save at 14 or higher(12 or higher if a different sense).
Notes: A 'quick' meme is done on the fly using present materials, so it is not of the same quality because extra time is not taken to perfect it. A 'quick' meme can be completed in as fast as it takes to arrange the materials, but no less than five minutes.
The complexity of a meme is wholly up to the user, but the hypnotic suggestions produced can not be all that complex. Generally, any can be used to influence the emotions of those who receive it, from mild to extreme(You are all VERY content).
For a meme to have any effect, the person with the power has to be the one physically crafting it. Reproductions of their created memes, of any sort, are useless. This means video, photos, or tape recordings of a meme have no affect on others.

Ok. I gave it my best shot. Hopefully the idea got through. Just popped into my head, inspired from a source. Someone else has probably done it before, but I didn't feel like searching through all these posts and various websites. If I was beat to it, let me know. If it doesn't exactly make sense, let me know. When I first thought of the power, I visualized a weird looking alien walking through crowds with a strange tattoo on it's face. Everyone seemed to treat the alien as normal, because when they saw the tattoo it told them he was a 'average human being'. Then I thought of the possibilities of expanding it into other senses to the point a diplomat with the power could spend time cooking for an important treaty negotiation, cooking food that would cause everyone to be submissive to his suggestions. Basically the power imparts hypnotic suggestions in non-psionic ways by encoding it into things the five senses can receive.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:05 am
by dark brandon
Elemental Protection Sphere -By (Dark Brandon)

The Character generates a Field in which He or She is able to increase or decrease the temperature at mere thought. Not only that but the characters sphere also protects against rain, sleet, snow and a variety of other weather conditions. While this will not protect against fire/Cold attacks, it does allow them to stay comfortable in very harsh weather conditions over a given time period.
1. Increase, Decrease Temperature: The character can increase or decrease the temperature within his sphere.
Range: 5 feet (1.5m) +5 feet (1.5m) per level of experience.
Duration: Generally Instant and constant for himself. He'll always feel comfortable (To the point his power will allow). If he stays in a single spot long enough, the temperature within his range will rise/fall until it is at his comfort range at a rate of 10 degrees per Minute.
Maximum/minimum temperature change: Can change the temperature up to 30 degrees + 10 Degrees per level.
2. Sphere of Weather protection: This is an invisible sphere shield that will protect the character and anyone within his range from weather conditions. Rain, snow, even sand bounce off the shield keeping the character free from the most severe storms. Also protects against UV rays equal to about SPF 100. This shield will also begin to push water, snow even dry up mud from the ground leaving an area dry and warm. Severe flooding (up to 3 inches or more of water) cannot be pushed away fast enough, thus the character will begin to get wet.

Range: 5 feet (1.5m) + 5 feet (1.5m) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant and constant. The movement of water out of his sphere is equal to about 1 inch per melee.
Note: The shield is not strong enough to stop fire/cold attacks, but will reduce damage by any Fire/Cold attacks by 1D4.
3. Predict weather: The character can accuratly predict the weather for today. For any day after today the character tries to predict, He or She get a -5% per day. He or She will know the exact moment of the rising and setting of the sun, have a general clue as to the temperature such as lower, mid or upper (like lower 90's, Upper 70's) and any type of precipitation or storm that may occur.
Predict weather: 95% + 5% per level.
The character can have this skill at higher than 98%, but there is always a chance for a mistake as such any roll of a 99 or 00 automatically fails.
4. Other bonuses:
Fatigues at 1/3 normal rate.
+ 10% to save vs. Disease
+ 5% on any skill that requires delicate operation or during times of stress. (As the characters body heat rises, the temperature around him lowers keeping him "cool" even in the most stressful circumstance).
+5% to charm/impress. Always has a pleasant spring time body odor!
5. Possible penalties:
Always has a pleasant spring time body odor! +5% to be recognized or tracked via smell. On the up side, saves money on deodorant.
the character can be easily tracked in snow or mud covered areas if he stands around in an area too long. +5% to anyone tracking him/her if character stands in an area longer than 4 melees (1 minute).

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:10 am
by Mr Scorpio
Hey MrTwist, I like your Meme power. Personally I prefer the Sight and Sound based uses but I'm sure the others have their places. Good job as always.


Oh, DarkBrandon's Elemental Protection Sphere seems familiar. Did you post it here before? Maybe I've seen something similar? Too early to remember right now. I'll check it out later.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:01 am
by dark brandon
Mr Scorpio wrote:Oh, DarkBrandon's Elemental Protection Sphere seems familiar. Did you post it here before? Maybe I've seen something similar? Too early to remember right now. I'll check it out later.

Possible someone else may have something similar. There's 60 some odd pages. I got the idea yesterday when it was raining and freezing cold and I was like "damn, I need this superpower. Totally".

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:14 pm
by MrTwist
Sense Mortality(minor)
This power let's the super being detect the high possibility of someone dying soon. The power manifests itself differently in each person; sometimes it's a chill, sometimes they see the Grim Reaper outlining the person's face, or maybe they see the person as a corpse. Doesn't matter how it manifests, they can still sense impending death. Unfortunately, they can't block this knowledge out. They don't get any information on the why, where, or how. They know who, and have a general idea on the when.
Range: From first level to third, this power is limited to touching the other person. A handshake, punch, or even gently brushing up against them in passing is all it takes. From fourth level to sixth, they can detect the impending death of someone up to 10 ft away just by looking at them. From seventh level and up, line of sight is all that's needed.
Advance Notice: At first level, they will only know impending death if it is less than five minutes away. At fifth level, they will have an hour notice. At seventh level, they will be able to detect impending death a day ahead.
Duration: As long as the required contact lasts(touching, sight), the sense lasts.
+2 to ME
+2 to initiative when they know someone around them is about to die.
+3 to perception rolls(optional) when they know someone is about to die.
Notes: Those with this power tend to be very cautious, especially since they can't see their own death. Also, they will be alert and very careful how they respond to the knowledge because sometimes they on't know if the person will die without them doing anything, or if it's because they react that the person dies. No matter what, if the user does something to avert the person's demise, they will know as long as contact is once again established.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:05 am
by MrTwist
ZEN wrote:This has to be the greatest HU thread of all time.. and we have only just started!
What about Psionic powers, magic powers, Super soldier powers, etc?

Not to mention, I have yet to create the complete Old and New powers random roll tables (borrowing from Kittenstomp's excellent style of course).
And Whiz kid, just repost it and I'll format it for you.. to all those who are not happy about having powers not make it on the list yet, hey I even dropped Mass Hysteria.. and that was my own idea!
DarkBrandon, I have your Metamorphosis powers on the big "to be edited' list here.. and thanks heaps everyone for using the format template, it actually made me go misty eyed when I saw that.. thanks a lot guys, it saves so much time and encourages me not to fiddle around with your power mechanics.
If anyone wants to add little one line quotes to the start of their power write ups, just let me know and I'll see about putting them in.

Add quotes? Sure.

Bind- "Super glue? Old news."
Best Friend- "How's it going old pal?"
Residual Sense- "I recognize that scorch mark. It seems my old enemy is up to no good again."
Super Vision:Birds Eye View- "Wow. I actually can see my house from here."
Uncanny Acrobat- "I can do things Olympic level athletes haven't dreamed up yet."
Dimensional Pocket- "Yeah, I did pull it out of there. And I'd appreciate it if you never brought that up again."
Fabric Animation and Manipulation- "That outfit looks a bit constrictive."
Finger On The Pulse- "Let me drive. I know how to get there."
Habitat- "Move to where it's warmer? I'm fine right here."
Death of a Thousand Critters- "Sic 'em."
APS: Alcohol- "I always get invited to parties. I save everyone money."
Death Aura- "Ok, you win. Let's just shake hands."

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:16 pm
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:This has to be the greatest HU thread of all time.. and we have only just started!
What about Psionic powers, magic powers, Super soldier powers, etc?

Hmmmm, I've been thinking that it would be cool to have new powers just for Mystic characters after someone mentioned that they only allow magically powered characters to have Gem Powers. Got me to thinking about powers just for them.
A while back there was a thread that talked about new powers for Magic Weapons. I posted a couple and would be happy to repost them (if I can find them).

I'll try to come up with a few quotes to attach to the powers I created. BTW ZEN, I've been working on revamping Power Battery to make it a little easier to use. I'll get back to it as soon as I can stop myself from playing video games. I'm not an addict, really. I can stop anytime I want....

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:50 am
by Iczer
OK. My next dozen or so powers [2 posts]

Fungal Growth: (By Iczer: [Major]
“Ewww what crawled up your arse and died”
The character’s insides are no longer strictly normal; instead, his internal biological functions are maintained by specified fungal growths. These fungi keep the character healthy and happy and normally have no obvious, outward signs but do provide him with the following abilities.
1)Altered digestion: the character may consume anything that is vaguely organic, able to break down meat and vegetables as easily and readily as rotting cabbage, human waste and three week old carcass. His nutritional versatility means that he can scavenge for food in much more varied circumstances, and his intestinal fortitude grants him +8 to save vs. disease and poison. As a side effect, he can gorge himself to allow him to go without meals for up to 14 days.
2)Damage resistance: The character’s organs are much more resistant to damage and injury. Weapons that rely on puncturing and piercing inflict only half damage. In addition, criticals inflicted by pure kinetic force can be ignored (Damage is normal rather than doubled). The character heals at 3 times normal rate as well.
3)Explosive growth: if needed, the character can simply express him by allowing the fungus to grow out from his body, covering landscape and people as it does so. By placing his hands (or by vomiting it up in a more grotesque character concept. Or by...eww never mind) on a surface he may inflict it with his fungus. Fungus growth initially covers a touched area 1 foot across, but every action spent maintaining it allows it to double its width. Even after maintaining it, the fungus continues to double in size for 1d4 rounds after maintenance has stopped. Fungus produced in this manner resembles 1-4 inches of slimy carpet like materiel (color as chosen) spotted liberally with sporadic mushroom like growths up to 30 inches high. Walking on this substance is difficulty, much like walking on ice. Furthermore, anyone touching the fungus while it is growing will find themselves covered in it, a matter both disturbing and uncomfortable (1d4 SDC damage to people and living objects every round it grows, and the feeling inflicts –2 to initiative and –10% to skills) Spd is reduced by1 for every melee round of growth a target is exposed to. Characters who are reduced to 0 spd are immobilized by the mixture. Exploding fungus lasts for about 1-3 days, dependant on weather conditions. Any fungus that finds itself in a place where it may continue to survive will definitely do so. A character can only expel this fungus for as many rounds as half his PE score. If the character attempts to cause a new growth over the old, then it is simply a new strain. The old growth does not start re-expanding.
4)Fungal coat: the character may also allow fungal growths to cover his body, literally bursting from his skin and pores. This growth takes 2 actions to perform and is incredibly painful (inflicts 2d4 HP damage). This fungal coat acts as AR 13 and adds 30 SDC. Fungal coats may only be produced at a rate of 1 per hour.

Instant Reflexes: (BY Iczer: [Minor]
“Oops…I am so sorry madam. I thought you were Dr Destructor”
The character’s reflexes have been honed to the point where they occasionally react without the character’s will, acting in his best interests. The character gains the following benefits:
1)Heightened reflexes, add 4 initiative, +1 PP +4 spd. +2 dodge
2)Extra action: the character gains an additional attack per melee round, but typically, this action is under the GM’s control only.
Drawbacks to this power are numerous and can cause hazards to the character wielding it. Foremost is the extra attack per melee round is beyond the character’s control. Typically it obeys the intent of the preceding actions, but not always. These reflexes don’t cause the character actual harm, but they have no regard for the character’s circumstances (The character may punch his boss unrepentantly when being chewed out, may slap a co-workers buttocks when filled with a lusty thought, or may steer himself into the wrong lane of traffic in order to satisfy an ice-cream urge.) Typically at least once every 2 hours, the character will perform an impulse action (probably more often if ME is low or impulse control is lacking).

Crown Of thorns: ( [Minor]
“Give me hand man, I’ve got a splitting headache”
The character has a reinforced and impact resistant skull able to resist much more damage than normal bone. Furthermore, the character can spontaneously grow between 1-4 horns from this skull that part the skin rather than damage it, and can be retracted later. Growth and retraction take one action each. This give s the character numerous new abilities:
·The hardened skull inflicts 2d6 damage with a head but.
·Horns inflict 4d6, either as blunt or impaling damage on whim.
·The character, if given 20 or more feet of room to charge, may ram for an additional 3d6 damage. Such a ramming attack takes 2 actions.
·Not only is the skull resistant (providing 15 more SDC to the body, but able to resist 500 points of damage before cracking) but also the character is designed to ram. Subtle reinforcements of the shoulders, hips and spine allow for immense rams without injury

Cosmic energy Absorption: (By Iczer: [Major]
“Ahhhh can you just feel the rays”
The character absorbs unusual frequencies of energy. Essentially, energies falling into the poorly classified ‘cosmic’ spectrum are absorbed into the character’s body allowing him to enjoy increased benefits from exposure. Cosmic energy is very broadly accepted but poorly explained. For the purposes of this power, ‘Cosmic’ energy includes:
·Most common forms of radiation
·Energies that possess qualities of super science [Particle beams for instance]
·Exotic energies with extraterrestrial origins
·Unexplained energies produced as a byproduct of exotic or unexplained origin.
In essence it gives the character the following abilities:
1)Solar sustenance: the character need not eat or drink while bathed in sunlight from any star. UV lamps do not possess the necessary qualities to sustain the character. Under the light of any sun, the character tires at ¼ rate.
2)Radiation absorption: the character immune to radiation from any source. More so, any radiation he comes into contact with becomes neutralized (he absorbs it’s qualities). This occurs at varying rates. If held, normal Uranium goes through a half-life every 24 hours. He is not immune to heat that may accompany the radiation.
3)Energy resistance. Fire and laser energy share enough qualities with radiation (technically, light and heat both radiate) to allow him a limited (1/2) energy resistance to these substances. Plasma destroys matter, and the character has no resistance to that, but particle beams inflict no damage.
4)Cosmic power: The character absorbs ambient cosmic energy whenever exposed to it. Essentially, he can drain powers sources that are may be described as ‘cosmic’ [see above definition] and is immune to the effects of devices that project or operate on these principles. If the character is caught in professor X’s Time dilation field, he walks straight through. If he handles Dr Quantum’s hyper compact neutrino battery then it’s going to get drained in minutes. If he gets exposed to Captain Quark’s shrink ray he is going to be merely tickled. All in all, it is up to the GM to keep a control as to what devices and effects are ‘cosmic powered’ and what isn’t. The character views these effects as ‘food sources’ so to speak and can sense them up to a mile away (more if really huge, less if smaller) with 60% +4% per level level of ability. If forewarned and aware, the character can dampen this feeding (for example, if he WANTS to be sent through time)
5)Resistances: The character enjoys limited resistance to magic and psychic energy gaining +2 to save vs. both.
6)Benefits of exposure: when the character becomes exposed to cosmic energy, he gains a level of vigor and Vim that makes him a step above the norm. A decent charge can be up to an hour of hard radiation, 60 points of Damage from a source he is resistant to or 30 from one he is immune to. A massive exposure, such as a second exposure unprotected to a star, or an attempt at time travel or mass teleportation also counts. When so charged, he remains charged for 6 hours with the following benefits.
·Completely immune to the rigors of outer space
·+6 PE
·Heals at a rate of 1HP/SDC point every 30 minutes
·Ranges and durations of other powers increased by 50%
·Strength becomes superhuman
·Gains an AR of 12

Chrysalis: (By Iczer [Minor]
“Excuse me…gotta change”
The character has the ability to shed his skin and become a new creature temporarily. The character can perform this skin husking up to once per minute, shedding old skin that allows him to slip through narrow spaces and escape grapples. By shedding in this manner, the character gains a +15% to escape artist, or +5 to evade a grapple. In addition, the character can, 6 times a day, shed his skin to become a truly exotic creature. When the character does this, roll for a new skin, hair and eye color on the mutation chart, and then trade out the chrysalis power for a randomly rolled power, or one selected by the GM (who may base this new power on the character’s new skin color…or not). This new form lasts 15 minutes per level, but may be ended prematurely by the player (who sheds this new skin to reveal the old self)

Chromabsorption: (By Iczer: [Major? minor?]
“Feeling blue? Don’t worry. I got you covered”
The character ahs the ability to supercharge himself by absorbing the local color spectrum, rendering himself more powerful than before but also bleaching the color from the environment by some unknown means. The character absorbs the color from a radius around himself 25 feet + 5 feet per level. The color visibly crawls toward the character filling him with a kind of temporary power. The area of effect is rendered monochrome for the duration. Things that enter the affected area retain their color, while those that leave remain monochromatic. The character gains the following
·+2D4X10 SDC
·+2d4 PS (extraordinary)
·+2d4 PE
·+15 Spd
·+ 1 attack per melee
·Morale type bonus of +10% to all skills.
These bonuses last for 2 minutes per level, but vanish the instant the character leaves his ‘area of effect’. The character cannot recharge himself in this fashion for another 1d4 minutes after his initial supercharge.
As a side effect, the character can also attempt to calibrate his color absorption on incoming laser type attacks. He makes an automatic parry type attack on lasers at +6. If successful, a laser attack inflicts 1/3rd damage.
Notably, this power works best if there is suitable color to absorb. If in conditions of low light or monochrome surroundings, reduce bonuses and duration by half. In a brightly colored environment the GM can feel free to add a further 50% to effects and durations

Animal abilities: Crustacean: (By Iczer [Major]
“Lets see if you’re allergic to shellfish”
Physical alterations: Ruddy red skin and red hair. Powerful shoulders and thin waist.
·+2 PS
·+2 PE
·Swimming speed equal to his normal land speed +10 and can breathe underwater
·+2d4x10 SDC
·Can dive up to 600 feet without suffering from pressure.
·AR 11
·Optional: gains 1 or more crab like limbs that inflict 3d6 damage and add +2 to parry (But are –15% on fine motor skills involving hands)
·Can control 1d4x100 crustaceans of normal size. Add 1d4x25 every level. May communicate and control giant sized versions of the above (just in case the ability to swarm your opponent with shrimp does not inspire the fear that you hoped it would)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:56 am
by Iczer
and part 2

Animal abilities: Annelid (By Iczer [Major]
“Lets see you worm your way out of this”
[Please note, If this isn’t an indication that I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel then nothing is]
Physical description: Character gains 8 inches in height, but loses 15% body mass. Narrow shoulders and lean build. Thin hair.
·Gains the animal like ability to dig, tunnel and excavate
·Gains a kind of tremor based blind sight for 45 feet around him
·+2 initiative
·+4 to roll with blow.
·Half damage from blunt impacts
·Cannot bleed and possesses redundant internal organs. Immune to critical hits from kinetic sources
·Can extract and digest raw earth
·Flexible: Gains the mutant ability of double jointed

Alter Physical structure: Miscellaneous energy (By Iczer [Major]
“Hah...Your bullets are nothing to my body of…errr.umm.glowy energy stuff!!”
The character transmutes his body into a sort of bio energy [refer to Energy expulsion: energy for more vagueness]. In this form he enjoys a number of benefits.
1)Semi tangible: the character is a series of diffuse atoms connected by this distinctive energy field. Solid matter tends to pass through, causing very little damage to the character as a whole. Kinetic based attacks inflict ¼ damage. Normal forms of energy inflict half damage. Unfortunately the character’s body is unable to carry more than ¼ of his normal carrying and lifting, and his hand to hand damage is reduced to ¼ normal
2)Energy sheath: as an energy being, the character is incandescent, glowing with a color of the character’s choice. Anyone touching this energy sheath receives 2d6 damage (which is added to the character’s punches and unarmed strikes) the character has +25 SDC while an energy being
3)Energy Blast: The character can fire off parts of himself. He can inflict 4D6, 6D6 or 8D6 as a ranged attack extending out to 300 feet, with a +3 to strike.
4)Defy gravity: the character’s energy form can be made to float with ease. The character can move at triple his normal speed without tiring in any direction, unbound by gravity, though winds over 60MPH may bother the character due to his reduced mass. He enjoys a +2 to dodge while flying (and is typically forced to fly to prevent him from scorching the ground with the energy sheath)

Alter physical structure: Force: (By Iczer [Major]
“Hah! This is how you use force!”
The character can transmute his body into a creature composed of a single colored set of fields of force. Such a character maintains an appearance reminiscent of cut crystal, tinted an odd color and glowing softly. The character gains the following abilities due to his transformation
1)Inhuman anatomy: No longer bound by physical limits, his PE vanishes. While transformed any effect that would require him to make a PE based saving throw is ignored. He is assumed to be immune. Likewise, as a creature of force fields, he does not need to eat or sleep and resists extremes of weather. Acid also slides right off him. Energy inflicts ½ damage.
2)Increased strength and SDC. The character gains an SDC equal to 10 times his ME score plus 10 per level. and adds his ME to his PS (assumed now to be superhuman) He gains an AR equal to half his ME score
3)Increased athleticism: the force field body gains no extra mass while transformed, but enjoys increased strength. His spd attribute increases by his ME score and he gains +15% to climb, acrobatics and gymnastics.
4)Vulnerabilities: the character is now a creature of his own willpower, and extremes of damage may force the character to shut down. Every time the character takes a lump sum of damage that equals or exceeds his ME, he must save vs. shut down (10 or better, ME bonuses count). This save is penalized by 1 for every multiple of his ME he suffers in a single blow. If he fails, he instantly assumes human form, shutting down this power for 3D4 Minutes with a 25% chance of stunning the character for that period (+5% for ever multiple of his ME) [EG: Pylon [ME 14, takes 28 damage from a sniper rifle. He must save vs. 10 with a minus 1 penalty. If he fails there is a 30% chance of being stunned for the 3D4 minutes it takes for the power to start working again.]

Calcification: (By Iczer: [Major/minor?]
“Stick ‘em up. Heh heh.”
The character can produce an inordinate amount of solid calcite type structures in a limited space, allowing him to perform the following tricks.
1)Body amour: by coating himself in calcium, the character enjoys an AR of 12 and an SDC bonus of 6d6. If this extra SDC gets shattered, the character loses the AR, but can simply re form it with an additional action.
2)Reinforcement: by touching a structure, he may insinuate tiny calcium strands into its surface, sealing breaches and supporting mass. The character can forge simple columns, arches and spires of calcium given enough time. In a flash, he can create up to 20 lbs of calcium in crude shapes that can be used as clubs. With concerted effort, this can be layered onto another surface, essentially repairing 20 SDC per minute by adding calcium putty filler. He can reinforce structures in the same way, shoring up fragile bridges and collapsing balconies (assume the character can increase the effective strength (PS) of a structure by 1 per minute)
3)Entrapment: if the character can lay his hands on another, he can attempt to entrap them in calcium like bonds. This ability functions like the similar ability found in APS: ice but is restricted to touch.
4)Shard spray: by rapidly forming calcium deposits at speed, the character can fire off calcium like shards. These bursts inflict 4d4 damage but are +6 to strike to targets within 100 feet.

Metalvore: (By Iczer [Major]
“Yumm…Don’t get much kisentite around here. You must be from outa town” .
The character can subsist on metal. A healthy diet should contain around 12 ounces of steel, 24 ounces of iron, 48 of aluminum or tin, 6 of zinc or copper, or 2 of precious metals per day. More is better.
1)Leech food: the character can eat by contact, his touch inflicting 6d6 damage to any metal items he can touch. The character can feed as an attack against metal doors, support structures, robots, cyborgs and characters with APS metal. Such an attack ignores any natural AR provided by the metal in question. The character inflicts less damage on precious metals or super strong metals (titanium, kisenttite etcc)
2)Metal metabolism: the character weighs a good 50% more than would be expected, dropping his acrobatics and gymnastics by 5% and reducing his swimming by 25%. He enjoys an additional 1d6x10 SDC and a natural AR of 12. He is also considered ferrous for the purposes of magnetism.
3)Metal defense: the character can absorb metal as it hits him. Bullets typically shatter and absorb into his flesh, while swords and other metal weapons corrode and dissolve on impact. Metal weapons greater than 12 ounces inflict no damage, while weapons larger than that inflict half damage (but take 3d6 damage on themselves as they strike)
4)Metal regeneration: every 15 points of damage the character inflicts on metal, restores one to the character (or 2 HP)

Scorpion Atavism: (By Iczer [Minor?]
“Listen Bud. I get hired for one type of job only. Now where do you want it, the Gut or the face?”.
The character has a nature geared towards violence, usually against his fellow man. This may be an evolution on the normal habit of human violence, or throwback genes from an earlier iteration of humanity where violence may have been greater. Nevertheless the character’s predisposition towards violence grants him the following:
·Increased critical. Each critical chance is improved one step.
·Increased damage: any critical inflicted by this character, in melee combat, inflicts 3x normal damage rather than 2x.
·All forms of damage by this character adds +3 to normal damage
·The character is callous and a bit socially challenged. –2 MA
·The character glows faintly in the UV spectrum. Those able to see in that spectrum can see his skeleton through normal clothes. He also fluoresces in ‘black light’
·+2 to initiative
·+1 attack per melee.
·+4d6 SDC

Divisive immortality: ( [Minor?]
“Dang…another mouth to feed”.
The character has a kind of super metamitosis ability, allowing him to split to avoid damage and death. Under normal circumstances, he takes 1/3rd damage from weapons that inflict damage by cutting or piercing, his flesh parting at the impact but flowing back together just as rapidly. If he takes more than 60 points of damage from cutting or piercing attacks, then he may choose to split. A character that chooses to split when faced with such trauma, divides into two identical beings with a combined mass equal to the original. The damage from the initial attack is reduced to 1/10th the two beings are stunned for the next 3d4 melee rounds as they struggle to form adaptive organs. These two beings have half SDC and HP, half PS and PE and –2 to IQ ME and MA but are otherwise identical. Each being can split and resplit, again and again with the same consequences, though beings with mental attributes of 2 form nothing but squealing, mewling flesh. If any pieces are brought back together, they may spend 3 minutes squeezing back together, creating a new being with the sum of attributes, SDC and HP, and restoring a modicum of the mental attributes, and healing 4d6 SDC or HP in the process. If any piece remains uncombined for more than an hour, it becomes a new life form. The character retains control of all his ‘pieces’ until that hour passes.
If the character finds him unable to rejoin, one piece will reform lost SDC, HP and lost attributes at a rate of 1 attribute per day, and 5 SDC/HP per day. Any new creatures formed in this process will be as smart as their requisite IQ allows, but will otherwise reshape to become a (diminutive) clone of the PC.
The PC can also survive deliberate amputation, even of the head. Such an amputation attempts to form organs to survive the separation until it can be rejoined. If more than a few minutes pass without being rejoined, it grows miniature limbs for mobility and organs to locate the main body mass (This can be funny in the case of decapitation). Obviously the power body freak makes this power a lot more versatile.


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:04 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:I don't think you are about to hit the bottom of the barrel Iczer, and that Animal Abilities addition went straight onto the web archive.
Cherico, could you repost Dance Revolution for me please?

Oh I also added an update list to the archive thanks to a helpful reader.

Oh good. I have AA Hampster/Gerbil and AA goldfish left :)

If anyone has any requests, I'm more than happy to have a shot


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:17 pm
by znbrtn
well then try this one on for size, iczer!

a super ability(probably minor) that grants the character a single 'mini me' of sorts that can hide in the character. i was reminded of an episode of xmen when you posted divisive immortality in which cyclops was stuck in a town of mutants and one of them was a big black guy that had a "little helper" stored in his back that would leap out and surprise people. as you can see, not quite di, but more of a minor version of multiple selves. if that clears it up, have at it and give me gold baby. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:51 am
by Preacher
This thread is one of the absolute coolest in the history of the message boards.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:52 pm
by Iczer
brannigan's law wrote:well then try this one on for size, iczer!

a super ability(probably minor) that grants the character a single 'mini me' of sorts that can hide in the character. i was reminded of an episode of xmen when you posted divisive immortality in which cyclops was stuck in a town of mutants and one of them was a big black guy that had a "little helper" stored in his back that would leap out and surprise people. as you can see, not quite di, but more of a minor version of multiple selves. if that clears it up, have at it and give me gold baby. :D


"And I shall call him......Mini Me. Oh wait, is that taken?"

The character has the singular ability to spawn a single extra being as a companion, assistant or bodyguard. The character grows rudimentary organs to sustain the extra life, and at need, he builds the rest in a single action. the creature is a unique entity, sharing DNA with his creator, but otherwise is merely a diminutive assistant.
The newly spawned creature has the following attributes.
IQ, ME and MA 8.
PS: 6 points less than the original, or half, whichever is less. if the PS is normally supernatural, then the offsider has Extraordanary, otherwise the offsider's PS is normal.
PP: 2 points higher than the original
PE: half the original character's
PB: roll 3d6. will share physical simmilarities, but is not an identical twin.
Spd: Equal to the originators Spd, plus 2 per level.

SDC: 20 plus 10% of the originating character's SDC.
HP: 1d6 per level of the character plus any 'donated' to it from it's creator.
Skills: The offsider's brain is primitive. it has all the skills of the character at -40%. it also has the following 'hardwired' skills. HTH basic, Prowl +20%, climb +20% Acrobatics +10%, swim +20%.
Level of experience: the offsider has the same level of experience as the creator.

Notes: When 'tucked away' inside the character, the offsider is merely clumps of survival organs. this can be detected by characters with appropriate sensors (particularly x-ray vision). If the character finds himself in need of an spare organ, he can use one of these spares until he can get his original repaired. in these instances, his PE drops to that of his offsider's and he cannot form the offsider without immanent death.

Other bonuses:
It takes next to no time to form the offsider, who springs from the character's back (or chest) as a surprise action. such an attack from the offsider has +4 initiative and +2 to strike as it leaps out to attack.
If badly injured, the character can reabsorb his offsider (who is completely loyal). reabsorption heals back all 'donated' HP invested in the offsider's creation, plus 1/4 of the offsider's SDC. in such a reabsorption, the offsider cannot be reformed for 48 hours.
If the offsider dies: In case of the offsider's death, the character has to go to the effort of reforming the rudimentary organs for it's survival. this sapps 1d6+1 HP permanently from the character. If the Character should die, then the offsider lives on as an independant entity. If the GM is in aggreeance, it may evolve, slowly, into a facsimile of the original character. IQ, ME and MA rise 1 point for every month after the character's demise. Minor powers come back at a rate of 1 every 2 months, while majors return at a rate of 1 every 3 months. when the IQ has returned to normal, the skill penalties drop to a mere -10%.

+4 PE
+20 SDC
The character heals at 2 times normal rate.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:11 am
by Iczer
and while I'm rolling along here

Energy Siphon (By Iczer:
"I'll take that thanks"

The character has the singular ability to literally drag energy into himself, like a void or black hole, pulling sources of energy from up to quite a distance.
Range: 50 feet per level. or an area around himself with a 10 foot radius per level.
Effect: The character can simply guesture towards a source of energy and cause it to literally leap from i's source, across interveneing distance and engulf the character. the character is unharmed by this action, though the source may be drained. specific effects vary dependant on the energy type:
Fire/heat: Includes plasma to a limited degree. Fire races towards the character from up to it's maximum distance away. If directed against a raging fire, such a fire is put out when it has been completely drained of all energy. if directed at an open fire source a 10 foot radius will be absorbed for every action spent. Molten materiel simmers down to just below it's melting point first.
Electricity: unshielded devices that are not connected to a source of power become drained of all power in the course of a single action. Insulated devices take a lot longer, losing roughly 10% of their charge for every action spent. Huge sources of electrical energy suffer a proportionatly smaller drain. Ion type energy is included in the electrical category.
Light: laser type attacks are absorbed as described below. The character can consciously lower the ambient lighting within a radius equal to his normal range. the lowered lighting is not sufficient to count as real darkness, more like twilight. If directed against the only lightsource in a room however, then said light source is likely to be rendered useless.
Magnetism: The character cannot affect the earth's magnetic field, but he can turn household magnets into inert steel, and with extra effort and a few minutes, even renedre electromagnets innefective. As with energy type attacks detailed below, he can counter most forms of super powered magnetic effects.
Radiation: the character can neutralise most forms of harmful radiation. given time he can revert radioactive materiels inert (giving them a half life of 5 minutes).
Defensive abilities: The character can set up a field around himself that draws energy that crosses through it into himself (where it is presumed negated or destroyed). this field counts as one action per melee but otherwise needs no further concentration. the character is also able to use this power to parry energy type attacks. This action is an auto type parry when defending himself, or counts as a regular action if directed against an outside agent. This parry (more like a strike in some cases) is at +4, and can be used to block or parry energy weapons from up to his maximum range away.
Note: the character is not immune to energy iself, only energy he actively draws into himself. if struck unawares by an energy attack, or is unable or unwilling to absorb an attack aimed at him, then he takes half damage

Generation Gap (By Iczer
"Lets see what granpappy had to say"

The character has the ability to have conversations with his ancestors, a combination of astral projection and time travel. He can establish communications with his blood releative along his direct lines of ancestry, reaching them when they were of similiar age. Of course, people tend to get a little edgy when they hear 'voices from the future' and tend to get locked up and possibly killed for admitting it, so caution is advised. One does not want to prevent himself from getting born after all. The character can establish easy conversation with 4 direct blood ancestors at 1st level, and gains one more every level thereafter. In addition to communication, the character can give and recieve advice from distant relatives though asking someone about events that have not happened to them yet is pointless.
You can alter the past with this ability, but built in safeguards cut off communication when a chance of paradox threatens.
At seventh level, the character can start selecting descendants instead of ancestors.
When attempting to contact an ancestor (or descendant) that is not on his direct contact list, or when attempting to contact a known contact when he was younger or older, then the character requires an hour of meditation (instead of instantaneous) and has only a 30% chance (+3% per level). even if successful, the ancestor needs to make saves vs HF (12+) in order to maintain any usefull dialogue. once an ancestor has been contacted at least 6 times without going crazy he may be considered a usefull contact.
[Probably minor]

Flesh corruption (By Iczer,
"Bah..strength is what I ca do with just a touch of my hand...."
The character emits a type of bio-kientic field around his body, that twists and warps flesh, forming cancers, boils, and lacerations where none were before. This insidious power lends the following abilities.
1) Combat bonuses. The character has an increased critical number. lower critical hit requirements by 2 for this character. in addition, any bare handed (or bare body) hit the character makes in combat inflicts an extra 3d6 damage from flesh warping twisting and mutilating. this ability works best with skin to skin contact. through light, summer clothing or spandex, the damage is reduced to 2D6. heavier clothing blocks this power all together. (As a side note, with the abundance of miracle fibres currentl popular in a HU environment, this power fails if presented with a thick clothing barrier. magically light robes with an AR of 18 are no protection. neither is state of the art armoured cotton for that matter. forcefields block all contact and thusly prevent this power from working)
2) Out of combat: this power can also be used for torture and a kind of sick and twisted art. Against an willing (god forbid) or unresisting victim (for whatever reason) the character can lightly resculpt a person's skin into a portrait of exquisite agony. the character can inflict from 1 point of damage, to 3d6 damage with a touch, carving and burning grroves into skin and muscle. the character can strip all but 3 PB from a victim in this fashion (at a rate of 3 points per minute. the victim saves with his PE bonus, needing a 14+. if successful, then this damage can be healed later). By twisting the near melting flesh, the skin can pulled out like taffy to form fleshy tendrils on the body, redundant or transplanted lips and even the artists name if he so desires.
Other bonuses:
The character has the skill Art (Specifically sculpting) at +30%
In a sick twist of fate, the character enjoys a +1D4 PB
Furthermore, the character is resistant to burns from corrosives and acids, taking 1/3rd damage from either.

Disconnection (By Iczer,
"I'm not just an enigma, I'm forgotten by the universe itself"

The character is able to slip into a trance which severes all his metaphysical ties to the universe in general. this has both overt and subtle effects. This effect centres on himself, and has a radius of 30 feet +10 feet per level, though it's effects will most certainly 'spill over' into the surrounding area.
1) Erased existance. The character becomes an island unto himself. when active, entropic forces attempt to erase the traces of his passage. any physical signs of his passing are subjected to entropic forces, grinding them into anonimity. DNA, fingerprints, written references to him blur and fade, even footprints tend to get washed away and covered. this does not affect a person's memory, nor his senses. The character does not vanish from sight or memory as this power occurs, just signs of his passing. If the character comes within normal range of any sign of him, it will slowly blur away.
2) Severed ties: the character also severs all ties to friends, family an d others. even bloodlines are severed in this fashion. the character feels no more familial obligation, nor bonds of duty or familiarity. These people still remember the character and all the past events, but he no longer evokes strong emotive feelings while he has this power active. this counts for magical and psychic ties as well. a curse that affects 'his whole bloodline' will become innefective as soon as this power starts. Object read no longer functions in relation to this character, as his 'personal items' are rendered impersonal. even traditional voodoo fails, as any discarded nail clippings lose any real connection with the character. In addition to this, any purely magical effect that targets individuals in an area will overlook this character. (This is not true for area affect spells nor for sells that specify the character as a target). all ties are reinstated when the power is turned off.
3) The Fading: The character can, with some quiet meditation, render himself partially or completely disconnected with the world. if partially disconnected, he becomes a kind of see through phantom. He gains +20% to prowl in this state (but will stand out as the ghost like figure) and he takes (and inflicts) half damage from any sources. he cannot walk through walls in this state though. Complete disconnection makes the character wink out for a prespecified time. to the character, he feels like he takes a relaxing nap in nothingness for a few minutes. To others he winks out of existence for up to 3 hours per level. It takes 1d4 minutes of silent contemplation to shift into either state.
[Minor, but a case could be made for major]

Creeping Plague (By Iczer,
"Don't come near me. I'm a monster, a monster I tell you"

The character radiate an area of unwellness around him, like a superhuman typhoid mary. The malise he carries is a sort of biokinetic corruption, shattering occasional cells to inflict a smattering of genetic illnesses.
The character infects an area around himself equal to 100 feet per level (Half in a heavilly artificial environment like a city). but this radius creeps outward beyaond the character's control. every month the character stays in aparticular spot on a regular basis (typically anywhere he sleeps, but the character can infect both his home AND his workplace at the same time) the radius of effect rolls outward another 200 feet.
People inside the area of effect are hardly affected at all. every week of living inside this are, a potential victim (who must live at least 8 hours a day in that area) must make a saving throw or contract a mild illness lasting 24-48 hours. (PE based save needing 14+) Anyone who gets infected more than seven times in a 3 month period, contracts a a form of cancer. this is small and probably very hard to detect, but if caught and treated in time can be treated conventionally.
Against newly born organisms however, the effect is far, far worse indeed. Every mother giving birth, from toadstools growing in crap, to young birds, to human mothers, must save for every young born. this save applies only to mothers who have contracted a minor illness from this character at leats once. any fialed save results in the birth of an unnatural thing. the young seems normal, but will posess 1d4+1 mutations that set it apart. furthermore, if at all possible, the young will not regard thier own mother as legitimate parents, pining and whinning for the character. Worse, despite the hideous mutations, the young are virile and strong, growing 30% faster than normal for it's species with a healthy reproductive rate and a +2 racial PE. if by chance these should concieve a second generation, it will pass on these traits. if the second generation is born within the character's influence, it also recieves a further mutation, an increased growth rate of +10% and an extra PE point.
Obviously, the character's presence is felt first in the things that grow and reproduce rapidly. local rat populations become larger and larger (and more varied). worse, the bonds of layalty become stronger and stronger, with the Character becoming the beats lord for all chaotic freaks born within his reach.
There is some reciprocative benefit from all of this for the character. He is virtually immune to disease of all sorts, and can expect a lifespan 3-4 times longer than a normal member of his species. He heals at 3 times normal rate and enjoys +1d4PE. If he so desires, he can immunise individuals from his effect while in the womb, an act that requires physically laying on hands on the expectant mother. The character becomes a master to a horde of mishapen freaks eventually, which can be a mixed blessing. Latsly, the character can focus his power into a narrow attack, spraying biokinetic energy at a target. This bolt takes 2 actions to perform and can only be enacted once per melee. The bolt has range of 50 feet per level and inflicts 1D4 damage per level (Half with a save vs disease, 14+) the target of such attack must save again vs disease (14+) or be stricken with temporary symptoms. nausea and dizziness, runing nose and sores appear on a failed, reducing combat bonuses by -2 and reducing attacks per melee by 1 and skill percentages by 15% (as well as the temporary loss of 1 PE point). this disease fades after 48 hours, but if the victim should concieve young, or sire young in that time (or is carrying young at that time) then the child is doomed to mutation.
[Major power, only becuase it's a horrid thing to have]

Necromancy (By Iczer,
"I do the mash....I do the Moooonster mash..."

This character has the disquieting power to manipulate the electrical energy in dead flesh to enable a semblance of life.
1) animate dead. by expending 4 actions, the character can cause a corpse to rise again, walking on twitching, dead limbs. This type of reanimation is crude and still based on a semblance of logic. with a destroyed or absent head, all a body can do is flail around randomly. in any case, a reasonably intact body has the following statistics.
SDC 40. HP None.
PS: exactly what it had in life +2. if the character posessed normal streantgh in life, it is now extraordanary.
PE Not applicable.
IQ, ME, MA. Nada. It's a meat puppet.
PP 8. or that of the original, whichever is lower.
Spd. reduced by 4.
Aniamted bodies follow the mental direction of the character, who can manipulate one whole body per level, with jjust the loss of 1 attack per melee to account for concentration.
2) Talk to the dead: The recently decesed still have a little to tell. given a fresh brain, the character can, by touching the head or brain itself, read it's mind by tracing the bio-electircal pattrens left in the cadaver's grey matter. Brains are delicate though, losing 6% of their total worth in memory every 24 hours (half this rate if the brain can be chilled or frozen). For a lark, this effect can be combined with animate the dead (above) to force the head, throat and tounge to actually speak the information requested out loud, but it is unnessecary (but may be a great party trick to pull at your uncle's funeral)
3)Second wind: The character can animate nearly dead flesh with a lesser precision. by targetting an ally, the character can offsett death by 5 minutes per level, or 20 HP below zero per level, whichever comes first. the traget is pained, and badly wounded, but his heart refuses to give out, and his neurons refuse to keep firing until either the HP limit or the duration limit expire. Characters in this condition have a mere 2 attaks per melee and 1/4 spd and strength and no combat bonuses to speak of, and probably should be getting to a medic asap, as he is going to need one when the duration runs out. This power can also be used to remove a stunned or unconscious condition from a character.
[Probably a major]

Hyper awareness (By Iczer,
"OH my...did you feel that...someone just jumped out of hyperspace near pluto."

The character has a kind of wide ranged but poorly focused set of enhanced senses that reveal information on a grand scale but not so much on the personal scale.
1) Personal range: The character's senses allow him to see invisible and astral beings, though not through mind affecting types of invisibility or camoflague. He recognises the act of deception, and knows when he faces a shapeshifter (but is not made aware of thier true form). He knows a person's alignment by looking at them, and instantly recognises being with more than 150 PPE or 100 ISP. He cannot be surprised or betrayed in combat, he feels the act of betrayal as it occurs. HE can be surprised if it comes from an unthinking/unfeeling being (such as robots) or from professional killers. (There needs to be some definition here though. if aforementioned killer swears not to hurt the character and then tries to, the betrayal is felt ahead of time. IF a professional hitman calmly takes aim at the character's head from 500 feet away then the character feels nothing. If the long range assasin actually felt pleasure from the act however then the character gets fore warning that his head is about to make a canoe impression. Intention and emotion are the triggers here)
2) Large scale. the character can feel events up to 5 miles away per level as they happen. events at this scale have to be big for the character to even notice. bank holdups, car chases and even viciosu gang assaults are beneath the character's awareness. the death of at least 100 people withn 10 or so minutes is rivetting. events that trigger this kind of alert can be felt 3 hours in advance per level, though for every multiple of 10 over 100 people likely to be maimed or killed, this warning period doubles. if a nuclear bomb is going to level manhatten, (roughly 10,000,000 people) the character gets wind of it 96 hours earlier. likewise, creatures or supernatural entities of 250+PPE that arrive in the city are felt as they arrive, as are rituals that use 250+ PPE. any time travel in this range is felt, as is any massive teleportation (moving at least 5 tonnes). these events are not clear when felt, but are urgent. with roughly 30% accuracy in any detail (range, time type of event)
3) Planet scale senses. The character can feel major events occuring across the globe, much like a permanent CNN broadcaster in his skull. He can feel the steady errosion of the amazon rainforest, and the tiny ripples of ocean pollution as oil seeps into the waterways. The character can feel the nature of the nearest blights. the charactercannot perceive events at this scale unless they cover an area at least 8 or so miles across. He cannot perform searches for people in this manner. he can track individual beings of 300PPE or more in this manner, and can feel any such creature on this planet that is not magically concealed. He can feel heavy storms and dramatic weather buildups anywhere in the globe, many hours before they start (2d4 hours) as well as feel earthquakes over 3 on the richter scale anywhere on the planet. any time travelling that occurs on the characters hemisphere is sensed. the character can sense large vessells in orbit around the earth, but such a vessel would have to be as large as a battleship and uncloaked for the character to see it.
4) Galatic scale sensors. these senses extend to 4 light years per level. The character can sense the status of any star in his range, and can predict time until a stars dissolution through nova or black hole collapse. he can also feel immense solar flare activity with a 2d4 day warning. Can sense any type of hyperspace or faster than light travel occuriing into, out of or through his sensing range, by any source, and has an idea of the nature of the traveller (can tell the differnce between a cosmo knight, a blazhe and a superhuman for instance, but not any other details, and can guess the size of any ship). The character cannot sense anything in this range smaller than a planet, and even then has only a vague idea of things such as mass and surface conditions.
Other bonuses:
+4 to perception
+2 to IQ and ME
+2 to initiative.
[Probably major if only for the scope]

Art of seduction (By Iczer,
"Who loves you baby."

The character is inhumanly adept at one of the oldest cons in the book. Seduction. whether nobly intentioned or destined for rougish pursuits, the character has a gentic gift that enhances his, ahem, performance.
1) Personal bonuses. +1d4+2 PB. Natural seduction score of 60%+5% per level. +2 PE and fatigues at half normal rate.
2) Intimate co-dependance. The character can feel the emotional state of anyone he is in contact with. he can tell if he is being swindled or seduced himself (if he or she cares), and can tell if he is being set up for not so romantic intentions. if aware of thsi particualr ability, the victim may make a save vs psi once per minte of contact to avoid revealing his inner urges. The character, for his part, derives sustenence from intimate acts. an hour of intimacy removes the need to sleep for 24 hours, and every a hour after that allows the character to go another 8 without eating or drinking.
3) enhenced lifespan and appearance of youth. the character appears 10% younger than he already is, +3% per level. a 6th level character at 40 would have the vigour and health of a man 28% younger (around 29) this requires that the character maintain regular intimacy (at least once a week) the character will not revert to an appearance that would make him pubescant.
4) Chemical stimulation: The character, when aroused, emits a chemical from his pores thatacts like a weak narcotic. any one, handled for more than 15 minutes at a time, is likely to fall under the character's charms. The victim saves vs non lethal poison, and if he fails, then he actually becomes physiologically aroused by the character an submits to a warm sensation of bliss. this is similiar in effect to the effect experienced by empathic transmission: pleasure
[Major power]

Organ Buddy (By Iczer,
"Say hello to my little friend.."

The character's stomach, digestive tract and bowels metamorphosise into a savage feral creature, which can leave the character by a sphincter in his belly (or for those who need to be more disgusted, the mouth or anus). this ceature is a nighmarish slug or squid like creature, posessed of a rabid nature, lashing tentacles and gnashing teeth.
Statistics for stomach creature.
IQ, ME, MA: N/A. animal like intelligence, and loyal to the character.
PS: 2D4+10
PE: 3D6+4
PP: 3D6+4
PB: Its a mass of internal organs wrapped in viscerra with mouths and eyes. you figure this out.
Spd: 4d6+6.

Combat abilities: +2 to strike, parry and dodge. +2 damage and +2 initiative. Bite from teeth does 3d6 damage (no PS bonus) and ignore 4 points of an armour rating. Tentacles do 2d4 damage. 5 attacks per melee.
Skills: Prowl 45%, Climb 86%, Swim 77%.
Other abilities: can leap 20 feet long or 6 feet high. regenerates 1d6 HP/SDC every 15 minutes. Can vomit acid twice an hour, such an acid inflicts 3d6 damage on contact with skin, but only 1d4 to metals and wood.
HP: PE+5d6. SDC 25

The creature can feed independantly from the character, and waddle back with a full stomach to feed the character at a later time.
The creature can live for 6 hours per character level outside of the character's body. the character however, loses 1 HP an hour that he is without the creature to feed him. if the creature dies while outside of the character, then the shock causes 2d6 HP damage to the character. without his internal organs to supply him with food, the character continues to suffer HP loss at a rate of 1 per hour, until he can grow a new set (this process takes 24 hours).
While the Organ beats resides inside the character, he enjoys the benefits of it's healing rate.
The character can also let only part of the creature emerge from his orifice. the character can reveal a mouth or tentacle which adds aeither a bite attack or a tentacle attack to the characters attacks per melee.


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:12 am
by Iczer
and while I'm rolling along here

Energy Siphon (By Iczer:
"I'll take that thanks"

The character has the singular ability to literally drag energy into himself, like a void or black hole, pulling sources of energy from up to quite a distance.
Range: 50 feet per level. or an area around himself with a 10 foot radius per level.
Effect: The character can simply guesture towards a source of energy and cause it to literally leap from i's source, across interveneing distance and engulf the character. the character is unharmed by this action, though the source may be drained. specific effects vary dependant on the energy type:
Fire/heat: Includes plasma to a limited degree. Fire races towards the character from up to it's maximum distance away. If directed against a raging fire, such a fire is put out when it has been completely drained of all energy. if directed at an open fire source a 10 foot radius will be absorbed for every action spent. Molten materiel simmers down to just below it's melting point first.
Electricity: unshielded devices that are not connected to a source of power become drained of all power in the course of a single action. Insulated devices take a lot longer, losing roughly 10% of their charge for every action spent. Huge sources of electrical energy suffer a proportionatly smaller drain. Ion type energy is included in the electrical category.
Light: laser type attacks are absorbed as described below. The character can consciously lower the ambient lighting within a radius equal to his normal range. the lowered lighting is not sufficient to count as real darkness, more like twilight. If directed against the only lightsource in a room however, then said light source is likely to be rendered useless.
Magnetism: The character cannot affect the earth's magnetic field, but he can turn household magnets into inert steel, and with extra effort and a few minutes, even renedre electromagnets innefective. As with energy type attacks detailed below, he can counter most forms of super powered magnetic effects.
Radiation: the character can neutralise most forms of harmful radiation. given time he can revert radioactive materiels inert (giving them a half life of 5 minutes).
Defensive abilities: The character can set up a field around himself that draws energy that crosses through it into himself (where it is presumed negated or destroyed). this field counts as one action per melee but otherwise needs no further concentration. the character is also able to use this power to parry energy type attacks. This action is an auto type parry when defending himself, or counts as a regular action if directed against an outside agent. This parry (more like a strike in some cases) is at +4, and can be used to block or parry energy weapons from up to his maximum range away.
Note: the character is not immune to energy iself, only energy he actively draws into himself. if struck unawares by an energy attack, or is unable or unwilling to absorb an attack aimed at him, then he takes half damage

Generation Gap (By Iczer
"Lets see what granpappy had to say"

The character has the ability to have conversations with his ancestors, a combination of astral projection and time travel. He can establish communications with his blood releative along his direct lines of ancestry, reaching them when they were of similiar age. Of course, people tend to get a little edgy when they hear 'voices from the future' and tend to get locked up and possibly killed for admitting it, so caution is advised. One does not want to prevent himself from getting born after all. The character can establish easy conversation with 4 direct blood ancestors at 1st level, and gains one more every level thereafter. In addition to communication, the character can give and recieve advice from distant relatives though asking someone about events that have not happened to them yet is pointless.
You can alter the past with this ability, but built in safeguards cut off communication when a chance of paradox threatens.
At seventh level, the character can start selecting descendants instead of ancestors.
When attempting to contact an ancestor (or descendant) that is not on his direct contact list, or when attempting to contact a known contact when he was younger or older, then the character requires an hour of meditation (instead of instantaneous) and has only a 30% chance (+3% per level). even if successful, the ancestor needs to make saves vs HF (12+) in order to maintain any usefull dialogue. once an ancestor has been contacted at least 6 times without going crazy he may be considered a usefull contact.
[Probably minor]

Flesh corruption (By Iczer,
"Bah..strength is what I ca do with just a touch of my hand...."
The character emits a type of bio-kientic field around his body, that twists and warps flesh, forming cancers, boils, and lacerations where none were before. This insidious power lends the following abilities.
1) Combat bonuses. The character has an increased critical number. lower critical hit requirements by 2 for this character. in addition, any bare handed (or bare body) hit the character makes in combat inflicts an extra 3d6 damage from flesh warping twisting and mutilating. this ability works best with skin to skin contact. through light, summer clothing or spandex, the damage is reduced to 2D6. heavier clothing blocks this power all together. (As a side note, with the abundance of miracle fibres currentl popular in a HU environment, this power fails if presented with a thick clothing barrier. magically light robes with an AR of 18 are no protection. neither is state of the art armoured cotton for that matter. forcefields block all contact and thusly prevent this power from working)
2) Out of combat: this power can also be used for torture and a kind of sick and twisted art. Against an willing (god forbid) or unresisting victim (for whatever reason) the character can lightly resculpt a person's skin into a portrait of exquisite agony. the character can inflict from 1 point of damage, to 3d6 damage with a touch, carving and burning grroves into skin and muscle. the character can strip all but 3 PB from a victim in this fashion (at a rate of 3 points per minute. the victim saves with his PE bonus, needing a 14+. if successful, then this damage can be healed later). By twisting the near melting flesh, the skin can pulled out like taffy to form fleshy tendrils on the body, redundant or transplanted lips and even the artists name if he so desires.
Other bonuses:
The character has the skill Art (Specifically sculpting) at +30%
In a sick twist of fate, the character enjoys a +1D4 PB
Furthermore, the character is resistant to burns from corrosives and acids, taking 1/3rd damage from either.

Disconnection (By Iczer,
"I'm not just an enigma, I'm forgotten by the universe itself"

The character is able to slip into a trance which severes all his metaphysical ties to the universe in general. this has both overt and subtle effects. This effect centres on himself, and has a radius of 30 feet +10 feet per level, though it's effects will most certainly 'spill over' into the surrounding area.
1) Erased existance. The character becomes an island unto himself. when active, entropic forces attempt to erase the traces of his passage. any physical signs of his passing are subjected to entropic forces, grinding them into anonimity. DNA, fingerprints, written references to him blur and fade, even footprints tend to get washed away and covered. this does not affect a person's memory, nor his senses. The character does not vanish from sight or memory as this power occurs, just signs of his passing. If the character comes within normal range of any sign of him, it will slowly blur away.
2) Severed ties: the character also severs all ties to friends, family an d others. even bloodlines are severed in this fashion. the character feels no more familial obligation, nor bonds of duty or familiarity. These people still remember the character and all the past events, but he no longer evokes strong emotive feelings while he has this power active. this counts for magical and psychic ties as well. a curse that affects 'his whole bloodline' will become innefective as soon as this power starts. Object read no longer functions in relation to this character, as his 'personal items' are rendered impersonal. even traditional voodoo fails, as any discarded nail clippings lose any real connection with the character. In addition to this, any purely magical effect that targets individuals in an area will overlook this character. (This is not true for area affect spells nor for sells that specify the character as a target). all ties are reinstated when the power is turned off.
3) The Fading: The character can, with some quiet meditation, render himself partially or completely disconnected with the world. if partially disconnected, he becomes a kind of see through phantom. He gains +20% to prowl in this state (but will stand out as the ghost like figure) and he takes (and inflicts) half damage from any sources. he cannot walk through walls in this state though. Complete disconnection makes the character wink out for a prespecified time. to the character, he feels like he takes a relaxing nap in nothingness for a few minutes. To others he winks out of existence for up to 3 hours per level. It takes 1d4 minutes of silent contemplation to shift into either state.
[Minor, but a case could be made for major]

Creeping Plague (By Iczer,
"Don't come near me. I'm a monster, a monster I tell you"

The character radiate an area of unwellness around him, like a superhuman typhoid mary. The malise he carries is a sort of biokinetic corruption, shattering occasional cells to inflict a smattering of genetic illnesses.
The character infects an area around himself equal to 100 feet per level (Half in a heavilly artificial environment like a city). but this radius creeps outward beyaond the character's control. every month the character stays in aparticular spot on a regular basis (typically anywhere he sleeps, but the character can infect both his home AND his workplace at the same time) the radius of effect rolls outward another 200 feet.
People inside the area of effect are hardly affected at all. every week of living inside this are, a potential victim (who must live at least 8 hours a day in that area) must make a saving throw or contract a mild illness lasting 24-48 hours. (PE based save needing 14+) Anyone who gets infected more than seven times in a 3 month period, contracts a a form of cancer. this is small and probably very hard to detect, but if caught and treated in time can be treated conventionally.
Against newly born organisms however, the effect is far, far worse indeed. Every mother giving birth, from toadstools growing in crap, to young birds, to human mothers, must save for every young born. this save applies only to mothers who have contracted a minor illness from this character at leats once. any fialed save results in the birth of an unnatural thing. the young seems normal, but will posess 1d4+1 mutations that set it apart. furthermore, if at all possible, the young will not regard thier own mother as legitimate parents, pining and whinning for the character. Worse, despite the hideous mutations, the young are virile and strong, growing 30% faster than normal for it's species with a healthy reproductive rate and a +2 racial PE. if by chance these should concieve a second generation, it will pass on these traits. if the second generation is born within the character's influence, it also recieves a further mutation, an increased growth rate of +10% and an extra PE point.
Obviously, the character's presence is felt first in the things that grow and reproduce rapidly. local rat populations become larger and larger (and more varied). worse, the bonds of layalty become stronger and stronger, with the Character becoming the beats lord for all chaotic freaks born within his reach.
There is some reciprocative benefit from all of this for the character. He is virtually immune to disease of all sorts, and can expect a lifespan 3-4 times longer than a normal member of his species. He heals at 3 times normal rate and enjoys +1d4PE. If he so desires, he can immunise individuals from his effect while in the womb, an act that requires physically laying on hands on the expectant mother. The character becomes a master to a horde of mishapen freaks eventually, which can be a mixed blessing. Latsly, the character can focus his power into a narrow attack, spraying biokinetic energy at a target. This bolt takes 2 actions to perform and can only be enacted once per melee. The bolt has range of 50 feet per level and inflicts 1D4 damage per level (Half with a save vs disease, 14+) the target of such attack must save again vs disease (14+) or be stricken with temporary symptoms. nausea and dizziness, runing nose and sores appear on a failed, reducing combat bonuses by -2 and reducing attacks per melee by 1 and skill percentages by 15% (as well as the temporary loss of 1 PE point). this disease fades after 48 hours, but if the victim should concieve young, or sire young in that time (or is carrying young at that time) then the child is doomed to mutation.
[Major power, only becuase it's a horrid thing to have]

Necromancy (By Iczer,
"I do the mash....I do the Moooonster mash..."

This character has the disquieting power to manipulate the electrical energy in dead flesh to enable a semblance of life.
1) animate dead. by expending 4 actions, the character can cause a corpse to rise again, walking on twitching, dead limbs. This type of reanimation is crude and still based on a semblance of logic. with a destroyed or absent head, all a body can do is flail around randomly. in any case, a reasonably intact body has the following statistics.
SDC 40. HP None.
PS: exactly what it had in life +2. if the character posessed normal streantgh in life, it is now extraordanary.
PE Not applicable.
IQ, ME, MA. Nada. It's a meat puppet.
PP 8. or that of the original, whichever is lower.
Spd. reduced by 4.
Aniamted bodies follow the mental direction of the character, who can manipulate one whole body per level, with jjust the loss of 1 attack per melee to account for concentration.
2) Talk to the dead: The recently decesed still have a little to tell. given a fresh brain, the character can, by touching the head or brain itself, read it's mind by tracing the bio-electircal pattrens left in the cadaver's grey matter. Brains are delicate though, losing 6% of their total worth in memory every 24 hours (half this rate if the brain can be chilled or frozen). For a lark, this effect can be combined with animate the dead (above) to force the head, throat and tounge to actually speak the information requested out loud, but it is unnessecary (but may be a great party trick to pull at your uncle's funeral)
3)Second wind: The character can animate nearly dead flesh with a lesser precision. by targetting an ally, the character can offsett death by 5 minutes per level, or 20 HP below zero per level, whichever comes first. the traget is pained, and badly wounded, but his heart refuses to give out, and his neurons refuse to keep firing until either the HP limit or the duration limit expire. Characters in this condition have a mere 2 attaks per melee and 1/4 spd and strength and no combat bonuses to speak of, and probably should be getting to a medic asap, as he is going to need one when the duration runs out. This power can also be used to remove a stunned or unconscious condition from a character.
[Probably a major]

Hyper awareness (By Iczer,
"OH my...did you feel that...someone just jumped out of hyperspace near pluto."

The character has a kind of wide ranged but poorly focused set of enhanced senses that reveal information on a grand scale but not so much on the personal scale.
1) Personal range: The character's senses allow him to see invisible and astral beings, though not through mind affecting types of invisibility or camoflague. He recognises the act of deception, and knows when he faces a shapeshifter (but is not made aware of thier true form). He knows a person's alignment by looking at them, and instantly recognises being with more than 150 PPE or 100 ISP. He cannot be surprised or betrayed in combat, he feels the act of betrayal as it occurs. HE can be surprised if it comes from an unthinking/unfeeling being (such as robots) or from professional killers. (There needs to be some definition here though. if aforementioned killer swears not to hurt the character and then tries to, the betrayal is felt ahead of time. IF a professional hitman calmly takes aim at the character's head from 500 feet away then the character feels nothing. If the long range assasin actually felt pleasure from the act however then the character gets fore warning that his head is about to make a canoe impression. Intention and emotion are the triggers here)
2) Large scale. the character can feel events up to 5 miles away per level as they happen. events at this scale have to be big for the character to even notice. bank holdups, car chases and even viciosu gang assaults are beneath the character's awareness. the death of at least 100 people withn 10 or so minutes is rivetting. events that trigger this kind of alert can be felt 3 hours in advance per level, though for every multiple of 10 over 100 people likely to be maimed or killed, this warning period doubles. if a nuclear bomb is going to level manhatten, (roughly 10,000,000 people) the character gets wind of it 96 hours earlier. likewise, creatures or supernatural entities of 250+PPE that arrive in the city are felt as they arrive, as are rituals that use 250+ PPE. any time travel in this range is felt, as is any massive teleportation (moving at least 5 tonnes). these events are not clear when felt, but are urgent. with roughly 30% accuracy in any detail (range, time type of event)
3) Planet scale senses. The character can feel major events occuring across the globe, much like a permanent CNN broadcaster in his skull. He can feel the steady errosion of the amazon rainforest, and the tiny ripples of ocean pollution as oil seeps into the waterways. The character can feel the nature of the nearest blights. the charactercannot perceive events at this scale unless they cover an area at least 8 or so miles across. He cannot perform searches for people in this manner. he can track individual beings of 300PPE or more in this manner, and can feel any such creature on this planet that is not magically concealed. He can feel heavy storms and dramatic weather buildups anywhere in the globe, many hours before they start (2d4 hours) as well as feel earthquakes over 3 on the richter scale anywhere on the planet. any time travelling that occurs on the characters hemisphere is sensed. the character can sense large vessells in orbit around the earth, but such a vessel would have to be as large as a battleship and uncloaked for the character to see it.
4) Galatic scale sensors. these senses extend to 4 light years per level. The character can sense the status of any star in his range, and can predict time until a stars dissolution through nova or black hole collapse. he can also feel immense solar flare activity with a 2d4 day warning. Can sense any type of hyperspace or faster than light travel occuriing into, out of or through his sensing range, by any source, and has an idea of the nature of the traveller (can tell the differnce between a cosmo knight, a blazhe and a superhuman for instance, but not any other details, and can guess the size of any ship). The character cannot sense anything in this range smaller than a planet, and even then has only a vague idea of things such as mass and surface conditions.
Other bonuses:
+4 to perception
+2 to IQ and ME
+2 to initiative.
[Probably major if only for the scope]

Art of seduction (By Iczer,
"Who loves you baby."

The character is inhumanly adept at one of the oldest cons in the book. Seduction. whether nobly intentioned or destined for rougish pursuits, the character has a gentic gift that enhances his, ahem, performance.
1) Personal bonuses. +1d4+2 PB. Natural seduction score of 60%+5% per level. +2 PE and fatigues at half normal rate.
2) Intimate co-dependance. The character can feel the emotional state of anyone he is in contact with. he can tell if he is being swindled or seduced himself (if he or she cares), and can tell if he is being set up for not so romantic intentions. if aware of thsi particualr ability, the victim may make a save vs psi once per minte of contact to avoid revealing his inner urges. The character, for his part, derives sustenence from intimate acts. an hour of intimacy removes the need to sleep for 24 hours, and every a hour after that allows the character to go another 8 without eating or drinking.
3) enhenced lifespan and appearance of youth. the character appears 10% younger than he already is, +3% per level. a 6th level character at 40 would have the vigour and health of a man 28% younger (around 29) this requires that the character maintain regular intimacy (at least once a week) the character will not revert to an appearance that would make him pubescant.
4) Chemical stimulation: The character, when aroused, emits a chemical from his pores thatacts like a weak narcotic. any one, handled for more than 15 minutes at a time, is likely to fall under the character's charms. The victim saves vs non lethal poison, and if he fails, then he actually becomes physiologically aroused by the character an submits to a warm sensation of bliss. this is similiar in effect to the effect experienced by empathic transmission: pleasure
[Major power]

Organ Buddy (By Iczer,
"Say hello to my little friend.."

The character's stomach, digestive tract and bowels metamorphosise into a savage feral creature, which can leave the character by a sphincter in his belly (or for those who need to be more disgusted, the mouth or anus). this ceature is a nighmarish slug or squid like creature, posessed of a rabid nature, lashing tentacles and gnashing teeth.
Statistics for stomach creature.
IQ, ME, MA: N/A. animal like intelligence, and loyal to the character.
PS: 2D4+10
PE: 3D6+4
PP: 3D6+4
PB: Its a mass of internal organs wrapped in viscerra with mouths and eyes. you figure this out.
Spd: 4d6+6.

Combat abilities: +2 to strike, parry and dodge. +2 damage and +2 initiative. Bite from teeth does 3d6 damage (no PS bonus) and ignore 4 points of an armour rating. Tentacles do 2d4 damage. 5 attacks per melee.
Skills: Prowl 45%, Climb 86%, Swim 77%.
Other abilities: can leap 20 feet long or 6 feet high. regenerates 1d6 HP/SDC every 15 minutes. Can vomit acid twice an hour, such an acid inflicts 3d6 damage on contact with skin, but only 1d4 to metals and wood.
HP: PE+5d6. SDC 25

The creature can feed independantly from the character, and waddle back with a full stomach to feed the character at a later time.
The creature can live for 6 hours per character level outside of the character's body. the character however, loses 1 HP an hour that he is without the creature to feed him. if the creature dies while outside of the character, then the shock causes 2d6 HP damage to the character. without his internal organs to supply him with food, the character continues to suffer HP loss at a rate of 1 per hour, until he can grow a new set (this process takes 24 hours).
While the Organ beats resides inside the character, he enjoys the benefits of it's healing rate.
The character can also let only part of the creature emerge from his orifice. the character can reveal a mouth or tentacle which adds aeither a bite attack or a tentacle attack to the characters attacks per melee.


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:46 pm
by Prince Cherico
Dance Revolution

The charater is a lord and master of music
and dancing. He can create music out of Nowhere
and compel people to stop what ever their doing
and dance.


1. Music generation- the charater can make music eminate
from the very core of his being. The music can be any thing
the carater wishes, treat this as a music skill at 98% percent.

2. Dancing ability- this charater has a natural sense of Rythum
He can put himself in a moving dancing state. He has a natural
dancing skill at 98% His dancing is so good it has a Awe factor
of 14. With each round every one friend and foe must roll aganst
Awe factor. The charater also has a natural Auto doge +2 and
+2 to stike, and roll with damage

3. Dance feild- the charater can create a field of energy that
complese all with in to dance. Only those who roll over 15 are
uneffected. Those who fail there saves can do nothing but dance.
the range for this feild is 200 feet pluse 100 feet per level of experence.

4. other bounese +2 to PP +4 to PB +2 to MA

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:29 pm
by znbrtn
Iczer wrote:
brannigan's law wrote:well then try this one on for size, iczer!

a super ability(probably minor) that grants the character a single 'mini me' of sorts that can hide in the character. i was reminded of an episode of xmen when you posted divisive immortality in which cyclops was stuck in a town of mutants and one of them was a big black guy that had a "little helper" stored in his back that would leap out and surprise people. as you can see, not quite di, but more of a minor version of multiple selves. if that clears it up, have at it and give me gold baby. :D


"And I shall call him......Mini Me. Oh wait, is that taken?"

The character has the singular ability to spawn a single extra being as a companion, assistant or bodyguard. The character grows rudimentary organs to sustain the extra life, and at need, he builds the rest in a single action. the creature is a unique entity, sharing DNA with his creator, but otherwise is merely a diminutive assistant.
The newly spawned creature has the following attributes.
IQ, ME and MA 8.
PS: 6 points less than the original, or half, whichever is less. if the PS is normally supernatural, then the offsider has Extraordanary, otherwise the offsider's PS is normal.
PP: 2 points higher than the original
PE: half the original character's
PB: roll 3d6. will share physical simmilarities, but is not an identical twin.
Spd: Equal to the originators Spd, plus 2 per level.

SDC: 20 plus 10% of the originating character's SDC.
HP: 1d6 per level of the character plus any 'donated' to it from it's creator.
Skills: The offsider's brain is primitive. it has all the skills of the character at -40%. it also has the following 'hardwired' skills. HTH basic, Prowl +20%, climb +20% Acrobatics +10%, swim +20%.
Level of experience: the offsider has the same level of experience as the creator.

Notes: When 'tucked away' inside the character, the offsider is merely clumps of survival organs. this can be detected by characters with appropriate sensors (particularly x-ray vision). If the character finds himself in need of an spare organ, he can use one of these spares until he can get his original repaired. in these instances, his PE drops to that of his offsider's and he cannot form the offsider without immanent death.

Other bonuses:
It takes next to no time to form the offsider, who springs from the character's back (or chest) as a surprise action. such an attack from the offsider has +4 initiative and +2 to strike as it leaps out to attack.
If badly injured, the character can reabsorb his offsider (who is completely loyal). reabsorption heals back all 'donated' HP invested in the offsider's creation, plus 1/4 of the offsider's SDC. in such a reabsorption, the offsider cannot be reformed for 48 hours.
If the offsider dies: In case of the offsider's death, the character has to go to the effort of reforming the rudimentary organs for it's survival. this sapps 1d6+1 HP permanently from the character. If the Character should die, then the offsider lives on as an independant entity. If the GM is in aggreeance, it may evolve, slowly, into a facsimile of the original character. IQ, ME and MA rise 1 point for every month after the character's demise. Minor powers come back at a rate of 1 every 2 months, while majors return at a rate of 1 every 3 months. when the IQ has returned to normal, the skill penalties drop to a mere -10%.

+4 PE
+20 SDC
The character heals at 2 times normal rate.

seriously iczer, your power-whipper-upper ability can NOT be natural.... once again, you prove yourself to be THE GUY. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:03 pm
by Iczer
aww shucks guys.

Most of these ideas pop into my head while sleeping.

I'd have put up AA: Amphibian, AA: rabbit and AA: Camel but it's kinda hard making them...competitive



Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:56 am
by Iczer
AA: Amphibian would be nice, but I did a write up and frankly, the amphibious power from PU1 does it better.

AA: Flea

Physical appearance: Character becomes 2-6 inches shorter. develops rounder shoulders and tends to slouch a little, all the while maintining a furtive energy.

* Can leap his own body height, plus one foot for every PS point the character posesses. this is up or across as need be. this action is rapid enough to be used as an autododge (at +2)
* Tough as guts. +25SDC AR 12
* +1D4 PS
* +1D4 PE
* Takes half damage from crushing or squashing
* Natural climb 55% +5% per level
* natural Prowl 65% +5% per level
* +2 initiative
* Bite inflicts 2d4 damage. If a bite is performed from a grapple, or upon a helpless foe, the character can 'latch on' draining 2d4 every action from blood loss. Characters with this power can drain up to 30 points of damage in this fashion per day (+4 per level). this can substitute for food, or used to regenerate lost HP at a rate of 2:1

Parasitic by Iczer (
"Sucks to be me."

The character has a need to subsist on parts of the anatomy, best left for 3rd year med students. Typically, his feeding habits must remain circumspect as they would draw a lot of attention. every 7 days, the character must consume, whole and raw (preferably warm) a single human organ specified ahead of time. This organ is best harvested from live victims, but the character can easilly feed on the freshly dead (but not rotting) The character may also take the same organ from another animal, but such subsistence must be daily, preferably twice daily, and the benefits provided are halved. A character may also gorge on his selected food type, which entails eating 3 times normal of human organs in a single sitting. the effects of gorging last 2d6 hours.
Organ: (Character selects one)
Skin: Character gains +1D4 PB, +10SDC. Optionally, may choose to assume the appearance of the deceased until his next required feed. Gorging on Skin Doubles his Hit points and addsa a further +1D4 to his PB and grants him an AR of 12.
Heart: Gains +1D4 PE and 1D4 ME. also gains +15SDC and +2 to save vs HF. Gorging grannts 50 SDC.
Brain: Gains +1D4+2 IQ +1D4 ME and 1D4 MA. gains 15% to all purely intellectual skills. May acquire the general memories of the target (about 40% of the memory. remembers family and friends but has toruble with combinations and Pin numbers) This memory lasts until the next feeding. Gorging adds another 2D4 IQ and +2 to ME and MA.
Kidney: Gains +1D4 PE and a +6 to save vs poison and toxin (which has only half effect) If the character eats only one kidney, he can leave a live victim after an attack. Gorging makes the character immune to poison as well as a +4 to PE.
Liver: Character gains a flat 4 PE plus 1D4 PS and the character heals at 3 times normal rate. Gorging allows the character to recover 1D4 HP/SDC every 15 minutes.
Lung: Lung eaters enjoy +1PE and +2Spd. Lung eaters can hold thier breath for 30 seconds per PE point and fatigue at 1/4 rate. Gorging drops eliminates previous fatigue as well as any fatigue possibly accrued during the duration as well as allowing the character to go without breathing. The character can choose to leave a lung in a victim rather than allow them to die.
Eyes: Eye eaters enjoy +1 IQ, +4 to perception and +2 to initiative. they have excellent vision, able to make out a face or road sign at a mile. Gorging on eyes grants the character a randomly acquired super vision power
Tounge: Tounge eaters have a keen sense of taste and a heightened sense of smell. They also become smooth speakers, gaining +2 to MA as well as gaining any language skills the victim had (until the next feed anyway). Gorging on tounges allows the character to extend his own tounge as a weapon (treat as a retractable, prehensile tail).
Digestive tract: the most versitile of feeders, eaters of the digestive tract can choose from the stomach, intestine bowel and bladder. They gain the ability to consume nearly anything they can fit into their mouths (including acids and lethal toxins). Gorging enables the character to fire off an acidic vomit streak for 45feet once per melee inflicting 3d6 damage (and another 1d6 next round).

The human parasite also enjoys the following abilitites:
* +1D6 to PS, PE and Spd
* +1D4 PP and PB
* +5d6 SDC
* Immune to disease, particularily those acquired from eating human flesh
* regenerates 1D6 HP/SDC with each live feed (not from animals or preserved organs, only organs harvested in the last 15 minutes)
* Has a series of small, retractable implements used to efficiently vivisect a human being. these implements inflict 2d6 damage in melee combat, but are fragile (break if used against AR's over 13)


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:53 pm
by Iczer
R.O.D.? If that's read or die then I haven't seen it. sorry.

Control elemental force: Hair
“OWWW…stop pulling”

The character has the ability to manipulate the specific protein strands that make up human and animal hair
1) Instant hairdresser: The character has the ability to sculpt, color and style the hair of one unresisting subject within one foot per level. This sculpting is gentle, but rapid, with typical jobs completed in under a minute and simple cutting and shearing done in a single action. Unwilling subjects may make a save vs hair control (16+). The character also possesses an uncanny skill with this ability with a skill of Art (Hairdressing) at 75% +4% per level. The character does not need actual tools for this ability, nor dyes as long as the end result is intended to be natural. Unnatural shapes or colors will have to be supported by outside materials and a lot of hair gel.
2) Tendrils of hair: Like the minor super power. In addition, he can extend this power to any person he is in contact with. In this instance the hair acts on the behest and control of the character rather than the subject.
3) Hair pull: By directing this power against another, he can cause the victim to suffer from discomfort and stress as hair gets into his eyes and yanks out at the roots. The discomfort inflicts a –2 penalty to initiative, and if the hair can get in the victims eyes, it inflicts a –1 to strike, parry and dodge while under control. This power drains one action per melee from the character while in use.
4) Affect wool: The character can also affect wool in the same fashion, as well as animal hair with the above effects. If a victim is wearing natural fibers his clothes can be made to writhe and wriggle, reducing initiative by –2 and a –10% to skills. Unlike the hair pull power, this power only requires an action to activate, and lasts as long as the character concentrates (takes no extra actions to maintain)
5) Hair growth: The character can, with effort, make his own hair grow at a phenomenal rate. He can cause an inch growth over any part of his own body in a single action (even places where hair has no right to sprout!). Anywhere else, where hair already exists, he can choose to experience up to an inch every 5 minutes. Any hair grown that needs to be removed can be done with instant hairdresser (Above)
6) Clean sweep: The character can cause local, unattached hair in the vicinity to move, concentrating into a single point. This can be used to sweep hair from the floor, to erase hair from a crime scene (or to locate a particular strand), or simply as an impromptu attack. As an attack, a substantial amount of hair is necessary, but it can be hurled with +3 to strike. A successful strike (which can be parried at –2) distracts a victim, costing them an action as they flush hair from their eyes and mouth. A ball of controlled hair can also be used to sweep up a dusty floor or soak up a gallon of fluid
7) Other bonuses: Character has a good head of hair. +2PB. Also +10% to disguise and impersonation

Paper manipulation:
“I’ll show you a paper cut”

Much like the ability to manipulate wood, the character has the ability to charge paper, and paper products with a kind of sympathetic field, strengthening and exerting a kind of telekinetic will over its form.
1) Paper weapons: Any hand held piece of paper, cardboard tube, dollar bill or playing card can be treated as a weapon in this character’s hand. Playing cards, dollar bills and other paper products of appropriate size (even toilet paper rolls) may be flung as lethal weapons, inflicting 2d4 damage. Cardboard tubes and other paper products of equivalent size inflict 2d6 damage (plus PS bonus). Continuous rolls of paper may be used as to entangle or whip opponents (2d6 damage) The character automatically possesses an equivalent WP when wielding such paper weapons. (usually WP blunt, sword, spear, chain or targeting)
2) Paper manipulation: any paper in the character’s hands is subject to a kind of micro manipulation. Creases and folds can be ironed out, or put in. folds can be put in place and precision cuts made. All with the touch of a finger. Simple inking can also be made to paper, changing it’s basic color scheme, and making simple prints (though detailed and complex prints are beyond this ability). The character can also bleach out all pigment in paper, causing all dyes and inks to run out one corner. Lastly, the character can wield paper together, repairing tears, fraying edges and even food stains. With concentration, the character can restore a 30 year old shredded document.
3) Imbue paper: If the character can touch paper, he can imbue it with an extraordinary resilience and strength (as well as sharpness, as can be seen with paper weapons (above). Paper gains SDC equal to the characters ME every level. If worn as armor it provides an AR of 14 (or less if only partial coverage is available). Such amour is comfortable and lightweight, and is immune to incidental spills and immersion in water. Paper that is imbued in this fashion remains durable and resistant to damage, and if undamaged, retains its durability, losing 1 SDC every year. (when SDC is gone it becomes as vulnerable as normal paper.

[A Note on money. Not all nations use paper for their cash. while I cannot speak for many other countries, I do know that Australian Money is a multistrain, heat resistant polymer. such cash is immune to this power]

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:13 pm
by Iczer
the drunken werebear wrote:thanks for the powers they were written up really well
just wonderingthough
with hair manipulation could you add a at higher levels maybe
a garotte attack with the hair
or a hair splinter for a d4 damage (and a ansty stinging) it does hurt to get s hair stuck like a splinter in your foot

Well now. I'm thinking the garote attack is pretty redundant. Considering you can manipulate hair like the tendrils of hair power, Just use your hair as a choke attack. (Or even better grab someone, then use THIER hair as a choke attack).

also with the paper manip
how a bout a paper framiliar at really high levels
which would just be really cool

i know it is your power and your creation so you don't have to change anything if you don't want to but i thought these additions would be kinda cool

You misunderstand. As soon as it leaves these fingers, It becomes YOUR power (as a GM that is. as a player your power gores as far as bribes will take you)

Perhaps at level 7 or so, the character can give a semblance of life to paper. combined with say animal brother, that would be cool.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:57 pm
by Mr Scorpio
Ok, here's one for ya. I've been thinking about a power (probably a minor) that would allow a character to redirect the energy from one super ability into another making it more powerful. Just temporarily anyway, like for a single melee per level or so (?). For each minor (other than the "power management" power of course) he diverted energy from he could enhance another minor by say 50% or enhance a major by 25%. For redirecting the energy from a major he could increase another major by 50% or a minor could be doubled. Not sure if anyone would use it but the Mutant who rolls 5 minors or the Experiment with 6 minors could potentially increase one minor by 150% and 200% (respectively). Is that too much? I mean, does it look like it's worth a write up?

Oh, BTW, Nice job Iczer. Now I'm convinced that you do have a super ability that lets you instantly make up new super abilities!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:24 am
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:Ok, here's one for ya. I've been thinking about a power (probably a minor) that would allow a character to redirect the energy from one super ability into another making it more powerful. Just temporarily anyway, like for a single melee per level or so (?). For each minor (other than the "power management" power of course) he diverted energy from he could enhance another minor by say 50% or enhance a major by 25%. For redirecting the energy from a major he could increase another major by 50% or a minor could be doubled. Not sure if anyone would use it but the Mutant who rolls 5 minors or the Experiment with 6 minors could potentially increase one minor by 150% and 200% (respectively). Is that too much? I mean, does it look like it's worth a write up?

Oh, BTW, Nice job Iczer. Now I'm convinced that you do have a super ability that lets you instantly make up new super abilities!

Many thanks Mr Scorpio.


Condense Power (By Iczer,
"Hold on..let me just squeeze into something more comfortable"

The character has the ability to transfer the energy from one minor power and compress it into another. This is an effort on the part of the character, forcing superpowered energies to redirect throughought his body into other channels.
Duration: 2 melees per level of the character.
Attacks per melee: each use of compression counts as 2 actions
Effect: The compressed power dissapears for the duration of effect. Another minor power recieves this channeled energy, becoming more potent for the duration. essentially, the power gains 1 effective level (+1 level at levels 3,5,7, 9 and 11)or +10% (+3% per level) to all effects (If there are no level benefits available). If a second minor power is compressed, the benefits are increased by the listed amount again.
Drawbacks: After the power uncompresses, both the affectd power and the compressed power function at half strength for 1d4 melees. The character cannot compress or boost powers that are entirely physical in nature. (Multiple limbs, Winged flight, quills etc). Compressing a popwer that directly leaves the attribute number unnafected (But does remove it's status as 'extraordanary' or 'superhuman'). SDC bonuses from powers will vanish.
Major powers: Compressing a minor power into a major is of limited effectiveness, only having 1/3rd the normal benefit. Compressing a major into a minor is possible at 3rd level and beyond, but is like trying to stuff a porcupine into a balloon. Firstly, the general effect is doubled. secondly the character recieves 4d6 damage directly to his hitpoints as raw power bleeds through the skin. this damage continues at a rate of 1d4 HP every round until the duration expires.
[Minor power]

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:02 pm
by Iczer





I think from now On, I'll post powers one at a time. Just to bring the post count up (and my personal post count as well)


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:49 pm
by MrTwist
I was wondering if anyone has created any kind of delayed damage abilities. I remember posting a delay damage power for physical damage a while ago, but was wondering if anyone has done anything for the various energy expulsion powers.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:13 pm
by taalismn
the drunken werebear wrote:just another post
taking a hint from iczer

this power came to me in two different forms let me know which one you like better

Product placement about
Product Placement (C)
"Look away! It's Billboard Man!"
"Why do I feel a sudden urge to buy whitewalls for the Deathmobile?"
A variation of Subliminal Message, this is the ability of the character to create a psycho-holographic image or short-running animated sequence(by some curious twisted logic, it MUST be an advertizement of some sort for someone, place, or thing), anywhere on his or her person(typically chest, shoulder, or conveniently flexed bicep), displayed in such a way that the image(and/or text) immediately catches the attention of anyone gazing upon the character, and chiseling a visual impression on their a mild version of hypnosis. All viewers must roll versus their Mental Endurance(plus any bonuses for saves versus psionics) or be stuck remembering the image/brandname and accompanying sales pitch for 1d4 hours aftwerwards. Truly weakwilled or traumatized(lose the roll by 8 or more points) characters are stuck with a hankering for whatever the image was, or are stuck replaying the sequence over and over in their minds, making them distracted(-25% to all skill rolls and combat bonuses until they can get ahold of the object/product, or find some other way to wipe it from their minds).
THe superbeing can display/play an image with as many words of accompanying text as they have M.E. points, and can continually play the image for as many minutes as they have P.E. points, before having to pause a minute before running it again.
Combined with other illusionary abilities(optical and audio) or psionic projection abilities, Product Placement can be truly nasty against impulse buyers....

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:37 pm
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:Excellent powers there Werebear, they are all going onto the PU3.0 page.
I really like Product Placement, I will take all of option A and a bit of option B to make one power with multiple aspects.

I'm about 1/3 done on the random roll tables as well (they include all powers from HU2ed, AUGG, PU1, PU2 and PU3.0).. man, there are a LOT of powers available now.
I'll count them all when I'm adding the next new ones.. and since you guys keep creating new ones, I guess my task in writing PU3.0 is endless!

I had no idea this was going to end up being so gargantuan..
All we need now are minor powers starting with the letters H, K, Q, W, X, Y and Z.. plus Major powers starting with G, J, L, O, Q, R, U, V, X, Y and Z.. and the list of powers on PU3.0 will have every letter of the alphabet covered.. not that it's anything but a neatness thing.. but we are running out of objectives to surpass with unhuman speed and brilliance, so why not go for alphabet completion (huzzah!).

I had no idea that it would be this large either. I'll get right on thinking up powers that begin with some of those letters (though Iczer is probably halfway through the list by now!).

Before I forget ZEN, I'd like to thank you for all the work you've done (and apparently still have ahead of you). Editing all of those powers has to be hard work but you make it look easy. :ok:

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:45 pm
by MrTwist
ZEN wrote:Excellent powers there Werebear, they are all going onto the PU3.0 page.
I really like Product Placement, I will take all of option A and a bit of option B to make one power with multiple aspects.

I'm about 1/3 done on the random roll tables as well (they include all powers from HU2ed, AUGG, PU1, PU2 and PU3.0).. man, there are a LOT of powers available now.
I'll count them all when I'm adding the next new ones.. and since you guys keep creating new ones, I guess my task in writing PU3.0 is endless!

I had no idea this was going to end up being so gargantuan..
All we need now are minor powers starting with the letters H, K, Q, W, X, Y and Z.. plus Major powers starting with G, J, L, O, Q, R, U, V, X, Y and Z.. and the list of powers on PU3.0 will have every letter of the alphabet covered.. not that it's anything but a neatness thing.. but we are running out of objectives to surpass with unhuman speed and brilliance, so why not go for alphabet completion (huzzah!).

For the major starting with O, just do Object Enlargement, an opposite of Item Reduction.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:15 am
by Mr Scorpio
MrTwist wrote:For the major starting with O, just do Object Enlargement, an opposite of Item Reduction.

Cool, since the first time I saw Item Reduction I've wanted to see a power that made stuff huge. I tried to write it once or twice but could never figure out just how big it could make things. It would be cool though. My character would litter the streets with 20 foot tall rubber ducks!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:21 am
by acreRake
Mr Scorpio wrote:Before I forget ZEN, I'd like to thank you for all the work you've done (and apparently still have ahead of you). Editing all of those powers has to be hard work but you make it look easy. :ok:
Um, just wanted to second that and make sure you know that your work is appreciated :hug:

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:35 am
by MrTwist
Mr Scorpio wrote:
MrTwist wrote:For the major starting with O, just do Object Enlargement, an opposite of Item Reduction.

Cool, since the first time I saw Item Reduction I've wanted to see a power that made stuff huge. I tried to write it once or twice but could never figure out just how big it could make things. It would be cool though. My character would litter the streets with 20 foot tall rubber ducks!

It actually would be pretty easy. Use Item Reduction as a base, then pull some stuff from Growth to modify SDC for size change. I don't have any of my books currently, so I can't post anything concrete. I'd say the maximum size would be somewhere between 5x and 7x. Maybe even use a max of 3x normal size at level one, plus another 1x per three levels. At 15th you could increase something up to 8x normal size.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:00 pm
by Mr Scorpio
Nice powers ZEN. Thanks for Object Enlargement especially. I'm guessing Window is a Minor and Object Enlargement has to be a Major, right?

Now that we have the letters W and O taken care of I was thinking of something for the letter G. How about a Major version of Power Weapon (think that's the name, don't have my books)....Greater Power Weapon perhaps? I remember the original from the Rifter and how powerful it was. In it's current form is adds 1D6 to the weapon damage every few levels so I was thinking that as a Major it should add some type of specific damage (electrical to disrupt electronics, psionic energy to stun opponents, fire to set stuff....well on fire, etc.) as well as increasing the damage by 1D6 per level or 2D6 every few levels, which ever works better.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:00 am
by Mr Scorpio
Ah, now that's more like it. I'll have to keep working on ideas for the other letters. Dang, I get obsessed over the strangest things. Oh well, that leaves Minors starting with H, K, Q, X, Y and Z....and Major powers starting with J, L, Q, R, U, V, X, Y and Z. Hmmm, Zephyr, Zeal....have to look up more Z words. :-D

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:22 am
by wolfsgrin
I got one I've been tinkering around with . Let me know what you all think.

FATE: The character can see a person's fate by looking into thier eyes and touching them with their hand(s). He will see how a person dies. He/she will not get specifics but can get enough info to maybe discern a killer or where and why it happens 35%+5% per level. This ability grants Kind of a mystical quality to the character and receives these other powers of See Arua, Know Truth( a minor I am working on as well, basically you cant lie to this guy if he's looking into your eyes cause he will know), See Invisible, Sense Evil and Divinitation(same as psionic desription except no isp is used for any of these and does not need tools just physical contact and eye to contact).
1d6 to MA
1d6 to ME
2 vs HF
2 vs Insanity
Immune to Illusions(?)

I have a better description but I'm at work and was inspired to post while I was here. Basically just dont have time at home anymore, growing family. :?
I have many more and hope to post soon.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:48 am
by Iczer
Unnatural selection
"Yay I got sooperpowers. Woo freakin' Hoo. Now has anyone seen my real face around here, I got a date tonight."

The characters body instinctively attempts to mimic other people he makes contact with, but sadly is only capable of weak imitation. Still, despite this curse, the character has the capabilityt to maximise it's effectiveness. This power triggers every time he makes any sort of even fleeting contact with another person, for good or ill.
1) Rising attributes: If the character touches another with higher physical attributes (PS, PP, PE and spd) his own attributes attempt to rise to the occasion, each jumping a single point for the touch, plus one extra point at every odd level (2 at level 3, 3 at level 5 etcetera). Each touch lasts 5 minutes per level. If the same subject is touched a second time, and one of the attributes is at least double his current attributes, then it rises again. If the attribute is not at least double the original then the character can benefit from that person only once.
2) Rising SDC. Every touch allows the character to gain a temporary SDC boost equal to 5% of the SDC of anyone he touches. Once again, the character automatically changes on the first touch if the targets SDC is superior to his own, and can only rise again from that same subject if his SDC is twice the characters own. This bonus SDC drops at a rate of 1 every5 minutes.
3) Appearance alteration: The bane of this character's existence. Every contact with another human being causes his current PB to average out with his targets. This is both involuntary AND uncontrolled. Worse it is also long term, taking days to recover from (shifts 1 point towards his normal PB score every day). He will also acquire basic features of targets he has touched. after a day of hanging with Italian gentlemen, The character may find himself gaining swarthy skin, and thick wavy dark hair. even if he was previously a bald albino. Thankfully, once the character has 'evened out' his PB with an individual, he cannot do so again without the passing of at least 3 days.
[Minor power]


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:35 pm
by wolfsgrin
How about this one. You can have any power that Zen hasn't thought of. :D
Any power postd here or published by palladium you cannot have either (except for this one, for u rules lawyers out there). Basically the character gets to make them up! Not sure how to go about this one but come up with a set range for power's effect and a per level damage, and per level melee round for durations, 12 for saving throws, 12 just a good target number for just about anything really. And u have 1d4 minutes (real world time) to come up with the specs for power. Maybe make an IQ check to use power, or to see if u can keep, or how long it will last, or use it again or something. Been hittin the brewskies thought this was a cool idea. Oh and u have to name it, and if a player or foe guesses it u lose that power. Players will have to keep the name secret even from the gm. The penalties probably call for some boosting but i am killing more and more brain cells and cant quite figure that drek in at the moment. Ok i'll crawl back under my rock.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:49 pm
by MrTwist
Nice to see new life in this topic. I wish I could make suggestions, additions, and the like, but I'm doing some traveling and am depending on chance wireless connections.