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Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:41 pm
by maasenstodt
dark brandon wrote:You sound like a battered girlfriend.

I think that comment is inappropriate at best, but I will say that I've felt like a cheated customer.

dark brandon wrote:You shouldn't buy something just because X company sells it. You buy something because you either need or enjoy it.

Nowadays, though, that can be a problem. With fewer and fewer LGSs around, and with the ones that are around carrying fewer products, previewing a title becomes tough. In order to know whether or not you're likely to enjoy something, gaining a familiarity and trust with a writer and/or publisher becomes very important.

In years past, I had that trust with Palladium. Palladium Fantasy (1st ed) was a very solid game, Heroes Unlimited (again, 1st ed) was a lot of fun, Ninjas & Superspies was unsurpassed at the time of its release, and Beyond the Supernatural (1st ed once again) was terrific. TMNT and Robotech, while not flawless, were milestone RPGs. And then there was Rifts. When it hit the scene, it was to my mind the best game out there. In that period, even though I could preview most of the books Palladium put out, I didn't need to. I was buying product nearly as fast as it was released.

Within a couple of years, though, things started to change. Some great books were still being made, particularly by newcomers C.J., Bill, and James, but the 2nd editions of PFRPG and HU both felt flat to me and Rifts titles were becoming rather hit and miss. I began bringing a more critical eye to Kevin & Co.'s product and slowing down with my purchases.

By the early 2000's, the departure of those freelancers, mounting problems with Palladium's release schedule, and a seeming inability to keep up with the times (e.g., streamlining production techniques, trying out .pdfs, cleaning up the ruleset) were becoming frustrating. And it wasn't just for me, either. My LGSs were carrying fewer and fewer Palladium titles due to diminished interest and the aforementioned release schedule. While I managed to steer clear of the Siege of Tolkeen fiasco, two books that I couldn't check out before purchasing really frustrated me. Three Galaxies had the section I was most interested in (Space Warlock spells) cut out entirely, and while Kevin promised to post them as errata online, they have never been released. Chaos Earth was quite simply sold as something it was not: a complete game.

Both of those books reeked of dishonesty and/or ineptitude, and because of that and those other issues I mentioned, I quit buying new product. The last Palladium title I purchased was Splicers, a solid but unsupported game that was notably not written by Kevin.

So that's where I was when Kevin was taken advantage of and he began pleading for help. And I was torn. A company I'd had a good (heck, even a great) relationship with for a long time needed help, but supporting them just didn't seem right. Then Kevin started claiming that things were going to be different, that he wanted to get his mojo back and catch up with a forward moving industry. Some newer freelancers were sounding positive as well, and I liked what I heard. My hopes began to rise, but I was waiting for proof.

And that's where I am today. I'm still waiting. I'm hoping that all of Kevin's talk isn't just another bad sell that I buy into. I'm looking for evidence that I haven't been wasting a lot of time and energy on a company that I incorrectly thought might have turned a corner. I believed this errata was going to be a signal of that, but given how it's turning out, I'm asking myself whether that was a valid benchmark, and I'm frustrated.

Bottom line: If this were as simple as being able to look at a product and make a decision on it, there wouldn't be a problem. But I don't have that option. To make product decisions, I have to make judgements about the people behind them. And while I don't like it, I'm feeling like I might have to write Kevin off.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:03 am
by dark brandon
Bottom line: If this were as simple as being able to look at a product and make a decision on it, there wouldn't be a problem. But I don't have that option. To make product decisions, I have to make judgements about the people behind them. And while I don't like it, I'm feeling like I might have to write Kevin off.

It is that simple. You don't NEED that book, therefor you can have the time to wait and see how people react. There are plentiful online resources such as reviews to websights dedicated to this exact thing. You should never blindly buy anything.

If the original ed. are so good and the others so bad, why spend more money? You got what you need. The best part about an RPG is that you DON'T have to spend $15 a month to keep playing it or $50 every 4 months to upgrade it.

The purchasing of "bad" things is only the fault of the buyer (At least in the sense of an RPG), since "good" and "bad" are subjective.

I think making things black and white (either do X or it's over), hurts both parties. On their end they lose a potential customer, on the other end, they lose the chance that maybe there will be an exceptional book to come and just knock them off their feet. Otherwise, just sit back and wait for something good to come out (madhaven I hear is hot hot hot). If it does, then you have a new piece of RPG material to play with. If not, you've lost nothing (especially cash). The best place to be is in the grey, where you're not obsessivly buying everything that comes out, but you don't completely burn the bridge.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:10 am
by Sureshot
I think what the major issue here is the lack of any communication on the part of company with regards to what is happening with the errata. Brandon should not be having to constantly keep seeling out information that should have been posted by PB already.

I would rather hear "we got the errata we can't work on it right now". Sure I would still be unhappy but at the very least we have some sort of idea on where the issue of the errata stand. I hope we don't have to wait as long as we did for RMB errata we took what about 10 years or more to arrive.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:08 pm
by dark brandon
EPIC wrote:or perhaps you have missed the point ...

No, I got the point, but there is no point in living in the past. The best that can be hoped for is they learned from their past mistakes (if they believe they have past mistakes).

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:18 pm
by dark brandon
EPIC wrote:hey, if i buy something that is being touted as being ultimate and a surprisingly fresh look at an old product, that it will blow me away with how good it is, i firmly expect when i purchase that product it will blow my socks off.

when my expectations are not met (not even by a mile), how else am i to view what i had pruchased based on how it was sold to me?

i had no other way of judging the product other than what was told to me about it by the makers of said product because it was pre-ordered and no one had even seen it yet. i trusted that what i was sold on was what i would be buying. instead i ended up looking and feeling the fool.

if i bought a new 2008 car expecting it to be a Dodge Viper, then when 2008 finaly rolls around and i end up with a Kia, i'm going to be mighty bloody upset.

unfortunately this isn't like a car where you can trade it in for a different model if not satisfied with the original. once you have bought it you are stuck with it. unless of course you want to give it away to charity or toss it into a used book bin getting nothing of the value back from what you had originaly spent on it.

now i am a burned customer hearing about how great and wonderful and how much i will be suprised by the next product in line to be released. do you think i should buy this next big thing that is being touted as the greatest thing since sliced bread? or should i turn my back on it and not believe the hype?

is this all somehow my fault as a consumer? not even remotely.

In our economics class we learned these are called 'Glitter words'. They have no real meaning because they are aimed at no one in particular.
All companies use these words, because they are under no legal binding agreement to come through. (Profession wise, a whole nother story)

If you make an uninformed purchase, then there is no one to blame but yourself. Seriously, when has a company ever touted anythign they are releasing as "This will be a mundane object, nothing really new or interesting, but you know, it has it's place. PRE ORDER NOW"?

There is no reason for anyone to preorder anything other than they believe in the company. If you lose belief in the company, then you simply don't pre-order and wait for each book to be released because while there is a finite supply, chances of it being completely sold out by the time you can make an informed decition is slim.

For Example: A friend pre-ordered burning crusade. I did not. I instead chose to wait to see if it would be worth the $50 (since you did not NEED the upgrade to play). I think it was. First couple of weeks it was sold out, but by waiting a month after it's release I was able to purchase it and I lost nothing.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:28 pm
by dark brandon
Sureshot wrote:Brandon should not be having to constantly keep seeling out information that should have been posted by PB already.

BTW, I don't have to do anything. I'm simply giving a more "down to earth" view-point, and realize that palladium doesn't have to do anything as well. Also, the discussion as went beyond simply errata.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:53 pm
by The Galactus Kid
he might be referring to me.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:09 pm
by Sureshot
The Galactus Kid wrote:he might be referring to me.

Yes I am sorry if I was unclear about that Dark Brandon.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:04 am
by dark brandon
The Galactus Kid wrote:he might be referring to me.

what makes you so special?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:17 am
by Sureshot
dark brandon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:he might be referring to me.

what makes you so special?

Gee I don't know the fact that he went out of way to get the errata tidied up and sent to PB to be finalized. And which PB is taking their sweet time to release it even though someone else did the majority of the work for them.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:16 pm
by jgants
Well, this has gone on long enough for my tastes. So here's what I'm going to do.

I'm not buying anything else from Palladium until the errata gets posted. They won't be getting one dime. Not one cent.

I am a customer. I bought a product. And I expect to receive prompt customer service.

Asking that they spend literally 5 minutes to post an errata document is not asking them to "work harder". It's asking them to provide me with something I already paid for. They don't "need" to produce errata for me? Well I don't need to spend money on them, either.

Alex keeps saying how Palladium listens to customers. But no one is listening here. No official representitive of Palladium has even given us the courtesy of responding to us despite customers asking for this errata for well over a year.

So as much as I was planning on buying most of the stuff Kevin has talked about as coming out (especially SB1 which I was planning on buying right away), I'm not going to do it.

I would suggest other people start doing the same. If Palladium loses enough sales, perhaps they will start listening.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:14 pm
by jgants
EPIC wrote:
jgants wrote:I would suggest other people start doing the same. If Palladium loses enough sales, perhaps they will start listening.

or maybe they will just stop making new material because no one is purchasing the material they already have out.

That would be unfortunate, but it doesn't really change anything (for me, at least).

As a customer, I insist on a certain level of quality and customer service for anyone I do business with. If they aren't interested in meeting my reasonable expectations (e.g., get errata out within a year and a half) then I can take my business elsewhere.

They may want to listen, though. I know I'm not the only one who's run out of patience on these kinds of things.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:29 pm
by dark brandon
EPIC wrote:
jgants wrote:
EPIC wrote:
jgants wrote:I would suggest other people start doing the same. If Palladium loses enough sales, perhaps they will start listening.

or maybe they will just stop making new material because no one is purchasing the material they already have out.

That would be unfortunate, but it doesn't really change anything (for me, at least).

As a customer, I insist on a certain level of quality and customer service for anyone I do business with. If they aren't interested in meeting my reasonable expectations (e.g., get errata out within a year and a half) then I can take my business elsewhere.

They may want to listen, though. I know I'm not the only one who's run out of patience on these kinds of things.

i agree it would be unfortunate. but at this moment in time, PB seems to be running down that road and isn't stopping to ask for directions even though people are telling them that they are going the wrong way.

i'm also one of those people that has run out of patience. will i stop playing PB's games? probably no. but ask me how many new books i would be willing to buy at this point ...

Hopefully you'll just stop pre-ordering and waiting for reviews you can trust on a book to come out, so you won't hurt yourself by missing some of the great books that are coming out.

It matters how many people are telling them they are going the wrong way. 5 or 6 vs. how many on the boards? No offense, but there arn't a great number of people asking for this. Theres epic, sure shot, maas and jgants and maybe 1 or two I missed, out of a community board, I know it's alot.

So, how many new books would you be willing to buy at this point? Is it 0, until what, an errata for 1 book comes out? Or is it the more patient view of "I'll buy any book that comes out, so long as it's not full of mistakes and gets a good review"?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:03 am
by Shotgun Jolly
dark brandon wrote:
It matters how many people are telling them they are going the wrong way. 5 or 6 vs. how many on the boards? No offense, but there arn't a great number of people asking for this. Theres epic, sure shot, maas and jgants and maybe 1 or two I missed, out of a community board, I know it's alot.

Hey.. You missed me!!! No one cares about the little 'ole less then 200 post count ShotGun Jolly :(

I Made a promise to myself when I heard that when the errata was done. (Which the "Kid" Mentioned it was) I was going to keep my fingers and keyboard away from this thread. And everyday I keep expecting to see something on the website site saying *New Errata Posted*

But so far, there is still nothing.. :( and now I broke my promise!

I am not going to start playing the "blame game" but can we at least get someone who has the "know" about this matter let us know the reason why its delayed and when they expect it to be posted? I dont think that is to much to ask for. I hate looking everyday and being disapointed.

I am just an eager thirty*garbled*year old who is just looking to get the new errate before he starts his next Rifts game.


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:18 am
by Sureshot
Dark Brandon imo you are missing the point. I should not have to keep pestering PB for the errata. They should be posting it without even being asked end of story. On top of that we were promised that it would have been released with the second printing of RUE.

Releasing errata for books is what smart gaming companies do. The silence from the company on this issue imo speaks volumes. There is no attempt to improve on any issue. RUE is a flagship product and should be treated as such. I have a feeling the errata will appear by sheer coincidence of course a few more printings of RUE down the line.

Don't mistake the fans silence on this issue with them being happy. Imo they are so used to it that they just don't bother to mention anything. They could head off a lot of criticism on this issue with at least telling us why it's taking so long.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:29 pm
by dark brandon
Sureshot wrote:Dark Brandon imo you are missing the point. I should not have to keep pestering PB for the errata. They should be posting it without even being asked end of story.

No, I get the point, I just disagree on the nessessity of it. We'll just agree to disagree.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:35 pm
by Sureshot
dark brandon wrote:
No, I get the point, I just disagree on the nessessity of it. We'll just agree to disagree.

Your right. I just don't understand why it's taking so long. It almost feels like they don't want to publish the errata for fear that people won't buy the second printing. At least that's how it feels to me. If they are unable or unwilling to put it on the site they should put it the latest Rifter.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:05 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Interesting discussion.

I emailed Wayne again today.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:11 pm
by Nightshade37
I would also like to see the RUE errata posted.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:07 pm
by pandancer
I am sad to discover that, after being away from Rifts for over a year, there is no official errata for this product. RUE was the last purchase I made and I own, and have used, EVERY previously published Rifts product -except Manhunter. I'm ready to get back on this train and it hasn't left the station.
Oh well -lets get over it.
This Forum is the best place to create our own errata posts (assuming that is not against company policy). I have always argued that Palladium survives in the company of games with much better mechanics because of the passion their ideas (however flawed the execution) engender in the fans. The reason you are here is because this system over any other appeals to some wacky visions Kevin and the gang have helped to germinate in your fertile brain.
So, that babbling done, give a brother a break from the "they aren't doing their jobs rant". It didn't help with BoEF (d20) and unless they actually plan to print an Errata (which you will probably need to fix too) it won't change their minds.
Please, give me some crunch that I can use.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:51 pm
by dark brandon
Sureshot wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
No, I get the point, I just disagree on the nessessity of it. We'll just agree to disagree.

Your right. I just don't understand why it's taking so long. It almost feels like they don't want to publish the errata for fear that people won't buy the second printing. At least that's how it feels to me. If they are unable or unwilling to put it on the site they should put it the latest Rifter.

I wish I had an answer for you. At the time, all we can do is speculate.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:08 am
by Shotgun Jolly
The Galactus Kid wrote:Interesting discussion.

I emailed Wayne again today.


Did you hear anything back?

You just cant send me what you did can you? Just Joking.. thats probably not allowed.. guess its got to get the offical approval first eh?

Gosh, this waiting is killing me.. :ugh: Its like waiting for the last book in the wheel of time series!!!!!!


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:30 am
by Sureshot
The Galactus Kid wrote:Interesting discussion.

I emailed Wayne again today.

Any news yet GK?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:21 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Wayne is keeping it the .PDF format and sprucing it up a bit from what I sent him. That is all the info I have as of yet.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:03 pm
by jgants
The Galactus Kid wrote:Wayne is keeping it the .PDF format and sprucing it up a bit from what I sent him. That is all the info I have as of yet.

I don't think I've ever seen spruced up errata before, usually its pretty cut and dry.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

It would be nice if it'd be up by the 10th, since I would like to go grab SB1 that day.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:32 am
by Shotgun Jolly

Ok, its been weeks now.. anyword on when? or do i still just keep waiting?


Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:26 am
by Sureshot
Shotgun_Jolly wrote:Errr,

Ok, its been weeks now.. anyword on when? or do i still just keep waiting?


Agreeded and seconded.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:39 pm
by Jason Richards
They're busy, but it's being worked on. Meanwhile we're writing up errata to other books as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:22 pm
by maasenstodt
Some things never change...


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:44 am
by Shotgun Jolly
The Galactus Kid wrote:Wayne is keeping it the .PDF format and sprucing it up a bit from what I sent him. That is all the info I have as of yet.

Hello again,

I was just reading through the Chaos Earth board <-- seeing i just purchased a couple of the books. and Noticed the eratta for CE was posted in PDF. It said it wasnt posted on the cutting room floor and was waiting for final approval before it got posted on the PB site. But it was the beta version.

Is there any chance that you could do the same for the R:UE eratta and call it the eratta Beta version until the offical version gets posted?


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:14 am
by maasenstodt
It was illuminating to see yesterday a clear indication of where Palladium's priorities lie. That the gang found it more important to spend time on an April Fool's prank (and a rather mediocre one at that, IMO) than to finish the errata for RUE is the real joke.

I feel bad for those freelancers who've made assurances for months that this was an area Palladium was actively improving on, only to have their credibility tarnished by the company's indifference. I feel worse for Brandon, who put in the time to basically do the whole job for Palladium only to have nothing come from his efforts.

I don't feel sorry at all for Palladium, however, for having lost a sale of a stack of Rifts titles. What an embarrasing state of affairs. :oops:

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:12 pm
by dark brandon
maasenstodt wrote:It was illuminating to see yesterday a clear indication of where Palladium's priorities lie. That the gang found it more important to spend time on an April Fool's prank (and a rather mediocre one at that, IMO) than to finish the errata for RUE is the real joke.

Wow. The thing was run by Ratbastard, not anyone at palladium except the few moments it took to put out a press release and you want to crusify them for it? Or are you angry that kevin was grieving the loss of his wifes sister? Good job ratbastard, the time you took to do this thing yesterday tarnished their records. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BRING SOME JOY TO THE BOARDS ON APRIL FOOLS DAY, A DAY WHERE IT'S SUPPOST TO BE OK TO ACT LIKE A FOOL...HOW DARE YOU RATBASTARD! Ratbastard, I will see you in hell for what thou hasth brought unto palladiums name!

I feel bad for those freelancers who've made assurances for months that this was an area Palladium was actively improving on, only to have their credibility tarnished by the company's indifference. I feel worse for Brandon, who put in the time to basically do the whole job for Palladium only to have nothing come from his efforts.

Don't feel bad for brandon, as I'm positive that he feels absolutly no regret for doing anything he's done for palladium. I may be putting words in Brandons' mouth but he does it out of the love of the company. Even if the never publish the errata, he will never feel it as time waisted.

I don't feel sorry at all for Palladium, however, for having lost a sale of a stack of Rifts titles. What an embarrasing state of affairs. :oops:

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:11 am
by Shotgun Jolly
Shotgun_Jolly wrote:
I was just reading through the Chaos Earth board <-- seeing i just purchased a couple of the books. and Noticed the eratta for CE was posted in PDF. It said it wasnt posted on the cutting room floor and was waiting for final approval before it got posted on the PB site. But it was the beta version.

Is there any chance that you could do the same for the R:UE eratta and call it the eratta Beta version until the offical version gets posted?


Yes, I am quoting myself. :ugh: But I feel I have been polite and not rude in my posting questions in regards to the Eratta of R:UE. Hence the reason why I dont feel that I am wrong in asking again my above question.

I feel its a good question and a fair one at that. Can what I asked be done? can the copy of what Brandon worked on be sent out as a unoffical eratta form like in the post that I pointed out above?

Just hoping to get an answer and to suggest solutions.. plus I really would like to get the .PDF so I can make the changes I need. (like anyone else i would guess)

Thanks and Regards

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:24 am
by Kesslan
dark brandon wrote:
maasenstodt wrote:It was illuminating to see yesterday a clear indication of where Palladium's priorities lie. That the gang found it more important to spend time on an April Fool's prank (and a rather mediocre one at that, IMO) than to finish the errata for RUE is the real joke.

Wow. The thing was run by Ratbastard, not anyone at palladium except the few moments it took to put out a press release and you want to crusify them for it? Or are you angry that kevin was grieving the loss of his wifes sister? Good job ratbastard, the time you took to do this thing yesterday tarnished their records. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BRING SOME JOY TO THE BOARDS ON APRIL FOOLS DAY, A DAY WHERE IT'S SUPPOST TO BE OK TO ACT LIKE A FOOL...HOW DARE YOU RATBASTARD! Ratbastard, I will see you in hell for what thou hasth brought unto palladiums name!

I feel bad for those freelancers who've made assurances for months that this was an area Palladium was actively improving on, only to have their credibility tarnished by the company's indifference. I feel worse for Brandon, who put in the time to basically do the whole job for Palladium only to have nothing come from his efforts.

Don't feel bad for brandon, as I'm positive that he feels absolutly no regret for doing anything he's done for palladium. I may be putting words in Brandons' mouth but he does it out of the love of the company. Even if the never publish the errata, he will never feel it as time waisted.

Especially considering that one could argue that pulilng -some- form of april fools joke is almost mandatory, and certainly at the very least tradition for Palladium Books. Considering that it was, as it was put, mediocre... that to me says they didnt put much thought into it.

Not like Rifter 9 & 1/2 for example. That too was a joke all in good fun and suffice it to say was considerably more involved than the latest, and somewhat done to death merger joke that they had this year.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:56 am
by The Galactus Kid
The april fools joke was primarily fan organized and run with some help from the freelancers. Kevin wrote a little something, but for the most part it was the fans and freelancers. Lighten up and have some fun. if its not your cup of tea, than thats cool, but please try not to rain on the parade of the those who put their hard work and creative energy into it, let alone those who did seriously enjoy it. Thanks guys.

p.s. - and don't think for a second that I have stopped hounding Wayne about errata. He says hes working on it and promises it soon. Thanks guys.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:47 pm
by maasenstodt
The Galactus Kid wrote:p.s. - and don't think for a second that I have stopped hounding Wayne about errata. He says hes working on it and promises it soon. Thanks guys.

I don't doubt your sincerity in the least. I just don't trust what Kevin & Co. have to say on this matter. When it comes to errata, Palladium has amply demonstrated that it doesn't keep its word.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:21 am
by Sureshot
maasenstodt wrote:I don't doubt your sincerity in the least. I just don't trust what Kevin & Co. have to say on this matter. When it comes to errata, Palladium has amply demonstrated that it doesn't keep its word.

Agreed and seconded.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:53 am
by jgants
The Galactus Kid wrote:p.s. - and don't think for a second that I have stopped hounding Wayne about errata. He says hes working on it and promises it soon. Thanks guys.

See - here's the thing I don't get. What is there left to work on? Editing errata and posting it is, at most, a 15 min job.

In the amount of time they've had, I could have hand-chisled it into marble by now.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:33 pm
by maasenstodt
jgants wrote:See - here's the thing I don't get. What is there left to work on? Editing errata and posting it is, at most, a 15 min job.

In the amount of time they've had, I could have hand-chisled it into marble by now.

Nice way to put it, Jeff. ;)

Frankly, when people don't follow through with what they say they'll do as often as Kevin & Co. have over the past several years, one begins to draw conclusions. One conclusion I've drawn is that Palladium isn't serious about dealing with errata. RUE errata may arrive at some point, or it may not, but either way it will be due to the whimsy of those in charge, not to any serious commitment to product support.

If they can get by without taking the kind of professional pride that involves dealing with problems in their product, more power to them. At this point, though, I can't see spending more of my dollars on new Palladium material. Given how frivilously Kevin & Co. evidently see this issue, I doubt my position will upset anyone associated with Palladium. And that's OK too, just so long as the company and those associated with it don't pretend that Palladium is trying to "lead the industry" or any other such nonsense. :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:25 am
by The Galactus Kid
I did write the errata.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:22 am
by jgants
maasenstodt wrote:Nice way to put it, Jeff. ;)

Actually, my name is "Josh". But then, this could be some kind of reference or in-joke I'm not getting.

maasenstodt wrote:One conclusion I've drawn is that Palladium isn't serious about dealing with errata.

I'm forced to consider something different - that it is, in fact, a deliberate decision not to release the errata. And the only reason I can think of, is that Palladium feels that by not releasing the errata more people might buy a new copy of RUE.

I mean, errata is errata. Look at the stuff that's up for some of the older books. Surely no one spent a whole lot of time editing and formatting that stuff. Why would the RUE stuff be any different? If nothing else, why not upload whatever they have now and just switch it out with something fancier later?

I just don't see another logical reason why it isn't available yet (considering it has been done for months now).

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:30 pm
by maasenstodt
jgants wrote:Actually, my name is "Josh". But then, this could be some kind of reference or in-joke I'm not getting.

My apologies. Somewhere along the line I must have picked up the notion that your name was Jeff. Or maybe I just spend too much time reading Jeff Rients' gameblog and had him stuck in my brain. :P

jgants wrote:I'm forced to consider something different - that it is, in fact, a deliberate decision not to release the errata. And the only reason I can think of, is that Palladium feels that by not releasing the errata more people might buy a new copy of RUE.

That's an interesting take on things that I hadn't considered. If it were true, it would certainly put Palladium in a less than classy light, particularly when they promised to have published the errata for RUE months ago.

That said, the fact that books like Three Galaxies remain badly in need of long promised errata through multiple printings leads me to believe that this is simply something that Kevin & Co. feel is OK to ignore and, in at least one case, to lie to their customers about. It's been over five years since any new book has had any errata published for it, despite some rather glaring errors. That doesn't speak to me as being a money making scheme. That speaks to me of indifference.

Again, Josh, sorry about my misnomer. :oops:

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:24 am
by verdilak
Shotgun Jolly wrote:
Shotgun_Jolly wrote:
I was just reading through the Chaos Earth board <-- seeing i just purchased a couple of the books. and Noticed the eratta for CE was posted in PDF. It said it wasnt posted on the cutting room floor and was waiting for final approval before it got posted on the PB site. But it was the beta version.

Is there any chance that you could do the same for the R:UE eratta and call it the eratta Beta version until the offical version gets posted?


Yes, I am quoting myself. :ugh: But I feel I have been polite and not rude in my posting questions in regards to the Eratta of R:UE. Hence the reason why I dont feel that I am wrong in asking again my above question.

I feel its a good question and a fair one at that. Can what I asked be done? can the copy of what Brandon worked on be sent out as a unoffical eratta form like in the post that I pointed out above?

Just hoping to get an answer and to suggest solutions.. plus I really would like to get the .PDF so I can make the changes I need. (like anyone else i would guess)

Thanks and Regards

To get back on track....

I don't see why, if it's not out yet, to place the eratta in a stickied post that way we can at least print it off the forums. Place it all, in order (so noone has to hunt for it) and call it R:UE Eratta Beta Version for the post title.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:58 am
by The Galactus Kid
This will be brought up at the open house by not only me, but I gurantee a number of posters.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:34 pm
by Jason Richards
Lord of Bones wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:This will be brought up at the open house by not only me, but I gurantee a number of posters.

I don't recall anyone bringing this up at the VIP greeting so I was wondering if it was brought up during one of the panel discussions or if maybe you may have had a chance to ask Kevin one-on-one.


It was brought up a number of times by at least a couple of individuals.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:46 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Jason Richards wrote:
Lord of Bones wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:This will be brought up at the open house by not only me, but I gurantee a number of posters.

I don't recall anyone bringing this up at the VIP greeting so I was wondering if it was brought up during one of the panel discussions or if maybe you may have had a chance to ask Kevin one-on-one.


It was brought up a number of times by at least a couple of individuals.

Including by Brandon yelling "Wayne, post the errata!" every time he saw him.


~ Josh

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:09 am
by The Galactus Kid
Don't say its for lack of trying...

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:12 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Shinitenshi, that is answered in a wierd part of R:UE. Any skill that has prerequisites automatically assumes that the character has those skills as well. I'll find that page number for you. I can see exactly where it is, but the page number elludes me. Damn photographic memory.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:12 am
by verdilak
Any word yet on the errata?

Survey says....

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:24 am
by Shotgun Jolly

Hello all, been gone almost 2 months... any word on the errata?

The prognosis does not look the best at this point....