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Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:22 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:I would note that with Polarized Sight that the individual is immune to blinding attacks that are based on light [strobe lights, blinding flash the spell, etc...] at the very least perhaps a bonus to save vs. these effects with reduced duration if failed.

Noted. Here is the final edit of the power as revised:

Starlight Channel (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Mephisto

1. Solar Collector: The character is capable of channeling solar and star energy as a solar collector and recharging batteries of vehicles and power armor. The character can thus channel an hour's worth of power in one minute, but he can perform no other actions while doing so. Therefore, an eight hour battery will take eight minutes to be charged. The character must be touching the battery, and nothing can be blocking the light from being absorbed into the character.

2. Impervious to Solar Energy Attacks: The character takes no damage from energy attacks such as electricity, lasers and light attacks, and takes half damage from fire.

3. Energy Expulsion: Starlight: The character can fire energy from his hands.
Range: 1000 feet per level.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 3d6 at level one, plus 1d6 per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action
Special: The character can regulate the energy in increments of 1d6 and split attacks to fire on two targets at once.

4. Polarized Sight: The character is not blinded by the sun and can look directly at the sun without penalty. With Polarized Sight, the individual is immune to blinding attacks that are based on light [strobe lights, blinding flash the spell, etc...].

5. Solar Rejuvenation: The character can not only replenish batteries with his solar collection, but can also transfer the energy into important biological functions, increasing his or her abilities in direct sunlight. While in a bright, clear day the following bonuses apply:
+4 on Initiative, +2 on all other combat abilities
+20% to Speed
+1 attack per melee round
+10% on all skills
+30 S.D.C.
Heals at twice the regular rate
Note that these abilities only apply on bright clear days, or if the character is above a cloud cover. An overcast day will half the bonuses (and negate the bonus attack per melee), and at night, underground, inside a building the bonuses are completely gone. The character can not "store" or "hold" the extra energy however, it only applies to those conditions.

Nicely done.


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:36 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote: NOTE: Like you I hate Sidestep, and Blur is pretty close to being broken as well.

Yay! Validation!

I like blur as an idea for a power. I just think it exists in a half and half world between major and minor. (I have a player with blur+vibration+physical perfection and he really rocks the power scale for that game)



Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:58 am
by Steeler49er
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:so... Hit me Gryphon Chick , Izcer, Severus Snape, Tal...

I meant no offense, just calling it as I see it.
The reason I have not critiqued your stuff is that we have crossed horns in the past and it did not seem worth repeating. I could start criticizing it but it would seem that I am picking it apart. Oh, well, here goes: Aside from being too widespread in options, it has outrageous ranges and whatnot. It seems to want to do everything with one power to boost Megas into another category altogether, the Muncho-Mega.

Humm... Well said (Same to to Stonegargoyle). It's been hard to figure out how to lessen this sucka down.

New Mega Power concept...
Expanded Scope (Mega) By Steeler49er
"I thought he was weaker, but then the earth just began to shake... Everywhere"

Being a Mega-being should mean more than gaining 'just another power' and it does. Megas selecting this ability do not gain another Mega-super power but rather have their all of their other powers Greatly increased by many folds over the normal. The Mega sees one of three of the following improvements implemented over each of their powers. Any of the below abilities may be added in any order to a given power, but may have only up-to three of the below for that given power.
ADDENDUM: A PC or NPC Mega may at creation choose to give up all of their other listed Mega powers so as to increase the number of abilities granted by this Mega-Power from 'Three to Five'.
• Range: increases by 100 times.
• Powers that normally work at 'Touch Range only' may now work at 1 meter/yard per level.
• Area of effect increases by 10 times.
• Add +5 to the difficulties in resisting this power.
• Duration is increased by 'one step up' and powers with out any 'per level' durational increase gains 20% more to duration per level. Meaning for example a power with a Normal duration of 3minutes +1minute per level now sees it's duration increased to 30 minutes (+10 minutes per level). A power with a duration of 30 minutes and No per level durational increase would now be 30 hours Plus 6 hours per level. Time frames are (Instant to Melee/Melee to Minute/Minute to 10's of Minutes/10's of Minutes to Hours/Hours to Days/Days to Weeks/Weeks to Months/Months to Seasons/Etc...
• Damage and damage effects increases by x4.
• Speed is increased by Five times and if it didn't see an increase per level; before this ability it now increases by 20% it's base per level.
• Increase the pool for any powers by 10X times. This counts towards powers like "Generate Force Fields", "Bend Reality", and "Power touch". More over, if the pool didn't increase then the super gains 10% of base per level.
• Power effects and bonuses triple. A power that normally granted you +3 to strike and +2 Attacks per melee would now grant you +6 to strike and +4 Attacks more per melee, A power like Growth now sees the super increase in height by 3 times normal (6 feet per point of PE).
Affectable or Creatable mass as well as normal maximum lifting/carry rates are Multiplied by three as well, meaning a super with MA: Metal could conjure 60lbs (not 20lbs) of metal at level one, or a super with Extraordinary PS can now lift 300 times their PS and Carry 600 times that number.
• Attribute bonuses increase by 50% or +1 more than usual, which ever is more.
• Effects such as healing see their rates increase by an amount multiple of PE bonus plus two.
• HP & DC bonuses double.
• Powers which grant an affectable number maximum and or which have a maximum number of uses in a time frame (such as the power "Mentally Control Others" where the power only effects 4 people at a time and anymore over that number gain a plus one bonus to resist, or "Healing factor" which may insta heal twice a day) see those numbers increase by one more over the norm per level, starting at level one. The same holds true for a power like "Multiple Lives" in which the super gains one more additional Life per level starting at level one. The power "Multiple Beings" sees a greater increase which adds an addition amount gained per level equal to the newly gained level (IE the super gains three more clones per level at level three to their normal base amount).
• Powers that normally grant the ability for their durations to be optionally extended to the "Permanent" level with the expenditure of Permanent attribute or ability loss (IE: Transmutation) now sees those losses dropped to a single HP/SDC and or Attribute point permanently. Further by expending double the original amount temporarily the Mega may make such an effect permanent, but said Attributes/DC loss only start to return after one week.
•The Mega being sees one of these aspects further increased, doubling for a single one of their powers. For instance if a player wishes for their EE: Light to have it's damage increased by x2 over the above listed (which brings it to a total multiple of x8 its' original nature) they can, even if EE: Light was their only power to begin with. However, this last bonus ability only works After the super makes a PE save vs. difficulty 10 (+1 for every use in under an hour and or every failed roll). A failed roll means that the super takes 1D6 points of HP loss per point the roll was failed by. Lost HP only begins to recover after one hour per point the roll failed by. Duration: is instant, unless the aspect chosen to be increased was duration or the duration was permanent, in which case it runs out per normal or not at all.

Any effects of this power which use multiples, see those multiples added to any given here. Above abilities are not stackable, only One ability per power.

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Alright, you wanted to criticism, so here it goes. [Remember I still like ya!] :lol:
I like the overall general concept, but the execution leaves me "eh".
You have 14 sub-abilities listed. How many does a person get to select?
Do they select more at certain levels?

Yeah... The execution on this one is... Ummm lack (That's always been my biggest concern with any power I create FYI).
►Only 3 abilities may be chosen (period) for each power, but the same combo need not be applied for each power.
►No additional powers are gained by level since this Booster ability (Mega-Power) already enhances powers that grow with level, although some of those above option as written May allow powers which never had the option of 'growth by level' to grow. Example; A power that has a Very small range of Touch and which never grew with level could grow if it had this listed option ↓ Below...
• Powers that normally work at 'Touch Range only' may now work at 1 meter/yard per level.
Now the rangewould be 1 meter at level one and an additional meter/yard per level.


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:15 am
by NMI
Yeah... The execution on this one is... Ummm lack (That's always been my biggest concern with any power I create FYI).
►Only 3 abilities may be chosen (period) for each power, but the same combo need not be applied for each power.
►No additional powers are gained by level since this Booster ability (Mega-Power) already enhances powers that grow with level, although some of those above option as written May allow powers which never had the option of 'growth by level' to grow. Example; A power that has a Very small range of Touch and which never grew with level could grow if it had this listed option ↓ Below...
So they get to select 3 of these abilities for each of the powers?


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:04 pm
by Steeler49er
Yup... And that was likely one of the reasons that people here may not like it. Hpwever, this ability was intended to make All f the supers Existing powers cooler and Not intended to boost the Super themselves plus the grant of Another power, as is the case of Megas (all of those abilities + another power, one which is a megapower to boost).

You exchange One kind of Mega-ness for the other.


Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:14 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Fourteen options, though, is a bit much. Complicated usually equates to confusing when it comes to trying to actually apply the power to characters.


Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Here is an attempt to make a major version of one of my minor powers:

Killbox (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The hero can cause air particles to form a cube shaped force field around an area. The air particles are withdrawn from the area of effect in order to create the field, eliminating oxygen and other gases from the inside of the cube. Anyone caught inside the cube, other than himself, will be unable to breathe while it is in place. The cube can also be formed around objects to hold them in place.

Range: The cube can be formed up to 600 feet away from the hero, plus 50 feet per level, line of sight. Forms a cube 100'X100'X100' maximum.

Duration: Concentration. The hero can perform no other actions while generating the field. It will be dispelled if the hero is rendered unconscious, is psionically attack, or if its SDC is depleted (see below).

Attacks: It uses one attack to created the cube and it must be constantly maintained for it to remain in effect.

SDC: The cube will have an SDC equal to the hero's ME attribute number X100 per side.

Other Effects: If created around a flying target, the cube will essentially trap them in the location where it is generated, keeping them suspended off the ground as if having a Superhuman PS equal to the hero's ME attribute. Targets flying at higher speeds will be harder to trap (GMs should calculate appropriate penalties to hitting a flying target and use a strike roll to see if it hits). If the object or target held is stronger than the PS of the box, it will move with the target trapped, being pushed to the ground, or take damage to SDC as the target tries to escape.

Limitations: The cube must completely surround a target to work, so it cannot target just someone's head or used to envelope areas on both sides of a wall. Can only be maintained the hero's ME number in melee rounds. The hero cannot perform any other actions while using the power, including dodging, parrying or making any sort of saving throw.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
+2d4 ME
+4 to save vs. psionic attack


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:04 am
by Steeler49er
Gryphon Chick wrote:Fourteen options, though, is a bit much. Complicated usually equates to confusing when it comes to trying to actually apply the power to characters.

Ooooh Ouch... Yeah that is allot of options for someone who only gets to choose three. Maybe it would look better if I cut it down some. Good point Gryphon, I see what I can toss out that is not really needed.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Here is a major version of my Termite power:

Termite (Major) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing has the ability to reduce wood to sawdust, as well as reduce the wood to pulp which can be sculpted.

1.Termite Bite: The superbeing can bite into wood as if it were 2 AR points less at level 1, 3 points less at level 7 and 4 points less at level 15.

Damage: While his bite only does 1d6 against most targets, the superbeing can rend wood more easily, doing 3d6 damage, plus 1d6 per level, to wood, reducing it to sawdust as he does so. He may add his PS bonus to attacks against wooden structures as well.
Attacks: Uses 1 melee attack/action to bite targets, but the character is also able effectively burrow through wood at a rate of ten feet per melee round if uninterrupted.
Bonus: +3 to aimed attack, +1 wild.

2.Reconstitute Wood: The superbeing can salivate to moisten sawdust into pulp which can be made into objects of less or equal mass to the wood destroyed or broken down. Such objects have the regular AR and SDC of the item they are made to simulate, and if a weapon does the normal damage for the same type of weapon.

Duration: Once molded, the wood takes one melee round to harden into a solid mass. Once created, objects are permanent until destroyed.
Skill: The items are sculpted with an equivalent skill level of 60%, +5% per level.
Attacks: Sculpting the object takes two melee actions. Attacking with it uses the normal amount of attacks forthe type of weapon or object.
Bonus: the superbeing is +2 to hit with objects he creates ,+1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, plus any PP bonus and appropriate weapon skill bonuses.

3.Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Immune to attacks from wooden objects
+20% to Art: Sculpture skill
+1d4X10 SDC


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Bullet Breath (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Just let me catch my breath."

The superbeing is capable of solidifying his breath into a hail of gunfire.

1. Imune to Gases and Airborne Toxins: The character can breathe any kind of air and is not harmed by poisonous or impure fumes.

2. Resistant to Gunfire: The character takes only half damage from bullets and metal projectiles.

3. Breathing Bullets: The character can can inhale and release a burst of bullets from his mouth.
Range: Can shoot bullets up to 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 3d6, plus 1d6 damage per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks actions.
Bonuses: +1, counts as wild shot.

4. Other Bonuses:
+1d4X10 to Hit Points
+3d6 to SDC


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:35 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Bullet Breath (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Just let me catch my breath."

The superbeing is capable of solidifying his breath into a hail of gunfire.

1. Imune to Gases and Airborne Toxins: The character can breathe any kind of air and is not harmed by poisonous or impure fumes.

2. Resistant to Gunfire: The character takes only half damage from bullets and metal projectiles.

3. Breathing Bullets: The character can can inhale and release a burst of bullets from his mouth.
Range: Can shoot bullets up to 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 1d4X100 damage per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses ywo melee attacks actions.
Bonuses: +1, counts as wild shot.

4. Other Bonuses:
+1d4X10 to Hit Points
+3d6 to SDC

Damage seems a bit high on this on this one.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Bullet Breath (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Just let me catch my breath."

The superbeing is capable of solidifying his breath into a hail of gunfire.

1. Imune to Gases and Airborne Toxins: The character can breathe any kind of air and is not harmed by poisonous or impure fumes.

2. Resistant to Gunfire: The character takes only half damage from bullets and metal projectiles.

3. Breathing Bullets: The character can can inhale and release a burst of bullets from his mouth.
Range: Can shoot bullets up to 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 1d4X100 damage per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses ywo melee attacks actions.
Bonuses: +1, counts as wild shot.

4. Other Bonuses:
+1d4X10 to Hit Points
+3d6 to SDC

Damage seems a bit high on this on this one.

Maybe. Anyone else with an opinion on this? Should I lower the damage and make it a minor power instead?


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:58 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Bullet Breath (Major) by Stone Gargoyle
"Just let me catch my breath."

The superbeing is capable of solidifying his breath into a hail of gunfire.

1. Imune to Gases and Airborne Toxins: The character can breathe any kind of air and is not harmed by poisonous or impure fumes.

2. Resistant to Gunfire: The character takes only half damage from bullets and metal projectiles.

3. Breathing Bullets: The character can can inhale and release a burst of bullets from his mouth.
Range: Can shoot bullets up to 200 feet, plus 100 feet per level.
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 1d4X100 damage per level of experience.
Attacks: Uses two melee attacks actions.
Bonuses: +1, counts as wild shot.

4. Other Bonuses:
+1d4X10 to Hit Points
+3d6 to SDC

So it is the powers: Breathe without Air, Bulletproof & a wildly insane version of Gun Limbs / Spit Spikes...
Cool, but that damage for the bullets --- 1D4x100???? Yeah... too much.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Ok, so I lowered the damage to 3d6, plus 1d6 per level. Better?


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:25 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ok, so I lowered the damage to 3d6, plus 1d6 per level. Better?

More within reasonable limits, I'd say.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:27 pm
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ok, so I lowered the damage to 3d6, plus 1d6 per level. Better?

Definitely better then 1D4xA FREAKING 100!!! :D


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:33 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Ok, so I lowered the damage to 3d6, plus 1d6 per level. Better?

Definitely better then 1D4xA FREAKING 100!!! :D

I was going for insane amounts of damage, but I see your point.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:28 pm
by PapaMambo
Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration: Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used, or after 1 hour per level of experience, whichever comes first.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her). If the roll to strike the initial target misses, both targets are completely missed by the attack.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
PapaMambo wrote:Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration:Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her).

There is no maximum duration for the charage on the weapon? I would think the charge would wear of after a few minutes if the weapon was not used.


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:37 pm
by PapaMambo
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration:Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her).

There is no maximum duration for the charage on the weapon? I would think the charge would wear of after a few minutes if the weapon was not used.

Well, I was thinking more for projectiles I suppose, but I suppose some sort of maximum duration could be placed on everything.. I guess I was looking at it in the context of a group of players getting ready for the 'big boss fight', and making sure that everything was prepared in advance. What sort of duration would you suggest? I would want to try and make it a fairly lengthy one maybe 1hour per level of experience or something similar..


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
PapaMambo wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration:Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her).

There is no maximum duration for the charage on the weapon? I would think the charge would wear of after a few minutes if the weapon was not used.

Well, I was thinking more for projectiles I suppose, but I suppose some sort of maximum duration could be placed on everything.. I guess I was looking at it in the context of a group of players getting ready for the 'big boss fight', and making sure that everything was prepared in advance. What sort of duration would you suggest? I would want to try and make it a fairly lengthy one maybe 1hour per level of experience or something similar..

I am a big fan of the concept that if you don't use it, you lose it. Are you looking at charging a whole magazine of machine gun bullets? If not, why are hours necessary when it only takes a single action to charge a projectile?


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:16 pm
by PapaMambo
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration:Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her).

There is no maximum duration for the charage on the weapon? I would think the charge would wear of after a few minutes if the weapon was not used.

Well, I was thinking more for projectiles I suppose, but I suppose some sort of maximum duration could be placed on everything.. I guess I was looking at it in the context of a group of players getting ready for the 'big boss fight', and making sure that everything was prepared in advance. What sort of duration would you suggest? I would want to try and make it a fairly lengthy one maybe 1hour per level of experience or something similar..

I am a big fan of the concept that if you don't use it, you lose it. Are you looking at charging a whole magazine of machine gun bullets? If not, why are hours necessary when it only takes a single action to charge a projectile?

Well, as I stated in the power description, only the first bullet in a magazing could be charged with this power.. Although perhaps making this a Major with the ability to charge an entire magazine might be ok.. I guess I see your point about using it or losing it, although I would like there to be some sort of long(ish) duration to allow the ability to 'prep' before going into battle.. In the heat of battle however, it requires one action per bullet or thrown weapon..

Honestly, my thoughts (and use) for this power was in conjunction with a character I had who had Manipulate Kinetic Energy and Targeting, allowing him to do some pretty amazing stunts with his weapons (a small hand crossbow, some shuriken and some throwing knives)..

EDIT - I've adjusted the duration of the effect to state that it wears off after use, or 1 hour per lvl of experience, whichever comes first.. Hopefully that cleans things up a bit..


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:44 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
PapaMambo wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
PapaMambo wrote:Well I guess this is my first foray into posting a new power - any suggestions or improvements are welcome! (Go easy on my fragile ego though :roll: )

I present you with...

Two Birds, One Stone - minor

"This oughta be like shootin' ducks in a barrel.."

The character has the power to charge a single projectile with the ability to strike two targets. The character uses one action and holds the projectile to be charged in his hand, thus empowering that projectile with the ability. The projectile can be any object that can be held and thrown with one hand (rock, knife, spear, axe, etc), as well as any projectile that can be fired from a bow/crossbow or firearm. There is a limit however for firearms in that only the first bullet in a magazine can be charged with this ability - all subsequent bullets act as normal, and strike only their intended target. Arrows and crossbow bolts however can be pre-charged in the quiver, thus allowing the character to have a supply of ready to go projectiles.
NOTE - This power only works on PHYSICAL projectiles/weapons. It will NOT work for energy weapons/magic weapons (No charging that wand that shoots fireballs, or that flaming Rune hammer.. Sorry!)

Range: Self

Duration:Special - the projectiles CAN be precharged, and the effect wears off once the projectile/thrown weapon is used.

Attacks per melee: If using this power during combat, the character needs to expend 1 action per projectile/thrown weapon being charged. If the weapon or projectile is pre-charged, there is no action cost.

Bonuses and Penalties: The character using this power designates 2 targets - a primary target, and secondary target. The character gets +3 to strike for the initial target, and does not need to roll to strike the second target. If the roll to strike the first target is successful, the projectile / weapon will automatically hit the second target, unless the second target makes a successful dodge roll at -4 (he doesn't react quickly enough as the projectile / weapon was not aimed directly at him/her).

There is no maximum duration for the charage on the weapon? I would think the charge would wear of after a few minutes if the weapon was not used.

Well, I was thinking more for projectiles I suppose, but I suppose some sort of maximum duration could be placed on everything.. I guess I was looking at it in the context of a group of players getting ready for the 'big boss fight', and making sure that everything was prepared in advance. What sort of duration would you suggest? I would want to try and make it a fairly lengthy one maybe 1hour per level of experience or something similar..

I am a big fan of the concept that if you don't use it, you lose it. Are you looking at charging a whole magazine of machine gun bullets? If not, why are hours necessary when it only takes a single action to charge a projectile?

Well, as I stated in the power description, only the first bullet in a magazing could be charged with this power.. Although perhaps making this a Major with the ability to charge an entire magazine might be ok.. I guess I see your point about using it or losing it, although I would like there to be some sort of long(ish) duration to allow the ability to 'prep' before going into battle.. In the heat of battle however, it requires one action per bullet or thrown weapon..

Honestly, my thoughts (and use) for this power was in conjunction with a character I had who had Manipulate Kinetic Energy and Targeting, allowing him to do some pretty amazing stunts with his weapons (a small hand crossbow, some shuriken and some throwing knives)..

EDIT - I've adjusted the duration of the effect to state that it wears off after use, or 1 hour per lvl of experience, whichever comes first.. Hopefully that cleans things up a bit..

I don't really see anyone preparing hours ahead for a fight, but that is just me.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Maybe. Anyone else with an opinion on this? Should I lower the damage and make it a minor power instead?

Bullet Breath (Major)

I'd retool the power a bit. Instead of powers #1 and #2, I'd have

1. Empowered by Airborne Toxins: The character is empowered by airborne toxins and gases, that the character inhales. Any damage that would otherwise be taken, instead adds +1 to Initiative and +2 on strike on the characters abilities. Likewise the character is not blinded in clouds of ash, smoke, or mist. However, ingested, blood-borne (such as being stabbed) toxins and poisons have full effect on the character and must be countered in the typical way. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
2. Empowered by Gunfire: The character takes half damage from gunfire, but just as importantly, gets empowered by being shot as the character enters his or her skin. Blood loss is still a concern for the character, but at half the rate. When shot, each bullet adds +2 to strike for the characters abilities and +1 on Initiative. If hit with a burst of bullets, the character gets even stronger, adding an additional +1 attack per melee round, and +10 Hit Points. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
3. Spitting Bullets: Under normal circumstances, the characters body generates bullets through the esophagus and the character spits bullets out in a volley or singly. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The Spitting Bullets power can be used twice per melee round, counting as a single attack, +1 time per melee round at levels 5 and 11. The bonus to strike is +3 singly, with no bonus for burst attacks (unless empowered). The damage is 2D6 on a single shot, 5D6 on a burst.
4. Expunging Bullets: By far the most powerful ability that the character has is the ability to expunge bullets that the character has been shot with, right out of the tip of the tongue in a violent spitting manner! This can only be done after being shot, and counts as two melee attacks. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The bonus is +3 to strike, with empowered bonuses allowed. The damage is 2D4x10 because the characters body doesn't have the generate the bullet, it takes an already existing bullet from anywhere in the body and supercharges it. The character can spit out any bullet shot with, but it must penetrate his skin; Natural A.R. makes this power a lot less useful. Remember though, infection, blood loss and shock can all affect this character, not to mention the pain of having a bullet lodged in the body and possible loss of mobility so while technically the character doesn't have to immediately expunge bullets that are embedded inside, keeping them there isn't a pleasant experience. Also swallowed bullets don't get the bonus; they MUST penetrate the characters skin to be expunged.
5. Other Bonuses:
+30 to S.D.C.
+3D6 Hit Points
+2 to Save vs Pain and Poisons/Toxins
+15% to save vs Coma/Death from blood loss and shock

I like this version of the power but would increase the range.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:13 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Maybe. Anyone else with an opinion on this? Should I lower the damage and make it a minor power instead?

Bullet Breath (Major)

I'd retool the power a bit. Instead of powers #1 and #2, I'd have

1. Empowered by Airborne Toxins: The character is empowered by airborne toxins and gases, that the character inhales. Any damage that would otherwise be taken, instead adds +1 to Initiative and +2 on strike on the characters abilities. Likewise the character is not blinded in clouds of ash, smoke, or mist. However, ingested, blood-borne (such as being stabbed) toxins and poisons have full effect on the character and must be countered in the typical way. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
2. Empowered by Gunfire: The character takes half damage from gunfire, but just as importantly, gets empowered by being shot as the character enters his or her skin. Blood loss is still a concern for the character, but at half the rate. When shot, each bullet adds +2 to strike for the characters abilities and +1 on Initiative. If hit with a burst of bullets, the character gets even stronger, adding an additional +1 attack per melee round, and +10 Hit Points. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
3. Spitting Bullets: Under normal circumstances, the characters body generates bullets through the esophagus and the character spits bullets out in a volley or singly. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The Spitting Bullets power can be used twice per melee round, counting as a single attack, +1 time per melee round at levels 5 and 11. The bonus to strike is +3 singly, with no bonus for burst attacks (unless empowered). The damage is 2D6 on a single shot, 5D6 on a burst.
4. Expunging Bullets: By far the most powerful ability that the character has is the ability to expunge bullets that the character has been shot with, right out of the tip of the tongue in a violent spitting manner! This can only be done after being shot, and counts as two melee attacks. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The bonus is +3 to strike, with empowered bonuses allowed. The damage is 2D4x10 because the characters body doesn't have the generate the bullet, it takes an already existing bullet from anywhere in the body and supercharges it. The character can spit out any bullet shot with, but it must penetrate his skin; Natural A.R. makes this power a lot less useful. Remember though, infection, blood loss and shock can all affect this character, not to mention the pain of having a bullet lodged in the body and possible loss of mobility so while technically the character doesn't have to immediately expunge bullets that are embedded inside, keeping them there isn't a pleasant experience. Also swallowed bullets don't get the bonus; they MUST penetrate the characters skin to be expunged.
5. Other Bonuses:
+30 to S.D.C.
+3D6 Hit Points
+2 to Save vs Pain and Poisons/Toxins
+15% to save vs Coma/Death from blood loss and shock

I like this version of the power but would increase the range.

I like this as a power, but I think it falls short of the concept of breathing bullets. SG's power was based on exhaling a HUGE burst of bullets, while Mephisto's is more just like hacking them up. Both powers have their merits, but Breathing Bullets should be simply inhaling and exhaling, something which does not take as long as Mephisto would have us believe. Like I said, both are fine but Meph should call his Spitting Bullets to differentiate the two.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Maybe. Anyone else with an opinion on this? Should I lower the damage and make it a minor power instead?

Bullet Breath (Major)

I'd retool the power a bit. Instead of powers #1 and #2, I'd have

1. Empowered by Airborne Toxins: The character is empowered by airborne toxins and gases, that the character inhales. Any damage that would otherwise be taken, instead adds +1 to Initiative and +2 on strike on the characters abilities. Likewise the character is not blinded in clouds of ash, smoke, or mist. However, ingested, blood-borne (such as being stabbed) toxins and poisons have full effect on the character and must be countered in the typical way. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
2. Empowered by Gunfire: The character takes half damage from gunfire, but just as importantly, gets empowered by being shot as the character enters his or her skin. Blood loss is still a concern for the character, but at half the rate. When shot, each bullet adds +2 to strike for the characters abilities and +1 on Initiative. If hit with a burst of bullets, the character gets even stronger, adding an additional +1 attack per melee round, and +10 Hit Points. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
3. Spitting Bullets: Under normal circumstances, the characters body generates bullets through the esophagus and the character spits bullets out in a volley or singly. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The Spitting Bullets power can be used twice per melee round, counting as a single attack, +1 time per melee round at levels 5 and 11. The bonus to strike is +3 singly, with no bonus for burst attacks (unless empowered). The damage is 2D6 on a single shot, 5D6 on a burst.
4. Expunging Bullets: By far the most powerful ability that the character has is the ability to expunge bullets that the character has been shot with, right out of the tip of the tongue in a violent spitting manner! This can only be done after being shot, and counts as two melee attacks. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The bonus is +3 to strike, with empowered bonuses allowed. The damage is 2D4x10 because the characters body doesn't have the generate the bullet, it takes an already existing bullet from anywhere in the body and supercharges it. The character can spit out any bullet shot with, but it must penetrate his skin; Natural A.R. makes this power a lot less useful. Remember though, infection, blood loss and shock can all affect this character, not to mention the pain of having a bullet lodged in the body and possible loss of mobility so while technically the character doesn't have to immediately expunge bullets that are embedded inside, keeping them there isn't a pleasant experience. Also swallowed bullets don't get the bonus; they MUST penetrate the characters skin to be expunged.
5. Other Bonuses:
+30 to S.D.C.
+3D6 Hit Points
+2 to Save vs Pain and Poisons/Toxins
+15% to save vs Coma/Death from blood loss and shock

I like this version of the power but would increase the range.

I like this as a power, but I think it falls short of the concept of breathing bullets. SG's power was based on exhaling a HUGE burst of bullets, while Mephisto's is more just like hacking them up. Both powers have their merits, but Breathing Bullets should be simply inhaling and exhaling, something which does not take as long as Mephisto would have us believe. Like I said, both are fine but Meph should call his Spitting Bullets to differentiate the two.

It is true that the way he wrote it is not how I envisioned the power, but I do like this one in addition to mine. There is nothing wrong with variants. :P


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:28 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
No, there is no major version for it. Iczer is usually pretty cool about people working from his powers to do variants, but you might want to check with him before writing a major version of one of HIS powers.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:30 pm
by Iczer
Go nuts Keldane.



Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:21 am
by MrTwist
It's been a long time since I contributed anything to this thread, so forgive me if I'm rusty. Hopefully I didn't copy a previously created ability, and if I did I'm sorry. And, also hopefully, it isn't stupid.

Spit(minor power)

The character's mouth becomes a rather versatile and powerful weapon. The character can create a projectile, shot from their mouth, that mimics the properties of the last thing they had in their mouth. Even though this is a minor power, it's ability to mimic is quite powerful. The projectile will even mimic magical or psionic properties of objects. The projectile itself won't mimic the specific magical qualities(or psionic, or whatever) of the material, it will just mimic that it is magical, psionic, etc... The player can basically create a dart composed of anything they can put in their mouth. Examples include poisons, venoms, magical materials, fire, electricity, psionic energy, etc... If it can be put into the mouth, it can be replicated.

Range: 50ft
Damage: 3D6. While the damage amount does not change, it's specific qualities will vary by the nature of the projectile.
Explanation: The character creates a mouth-launched projectile composed of whatever material was recently in their mouth. It copies all properties of the material itself, and turns back into saliva after it hits a target.
Experience Level Bonus: At each level of experience, including level one, the player may choose to either increase the damage by 1D6 or the range by 10ft.
Melee Attacks: Each spit uses one Attack Per Melee. Changing the nature of the projectile also uses one Attack Per Melee.
Bonus To Strike: +3 to strike
Bonus: The character's mouth is invulnerable to damage of all types. This allows the character to sample anything without doing harm. They can put magical fires of incredible intensity in their mouth along with psi-swords from the most powerful psychics. This invulnerability extends only to the mouth, leaving out the rest of the body(including the throat, face, stomach, etc... A good idea here is to not swallow).


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:18 pm
by taalismn
Obscured Eyes...funny...I kinda see it as something along the lines of "Well, if I can't see what I'm supposed to be afraid of, then I can't be afraid of it, right?""Ah, right, whatever works...personally I'd be even MORE scared if I was blind."


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:24 pm
by rbm10101
Nanite Control
The character can create and control nanites for a variety of functions for limited amounts of time

1. Heal damage to unliving goods over time for the cost of his life force
2. Heal damage to living things over time to a lesser degree at the cost of his own life force
3. sense nanites at a radius around him and what there purpose is
4. turn off nanites at a radius around him
5.cause minor changes in materials organisms
6. take over nanites in a radius around him at the cost of lost attacks and penalties for short durations

have any damage the nanites do be minor and or take excessive amounts of time ( they are little machines the size of a molecule after all.

could be very powerful if not limited in scope in some way.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:31 am
by MrTwist
greenclowd99 wrote:Im sorry to ask this, but in the HEROES UUNLIMITED BOOK #1, there is a power called HEIGHTENED SENSE OF RECALL. It is printed in the book that you can recall ANYTHING YOU HAVE EXPEREANCED, SEEN, or HEARD. It dose not state anything about powers, but w/ it saying that you can recall anything EXPEREANCED. If you want to split hairs here, is mimicing a power considered an expereance??? If so can you recall that exspereance on another time & just follow the mimic rules for a powers if that target leaves that area????

Unfortunately, no. You will be able to recall the experience of having those powers, but since the person you originally got them from isn't around you don't have the powers themselves. The Mimic power requires the other person in order to grant you those powers. It's like with the Copy Animal Attributes, or whatever it's called, from Powers Unlimited 1. You can't just think of a bird and gain the abilities, you actually have to be around one.

Make sense?


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I like Obscured Eyes, Mephisto.
I am trying to work up a power where the character's pulse rate increases their energy expulsion attack called Pulse. Any ideas on how the pulse rate would be measured in game terms during a battle?


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:38 pm
by Severus Snape
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Maybe. Anyone else with an opinion on this? Should I lower the damage and make it a minor power instead?

Bullet Breath (Major)

I'd retool the power a bit. Instead of powers #1 and #2, I'd have

1. Empowered by Airborne Toxins: The character is empowered by airborne toxins and gases, that the character inhales. Any damage that would otherwise be taken, instead adds +1 to Initiative and +2 on strike on the characters abilities. Likewise the character is not blinded in clouds of ash, smoke, or mist. However, ingested, blood-borne (such as being stabbed) toxins and poisons have full effect on the character and must be countered in the typical way. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
2. Empowered by Gunfire: The character takes half damage from gunfire, but just as importantly, gets empowered by being shot as the character enters his or her skin. Blood loss is still a concern for the character, but at half the rate. When shot, each bullet adds +2 to strike for the characters abilities and +1 on Initiative. If hit with a burst of bullets, the character gets even stronger, adding an additional +1 attack per melee round, and +10 Hit Points. The effects last for 10 minutes per level of experience.
3. Spitting Bullets: Under normal circumstances, the characters body generates bullets through the esophagus and the character spits bullets out in a volley or singly. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The Spitting Bullets power can be used twice per melee round, counting as a single attack, +1 time per melee round at levels 5 and 11. The bonus to strike is +3 singly, with no bonus for burst attacks (unless empowered). The damage is 2D6 on a single shot, 5D6 on a burst.
4. Expunging Bullets: By far the most powerful ability that the character has is the ability to expunge bullets that the character has been shot with, right out of the tip of the tongue in a violent spitting manner! This can only be done after being shot, and counts as two melee attacks. The range is 60 feet (20m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level of experience. The bonus is +3 to strike, with empowered bonuses allowed. The damage is 2D4x10 because the characters body doesn't have the generate the bullet, it takes an already existing bullet from anywhere in the body and supercharges it. The character can spit out any bullet shot with, but it must penetrate his skin; Natural A.R. makes this power a lot less useful. Remember though, infection, blood loss and shock can all affect this character, not to mention the pain of having a bullet lodged in the body and possible loss of mobility so while technically the character doesn't have to immediately expunge bullets that are embedded inside, keeping them there isn't a pleasant experience. Also swallowed bullets don't get the bonus; they MUST penetrate the characters skin to be expunged.
5. Other Bonuses:
+30 to S.D.C.
+3D6 Hit Points
+2 to Save vs Pain and Poisons/Toxins
+15% to save vs Coma/Death from blood loss and shock

I jsut recently saw The Mask (not the Rocky Dennis story, but the one with Jim Carrey), and near the end of the movie the bad guy puts the mask on, gets shot by a bunch of people, and does exactly what the above power states. The scene reminded me of this power. Which (and I am not the end-all, be-all of powers out here) makes this a pretty outstanding power.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
rbm10101 wrote:Nanite Control
The character can create and control nanites for a variety of functions for limited amounts of time

1. Heal damage to unliving goods over time for the cost of his life force
2. Heal damage to living things over time to a lesser degree at the cost of his own life force
3. sense nanites at a radius around him and what there purpose is
4. turn off nanites at a radius around him
5.cause minor changes in materials organisms
6. take over nanites in a radius around him at the cost of lost attacks and penalties for short durations

have any damage the nanites do be minor and or take excessive amounts of time ( they are little machines the size of a molecule after all.

could be very powerful if not limited in scope in some way.

This power needs ranges and whatnot to be of any use. Check out the Blace Vault wiki and look up Nanoslaves by Iczer, Nanobytes by myself and the B.O.N.E.S. power category for powers similar to this.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:54 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Regarding the Pulse power idea by SG: Perhaps you could have them control their pulse and get bonuses as they gain more control of it, say +2d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12 to the energy expulsion attack, and +1d6 to their Spd at the same levels, but also have the energy attack gain damage the faster they move. Have them be able to lower their pulse to a stop for short times, also.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:17 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Gryphon Chick wrote:Regarding the Pulse power idea by SG: Perhaps you could have them control their pulse and get bonuses as they gain more control of it, say +2d6 at levels 4, 8 and 12 to the energy expulsion attack, and +1d6 to their Spd at the same levels, but also have the energy attack gain damage the faster they move. Have them be able to lower their pulse to a stop for short times, also.

Those are the general ideas I had. Basically I would give them Extraordinary Speed and Extraordinary Physical Endurance, an energy expulsion attack with various modifiers, and the ability to play dead.


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:31 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
taalismn wrote:Got a feeling I'm missing something with this one so I'm putting up for peer review, possible revision...

“I foiled you because you look absolutely STUNNING in silver!”

Range: Self, or 50 ft per level of experience
This is the ability to project and spray a cold metallic vapor that can be used to coat and layer other objects.
*Spray----The superbeing can deliberately spray the metal vapor into exposed eyes, nose, respiratory tracts, and other organs, clogging and blinding them, or into sensitive electronics(coating a microphone and rendering it useless or plugging a power socket, for example). Against organics, this causes the victim to lose initiative, HALF actions/attacks per melee, and bonuses to strike/parry/dodge for 1d4 melees while they clear their eyes or cough/choke out the offending material.
*Cloud---This produces an airborne cloud of metallic droplets that can be used to defuse energy attacks, especially lasers(do only 1/4 damage shooting through the cloud). Depending on local wind conditions, the cloud remains airborne for 1d4 melees, and covers about 10 ft in area. Inhaling the vapor cloud does 2d4 damage per melee to the lungs.
*Bronze---This lays down a thin layer of paint-like metallic particles that give the object a metallic gleam. Lasers do 25% less damage against a bronzed target.
*Metal Leaf---This creates the equivalent of thin metal foil or gold leaf that’s flexible and lightweight. It’s too thin to offer much protection against physical attacks like punches, kicks, clubs, and bullets, but it does provide some protection against energy weapons and strikes (effectively serves as an A.R. 12). Lasers will do HALF damage against a target so covered.
*Plate---This lays down thicker, heavier, layers. The superbeing can layer a victim such that they are trapped, but still able to breath(add 25 lbs of weight and accumulative -2 to initiative, dodge, strike, parry, and roll, and -2d4 to Speed per melee of continual plate-covering), or can encase them in an airtight suffocating casing of metal(only 1d6 melees of air). The plates have 100 SDC/1d4 MDC per melee spent forming them, and can be pried off, but with considerable effort.
Producing armor with this takes three times as long, as the superbeing takes care to shape the forming plates and allow for movement.
Duration: Metal lasts 1 hour per level of experience
Saves: None


I'm pretty sure I just figured out the most EVIL use for this power ever. To see visual results look up Thermite on youtube. i sincerely apologize to all moderators if I have violated ANYTHING with the info contained in this reply. If required please feel free to edit/delete this post. Just don't ban me.

Using the Spray portion of this power I think you can do the below listed action. I wouldn't try the cloud variation as the results could be an explosion that wipes out ..well everyone who's not completely immune to fire/heat or any type of damage whatsoever.

Did you know that if you coated someone with powdered Iron oxide (rust) and powdered Aluminum (at an 8:1 ratio by weight) that the victim is now covered in THERMITE!! Apply the right heat souce (magnesium does it nicely..anyone got a 4th of July sparkler handy?) and you've got a victim that burns at 2500 degree's Farenheit :mad: and can only be put out by smothering with sand! Oh did I also mention that they're throwing off sparks of molten iron?

This power gets 5 out of 5 Badasses!! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

Well done.. Well done.

PS using scientific fact I think I may have legally and legitimately munchkin-ized the living crap out of this power. Yay for me :D

PPS The two substances must be well mixed, not unless you can do two diff attacks at the same time (one from each hand)..I'm not sure it would work. So maybe the cloud is the way to go. Spray them both into the same area so that they're mixed, have the victim walk through the cloud (coating themselves), lite them up an then run like hell.

Dang I may have just nerfed my own idea.

Iczer, your thoughts?
Any other science minded types want to chime in?


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:31 pm
by Iczer
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:Got a feeling I'm missing something with this one so I'm putting up for peer review, possible revision...

“I foiled you because you look absolutely STUNNING in silver!”

Range: Self, or 50 ft per level of experience
This is the ability to project and spray a cold metallic vapor that can be used to coat and layer other objects.
*Spray----The superbeing can deliberately spray the metal vapor into exposed eyes, nose, respiratory tracts, and other organs, clogging and blinding them, or into sensitive electronics(coating a microphone and rendering it useless or plugging a power socket, for example). Against organics, this causes the victim to lose initiative, HALF actions/attacks per melee, and bonuses to strike/parry/dodge for 1d4 melees while they clear their eyes or cough/choke out the offending material.
*Cloud---This produces an airborne cloud of metallic droplets that can be used to defuse energy attacks, especially lasers(do only 1/4 damage shooting through the cloud). Depending on local wind conditions, the cloud remains airborne for 1d4 melees, and covers about 10 ft in area. Inhaling the vapor cloud does 2d4 damage per melee to the lungs.
*Bronze---This lays down a thin layer of paint-like metallic particles that give the object a metallic gleam. Lasers do 25% less damage against a bronzed target.
*Metal Leaf---This creates the equivalent of thin metal foil or gold leaf that’s flexible and lightweight. It’s too thin to offer much protection against physical attacks like punches, kicks, clubs, and bullets, but it does provide some protection against energy weapons and strikes (effectively serves as an A.R. 12). Lasers will do HALF damage against a target so covered.
*Plate---This lays down thicker, heavier, layers. The superbeing can layer a victim such that they are trapped, but still able to breath(add 25 lbs of weight and accumulative -2 to initiative, dodge, strike, parry, and roll, and -2d4 to Speed per melee of continual plate-covering), or can encase them in an airtight suffocating casing of metal(only 1d6 melees of air). The plates have 100 SDC/1d4 MDC per melee spent forming them, and can be pried off, but with considerable effort.
Producing armor with this takes three times as long, as the superbeing takes care to shape the forming plates and allow for movement.
Duration: Metal lasts 1 hour per level of experience
Saves: None


I'm pretty sure I just figured out the most EVIL use for this power ever. To see visual results look up Thermite on youtube. i sincerely apologize to all moderators if I have violated ANYTHING with the info contained in this reply. If required please feel free to edit/delete this post. Just don't ban me.

Using the Spray portion of this power I think you can do the below listed action. I wouldn't try the cloud variation as the results could be an explosion that wipes out ..well everyone who's not completely immune to fire/heat or any type of damage whatsoever.

Did you know that if you coated someone with powdered Iron oxide (rust) and powdered Aluminum (at an 8:1 ratio by weight) that the victim is now covered in THERMITE!! Apply the right heat souce (magnesium does it nicely..anyone got a 4th of July sparkler handy?) and you've got a victim that burns at 2500 degree's Farenheit :mad: and can only be put out by smothering with sand! Oh did I also mention that they're throwing off sparks of molten iron?

This power gets 5 out of 5 Badasses!! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

Well done.. Well done.

PS using scientific fact I think I may have legally and legitimately munchkin-ized the living crap out of this power. Yay for me :D

PPS The two substances must be well mixed, not unless you can do two diff attacks at the same time (one from each hand)..I'm not sure it would work. So maybe the cloud is the way to go. Spray them both into the same area so that they're mixed, have the victim walk through the cloud (coating themselves), lite them up an then run like hell.

Dang I may have just nerfed my own idea.

Iczer, your thoughts?
Any other science minded types want to chime in?

from a balance point of view I would rule it too unruly and lacking in fine manipulation to work as you describe. that handwaves a lot. If I had to, I'd keep the damage low (sure, thermite should be fatal. Shotguns should also be fatal, but 4-6D6 hardly bothers a superhuman.

From a design point of view, the power can incapacitate mildly (normal spray) incapaciate moderately (plate laying) or severely (the incapacitate option). all three are done with equal finesse, which seems redundant within the power framework. there needs to be some utility purpose or variation in effort between the three effects. in the same vein, the power has the ability to bronze a target or metal leaf them. one is merely a weaker version of the other and should technically be either differentiated or rolled into one subpower.
Armour production takes three times as long, but we have no time stipulation within the power (does it take 3 actions?) also, we have no suggested armour stats for when someone does this.
No saving throw. Instantly incapacitate your enemies without a saving throw seems.... a bit skewed. a dodge should be at least mentioned. and if theres a dodge roll, a strike roll needs to be mentioned.

From a science point of view (and I'm not sure if I've been excluded or not from the 'Science minded type' classification) I'd caution against said reactions.
* Thermite reactions are very unstable. you set the target on fire, then the floor catches then...well you are playing with very hot fire.
* They are also bright. a small torch using thermite necessitates the use of protective goggles. I would hate to see what sort of dmagaing UV gets thrown off by a man sized torch of thermite
* I'll restate; sounds like there would need to have some fine tuning issues. an incorrect mixture could result in no net effect or a significantly reduced one.
* the obvious other issue could be when someone shoots through the thermite cloud, particularilly with an energy attack.

You asked. and it is nice to be asked BTW.



Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:58 pm
by Iczer
Keldane wrote:Hmm... In that case, Iczer, could I ask that you give Strength of Madness a look over? I did use your power as a base, after all, so I'd really appreciate knowing your thoughts on the adaptation.

OK. A mechanical breakdown:

1) Has a turn on/turn off switch. In addition, the on switch will have a drawback that may actually impede it's use.

2) bonuses: +2 attacks, +8 PE PS and +5 to PP as well as a doubled speed. worthy of a major power (as long as it's not all there is). this is coupled with some attribute drawbacks and a rest period.

3) combat bonuses: +6 to simultaneous strikes and the ability to deflect attacks unarmed (including possible ranged attacks). I hate simultaneous attacks (the abuse it opens up is immense) that said it's a legitimate and untapped mechanic within Palladium. so, bravo.
In addition, more limitations.

4) shrug off injury: adequate defense. conditional.

5) cool.

6) miscellaneous.

So in summary: This power covers offence and defence, making it half a decent character just by itself. In addition, the offences and defences are of a level one expects a major power to be at.
On a negative note, the power is coupled with heavy disadvantages. It must be turned on, and turning it on has a negative consequence (Insanity) a second negative consequence (lowered IQ and MA) a third negative consequence (Diabolic alignment) and a fourth negative consequence (guilt over alignment infraction) as a major power, it is a heavy investment for a player and probably should not be so overburdened with complications (Which is the reason, probably, that there is no major berserker type powers yet)

My suggestions: I'd remove simultaneous attack bonus (bear in mind I'm biased against it though) and in fact, most of #3 entirely (particularily the downside) Roll any sundry combat bonuses into #2. Add some sort of psionic resistance while insane, or consider adding an ME bonus (which aids psionically and adds to ability #4) Also, the HF stacking could get out of hand easilly, and you may wish to dial it back a little, but possibly allow it to be used by the character as an action.

you asked.



Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:36 am
by NMI
Challenge for you Power Generating Masters...
Make a major version of "Frequency Absorption"


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:49 am
by Stone Gargoyle
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Challenge for you Power Generating Masters...
Make a major version of "Frequency Absorption"

One way of making a major of this would be to increase all the ranges and MAKE IT DO DAMAGE when retransmitted, like from the microwaves and sonic resonance. Increasing the bonuses to skills related to communications would also be a plus. Some of the powers we have on the boards already do what a major version of this power would do, such as my Starscream power. I could play with the power and come up with something, I'm sure.
I should also try to get that Pulse power written up and on the boards.


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:31 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Iczer wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:Got a feeling I'm missing something with this one so I'm putting up for peer review, possible revision...

“I foiled you because you look absolutely STUNNING in silver!”

Range: Self, or 50 ft per level of experience
This is the ability to project and spray a cold metallic vapor that can be used to coat and layer other objects.
*Spray----The superbeing can deliberately spray the metal vapor into exposed eyes, nose, respiratory tracts, and other organs, clogging and blinding them, or into sensitive electronics(coating a microphone and rendering it useless or plugging a power socket, for example). Against organics, this causes the victim to lose initiative, HALF actions/attacks per melee, and bonuses to strike/parry/dodge for 1d4 melees while they clear their eyes or cough/choke out the offending material.
*Cloud---This produces an airborne cloud of metallic droplets that can be used to defuse energy attacks, especially lasers(do only 1/4 damage shooting through the cloud). Depending on local wind conditions, the cloud remains airborne for 1d4 melees, and covers about 10 ft in area. Inhaling the vapor cloud does 2d4 damage per melee to the lungs.
*Bronze---This lays down a thin layer of paint-like metallic particles that give the object a metallic gleam. Lasers do 25% less damage against a bronzed target.
*Metal Leaf---This creates the equivalent of thin metal foil or gold leaf that’s flexible and lightweight. It’s too thin to offer much protection against physical attacks like punches, kicks, clubs, and bullets, but it does provide some protection against energy weapons and strikes (effectively serves as an A.R. 12). Lasers will do HALF damage against a target so covered.
*Plate---This lays down thicker, heavier, layers. The superbeing can layer a victim such that they are trapped, but still able to breath(add 25 lbs of weight and accumulative -2 to initiative, dodge, strike, parry, and roll, and -2d4 to Speed per melee of continual plate-covering), or can encase them in an airtight suffocating casing of metal(only 1d6 melees of air). The plates have 100 SDC/1d4 MDC per melee spent forming them, and can be pried off, but with considerable effort.
Producing armor with this takes three times as long, as the superbeing takes care to shape the forming plates and allow for movement.
Duration: Metal lasts 1 hour per level of experience
Saves: None


I'm pretty sure I just figured out the most EVIL use for this power ever. To see visual results look up Thermite on youtube. i sincerely apologize to all moderators if I have violated ANYTHING with the info contained in this reply. If required please feel free to edit/delete this post. Just don't ban me.

Using the Spray portion of this power I think you can do the below listed action. I wouldn't try the cloud variation as the results could be an explosion that wipes out ..well everyone who's not completely immune to fire/heat or any type of damage whatsoever.

Did you know that if you coated someone with powdered Iron oxide (rust) and powdered Aluminum (at an 8:1 ratio by weight) that the victim is now covered in THERMITE!! Apply the right heat souce (magnesium does it nicely..anyone got a 4th of July sparkler handy?) and you've got a victim that burns at 2500 degree's Farenheit :mad: and can only be put out by smothering with sand! Oh did I also mention that they're throwing off sparks of molten iron?

This power gets 5 out of 5 Badasses!! :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

Well done.. Well done.

PS using scientific fact I think I may have legally and legitimately munchkin-ized the living crap out of this power. Yay for me :D

PPS The two substances must be well mixed, not unless you can do two diff attacks at the same time (one from each hand)..I'm not sure it would work. So maybe the cloud is the way to go. Spray them both into the same area so that they're mixed, have the victim walk through the cloud (coating themselves), lite them up an then run like hell.

Dang I may have just nerfed my own idea.

Iczer, your thoughts?
Any other science minded types want to chime in?

from a balance point of view I would rule it too unruly and lacking in fine manipulation to work as you describe. that handwaves a lot. If I had to, I'd keep the damage low (sure, thermite should be fatal. Shotguns should also be fatal, but 4-6D6 hardly bothers a superhuman.

From a design point of view, the power can incapacitate mildly (normal spray) incapaciate moderately (plate laying) or severely (the incapacitate option). all three are done with equal finesse, which seems redundant within the power framework. there needs to be some utility purpose or variation in effort between the three effects. in the same vein, the power has the ability to bronze a target or metal leaf them. one is merely a weaker version of the other and should technically be either differentiated or rolled into one subpower.
Armour production takes three times as long, but we have no time stipulation within the power (does it take 3 actions?) also, we have no suggested armour stats for when someone does this.
No saving throw. Instantly incapacitate your enemies without a saving throw seems.... a bit skewed. a dodge should be at least mentioned. and if theres a dodge roll, a strike roll needs to be mentioned.

From a science point of view (and I'm not sure if I've been excluded or not from the 'Science minded type' classification) I'd caution against said reactions.
* Thermite reactions are very unstable. you set the target on fire, then the floor catches then...well you are playing with very hot fire.
* They are also bright. a small torch using thermite necessitates the use of protective goggles. I would hate to see what sort of dmagaing UV gets thrown off by a man sized torch of thermite
* I'll restate; sounds like there would need to have some fine tuning issues. an incorrect mixture could result in no net effect or a significantly reduced one.
* the obvious other issue could be when someone shoots through the thermite cloud, particularilly with an energy attack.

You asked. and it is nice to be asked BTW.

Batts've made some very good points

Lot of finesse required to get the correct mixture (very unlikely to get it right..unless there were some way to boost they new exactly how much was going out) But still very very tricky

Damage low! This is a fire that melts through steel!

"Although the reactants are stable at room temperature, they burn with an extremely intense exothermic reaction when they are heated to ignition temperature. The products emerge as liquids due to the high temperatures reached (up to 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) with iron(III) oxide)—although the actual temperature reached depends on how quickly heat can escape to the surrounding environment. Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and does not require any external source of air. Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn well while wet and cannot be easily extinguished with water, although enough water will remove heat and stop the reaction"*

So you decide to have the APS water guy put you out? Or jump in a large body of water? Then THIS HAPPENS "Small amounts of water will boil before reaching the reaction. Although thermite is used for welding underwater, in a haphazard ignition of thermite underwater, the molten iron produced will extract oxygen from water and generate hydrogen gas in a single-replacement reaction. This gas may, in turn, burn by combining with oxygen in the air. Mixing water with thermite or pouring water onto burning thermite can cause a steam explosion, spraying hot fragments in all directions."*
Not only do you suffocate the aps water dude by sucking all the O2 out of him, but you're releasing hydrogen gas which, in the presence of oxygen and all that super hot molten iron you're spraying, is very explosive. What fun!


Sure Shotguns are lethal when shooting slugs or at close range, but people survive getting hit by shotguns all the time. I think THIs ... re=related would severely "bother a superhuman" (you did hear them say 3x hotter than molten lava right? I don't know the damage of Lava (I'm guessing mdc?) but 3x hotter!!. I dunno anyone who'd shrug that off.

Unstable..No argument there. Villain on fire. check. Floor on fire. rats. Rats on fire. yep them to. Building engulfed in flames. oh yeah. Everything that burns/melts/vaporizes below, at, or near 4,530 degrees F in SERIOUS trouble. You better bet your dice they are!.

a "cloud" of aerosol-ized thermite particles would exploded Violently if the correct ignition point were met.

Iczer/Batts (whoever you really are),
Thank you for your reply as I value your expertise. After reviewing your input and reconsidering mine..Here is what I would alter with the power in regards to thermite production.

Add a volume control ability at a higher level (if you're leafing, bronzing, or armoring you've got to know how much is enough right?)

Allow for the creation of alloys/mixtures at a very high level. (Bronze = Copper + Tin, Brass = Copper+Zinc, Thermite = Iron oxide (rust)+Alluminum oxide etc etc..)

(I know that Thermite isn't an alloy, it's a physical mixture, but you get the idea of what I'm trying to say.)

The character can now create these and other materials but it takes all of their attacks (full concentration to get the right proportions),
a knowledge of basic chemistry, and an Iq check (gotta know what you're making).

To use the thermite they have to pass an ME and Alignment check in addition to all the others. Are they able to live with/let themselves do what is about to happen? Everything that can be burnt burns violently, as for living things, if it can't get away it's either burnt up or has severe visual damage and burns.

Once all checks are passed and the round has passed with the character completing his mental analysis of what he/she is going to do, they can now use the alloy ability for (gm's call 1 round 2,3? I don't know what's appropriate here). Once the time limit i passed, they're back to metallizing folks with pure elemental metals.

My thought for that last part was the Supernova power in APS Fire. It's the heavy hitter of the ability, the one for all the marbles. Need your fort reinforced with Stainless Steel plating? Let Steve work himself up for a bit and then we'll take a crack at it. What? figure out a way to get at the crazed looney in the new indestructo-tank. Give me a bit and a 4th of july sparkler and I've got it covered.



Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:59 am
by Iczer
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:'ve made some very good points

Lot of finesse required to get the correct mixture (very unlikely to get it right..unless there were some way to boost they new exactly how much was going out) But still very very tricky

Damage low! This is a fire that melts through steel!

>>Snipped for brevity<<

Sure Shotguns are lethal when shooting slugs or at close range, but people survive getting hit by shotguns all the time. I think THIs ... re=related would severely "bother a superhuman" (you did hear them say 3x hotter than molten lava right? I don't know the damage of Lava (I'm guessing mdc?) but 3x hotter!!. I dunno anyone who'd shrug that off.

Unstable..No argument there. Villain on fire. check. Floor on fire. rats. Rats on fire. yep them to. Building engulfed in flames. oh yeah. Everything that burns/melts/vaporizes below, at, or near 4,530 degrees F in SERIOUS trouble. You better bet your dice they are!.

a "cloud" of aerosol-ized thermite particles would exploded Violently if the correct ignition point were met.

Iczer/Batts (whoever you really are),
Thank you for your reply as I value your expertise. After reviewing your input and reconsidering mine..Here is what I would alter with the power in regards to thermite production.

Add a volume control ability at a higher level (if you're leafing, bronzing, or armoring you've got to know how much is enough right?)

Allow for the creation of alloys/mixtures at a very high level. (Bronze = Copper + Tin, Brass = Copper+Zinc, Thermite = Iron oxide (rust)+Alluminum oxide etc etc..)

(I know that Thermite isn't an alloy, it's a physical mixture, but you get the idea of what I'm trying to say.)

The character can now create these and other materials but it takes all of their attacks (full concentration to get the right proportions),
a knowledge of basic chemistry, and an Iq check (gotta know what you're making).

To use the thermite they have to pass an ME and Alignment check in addition to all the others. Are they able to live with/let themselves do what is about to happen? Everything that can be burnt burns violently, as for living things, if it can't get away it's either burnt up or has severe visual damage and burns.


I hate quoting massive things. Bogs the board up. Accordingly I have snipped a bit off.

firstly, yes, I read wikipedia so having it quoted back to me was..redundant at best. I'm also ex military and have done my share of hazardous materials handling courses. I also consulted with an actual chemist on this, just to get an informed summation.

Yes. Damage should be kept low. at some point you have a diminishing return on weapons and the damage they cause, and in reality, superheroes can take a lot of damage. also cutting through a steel bar is not the same as destroying a steel bar. A Jackhammer shatters concrete, as does a concrete saw, but I'd be hard pressed to give them excessive damage capability. Plasma weapons, arguably even hotter than thermite, max around 6D6+20 damage. The goal is not to pull out big numbers but to pull out impressive ones. You only need about 20 damage to grieviously injure a person (They don't have a lot of levels, nor a lot of SDC) It's a design philosophy thing, otherwise you will have to go back and assign 'realistic' assesments of the damages of other weapons.

arguably, shotguns are hadly designed to be survivable 'all the time'. You would want a refund if people were constantly surviving being shot (For the record, I've been shot three times. The first was to my shoulder with a 9mm round that sent me into shock within a minute and I would have bled out and died if I had not been near a medical facility. The second was a flesh wound from a .38 calibre pistol to the hip which also nearly killed me. the third was a graze from a 7.62 MM round that dropped me to the ground and hurt like the bejeezers. in all three cases I was lucky it wasn't a little to the left (so to speak). 9mm rounds are listed as 3D6, while the 7.62 come sin at 4-6D6 depending on the weapon.)

3 times hotter to lava. apart from the hyperbole, guessing it's MDC is a dangerous road. apart from there not being MDC in HU2, we do have a lava damage listed in PU1 (1d4x10 for complete immersion for a full melee round)

I have noted with some concern your corrections. It seems you suggest improving the power's capability, despite the observation that it was potentially overpowered. Adding the time element seems appropriate. I suggest one action to perform the spray, two for the leafing and a whole melee round to incapacitate, and an appropriate strike roll.


(Posting as Iczer, a username, and signing off with my IRL nickname)


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:09 pm
by rbm10101
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
rbm10101 wrote:Nanite Control
The character can create and control nanites for a variety of functions for limited amounts of time

1. Heal damage to unliving goods over time for the cost of his life force
2. Heal damage to living things over time to a lesser degree at the cost of his own life force
3. sense nanites at a radius around him and what there purpose is
4. turn off nanites at a radius around him
5.cause minor changes in materials organisms
6. take over nanites in a radius around him at the cost of lost attacks and penalties for short durations

have any damage the nanites do be minor and or take excessive amounts of time ( they are little machines the size of a molecule after all.

could be very powerful if not limited in scope in some way.

This power needs ranges and whatnot to be of any use. Check out the Blace Vault wiki and look up Nanoslaves by Iczer, Nanobytes by myself and the B.O.N.E.S. power category for powers similar to this.

I wanted to leave it vague so a GM could do as he would with it


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
rbm10101 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
rbm10101 wrote:Nanite Control
The character can create and control nanites for a variety of functions for limited amounts of time

1. Heal damage to unliving goods over time for the cost of his life force
2. Heal damage to living things over time to a lesser degree at the cost of his own life force
3. sense nanites at a radius around him and what there purpose is
4. turn off nanites at a radius around him
5.cause minor changes in materials organisms
6. take over nanites in a radius around him at the cost of lost attacks and penalties for short durations

have any damage the nanites do be minor and or take excessive amounts of time ( they are little machines the size of a molecule after all.

could be very powerful if not limited in scope in some way.

This power needs ranges and whatnot to be of any use. Check out the Blace Vault wiki and look up Nanoslaves by Iczer, Nanobytes by myself and the B.O.N.E.S. power category for powers similar to this.

I wanted to leave it vague so a GM could do as he would with it

I see.


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:06 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Iczer wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:'ve made some very good points

>>Snipped for EVEN MORE brevity<<

I have noted with some concern your corrections. It seems you suggest improving the power's capability, despite the observation that it was potentially overpowered. Adding the time element seems appropriate. I suggest one action to perform the spray, two for the leafing and a whole melee round to incapacitate, and an appropriate strike roll.


(Posting as Iczer, a username, and signing off with my IRL nickname)

Wow, you're thorough! I was just brainstorming, thinking up stuff for the fun of it, (ask me about the giant chickenasaurus sometime) not really trying to fine tune the power to make it useable. Just letting my mind wander.

I'll shush now.


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pulse (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Gryphon Chick
"Don't get him too excited."

The character with this power has an energy expulsion which is channeled through the hands from his heart. The character can regulate his pulse to control the power, as well as use his control of his pulse for other benefits.

1. Pulse Weapon: The character can generate a bio-electrical charge which he can shoot for damage.
Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 per level of experience
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonuses: +2 to strike
Special: The character can divide his attack between his hands for half total damage to two simultaneous targets. He can also regulate damage in increments of 1d6. also, he gets an additional +1d6 to damage and 20 feet of distance to his atttack if he is moving more than half full speed.

2. No Pulse: The character can lower his pulse to be unreadable for his PE number in minutes, plus 1 minute per level of experience, with no ill effect. This does not, however, lower his body temperature or negate his need to breathe.

3. Impervious to Electrical Attacks and Bio-Manipulation: The character is immune to the damaging effects of electricity and lightning, and takes only half damage from other types of energy attacks. He is also immune to bio-manipulation.

4. General Bonuses:
+2d6 to Spd at level one, plus 1d6 more to Spd at levels 4, 8 and 12
+2d6 to PE
+20% to save vs. Coma/Death
Fatigues at half normal rate

What do you think? Is this powerful enough to be a Major?


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:35 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Pulse (Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Gryphon Chick
"Don't get him too excited."

The character with this power has an energy expulsion which is channeled through the hands from his heart. The character can regulate his pulse to control the power, as well as use his control of his pulse for other benefits.

1. Pulse Weapon: the character can generate a bio-electrical charge which he can shoot for damage.
Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 per level of experience
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonuses: +2 to strike
Special: The character can divide his attack between his hands for half total damage to two simultaneous targets. He can also regulate damage in increments of 1d6. also, he gets an additional +1d6 to damage and 20 feet of distance to his atttack if he is moving more than half full speed.

2. No Pulse: The character can lower his pulse to be unreadable for his PE number in minutes, plus 1 minute per level of experience, with no ill effect. This does not, however, lower his body temperature or negate his need to breathe.

3. Impervious to Electrical Attacks and Bio-Manipulation: The character is immune to the damaging effects of electricity and lightning, and takes only half damage from other types of energy attacks. He is also immune to bio-manipulation.

4. General Bonuses:
+2d6 to Spd at level one, plus 1d6 more to Spd at levels 4, 8 and 12
+2d6 to PE
+20% to save vs. Coma/Death
Fatigues at half normal rate

What do you think? Is this powerful enough to be a Major?

It can be, but I think a different direction is needed. I'm curious is it about the electrical nature of the characters nervous system and movement of electrical impulses through the characters body? Because if so, a power like "Nervous System Overload" could entail sub-abilities like:
Power Feats (generating power through the muscles to inflict more damage or enhanced leaping; melee only), Immune to electricity (body absorbs it), enhanced reflexes (electrical currents increased while heart rate decreased), Impervious to Pain, and Low/No Pulse (decreases movement and reactions, but makes the character quiet and lessens heat signature). Of course, the use of abilities would lead to a higher fatigue state with each ability used, so it better be used sparingly.

Otherwise, it's more like a "Pulse Generation" power through the body, which would include the Pulse Blast, Pulse Shield (Does 1D6 to incoming energy attacks as a counterwave), Electrical Interruption (damages machinery and electronics), No Pulse and Impervious to Electricity. This character would always be emitting a low pulse wave thanks to the impressive power that his or her body could generate, and it would tough to shield it from sensors (even if the character could destroy the machinery, while active the characters pulses would pick up on sensors), and would have a very strong heartbeat, as it would be the core of the characters power.

Very good points. I had not considered the electrical interruption or pulse shield aspects. It is a work in progress, so these are good possible additions.


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Pulse Generation(Major) by Stone Gargoyle and Mephisto
"Feel the pulse."

The character with this power has an energy expulsion which is channeled through the hands from his heart.

1. Pulse Blast: The character can generate a bio-electrical charge which he can shoot for damage.
Range: 200 feet, plus 20 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d6, plus 1d6 per level of experience
Attacks: Uses 2 melee attacks/actions
Bonuses: +2 to strike
Special: The character can divide his attack between his hands for half total damage to two simultaneous targets. He can also regulate damage in increments of 1d6. also, he gets an additional +1d6 to damage and 20 feet of distance to his attack if he is moving more than half full speed.

2. No Pulse: The character can lower his pulse to be unreadable for his PE number in minutes, plus 1 minute per level of experience, with no ill effect. This does not, however, lower his body temperature or negate his need to breathe.

3. Impervious to Electrical Attacks: The character is immune to the damaging effects of electricity and lightning, and takes only half damage from other types of energy attacks.

4. Pulse Shield: The character does 1d6 damage to the source of incoming energy attacks as an electrical counterwave.

5. Electrical Interruption: The character generates a natural static energy field which disrupts machinery and computers for a radius of 40 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience, effectively damaging it and doing 1d6 electrical damage to the machine.

6. Drawbacks and Limitations: This character would always be emitting a low pulse wave thanks to the impressive power that his or her body could generate, and it would tough to shield it from sensors (even if the character could destroy the machinery, while active the characters pulses would pick up on sensors).