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Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:25 pm
by Gryphon Chick
Mephisto wrote:Burning Warrior could also be a good option for a PT character. Hmmm, Metabolic Control, All Around Athlete (Matt Mitrione inspired that one), Extreme/X-Games Athlete, Outdoorsman...I'm thinking I should work on more PT focuses.

Weren't you doing that already for the skills thread? *Cracks whip*


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:43 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:P.S. I need some to fix Hembree77's Artillery Strike (major) super power or Hembree77 can do it... PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:21 pm

I make it a policy not to edit someone else's power without their permission. I don't know if Hembree77 is even around anymore, though...


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:05 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Burning Warrior could also be a good option for a PT character. Hmmm, Metabolic Control, All Around Athlete (Matt Mitrione inspired that one), Extreme/X-Games Athlete, Outdoorsman...I'm thinking I should work on more PT focuses.

Weren't you doing that already for the skills thread? *Cracks whip*

Yeah, then two jobs started to sink me creatively. I've started exercising again though so I'm going to revisit my PT material.

the good note about my new (crappy) job is that I'm actually adding muscle, much to my suprise, mostly across the shoulders too.

a side effect of labour I suppose



Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:49 am
by NMI
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:P.S. I need some to fix Hembree77's Artillery Strike (major) super power or Hembree77 can do it... PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:21 pm

I make it a policy not to edit someone else's power without their permission. I don't know if Hembree77 is even around anymore, though...

Last seen September 2010


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:30 am
by Iczer
had new powers. computer ate them all. Grrrrrrrrr.........

More soon.



Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:had new powers. computer ate them all. Grrrrrrrrr.........

More soon.

One can only wonder at the genius that may have been lost. I look forward to seeing what you post next.


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:09 am
by NMI
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Can somebody please make power power that makes call shots easier, if you have the time...


Powers Unlimited: "Targeting"


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:22 pm
by AlanGunhouse
I find the super soldier version is actually better than the minor power, for targeting.


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:09 am
by Severus Snape
Look at the Weapons Master, specifically with ranged weapons and/or bows.


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:15 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Try "Manipulate Kinetic Energy", it lets you do a lot of interesting tricks.


Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:04 pm
by NMI
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:That does not work with energy

You never said ANYTHING about energy.
Could you perhaps repost your request completely and as accurately as possible?
What do you want the power to do?
What do you want the power to affect?
What would you be using the power with?


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:21 am
by NMI
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Ok first of all I said I messed up, but I did say trick shot what did you thick I wanted something that just did normal bullets??? Did I say just normal bullets or did I wanted a power that allow me to do trick shots with projectiles, sry if you can't understand what I wrote I thought I was clear...

Thanks for some help you guys...
Trick Shots can be performed with normal bullets, some energy attacks, arrows, throwing irons, boomerangs, etc..

Relax and chill out. We are asking these questions to hopefully better come up with a power to do what you want.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:07 pm
by AlanGunhouse
I mean, if you want trick shots with a Laser, get Windows or Mirror Mastery. Bend Space (if I recall the name) is great for trick shots, because you are shooting in what to you is a strait line...


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I just realized that it's been a month since Iczer posted anything. Hopefully he posts some new stuff soon.


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:18 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I just realized that it's been a month since Iczer posted anything. Hopefully he posts some new stuff soon.

Ouch. Stung here and on facebook.

looks like I better get cracking.


I just finiished Portal2 and am watching Thor in an hour, so If you see any parallels, they are inspirational only.



Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:24 am
by Iczer
Hammer throwing [Minor]
'Now bow down before...................'

Then again.....probably too derivitive ;)

Vampirism [Major]
'I don't'

The character is defective, and no longer posesses a fully functioning metabolism. This power has taken it over, and now the character can draw life, sustenence and superhuman power from other living beings.

1) Life absorption. The character is typically defined by the source of sustenence and method of feeding. Select one of the following, or roll randomly.

Life energy: Affects targets within 5 feet per level and requires a saving throw (14+) to resist (PE bonuses apply). a success drains 3D6 SDC from a target, while a failure simply halves their current SDC and leaves them temporarilly fatigued (-1 attack per melee round -10% to skills -20% to Spd and -2 to all combat manoevres for 1D4 rounds) Drained SDC(or HP) replenishes any lost SDC or HP, and a failed saving throw renders the character 'Fed'
Blood: The character has a set of dual purpose fangs. they inflict 2D4 damage in combat and can punch through (Ignore) AR scores of less than 15 (Natural or otherwise). They can also perform a painless bloodletting on a willing subject, or a more painful one on a grappled or restrained one. In any case, draining blood in this fashion drains 5 HP per melee round and lowers a targets PE by one. It takes 20 HP to cause this character to enter a state where he is considered 'fed'.
Body heat: The character can drain heat on contact with a target. the character drains body heat, not other forms of heat (although fire and heat damage is halved). In combat the character inflicts 2 points of damage, per level, from cold with every strike, or 4D6 per melee round while grappling. this heat drain harms creatures normally immune to cold as long as they still posess body heat. Characters who lose all SDC from this damage are considered frostbitten (-20% SPD, halve combat bonuses and attacks per melee round.) Inflicting frostbite on a target is enough to be considered 'fed' killing a target in this manner freezes them solid.
Vitality: This is a slow but devastating attack. The character must hold a target for a full melee round, to which they then recieve a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) failure reduces the target's PE by one, and heals the character 4D6 HP or SDC (May exceed his normal maximum) the character needs to drain only a single PE point to be considered 'fed'. The target recovers his lost PE at a rate of 1 per day, but the loss makes them weak (Roll on temporary injury chart for each PE point lost to represent debilitating wounds)
PPE: The character feeds on the PPE of others, needing 30 PPE to be considered 'Fed'. He can feed normally on the PPE of spellcasters, needing only to touch them (they gain a saving throw 16+ PE bonuses apply) and the character drains 1D6 PPE per level of expereience. He can feed on normal people by killing them, and draining their doubled PPE upon the moment of death. PPE vampires cannot consume the PPE found in magic objects, in spells or in leylines. Consumed PPE replenishes lost HP and SDC
Age: The character can afflict old age on a target. the target, who must be grabbed first, makes a saving throw for each 'age attack'. If he fails he ages 1D4 years per level, with all appropriate consequences. Targets return to their normal age at a rate of 1 year per day of rest. The character needs to recover 20 years to be considered 'Fed'. each year drained heals lost HP and SDC (Even above their normal amount)

2) Being 'Fed': If a vampire has 'fed' he remains so for 12 hours per level. being fed leads to the following consequences.
* Hunger and fatigue are banished.
* Heals 1D4 HP or SDC per melee round
* +2 attacks
* +50 SDC
* +8 to PS and +6 to PP
* Double Spd attribute.

a vampire of this type can survive without feeding for 2 days per level. after this period, the hunger pangs begin, and the character loses an attack per melee round, halves his normal SDC lowers skill use and Spd by 20% halves his PB score and lowers all combat bonuses by 1. each hour, he loses 1D4 HP, until he 'dies'.

In this death, he can still be revived. if an appopriate target comes within 10 feet per level of the character's corpse, the drain begins. any saving throws are made at -2 at this point. If the deceased is brought back to life in this method, he is not considered 'Fed' and is still starving.

Other bonuses: +30 SDC +6 PE +4 PB +2MA. The character is not a classic vampire, and is not undead. he is no more vulnerable to crosses, silver or holy symbols than any other superbeing (though he may believe so) His metabolism is now only capable of processig life energies, and can no longer eat. he is immune to poisons, though can suffocate just as easilly as anyone else.

Power shuffle [Major]
'Watch the powers...where they land, no body knows'

The character can swap the superhuman energies of others around, chopping and changing as he pleases. The character can affect all superbeings within 90 feet, aside from those completely shielded from him (Inside dumpsters, undergound etc). each eligible target makes a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply). failing means that he loses one major or 2 minor powers (Though attributes and SDC remain the same). The character chooses which powers are taken if his ME exceeds the targets. otherwise the target chooses. The character may choose to lose his powers as well, but always chooses which powers go and he cannot relinquish this power.

All the powers go into a pool, and are redistributed as the character chooses. Characters with new powers will be unfamiliar with them and suffer a -4 initiative and have -2 to any use of the new powers. Powers remained shuffled for 1D4 melee rounds, plus one round at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14.

The character can hoard extra powers from this (Or stow them in another). he can abosrb one extra minor power. at 5th level he may abosrb one major instead. If he does this, the duration is halved. he can invest powers in someone who did not contribute to the pool. this also halves the duration, and if the target is not normally super powered, he takes 3D6 damage per melee round.

It takes 2 actions to perfom a power shuffle. the character can end it early if he chooses.

Thunder strike [Minor]
'I wouldn't get too close if I were you'

The character builds power for a full melee round, during which time the air begins to smell of Ozone and the sky begins to contort with darkened spontaneous clouds. The character can defend himself during this time, but cannot move. If the character is under an open sky at the end of the round, then the heavens open and a bolt of lightning strikes him.

The character is unharmed, but anyone in contact with him takes 6D6 damage (Plus 2 per level) and everyone within 10 feet (plus 5 feet per level) takes 1D6 damage per level of experience. The bolt also unleashes a crack of thunder that can be heard for up to 2 miles (and felt for up to a quarter mile). anyone within 20 feet of the character loses an action from the enxt round and -2 to initiative and must make a saving throw (16+ plus PE bonuses) or become deafened (-4 initiative -2 to parry and dodge) for 1D4 hours.

The character is immune to electricity, and resistant (half damage, +6 to saving throws) to sonic damage and effects.

Recovery [Minor]
'So......Now I'm immune to trucks?'

The character recovers from injury, resistant to whatever has hurt him the most. When the character takes his first point of HP damage, the body starts a chain reaction of alteration. When he has healed all HP, his body has a new alteration.
* If the damage came from a source of energy, he is now immune to it.
* If the damage came from blunt force or crushing he now enjoys a 30 SDC boost
* If the damage was from a super power that deals HP damage, he is now immune to its effects.
* If the damage was caused by acid, he is now immune to acid
* If the damage was caused by poisons, he enjoys a +6 to save vs poisons.
* if the damage was caused by sharp weapons, piercing weapons or bullets, his organs have rearranged to make him resistant to them (half damage from stabbing/slashing or shooting damage)

The character has only one bonus at a time. His body performs some immeadiate assitance though. His HP recover at 1D4 per hour, and he gains an AR of 12 when he loses all his SDC (rises to 14 when he drops to half HP and rises to 16 at 0 HP or less). He also enjoys a +30% to save vs coma and +1d4 PE.

Psi absorption [Major]
'Hypnotism? baloney!'

The character absorbs psychic energy from others. In most people this is harmless, as we don't rely on it. For those gifted with extraordinary mental prowess, this becomes a drain.
1) general protection. +6 to save vs psionics, half effect and duration even if the saving throw is failed, and any damage inflicted by psionic forces is halved.

2) the drain. any psychic within 30 feet (Plus 10 feet per level) must expend 50% more ISP to activate any of their powers this extra ISP replenishes the character's HP and SDC at a rate of 1:1. In addition, allies within 30 feet (plus 10 feet per level) also recieve his +6 bonus to save vs psionics.

3) senses: the character knows when a psychic comes into his range (30 feet plus 10 feet per level) and gains a general sense of their capabilities. if they have a mind block up, or a psychic power that hides psychic powers, all the character can sense is 'has a mind block active'.

4) attacks: the character can store ISP, able to hold up to 30 plus 10 per level, replenished only by draining excess as listed in #2, and by actual drain attack. The psychic must make a saving throw of 16+ (ME bonuses apply) and the character must expend an attack. If the target fails, then he loses 1D6 ISP per level (which tops up the character's pool) If the character's pool is full, then the drain is halved. This pool can be used to replenish damage, and to hurl bolts of bio-electricity (1D6 damage per level, +4 to strike 60 foot range for 6 ISP)

Rend universe [Major]
'I'll open a hole to get us out of here'

The character can rend the barrier between worlds.
Stated, this seems simpler than it is. In effect the character turns a section of our universe, into a section of some other universe. Specifically an area 30 feet (plus 10 feet per level) in all directions from the character is swapped out for another universe.

Objects smaller than the hole are kept where they are. The character, a nearby parked car, a housecat, all remain in place. larger objects, or objects that intersect the barrier (A bus parked halfway across the zone of effect, the ground, the atmosphere, a nearby building) are sent to the other world.

The affected area is now alien territory. Roll on the alien unearthly environments table (HU2 Page 93) to determine the conditions that exist in that zone. (Alternatively, AU page 13, or page 23+ in the galaxy guide).

This power can cause considerable havoc. Consider the following:
* Water worlds. creating a 60 foot across sphere of water could flood an area, and possibly drown everyone in it. Rememeber the ground below the character is also swapped out.
* Worlds without atmosphere will find that ours will be drawn into the vacuum that you have just created. Posonous atmospheres will disperse in our air with a good breeze though, but may expose targets for the first melee round at least.
* Wildlife: animals drawn into our world may run free. so may bacteria, plant spores etc.
* Cutting objects in half. So you use this power and create a sphere that bisects the bridge you are standing on. there is a 20% chance (plus 5% chance per level) that an equivilant structure exists in this paralelle world. If not then you have just dropped a hole in the bridge. this goes double to a building if your bubble removes a section of building.
* Creatures may make a saving throw (12+ PE bonuses apply) to travel with the ground (effectively travelling to this alternate world). they return automatically at the powers end if they are still with the section of earth that left. If they have wandered off then...

Other abilities: the character can close the envelope around himself after he tears the hole. this drags him and any others touching him into this new world (One way to get rid of a nuclear weapon I suppose). Travelling the cosmos in this fashion may be fun, but will remove the character from the campaign (unless he randomly returns some day)

Playing silly putty with the universe is quite taxing though. The act inflicts 6D6 damage on the character and takes 2 actions. the hole remains for 1D4 minutes per level though if the character wills it (and continues to take 6D6 damage) the hole will remain open.

The character can create 'smaller' holes if he wishes. a foot wide hole placed in mid air could be used to swallow trash for instance. if the character wishes, he could use a small ball of pocket reality on a target. this takes 2 actions. living targets are protected by their own life force, and take 6D6 damage from being exposed to the boundary of the bubble. Unliving targets stand a good chance of being neatly sawed in two (Imagine creating a foot wide bubble in the middle of a door, to a chlorine filled jungle world. you create a foot wide ball of chlorine gas (good luck) and a hole in the door. the chlorine world gains a ball of earth air with a cross section of wood, which promptly falls to the ground and will not be present when the effect is ended. Now you havea hole in the door (And probably a massive headache from the chlorine))



Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:48 am
by Iczer
Tailgunner [minor]
'Look out, my arm's got a hankering for violence'

The character can assign semi sentience and personality to his own body. By giving up one attack per melee he allows one or more of his limbs to act independantly. The limbs gain 2 actions per melee round, and use the characters senses and judgement. the limbs act on their own initiative as if they were a seperate character. A swordsmaster could enable his left hand to wield a rapier for instance. He loses on attack, but both he and his left hand roll initiative each round as if they were seperate characters, and both swing at targets that are decided by the player. The character can end this at any time, but to assign it he needs to knowingly do so on his action (though it does not take up any actions to do so)

Arctic evolution [major]
'I feel overdressed for the weather'

The character enjoys a number of adaptions to freezing temperatures.
1) Resistances: extremely resistant to cold. Feels fine up to 50 degrees below zero F. takes half damage from cold attacks and is impervious to many of the side effects (frostbite for isntance) Hardy and husly build adds 40 to the SDC and +4 to PE. eyes are able to resist snow blindness and other bright lights. The stomach is able to consume raw meat safely.
2) Hibernation: in case the weather becomes too inclemant, the character can become immune to up to negtive 200 below zero by entering a hibernation trance. he can maintain this sleep like state for up to 2 months per level, but will waken when the temperature rises to safe levels.
3) Ice adaptation: the character can trudge though snow without additional fatigue, and can walk on ice less than an inch thick by spreading his weight. he can move at normal speed on ice like this. He swims with a natural skill of 78% and has a swimming speed equal to his PS (As if it were converted to Spd) he can hold his breath for up to his PE in minutes before needing a breath.
4) camoflague: the character's heair and skin can turn white (actually the hair becomes transperant) He can also sprout 4 inch thick hair all over his body. when disguised like this, amidst snow and ice, he enjoys +20% to prowl.

Space suit [Major]
'Ground control....'

The character can craete a suit of armour armound his body, composed of force fields and energy.
The armour is geared towards life support over protection but does an adequate job of protecting the character.
The force field armour has 30 SDC, plus 10 SDC per level and recovers 1 SDC per minute while deactivated, or one per 10 minutes when activated. even when all this SDC is gone, it still has a further 20 SDC (it just doesn't protect the character: any damage taken by the character after this point is also taken by the suit)
The suit recycles the character's air for up to 12 hours per level. shields him from cold and heat (while active he takes half damage from attacks, and no damage from the environment). the force field normalises gravity and pressure around him and blocks harmfull radiation. it can survive up to 3 miles underwater. the field emits light, allowing the character to see in pitch blackness for up to 60 feet.



Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I just realized that it's been a month since Iczer posted anything. Hopefully he posts some new stuff soon.

Ouch. Stung here and on facebook.

looks like I better get cracking.


I just finiished Portal2 and am watching Thor in an hour, so If you see any parallels, they are inspirational only.


Hey, I understand how life can get in the way sometimes. I look forward to reading what you've got posted now.


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:20 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:wait you got the Thor movie early? Australia gets the best deals except for the snakes and the spiders.

Killed a snake today too.



Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:04 am
by AlanGunhouse
Does that mean Spiderman is always released late in Australia?


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:07 pm
by Iczer
AlanGunhouse wrote:Does that mean Spiderman is always released late in Australia?

I hope this next one is :x



Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:36 pm
by Iczer
Alignment bolt: [Minor]
'You want to feel real evil?'

The character projects a psycho-electrical bolt of energy whose effects vary depending on his state of mind and general disposition.
Range: alignment bolts travel to a range of 120 feet plus 10 feet per level.
Attacks: each use of the alignment bolt counts as one action/attack
Bonus to strike: +2 with aimed shots.
Damage: 1D6 plus 1D6 per level of experience.

Special effects: The bolt carries different properties depending on your alignment, and the alignment of your target.
Target: If your target has an opposed alignment (Evil Vs good for instance) your projected bio-energy syncs poorly with their physiology, adding +2 damage per level. If you have the same alignment (Good Vs good) then the damage is halved, you and they are on the 'same level' Innanimate objects also take half damage.
Principled: Ignore 4 points of a target's AR
Scrupulous: +2 to strike
Unprincipled: +4 to initiative when firing bolts
Anarchist: +2 bolt attacks, but bolt damage is halved
Abberant: Can perform a 'power blast' using 2 actions and inflicting double damage
Miscreant: +2 to strike
Diabolic: +1D6 damage. alos, targets of the same alignment stream (Evil) do not take the normally halved damage.

Recruit: [Minor]
'With this mark, forevor know that you are mine'

You can mark a willing ally. By touching someone you sync your biorythyms with theirs, forging a synergy that you can exploit later. Your marked minions develop a brand of sort, the same for each minion, really a biologically introduced virus that allows you and them to 'stay in touch'. Its visual effects (Chosen at character creation) are abvious to observers though.

The mark is harmless, as long as the target is willing. Unwilling targets merely feel discomfort as the body fights off the infection. Once a willing target is infected (a process that takes one melee round of contact) he gains the following:
* +4 to ME
* +4 to PE
* Immunity to fear, and other unwanted emotions. Genrally this is to mean negative emotions that may inhibit these lackeys, but the character decides what emotions are and are not reasonable. The character could remove a target's ability to love for instance, if he were so inclined. The character can infect himself for the above bonuses.

The character can effectively infect every body in the world with this, given enough time to do so, he has no limit to the amount of lackeys he may recruit, and the duration of the infection is expressed as a number of weeks equal to the character's level.

The syncing means that the character is aware when a target becomes rebellious, for one thing, he feels the virus getting fought off, for another others will see the marks begin to fade.

The character has the ability to execute his minions at will, from any distance. He wills the virus to become very toxic. The target loses 4D6 HP when this happens, and must make a saving throw vs lethal poison (14+) or drop to zero HP and begin to dies. the saving throw is modified by a -1 for each week he has been a loyal minion. Once triggered in this fashion, the character loses any connection with the target, the virus having left the system.

He cannot exert control over his minions, with the exception of a very general empathy. Orders must be given in person. His minions are likely to obey (The threat of an near isntant kill reinforces that)

The virus can be cured with appropriate medical treatment, though seeking a cure would trigger as dissent. The character can remove the virus from a target at will.

Nature turns against him: [Major]
'What's a matter treehugger?'

The character can turn mother nature, specifically plantlife, into a minefield of destruction.
1) savage nature: Plant life within this powers range (60 feet, plus 10 feet per level) becomes immicable to living creatures, growing sharp edges and acid pustules. Any living being, with the exception of this character, that makes contact with any plant matter will recieve 2D6 damage, as sharp edges, dripping acid and other toxic secretions eat away at the character. even grass becomes like a field of caltrops, piercing boots and regular footwear. transmuting nature in this fashion requires an action, with an additional action per round to maintain.
2) Violent nature: the 60 foot radius also has a singular will. It creates psuedopods out of it's own mass to attack others. while grass is relatively safe (unless you are standing on it) any plant life exceeding 50 pounds can lash out with a tendril, and does so once per melee round at a random living creature with +4 to strike inflicting 3D6 damage. The character cannot direct this attack.
3) other bonuses: the character is resistant to acids (half damage) and immune to plant based toxins and poisons. +40 SDC. the character can walk without being tangled or impeded by grass, weeds and vines, they part for him.

Overclock: [Minor]
'Amping my speed this is going to hurt tomorrow'

The character can set his body to run hot, redistributing energy and resources to his muscles, his organs or even his brain.
When he overclocks, the character selects an attribute, and then increases it by 50%. the rush of power fills him and the simple act of overclocking removes fatigue and pain, adds +4 to initiative and adds one attack per melee, but he takes damage from it equal to the increased attribute.
(Eg: Cypher is playing an intense game of chess for the lives of his team mates, vs Baron Checkmate. he amps his prodigious intellegence, IQ of 22, to 33, but takes 11 damage in the process.)
The amping lasts for 5 minutes per level, unless ended prematurely. when it ends, the character loses the same amount of damage again. If the character changes which attribute is boosted he 'resets' his clock and takes damage again. when an amping ends, the character is fatigued for up to 20 minutes (-1 attack, -5% to skill perfromance and -10% to spd)

3 dimensional perception [Minor]
'No no....the angles are all wrong, tilt your arm 6 and a half degrees'

The character see's everything with a perfect eye for space and distance, allowing him to judges speed, and angles effectively. This allows a number of feats.
* +20% to acrobatics and gymnastics
* +4 to dodge gunfire and ranged attacks
* +2 to strike with any aimed shot
* is able to ricochete ranged attacks (as if using a trick shot manoevre).
* can calculate distances with 90% accuracy, and by default speed with 85% accuracy.



Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:03 am
by Iczer
Fisher [Major]
'hand that over please'

The character can create small fissures and bring things to his person. as long as the object in question is within sight, and under 5lbs per level he may simply teleport it to his hand (or within 5 feet of himself).

The process is fine tuned enough that the character could teleport body armour onto himself from another target or the bullets from another person's gun into his. If removing an item from another's person, the character must make a strike roll to do so (at a flat +6) the target may dodge if he knows the attempt is being made (the first time is usually a suprise) but he cannot parry. The character can also attempt to parry weapons right out of an opponent's hands at the above flat +6, or missiles out of the air with only a +2 (much harder to perform this feat)

The character can also swipe multiple objects, as long as the combined mass does not exceed his maximum, he may attempt to swipe up to one object per level (but any bonus to do so is at a mere +2 (-2 if swiping them out of midair). The character is adept enough that he could perform a type of dual attack, plucking an object out of someone's grasp and then striking with it. This type of attack requires 2 actions to perform but otherwise is no more difficult than if the actions were done seperately.

While it does not work on living creatures, the character can pull objects apart with this power. when faced with a locked door the character may be unable to break the door with this power, but he could pull the lock and the hinges to his hand. likewise he could appropriate the clips to any nearby handgun, the alternator out of a moving car or the uranium out of an atomic warhead. lacking x-ray vision, the character may need to preceed any of these feats with an appropriate skill roll.

Solar forge [Major]
'Is it hot in here, or is it just me.....'

The caracter can create a mini sun, fusing hydrogen from the air to create a globe of radioactive fusion.

1) Fusion aura: by expending 2 actions per round, the character forms a corona of heat around himself. He literally lights himself up, scorching the air and emitting radiation, heat and light. Anyone making contact with him during this time takes 4D6 damage from the heat. the area for 30 feet becomes flooded with radiation which shorts out any unsheilded electrical equipment and every being within that range has a 15% chance per melee round of contracting radiation sickness. The affected area heats to 120 degrees Fahrenheit which is uncomfortable for most people. the character is at half speed and half combat bonuses while using this aspect of the power. the energy given off is virtually identical to sunlight. While ablaze the character automatically melts all small projectiles coming into contact with him (is effectively bulletproof) the character is immune to heat and fire and radiation while this power is active (and merely resistant - half damage- when it is not)
2) Generate Solar replica: after the character has used the fusion aura for a round, he may generate a tiny sun with it. generating and manitaining the sun uses all the characters actions for the round, during which time he is still surrounded by the fusion aura. The created sun is about 20 feet across, and forms roughly 20 feet above the ground. The sun's surface inflicts 1D4x10 damage per round to any object it comes in contact with. Radiation is shed for 100 feet in all directions (+20 feet per level), and the local temperature for that radius is jumped to 300 degrees F (refer to HU2 Page 242).
3) Gravity field. The mini sun simulates it's own gravity field as 100 feet to it's outer radius, objects weighing 5 pounds or less are dragged 5 feet per round towards the sun. at 75 feet objects of 10lbs or less are dragged 10 feet per melee round closer. at 50 feet, objects of 25 lbs are dragged 20 feet per round. at 25 feet objects of 50lbs or less are dragged towards the sun at 25 feet per melee round. within 10 feet the sun can pull objects as heavy as 120lbs towards itself and unless held by a stronger force, drags it into it's own mass. this pulls air as well causing it to rush towards the blazing sun. people within 50 feet of the sun will find that they lose an action and -4 to initiative from the rushing pull of high velocity air. Ranged attacks within 50 feet of the character are at -8. gravity and swirling winds make accurate aim impossible.
4) Cancelling the sun. There are three ways to cancel the sun. The first is to will it to stop. This is not easy though, as the character is usually far less powerfull than the forces he has unleashed. Through force of will, the character can withdraw the sun back down to the fusion aura. this requires 2 full melee rounds to achieve and the character must make a saving throw 14+, with any appropriate ME bonuses.
The second method is to push the sun to supernova. this takes 4 melee rounds to achieve. when those rounds are up, the sun swells and then rips apart. the first 20foot radius takes 6D6x10 damage. each successive 20 feet takes one less dice damage (5D6x10, then 4D6 x10) out to 100 feet. after 100 feet (1d6x10 damage) the damage becomes 1d4x10 damage out to 120 feet, then 4D6 out to 140 feet, 2D6 to 160 feet and then 1D6 to 180 feet. The character is not immune to this explosive force but his reistance to heat and radiation does halve the damage). the sun only hangs 20 feet above the character, so the ground will take a large chunk of this explosive damage as well.
The third method is to extinguish either the sun or the fusion aura. The sun itself has an SDC equal to the character's MEx100. Cold damage affects this normally, while most matter and energy attacks inflict no damage. explosive force can also inflict damage to the sun's surface by 'splashing away' parts of the ball of plasma. the sun regenerates the character's ME in SDC every round.
Knocking out the character, or breaking his concentration can work, only the sun itself is pretty much self sustaining. If the character is knocked unconscious there is a 30% chance that the sun peters out in 1D4 melee rounds (the process takes 1D4 melee rounds). If the fusion aura can be destroyed (inflicting 30 or more damage from cold forces the character to make a saving throw 16+ or lose the sun and the fusion aura) also moving the character more than 100 feet from the sun will also cause it to wink out within 1D4 melee rounds. Water can also do the trick, but it needs to be sizable quantities..remember the sun is a mere 20 feet away and will pull as much of that water into it's surface.
The best way to end it is to convince the character to simply stop. He is pretty much immobile while using this power. the threat of a bus mowing him down may convince him to step away from the reaction.

Salamander skin: [Minor]
'ooohhhh slimy'

The character can transmute his skin to a cooler, slimier version. while great for disguises, the skin has the following properties.
* resistant to fire: half damage
* Slimy adds +4 to escaping grapples and +20% to escape artist
* While transmuted, the character heals twice as fast as a normal human.

Dirge [major]
'Testing testing...One TWOOOO...'

The character can emit a Low frequency moan that disrupts people's inner ears, and cuases all manner of disruption and discomfort. Moaning requires two actions per melee round, and affects all targets with working ears (and biology) within 60 feet (plus 10 feet per level)
all affected targets become nauseous and dizzy suffering -1 attack, -20% to skill use and -2 to all combat rolls. In addition all targets must make a saving throw (16+ PE bonuses apply) those that fail are stunned for the melee round (no actions but can defend themselves normally) and take 2D6 damage (bones begin to crack, eardrums bleed).
The character can maintain this dirge for 1D4 rounds (plus 1 round at every even level) before he must stop and breathe in (one round). A canny opponent that makes strikes for the character's solar plexes, or attempts to squeeze the air out of him with a grapple forces him to make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or cease his dirge.
The character can target a single opponent within 30 feet with a concentrated dirge. Each melee round, on top of normal penalties listed above, the target must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or not only become stunned, but lose half of any current SDC. a successfull saving throw means only 4D6 damage. a dodge (14+ ) avoids this effect entirely.
Solid objects subjected to this concentrated dirge also fare badly. Roll a D20 and compare it to the objects AR. if Over, the target halves its SDC and lowers its AR by 2, otherwise it merely takes 4D6 damage.
The character is immune to sonic damage and sonic related effects.



Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:53 am
by Iczer
Third eye [Minor]
'I see more than you suspect'

The character has a third eye. this can be a literal third eye, or something a little more aesthetically pleasing. This eye increases the character's sensitivity to normal and extar normal phenomenon. while 'open' (and it is invisible when not open) the character enjoys the following
* can see invisible and near invisible objects (inlcuding semi invisible force bolts, and chameloned targets)
* can see ghosts, and other astra beings.
* See clearly into the Ultra violet spectrum
* +4 to perception saving throws.

Primal Morph [Major]
'Clever girl.....aren't I'

The character can reach back to his primeval ancestry and pull forward usefull and temporary mutations to assist him. as an action the character can generate any one of the following.
* Savage skin: skin becomes mottled and green, allowing him to hide with greater proficiency (+20% prowl)
* Heavy armour:Grows horned armour over his body, instantly doubling in weight and gaining an AR of 14 and +4 to PS
* Running legs: develops veloceraptor like hind limbs adding 6D6 to his land speed and adding +2 to dodge
* Spiked tail: Gains a 4D6 plus PS tail slam
* terrible claws: forlimbs become dangerous. claws inflict 2D6 damage plus PS bonus
* monstrous bite: The head elongates and teeth become wicked sharp. Bite attack does 6D6 damage (but no PS bonus)
* massive size: becomes vaguely reptillian, but grows to nearly twice his normal height. See giant power from PU1
* feral instincts: becomes spiky and reptillian, gaining the power of Feral (PU1 again) without the SDC bonus
* Pteradactly wings: the character can glide as per flight - glide
* Aquatic nature: gains a blow hole, the ability to hold breath for 2D4 minutes +1 minute per level, and flippers that halve his land speed but doubles his swim speed.

The character needs an action to perform a change and can mimic only one aspect at a time until 3rd level (2 aspect) and 7th level (3 aspects) The character enjoys the following other benefits:
+1D4x10 SDC
Heals at 2 times normal rate
+1D4+1 PE

Crater [major]
'In the marines I was a ground pounder. That's never been more true'

The character can exert his strength on the earth around him. By expending all actions and then striking the ground beneath him, he creates a shockwave that ripples the earth itself.
The crater formed is 5 feet deep at point of impact, per level, and has a radius of three time that distance. The outer walls are 3 feet high per level. these measurements are halved if the crater is being made in concrete or in an urbanised environment, and doubled if on loose sand or dirt (and double agai if combined with a super fast drop from the sky or collision with the ground). and halved again if impacting with a wall or cliff face rather than flat, level ground.

Every available target within the crater's area of effect takes damage as if punched by an equivilant supernatural PS, and is flung backwards one foot per PS point of the character and is knocked down. if a target knows the crater attempt is being made he may attempt to plant himself. he and his opponent roll a d20 and add PS scores. if the target rolls higher he plants his feet and does not move. if he rolls lower he is thrown back half as far as normal.

Creating this type of crater underground simply creates a sphere 2 feet acorss per level, but causes a tremor that can be felt 100 feet away per level.

Pox: [minor]
'What's a matter, It was just a little scratch'

The character can infect others with a parasitic organism that quickly infects others. The character must hit with a bite attack (1D4) or claw swipe (2D4) to infect a target, who must make a saving throw vs lethal toxin.
If infected, the target grows thick purple pustules across the wound that race as far as possible across the body. the pustules ooze and itch terribly, the target loses one attack per round -2 to all combat skills and -10% to skill performance. The infection lasts for 1D4 melee rounds BUT it attempts to reinfect as soon as possible. at the duration's end, the target makes a new saving throw and takes 2D6 damage. if the saving throw fails, he remian s infected for another 1D4 rounds. worse, any extended contact cuase the infection to spread to the toucher, forcing them to make a saving throw.

Berserker: [Minor]

The character can sacrafice his more complex self for a more primal and dangerous self, sacraficing his will to become more dangerous.

The character triggers this at will. the effect lowers his ME, IQ and MA by 2D6 (minimum 3) but heals 1D4x10 SDC and HP (Plus 3 per level). The character becomes animalistic, gaining 1 extra attack per melee, and a damage bonus of +1D6 to all forms of attacks, and gains +2 to strike with all attacks, but -4 to parry and dodge. The character makes a saving throw (14+) to control these urges, but if he fails he comes out of his damaged state swinging at friend or foe (prefereably foe, but this becomes a time to settle any existing grudges with nearby allies as well)
The rage persists for 1D4 minutes, or indefinately if kept in combat. the lost attributes return at a rate of one every 15 minutes.



Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:21 am
by Iczer
Levitate earth: [Major]
'I always liked the view from up here'

The character can levitate earth and rock. he cannot lift concrete, or urbanised areas, only the natural earth.
1) Disrupt earth: a simple action causes the erath to rupture at a target's feet. the target (who may dodge at -4) takes 1D6 damage and is knocked to the ground as long as he is within 40 feet.
2) Ride earth platform: By forcing a lump of natural earth to rise up (around 300lbs of it) the character can simply ride it like a magic carpet. the rock moves at 40 miles per hour (plus 10 miles per hour per level) but rquires all the characters concentration to maintain it. maximum height is 500 feet.
3) Lift stone: The character can lift three times as much stone and earth as his PS would indicate. He can deflect small stones and stone weapons. He can automaticaly deflects tones lighter than himself, heavier stones require an action (and a parry roll at +4)
4) Massive platform: Wit a herculean effort, the character can lift an area of natural ground up to 50 feet across plus 10 feet per level. He can lift this slowly up to 500 feet above the ground at a rate of 10 feet per melee round. doing this requires that the character use all his actions for 2 rounds concentrating and must be in the centre. he can cuase this land mass to drift slowly, up to one mile per hour per level. it can be let down slowly, or the character can simply withdraw his power and let it drop. after the landmass has stopped moving, the character can simply keep it in place with an action per round, and after 4th level can even sleep there (but the power withdraws slowly if he leaves).
Needless to say there is a lot of damage that can be caused by having tons of rock and earth drop from 500 feet onto an object. anyone trapped underneath is likely to be smooshed severely as well as buried alive.

Beast merge [Minor]
'There there..good doggy'

The character can take over an animals (not humans) nervous system, becoming one with it. he can exert his control while he remains in contact, granting +30% to ride and animal husbandry skills. Creatures gain no saving throw, but may dodge the attack as usual.

Sleepwalk [Major]
'Good night sweetie...'

The character can control the minds and actions of those that are asleep, or unconscious. The target makes a saving throw in his sleep (16+ ME bonuses apply) but the character can retry once per minute on the sleeper. Once successful, the target wakes up and obeys any commands given to the best of his ability, though may make a saving throw to avoid any commands that may make him hurt himself or loved ones (doing so makes him wake up).

The target never remembers what he's done while sleepwalking and will be agrieved if he discovers he has been doing odd things in his sleep.

Commands to targets can be excessively complicated and can occur up to a week after being given. a sleepwalker can be told to 'wake up thursday night after you fall asleep and write an essay on the Ethics of mind controlling the weak of mind, then mail it to yourself'

The controlled person remains controlled until woken up by normal means. The controlled person must be present to hear commands, but has the presence of mind to do normal activities that aren't social (If told to 'fetch some milk from the store' the controlled person ahs the presence of mind to get dressed and grab his wallet.

The controlled person can be ordered to have nightmares or pleasant dreams as disctated by the character, possibly leading to characters becoming weaker and weaker as their ability to have adequate sleep is corroded.

The character can have up to 4 controlled individuals active at any one time, plus one per level of experience. controlled characters 'wake up' if made to suffer any great deal of pain, but will fight until all SDC is gone.



Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:17 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:Nice set of powers Iczer. With all of the elemental powers now out there, it should be pretty easy to make HU2 versions of Children of the Elements, beings that gain elemental powers upon leveling up.

I have a question about Primal Morph; it mentions it being temporary but no duration is listed.

Hmm will revise. Logic: as a major power, the ability to turn it on and off at will seems reasonable. Consider durations permanent until decided to be dropped or discarded



Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Wow, that is a LOT of powers, Iczer. Hopefully I can get them posted over to the Black Vault within the next few days. :)

Edit: Wow, I actually got them all done today.:)


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:24 pm
by NMI
Iczer wrote:Crater [major]
'In the marines I was a ground pounder. That's never been more true'

The character can exert his strength on the earth around him. By expending all actions and then striking the ground beneath him, he creates a shockwave that ripples the earth itself.
The crater formed is 5 feet deep at point of impact, per level, and has a radius of three time that distance. The outer walls are 3 feet high per level. these measurements are halved if the crater is being made in concrete or in an urbanised environment, and doubled if on loose sand or dirt (and double agai if combined with a super fast drop from the sky or collision with the ground). and halved again if impacting with a wall or cliff face rather than flat, level ground.

Every available target within the crater's area of effect takes damage as if punched by an equivilant supernatural PS, and is flung backwards one foot per PS point of the character and is knocked down. if a target knows the crater attempt is being made he may attempt to plant himself. he and his opponent roll a d20 and add PS scores. if the target rolls higher he plants his feet and does not move. if he rolls lower he is thrown back half as far as normal.

Creating this type of crater underground simply creates a sphere 2 feet acorss per level, but causes a tremor that can be felt 100 feet away per level.

I like this, but I think the crate size should be more dependent on the users PS score as well as the type of PS. A person with a normal PS 0f 20 should be making smaller craters then an individual with a SUPERNATURAL PS of 20. Just my opinion.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:26 am
by Iczer
I have taken the comments under advisement.

Broken down:
* uses all actions for the round
* Area affect ( 5 feet deep @ 1st level, 30 feet across)
* Low to moderate damage (will average about 3D6 damage plus PS bonus)
* Inflicts Knockdown except where resisted.
* Creates a hole, and a defensive wall at the same time.
* modified downward for one common environment. modified upward for an uncommon event and an uncommon environment

3rd level character with Normal PS of 14.
uses all actions, to create a shockwave like crater in an urban environment (shopping mall)
The centre of the hole is 7.5 feet deep and 45 feet across, and the outer debris wall at the outer edge are 4.5 feet high. all targets take 2D4 damage and may be knocked down or backwards.

assesment: damage is incongruous with the devastation intended and described.

will adjust.




Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Please let me know when these changes are made to the powers, Iczer, since I will have to edit or re-post them to the Black Vault accordingly.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:11 pm
by NMI
I still think in my own personal opinion that the size of the crater should be dependent on the characters PS score and type.


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:34 am
by Iczer
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:I still think in my own personal opinion that the size of the crater should be dependent on the characters PS score and type.

I Agree to a point, i just doen't want so much synergy that the power will only be taken by strong or superstrong characters. I'd like it to be stand alone worthy (refer to the super leaping)



Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:25 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Dear, Stone Gargoyle

Can Men use your power Electric Angel and can someone use the Halo part of that power as a minor super power...

Please let me know as soon as you can THXS.

P.S. Sorry about last time I was posting some real life stuff happen at the same time and it kind of got into the post sorry...

Yes, it is a power that is useable by both males and females. I used the feminine pronoun on that power to switch it up a little since many powers wind up being written using the male pronoun. The halo can be used as a minor superability, but I would probably rewrite it as follows:

Electric Halo (minor) by Stone Gargoyle

The superbeing can generate an electric hoop which circles her crown and is about a foot over her head. She can use this circular halo to target and shoot multiple opponents.
Range: Halo is one foot in diameter, with the ability to shoot electrical bolts to a distance of 400 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Circular wave burst can be done using one melee attack/action, as can shooting up to three targets, but shooting any more than that uses an additional attack for aiming purposes.
Damage: Electric bolts do 1d6 damage per level when shot from the halo, but total damage must be divided if more than one beam is shot at a time.
Number of targets: Can shoot all targets in range of the halo by sending out a circular wave or individually target three targets simultaneously, plus one more at levels 4, 8 and 12, with a +6 to hit one target, -1 to hit cumulative each additional target.
Machine Disruption: When the halo is active, it disrupts machinery within 100 feet, plus 10 foot per level, disrupting the signal, causing basic machines to shut down temporarily and static and "snow" to appear on monitors and televisions.


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Thank you very much SG my brothers in arms will be happy with this and use it wisely...

Glad you liked it. :)


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Thank you very much SG my brothers in arms will be happy with this and use it wisely...

Glad you liked it. :)

Edit: I also noted that the original power had a typo in it which I corrected in both the Electric Angel power and the Electric Halo. I hope it reads a little clearer now.


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
See the following thread regarding customized metals for APS: Metal:



Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:04 am
by NMI
Use the chart to make up your metals and see what you come up with.
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Ok this is not my power I just copy it form this website:

Alter Physical Structure: Metal (Modified)

Rather than the generic "metal" presented in standard version of the power, players can customize the properties of their metallic form. To preserve flexibility I decided to make an open-ended system for creating customized Metal characters. Basically, the player gains "points" for accepting disadvantages and spends those points for advantages. Similar to vestigial disadvantages in the AtB system....

Starting with the standard power (Nat AR 17, 800 SDC), one chooses the Advantages they want from the table below, and then chooses some Disadvantages to balance the power. Any points left over will have to be paid by lowering the characters AR or SDC. Points are supposed to reflect a percentage of the character's SDC- Trading in 10% of your SDC gains you 10 points to spend on advantages. Any points left over or needed at the end can be used to increase or decrease the character's Metal SDC.

Increasing and Decreasing Natural AR
Trading SDC for Natural AR should work out to be even, statistically. Raising your AR from 17 to 18 means you'll take damage 33% less often, so it requires the equivalent of 33% of your SDC.

AR Trades
19: -100 pts
18: -33 pts

16: +25 pts
15: +50 pts
14: +75 pts
13: +100 pts
12: +125 pts
11: +150 pts
10: +175 pts
9: +200 pts
20 pts: Non-Magnetic: Magnetic fields have little effect on character
20 pts: Reflective: Light/Laser attacks do no damage
30 pts: Highly Conductive: Electrical attacks do no damage
30 pts: High Heat Capacity: Heat/Fire attacks do no damage
30 pts: Weapon against Supernatural (harms beings normally immune, 2x damage to normal SN creatures)
30 pts: Low Density: Half weight, normal speed attribute; +2 Strike, Parry, Dodge; -5 Damage
35 pts: Natural Weapon: Physical Attacks are more Damaging; +10 damage
40 pts: Electromagnetic Booster: Electromagnetic attacks do double damage at double range:
Costs two attacks per melee to maintain
40 pts: High Density: Double weight, half speed; +10 PS; -5 Dodge, Initiative, Auto-Parry is impossible
40 pts: Rigid: Extraordinary and Superhuman physical attacks do no damage; Supernatural physical
attacks do 1/2 damage above Natural AR

5 pts: Rusts/Tarnishes: -1 PB for every 10 minutes spent in metal form, to maximum of -5
10 pts: Highly Magnetic: Magnetic attacks/forces have double damage/effect
10 pts: Non-Reflective: Light/Laser attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x above
15 pts: Resonant: Sonic/Vibration attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x damage above
15 pts: Lowly Conductive: Electric attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x damage above
15 pts: Low Heat Capacity: Heat/Fire does normal damage below AR, 2x damage above
20 pts: Malleable: Normal physical attacks that beat AR do 1/2 damage; Extraordinary and Superhuman
attacks do 1/2 below AR, full damage above; Supernatural do full damage below AR, 2x above
30 pts: Can only Maintain Metal Form for PEx2 melees; requires 1D4 hours in human form to reattempt
30 pts: Radioactive: Emits background radiation similar to Control Radiation power
35 pts: Can only Maintain Human Form for PEx2 melees; requires 1D4 hours in metal form to reattempt
35 pts: Reactive to Water: Character heats up or bursts into flame upon contact with water (like Sodium);
Takes between 1D6 and 1D6x10 damage per melee (GM call based on situation)
35 pts: Thermal Expansion: Character painfully expands and contracts with variations in body
temperature; Takes between 1D6 and 1D6x10 per melee


There's no need to pattern yourself after an existing metal, but a few examples might make the system clear. I'm sure some of the metallic properties are wrong, because I just went with what sounded good. Individual characters (rather than general metal types) can make better use of the more individualized Didadvantages....
Alter Physical Structure: Copper
Nat AR 16 (+25 pts); SDC: 1000 (25 pts)
Advantages (-60 pts): Highly Conductive; High Heat Capacity
Disadvantages (+60 pts): Tarnishes; Malleable, Thermal Expansion

Alter Physical Structure: Lead
Nat AR 14 (+75 pts); SDC: 1200 (-50 pts)
Advantages (-60 pts): Non-Magnetic; High Density
Disadvantages (+35 pts): Low Heat Capacity; Malleable

Alter Physical Structure: Iron
Nat AR 17 (0 pts); SDC: 800 (0 pts)
Advantages (-30 pts): High Heat Capacity
Disadvantages (+30 pts): Tarnishes; Highly Magnetic; Resonant
Alter Physical Structure: Silver
Nat AR 15 (+50 pts); SDC: 680 (+15 pts)
Advantages (-100 pts): Non-Magnetic; Reflective; Highly Conductive; Weapon against Supernatural
Disadvantages (+35 pts): Low Heat Capacity; Malleable

Alter Physical Structure: Titanium
Nat AR 17 (0 pts); SDC: 680 (+15 pts)
Advantages (-90 pts): Non-Magnetic; Low Density; Rigid
Disadvantages (+75 pts): Non-Reflective; Resonant; Lowly Conductive; Thermal Expansion

Alter Physical Structure: Superconductor
Nat AR 14 (+75 pts); SDC: 800 (0 pts)
Advantages (-100 pts): Highly Conductive; Low Density; EM Booster
Disadvantages (+25 pts): Highly Magnetic; Low Heat Capacity

Ok this is close but is way to much info and I was looking for someone who had made Alter Physical Structure: Platinum and or Gold already or at least had the A.R.'s and SDC's for both metals already done Stone Gargoyle, But what do you think you could do with this chart to make Alter Physical Structure: Platinum and or Gold to help us out...



Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
OmegaKnight Dog wrote:Ok this is not my power I just copy it form this website:

Alter Physical Structure: Metal (Modified)

Rather than the generic "metal" presented in standard version of the power, players can customize the properties of their metallic form. To preserve flexibility I decided to make an open-ended system for creating customized Metal characters. Basically, the player gains "points" for accepting disadvantages and spends those points for advantages. Similar to vestigial disadvantages in the AtB system....

Starting with the standard power (Nat AR 17, 800 SDC), one chooses the Advantages they want from the table below, and then chooses some Disadvantages to balance the power. Any points left over will have to be paid by lowering the characters AR or SDC. Points are supposed to reflect a percentage of the character's SDC- Trading in 10% of your SDC gains you 10 points to spend on advantages. Any points left over or needed at the end can be used to increase or decrease the character's Metal SDC.

Increasing and Decreasing Natural AR
Trading SDC for Natural AR should work out to be even, statistically. Raising your AR from 17 to 18 means you'll take damage 33% less often, so it requires the equivalent of 33% of your SDC.

AR Trades
19: -100 pts
18: -33 pts

16: +25 pts
15: +50 pts
14: +75 pts
13: +100 pts
12: +125 pts
11: +150 pts
10: +175 pts
9: +200 pts
20 pts: Non-Magnetic: Magnetic fields have little effect on character
20 pts: Reflective: Light/Laser attacks do no damage
30 pts: Highly Conductive: Electrical attacks do no damage
30 pts: High Heat Capacity: Heat/Fire attacks do no damage
30 pts: Weapon against Supernatural (harms beings normally immune, 2x damage to normal SN creatures)
30 pts: Low Density: Half weight, normal speed attribute; +2 Strike, Parry, Dodge; -5 Damage
35 pts: Natural Weapon: Physical Attacks are more Damaging; +10 damage
40 pts: Electromagnetic Booster: Electromagnetic attacks do double damage at double range:
Costs two attacks per melee to maintain
40 pts: High Density: Double weight, half speed; +10 PS; -5 Dodge, Initiative, Auto-Parry is impossible
40 pts: Rigid: Extraordinary and Superhuman physical attacks do no damage; Supernatural physical
attacks do 1/2 damage above Natural AR

5 pts: Rusts/Tarnishes: -1 PB for every 10 minutes spent in metal form, to maximum of -5
10 pts: Highly Magnetic: Magnetic attacks/forces have double damage/effect
10 pts: Non-Reflective: Light/Laser attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x above
15 pts: Resonant: Sonic/Vibration attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x damage above
15 pts: Lowly Conductive: Electric attacks below AR do normal damage, 2x damage above
15 pts: Low Heat Capacity: Heat/Fire does normal damage below AR, 2x damage above
20 pts: Malleable: Normal physical attacks that beat AR do 1/2 damage; Extraordinary and Superhuman
attacks do 1/2 below AR, full damage above; Supernatural do full damage below AR, 2x above
30 pts: Can only Maintain Metal Form for PEx2 melees; requires 1D4 hours in human form to reattempt
30 pts: Radioactive: Emits background radiation similar to Control Radiation power
35 pts: Can only Maintain Human Form for PEx2 melees; requires 1D4 hours in metal form to reattempt
35 pts: Reactive to Water: Character heats up or bursts into flame upon contact with water (like Sodium);
Takes between 1D6 and 1D6x10 damage per melee (GM call based on situation)
35 pts: Thermal Expansion: Character painfully expands and contracts with variations in body
temperature; Takes between 1D6 and 1D6x10 per melee


There's no need to pattern yourself after an existing metal, but a few examples might make the system clear. I'm sure some of the metallic properties are wrong, because I just went with what sounded good. Individual characters (rather than general metal types) can make better use of the more individualized Didadvantages....
Alter Physical Structure: Copper
Nat AR 16 (+25 pts); SDC: 1000 (25 pts)
Advantages (-60 pts): Highly Conductive; High Heat Capacity
Disadvantages (+60 pts): Tarnishes; Malleable, Thermal Expansion

Alter Physical Structure: Lead
Nat AR 14 (+75 pts); SDC: 1200 (-50 pts)
Advantages (-60 pts): Non-Magnetic; High Density
Disadvantages (+35 pts): Low Heat Capacity; Malleable

Alter Physical Structure: Iron
Nat AR 17 (0 pts); SDC: 800 (0 pts)
Advantages (-30 pts): High Heat Capacity
Disadvantages (+30 pts): Tarnishes; Highly Magnetic; Resonant
Alter Physical Structure: Silver
Nat AR 15 (+50 pts); SDC: 680 (+15 pts)
Advantages (-100 pts): Non-Magnetic; Reflective; Highly Conductive; Weapon against Supernatural
Disadvantages (+35 pts): Low Heat Capacity; Malleable

Alter Physical Structure: Titanium
Nat AR 17 (0 pts); SDC: 680 (+15 pts)
Advantages (-90 pts): Non-Magnetic; Low Density; Rigid
Disadvantages (+75 pts): Non-Reflective; Resonant; Lowly Conductive; Thermal Expansion

Alter Physical Structure: Superconductor
Nat AR 14 (+75 pts); SDC: 800 (0 pts)
Advantages (-100 pts): Highly Conductive; Low Density; EM Booster
Disadvantages (+25 pts): Highly Magnetic; Low Heat Capacity

Ok this is close but is way to much info and I was looking for someone who had made Alter Physical Structure: Platinum and or Gold already or at least had the A.R.'s and SDC's for both metals already done Stone Gargoyle, But what do you think you could do with this chart to make Alter Physical Structure: Platinum and or Gold to help us out...


I try not to make a habit of redoing something that has already been done. What you are asking for would take a tremendous amount of work, which has already been done on Dan's HU Page. Like Nimmy says, if you want specific metals, you can use the chart there to make them yourself.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:38 pm
by NMI
What properties do you see Gold and Platinum having that your generic "steel" does not have?
other being: <Voice of Sabertooth>oooh shiny!</Voice of Sabertooth>


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:40 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Well, gold is a better conductor, but much softer and with a lower melting point and greater density. Platinum is a catalyst for several different useful chemical reactions.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I know very little about metals, myself, which is why I said that it would be a lot of work for me to do, having to rersearch everything...


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:52 pm
by Nightmask
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:What properties do you see Gold and Platinum having that your generic "steel" does not have?
other being: <Voice of Sabertooth>oooh shiny!</Voice of Sabertooth>

Likely been looking at how much the Metal Men (and Woman! ) could do when it came to being gold and platinum. Platinum btw has a much higher melting point than steel so much better when dealing with intense heat situations.


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:44 pm
by Iczer
Crater [major]
'In the marines I was a ground pounder. That's never been more true'

The character can exert his Will on the earth around him. By expending all actions and then striking the ground beneath him, he creates a shockwave that ripples the earth itself.
The crater formed is 5 feet deep at point of impact, per level, and has a radius of three times that distance. The outer walls are half as high per level. these measurements are halved if the crater is being made in concrete or in an urbanised environment, and doubled if on loose sand or dirt (and double agai if combined with a super fast drop from the sky or collision with the ground). and halved again if impacting with a wall or cliff face rather than flat, level ground.

The ground at the point of impact takes 2D4x10 damage from the initial shockwave and all targets within the area of effect take damage as if struck by a power punch from a character with a supernatural PS equal to the character's PS, plus 2 per level. All targets under 500lbs will be flung backwards up to one foot per point of this effective PS. targets between 500 and 1000lbs will be knocked half as far. targets over 1000lbs will be shoved violently a few feet. Immobile structures that are unable to be shoved take double damage. if a target knows the crater attempt is being made he may attempt to plant himself. he and his opponent roll a d20 and add PS scores. if the target rolls higher he plants his feet and does not move. if he rolls lower he is thrown back half as far as normal. Impacting a vertical surface halves the damage across the board, and urbanised areas also halve the damage (Impacting a vertical, urban surface, like a building wall inflicts 1/3rd damage) All initial damage is modified by the character's PS damage bonus.

Both willpower and Strength impact on this power, as the character is as much manipulating the earth as he is smashing it with raw power. Any and all of the following add 1 foot per level to the initial crater depth. Extraordinary ME, Extraordinary PS, Superhuman PS (2 feet), supernatural PS (3 feet) Iron will and any power that specifically manipulates earth/rock. Control elemental force: Earth not only doubles the radius but allows the character to exclude targets, double the crater rim height and precisely control the radius and shape of the crater.

Creating this type of crater underground simply creates a sphere 2 feet acorss per level, but causes a tremor that can be felt 100 feet away per level.

3rd level character with Normal PS of 14. (20 SN at point of impact)
uses all actions, to create a shockwave like crater in an urban environment (shopping mall)
Inflicts 2D4x10 damage to point of impact plus 4d6+5. (from his adjusted PS) It forms a crater that is 7.5 feet deep, 45 feet across and the crater rim is 3.75 feet high. he inflicts 4D6+5 damage to all targets in the area (Double damage to solid, permanent structures)

assesment: damage is remains a little incongruous, but is now more worthwhile. Damage and area scale with PS (and other factors) but not so much that it is an inevitable combo (It remains worthwhile to take this power without other aids).



Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:24 pm
by NMI
I likes. I also like how other earth type powers affect the outcome.
Iczer wrote:Crater [major]
'In the marines I was a ground pounder. That's never been more true'

The character can exert his Will on the earth around him. By expending all actions and then striking the ground beneath him, he creates a shockwave that ripples the earth itself.
The crater formed is 5 feet deep at point of impact, per level, and has a radius of three times that distance. The outer walls are half as high per level. these measurements are halved if the crater is being made in concrete or in an urbanised environment, and doubled if on loose sand or dirt (and double agai if combined with a super fast drop from the sky or collision with the ground). and halved again if impacting with a wall or cliff face rather than flat, level ground.

The ground at the point of impact takes 2D4x10 damage from the initial shockwave and all targets within the area of effect take damage as if struck by a power punch from a character with a supernatural PS equal to the character's PS, plus 2 per level. All targets under 500lbs will be flung backwards up to one foot per point of this effective PS. targets between 500 and 1000lbs will be knocked half as far. targets over 1000lbs will be shoved violently a few feet. Immobile structures that are unable to be shoved take double damage. if a target knows the crater attempt is being made he may attempt to plant himself. he and his opponent roll a d20 and add PS scores. if the target rolls higher he plants his feet and does not move. if he rolls lower he is thrown back half as far as normal. Impacting a vertical surface halves the damage across the board, and urbanised areas also halve the damage (Impacting a vertical, urban surface, like a building wall inflicts 1/3rd damage) All initial damage is modified by the character's PS damage bonus.

Both willpower and Strength impact on this power, as the character is as much manipulating the earth as he is smashing it with raw power. Any and all of the following add 1 foot per level to the initial crater depth. Extraordinary ME, Extraordinary PS, Superhuman PS (2 feet), supernatural PS (3 feet) Iron will and any power that specifically manipulates earth/rock. Control elemental force: Earth not only doubles the radius but allows the character to exclude targets, double the crater rim height and precisely control the radius and shape of the crater.

Creating this type of crater underground simply creates a sphere 2 feet acorss per level, but causes a tremor that can be felt 100 feet away per level.

3rd level character with Normal PS of 14. (20 SN at point of impact)
uses all actions, to create a shockwave like crater in an urban environment (shopping mall)
Inflicts 2D4x10 damage to point of impact plus 4d6+5. (from his adjusted PS) It forms a crater that is 7.5 feet deep, 45 feet across and the crater rim is 3.75 feet high. he inflicts 4D6+5 damage to all targets in the area (Double damage to solid, permanent structures)

assesment: damage is remains a little incongruous, but is now more worthwhile. Damage and area scale with PS (and other factors) but not so much that it is an inevitable combo (It remains worthwhile to take this power without other aids).



Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:47 pm
by Iczer
Gravity attack [Major]
'I don't think you appreciate the...seriousness... of your situation'

The character can manipulate patches of gravity for his own purposes.
1) gravitational plane. as per the minor power (pu1 Pg29). the character still needs an action to create a plane, but none to maintain it.
2) gravity attack: The character can use gravitational plane as a form of attack and defence. by creating a gravitiational plane above a target, this power negates normal gravity, causing objects to fall towards your new plane. Targets takes damage as if falling the approapriate distance and may lose an action from doing so. The character can instantly negate his own power after he has started, causing a thrown opponent to return to the ground. targets may dodge, but they may be forced to cover some distance to do so. a dodge roll of 16 or better is required to evade this power, but targets that cannot escape it's range will 'fall' anyway.
3) Gravity combat: by dictating which way is up, the character can use an enhanced mobility to dodge and evade attacks. as long as the character can access a vertical surface, he enjoys a +2 to dodge, and by using a 'high ground' advantage he gains a +2 to strike. He can also perform a type of jump attack by expending 2 attacks, one to switch gravity planes and another to attack. this attack causes double damage to the target. (imagine running up a wall, then falling down it again to attack a target) A favourite ploy with this power is to get to a high place above a target and then make them fall up towards you, striking them as they get close. This grants the +2 to strike, and while it adds no damage, the target also takes falling damage when he impacts next to you. 2 attacks.
4) immunity to gravity attacks. the character can 'normalise' gravity around him rendering him immune to gravity powers. he cannot be subjected to high or low gravity effects, nor do pure gravity waves even bother him.
5) notes: this power dwindles in effectiveness in open spaces. having someone fall to a wall rather than a ceiling inflicts half as much damage. the character cannot simply fling someone into empty air though. In additiona, targets who can fly, control their own gravity, glide or stick to walls easilyl avoid the worst aspects of this power.
6) other abilities: +1D4PP, +4D6 to SDC +1D6 to Spd. can survive any fall as long as he can create a gravity plane above him to 'catch' him.

Triune [Minor]
'I am exuberance, maturity and wisdom.'

The character can alter his physiology and his mental morphology to adopt one of three diferent guises.
1) Young self: the young self is vibrant and energetic. he gains +2 to his MA and PP scores and +2 to PB. This form is barely out of his or her teens, and their youthful enthusiasm grants a +10% to all physical skills and +5% to other skills.

2) Adult self: The character adopts the posture and morphology of a 30 year old. Mature and adult the character adds +2 to PS and PE and gains a 30 SDC bonus.

3) Older self: The character drops into his later years. while not elderly per se, he has slowed down a bit. He gains +2 to IQ and ME. shedding the naivety of youth and gaining a measure of cynicism, the character gains a +2 to initiative and +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.

It takes no action to shift age states but it can be done on the character's action. It is possble to shift ages once per action.

Warp topology[Major]
' really is bigger on the inside'

The character can play with space, leaving other physics alone. this allows him to perfrom several stunts that afford him battlefield control.
1) Alter topology: the character can alter the local topology while leaving gravity alone. In this fahsion he can create a pit in the ground, by indenting the space in an area, or create a ramp by doing the same. Objects directly affected are completely unharmed ( the ground may look bent in two but it is just fine. likewise a streetlight doubled over works just fine)
The character can affect an area 10x10x10 feet across, adding 5 feet to each of those dimensions every subsequent level. A first level character could create a 10x10x10 pit under a car for instance, or create a 2 foot thick fold of ground, 20 feet high and 25 feet long. each transmutation requires an action, plus an action per round to maintain. Creating folds in space in this fashion can be used as a direct attack or as a defence. +4 to parry with an object bent into position (Or to bend away an incoming projectile or weapon). +4 to open holes in an object in front of a target

2) grow/shrink space: the character can also bend objects to increase or decrease the space thay afford. The space an object has can be shrunk or grown by half per level. when shrinking Objects in the area will be pushed inwards as well. objects inside a shrunken space take 5D6 damage if crushed together but if not destroyed, then the shrinking halts. Opening space works the same way, allowing the character to slip between bars, or open atarget's body armour up so that it slides off them. (shrinking a person's body armour as a attack is particularilly brutal). growing or shrinking space requires 2 actions to perfrom but only one ction per melee round to maintain.

3) Other miscellaneous tricks. By shaping the space in front of him, a character can move relatively unimpeded, as long as he moves at 3/4 his normal speed. Alleyways close, the space between objects part and terrain flattens. Bending the space an object occupies allows the character to attack others as described above. dodging or defending against these attacks can be awkward reducing appropriate defences by 2. Creating a tower of ground under your feet allows you to rise on a column of distended space. Living creatures cannot be bent out of shape, but objects they hold can, and because it's the object that's bent, not the rest of physics, a bent gun is useless.



Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:38 am
by taalismn
Public Transportation(Major)
"How do you just LOSE two hundred people out of a locked room?!"
"I dunno, maybe they all decided they wanted to go to the beach?"

The superbeing possesses a form of mass-teleportation that becomes more efficient the more people are being teleported. Perhaps it's a matter of common belief and desire, or a near-magic pooling of PPE or ISP, but the more people gathered in range of the power, the farther they can go. Using this power, the superbeing can rescue large numbers of people, or move small armies around instantaneously.
However, the superbeing's ability to control and maintain the teleportation has a maximum capacity per level of experience, which limits the number of people that can be moved all at once. Furthermore, those unwilling to be transported can resist being drawn into the 'pool', though the more people willing participating in the power teleport, the stronger the psychic 'undertow' that can pull people along.

Note: The Teleporting superbeing MUST teleport with his 'passengers'; he's essentially the 'driver' of the transport pool.
It is possible for the superbeing to just teleport himself, using a crowd as a 'springboard' to essentially power the teleport, but this places a strain on the superbeing, inflicting 1d6 SDC damage to them(damage heals as normal).

Range: 1 mile per person, +1 mile per level of experience of the superbeing.

Capacity: 50 people per level of experience. People being teleported must be in one gathered group, with individuals no more than 2 ft apart. They cannot be carrying more than 30 lbs of additional baggage/luggage each, +5 lbs per level of experience. 'Luggage' id defined as items on or near the person(within 1 ft of the person), so the person can be standing on top of a steamer trunk and still be teleported with it, as long as the elevation doesn't take the person out of the two-foot 'contact' range. For purposes of transporting animals, like pets or livestock, such are regarded as 'luggage' with regards to weight(yes, though, people can 'pool' their luggage allotment, so two people or more people hugging a hundred-pound heiffer could carry it with them).

Penalties: Same penalties as apply for the regular Teleport power, with regards to teleporting to remote locations unfamiliar to the superbeing.
People unwilling to be teleported can resist being drawn along, by making a roll of 16 or better(M.E. bonuses to save versusy psionics apply), -1 for every 100 willing participants in the Public Transportation pool.


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:28 am
by Iczer
Just to nitpick.

* Does the power affect the character. can he just teleport himself? (1 person being 1 mile +1 per level) this quickly gets as powerful as regular teleport.

* Mass questions: If I wear more than the 30lbs of luggage, does it get left behind, or am I 'safe' from this power. Also who determines what is and is not luggage? can I take 50 friends off the beach as well as 1500lbs of sand?. can I take the people and not their luggage?

* target questions: do my targets have to be people? Can I take 50 birds? 50 ducks? 50 gnats? If so am I getting the same 'boost' in power and distance? I could carry a jar with 50 Gnats in it.

* On the same topic. can I just do one target (myself) If this is the only teleporting I do, I am functionally equal to the regular teleportation power at 4th level, and superior thereafter

* Chance of teleporting into solid objects? Is it worse now that I have 50 friends in tow and my aim has to be a little more accurate?

* Not a question, more of an observation. It seems very powerful, in that resistance is virtually impossible, even at the lowest level. 1 in four chance of success for 90% of your targets, who probably should have better odds of being instantly teleported one mile up.


(Ps..aside from that I love the idea of this power)


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:38 am
by taalismn
Iczer wrote:Just to nitpick.

* Does the power affect the character. can he just teleport himself? (1 person being 1 mile +1 per level) this quickly gets as powerful as regular teleport.

* Mass questions: If I wear more than the 30lbs of luggage, does it get left behind, or am I 'safe' from this power. Also who determines what is and is not luggage? can I take 50 friends off the beach as well as 1500lbs of sand?. can I take the people and not their luggage?

* target questions: do my targets have to be people? Can I take 50 birds? 50 ducks? 50 gnats? If so am I getting the same 'boost' in power and distance? I could carry a jar with 50 Gnats in it.

* On the same topic. can I just do one target (myself) If this is the only teleporting I do, I am functionally equal to the regular teleportation power at 4th level, and superior thereafter

* Chance of teleporting into solid objects? Is it worse now that I have 50 friends in tow and my aim has to be a little more accurate?

* Not a question, more of an observation. It seems very powerful, in that resistance is virtually impossible, even at the lowest level. 1 in four chance of success for 90% of your targets, who probably should have better odds of being instantly teleported one mile up.


(Ps..aside from that I love the idea of this power)

Thanks for the critique! I've already made some changes based on your observations:

a) The teleporter MUST teleport with the people; he's essentially the 'driver' of the teleport pool.

b) The power applies to people, not cargo. The cargo's just a side effect/bonus

c)I'd limit the sort of living critters that can be teleported to people/sentient beings; as I see it, there's a consciousness element to it(though unconscious people could be carried along by the 'undertow' effect). Animals like pets I'd consider to be 'cargo'.

d) Cargo/luggage would have to be in physical contact with the person or within 1 ft of them(you could be standing on top of a steamer trunk, as long as it didn't take you out of the two foot 'contact' range. Exceeding luggage-limit results in loose items being left behind, or, if too well attached to the person(like a belt-harness of gold bullion) the person being left behind.

e) As for teleporting yourself using the rest of the people as a 'springboard'? Hmmm...I'd consider it, but it's sort of like a bus driver taking off without passengers. To keep things simple, though, I wouldn't allow it. It's MASS transit, not public power tap.

f) Teleporting into solid matter would be a BAD idea, but the power generally treats the group as a single being with regards to safe teleporting(in other words, you don't have to worry about Bob on the edge of the group coming out inside a wall at the other end. I wouldn't recommend teleporting into a closet with fifty people, though, because some serious trampling/crushing may incur.


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:49 am
by taalismn
Annoyance Factor(Minor)
“That’s cool, Captain Stupendous! Real cool! Can you show me more? I wanna see more! Say, can you do this? See what I can do! What do you think of this?! Tell me what you think! You’re real cool, Captain, you know that? You’re my favorite! What do you think are the coolest powers? Who do you think’s better than you? Who do you like more? What’s the best super-vehicle? Huh? Huh? Tell me more! I wanna see more! Moar! Moar!“(ad nauseum)

This is a ‘near-psychic’ power in that it attacks the nervous system with similar effects to psionic attacks. Annoyance Factor is the dubious ability of the superbeing to do just about anything in such a way as to negatively distract and annoy those around him or her. Even simple things like the superbeing pacing, playing with a pen or pencil, conversing, or even breathing, become tedious ordeals to onlookers when this power is in effect. This power is of questionable personal value, because it can affect ally and enemy alike, destroy friendships, crack people’s calm and self-control, drive saints to bloody rage, cause temporary alignment shifts, and put acquaintances’ hands around the superbeing’s throat. As a result, most superbeings who have this power are either not aware that they possess this power(mistaking it for something else), or else are very self-preservation conscious and ready to bolt for cover when their acquaintance of the moment goes psychotic on them.

Bonuses: +1d4 to the character’s M.A., the resultant number which becomes the superbeing’s Annoyance Factor. The character can still use their M.A. to induce trust/intimidation, but it will take more of an effort on their part as they are better known for being annoying.

Passive Mode: This is an area of effect that can be always on, at the superbeing’s discretion. Whether it’s by doing something actively annoying(like humming off key, chattering to oneself, tapping fingers or feet, noisily chewing gum, pacing, etc...) or just by the sheer teeth grinding anxiety of anticipation that the character is GOING to do something annoying(“Oh GOD, please go away and not talk to me....”), the superbeing can erode the calm of an entire room of people.
Range: 10 ft radius, plus 5 ft per level of experience
Duration: Always on, unless otherwise specified
Effect: Everyone caught in the area of effect must save versus the superbeing’s MA/AF(bonuses against psionic attack apply) or lose initiative and be -10% to all skill rolls.

Active Mode: In active mode, the Annoyance Factor can be focused on a single individual, taking up an Action Per Melee, in order to drive the target NUTS.
Range: 60 ft +10 ft per level of experience. Target must be in line of sight(and preferably earshot as well)
Duration: Takes 1 APM to maintain per melee
Effect: Victim must roll better than the Annoying superbeing’s Annoyance Factor(bonuses against psionic attack apply); failing to do so, the victim must roll on the following to determine resulting mental state:
01-20 Vexed---The victim is annoyed, but still mostly in self-control. However, the target is distracted and is -3 to Initiative, and -15% to all skill rolls from the unwanted distraction.

21-50 Driven Up the Wall---Victim is more seriously distracted, but is still hanging on to a semblance of control. You can see the veins pulsing in their foreheads, though. Victim is likely to be rude and brusque and clearly agitated(eager to get the annoyance moving along); -5 to initiative, lose 1 APM, and -20% to all skills.

51-74 Blown Cool---Victim loses self-control and all pretense of being polite to the annoyance, likely lashing out with a verbal attack(yell at the annoyance, curse audibly and articulately, reach employment-termination levels of rudeness, etc..), but hasn’t yet gone physical. The victim’s attention is now almost fully engaged on the source of the annoyance, and previous trains of thought almost certainly derailed. Lose ALL initiative, lose 2 APM, and -25% to all skills. If the target has an Awe or Horror Factor, it is -2.

75-90 Sputtering Fury---The target shifts an alignment level down and is seriously contemplating physically harming the source of his annoyance, but is badly twitching in place(clenched fists, spastic leg movements), cursing under his breath(otherwise has gone sputtering inarticulate), and gone the equivalent of red in the face. The attention of the harassee is likely to be entirely on the source of annoyance. Lose ALL initiative, lose 2 APM, all skill rolls are HALVED. If the target has an Awe or Horror Factor, it is -4.

91-00 Psychotic Break---The target shifts two entire alignment levels down, and goes berserk in foaming RAGE!, 80% likely to be directed at the source of the annoyance, but 20% chance of lashing out at anybody else in the immediate vicinity. Fortunately, the victim has NO initiative, only HALF his normal APMs and normal combat bonuses, skill rolls are at -75%, and the victim is temporarily -3 to save versus other psionic attacks. If the target has an Awe or Horror Factor, it is effectively HALVED, replaced by the spectacle of the awesome/fearsome being being reduced to a temper tantrum by vexation(still dangerous, but revealed as fallible). The berserk state lasts 1d6 melees(even after the removal of the annoyance) or until the target is forcibly calmed down.


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:35 pm
by AlanGunhouse
You could do it with Alter Limbs, though you take damage from the "mechanized" action