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Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:07 pm
by Shark_Force
Mack wrote:Though it's going to bug me now because I can't specify which NPC write-up it's in. When I find it I'll post it.

try lord whatsisface, the king of town from SB1 (not revised)

(yes, that is horribly unspecific... i'm referring to the guy who archie experimented on because ye olde legless jerk picked him out specifically out of vengefulness....)

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:39 pm
by Crucible
Mack wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Mack wrote:
Crucible wrote:You guys will carelessly argue over anything. He is not from Rifts Earth, the tech was low, KS was the GM using Palladium...he is an Anti Tech savant...makes no sense, but who cares...geez.

According to p21 of SoT4, the Cyber-Knight abilities did not manifest until well after Lord Coake arrived on Rifts Earth, and required the help of a Chiang-Ku dragon.

Never said this was incorrect. My ONLY point is that he came from a Palladium-like world (since I have to be uber specific at this board in order to be understood one iota), came to Rifts Earth before tech was a major issue and suddenly his guys are Buffy the Techie Slayers? Why? Why not magic banes, or SN bashers? Whatever. I'm done anyways and losing patience with many of the responses here. Its like talking to droids. :frust:

I think I misread your post. When you used the phrase "Anti Tech savant" I thought you were saying Coake had the Cyber-Knight anti-tech powers prior to his arrival on Rifts Earth. That's why I pointed out they were developed afterwards.

No sir not at all. I am pretty knowledgeable, just rusty. I know that there is no tech where he came from. I said knight once before, but its Ranger. I remember the Defilers from back in the Old Rifts book. Anyways, I'm sorry and it won't happen again.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:32 am
by mobuttu
Mack wrote:Personally, I'd make two sub-classes of Cyber-Knight. The anti-tech version that we have now, and a anti-supernatural version with similar abilities. The only substantial difference would be that a squire would have to choose which path to follow and possibly find a new mentor half-way through his training. Otherwise the two types would freely mingle with each other.

That'll be cool!! 8)

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:59 am
by mobuttu
TheGrayRaven wrote:1. Can cyber-knights wear any form of armor over their cyber-armor such as environmental, traditional (scale mail, plate mail, etc.), or power armor? If so, are there any defining factors?

2. Since the cyber-armor is a part of a cyber-knights body starting at fourth (?) level, could a cyber-knight who was also a spell caster cast spells within it? What about before it became a part of the knight's body such as at first level?

3. Where can I find the dual class rules? Something like Palladium FRPG High Seas?

1. Yes, they can. They usually wear ancient-looking MDC armors (Crusader?)

2. Usually CK can't cast spells. BTW, I'd rule favorably to cast spells on him (even with Cyber-armor, as isn't sealed at all, remember it has AR).

3. Yes PFRPG High Seas and also here.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:20 am
by Shark_Force
the 3d6 vibro-blade is robot sized, actually. so for the purposes of being weilded by a psi-stalker, the vibro-blades more or less cap out at 2d6 +2 for the best one (which isn't actually a sword, but then, neither is the psi-sword necessarily)

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:35 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Lord_Coake wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Thats pretty cool, but what about a Psi-Staker who can use to Vibro-Swords at a time?

Vibroswords cap out at around 3d6 MD, if I remember correctly. A run of the mill CK will equal that at level 6, surpass it at 9. By level 15, a normal, standard or un-psionic CK will be doing 6d6 MD with each Psi-Sword, and will be swinging two of them.

If the CK is a master Psionic, his Psi Blades will be equal to full-sized vibroswords as level 3, surpass it at 5, and be doing 1d6x10 MD per sword at level 15. Somewhat lacking at levels 1 and 2, one of the most powerful melee weapons in the game by level 9 normally, 6 if a master psychic.

Oh yeah and they come in pairs for free.

Add Fencing in to snag an extra 1d6 for fun.

Add huge bonuses to physical stats and combat bonuses and HtH Martal Arts at level 1, Cyber armor that starts to spontaneously upgrade itself at level 4 and up, Zen Comabt, massive skill list, tons of weapon profs, solid base psionics and/or a very good chance and getting very powerful psionics, and I'll take your Psi-Stalker on any day of the week, twice on Sunday, and happily let him bring a friend or six.

This is pretty much the exact reasoning behind me even thinking about playing a cyber knight. Back in the good old RMB days, I wouldn't even touch them. Nowadays, sure they aren't perfect, but they are darn near close. Oh, and you forgot the mental attribute bonuses too.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:59 am
by Balabanto
Cyberknights are pretty awesome as written in RUE. Remember, Cyberknights get a 1d4 Bonus to 5 separate stats, not to mention the possibility of 1 in 10 cyberknights being a master psionic. 1 in 200 cyberknights have magic tattoos. (Atlantis). Ask your GM if you can roll an 01. Then roll 1d6 and if you get a 1-3, go for it.

Zen Combat's best ability has nothing to do with tech. It's the ability to suck no penalties for attacking while moving. This means that unlike most other classes, I can move and aim in two actions, or move, aim, and call in three while I go. Add another action for every other sorry bastard who isn't a cyberknight. And the melee bonuses are already incredible. It takes something crazy like 10 years to become a cyberknight. This is why. Sure, you don't get this until level 3. But SO WHAT? Once you are there, your fellow players will be cursing your name. "Sir Mark Vondheim can do what? He really IS the hero of Bad Dudes MCXLV!!!!!!!"

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:48 pm
by Crucible
I have been doing a lot of research and by far the Cyber-Knight is possibly the most formidable fighters in Rifts Earth. Forget all of the talk about being techno hunters, they are good against the supernatural. They can really fight. They also get different psionics if they are at least minor and if no psionics I ususally throw a bone.

I have actually allowed a player to do other things with their cyberknight and like I say its easy to forget that they are a cyber-knight. It doesn't need any modifications at all.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:20 pm
by gaby
I think that too.

Someone needs to remake Zen combat so it is Good against different types of enemies then tech or supernatural.

any ideas?

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:54 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
TheGrayRaven wrote:
mobuttu wrote:
TheGrayRaven wrote:1. Can cyber-knights wear any form of armor over their cyber-armor such as environmental, traditional (scale mail, plate mail, etc.), or power armor? If so, are there any defining factors?

2. Since the cyber-armor is a part of a cyber-knights body starting at fourth (?) level, could a cyber-knight who was also a spell caster cast spells within it? What about before it became a part of the knight's body such as at first level?

3. Where can I find the dual class rules? Something like Palladium FRPG High Seas?

1. Yes, they can. They usually wear ancient-looking MDC armors (Crusader?)

2. Usually CK can't cast spells. BTW, I'd rule favorably to cast spells on him (even with Cyber-armor, as isn't sealed at all, remember it has AR).

3. Yes PFRPG High Seas and also here.

About number2, the reason I asked about it was tied to my question about dual classing. So if, for instance, a cyberknight dual classed into a spellcasting class or had spellcasting available as a racial feature, would the armor be considered "man-made material" and thus interfere with the ability to cast spells?


Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:37 pm
by Crucible
TheGrayRaven wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
TheGrayRaven wrote:
mobuttu wrote:
TheGrayRaven wrote:1. Can cyber-knights wear any form of armor over their cyber-armor such as environmental, traditional (scale mail, plate mail, etc.), or power armor? If so, are there any defining factors?

2. Since the cyber-armor is a part of a cyber-knights body starting at fourth (?) level, could a cyber-knight who was also a spell caster cast spells within it? What about before it became a part of the knight's body such as at first level?

3. Where can I find the dual class rules? Something like Palladium FRPG High Seas?

1. Yes, they can. They usually wear ancient-looking MDC armors (Crusader?)

2. Usually CK can't cast spells. BTW, I'd rule favorably to cast spells on him (even with Cyber-armor, as isn't sealed at all, remember it has AR).

3. Yes PFRPG High Seas and also here.

About number2, the reason I asked about it was tied to my question about dual classing. So if, for instance, a cyberknight dual classed into a spellcasting class or had spellcasting available as a racial feature, would the armor be considered "man-made material" and thus interfere with the ability to cast spells?


What about after it became a living part of the cyberknight's body?

In my game it would interfere. I have often thought that I would not mind a non-psionic CK to take Magic Tattoos up to the limit. I have allowed a Weapons Master/Cyber Knight. I know of a guy who has allowed Mutant Cyber Knights, Atlantean Cyber Knights, Enchanted Object Cyber Knight, all kinds. Try a Cyber Knight with Kendo or Samauri Martial Arts.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:45 pm
by Crucible

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:47 pm
by Lenwen
gaby wrote:I think that too.

Someone needs to remake Zen combat so it is Good against different types of enemies then tech or supernatural.

any ideas?

I personally think that thier good as is .. and were good as was .. prior to the Power Creep .. they received from KS ..

But as was stated .. you can always simply apply thier Zen combat moves .. to anything you want to..

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:49 pm
by Lenwen
Crucible wrote:TGR...

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Cybernetic's can not "Regrow" lost damage .. if thier damaged .. you have to replace them.

The Cyber-Knights armor is a "Living" symbiotic being with the Knight. And as such it does not disrupt Magic being cast .. or anything of that nature ..

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:58 pm
by Crucible
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:TGR...

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Cybernetic's can not "Regrow" lost damage .. if thier damaged .. you have to replace them.

The Cyber-Knights armor is a "Living" symbiotic being with the Knight. And as such it does not disrupt Magic being cast .. or anything of that nature ..

Is it Nano-Tech? Would not nano tech affect magic?

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:06 pm
by Lenwen
Crucible wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:TGR...

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Cybernetic's can not "Regrow" lost damage .. if thier damaged .. you have to replace them.

The Cyber-Knights armor is a "Living" symbiotic being with the Knight. And as such it does not disrupt Magic being cast .. or anything of that nature ..

Is it Nano-Tech? Would not nano tech affect magic?

False ..

Nano tech is not "Alive" ..

Cyber Armor .. is just that as per its description ..

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:11 pm
by Crucible
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:TGR...

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Cybernetic's can not "Regrow" lost damage .. if thier damaged .. you have to replace them.

The Cyber-Knights armor is a "Living" symbiotic being with the Knight. And as such it does not disrupt Magic being cast .. or anything of that nature ..

Is it Nano-Tech? Would not nano tech affect magic?

False ..

Nano tech is not "Alive" ..

Cyber Armor .. is just that as per its description ..

LOL! Not so much as that its necessary to define which is which I still do not think so. Maybe through scrolls. Not happening in my game. Like I say, its a GM judgement call.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:29 pm
by Crucible
I just checked the FAQS for OCC's and it only mentioned Totems. In that hook it said that the Cyber-Knight would probably opt out of taking the Cyber Armor.

I found fanwork for a Xarian Cyber Knight that shows a fan-made version of the OCC. Like I said, I would probably not allow it, but another GM may. I don't think that there is a rule on it.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:44 am
by Crucible
TheGrayRaven wrote:thanks for the answers

Crucible wrote:I just checked the FAQS for OCC's and it only mentioned Totems. In that hook it said that the Cyber-Knight would probably opt out of taking the Cyber Armor.

I found fanwork for a Xarian Cyber Knight that shows a fan-made version of the OCC. Like I said, I would probably not allow it, but another GM may. I don't think that there is a rule on it.

Totems. Were they in Spirit West? Did that come out before or after RUE? Did that FAQ comeout before RUE? Uggh. I am thinking too much into it now. :-(

A couple of notes:

I don't think that the cyberarmor would be considered cybernetics or bionics. With regards to magic on p. 188 of RUE, it states that bionics and cybernetic implants will reduce magical healing by half and I don't think I have seen that cyberknights suffer that penalty anywhere.

Also on p. 188 of RUE, the sentence that precedes the one stating that mages are usually restricted to light armor states that in general mages are not strong enough to carry bulk and are not trained/used to actually wearing armor. So, I'm not sure that the light armor restriction is a hard rule for a spellcaster (especially one who would explicitly fit the exception clause by being a dual class character trained in armor use) or that the -5% penalty in parenthesis would apply because it is following the clause that specifically states that spellcasters are not used to wearing armor. Of course, since stating that I am looking at RAW, I guess I could say that would still apply despite being an exception. Uggh. Too much thinking again.

But again, thanks for the responses so far.
This next question will affect my overall advice...are you a GM or Player?

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:02 am
by Lenwen
Crucible wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:TGR...

No worries and I appreciate the honesty. This is a judgement call for the GM. I only told you what I would and would not allow.

With the armor becoming "alive" it would be a permenant disruption to magic just as (drumroll) CYBERnetics. The living armor is in the same format as cybernetics, thus the rules for cybernetics apply in this case.

Cybernetic's can not "Regrow" lost damage .. if thier damaged .. you have to replace them.

The Cyber-Knights armor is a "Living" symbiotic being with the Knight. And as such it does not disrupt Magic being cast .. or anything of that nature ..

Is it Nano-Tech? Would not nano tech affect magic?

False ..

Nano tech is not "Alive" ..

Cyber Armor .. is just that as per its description ..

LOL! Not so much as that its necessary to define which is which I still do not think so. Maybe through scrolls. Not happening in my game. Like I say, its a GM judgement call.

No sorry its not even a GM Judgement call ..

It very CLEARLY .. stats .. the armor becomes a living thing .. graphed to the Knights body ..

Nano machines are not Living things ..

The Cyber-Knights armor .. actually is ..

There for it would not incure the same penalties to cast .. as would a suit of armor made out of Nano Machines ..


Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:51 am
by Crucible
Uh yes it would be a GM's judgement call. Even being allowed to use certain OCC's is a GM judgement call. Heck, whether the game is SDC or MDC is a GM judgement call. Matter of fact I can rule that the only thing that a player can use is CS or adventurer and NO magic at all. Better look again at what GM judgement call means.

Also, even if its living armor it is man-made. It still could cause problems I'm sure, but like I've said...I've seen nothing about it. I'd like to hear from a game developer on this one.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:31 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. Hmm ... I don't play Rifts enough, and not sure where the rules are about cybernetics interferring with magic (I'm fairly sure they exist, just not sure where to find them) so I can't check, but let me ask this question. Does cybernetics interfer with Techno-wizard as well? I mean, isn't that still pretty much magic, just through a different medium? I'm asking as Cyber-Knights can use Techno-wizard items without problem (no additional P.P.E. or anything like that), at least to the best of my knowledge. As for cybernetics interferring with magic, is it from the very first implant, or does it take a few? Because the Cyber-Armor (I believe) would only count as one (so if you can get one without interference then the Cyber-Armor itself shouldn't be much of a problem). I don't know where to find those answers, but hoping that maybe they will help to answer the questions if someone else knows.

My personal opinion: I'll agree with the others who said that at level 4 the "living" armor becomes more a part of the Cyber-Knight and more an extension of the knight as opposed to cybernetics (but that is personal belief and no book support to the best of my knowledge, with arguments easily going either way on the topic).

Okay, that is all for now. I hope some of that helped and not just an entire waste of time, but since I don't know the answer to the questions (only guessing) I can't say for sure. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:23 am
by Balabanto
The thing is, the cyberarmor is just a name. What it really is has always been kept kind of mysterious, how it's made, etc. I would say it's more like a special form of psychic metal that they can craft, and after 4th level, you can't take it off, there's a psychokinetic bond between the cyberknight and his cyberarmor. This also explains why the cyberknight only gains 2d4 ISP per level as opposed to the 10 other master psychics get when you roll it. It feeds off a little ISP, and the more powerful the psychic, the more it feeds. The metal is not psychic, per-se, but rather is a psychoreactive organism.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:36 am
by TechnoGothic
Crucible wrote:Lord Coake, I personally would like you (I assume you're a fan of the CK) to tell me what makes the Cyber-Knight so great. Even in RUE its only okay. Was excied to buy the Cyber-Knight Sourcebook and was a little let down. I haven't paid attention to the tweaks in RUE as opposed to the SoT/CK book, so what was the tweak? The Psi-Sword is great if you're in a SDC town, but pull that thing out against a fully armored CS Grunt if you want to.

A Sot4/RUE Master Psychic Cyber-Knight (legal)with the Fencing skill, would be a holly terror to a CS grunt.
Alot of Psionics. Big bonuses to psisword as leveling up and to begin.
Psi-Sword(s) doin 4d6 (lvl 1). If two are used (lvl3) ck inflicts 6d6 Each.
Psi-Shield (lvl 2). Block blasts, and md weapons of any type. Does not take damage unless psi-shield was the target.
TW Armors with up to 3 or 4 TW enhancements (lvl1).
Plus alot more...

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:46 am
by TechnoGothic
Ok they are 2 types of Cyber-armor.

#1 Cybernetic Tech version. Anyone can get it...if they do not regenerate that is.

#2 Cyber-Knight Cyber-Armor. Made by the CKs and when the CK earns his Cyber-armor, the CK has a series of rituals performed to attach the CK-CyberArmor to himself. Once the CK reaches 4th level, the cyber-armor becomes living and heals itself as well has grows more durable.
No information on the TW-CK-CyberArmor is given in detail. They kept it vague for the GM to decide how it is enchanted easier.

Myself I look to the Anti-Monster Borg as a source of inspiration for the TW-CyberArmor.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:41 pm
by Crucible
TechnoGothic wrote:
Crucible wrote:Lord Coake, I personally would like you (I assume you're a fan of the CK) to tell me what makes the Cyber-Knight so great. Even in RUE its only okay. Was excied to buy the Cyber-Knight Sourcebook and was a little let down. I haven't paid attention to the tweaks in RUE as opposed to the SoT/CK book, so what was the tweak? The Psi-Sword is great if you're in a SDC town, but pull that thing out against a fully armored CS Grunt if you want to.

A Sot4/RUE Master Psychic Cyber-Knight (legal)with the Fencing skill, would be a holly terror to a CS grunt.
Alot of Psionics. Big bonuses to psisword as leveling up and to begin.
Psi-Sword(s) doin 4d6 (lvl 1). If two are used (lvl3) ck inflicts 6d6 Each.
Psi-Shield (lvl 2). Block blasts, and md weapons of any type. Does not take damage unless psi-shield was the target.
TW Armors with up to 3 or 4 TW enhancements (lvl1).
Plus alot more...

Oh yeah, I caught that. Been reading on them a lot more.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:46 pm
by Mack
Keep in mind that the CK's Psi-Sword isn't only zero ISP, it also does not require an action to activate--it's "instant on."

A Cyber-Knight can strike with it before another class even clears it's scabbard.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:49 pm
by Balabanto
TechnoGothic wrote:
Crucible wrote:Lord Coake, I personally would like you (I assume you're a fan of the CK) to tell me what makes the Cyber-Knight so great. Even in RUE its only okay. Was excied to buy the Cyber-Knight Sourcebook and was a little let down. I haven't paid attention to the tweaks in RUE as opposed to the SoT/CK book, so what was the tweak? The Psi-Sword is great if you're in a SDC town, but pull that thing out against a fully armored CS Grunt if you want to.

A Sot4/RUE Master Psychic Cyber-Knight (legal)with the Fencing skill, would be a holly terror to a CS grunt.
Alot of Psionics. Big bonuses to psisword as leveling up and to begin.
Psi-Sword(s) doin 4d6 (lvl 1). If two are used (lvl3) ck inflicts 6d6 Each.
Psi-Shield (lvl 2). Block blasts, and md weapons of any type. Does not take damage unless psi-shield was the target.
TW Armors with up to 3 or 4 TW enhancements (lvl1).
Plus alot more...

Where do you get the Psi Swords doing 4d6? 1 for Cyberknight, 1 for fencing. That's 2. At level 2 it becomes 3d6. Two swords makes 6d6 at level 2. Not 6d6 Each. So the CS grunt parries 1. Will the Cyberknight wreck this guy? Yes. But CS grunts don't come as one. It is 4d6 at level 3 if your cyberknight is a master psychic. That becomes 8d6.

Now, if you're playing rough, your cyberknight can get on his horse. Add another 2d6 for fighting on horseback. Now we're talking damage. That cyberknight does 12d6 at level 3. If you could find a way to get a flying robot horse, a cyberknight would become the most awesome thing ever recorded.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:41 pm
by TechnoGothic
Balabanto wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
Crucible wrote:Lord Coake, I personally would like you (I assume you're a fan of the CK) to tell me what makes the Cyber-Knight so great. Even in RUE its only okay. Was excied to buy the Cyber-Knight Sourcebook and was a little let down. I haven't paid attention to the tweaks in RUE as opposed to the SoT/CK book, so what was the tweak? The Psi-Sword is great if you're in a SDC town, but pull that thing out against a fully armored CS Grunt if you want to.

A Sot4/RUE Master Psychic Cyber-Knight (legal)with the Fencing skill, would be a holly terror to a CS grunt.
Alot of Psionics. Big bonuses to psisword as leveling up and to begin.
Psi-Sword(s) doin 4d6 (lvl 1). If two are used (lvl3) ck inflicts 6d6 Each.
Psi-Shield (lvl 2). Block blasts, and md weapons of any type. Does not take damage unless psi-shield was the target.
TW Armors with up to 3 or 4 TW enhancements (lvl1).
Plus alot more...

Where do you get the Psi Swords doing 4d6? 1 for Cyberknight, 1 for fencing. That's 2. At level 2 it becomes 3d6. Two swords makes 6d6 at level 2. Not 6d6 Each. So the CS grunt parries 1. Will the Cyberknight wreck this guy? Yes. But CS grunts don't come as one. It is 4d6 at level 3 if your cyberknight is a master psychic. That becomes 8d6.

Now, if you're playing rough, your cyberknight can get on his horse. Add another 2d6 for fighting on horseback. Now we're talking damage. That cyberknight does 12d6 at level 3. If you could find a way to get a flying robot horse, a cyberknight would become the most awesome thing ever recorded.

Rifts ULTIMATE Edition wrote:Master Psychic Cyber-knight:
Selecte 8 Psychic powers from all three catagories. One from Super-psionics at lvls 2, 6 , 10.
Psi-sword = 1d6 (Normal CK) + 1d6 (due to Master Psychic, in addition to the normal CK bonuses from training) 2, 5, 9, 13. Additionally add +1d6 (from normal CK Training with Psi-sword) 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Fencing Skill = +1d6 MD from Psi-sword/magic swords.
Lvl 2 = Paired Weapons, & Psi-shield power.
Lvl 3 = Two Psi-swords for free.

Lvl 1 CK like above = 2d6 md
Lcl 2 CK = 3d6 md
Lvl 3 = 4d6 md + 4d6 md dual swords. 8D6 !!
Lvl 5 = 5d6 md + 5d6 md dual swords. 10d6 !!
Lvl 6 = 6d6 md + 6d6 md dual swords. 12d6 !!
Lvl 9 = 8d6 md + 8d6 md dual swords. 16d6 !!
Lvl 12 = 9d6 md + 9d6 md dual swords. 18d6 !!
Lvl 13 = 10d6 md + 10d6 md dual swords. 20d6 !!
Lvl 15 = 11d6 md + 11d6 md dual swords. 22d6 !!

Both FREE and Will in an instant.
Pretty good to me.
I have played several CKs and I always go for the Master Psychic version.

BTW, Cyber-Knight should be renamed Psi-Knights in my opinion.
Cyber-Knights to me sounds like a Cyborg Knight class of some kind.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:47 pm
by TechnoGothic
Lord_Coake wrote:
The vast majority of CS soldiers are by no means accomplished soldiers. They're taught to evade melee combat and keep the range op-en so they can make maximum use of their rifles and other weaponry. Officers are often capable of fighting with a sword, but the Grunts are likely only skilled with a knife. Maybe.

If a CK lands in the middle of a CS platoon, said platoon is screwed. Even without the rules of close-quarters battle, Zen Combat is pretty much going to render them near impotent, leaving them open to being carved apart by a pair of the deadliest weapons in the game wielded by one of the equally deadly classes.

I've used my CK to fight down Mega Juicers. CS thugs are nothing.

Amen. I've had a Master Cyber-knight take down an 8 man squad of CS troops that had 2 CS added to their number, making it 10 opponets. My CK did not take any damage. He was a 5th or 6th lvl CK btw at that point.

Re: Cyber Knight Info?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:35 am
by Balabanto
TechnoGothic wrote:
Balabanto wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:
Crucible wrote:Lord Coake, I personally would like you (I assume you're a fan of the CK) to tell me what makes the Cyber-Knight so great. Even in RUE its only okay. Was excied to buy the Cyber-Knight Sourcebook and was a little let down. I haven't paid attention to the tweaks in RUE as opposed to the SoT/CK book, so what was the tweak? The Psi-Sword is great if you're in a SDC town, but pull that thing out against a fully armored CS Grunt if you want to.

A Sot4/RUE Master Psychic Cyber-Knight (legal)with the Fencing skill, would be a holly terror to a CS grunt.
Alot of Psionics. Big bonuses to psisword as leveling up and to begin.
Psi-Sword(s) doin 4d6 (lvl 1). If two are used (lvl3) ck inflicts 6d6 Each.
Psi-Shield (lvl 2). Block blasts, and md weapons of any type. Does not take damage unless psi-shield was the target.
TW Armors with up to 3 or 4 TW enhancements (lvl1).
Plus alot more...

Where do you get the Psi Swords doing 4d6? 1 for Cyberknight, 1 for fencing. That's 2. At level 2 it becomes 3d6. Two swords makes 6d6 at level 2. Not 6d6 Each. So the CS grunt parries 1. Will the Cyberknight wreck this guy? Yes. But CS grunts don't come as one. It is 4d6 at level 3 if your cyberknight is a master psychic. That becomes 8d6.

Now, if you're playing rough, your cyberknight can get on his horse. Add another 2d6 for fighting on horseback. Now we're talking damage. That cyberknight does 12d6 at level 3. If you could find a way to get a flying robot horse, a cyberknight would become the most awesome thing ever recorded.

Rifts ULTIMATE Edition wrote:Master Psychic Cyber-knight:
Selecte 8 Psychic powers from all three catagories. One from Super-psionics at lvls 2, 6 , 10.
Psi-sword = 1d6 (Normal CK) + 1d6 (due to Master Psychic, in addition to the normal CK bonuses from training) 2, 5, 9, 13. Additionally add +1d6 (from normal CK Training with Psi-sword) 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Fencing Skill = +1d6 MD from Psi-sword/magic swords.
Lvl 2 = Paired Weapons, & Psi-shield power.
Lvl 3 = Two Psi-swords for free.

Lvl 1 CK like above = 2d6 md
Lcl 2 CK = 3d6 md
Lvl 3 = 4d6 md + 4d6 md dual swords. 8D6 !!
Lvl 5 = 5d6 md + 5d6 md dual swords. 10d6 !!
Lvl 6 = 6d6 md + 6d6 md dual swords. 12d6 !!
Lvl 9 = 8d6 md + 8d6 md dual swords. 16d6 !!
Lvl 12 = 9d6 md + 9d6 md dual swords. 18d6 !!
Lvl 13 = 10d6 md + 10d6 md dual swords. 20d6 !!
Lvl 15 = 11d6 md + 11d6 md dual swords. 22d6 !!

Both FREE and Will in an instant.
Pretty good to me.
I have played several CKs and I always go for the Master Psychic version.

BTW, Cyber-Knight should be renamed Psi-Knights in my opinion.
Cyber-Knights to me sounds like a Cyborg Knight class of some kind.

Well, I see where you're coming from, but dual does not mean that one cannot be parried, so a lot of the time, you're going to have to halve that damage. Granted, it won't be all the time, and your average grunt will be successful one time in four, but that doesn't mean that these people won't do things like move away, reorient, and fire from 10 feet away or less. Autododge at +4 is still -6. You may find that an entire CS platoon is still a match for a 6th level cyberknight when you consider the amount of damage their weapons do. Make that cyberknight a True Atlantean or some other race that can use magic tattoos, or load him up with powerful TW enchantments, and this is another animal entirely.

Second of all, I make people roll. What guy wouldn't choose Master Psychic? I would note that in this I have been exceptionally unlucky. Both active Cyberknights in the game are Master Psionics. So much for luck of the draw. :) Of course, one of them has O-Ken Wa from Rifter #3, and is a True Atlantean, which is all just brutal cake icing, but nonetheless, the Cyberknight always gets the job done. People try to compare other melee classes, but really, the Cyberknight is one of the most awesome.