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Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:46 am
by Chris0013
No mention this week....again. Just he New Gen book mentioned by name and "more robotech sourcebooks."

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:09 pm
by jedi078
Chris0013 wrote:No mention this week....again. Just he New Gen book mentioned by name and "more robotech sourcebooks."

Yep more nice if Palladium told us what's going on with the Robotech line.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:13 pm
by jaymz
jedi078 wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:No mention this week....again. Just he New Gen book mentioned by name and "more robotech sourcebooks."

Yep more nice if Palladium told us what's going on with the Robotech line.

Well as well aknow the heresay is HG demanded major rewrites. Of course no has bothred to confirm or deny this. Better to leave us in teh frakin dark I guess. I don;t want to know WHAT the rewrites might have to be but at least tell us it needs rewriting and thus is delayed for the foreseeable future or something.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:20 pm
by Archr
jaymz wrote:
jedi078 wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:No mention this week....again. Just he New Gen book mentioned by name and "more robotech sourcebooks."

Yep more nice if Palladium told us what's going on with the Robotech line.

Well as well aknow the heresay is HG demanded major rewrites. Of course no has bothred to confirm or deny this. Better to leave us in teh frakin dark I guess. I don;t want to know WHAT the rewrites might have to be but at least tell us it needs rewriting and thus is delayed for the foreseeable future or something.

Simple enough. I called, what two weeks ago? I asked the guy at Palladium Books what was going on with the books, and asked if he would make a comment on the forum. If you want to know, simply call them up and ask them about it, do not just sit here whining about it. Last I was told, when I called, Marines was slated for August, and NG was set for two months after. Was this rumor or what about the rewrite before that comment, or after?


Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:36 pm
by jaymz
Archr wrote:
jaymz wrote:
jedi078 wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:No mention this week....again. Just he New Gen book mentioned by name and "more robotech sourcebooks."

Yep more nice if Palladium told us what's going on with the Robotech line.

Well as well aknow the heresay is HG demanded major rewrites. Of course no has bothred to confirm or deny this. Better to leave us in teh frakin dark I guess. I don;t want to know WHAT the rewrites might have to be but at least tell us it needs rewriting and thus is delayed for the foreseeable future or something.

Simple enough. I called, what two weeks ago? I asked the guy at Palladium Books what was going on with the books, and asked if he would make a comment on the forum. If you want to know, simply call them up and ask them about it, do not just sit here whining about it. Last I was told, when I called, Marines was slated for August, and NG was set for two months after. Was this rumor or what about the rewrite before that comment, or after?


Ok well let me say this. The book has been shilled for year. Fo rit to be suddenly not on the sched, they should make an announcement of such and not leave us having to actually call them individually to find this out. That is called good customer relations. When a company delays a very anticipated product the company usually puts out a basic announcement/release stating the basics as to why said product is now delayed.

As for the rewrites it was apparently told to group of people at the OH last month so if they told them why not tell the large community in a statement of some kind? If it is true confirm it if it is flase deny it. Is that REALLY too much to ask?

sAs for whining wbout it, I am hardly whining, I just want an answer that can be given to largest possible amount of people. Me calling them and asking then coming back here is nothing more than heresay. Who did you talk to? Kevin? Alex? Beyond those two the info is essentially worthless since they are really the ONLY two people who can answer the question. If the book is slated for August then why is it not on teh schedule? Thats only 2 months away. They have something ont he order of 5 or 6 books slated in that same time frame. History shows us they will not make that happen. Basic honesty is usually a good thing and keeps customers happy. I am not sure they have noticed and they probably havent but there has been a growing (and growing quickly and not gowing away) discord amongst fans on this site for the repeatedly occuring things liek what has been happening with the Marine book.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:16 am
by Wildfire
I am about to give up on palladium and its books for Robotech.
I mean they put out a nice product but I am tired of waiting for the next book.
I will still play the system but if a book for Robotech or at least a reasonable update on the progress of the book doesn't come out soon I am going to say see ya and just use the stuff I have and say **** off to PB.
But HG is not much better they have not made the next shadow cronicles movie yet either.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:39 pm
by MikeM
AlexM wrote:Kevin made it clear in the last Press Release that just because an item was mentioned before, but not this time, that does not mean it is off the schedule.

Robotech UEEF Marines is still on the schedule along with the New Generation book.

We are doing the best we can.

Alex Marciniszyn

Alex, with the last several Updates now having no listing of the Marine Book at all, is it safe to say the book has been shelved completely or delayed?

Can we get an official answer to the status of this book?

Inquiring minds want to know.



Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:56 pm
by jaymz
MikeM wrote:
AlexM wrote:Kevin made it clear in the last Press Release that just because an item was mentioned before, but not this time, that does not mean it is off the schedule.

Robotech UEEF Marines is still on the schedule along with the New Generation book.

We are doing the best we can.

Alex Marciniszyn

Alex, with the last several Updates now having no listing of the Marine Book at all, is it safe to say the book has been shelved completely or delayed?

Can we get an official answer to the status of this book?

Inquiring minds want to know.



And maybe a basic reason WHY it was delayed, IE the rumored major rewrites wanted by HG?

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:15 am
by MikeM
So, I'm guessing no, we can't get an answer to the status of the marine book.

This I don't get. Hey, stuff happens, I understand that. The book is delayed, then it's delayed. But why can't someone tell us this?


Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:20 am
by jaymz
MikeM wrote:So, I'm guessing no, we can't get an answer to the status of the marine book.

This I don't get. Hey, stuff happens, I understand that. The book is delayed, then it's delayed. But why can't someone tell us this?


Apparently we don't have a need to know, my fellow Ontarian Canuck :D

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:33 pm
by Arnie100
MikeM wrote:
AlexM wrote:Kevin made it clear in the last Press Release that just because an item was mentioned before, but not this time, that does not mean it is off the schedule.

Robotech UEEF Marines is still on the schedule along with the New Generation book.

We are doing the best we can.

Alex Marciniszyn

Alex, with the last several Updates now having no listing of the Marine Book at all, is it safe to say the book has been shelved completely or delayed?

Can we get an official answer to the status of this book?

Inquiring minds want to know.



Specially those of us who PRE-ORDERED the book.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:42 pm
by MikeM
What if we ask really nicely? ;)

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:15 pm
by MikeM
Seriously? Still no comment about the Marines book?

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:00 pm
by Wildfire
the only reply is that there is an epic book for the New Gen setting coming out in the fall, but I belive that release datelike all the rest pure fantasy ;)

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:13 am
by jaymz
firefly01 wrote:WOW ...... I've been away for 3 months and still Siembieda has promised the world but fallen on his face. Oh well I guess it comes as no suprise. He lost the license last time, he'll lose it again. I have given up on him and his low quality books, if he ever gets his collective s%^t together and starts making books that are worth the money and putting them out on time I might come back. But after almost 30 years of being a loyal fan, I cant put up with his BS anymore.

Uh as far as I knwo they never "lost" the license they just didn;t renew it at the time and when it came time to re laucnh an RPG Hg went with PB because they already had a workign relationship from the past.

NOt defending just saying what Understand that aspect to be....

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:10 pm
by taalismn
jaymz wrote:
firefly01 wrote:WOW ...... I've been away for 3 months and still Siembieda has promised the world but fallen on his face. Oh well I guess it comes as no suprise. He lost the license last time, he'll lose it again. I have given up on him and his low quality books, if he ever gets his collective s%^t together and starts making books that are worth the money and putting them out on time I might come back. But after almost 30 years of being a loyal fan, I cant put up with his BS anymore.

Uh as far as I knwo they never "lost" the license they just didn;t renew it at the time and when it came time to re laucnh an RPG Hg went with PB because they already had a workign relationship from the past.

NOt defending just saying what Understand that aspect to be....

Guess I'll go back to drinking then...still nothing happening on that score... :nh: :sleep:

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:20 pm
by MikeM
I just don't understand why Palladium hasn't said ANYTHING about the Marines book yet. If HG said they didn't like it and it was scrapped, fine. Hey, it happens. But to not say a word to the fans you have been promising this book to for over a year is kind of silly. We don't need the details, but letting us know the book is no longer on the schedule would seem like the stand up thing to do as opposed to just removing it from all new press releases. Come on Palladium, give us an official answer!

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:33 pm
by MikeM
As for the latest Murmur, I would love to see a New Generation book as that is the era most people want to play in. I hope Kevin actually releases it on time, but I have my doubts as his track record is complete garbage. Marines was promised for over a year, and then disappeared. How are we to believe a New Generation sourcebook will actually come out in the Fall? I doubt we will see it before late 2011. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.


Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:14 am
by Wildfire
MikeM wrote:As for the latest Murmur, I would love to see a New Generation book as that is the era most people want to play in. I hope Kevin actually releases it on time, but I have my doubts as his track record is complete garbage. Marines was promised for over a year, and then disappeared. How are we to believe a New Generation sourcebook will actually come out in the Fall? I doubt we will see it before late 2011. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.


He man I think we will see an new HG product before PB gets off thier duffs

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:08 pm
by taalismn
MikeM wrote:As for the latest Murmur, I would love to see a New Generation book as that is the era most people want to play in. I hope Kevin actually releases it on time, but I have my doubts as his track record is complete garbage. Marines was promised for over a year, and then disappeared. How are we to believe a New Generation sourcebook will actually come out in the Fall? I doubt we will see it before late 2011. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.


New Generation should have been promised before Marines, but I think they were hoping for a two-fer so players could have Marines in the liberation of Earth. And, like battle plans, that didn't survive the first five minutes with the enemy(whatever THAT be)....And Robotech Starships? Please...

Having gotten myself in a dismal depression about that, I can only hope/pray that we'll be surprised, nay stunned, by a Pandora-like revelation of hope, with a surprise book popping up suddenly, like the way the Rifts Mercenary series and Shemarrian Nation suddenly arrived on the scene with little pre-fanfare.

Then again, it took me a while to quit believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny...

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:55 pm
by Wildfire
if these books actually come out some time before my children stop believing in the toothfairy I will wait up and kiss her and then buy the books ;) my kids are 5 and 1 by the way so PB has a while I guess probably about 7 years ;)

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:23 pm
remember when i said it will be release by 12/12/12 mark my words i hear rumors some where 2011 release ??????......................................... I really don't want to say this ..... I TOLD YOU SO ..... something up and we want to buy this MARINE book are in the dark ,I hope they surprise us all and not 129 something page and for the love of god put art work for the hardware as well .

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:45 am
by Arnie100
That New Generation book better be friggin' worth it. :x

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:09 pm
by taalismn
The past press releases refer to us as 'Protoculture Addicts'...well, I consider myself ill-served by my pusher...

("Psssttt! Hear you're in the market for some ...Robotechnology? Marine-spec? I got connections...Merchandise ready to go...for the right price, of course....")

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:51 pm
by AlexM
The UEEF Marines book has been rescheduled. Robotech New Generation will come out next. Kevin spoke with Tommy Yune of Harmony Gold last week and will be speaking to him again this week. Additional details should be coming soon.

Alex Marciniszyn

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:35 pm
by MikeM
AlexM wrote:The UEEF Marines book has been rescheduled. Robotech New Generation will come out next. Kevin spoke with Tommy Yune of Harmony Gold last week and will be speaking to him again this week. Additional details should be coming soon.

Alex Marciniszyn

Thank you Alex.

Bummer about the Marine's book. Looking forward to the New Generation book.


Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:45 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Well, You can't argue with Tommy Yune about that.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:55 pm
well i told you !!!!

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:37 pm
by jaymz
AlexM wrote:The UEEF Marines book has been rescheduled. Robotech New Generation will come out next. Kevin spoke with Tommy Yune of Harmony Gold last week and will be speaking to him again this week. Additional details should be coming soon.

Alex Marciniszyn

Thank you Alex for giving us an official statement on the matter. It's all I really wanted :) :ok:

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:15 pm
jaymz wrote:
AlexM wrote:The UEEF Marines book has been rescheduled. Robotech New Generation will come out next. Kevin spoke with Tommy Yune of Harmony Gold last week and will be speaking to him again this week. Additional details should be coming soon.

Alex Marciniszyn

Thank you Alex for giving us an official statement on the matter. It's all I really wanted :) :ok:

thank you as well
we will be dieing to buy both books soon

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:50 am
by Arnie100
If it's actually released on schedule...then I'll buy it.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:59 am
by Defender_X
I still have the preorder in, so got that done. Guess I will need to preorder New Gen next week then. From the last offical bit of info, I figured the changes required pushed it back. HG may have also wanted New Gen out first, but that is just a theory until I get more info.

Re: Marine Sourcebook of the Schedule?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:41 pm
Arnie100 wrote:
ZINO wrote:still when the books hit the self i will buy in a heart beat

:( IF the book hits the shelf...

yes they will ....hopefully before 12/12/12 from the way it looks like