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Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:21 am
by TheGameMaster
288: A unsolved puzzle Box (what happens when the puzzle is solved?!)
289: An object that randomly changes what it is every hour(using this list could be a good reference)
290: A scaled down replica of a famous battle field

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:41 pm
by TheGameMaster
300: A large steamy pile of dragon dung (where is the dragon?)
301: A jewel encrusted music box
302: A soldiers helmet(GM chosses kingdom) with the soldiers skull still inside
303: An undead cockroach(as if they weren't hard enough to get rid of when they are living)
304: Leonardo da Vici's tank ( ... do-da.html 1:15 into the video) equiped with crossbows instead of guns
305: Tickets(GM chooses how many) to a show in the capitol of (GM's choice)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:01 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
306 A large pile of gold and treasures with the top coins partly melted.
307 a dried out wand of marking

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:35 am
by drewkitty ~..~
MT-NME wrote:311. an oddly dressed (alien) being materializes in front of the party, and calls out one of the the PCs name. When the PC answers, the being checks his list (for confirmation) and proceeds to insult them ("You're a jerk. A real knee-biter.") He then vanishes the same way he appeared.

Finishing off with "Thank you for you attention to <name> insult deliver service. Would you like to fill out our recipient survey form?"

MT-NME wrote:316. a sculpture of a female pirate made out of a large coconut

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:32 am
by JuliusCreed
320. A strange box shaped item with a slightly domed glass front, metal sides that are painted with a woodgrain pattern and an oddly shaped back panel made from an alien material. The glass front has odd images flashing across it picturing a variety of scenes. Any character laying eyes on the images must save vs Insanity at -3 or become entranced as though affected by a Northern Lights spell (PFRPG pg223) for a duration of 1-6+1 HOURS! (GM's feel free to describe any television show you can think of if the players ask what the images specifically appear as. The more inane or outrageous the better. I like to go with anything by Mel Brooks. ;)
321. The fully assembled skeleton of a random dinosaur (The bigger the better!)
322. A library card belonging to Yin-Sloth the Terrible for the Library of Bletherad
323. An amazingly accurate oil painting of a character in the group. If the person in the painting looks at it it suddenly glows and the image rapidly ages, turning young to old to ancient to dessicated corpse in a matter of moments. After the picture is done, the player rolls a d4: 1: Character Ages to the maximum age for his race, 2: Character Ages 10 years (100 for Elf Dwarf and Changeling),
3: Character gets 10 years younger (50 years for Elf, Dwarf and Changeling), 4: Character is reverse aged to an infant. successful Remove Curse reverses all effects.
324. A mahogany dining table and chairs with bone china place settings for 8 (food optional)
325. A tiny glass bottle with a label that reads "Drink Me"

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:59 pm
by TheGameMaster
326: A giants sandal
327: A skull(GM chooses spicies) made into an ashtray
328: A trolls hair piece
329: A window(Could be anywhere even floating by it's self in the middle of a feild) that shows anything BUT what is really on the other side
330: A box of assorted wooden toys

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:22 am
by JuliusCreed
331. A 4-poster canopy bed with the curtains drawn. Pulling them back reveals the severed head of a horse lying on the bed.
332. An intricately detailed sculpture of one of the characters in a rather compromising position with a Troll of the opposite sex.
333. A Jackalope.
334. Davy Jones' locker.
335. A snow globe with a miniature city inside it. If shaken, the tiny people living in the city go into a panic.
336. A large rectangular slab of some black alien material sticking up out of the ground. The slab has a Horror/Awe factor of 20.
337. A Starbucks Coffee Shop (Damn, they really ARE everywhere!)
338. A copy of Palladium Books Monsters and Animals.
339. A tank.
340. A poor, wretched little creature closly resembling a goblin, nearly naked and clutching a gold ring, whispering something about his "precious".

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:14 pm
by TheGameMaster
345: A pair of specticles with one red tinted lens and one blue tinted lens
346: A room with a battalion of skeleton soldiers. All the skeletons are standing in rank, with arms and armor.(GMs choice whether they are undead or not)
347: A wedding cake
348: Bottle of old stale Dwarven ale
349: A Gnome working on a dungeons decore (How else do you think they all get so gloomy looking...naturally*pffft*)
350: Some animal sculptures made of sugar

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:24 pm
by JuliusCreed
351: A magic wand. When waved it turns into a bouquet of cheap fake flowers.
352: A fine silk hat. Whoever puts it on, the rabbit inside does a doo doo on their head.
353: Darth Vader comes around from behind a tree, rock, building or whatever and asks the party where the hell his son Luke is.
354: Yoda appears before the party asking "Young Skywalker, you have seen, yes?"
355: Princess Leia steps out dressed as Jabba's slave and asks for her brother Luke.
356: Han Solo lands the Millenium Falcon in front of the party and offers to them a few hundred credits to tell him where Luke ran off to.
357: Emperor Palpatine walks by in a slightly burnt and smoldering black robe, mumbling about ramming his lightsaber up Luke's Jedi behind.
358: Lando Calrissian saunters over saying he's looking for Luke. Turns out Luke owes him money for some thing he did on Tattooine.
359: An 8 foot tall long haired walking carpet holding a crossbow with no string comes over, roars some unintelligible gibberish while waving his arms madly about, then stalks off. <shrug>
360: Luke skywalker steps from around the corner. When asked about all the people looking for him he simply shrugs and states "I don't know what you're talking about... my name's Mark."

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:07 am
by TheGameMaster
361: A Gnome, a Goblin, and a Satyer dressed in buttler's garb
362: A bag of roasted/salted sun flower seeds
363: A 500lb pine cone
364: A childs essay on the crule treatment of (GMs choice of race)
365: A mushroom that changes colors

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:42 am
by JuliusCreed
378: A priest, a rabbi and a minister walking into a bar...
379: an invisible wall that extends at least 50'.
380: A giant mushroom with a creature sitting on it that looks like a large caterpillar with a human face, smoking from a hookah. He sees the characters and immediately asks who they are.
381: A large white rabbit in a topcoat and vest, scurrying by mumbling about being late.
382: A very pretty Human girl, about 16 years old in a frilly blue and white dress runs up. She asks the characters if they've seen a white rabbit and which way it went.
383: A gorgeous red haired woman suddenly appears in front of one of the male characters and hauls off and smacks him across the face before vanishing. She's +5 to strike and does 1d4+1 damage.
384: A blonde bombshell appears in front of the same male character the redhead slapped and lays a liplock on him that knocks him out of his socks. Then she smacks him across the face and vanishes. She's +5 to Strike and does 1d4+1 damage.
385: A stunning brunette appears in front of the same male character that the other two visited, smiles and knees him in the groin. Before vanishing she says "That's for messing around with those other girls." She's +5 to Strike and does 1d6+1 damage.
386: A slowly ticking grandfather clock. If characters inspect it, they'll find 3 mice slowly climbing up the side.
387: A Troll bounds out from hiding up to the group. Upon reaching them he stops and grins as he smacks a random character on the shoulder bellowing "Tag! You're it!" and bounding off again, laughing the whole way. If anyone wishes to pursue, he has a SPD of 26. Good luck!
388: A 2 foot tall Gnome in full Plate Armor wielding a Bastard Sword and a Large Shield (All Gnome sized) defiantly steps out and, in a voice that sounds like a 6 yr old girl on helium, challenges the most powerful looking warrior type in the party to a duel to the Death.
389: A snowman. (no matter the location or time of year... there it is)
390: A movie poster of a film entitled "The adventures of {enter party name here}". It has very detailed likenesses of the characters in various scenes, some easilly recognized, like battles with past villains, to some that are most likely made up, like a romantic moment between the Elven Sorceress and the Orc Mercenary as the Wolfen Ranger comes around a corner with a look of shock and betrayal on his face. According to the dates printed on the poster, openning night was last night.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:11 pm
by TheGameMaster
391: A haunted Circus tent
392: A family portrait(father, mother, older brother in his late teens, sister about 16, and twins that are about 6) all but the twins have a red X on their faces.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:47 am
by JuliusCreed
397. The remains of an incredibly huge statue partially buried in the ground, consists of a female head wearing a crown and part of a forearm and hand bearing a torch. The material appears to be heavilly corroded copper.
398. A workers sawhorse with extra materials added to make it a dummy of a real horse. Inclides a saddle, bridle and harness of exceptional quality.
399. A little locked box with a crank on one side. If the crank is turned three times, the lid pops open releasing the fairy trapped inside. It will be eternally grateful and may even accompany the party for a while (whether they want it to or not)
400. A stop sign.
401. A tiny little carriage drawn by miniature horse comes to a stop before the party. The door opens and 2d6x3 clowns come out of various races, including Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Ogres, Trolls, Wolfen and others. The only race that doesn't exit the carriage is an Elf <shrug>
402. The animated skeleton of a Tyranosaurus Rex bound over and drops a small tree from its massive jaws, looking from the party to the tree and back again, wagging its tail expectantly.
403. A phone booth in the middle of nowhere. As the party approaches a rather harried looking peasant runs up and enters the booth. After a blur of motion inside the booth, a handsome, well built Human in red and blue tights wearing a red cape and bearing the letter "S" on his chest, exits the booth and flashes them a chrming smile before saluting and flying off into the sky.
404. A pet rock (who can resist a pet rock :-D )
405. A knight and his squire(?) happen by, the knight on foot pantomiming riding a horse, while his squire, laden with a backpack the size of a small house, hurries behind rhytmically banging a pair of coconuts together.
406. An International House of Pancakes.
407. A rowboat with a sleeping man in it. If awakened he will be suddenly panicky, demanding to know where he is.
408. An outhouse. 50% chance it's occupied.
409. A One Way sign pointing in the exact opposite direction the party is travelling.
410. A small wooden shield riddled with a couple dozen arrows, 2d4 daggers, and a throwing axe.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:56 pm
by TheGameMaster
411: A Knight dressed all in black with a red boar on his tabbared. He is missing one of his arms, if asked about it he will reply "It's only a flesh wound!"
412: A dog dish the size of the largest member of the group
413: A hot air balloon
414: A rowboat in the middle of a field with NO water around
415: A giant size clothes line

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:51 pm
by TheGameMaster
MT-NME wrote:416. a giant dwarf

Isn't that an Oximoron?

420: A large flaming paper bag (filled with troll poo)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:58 pm
by Heres_Beefy
421- A ringing cell phone
422- A map of rifts earth
423- A jug of Romulan Ale
424- A 12 foot tall pissed of minotaur named beef eating a baby <---suprise you found me

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:27 am
by JuliusCreed
425. A slightly damaged cardboard box sealed with packing tape and marked "Kitchen". Inside is a bunch of broken dishes.
426. A carriage with a broken wheel leaving the passengers stranded and in need of help. The passengers, by the way, are the Elven Girls Beach Volleyball Team on their way to a match. They say they'll do anything if the PC's will help.
427. A big steaming pile of dragon poo with a pair of booted feet sticking out from below it.
428. Stockings hung by a chimney. This was obviously done with great care.
429. A skeleton dressed as a Renaissance poet standing in an artful pose holding a severed human head. (poor Yorick indeed)
430. A small hole in the ground with a mail box beside it marked with the name "B. Bunny". As the characters pass, the butt end of a carrot sails out of the hole, hitting a random PC on the head.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:12 am
by TheGameMaster
Cell phoes and automobiles!? I thought this was a fantasy item list.

431: A pig with a speech imped...impede...impede...dissorder (Thats all folks)
432: One of the PC's mothers
433: A cupon for Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane (whether he will accept it is up to JuliusCreed)
434: A horn that plays music all by its self
435: A boy in glasses with a scar on his head, waving a stick around

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:34 am
by JuliusCreed
TheGameMaster wrote:433: A cupon for Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane (whether he will accept it is up to JuliusCreed)

:shock: Coupons? Coupons?! You dont need no steenking coupons!! Oh... wait... yeah... these are okay... good for 30 days only though so redeem 'em quick. :D

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:14 pm
by TheGameMaster
439: A pair of wax lips that can make you sound like anyone perfectly (Imitate Voices 100%)
440: Cheeze between two large Crackers (at least I hope that is cheese)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:36 pm
by JuliusCreed
441. A small box containing a rose with a ring around it, a pair of pants with flowers in one of the pockets, and a small pouch of ashes. After discovering these items all the characters inexplicably fall down.
442. The Blue Oyster Club (1/2 off any 1 item at Uncle Remus' to the first one with the right movie reference :D )
443. A large wooden trunk filled with Tribbles.
444. A large dead tree with a noose hanging from one of the branches.
445. A fenced in field 25 feet on each side divided into a grid of 5'x5' squares numbered 1-25. A single cow is wandering around in the field as a crowd of peasants watches expectantly. If asked what's going on, someone will explain the game of "Cow Chip Bingo" and invite the characters to place a bet. (If you don't know how Cow Chip Bingo works, the peasants are waiting for the cow to do it's business in one of the 25 numbered squares. Players bet on which square the magic happens in)
446. A smashed apple pie.
447. A collection of Magic Nose Goblins!
448. A case of Dr. Pepper.
449. A tiny little plate with a tiny little cake and a tiny little sign that says "Eat Me".
450. A book with over 500 pages filled with mystic circles, wards, symbols and spell incantations. All but one of them is completely fake.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:12 am
by TheGameMaster
456: A golden throne in the middle of a feild or Cave
457: A wagon filled with buttermilk Biscuts
458: A crossbow made from paper and and elastic waistband
459: A flyer for a place that will soon open up where you can hire specialized mercs to help on your mission
460: A squeaky toy that places all domestic animals into a coma fo 1D4 days

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:11 am
by TheGameMaster
469: A guilded door knob
470: A leaky pipe (what is it leaking?)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:48 am
by JuliusCreed
471. A huge red sleigh being drawn by 8 reindeer and driven by a rather portly old man in a red suit trimmed with white fur. He is attended by about a half dozen shaved gnomes that insist on being called elves. The sleigh is loaded with several large bags full of gods only know what. He brings the sleigh to a halt before the party and stands in the driver's seat, pulling out a scroll and looking it over a moment before calling out the true names of each of the characters and giving them each a small box wrapped in brightly colored paper and topped with a festive bow. Good and Unprincipled alignments receive a random wooden toy. Anarchist and Evil alignments get a lump of coal
472. A set of stairs leading down to a wooden door with a large glass window marked "Cheers". Looking through the window, the characters see a rather quaint looking pub. If they enter, everyone looks up from whatever they are doing and call out "Norm!!" before returning to their business.
473. A bright orange car with the number 01 goes sailing through the air over the characters heads as a couple of voices in the vehicle scream "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!". It is followed by a police car with lights flashing and siren blaring, but crashes woefully short of it's intended landing, the siren dying with a slow mournful wail.
474. A copy of The Idiot's Guide to Spells and Spellcraft (scary part is this book actually exists!)
475. A set of toenail clippers for a giant.
476. A Gnome's beard grooming kit.
477. A wicked looking axe. Rock Hero optional.
478. A statue of a man in full plate armor bearing a sword before him as though leading a charge. He is mounted on a giant pig.
479. A statue of a gargoyle... or is it?
480. A stretch of treeline that looks almost comically artificial. When inspected, it is a curtain with several voices coming from behind it, none of them recognizable, though a couple of the characters will hear their names mentioned. If the curtain is pulled away it will reveal a number of people gathered around a table strewn with paper, pens, books, dice and various drinks and snacks. The group numbers are nearly equal with the encountered group outnumbering the characters by only one, who seems to be in charge of the rest. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, one of them looks to their leader and says "Dude... you really meant it when you said this session would really to come to life".

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:10 am
by TheGameMaster
481: A group of people strutting their dogs back and forth in a small arena
482: A kilt
483: A 'Dear John' letter
484: A scab off a giant's knee
485: A Gnome comes running up to the party, he tells them that he and his village were enslaved by a noble to be lawn ornimates. He has escaped and begs the party to help liberate the rest of his village

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:42 am
by JuliusCreed
486. A large smoking impact crater with what appears to be a meteor that has broken in half. Inspecting the meteor will reveal it is hollow and contains a human-looking infant, alive and unharmed, holding a strange green crystal.
487. The skeletal remains of a large bird, completely picked over with very little meat left on it. (Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was this good :D )
488. A suit of Plate Armor standing at attention holding a Halberd. The armor is essentially useless at the moment as ALL the joints seem to have been welded in place.
489. A large saucer shaped device that appears to have crashed from the sky recently. A humanoid body lies next to it, roughly 4 feet tall with spindly limbs, 4-fingered hands (3 and a thumb) and large egg-shaped heads with overly large almond shaped eyes, lipless mouths and no nose or ears to speak of, just tiny holes where they should be. It is naked and seems to be dead.
490. A T-shirt with a slogan stating "I lost my self-respect at Joe's Rib House".

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:55 am
by TheGameMaster
496: A large tree with colored glass balls and tiny Globes of day light floating all over it
497: A party noise maker
498: A mouse (the live kind) that is magicaly enchanted to move a longbow arrow in accordence with its own moves
499: A puppet with an attitude problem

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:07 am
by TheGameMaster
500: A wooden Bucket with holes cut into it to look like a knight's helmet
501: A red hat lined with white fur and a cotten ball on the top
502: A golden halo
503: Gnome size shackels
504: A glowing treasure chest (no other special properties, it just glows)
505: A blue Gnome (is he choking or a smurf?)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:54 pm
by TheGameMaster
511: Singing sheet music (the paper itself sings)
512: A doll with a pull string (when pulled will reveal useful information about the current quest the party is on)
513: A calendar with certain dates circled
514: A fire with breakfast cooking on it
515: Shreaded robes with blood stains

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:53 pm
by TheGameMaster
516: A diary where the owner laid out in great detail, their plans for a bloody coup against the local ruler
517: A haunted sock
518: A small village inhabited entierly by various rodents
519: A ravonous vampire goat (the Anti-Chupakabra)
520: A giant sized chocolate pie

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
521: A doll with a pull string (when pulled will reveal useful information, about the person who pulled the string, to gossip about. Heard up to 40' away.)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:46 pm
by pblackcrow
I know what happened to 9...7 ate 9. LOL

523: Pollywog in a bog
524: A broken bunch from a millennium tree.
525: An abandoned knights camp site. With the tents, tied horses, inside the 4 tents there is a post with armor on a post, bed rolls looks like they've been slept in. Outside the fire pits have a boar on a spit, not whole but there's still some left, the fire is not coals. But no sign of knights, squires, or anyone. Tracks lead to and back from the stream, also over to the road, etc.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:15 pm
by pblackcrow
526: A sign saying abandon hope all ye who enter.
527: A flute.
528: A large belt purse filled with a hair brush, soap, and a face razor, etc,

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:21 am
by TheGameMaster
529: A bowl of soup(what's in it?)
530: A map leading to the exact spot where it is found

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:05 am
by kiralon
531: A shrunken head of a western empyrean knight in a jar of honey and cloves who may or may not give advice (remember, he ended up with his head in a jar so his advice might not be the best)

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:06 am
by The Dark Elf
#532 A book of "The Dark Elf's" alchemy.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:10 am
by zyanitevp
Really? Resurrection table being really beneficial here....
So, might as well
#533 A Dwarven whore's underwear.
Edit- forgot apostrophe, for shame...

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:09 am
by The Dark Elf
#534 An old chain letter that somehow got lost and has just been found again.

Re: Random Item Table

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:10 am
by kiralon
534: A Sapphire, that sings almost understandable words when help up to the light. At that moment bending your will upon it causes it to become a memnomic editor, capable of erasing particular memories, thoughts or ideas engendered by the written word.