cornholioprime wrote:The balance, of course, is that the creation of these items are extremely expensive -but often worth it in the long run ("Ring of Create Meal Once Daily, anyone? Only 200,000 Gold, and a bargain at twice the price!")
I get the feeling that Kevin and Co. doesn't want enchanted items to be that plentiful in the Rifts setting; in the Palladium World, it seems as if you can't so much as stick your arm out to the side without hitting somebody who has an enchanted item of their own.
So true... So Very darn true!
dragonfett wrote:Not only can they be made as a ring .. but it would again be a trivial thing for Atlantis to produce such items..
First off, what book is it stated that a TW item form does not matter. You are the second person to say this and I would like to have my facts strait. I was working off of the TW Construction rules in the RUE because those are the only ones that I know somewhat well.
Secondly, I was under the impression that TW outside of North America is virtually non-existent (not counting the United Worlds of Warlock where I have no idea whether or not they use a lot of TW items).
Thirdly, if it were so trivial for Atlantis to do something like that, why haven't they done so already? Obviously it is not nearly as trivial as you make it out to be.
To answer your first question: No. I never said that "the form (for a TW device) doesn't matter", what I said In its' Entirety, was that (and paraphrasing)
"That it matters to the people of Rifts as a matter of Focus, but In The Long Term it is Nothing more than a Psychologic crutch"... And KS has said as much many times over the years. "Magic Can do anything!" Once you figure out how to do so, BUT magic is Also based on "Belief" and if You the caster 'Think you can't' then you simply can't...
And the Majority think they can't.
As to the form... Even a Normal Rifts TWizzard could (once they figure it out they can do this) Must realize that "If the magic for a TW device HAS TO be placed into an Object that can represent the spells function (IE a TW food making machine could be made out of a microwave OR a Frigidaire... OR being an Important word here) then doesn't then that "OR" mean that I can 'Choose' which one I use, and if so doesn't that imply that it is All in my head? More over, even if it WASN'T in my head, what is to stop me from using an Alien or Advanced 'Micro-Tech' food replicator (that looks suprisingly like a Bracelet) as the focus for my TW Food maker?
Answer is by your own admittion, Nothing is to stop said TWizzard.
Thus the question becomes "if the form of a food creating machine can be made (Through tech) to look like anything, then aren't I just splitting hairs by obsessing over the actual shape?"...
So again, No the shape Does NOT matter in reallity, YES the shape Does matter to the Mage how psyched themselves out into Believing that it did so.
QUESTION TWO: Yes, TW items Are rare outside of Northamerica, And Splynn, And Africa, AND South America, AND Austrailia... Which ALL have TW tech and use it.
The Gator People of Aussie Land (forget their name off hand) use TW tech. The Phoenix empire of Africa uses TW tech. Splynn uses TW tech all over the place. Many outh American Nations use TW tech, some a little, some allot (See the cover of South America One for a Big example of TW cybernetics).
Other wise... Sure it is used and made very little around the rest of the RIFTS Earth World... But that is because every race, town, city, and nation seems to have found their own form of Personalized tech to get by and not every one relies on Magic, thus Techno-Wizzardry won't fly (Can't fly as those nations don't do the Wizzardry part of the equasion). The same is true of Magic nations that don't Like, don't know of, or simply can not create Tech (To poor?)... thus the "Tech" part of that equasion is not viable.
So Heck yeah TW is rare, but Only to a point.
As to the UWW (United Warlock Worlds)... Yes they use TWizzardry.
ALLOT. In fact, all of the Dwarven Space/Warships of their space fleet are TW.
And TW is found on many other worlds in many other Dimensions.
You can Find TW being made in the following dimensions in fact:
•Wormwood (TW is the techno life blood of the people there)
•Robotech Sentinels (All of the Mystic Peryton races tech is Techno Wizzardry, and None of it is limited to Shape)
•Manhunter (The Void nuts use it as cybernetics)
•Nightspawn (a form of TW exists in the way of CyberMagic)...
•Heroes/Aliens Unlimited (many times you'll find TW in the hands of alien races, and even some humans of earth use it)
•The gods of Olympus use some TW in their Dimension.
So NO... TW is Not so rare on Other worlds.
Yes it is still quite rare in comparison to normal tech or Normal magic.
Yes it is still not a proliferated thing in Much of the Rifts Earth world.
An lastly, It IS inferior to Enchanted Objects in many beings eyes, when you can Simply pull off an hour long ritual to enchant an object, vs a weeks long Costly endeavor of making TW tech.
Then again, unlike Palladium where (As was so Awesomely put above by cornholioprime) enchantment tech is found everywhere, enchantment is all but Non-existent in Rifts and TW is the best around.
THIRD QUESTION:What Splynn "CAN do" and what Splynncryth "CHOOSES to do" are always gonna be two differant things. It has Clearly been elaborated on that (for instance) in the case of Rifts earth, Splynncryth Can take over the WHOLE Earth (After all, why couldn't he when he controlls three whole other Star systems and comands Vast armies of TRILLIONS of Kyden Power lords), but it has Also been Clearly stated that Splynn would see this as a "Pointless and costly" planetary wide occupation. More over is that Splynn wants Rifts earth to be a Giant "Hunting Preserve" and Vacation spot for his clientele!
IF Splynny wishes to do anything (take over the world, become a god, fight against evil in all places everywhere) he can easily do so, but he clearly remembers "THE WAR" a million+/- years ago where he and his kind got their arsis handed to them by "The Forces of Light" and a Replay is not what he is into. He's got loads of patience, is immortal, wants to have fun and plat Power games, and Doesn't want to go "Insane with power" like Xy and his crew did. Thus he can take over the megaverse as Slllllooooowwwwllllyyy as he chooses.
good GREAT reasons to play the game right.