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Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:35 pm
by Hystrix
DhAkael wrote:
Hystrix wrote:Just got my copy yesterday. Looks pretty good so far.

One issue I have is the statistics on page 13, second bullet. So only one in 200 stars have planets at all? Very very low number. I understand the whole "galactic boisphere" thing. I'm not complaining, just seems low.

The other one I had was that the Bushi Federation has 3 billion Oni in the Thundercloud, yet there home planet (also in the Thundercloud) has a population of 10 billion? Typo? or am I just missing something.

All and all looks like a great book. Art, dimensional info, new races... great info. 3G has come a long way since the days of CJ Carella...

Just pencil / pen in a zero after the 3 on the tri-galatic numbers *shrug* not the first time a mega-typo has occoured. :D
Hopefully the 2nd printing will address that screw up (Read the Rifts main book, where the Psi-stalkers are only the size of ken / Barbie dolls). :lol:

Yeah, but I just wanna know what end the error is on. Is it supposed to be 30 billion Oni? or is the hom,e planet only supposed to have 1 billion insead of 10?

And I would never write in a Rifts book ;)

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:36 pm
by Hystrix
mumah wrote:It could also mean that there are 3 billion Oni living abroad in the Thundercloud, while 30 Billion reside on the planet itself. However, I am speculating. I'm sure Braden Campbell will be along soon to give a more accurate estimate.

Maybe that's it. Still a great book. Nice art work, BTW. Espesially pg 6! :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:58 pm
by DhAkael
So far, no major complaints with the book.
Mumah has done a bang-up job with the material visually and the text (though prone to minor ommissions and typo's) is pretty solid.

Yeah; this book was worth the coin spent. :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:39 pm
by Braden Campbell
Oni population:
For what it's worth, my original notes put them at 32 billion in total. So, that would be 10 billion living on Hoshino, and the rest living elsewhere. It's either a typo or was adjusted down during editing. Happens.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:33 pm
by Hystrix
Braden Campbell wrote:Oni population:
For what it's worth, my original notes put them at 32 billion in total. So, that would be 10 billion living on Hoshino, and the rest living elsewhere. It's either a typo or was adjusted down during editing. Happens.

32 Billion. I'll take that. Thanks, Braden... 8)

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:39 pm
by BookWyrm
Gotta wait until the 20th.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:21 pm
by taalismn
Awright...what did the guy on pg. 39 do that he's about to disembowel himself with a cyberai as his second?

Also, Amateratsu missed a bit if she didn''t let the Oni know that the Humans could be her worshippers too..unless she's expecting to come back and correct them later...

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:14 pm
by mumah
taalismn wrote:Awright...what did the guy on pg. 39 do that he's about to disembowel himself with a cyberai as his second?

He lost a game of Scrabble.

Honestly, I didn't think about the guy's story much further than, "this will look cool."

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:11 pm
by taalismn
mumah wrote:
taalismn wrote:Awright...what did the guy on pg. 39 do that he's about to disembowel himself with a cyberai as his second?

He lost a game of Scrabble.

Honestly, I didn't think about the guy's story much further than, "this will look cool."

"How about we just call it 'Death for the greater aesthetic glory of the Federation'? We wouldn't want the gaijan to get funny ideas about us, after all."
"Oh, all right! Just as long as you're dead by sundown!"

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:00 am
by mumah
Lol. Works for me!

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:31 am
by azazel1024
Braden Campbell wrote:"Life in the Spacelane" will be my next work, and yes, I'm under orders to get it done ASAP (instead fo next year). It will focus on Runners, Spacers, and Smugglers - and is a project I've wanted to do for a long while now.

Whereas "Fleets" had an emphasis on large capital ships and massive space battles, this book will look at the other end of the spectrum. At the Conference we called them "PC-sized vessels". And yes, two or three of us are working on a method for Players to build and modify these smaller types of spaceships.

After that, it's "United Worlds of Warlock" (which will, I hope, give you guys some info on the Thundercloud Possessions that are mentioned in "Thundercloud" but which unfortunately had to left out).

My wife be damned, will you marry me? :-D

The last bit of Madhaven took me longer than I thought it would so I only crack Thundercloud about 11 o'clock last night and only got through about 12 pages before I nodded off.

Oh, and is it me that everytime I see "Thunder Duck" I substitute the later "u" for an "i" and hear it in an ominous booming voice. Kind of a Monday Night fight announcer voice. I must have a messed up mind.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:27 pm
by keir451
azazel1024 wrote:
Braden Campbell wrote:"Life in the Spacelane" will be my next work, and yes, I'm under orders to get it done ASAP (instead fo next year). It will focus on Runners, Spacers, and Smugglers - and is a project I've wanted to do for a long while now.

Whereas "Fleets" had an emphasis on large capital ships and massive space battles, this book will look at the other end of the spectrum. At the Conference we called them "PC-sized vessels". And yes, two or three of us are working on a method for Players to build and modify these smaller types of spaceships.

After that, it's "United Worlds of Warlock" (which will, I hope, give you guys some info on the Thundercloud Possessions that are mentioned in "Thundercloud" but which unfortunately had to left out).

My wife be damned, will you marry me? :-D

The last bit of Madhaven took me longer than I thought it would so I only crack Thundercloud about 11 o'clock last night and only got through about 12 pages before I nodded off.

Oh, and is it me that everytime I see "Thunder Duck" I substitute the later "u" for an "i" and hear it in an ominous booming voice. Kind of a Monday Night fight announcer voice. I must have a messed up mind.

:badbad: You have a very sick mind. :nh: :puke: :lol:

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 3:29 pm
by Tyranneix
Loved the book! ESPECIALLY the Dominators! Holy Cow!

The random charts are well done and like someone said earlier, This is just what I needed to create chaos in the 3Gs. Great Job!

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:01 pm
by Hystrix
As I said, I'm lovin' the book. But I still want an answer about the whole "only 1 in 200 stars have planets"?!?

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:05 pm
by azazel1024
Could be that Thundercloud, or the three galaxies has a different balance than our own Galaxy. The Milk Way seems to probably be more like 1 in 2 stars has some kind of planet, at least that is what we are steadily building evidence towards. That doesn't necessarily mean that is the universal norm, let alone what it might be in another galaxy in another universe. Heck it is stated that the habitable band is only something like 30-40 light years thick in the various galaxies (no known constraints in our own Milky Way).

I hate to say it, but author Fiat to write it different from what "reality" might be is probably for the best in this case. Habitable planets being "relatively" rare is a lot better than every 5th star having something habitable. It explains lower populations better and also the importance of finding a highly habitable star/planet that much more.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:12 pm
by Braden Campbell
The ratio was also an instance of game design trumping real-world for games' sake. We call it "game-real as opposed to real-real".

If half of the stars in the Thundercloud develop planets, then there would be more than 60 billion systems out there. And if even one half of one half of a percent of those systems developed planets that could support life... well, Wayne Smith and I discussed it and in the end we both argreed that the number had to be scalled waaaay back. It was simply overwhelming otherwise.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 5:32 pm
by taalismn
azazel1024 wrote:[

Oh, and is it me that everytime I see "Thunder Duck" I substitute the later "u" for an "i" and hear it in an ominous booming voice. Kind of a Monday Night fight announcer voice. I must have a messed up mind.

It's you.
I have no such inclinations.
On the other hand, my first thought on seeing the Dominator on pg. 24:
"Honey! I'm HOME! Look what I brought you!"


"I'm grateful for this stress-relief toy! ARGGHHH!!!"

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:27 pm
by Xar
Braden Campbell wrote:...a bunch of photonic/robot probes that nobady knows what to do with...

I really dug these, can't quite recall the exact spelling of their name at the moment. Very creepy and intriguing. I do think that the larger tentacles need to have a higher P.S. the others, because the flavor text says they're for the heavy lifting...but they have the same Robotic strength as written.

I haven't got a chance to fully read the book yet---Darn mother's day---for some reason my wife wanted me to work around the house instead of reading a gaming book. Some how she didn't seem concerned that I've been waiting for this book for 3 YEARS! Just kidding. I'll probably get to read more tonight and the next couple of days...

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:33 pm
by Hystrix
Braden Campbell wrote:The ratio was also an instance of game design trumping real-world for games' sake. We call it "game-real as opposed to real-real".

If half of the stars in the Thundercloud develop planets, then there would be more than 60 billion systems out there. And if even one half of one half of a percent of those systems developed planets that could support life... well, Wayne Smith and I discussed it and in the end we both argreed that the number had to be scalled waaaay back. It was simply overwhelming otherwise.

Well that explains it at least. Thank you.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:39 am
by azazel1024
I am really liking the Killaryte (sp?) funded planet grab. I think it helps give the setting some of the gold/silver/oil rush feeling, combined with the typical imperial expansion to counter act everyone else's imperial expansion both mentioned in the book and overall feeling of 17-19th century European powers.

Only 20 odd pages in now and wishing I was at home reading more of the box instead of stuck here in my dreary cubicle. At least I have giant picture windows on the otherside of my biege carpeted cubicle wall. Though somehow that makes it worse. Anyone want to lend me a power drill and some phillips head bits so I can go all office space on my cubicle wall???

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:47 am
by DhAkael
Anyone want to lend me a power drill and some phillips head bits so I can go all office space on my cubicle wall???

Sorry Az; all I have is a 5lbs. log-splitter or a reciprocal-saw :D
But yes, the Thundercloud now has PURPOSE in my Tri-Gal part of the campaign. It's no longer just "Oh that place that looks like a giant hurricane."
Now it can be;
"That place with those crystal what go boom that the blue-skins REALLY REALLY want...oh and Kreegohr...and Hummies...well a whack load of people want 'em and :eek: :? NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SPELL-SLINGING LIONS!
Ack! Ancient death machines?! Advance to the rear! Get us out of this mad house galaxy. Oh forge-crack... Dominator? Really?"

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:56 am
by ghost2020
All I need to know is if the word "carpetbagger" is used anywhere in the book? It seems like every other Palladium book has a reference to it. Kevin must like it, and it seems to find a way into almost every book.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:09 am
by DhAkael
ghost2020 wrote:All I need to know is if the word "carpetbagger" is used anywhere in the book? It seems like every other Palladium book has a reference to it. Kevin must like it, and it seems to find a way into almost every book.

Bizzarely enough...didn't see it, but then again, the repetitiveness of the editing of Pbooks has me skip entrys like "Can never be reproduced. Impossible to build. Just don't try this at home kids."
etc etc etc... Kinda gets monotonous; why I just ignore that [cesnored] and do my own thing with the material.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:12 am
by Braden Campbell
ghost2020 wrote:All I need to know is if the word "carpetbagger" is used anywhere in the book?

Not by me, it wasn't.

"Vainglorious", on the other hand, is in there. ;)

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:54 am
by mumah
I drew a carpetbagger. See if you can find him!

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:16 pm
by ghost2020
Braden Campbell wrote:"Vainglorious", on the other hand, is in there. ;)

Well done!!! :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 4:26 pm
by taalismn
Braden Campbell wrote:
ghost2020 wrote:All I need to know is if the word "carpetbagger" is used anywhere in the book?

Not by me, it wasn't.

"Vainglorious", on the other hand, is in there. ;)

Given the "Imperialism' theme to the book and the visual and material shoutouts to 'Zuku', it's appropriate.
'Vainglorious' is just such a BRITISH turn of phrase, along with 'Miles Standish' and 'twit'.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:46 pm
by cornholioprime
:D "Hello, Palladium Books Customer Service Line.

My name is Kevin and I'm the Manager/Owner/Editor/Head GM/Intern/Janitor here. How can I help you"

:-x "Uh, yeah, my name is Cornholioprime, and I bought your book the other day, and I just got through reading how Desslyth was more or less responsible for everything from Bad Refereeing in the last Super Bowl up to and including Galactic Genocide.....and yet after all that tantalizing goodness, you didn't put him and/or his son into the Book.

What's the deal with that, bruh?!?"

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:45 am
by azazel1024
I haven't gotten far enough to see that he isn't in the book.


space considerations maybe? I'd rather have an extra 2-4 pages of material than stats of another splugorth. I'd just use what is in WB2 Atlantis if you need to roll up Desslyth. Give him on the low end or even 10-20% lower than the low end physical stats because of extremely "advanced" age.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:39 am
by Braden Campbell
cornholioprime wrote:... I just got through reading how Desslyth was more or less responsible for everything from Bad Refereeing in the last Super Bowl up to and including Galactic Genocide.....and yet after all that tantalizing goodness, you didn't put him and/or his son into the Book.

The section on the Kingdom of Desslyth, as written, was kind of weak. And I say this as the author. Therefore, it was cut for weakness, and the editing staff was correct to do so. And that's alright... after all, Lord Klyncryth owns a whole half a level of center, and he's statless.

From my notes then, are a few more tidbits about the Kingdom of Desslyth, just for you guys.

* The Throne World is called Symysul, and the capital city is called Lirtasa.

* Desslyth the Elder is 250,000 years old; which is about as old as a Splugorth intelligence can normally get.

* Late in his life, he regretted not creating a spawn, and so, against the advice of his physicians, he did so... and then immediately fell into a coma because of the strain. He was hooked up to an elaborate bio-wizard life support system.

* Desslyth the Younger was then tutored by High Lords, Shakdan, and other such beings because his "father was unable to teach him the ways of the Splugorth.

* However, because of his unique upbringing, Desslyth the Younger can't bring himself to pull the plug on his old man. He continues to rule as Regent, even though there is no way in hell that Desslyth the Elder will ever regain conciseness.

* The kingdom is in a state of full-out war against the TGE, and has therefore transmuted almost all of its overlords (base MDC of 75) so that they act as better anti-Kreeghor shock troops.

* Lirtasa deals in slaves captured from around the Thundercloud, and sells exotic elixirs and recreational drugs... but the bulk of its economy caters to explorers and adventurers - you need gear for your expedition (including porters or hired manpower), then you can get it here! Most galactic game hunters bring in captured live animals to the city holding pens as well, where they are then purchased by zoos and taken back to the Anvil or Corkscrew.

* If the Thundercloud is Colonial Africa in space with lasers... then the Kingdom of Desslyth would be Zanzibar.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:42 am
by mumah
The illustration on page 6 is evidence that the Splugorth were originally included. I'm sure they'll pop up in one of the succeeding releases.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:51 am
by DhAkael
Y'know; the stat-less Sploogie kingdom / entity actually WORKS for me.
That way the players can never tell exactly where / what they are dealing with :D :D :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:40 pm
by taalismn
mumah wrote:The illustration on page 6 is evidence that the Splugorth were originally included. I'm sure they'll pop up in one of the succeeding releases.

Well, thanks to that, we know he has a thing for elves...

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:09 pm
by Snake Eyes
I saw a copy in the local game store, thumbed through it........all i gotta say, OMG :shock:
What a great book.......i was looking at the different alien races, and my wife (NOT a gamer) got a kick out of the centaur porcupine. that was pretty funny.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:21 pm
by taalismn
Snake Eyes wrote:I saw a copy in the local game store, thumbed through it........all i gotta say, OMG :shock:
What a great book.......i was looking at the different alien races, and my wife (NOT a gamer) got a kick out of the centaur porcupine. that was pretty funny.

Put it on the list of "Things that would make great Palladium Plushies".
Right after the Splugorth Intelligence, of course. :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:00 am
by cornholioprime
Braden Campbell wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:... I just got through reading how Desslyth was more or less responsible for everything from Bad Refereeing in the last Super Bowl up to and including Galactic Genocide.....and yet after all that tantalizing goodness, you didn't put him and/or his son into the Book.

The section on the Kingdom of Desslyth, as written, was kind of weak. And I say this as the author. Therefore, it was cut for weakness, and the editing staff was correct to do so. And that's alright... after all, Lord Klyncryth owns a whole half a level of center, and he's statless.

From my notes then, are a few more tidbits about the Kingdom of Desslyth, just for you guys.

* The Throne World is called Symysul, and the capital city is called Lirtasa.

* Desslyth the Elder is 250,000 years old; which is about as old as a Splugorth intelligence can normally get.

* Late in his life, he regretted not creating a spawn, and so, against the advice of his physicians, he did so... and then immediately fell into a coma because of the strain. He was hooked up to an elaborate bio-wizard life support system.

* Desslyth the Younger was then tutored by High Lords, Shakdan, and other such beings because his "father was unable to teach him the ways of the Splugorth.

* However, because of his unique upbringing, Desslyth the Younger can't bring himself to pull the plug on his old man. He continues to rule as Regent, even though there is no way in hell that Desslyth the Elder will ever regain conciseness.

* The kingdom is in a state of full-out war against the TGE, and has therefore transmuted almost all of its overlords (base MDC of 75) so that they act as better anti-Kreeghor shock troops.

* Lirtasa deals in slaves captured from around the Thundercloud, and sells exotic elixirs and recreational drugs... but the bulk of its economy caters to explorers and adventurers - you need gear for your expedition (including porters or hired manpower), then you can get it here! Most galactic game hunters bring in captured live animals to the city holding pens as well, where they are then purchased by zoos and taken back to the Anvil or Corkscrew.

* If the Thundercloud is Colonial Africa in space with lasers... then the Kingdom of Desslyth would be Zanzibar.
Per the info on page 74 of Dragons and Gods ("[Alien] Intelligences are immortal"), and indirect information on page 24 of Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms ("Vampires can live for millions of years, for as long as their creator Intelligence does"), I really wish that you had left the Splugorth as "immortal" like the rest of Alien Intelligence-kind instead of just "long-lived," and come up with another story to explain Desslyth's convalescence, but Kevin apparently approved the ret-con (unless it just slipped by him) and/or agrees with you that Splugorth are limited-lifespan exceptions to the Alien Intelligence 'rule,' so c'est la vie. :wink:

Interesting section, though -perhaps it could have still made it into the book somehow with a little re-writing and editing. I liked it, anyway.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:35 am
by Braden Campbell
The Splugorth have had a limited lifespan since, oh, 1992, when Atlantis first came out. When I read that their average lifespan was a quarter million years... and Terri Schiavo was in the news at the time... well, that's where the idea came from.

And now you know. ;)

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:36 am
by Shawn Merrow
Braden Campbell wrote:The Splugorth have had a limited lifespan since, oh, 1992, when Atlantis first came out. When I read that their average lifespan was a quarter million years... and Terri Schiavo was in the news at the time... well, that's where the idea came from.

And now you know. ;)

And knowing is half the battle. :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by mumah
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Braden Campbell wrote:The Splugorth have had a limited lifespan since, oh, 1992, when Atlantis first came out. When I read that their average lifespan was a quarter million years... and Terri Schiavo was in the news at the time... well, that's where the idea came from.

And now you know. ;)

And knowing is half the battle. :D

And the other half? Violence. Delicious, bloody, Violence.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:39 pm
by Tyranneix
mumah wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:
Braden Campbell wrote:The Splugorth have had a limited lifespan since, oh, 1992, when Atlantis first came out. When I read that their average lifespan was a quarter million years... and Terri Schiavo was in the news at the time... well, that's where the idea came from.

And now you know. ;)

And knowing is half the battle. :D

And the other half? Violence. Delicious, bloody, Violence.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Thanks for the info on the Splugorth Braden. Your right, I like it better this way.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:16 pm
by mumah
G-Zombie wrote:

There will be hotties in Vampire Kingdoms!!!

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:43 pm
by Snake Eyes
taalismn wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote:I saw a copy in the local game store, thumbed through it........all i gotta say, OMG :shock:
What a great book.......i was looking at the different alien races, and my wife (NOT a gamer) got a kick out of the centaur porcupine. that was pretty funny.

Put it on the list of "Things that would make great Palladium Plushies".
Right after the Splugorth Intelligence, of course. :D

Palladium Plushies........i'm all for that......we should start bugging kevin & company :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:36 am
by taalismn
mumah wrote:
G-Zombie wrote:

There will be hotties in Vampire Kingdoms!!!

Of course, given that it's a vampire book, they'll only be hot after they've...I dunno...SUCKED EVERY DROP OF WARM BLOOD OUT OF YOUR BODY.
Thank you, but no, I'm not into necrophilia, especially when -I'M- the dead one.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:44 am
by DhAkael
*preps the orbital reflector arrays*
"Ahhhhh.... sunbathing at midnight in Mexico. Well, lookee here. Our first customers."


"Smell that? You smell that; that's vamp son. Nothin' in the world smells like it. I love the smell of burnt vamp in the mornin' (12am technically is morning). It smells like... ... burning vampires." :D

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:21 pm
by Cybermancer
I can't say I'm as happy with it as everyone else seems to be. Wish I was, because I was looking forward to it.

Here's some things I've found wrong with it so far:

The very first paragraph of actual text, not counting those quotes, there is this line:
For the first time in decades, this new leader was from a species other than juman.

Anyone else see that? Now, I can understand how that typing error occurred. J and H are beside each other on the keyboard. What I don't understand is how it wasn't caught by who ever wrote it, whoever reviewed and whoever editted it.

I shrugged. Just a typo, which happens a lot in Palladium books. This may be the first time it showed up so early in a book, but again, this isn't in and of itself unusual for Palladium. And this thought I was having, forgiving Palladium for this, is itself, an unfortunate commentary on the company.

Okay, so I was willing to let it slide. Just a minor quibble. (But not the only typo in the book!) Because just a little bit later in that same paragraph we're learning how this leader is going to change the CCW with their platform of common sense. I love common sense! So what is one of the first things this new leader does? They order an investigation of Naruni Enterprises and the Thundercloud Development Company. The first is a multi-dimensional, trans-galactic company and the other is a galactic level colonial organization. Okay, so far so good. I approve.

So how many agents does this leader who is lauded for their common sense send? This leader, who is responsible for a civilization that is found in three galaxies and is responsible for trillions of sentients? One. Just one. My brain choked on that one. The follow up of hundreds is no better when put into proper scale.

This is a very, very bad first impression for a book to be making.

Other things I didn't like about the book.

The CCW, once the shining contrast to the TGE is now breaking it's own rules, oops, I mean reinterpreting them and basically becoming the bag guys while the TGE becomes the good guys.

Heavy handed comparisons to African colonism. We even have African animals as aliens now (I will admit to liking the Thunder Duck). But yeah, we get it already. Colonialism = evil.

It's not all bad though. Here are some of the books redeeming qualities.

The only alien race I like out of this book is the Whetu. Finally, an alien that looks like an alien. Good job there.

The section in the back with the 101 adventure ideas also has a lot of usable material in it. Content wise, these 20 or so pages prevent it from being a total wash.

The art in the book, I must say, is excellent. A lot of art that Palladium puts into its books is not. But to be honest, I'd rather have excellent content and slipshod art then the other way around.

Overall, I give this book a four out of ten.

I will end this by saying that I don't think that Braden Cambell is a bad writer. I've enjoyed everything else Palladium has published with his name on it. You can't please all of the people, all of the time. And I don't know how much of what I disliked was from him or another source. I do hope to see more from him in the future, and hopefully the material will live up to past expectations.

Good day.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:24 pm
by azazel1024
Okay, I got to the thunder duck. I actually really like. My only quibble is I'd like to see more uses for them/their feathers.

Like maybe say a talisman/necklace made out of one or more Larduuk feathers reduces damage from electrical attacks by half or something like that. Something fun.

It is making me think that what 3G setting really needs is a monsters and animals (and plants) book kind of like PFRPG has.

I'd say I am interested in doing one, and I am going to get right on writting such a book and presenting my rockin' idea to KS.

But I know I am mostly just talk. I do have a few, what I think, are great ideas for plants, monsters and animals as well as some herbology (mystical and not) for the 3G setting.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:36 pm
by chef1
I got mine in the mail about a week ago im loving it!

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:54 pm
by taalismn
chef1 wrote:I got mine in the mail about a week ago im loving it!

Once you start combining it with other books and material....(looks blissful)

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:27 pm
by Jockitch74
Cybermancer wrote:I can't say I'm as happy with it as everyone else seems to be. Wish I was, because I was looking forward to it.

Here's some things I've found wrong with it so far:

The very first paragraph of actual text, not counting those quotes, there is this line:
For the first time in decades, this new leader was from a species other than juman.

Anyone else see that? Now, I can understand how that typing error occurred. J and H are beside each other on the keyboard. What I don't understand is how it wasn't caught by who ever wrote it, whoever reviewed and whoever editted it.

I shrugged. Just a typo, which happens a lot in Palladium books. This may be the first time it showed up so early in a book, but again, this isn't in and of itself unusual for Palladium. And this thought I was having, forgiving Palladium for this, is itself, an unfortunate commentary on the company.

Okay, so I was willing to let it slide. Just a minor quibble. (But not the only typo in the book!) Because just a little bit later in that same paragraph we're learning how this leader is going to change the CCW with their platform of common sense. I love common sense! So what is one of the first things this new leader does? They order an investigation of Naruni Enterprises and the Thundercloud Development Company. The first is a multi-dimensional, trans-galactic company and the other is a galactic level colonial organization. Okay, so far so good. I approve.

So how many agents does this leader who is lauded for their common sense send? This leader, who is responsible for a civilization that is found in three galaxies and is responsible for trillions of sentients? One. Just one. My brain choked on that one. The follow up of hundreds is no better when put into proper scale.

This is a very, very bad first impression for a book to be making.

Other things I didn't like about the book.

The CCW, once the shining contrast to the TGE is now breaking it's own rules, oops, I mean reinterpreting them and basically becoming the bag guys while the TGE becomes the good guys.

Heavy handed comparisons to African colonism. We even have African animals as aliens now (I will admit to liking the Thunder Duck). But yeah, we get it already. Colonialism = evil.

It's not all bad though. Here are some of the books redeeming qualities.

The only alien race I like out of this book is the Whetu. Finally, an alien that looks like an alien. Good job there.

The section in the back with the 101 adventure ideas also has a lot of usable material in it. Content wise, these 20 or so pages prevent it from being a total wash.

The art in the book, I must say, is excellent. A lot of art that Palladium puts into its books is not. But to be honest, I'd rather have excellent content and slipshod art then the other way around.

Overall, I give this book a four out of ten.

I will end this by saying that I don't think that Braden Cambell is a bad writer. I've enjoyed everything else Palladium has published with his name on it. You can't please all of the people, all of the time. And I don't know how much of what I disliked was from him or another source. I do hope to see more from him in the future, and hopefully the material will live up to past expectations.

Good day.

Agree 100%. This book ranks right up there with WB: England for me.

Re: Thundercloud is HERE!!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:21 pm
by Carl Gleba
azazel1024 wrote:I'd say I am interested in doing one, and I am going to get right on writting such a book and presenting my rockin' idea to KS.

But I know I am mostly just talk. I do have a few, what I think, are great ideas for plants, monsters and animals as well as some herbology (mystical and not) for the 3G setting.

Just do a few and submit it to the Rifter. Please you can elaborate on what can be done with the Thunderduck feathers ;)