What Power Category would make the best Pacifist?

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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: What Power Category would make the best Pacifist?

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:One person making an entire group change to accomidate them, is annoying, which ever side it's own. If you're one of 5 people and expect them all to revolve around you, you're an ass.

Except that your insistence how it's a forgone conclusion just doesn't cut it because it isn't.

Ok.. "____ I THINK_____ If one person makes an entire group change to accomidate them, he's annoying, which ever side it's on, and if you're 1 of 5 people and expect them to revolve around you, you're an ass"


Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:Now you know that's a pointless question because a pacifist isn't a set range of skills or powers, it's a philosophy/mindset.

No it's got a point. Your 'Use' for the pacifist can be done by anyone.

No, it has no point because pacifist isn't a power category, it has nothing that comes with it just as being a non-pacifist doesn't.

That's exactly my point, and why the 'use' you think up for them, can just as easily be filled by non pacifists.

Nightmask wrote:
The pacifist can do what he's skilled at and if the non-pacifist doesn't have those skills the pacifist can do them and he can't.

Just like the Non Pacifist can do what he's skilled at and if the pacifist doesn't have those skills he can't do them?

So again, you're back around to my point of having him along isn't special. Anything he does, CAN BE done by others, with out the restriction.

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:The Non-Pacifist who isn't a medical doctor can't perform emergency medicine if the Pacifist is a doctor, the non-Pacifist who is a medical doctor can do emergency medicine where the Pacifist who isn't a medical doctor can't.

That's my point. There's nothing the pacifist can do, that a non pacifist can't also do. THAT IS the point. So having one around for the soul purpose of that stuff is silly.

That's not a point, you keep presenting pacifists as if they were a power category. It's pointless.

No, it was your position that it's good to have one around to do some things, I pointed out those things can be done by non pacifists, so the 'need' to have one around wasn't present.

If my guy that will do violence can do all the crap your pacifist can do, there's no need to have the pacifist along. Other than a human shield. Which.. I guess has merit.

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:I guess I have to point out that just like RL games do not revolve completely around fighting and the hard work of the non-combat sorts is just as vital for saving the day.

I guess I have to point out... that giving the guy mor than his fair share of the time and effort.. isn't fair to the other 4 guys at the table.

With the false assumption that he's getting an unfair amount of an arbitrarily defined amount of attention, based apparently on nothing but the idea that as a pacifist it's a given which is simply not so.

Conversely you give him the fair amount of attention and he's standing around 80% of the time.

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:You have some serious contempt for non-violent people,

I live in the real world where 100% non violent people are abused and killed by violent people every day. REALLY Nighty? Your henchmen will just turn over a new leaf and join the ranks of the good and pure because they were talked out of it by offering them.. *Cracks up* Hard work and being decent to one another?

That's stupid. I'm sorry but it is. I'm not saying YOU'RE stupid. I'm saying that idea is stupid.

In the real world 100% non-violent people change lives and make violent people give up violence every day,

Where? Who?

Nightmask wrote:
so it's stupid to pretend that they don't exist or that it can't happen. Even with the vast decay in Marvel comics towards anti-heroism they've actually managed to increase the number of examples of villains actually giving it up and becoming non-villains and some even becoming heroes.

And have never fought a Super hero? And the super heroes have never engaged in violence to achieve that?

___________________________________ NAME ONE _____________________________________

Please, name one Super villain that became a hero that didn't have his butt kicked or at least physically fought by heroes along the way.

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:That's a whole lot of bravery standing up to evil when you know there's a good chance you'll end up injured or dead.

You see bravery. I see stupidity. Sometimes do you have to die for good things to happen. sure. Are you going to get it done simply by dieing? no. Fighting till the last and dieing for a good cause is alot different than just letting the evil kill you because you're an idiot. The 'evil' isn't going to suddenly stop after blowing you away and change his mind. See the error of his ways and become good. To imply so is silly.

While you consider it a useless death most don't,

Says who? Show me an example of someone just letting themselves get blown away that people consider useful?

Nightmask wrote: and such standing up have changed things. Segregation and racism didn't end because of violence,

Racism didn't end at all man..... Wish it had.... but it hasn't. Not by a long shot. Segregation (in the us) didn't end for people standing up and getting shot in the face and killed either. It was a civil movement. And Segregation had ALOT of violence associated with it. TONS. Still does. All over the world.

Nightmask wrote:
it was standing up for what was right even when it meant being beaten and killed and persevering in spite of that that brought about change. When enough men and women saw it was wrong thanks to that non-violence they woke up and worked to change it. Violent conflict would have simply kept it going and made it worse.

And again, that's not an example of someone standing up and letting others kill them.

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:Now see, you keep dismissing it as not being heroic, and that's your problem. You think the entirety of what makes up a hero is beating up on people and that's just laughably wrong, lowering the idea of the hero to parody or caricature.

No.. YOU keep saying that. I'm pointing out that beating up on the supervillian is a big part of being a hero. That with out it, you're missing alot of what makes them the super hero. Instead of just a Detective.

Please, don't go ascribing to me what you keep saying. Beating up super-villains isn't the central aspect of the hero, it's protecting people and saving lives.


Nightmask wrote:
There's just a lot of villains around that need stopping, and comics often show the more action scenes of the heroes and don't show us much of their non-villain fighting activities.

Isn't that a point on my side of things? Do heroes help out, out side of kicking villain's butts? Sure.... but in the Role playing game, do you go around doing that all of the time, or do you hunt down the villain and stop um?

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Nightmask wrote:Yet quickly run for that medical care after the fight whining and probably quite perturbed when the character you've treated with contempt all the time before that refuses to help you out because you're just so sure of yourself you can heal yourself too.

*shrugs* Then why's he on the team? Remember YOU were the one that said he felt himself surperior to others and that others were inferior to him.. but now he's not only not going to help out with the fight, but also refuse to heal the team?

Now you know I never said that at all,

Yes. You did. To quote you exactly you said
Nightmask wrote: They tend (although not always) have an attitude of how 'superior' they are refusing to fight or be violent but in truth they are if anything inferior, having others fight for them and looking down upon them at the same time.

Nightmask wrote:
you're the one who's insisted on that as being a core aspect of pacifists.

No, you said it. *points up* See?

Nightmask wrote:
I've merely pointed out that if the others are going to be contemptuous of the hero for being a pacifist don't come whining to him for medical care when they're just so 'superior' to him they should be able to heal themselves.

And I've pointed out, why have the jerk around?

Nightmask wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Yeah... your super hero team is going to keep that jerk around a LONG time........ because he's so useful and fun to be around.

Now see, when everyone else is being a jerk he's just joining in. They're all being jerks because he's a pacifist putting him down only to come running when they need something just simply getting back what they've been dishing out. Don't want to be treated poorly don't treat others poorly.

He's on a SUPER HERO TEAM. lol If he refuses to fight and help them, and also (( Assuming he has the power)) refuses to heal him.... then with a swift (( violent act)) boot to the butt he's off the team. Why keep him around?

Nightmask wrote:In any case this has become way off topic and just not interested in continuing this just so you can spend more time demonstrating how little you know about pacifists and how much contempt you have for them.

I'm not interested in replying to you past this point either.

So.. Call it done?

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James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: What Power Category would make the best Pacifist?

Unread post by csyphrett »

What is the plan for this character, Magic Tiger. You have already stated the character will fight if he has to. The best defense powers and martial arts are the way to go for that.
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Re: What Power Category would make the best Pacifist?

Unread post by csyphrett »

Didn't read the whole thread first. Sorry about that.
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Re: What Power Category would make the best Pacifist?

Unread post by magictiger »

Thanks again guys for your comments.
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