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Re: What do you do?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:14 pm
by TechnoGothic
I'd look at my Triax Calender with the centerfold picture of Erin Tarn. Double Check. Then assume the old woman was her Grandmother, not the infamous beautiful woman in my Triax books. ;) 8)

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:34 am
by Ravenwing
Bad Mojo wrote:Simple, I would transport her personally to chi-town high command unharmed so I would collect the reward instead of my backstabbing commander who would claim the money/credit for himself. I would also make it clear to HQ that I DON'T want the fame and for them to NOT mention my name as the person who captured her. Last thing I want after her execution is for all her vengeance seeking allies to take out their anger on the poor soldier (me) who brought her in.

Great plan until you get Court Martialled for going AWHOL :lol:

See by just blasting her you can make up some lame excuse(She was a witch!) and while you might be on latrine duty for a few months, atleast you're not sitting in a CS Prison.

Besides I'm sure the PA department would spin it so that you were a Hero of the Coalition!

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:13 am
by Vrykolas2k
Talmonis wrote:Other: I'd return her alive and unharmed, to high command. The best way to deal with criminals like Erin Tarn is to try them in a fair and legal court of law, so that all of the civilized world (read: CS, NGR, Free Quebec, Ishpeming, Manistique) may see her crimes. Justice will be done.

Ya, I'm sure that would be a fair trial.

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:05 am
by Ravenwing
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Talmonis wrote:Other: I'd return her alive and unharmed, to high command. The best way to deal with criminals like Erin Tarn is to try them in a fair and legal court of law, so that all of the civilized world (read: CS, NGR, Free Quebec, Ishpeming, Manistique) may see her crimes. Justice will be done.

Ya, I'm sure that would be a fair trial.

Will she be found guilty? Absolutely, Erins so stupid she'd admit to her crimes, she'd probably give a two hour lecture on the 'Evils of the CS and how Karl is the most evil man in the world!' complete with huffy voice and stomping her feet.

At that point the trail is pretty much just a formality.

Will she then be executed? Absolutely. she'll go to the gallows telling everyone how 'evil, twisted, and stoopidz' they are.

And justice will be served. :lol:

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:45 am
by flatline
Panomas wrote:If I'm a C.S. soldier-I wouldn't know what to do becuase-

:cry: :cry: "I never learned how to read!!" :cry: :cry:

Apparently the definition of illiterate has been softened for the CS to mean "I don't read good" so even if you're illiterate, you can still read at a "primary school level", whatever that means.


Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:51 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
flatline wrote:
Panomas wrote:If I'm a C.S. soldier-I wouldn't know what to do becuase-

:cry: :cry: "I never learned how to read!!" :cry: :cry:

Apparently the definition of illiterate has been softened for the CS to mean "I don't read good" so even if you're illiterate, you can still read at a "primary school level", whatever that means.


that means you can work your C-pad(coalition verison of the Ipad)

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:47 pm
by Nightmask
Ravenwing wrote:
zaccheus wrote:I said let her go - but not because I'm a traitor.

I let her go because the old white haired human lady clearly isn't Erin Tarn. Where are her horns and tail? Why isn't she summoning demons or making head's explade with her infernal power? She clearly is just an old woman with dementia who thinks she's Erin Tarn. No way I'm taking her to my commanding officer just to get chewed out for harassing some poor old woman. I made that mistake once before and I still have the bruises.

To Quote from the Malfas Malicieum,

'Trust not your eyes when dealing with the witch, for they will deceive you. Trust not your thoughts, for a witch can alter them as she see's fit.
Trust only in your weapons, and unleash them without delay. Suffer not a Witch to Live!'

And thus in their blindness they really miss that big plot hole that if a witch can change your thoughts wouldn't she make sure you never thought her a witch, and only a powerless innocent could be thought a witch because a witch would never let you think them a witch?

Of course once you start demonizing people (like Erin) common sense and logic fail, although I love that reasoning that it can't be the real Erin because the demonizing has ascribed power enough to her that some powerless old woman couldn't possibly be thought to be her. The backfiring that can come from going too far in your demonizing of a target.

Re: What do you do?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:16 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
****************CS FOX NEWS REPORT***************************

Erin Tarn found in Tolkeen spider hole, by Brave Coalition Troopers.

Miss Tarn will be transported to Chi Town, to face charges including

2000 Counts of Helping enemy agents
1000 counts of subversive activities
500 counts of disbursing subversive materials
1 count of arson ( the old chi-town public library)
officials state more charges will follow.

coming up next
The Lonestar dog show , showing you what new fashions the dogboys and girls will wearing this year.