Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Armorlord »

flatline wrote:Hmm...I'll have to look at my Palladium Fantasy 1st edition to see if it's always been that way and I just missed it or if this is a change between editions.
My 1986 printing of the Revised Edition says the same, Page 105.
Rappanui wrote:no no, It's time Someone Put a (Color Lantern) Power Ring On Wormwood. ... Although Now I'm imagining Wormwood becoming a Red Lantern planet. LOL.
Doesn't really seem the rage-y sort. Think it would be happiest if everything just got along and could maybe someone do something about that Unholy tumor on its backside?
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Don't forget, there are Temporal Raiders on Wormwood as well...
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Kovoston wrote:Don't forget, there are Temporal Raiders on Wormwood as well...

And what role do you see the Temporal Raiders playing in this sort of campaign? Do they require some sort of special consideration?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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flatline wrote:
Kovoston wrote:Don't forget, there are Temporal Raiders on Wormwood as well...

And what role do you see the Temporal Raiders playing in this sort of campaign? Do they require some sort of special consideration?


Just your standard demonic soul-sucking monster merccs with their little bands of apprentice mages and assassins for hire. How much they believe in either side of the conflict and how loyal they are beyond good pay and regular meals is up to the individual 'Raider and individual GM.
Only other thing I can think of is: For a Raider trying to draw lifeforce directly from Wormwood, I wouldn't allow it, as the planetary lifeforce is too alien 'as is' for somebody trying to eat crude oil. Symbiotes and parasites on the other hand, could be fair game, if they exhibit PPE.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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They (Temporal Raiders) are the "Wild Cards' in the whole scenario.. Just like the vampires are in Nightbane world.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Lord Nikon wrote:Sorry if I'm taking this topic off base for a minute, but I didn't want to start a new thread for a simple question. I was going through my Wormwood book trying to find anything on the climate of the planet...

I think this thread has run its course, so derailing it a bit is perfectly acceptable. I don't think that the book gives specifics to answer all your questions and even if it did, I don't have access to my book right now. Take my answers with a grain of salt.

Do they experience seasons of any sort?[/quote]

No, I don't think so.

How long is day and night?

I think day and night are evenly split. I don't remember if Wormwood has a 24 hour day or not.

What is the temperature around the planet?

In the areas that aren't dominated by the Unholy, the temp probably in the 70's or low 80's so that it's comfortable for humans. In the areas that are dominated by the Unholy, it's considerably hotter (like the planet is having a "fever" to try to fight off the Unholy, as it's described).

I would expect the temperature to change very little between day and night.

Does it Rain? I think I read somewhere that all water is provided by the planet itself. How much can it produce and are their rivers or large bodies of water?

Nope. There is no rain and there's no water on the surface anywhere except for what is summoned from within the planet.

Hope that helps! (and I hope all my answers are right...someone will correct me if I got something wrong).

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Nightmask wrote:

Adding the word 'rift' doesn't mean that they only occur at ley line nexus points. If you're opening a hole in spacetime to another location you've created a rift, and artificially created rifts by things like magic can be opened anyplace provided you've the PPE for it (and there isn't a specific effect in place that prevents it such as a magical seal). Otherwise you've made magical research safer for mages in your setting then, since the 'accidentally tears rift in reality' failure can't occur if as you say it's impossible for rifts to be created anywhere but on nexus points.

Looking directly at my Book of Magic there is NO MENTION of rifts at all in the Dimensional Portal spell. P152.

re: Dragon bone permanency wards... Therein lies madness and munchkinism beyond ken... Don't go there! Please! If a GM does it he's saying its OK (or at least possible) for the Players too. Typically though, anything that regenerates or heals itself (crawling towers, most PCs, etc...) cannot have a ward 'attached' as the regeneration/healing expels the foreign object(s) IMO. Still it is up to the GM what they allow, just be fair about it or you won't have players for long. I'd love to see players star in a crusade against the Unholy, though they might be surprised to be banished from the dimension by the Cathedral afterward, I'd be sure to reward them in other ways.

I don't see how temporal raiders make any more (or less) difference than any other studied caster with Dimensional Portal magic. The TR's greed alone make it unlikely they'll participate in any action without substantial incentive.

I agree with Flatline on the climate, but in your game do what you like, just be sure to let those who should know the information In Game know it.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Not yet - I believe, that the Unholy would "import" the right oppoisition for player characters or use swarm attacks against tech heavy characters (getting the high tech equipment for his forces :demon:).
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Ice Dragon wrote:Not yet - I believe, that the Unholy would "import" the right oppoisition for player characters or use swarm attacks against tech heavy characters (getting the high tech equipment for his forces :demon:).

Swarm tactics only work if you can't get away from the swarm.

If the party demonstrates abilities that the Unholy can't match, it does seem reasonable that the Unholy would attempt to hire troops from other dimensions that could compete with the players. However, that won't happen overnight. If the players can arrange to do significant damage before the Unholy has a chance to react meaningfully, then it's possible that the player's might go unchecked by the Unholy for long enough to guarantee a long term victory over the Unholy.

For instance, if the players can manage to destroy 200+ crawling towers in a 24-hour period, that might cause some of the Unholy's allies to abandon or change sides.

Edit: I don't know why I chose 200 in my example...possible with the right resources, but way overkill. Destroying a "mere" 5 crawling towers in the same day would probably be enough. Especially if you continue to destroy a tower or two every day after that even after the Unholy has attempted to mobilize against you.

200? What was I thinking about when I wrote that?


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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Is it ever detailed anywhere the types and amounts of troops that a crawling tower carries?

How about the supporting troops that don't ride in it, but travel with it?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Circle of Elemental Power, Bane of flying PA since 10000 BC.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Ravenwing wrote:Circle of Elemental Power, Bane of flying PA since 10000 BC.

What is it and where is it?

I couldn't find it in the table of contents or index of the Book of Magic.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Ravenwing »

PFRPG, Summoner Circle. Specifically 'Summon Elemental Forces' Gives you all kinds of fun Elemental spell magic, like Tornado, summon storm, call lightning, dust storm, sand storm, and several other 'Air' spells.

We did a Tolkeen campaign, on the side of Tolkeen(Actually a first for me) and I was playing an Elf Summoner, anyway GM thought that Summoners were to weak to survive in the game, so he just let me pick whatever I wanted(including gear). So I included Summon Elemental Power on my list, along with a pair of Dragon helms, One for my circle of wonder, the other for Summon elemental forces.

Thing is, Summon Elemental forces effects 20 miles( Double on a leyline or nexus, or so we thought). We got put in the Invasion ally, defending a small town with a tiny(IE like five foot maybe) Nexus point and four Ley lines. Anyway all that free PPE, and my Summoner was able to keep the skys clear of everything from missiles, Artillery rounds, Power Armor, Jets, and Cruise Missiles indefinitely. Plus by the time the CS sent in land troops I'd summoned a nice selection of disposable demons to toss at them( I think I was like 7th level by then, can't remember it's been years ago.) anyway, we ended up winning the war for Tolkeen because I accidentally killed the CS high command.

GM never let me play a summoner again in Rifts. He also vetoed any Shifter I brought him.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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How far up do the effects reach?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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flatline wrote:How far up do the effects reach?


The circle is silent on 2D to 3D, but it's a raduis which can easily be interpreted as spherical meaning it's 20 miles all the way around
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Okay, so help me out here. How does this circle allow you to dominate the skies?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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flatline wrote:Okay, so help me out here. How does this circle allow you to dominate the skies?


It gives you a laundry list of Weather related spells, the full list is in PFRGP pg 146
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Ravenwing »

flatline wrote:Okay, so help me out here. How does this circle allow you to dominate the skies?


Simple really.

Tornado to keep them out of the air. Northwind, summon wind, summon storm, and call lighting to shoot them into the ground.

PA has the same problems in rough weather that any other aircraft has, summon a bad enough storm, throw in some tornados, and some other wind effects to knock them into each other, and then add a bolt of call lighting to fry them good.

It effects a 20 miles radius(40 on a nexus point or ley line) Since PA doesn't really carry LRM or MRM's it kinda renders them a none factor. Oh! and you can cast four spells while in your circle per round, the circle provides all the PPE to cast, so all in all, you can generally clear the skys of pretty much anything from demons, to PA, to Dragons. :mrgreen:
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Ravenwing wrote:
flatline wrote:Okay, so help me out here. How does this circle allow you to dominate the skies?


Simple really.

Tornado to keep them out of the air. Northwind, summon wind, summon storm, and call lighting to shoot them into the ground.

PA has the same problems in rough weather that any other aircraft has, summon a bad enough storm, throw in some tornados, and some other wind effects to knock them into each other, and then add a bolt of call lighting to fry them good.

It effects a 20 miles radius(40 on a nexus point or ley line) Since PA doesn't really carry LRM or MRM's it kinda renders them a none factor. Oh! and you can cast four spells while in your circle per round, the circle provides all the PPE to cast, so all in all, you can generally clear the skys of pretty much anything from demons, to PA, to Dragons. :mrgreen:

How do you see them to target them at such ranges?

It's one thing to be able to cast a spell at someone miles away. It's quite another to know they're there to cast a spell at them.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Ravenwing »

flatline wrote:
Ravenwing wrote:
flatline wrote:Okay, so help me out here. How does this circle allow you to dominate the skies?


Simple really.

Tornado to keep them out of the air. Northwind, summon wind, summon storm, and call lighting to shoot them into the ground.

PA has the same problems in rough weather that any other aircraft has, summon a bad enough storm, throw in some tornados, and some other wind effects to knock them into each other, and then add a bolt of call lighting to fry them good.

It effects a 20 miles radius(40 on a nexus point or ley line) Since PA doesn't really carry LRM or MRM's it kinda renders them a none factor. Oh! and you can cast four spells while in your circle per round, the circle provides all the PPE to cast, so all in all, you can generally clear the skys of pretty much anything from demons, to PA, to Dragons. :mrgreen:

How do you see them to target them at such ranges?

It's one thing to be able to cast a spell at someone miles away. It's quite another to know they're there to cast a spell at them.


Well Crawling towers as military outposts and bases solves this dilemma.

Skyrider Picketers.
Demonic Spotters( Who can cast invisible superior on themselves+Eyes of the Eagle)
Techno-wizard Radar systems
Bio-wizard detection Systems(Eyes of Eylor or another device that's similar)
Conventional Radar.
Summoner has Eyes of the Eagle cast on him.
Psychic Seers Pre warning of attack, Summoner summons up the storms rendering flight impossible.
Lets not forget the Unholy and his Host themselves(they can fly)
Or any other unit as spotters listed in Wormwood for the Forces of Darkness. Since units are constantly on patrol, it's beyond a doubt that some one would spot a unit of PA's flying. Most don't have an operational altitude high enough to render them unseen to ground forces.

Plus Summon Storm, Tornado, Ice Storm, and other similar spells are area effects. They don't need to be targeted, just set them off in an area, sit back and grin as the infantry are chewed up by the demons while smoking a cigar and enjoying a job well done as Air Defense. Most of them have ranges measured in mile radius. You don't always have to see something to kill it. Crashing into the ground will inflict massive damage on the pilot, either seriously injuring him, or killing him, leaving the bad guys with some dinged up(possibly ruined) Tech goodies to scavenge.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by flatline »

I'm taking the liberty of re-ordering the elements in your post so that I can more easily point out my issues with it. I will do my best not to change your intent, but if I do, please correct me.

Ravenwing wrote:Well Crawling towers as military outposts and bases solves this dilemma.

They are the initial target, so I'm a little curious how they could be their own saviors, but carry on!

Summoner has Eyes of the Eagle cast on him.
Psychic Seers Pre warning of attack, Summoner summons up the storms rendering flight impossible.

Okay, so being forewarned of a possible attack, Summoner summons a bunch of storms. I'm not aware of any storms that make flight impossible, but for the purposes of this post, I'm willing to accept that such storms exist and can be summoned as you've described.

The Summoner having Eyes of the Eagle benefits nobody since the storms will impair his own vision.

Conventional Radar.

There's no reason why the Unholy couldn't have imported this from another dimension with appropriate power supplies. However, given the tremendous storms that the Summoner has just summoned, I'm curious how effective you think these will be.

Techno-wizard Radar systems

If this is actual radar, then it'll be impaired the same way as the conventional radar is. If it's something else, you'll have to describe its capabilities.

Bio-wizard detection Systems(Eyes of Eylor or another device that's similar)

Hmm...and risk the Spurgorth learning of wormwood and the Unholy? Seems unlikely. Is there another source for this type of equipment?

Skyrider Picketers.
Demonic Spotters( Who can cast invisible superior on themselves+Eyes of the Eagle)
Or any other unit as spotters listed in Wormwood for the Forces of Darkness. Since units are constantly on patrol, it's beyond a doubt that some one would spot a unit of PA's flying. Most don't have an operational altitude high enough to render them unseen to ground forces.

And somehow these units aren't impaired by the tremendous storms that make flight impossible that the Summoner has summoned? I bet these units are plotting against the Summoner as we speak :)

And just to point out something from a post earlier in the thread, the phase world PAs have gravometric flight which has no ceiling. They can fly above any storm or even outside the atmosphere if they desire.

Lets not forget the Unholy and his Host themselves(they can fly)

I am skeptical that they would put themselves directly in harm's way, but I welcome the idea since that makes finding them to kill them easier.

Plus Summon Storm, Tornado, Ice Storm, and other similar spells are area effects. They don't need to be targeted, just set them off in an area, sit back and grin as the infantry are chewed up by the demons while smoking a cigar and enjoying a job well done as Air Defense.

So you're tormenting your own demons with these storms. Interesting strategy. And what infantry are your demons chewing up?

Most of them have ranges measured in mile radius. You don't always have to see something to kill it. Crashing into the ground will inflict massive damage on the pilot, either seriously injuring him, or killing him, leaving the bad guys with some dinged up(possibly ruined) Tech goodies to scavenge.

Except the PA never had to fly through the storms since you summoned them before the PAs even arrived. They simply flew above the storms. The only troops being harmed by the storms are your own.

Depending on how high the storms go, it's possible that the PAs can still reduce the crawling towers to rubble only now the tower's defenders can't event attempt to defend the tower since the storms prevent them from flying up to engage the PA.

Please let me know what I missed. Specifically, please direct me to the storm spells you intend on using. I found Summon and Control Storm, but that doesn't do what you've described and Tornado travels along the ground, so you must have some other storm spells in mind.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Ravenwing »

flatline wrote:I'm taking the liberty of re-ordering the elements in your post so that I can more easily point out my issues with it. I will do my best not to change your intent, but if I do, please correct me.

Ravenwing wrote:Well Crawling towers as military outposts and bases solves this dilemma.

They are the initial target, so I'm a little curious how they could be their own saviors, but carry on!

Summoner has Eyes of the Eagle cast on him.
Psychic Seers Pre warning of attack, Summoner summons up the storms rendering flight impossible.

Okay, so being forewarned of a possible attack, Summoner summons a bunch of storms. I'm not aware of any storms that make flight impossible, but for the purposes of this post, I'm willing to accept that such storms exist and can be summoned as you've described.

The Summoner having Eyes of the Eagle benefits nobody since the storms will impair his own vision.

Conventional Radar.

There's no reason why the Unholy couldn't have imported this from another dimension with appropriate power supplies. However, given the tremendous storms that the Summoner has just summoned, I'm curious how effective you think these will be.

Techno-wizard Radar systems

If this is actual radar, then it'll be impaired the same way as the conventional radar is. If it's something else, you'll have to describe its capabilities.

Bio-wizard detection Systems(Eyes of Eylor or another device that's similar)

Hmm...and risk the Spurgorth learning of wormwood and the Unholy? Seems unlikely. Is there another source for this type of equipment?

Skyrider Picketers.
Demonic Spotters( Who can cast invisible superior on themselves+Eyes of the Eagle)
Or any other unit as spotters listed in Wormwood for the Forces of Darkness. Since units are constantly on patrol, it's beyond a doubt that some one would spot a unit of PA's flying. Most don't have an operational altitude high enough to render them unseen to ground forces.

And somehow these units aren't impaired by the tremendous storms that make flight impossible that the Summoner has summoned? I bet these units are plotting against the Summoner as we speak :)

And just to point out something from a post earlier in the thread, the phase world PAs have gravometric flight which has no ceiling. They can fly above any storm or even outside the atmosphere if they desire.

Lets not forget the Unholy and his Host themselves(they can fly)

I am skeptical that they would put themselves directly in harm's way, but I welcome the idea since that makes finding them to kill them easier.

Plus Summon Storm, Tornado, Ice Storm, and other similar spells are area effects. They don't need to be targeted, just set them off in an area, sit back and grin as the infantry are chewed up by the demons while smoking a cigar and enjoying a job well done as Air Defense.

So you're tormenting your own demons with these storms. Interesting strategy. And what infantry are your demons chewing up?

Most of them have ranges measured in mile radius. You don't always have to see something to kill it. Crashing into the ground will inflict massive damage on the pilot, either seriously injuring him, or killing him, leaving the bad guys with some dinged up(possibly ruined) Tech goodies to scavenge.

Except the PA never had to fly through the storms since you summoned them before the PAs even arrived. They simply flew above the storms. The only troops being harmed by the storms are your own.

Depending on how high the storms go, it's possible that the PAs can still reduce the crawling towers to rubble only now the tower's defenders can't event attempt to defend the tower since the storms prevent them from flying up to engage the PA.

Please let me know what I missed. Specifically, please direct me to the storm spells you intend on using. I found Summon and Control Storm, but that doesn't do what you've described and Tornado travels along the ground, so you must have some other storm spells in mind.


:D Lets see if I can address the issues you brought up.

The crawling tower as a military base, and why I brought it up was that it has troops at it's disposal(Admittedly troops my summoner example will be killing off, but assuming he's evil, these troops are expendable and replaceable.)

The Eyes of the Eagle spell on the summoner was to improve his vision so that he could spot an approaching enemy on his own, the spotters, and picketers were only to serve as 'eyes in the sky' so to speak, to detect and warn the summoner of possible incoming enemies, since I assume the Unholy wouldn't simply leave their bases defenseless. The Radar(either conventional or TW) was likewise as an early warning system. They purpose is only to alert the summoner to the incoming attack so that he can raise the storms.

The Bio-wizard devices I assumed were either traded for, or stolen from the splurgoth through a middleman, so that there wasn't any direct interaction. But it to serves the purpose of early warning and detection.

According to my BoM Tornado does travel along the ground, but since it's an actual Tornado, it would effect targets in the air just as well. Now the problem I've ran into, is that Summon and Control Storms is not listed as such in my BoM, so I'll have to get back on the exact wording of the spell. But the circle means that the spells ranges are all extended to the 20 mile radius, which includes into the atmosphere. So the PA would need to be above an altitude of 20 miles to avoid any storm, tornado, or whatever I summoned/cast.

Also I did come across a problem on Wormwood for my strategy! One that puts a serious damper in my plans, regardless of spells cast! wormwood dampens all weather effects! Rendering them at half strength and duration! That puts a serious wrench into my original post, one that I had forgotten about! :lol:
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Nightmask »

I wonder what people think is the least amount of material, particularly in making use of common items/occ, that one could import to Wormwood in order to give the locals the advantage that they need in order to overcome the Unholy. While being able to imagine large quantities of rare and impressive occ and gear is nice it would be interesting to see the 'save Wormwood on a budget' responses.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Ravenwing »

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Nightmask wrote:I wonder what people think is the least amount of material, particularly in making use of common items/occ, that one could import to Wormwood in order to give the locals the advantage that they need in order to overcome the Unholy. While being able to imagine large quantities of rare and impressive occ and gear is nice it would be interesting to see the 'save Wormwood on a budget' responses.

A soldier who can fly is worth at least 10 times a similarly capable soldier who can't fly, so with that in mind...

Grav pack = $150k or Electric jet pack converted to E-clips = $50k + conversion cost.
TW E-clip charger ~$8k-$20k depending on how extravagant you get.

Since you've got an E-clip charger, you should probably attempt to use it to power other things:
Light Force Field (45MDC) = $25k (help protect the grav pack from damage)
NG-P7 = $22k or HI-80 = $40k or whatever decent energy rifle you prefer or can scrounge.

I'd really need to know what OCCs you have in mind to be able to do anything really clever.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Nightmask »

flatline wrote:
Nightmask wrote:I wonder what people think is the least amount of material, particularly in making use of common items/occ, that one could import to Wormwood in order to give the locals the advantage that they need in order to overcome the Unholy. While being able to imagine large quantities of rare and impressive occ and gear is nice it would be interesting to see the 'save Wormwood on a budget' responses.

A soldier who can fly is worth at least 10 times a similarly capable soldier who can't fly, so with that in mind...

Grav pack = $150k or Electric jet pack converted to E-clips = $50k + conversion cost.
TW E-clip charger ~$8k-$20k depending on how extravagant you get.

Since you've got an E-clip charger, you should probably attempt to use it to power other things:
Light Force Field (45MDC) = $25k (help protect the grav pack from damage)
NG-P7 = $22k or HI-80 = $40k or whatever decent energy rifle you prefer or can scrounge.

I'd really need to know what OCCs you have in mind to be able to do anything really clever.


The more common ones (and that doesn't exclude other classes, just seemed tedious and unnecessary to go 'OCC/RCC'), rather than the rare sorts (like Temporal Wizards ;-) ). Same with gear, the more common stuff like SAMAS and Glitter Boys rather than hunting up the super-rare neat choices Avenger power armor. I see just about everyone go for the extreme choices but rarely if ever the common ones, so wanted to see what common stuff people thought would work to save Wormwood.
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'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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We don't really know how common Temporal Wizards, Technowizards, and Shifters are on Wormwood, but we do know that they are common enough to be specifically mentioned in the book. They should probably form the logistical backbone of whatever force you want to create.

As far as I know, the biggest bang for the buck power armor is the knock off Silverhawk Attack Exoskeletons that can be purchased on Phase World for $1-1.5M. That's cheaper than an old-style SAMAS and way more capable!

If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.

Budget melee weapons are not going to be any better than the common resin weapons already available on Wormwood (we use a straight SD->MD conversion even though it's never actually mentioned in the book anywhere that we can find).

Last edited by flatline on Mon May 14, 2012 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by gaaahhhh »

flatline wrote:We don't really know how common Temporal Wizards, Technowizards, and Shifters are on Wormwood, but we do know that they are common enough to be specifically mentioned in the book. They should probably form the logistical backbone of whatever force you want to create.

As far as I know, the biggest bang for the buck power armor is the knock off Silverhawk Attack Exoskeletons that can be purchased on Phase World for $1-1.5M. That's cheaper than an old-style SAMAS and way more capable!

If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.

Budget melee weapons are going to be any better than the common resin weapons already available on Wormwood (we use a straight SD->MD conversion even though it's never actually mentioned in the book anywhere that we can find).


If you're on a budget, there's always Chipwell.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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gaaahhhh wrote:
flatline wrote:We don't really know how common Temporal Wizards, Technowizards, and Shifters are on Wormwood, but we do know that they are common enough to be specifically mentioned in the book. They should probably form the logistical backbone of whatever force you want to create.

As far as I know, the biggest bang for the buck power armor is the knock off Silverhawk Attack Exoskeletons that can be purchased on Phase World for $1-1.5M. That's cheaper than an old-style SAMAS and way more capable!

If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.

Budget melee weapons are going to be any better than the common resin weapons already available on Wormwood (we use a straight SD->MD conversion even though it's never actually mentioned in the book anywhere that we can find).


If you're on a budget, there's always Chipwell.

I'm not familiar with Chipwell. They're from Mercenaries, right?

I'll be buying the GM Guide soon, so if Chipwell is mentioned in there, I'll finally see the illustrious Chipwell line-up.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Faceless Dude »

flatline wrote:
If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.


In the Phase World Sourcebook, it lists a "Colonial" HI Laser rifle. 35k each, single shot but can be converted to a pulse weapon by a competent weapons engineer, and has a built-in solar recharger. If you're trying to reduce your logistical tail, it merits consideration
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Faceless Dude wrote:
flatline wrote:
If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.


In the Phase World Sourcebook, it lists a "Colonial" HI Laser rifle. 35k each, single shot but can be converted to a pulse weapon by a competent weapons engineer, and has a built-in solar recharger. If you're trying to reduce your logistical tail, it merits consideration

I like that particular gun, but in this case I think it would be a poor choice. Having a gun that doesn't take E-clips means you're limited to 10 bursts or 30 single shots before you have to switch to another weapon.

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Nightmask »

flatline wrote:
Faceless Dude wrote:
flatline wrote:
If you're on a budget, it's hard to do better than the NG-P7 or a cheap pulse laser rifle. If you can afford a little more, the HI-80 combat rifle is about twice the price for more than twice the power.


In the Phase World Sourcebook, it lists a "Colonial" HI Laser rifle. 35k each, single shot but can be converted to a pulse weapon by a competent weapons engineer, and has a built-in solar recharger. If you're trying to reduce your logistical tail, it merits consideration

I like that particular gun, but in this case I think it would be a poor choice. Having a gun that doesn't take E-clips means you're limited to 10 bursts or 30 single shots before you have to switch to another weapon.


It does have an option for replaceable batteries so you effectively have something like the canister style e-clips on some Rifts Earth's weapons. Of course you've no idea what size they are but you do have that option of toting around replacement batteries like e-clips for other weapons instead of being limited to a single charged battery.
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'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by The Beast »

flatline wrote:I'm not familiar with Chipwell. They're from Mercenaries, right?

I'll be buying the GM Guide soon, so if Chipwell is mentioned in there, I'll finally see the illustrious Chipwell line-up.


Yes they're originally from RM, and from what I hear, they work best if TW-tricked-out. I just remember ignoring them when I first seen them.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Nightmask »

The Beast wrote:
flatline wrote:I'm not familiar with Chipwell. They're from Mercenaries, right?

I'll be buying the GM Guide soon, so if Chipwell is mentioned in there, I'll finally see the illustrious Chipwell line-up.


Yes they're originally from RM, and from what I hear, they work best if TW-tricked-out. I just remember ignoring them when I first seen them.

Yes I started a thread about them specifically. They're pretty much the death traps of power armor at unbeatable prices (you get what you pay for) but as a platform for a Techno-Wizard to work from they can be enhanced to be the equal or superior to many other power armor for far cheaper than buying those top-of-the-line purely technological suits.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by Nightmask »

Rappanui wrote:they also make Great Death traps when you load them with naruni weapons or explosives and use them as kamikaze troops.

Pretty wasteful putting Naruni weapons onto them, throwing away expensive gear like that, if you're using them as disposable troops. You give Naruni stuff to the guys you're wanting to keep not the ones you're throwing away.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by flatline »

Nightmask wrote:
Rappanui wrote:they also make Great Death traps when you load them with naruni weapons or explosives and use them as kamikaze troops.

Pretty wasteful putting Naruni weapons onto them, throwing away expensive gear like that, if you're using them as disposable troops. You give Naruni stuff to the guys you're wanting to keep not the ones you're throwing away.

If you want a kamikaze, cast Invincible Armor and Impervious to Energy on him, give him a talisman of Sorcerous Fury so that he can cast it on himself, and then aim him at the enemy (teleporting into a group is extremely effective).

Edit: you could use Compulsion on an enemy soldier and implant the idea to "activate the rubber ducky talisman when you see it" and then use Teleport:Lesser to send him a rubber ducky talisman of Sorcerous Fury when the time is right. That way he kills his comrades or dies trying (or both).

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

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Rappanui wrote:No way. They make Great Missile Boats. Just anchor the thing full of External missile pods.

What exactly are we discussing here?

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Re: Anyone cleaned up wormwood yet?

Unread post by DhAkael »

Sad really.
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Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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