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Re: The new "Creations" page of the House of BTS...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:32 pm
by auyl
mrloucifer wrote:I meant to share this with everyone on Christmas day... but I was making pretty dang merry all day and didn't get around to it. ;)

Anyway, I'm happy to announce that the "Echid-Urkt-Kha" is now stalking the halls of the House of the BTS! Look under the "Supernatural" tab in the "Creations" page to find it.
This is a special creation for me as its based on an original illustration by BTS artist Mike Dubisch, used with his permission and blessing! Its also my 1st attempt at a Greater Demon, and I think it came out pretty good, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it turned out.

Very cool. The picture reminded me of something eldritch like and I wasn't disappointed with the description and stats.

Nice one!