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Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:39 am
by keir451
:lol: I had a FQ GG once who turned "call girl" after her entire squad was killed. She wound up at a saloon called the Wildcat run by an ex- prostitute humaniform mutant cat (now the saloon owner), where she would put on a show as a "catgirl" (ears, false bionic tail & all) she once earned over 300,000 credits in ONE night as the customers would bid for her "services" for a night. It helped that she had Gymastics as a skill so she was as "flexible" as a cat too.

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by keir451
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:
Nightmask wrote:
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:Only in America would a book mention sex be heavily discussed like this...I am happy to live in Denmark, we have all kinds of crazy European sex here...but then again, America is a country that was founded by prudes...

Of to the Vandersexxx!

I imagine the Arab states would respond even more heavily on the topic, what with beliefs extreme enough on sex to put the old-school Puritans as looking like sex-happy hippies in comparison.

Well, at least no one of the Arab States tries to come of as the Land of Freedom and freedom for everyone (except gays) like America does. Nor do they try to convince children in high-school that it is wrong to use condoms.

I remember last year when we lived in the United States that I was reported by someone because I had a condom in my locker, and thus my locker was searched and I was sent to the principal who under a lengthy speech told me how bad it is for me to have a condom, as it makes my fellow students think that it OK to use condoms to protect themselves. What he did not mention during 15 min of monologue was that it was illegal for me to have sex as I had just turned 15 (and it is legal in Denmark to have sex at this age). Instead he started to preach that condoms were wrong and they give an impression that the school allows sexual activities.

Though when i tried to tell him that while the school accepts and allows smoking (in certain places) for the students, is more dangerous to both those who practice the effect of smoking (and people around them through secondary smoking) and that more people in the USA and the world gets more health-related issues through smoking than people get from having sex with condoms. And that it is just naive to think that 15-16 year old's do not have sex, so then it is better to protect oneself than having sex without protection. And that I have been taught - in school - when i was 14 in Denmark always to use a condom when I have sex as it protects me from most sexual transmitted diseases as well as is a good protection from unwanted pregnancy (I think he was getting quite frustrated when I said this and that I actually knew these things). Not to mention when I mentioned that you see at least one student each day that smokes pot either on school or when they go home.
He threw me out later with a note to my parents, and when they read it they just laughed and asked me if I always use condoms when I have sex and was happy to know that I do. Then I was told to ignore the Principal's arguments and asked by my mother not to shock any teachers again as most americans can be considered to live their lives in a happy bubble in which they know that their teenagers do not have sex (even if they themselves had sex at that age).

So what I want to say is that in this, yes I am a quarter arab (quarter israeli and half danish), I know the laws and rules according to the Qur'an and I have studied the hadiths so that I know how to act and what to say and not to say when I meet my grand parents. I can quote the Qur'an to you about the laws and rules when it comes to sex. But I understand that you only felt threatened that I tried to make a joke about USA and their view of sex (taken from a movie called Eurotrip). It was not my meaning to actually insult anyone.

But it shocks me that a land that is so devoted to freedom and especially a country that could form something as wonderful as "The summer of Love" and the Hippie movement also can be so narrow-minded and condascendent when it comes to talk about sex (which 90% of all teens that are old enough to play this game, already knows and even more. I mean in USA it is quite accepted/out in the open with all strip clubs and such things in communities and in modern movies that the kids know about sex from a very young age. So I believed that I was home free to make a little joke and was interested if anyone would know the movie reference.

But to go back on the topic of this thread:

Yes an escort gets a lot of money according to the book, but then again I believe that the salary listed is the High-end luxury escorts who caters to the high-ranking officers and politicians. Not the run-of-the mill prostitute. Or maybe a "famous" prostitute with a lot of customers in one night can earn that much. But I hardly believe that any hooker can get that much money in that time.

Kudos to you for "teaching" that Principal, I agree with your parent's reaction. I've never heard of the movie you mentioned (not too suprising).

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:43 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:
Nightmask wrote:
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:Only in America would a book mention sex be heavily discussed like this...I am happy to live in Denmark, we have all kinds of crazy European sex here...but then again, America is a country that was founded by prudes...

Of to the Vandersexxx!

I imagine the Arab states would respond even more heavily on the topic, what with beliefs extreme enough on sex to put the old-school Puritans as looking like sex-happy hippies in comparison.

Well, at least no one of the Arab States tries to come of as the Land of Freedom and freedom for everyone (except gays) like America does. Nor do they try to convince children in high-school that it is wrong to use condoms.

I remember last year when we lived in the United States that I was reported by someone because I had a condom in my locker, and thus my locker was searched and I was sent to the principal who under a lengthy speech told me how bad it is for me to have a condom, as it makes my fellow students think that it OK to use condoms to protect themselves. What he did not mention during 15 min of monologue was that it was illegal for me to have sex as I had just turned 15 (and it is legal in Denmark to have sex at this age). Instead he started to preach that condoms were wrong and they give an impression that the school allows sexual activities.

Though when i tried to tell him that while the school accepts and allows smoking (in certain places) for the students, is more dangerous to both those who practice the effect of smoking (and people around them through secondary smoking) and that more people in the USA and the world gets more health-related issues through smoking than people get from having sex with condoms. And that it is just naive to think that 15-16 year old's do not have sex, so then it is better to protect oneself than having sex without protection. And that I have been taught - in school - when i was 14 in Denmark always to use a condom when I have sex as it protects me from most sexual transmitted diseases as well as is a good protection from unwanted pregnancy (I think he was getting quite frustrated when I said this and that I actually knew these things). Not to mention when I mentioned that you see at least one student each day that smokes pot either on school or when they go home.
He threw me out later with a note to my parents, and when they read it they just laughed and asked me if I always use condoms when I have sex and was happy to know that I do. Then I was told to ignore the Principal's arguments and asked by my mother not to shock any teachers again as most americans can be considered to live their lives in a happy bubble in which they know that their teenagers do not have sex (even if they themselves had sex at that age).

So what I want to say is that in this, yes I am a quarter arab (quarter israeli and half danish), I know the laws and rules according to the Qur'an and I have studied the hadiths so that I know how to act and what to say and not to say when I meet my grand parents. I can quote the Qur'an to you about the laws and rules when it comes to sex. But I understand that you only felt threatened that I tried to make a joke about USA and their view of sex (taken from a movie called Eurotrip). It was not my meaning to actually insult anyone.

But it shocks me that a land that is so devoted to freedom and especially a country that could form something as wonderful as "The summer of Love" and the Hippie movement also can be so narrow-minded and condascendent when it comes to talk about sex (which 90% of all teens that are old enough to play this game, already knows and even more. I mean in USA it is quite accepted/out in the open with all strip clubs and such things in communities and in modern movies that the kids know about sex from a very young age. So I believed that I was home free to make a little joke and was interested if anyone would know the movie reference.

But to go back on the topic of this thread:

Yes an escort gets a lot of money according to the book, but then again I believe that the salary listed is the High-end luxury escorts who caters to the high-ranking officers and politicians. Not the run-of-the mill prostitute. Or maybe a "famous" prostitute with a lot of customers in one night can earn that much. But I hardly believe that any hooker can get that much money in that time.

Just out of curiosity, where did you live when you were in the US. Your school sounded both amazingly lenient and over restrictive on different things.

While it's not out there on the crazy end I'm not sure that your experience is a 'stereotypical' one. While there are plenty of idiots out there, not all schools are quite like what you were subjected to.

Some are. heck some are worse, but most aren't as bad as your personal experience. I'm sorry you had to put up with that. You seem like a very bright young woman. Goodd for you for standing up for yourself. Just please know, not ALL Americans are QUITE that stupid. :)

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:52 pm
by Mack
Please return this to a Rifts discussion.

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:21 am
by Balabanto
That's credits, right, not clients?

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:17 pm
by Witchcraft
how about a full-conversion 'borg'stitute? I'm sure she can accommodate many more customers and if you add a service fee to her cyber-doc and maybe a few MOM implants *wink* we should be good to go. Eliminate the pimp and the STD-concern altogether and combine them into a multi-personality? Let's say she does boing-o, crash, and a few others -- she could effectively accommodate an entire search & rescue team -- replete with dog-boys and dead-boys.

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:18 pm
by Witchcraft
Is it too much to hope that they're using: ... -One-Hand/

With a bionic implant we might eliminate her need for protection altogether.

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:06 pm
by taalismn
Witchcraft wrote:how about a full-conversion 'borg'stitute? I'm sure she can accommodate many more customers and if you add a service fee to her cyber-doc and maybe a few MOM implants *wink* we should be good to go. Eliminate the pimp and the STD-concern altogether and combine them into a multi-personality? Let's say she does boing-o, crash, and a few others -- she could effectively accommodate an entire search & rescue team -- replete with dog-boys and dead-boys.

And the credit card slot in her upper chest? With a little LED panel reading "Funds Remaining"?

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:55 pm
by Noon
The worst thing is this does qualify as having gotten back to a Rifts discussion! lol!

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:28 pm
by taalismn
Noon wrote:The worst thing is this does qualify as having gotten back to a Rifts discussion! lol!

"Your PC has just had the snot beaten out of him by a cyborg sex worker for attempting to 'jack her like an ATM'. If this isn't bad enough, her pimp turns out to be a CS major, and he's just shown up with a squad to see who was dumb enough to give one of his girls trouble.""

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:13 am
by Blindscout
taalismn wrote:
Noon wrote:The worst thing is this does qualify as having gotten back to a Rifts discussion! lol!

"Your PC has just had the snot beaten out of him by a cyborg sex worker for attempting to 'jack her like an ATM'. If this isn't bad enough, her pimp turns out to be a CS major, and he's just shown up with a squad to see who was dumb enough to give one of his girls trouble.""

Welp, new plot hook for the game I'm running right now. Thankya Kindly, Taalismn. :lol:

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:52 am
by Noon

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:07 pm
by taalismn
Definition of Misery: A full conversion cyborg about to have the first sex(ual stimulation) he's had in DECADES since 'the operation', and he realizes he brought all the wrong USB cabling...

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:14 pm
by taalismn
Blindscout wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Noon wrote:The worst thing is this does qualify as having gotten back to a Rifts discussion! lol!

"Your PC has just had the snot beaten out of him by a cyborg sex worker for attempting to 'jack her like an ATM'. If this isn't bad enough, her pimp turns out to be a CS major, and he's just shown up with a squad to see who was dumb enough to give one of his girls trouble.""

Welp, new plot hook for the game I'm running right now. Thankya Kindly, Taalismn. :lol:

You'te welcome. ;)
Beware the 'cigar cutter' implant sported by many post-Rifts women.
Less painful, but potentially more dangerous long-term is the 'Boot', which uses 'chinese finger' technology to 'glove' an offending appendage and lock on it, requiring power tools to remove it. More sophisticated versions imprint an identifying tattoo, implant a tracking microchip, and/or give off a loud 'beeping' noise, leading authorities to the offender.

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:00 pm
by taalismn
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:Just hope that no onewith Telemechanics mental operation comes along, or she will go broke.

"And just what the hell are you doing down there?!"

Re: My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:08 am
by Nightmask
anapuna wrote:last i knew borgs are imune to telemechanics and the lot. you know game play and all that.

Yes, no 'oh no someone has usurped my bionics!' like we so often see in science fiction, particularly comics. Cybernetics and bionics are magically immune to that in the Palladium megaverse.