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Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:38 am
by taalismn
Lt Gargoyle wrote:[
:lol: :lol: :lol: I knew corporations would be the bigh factor in space.

Wait until the agri-businesses try catering to the minority free Invid market share on Earth....

"What is this? Vlasic Kosher Pickled Flower of Life Stems?"

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:47 am
by glitterboy2098

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:55 am
by MikelAmroni
Shawn Merrow wrote:This idea popped into my head last night and thought it might be useful for your game.

Man is it! Yeah, I'll coopt that! Thanks for the assist.

And one of the nice things about bringing a whole city full of residents used to how things were - free enterprise is alive and well. Of course the contracts to the military are in large part paid for by actual military protection (money exchanges hands, but it ends up evening out), but the rest of the sector? The only queston is getting the goods to market.

Fun fact - many Tirolians are alergic to kyane in any form, except as alcohol. And even the alcohol still gives them gas and cramps. Part of why they abandoned the planet - it kept getting into their food supplies. :) Given their similarity to humans, folks are genuinely mystified as to why. At least two civilian research teams are performing in depth studies as to why, funded by agri-business concerns on Four Corners.

A few comedians have suggested that their blue hair genes don't like blue grain. This is a joke based on at least one discarded theory, but it shows how far afield the theories have gotten.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:38 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Shawn Merrow wrote:This idea popped into my head last night and thought it might be useful for your game.

This is a great idea, Sorry I missed it the first time.

I am assuming this is a all female crew. What will happen when the hormone surpressing food runs out and they have to begin foraging for other supplies. They will have to begin to deal with feelings they have not ever had to deal with. Thier bodies maybe fully grown, but thier minds are that of teens at best.

And what if another ship was also caught in the fold bubble, like a small Scout ship with a male crew. Like thier female counter parts they are trapped here. Unable to escape.

And what if there are a handful of Zentraedi curious enough to go explore the ruins of the master? would they find stuff that could teach them how to become educated? maybe even find some manuals on how to build stuff. once thier minds begin to go in that direction, they could become thier new civilizations engineers.
this could become a great military style colony, with a real strong possibilty of maintaining their hatred for the humans even after decades of being stranded.

Just an added thought when i read it. Great idea Shawn! :D

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:21 pm
by Tiree
I do like the idea - but would they micronize in order to prolong their food supply? Keep a bunch of soldiers to man the mecha and perform they heavy lifting of machinery for their micronian sisters.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:23 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Tiree wrote:I do like the idea - but would they micronize in order to prolong their food supply? Keep a bunch of soldiers to man the mecha and perform they heavy lifting of machinery for their micronian sisters.

Without a human influnce, i think they would want to remain full size. Who wants to alter themselves completely and making it so you are weaker. Though the food supply would be harder to maintain with out micronizing.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:27 pm
by SRoss
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
Tiree wrote:I do like the idea - but would they micronize in order to prolong their food supply? Keep a bunch of soldiers to man the mecha and perform they heavy lifting of machinery for their micronian sisters.

Without a human influnce, i think they would want to remain full size. Who wants to alter themselves completely and making it so you are weaker. Though the food supply would be harder to maintain with out micronizing.

Another reason to micronize would be to check for useful salvage in the old ruins.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:33 pm
by glitterboy2098
i'm not sure, but is the 'hormone surpressing food' thing from the RPG? i know it doesn't show up in the show, and pretty sure it's not in the comics.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:42 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'm not sure, but is the 'hormone surpressing food' thing from the RPG? i know it doesn't show up in the show, and pretty sure it's not in the comics.

I could not find it in the new RPG, but i could have sworn i have read it. Maybe in the novels or in of of the old RPG books.

But i was thinking of was the combat drugs of the Zentraedi Warriors from the new macross book.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:59 pm
by Tiree
I think it is from OSM

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:07 pm
by MikelAmroni
I believe you're thinking of either OSM or perhaps Macross II.

I would not have them micronize. Shawn's description included an ample food source, especially combined with their ship's stores and military discipline to ensure long term survival. And micronizing a few commandos or auxiliary specialists for salvage duty is one thing, taking their entire force down to micronized size without the outside influence of Earthlings? I just don't see it.

I wouldn't have them get particularly exploratory with new or reengineered mecha, but I could definitely see them hiring themselves out as convoy protection mercenaries. They would represent one of the best equipped forces, aside from their ship issues. Maybe that other colony of mostly zentraedi I came up with could be on another world in the same system. Close enough to use a reentry pod or some fighter pods to patrol and make contact, but not close enough to get on each others nerves enough to actually fight. Then the micronian sized zentraedi would fly the ship and the giant sized ones would act as guards, trading military service for food, repairs, and munitions. The micronized become the brains and supply, while the macronized ones take the big risks, and if folks WANT to live either a micronized or macronized life, they can do so (as long as they are full zentraedi, no half breeds).

Or maybe they are both on the same planet, and they just had a very tense meeting as the female commander tried to take command of the ship, only to be told to "shove off, we aren't part of the military anymore." Then you get a nice combination of full earth integrated zentraedi (and a few humans and halfbreeds too), loyal to the UEEF, but also very independent minded as well. They have the firepower to hold off anything but a full invasion, and enough to make even one of those costly for the invaders. I'll probably have the tirolian ruins have included a stockpile of terminator armor that the micronized zentraedi then use to create micronized versions of the Male power armor with cyclone mobility, along with a few bioroids that they could use to create bioroid IMUs with Zentraedi parts.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:57 pm
by glitterboy2098
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'm not sure, but is the 'hormone surpressing food' thing from the RPG? i know it doesn't show up in the show, and pretty sure it's not in the comics.

I could not find it in the new RPG, but i could have sworn i have read it. Maybe in the novels or in of of the old RPG books.

But i was thinking of was the combat drugs of the Zentraedi Warriors from the new macross book.

i'm pretty sure the 'doped food' thing is a fan idea that a lot of people assume is fact. there isn't anything in the OSM to my knowledge like that, nor in the novels.

the zentraedi don't really need doped food.. suppressing hormone levels would actually be counter productive, since the same hormones that govern sexuality also govern other things, like aggression and activity levels. if you suppress those hormones, you make them less effective as soldiers.

zentraedi, prior to meeting humans, never had an idea what any sexual feelings meant. and since they were indoctrinated into believing that non-military male/female interactions were unnatural (and presumably also that same sex interactions beyond normal military ones were too), odds are the zentraedi just attributed such feelings to something else. possibly they subliminated their urges into other things. (fighting, working harder, etc). this is fairly common as a psychological disorder in real life.

in that case, a group of stranded zent's probably wouldn't have much trouble until an outside group with a more human mentality show up and expose them to alternate ways of thought.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:57 pm
by Seto Kaiba
Tiree wrote:I think it is from OSM

MikelAmroni wrote:I believe you're thinking of either OSM or perhaps Macross II.

Nope... that's not from the original Japanese Macross series or any of its sequels.

EDIT: After I posted, it occurred to me that the idea might have had its origins in Macross even though it isn't a thing that's actually done in Macross. The Macross Plus OVA did show half-Zentradi test pilot Guld Goa Bowman taking medication to better control the "fighting instincts" he inherited as part of his Zentradi heritage. He's the only person who's ever shown doing so though.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:05 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
I would say no to the hybrid, if humans are there have them as educators. or even better ambassadors. and keep them full size unless they are on special ops. i think it makes for a better story.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:54 am
by Shawn Merrow
MikelAmroni wrote:
Shawn Merrow wrote:This idea popped into my head last night and thought it might be useful for your game.

Man is it! Yeah, I'll coopt that! Thanks for the assist.

Thanks, glad you liked it. :)

Lt Gargoyle wrote:This is a great idea, Sorry I missed it the first time.


Lt Gargoyle wrote:I am assuming this is a all female crew. What will happen when the hormone surpressing food runs out and they have to begin foraging for other supplies. They will have to begin to deal with feelings they have not ever had to deal with. Thier bodies maybe fully grown, but thier minds are that of teens at best.

Correct about the female crew, as for the food like the others no idea where that came from.

Lt Gargoyle wrote:And what if another ship was also caught in the fold bubble, like a small Scout ship with a male crew. Like thier female counter parts they are trapped here. Unable to escape.

Could cause some good friction. It could be a ship on another planet in the system with a broken communication system and it took them time to get the ship able to move again.

Lt Gargoyle wrote:And what if there are a handful of Zentraedi curious enough to go explore the ruins of the master? would they find stuff that could teach them how to become educated? maybe even find some manuals on how to build stuff. once thier minds begin to go in that direction, they could become thier new civilizations engineers.

I saw it as ab abonded resort so they might find the secrets to getting a perfect tan or or varies forms of entertainment (literature, movies, music).

Lt Gargoyle wrote:this could become a great military style colony, with a real strong possibilty of maintaining their hatred for the humans even after decades of being stranded.

Can see them being a real pain for the humans if first contact between them does not go well. The large amount of food resources on the planet though will make it a great resource and maybe a resort planet again.

Tiree wrote:I do like the idea - but would they micronize in order to prolong their food supply? Keep a bunch of soldiers to man the mecha and perform they heavy lifting of machinery for their micronian sisters.

Thanks, I would see them holding off on that and only doing it as a last resort. The planet has plenty of of food to keep that sized of a crew feed for a very long time.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:39 pm
by MikelAmroni
I posted the Four Corners write up in the second post of the thread. Working on the others. If you see any obvious grammatical or logical errors, please let me know.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:52 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
nice work. It is a good discription and allows for the nessary info for future development.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:26 am
by MikelAmroni
So I downloaded the trial version of AstroSynthesis - nifty program. I placed Valivarre, and made the system. Only information I had to go with was on the site below. Figured if I can place Tirol, placing the other systems becomes easier.

If you are someone who likes little minutia and a fairly intuitive interfaced star map, I really suggest the program. I probably won't use it past the 14 day trial (money's tight), but I intend to use the heck out of it until then. :)

Location: (x: -43.5 ly, Y: -2.5, Z: -66.5 ly)

Source: (unless someone has a better source)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:12 am
by glitterboy2098
given that any source with info on tyrol is going to be fan fiction, that site is as good as any..

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:28 am
by MikelAmroni
Any ideas on a good source for locations of Praxis, Optera, Karbarra, and the rest?

Once I've got all of this on the map and my sector mapped, I'll post the map and program file.

edit: Here's what I have, map wise. Added it to the first post too. ... chmap1.jpg

Four Corners System Map ... System.jpg

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:11 pm
by MikelAmroni
I also had a question on the timeline

When does the Edward's breakout from Tirol happen? I know it's a year later that he's defeated over Optera, but I can't find any hard numbers on when it was from the Prelude Comics. I imagine it's in the Art of the Shadow Chronicles book, but I don't have that. This game is essentially set at the same time as the final acts of the third war itself (2035-38), but I want some hard dates for the timeline in game.

Also, I know the novels and Sentinels series are pretty well toast, and I know *I* am ignoring the bit where Praxis is physically destroyed (there are a lot of ways to "destroy" a planet, not all of which involve the planet itself blowing up, even if it does look awesome and dramatic in a cartoon/movie). Do we have any kind of idea how long it was supposed to take for the Sentinels and Hunter & Crew to actually complete the freeing of the Sentinels Worlds? It makes a difference as to how long any Sentinels aliens can be in the UEEF.

Also, when was Denver actually evacuated? It sets a hard limit on precisely how much the Four Corners can have established.

I'm not looking for irrevocable canon fact here, but I do want something more than "this feels right." While I may include non-canon items in my game, I do want them to mesh pretty well with the actual events of the show, comics, and movie.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:39 pm
by Tiree
MikelAmroni wrote:Also, when was Denver actually evacuated? It sets a hard limit on precisely how much the Four Corners can have established.

I'm not looking for irrevocable canon fact here, but I do want something more than "this feels right." While I may include non-canon items in my game, I do want them to mesh pretty well with the actual events of the show, comics, and movie.

I have Denver evacuated at the end of the Masters, but before the Invid arrive.

I have the timeline like this:
Carpenter Arrives
End of the Masters War
Wolfe Arrives / Denver Evacuated
Invid Arrive

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:48 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
i think Commander Sterling (dana) flees eath in 39. Which is about the time the Invid arrive. So i think that would be the evacuation of most of the fleeing humans that can/do escape earth.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:40 pm
by Seto Kaiba
MikelAmroni wrote:When does the Edward's breakout from Tirol happen?

Early in 2043, based on what we're shown and told in the Prelude limited comic series. The final scenes in the comic depict the events dated between 2nd and 18th July in 2044, with the SDF-3 setting off to test the neutron-s missiles on a dead planet and the mustering for the attack on Reflex Point on the 18th. The battle with Edwards preceded the offensive by only a short while, so "some time in early 2043" is the best we can date it to.

MikelAmroni wrote:This game is essentially set at the same time as the final acts of the third war itself (2035-38), but I want some hard dates for the timeline in game.

You mean the "opening acts" of the war, right? The 3rd Robotech War didn't start in earnest until September 2038, around seven years into the Invid occupation, when the 1st Earth Reclamation Force (incl. Lancer's 10th Mars Div.) was wiped out in the [REF/UEEF]'s first attempt to oust the Invid. The 3rd Robotech War lasted about six years, from the first offensives on an unspecified date in September 2038 to the Battle of Reflex Point on 18 July 2044.

Lt Gargoyle wrote:i think Commander Sterling (dana) flees eath in 39. Which is about the time the Invid arrive. So i think that would be the evacuation of most of the fleeing humans that can/do escape earth.

You're about eight years off... the exact date is unspecified, but the year given is 2031.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:23 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Seto Kaiba wrote:
MikelAmroni wrote:When does the Edward's breakout from Tirol happen?

Early in 2043, based on what we're shown and told in the Prelude limited comic series. The final scenes in the comic depict the events dated between 2nd and 18th July in 2044, with the SDF-3 setting off to test the neutron-s missiles on a dead planet and the mustering for the attack on Reflex Point on the 18th. The battle with Edwards preceded the offensive by only a short while, so "some time in early 2043" is the best we can date it to.

MikelAmroni wrote:This game is essentially set at the same time as the final acts of the third war itself (2035-38), but I want some hard dates for the timeline in game.

You mean the "opening acts" of the war, right? The 3rd Robotech War didn't start in earnest until September 2038, around seven years into the Invid occupation, when the 1st Earth Reclamation Force (incl. Lancer's 10th Mars Div.) was wiped out in the [REF/UEEF]'s first attempt to oust the Invid. The 3rd Robotech War lasted about six years, from the first offensives on an unspecified date in September 2038 to the Battle of Reflex Point on 18 July 2044.

Lt Gargoyle wrote:i think Commander Sterling (dana) flees eath in 39. Which is about the time the Invid arrive. So i think that would be the evacuation of most of the fleeing humans that can/do escape earth.

You're about eight years off... the exact date is unspecified, but the year given is 2031.

Oops i meant 2031.

I am not so conviced that the date of edwards rebellion is correct here. I have not seen anything to say it happen right away. and depending on the time lapse they use could be a few months or years while prepping for a huge war.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:58 pm
by Seto Kaiba
Lt Gargoyle wrote:I am not so conviced that the date of edwards rebellion is correct here. I have not seen anything to say it happen right away. and depending on the time lapse they use could be a few months or years while prepping for a huge war.

Put simply, the problem with your objection is that there's nothing to suggest any kind of large time skip occurred after that final battle with Edwards' renegade forces on Optera. We're told about the one year time skip during which the UEEF's fleet was retrofitted with shadow technology, and travel times to and from Optera aren't specified but presumably were not large enough to bear remarking on (Robotech being noticeably vague on this front anyway). The events which the comic is depicting in the immediate aftermath of the SDF-3's return from Optera with the neutron-s warheads are shown to occur at the same time as events for which dates are known... namely, the military buildup that preceded the final offensive against Reflex Point on 18 July 2044.

If we're generous about the time between their return and subsequent departure to test the neutron-s missiles, they almost certainly returned some time in June of 2044. With old fan theories like the "five year fold" long since discredited, it's unlikely that fold travel times added significant amounts of time to events. Since we're shown directly that the UEEF hadn't even begun to analyze the neutron-s warheads they'd captured until the offensive was about to begin, that points to there being very little time between the return of the SDF-3 with the warheads and the deployment of the 3rd Earth Reclamation Force to retake Earth in July 2044. Dialogue from during the Optera operation indicates that the warheads possessed their own propulsion system already, so the work to create the neutron-s missiles in the form we recognize was likely swift, with little else required but to dock the warheads to the spaceframes of obsolete Angel-class emigrant ships.

With the evidence pointing to a relatively short span of time between the SDF-3's return and the Battle of Reflex Point and the knowledge that the retrofit that bridged the gap between Edwards escape from Tirol and their offensive against him on Optera was slightly over one year, that points to a date for his coup attempt being in the early months of 2043. Even if we get REALLY generous and throw six months of wiggle room in there, we're STILL in early 2043.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:23 pm
by Seto Kaiba
Gryphon wrote:Though it occurs to me...isn't the Shimikaze in the comics different form the one in the series? Perhaps a refit was accomplished in there? Someone do a quick comparison and check me on this one please.

Yes and no... our first look at a Shimakaze-class ship is of the original spec for the class, which was a prototype and had no shadow technology. By the time we next see it, one year later, it has taken on the form we see in the movie as the result of a refit. The ordinance magazine that made up most of the bow was replaced by the synchro cannon. Refer to AotSC pages 110-111 for the full details.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:27 am
by MikelAmroni
Thanks for all the input guys. Special thanks to Jedi078 who lent me his already done timeline to work from. I had to remove a few aspects I'm not bothering to use, and add stuff as it relates to my campaign. here's the basic start of this sector as it relates to the UEEF.

May 2031

The Third Robotech War begins as the Invid arrive on Earth in an event known afterwards as the Invid Invasion. Weakened in the final battles against the Robotech Masters and the subsequent mop up operations that followed the UEG forces on Earth are no match for the invading Invid Regis forces. Knowing that Earth is lost those ships with workable fold drives are ordered to escape the invasion taking with them as many civilian transports within their fold bubbles as they can. These ships eventfully rendezvous with the UEEF over Tirol. Civilians on Mars and other locations throughout the solar system are also evacuated.

Four of these Angel Class Colony ships full of civilians and what gear could be gathered escape from Earth to found the Four Corners colony in Far Sector 582 on Okizele IV.


Kyane, a local weed on the Four Corners colony is found to not only be edible, but quite nutritious, if a bit salty. Food, Alcohol, and medical supplies are made from this fast growing plant. After a few mishaps, it's learned that Tirolians are deathly allergic to it, and those with zentraedi heritage tend to get gas from it. Karbarrans are reported to love the grain and all of its associated products.

Seto Kaiba wrote:You mean the "opening acts" of the war, right? The 3rd Robotech War didn't start in earnest until September 2038, around seven years into the Invid occupation, when the 1st Earth Reclamation Force (incl. Lancer's 10th Mars Div.) was wiped out in the [REF/UEEF]'s first attempt to oust the Invid. The 3rd Robotech War lasted about six years, from the first offensives on an unspecified date in September 2038 to the Battle of Reflex Point on 18 July 2044.

Yeah, I (probably wrongly) consider the war to be the full breadth of the invasion. That's just my personal perception, mostly because I consider the build up to a war just as much a part of it as the actual conflict. But your point is taken, and thank you! :)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:33 am
by Lt Gargoyle
well it seems your getting your campaign rounded out with a good start. keep it up.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:19 am
by MikelAmroni
So I'm working on my next colony. I need to rework Shawn's as well, but that's relatively easy.

What I need now is a hard core mining colony - basically a colony set up on a dwarf planet in an asteroid ring. Plenty of ice for water, but completely reliant on food shipments because every square inch is dedicated to the mining, processing, and shipping of the various ores they mine. They have a lot of food on hand, but a lengthy blockade would be the end for them. They are in the process of expanding, but the colony is fairly new. They don't have a lot of ships protecting them. They have three converted Tau Redir Scouts that are cargo ships, and one that is still a fighter carrier with enough marines to bring the pain to any pirates that bother them. They rely on the asteroid field to shield them from major engagements, and their static defenses which include many weapons platforms that are built into asteroids.

Still they are a juicy target and deal with a lot of pirate attacks, as do the shipments of food coming in.

Colonists will be mostly humans, micronized zentraedi, with a significant minority of karbarrans who funded the colony and provided the equipment. I think I'm going to steal the name from one of my PBP GMs. Ceres Colony.

As always, ideas, critiques, and questions welcome.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:56 am
by glitterboy2098
my suggestion is that instead of making them completely reliant on food shipment's assume that hydroponics are being used to supply basic grains, vegetables, and synthetic meat (made from cultivated yeast).. but that there are trace element issues and supply issues with keeping the hydroponics functioning, so you have shipments of minerals and nutrients coming in at regular intervals. those same shipments can also carry foodstuffs the colony cannot supply itself (real meat, grains and veggies that don't grow well in hydroponics or under artificial light, processed foodstuffs like candy, breakfast cereal, name brands, etc), and medicines. including vitamin supplements. also spare parts, new personnel (including entertainment..both mental and physical), and so on. this leaves it in the same position of needing a new supply shipment every so many weeks, but gets past the immediate logical hurdle of "well why don't they just grow their own food". even NASA's plans for long duration trips using hydroponics to grow food and recycle air don't assume that the garden areas will be the only supplies of nutrition or will be indefinite.. hydroponics can use recycles wastes for nutrients, but losses in the chemical processes mean you need injections of fresh nutrients from the outside every so often, and some stuff hydroponics just can't supply. (a number of vitamins come from plants that can't be used in citrus for example.). NASA's plans include large stocks of other supplies that would be restocked at times.

also, i'd establish some corporation or similar entity that runs most of the colony. whether this is external to the colony or part of some founding charter is up for grabs, but having "the company" as a faction would make the internal politics much more interesting for roleplay and adventure creation.

one other suggestion i'd make for this colony is to grab a copy of Outland, either the film or the novelization. it's about a mining station on Jupiter's moon Io, and how the station's security chief uncovers an amphetamine drug running ring. great film, even better novel. the novel includes lots more background on the mining colony and how they operate. it might give you some good ideas.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:05 am
by Tiree
You mY also want to take a look at "moon is a harsh mistress". Make it a former prison colony.

If you set it up in asteroids, you can use a immobile Zent cruiser as a space station instead. Just have the innards reconfigured for habitable living.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:53 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
another one you can check out is Moon 44 its a old film but has some great ideas for corporate run mining companies. I personally like that idea best. if you chose not to use prisoners then have the ships land on the astroids and mine the astroids hollow.

if you want a moon have the colony on a moble platform. the moon is wracked with violent and deadly quakes and gas pockets. but the metal or whatever they are mining is worth the risk of life. have the moon surface filled with trenches where pirates can hide.

I do agree with glitterboy, your gonna need to have something to help bring the morale of the workers up, or after a while money will cease to motivate them. after all money is nice, but if you cannot enjoy it then you minus well not have it. :)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:09 am
by MikelAmroni
The Zent ships would be their interstellar shippers, provided by the UEEF and maintained at heavy cost at UEEF shipyards - basically a very expensive lease option. And with the added thing of being able to impress the ships and crews into service if there is a Sector emergency. I like the idea of framework pickets though. I should have remembered that from my old Corporate sector handbook for Star Wars :)

More later.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:32 pm
by taalismn
Tiree wrote:You mY also want to take a look at "moon is a harsh mistress". Make it a former prison colony.


Former TIROLIAN prison colony....there's still old Tirolian/Zentraedi gear laying around and reminders of the colony's sordid past, like freeze-dried corpses laying around, inspiring all sorts of 'haunted house' vibes...THe colony was supposedly abandoned many years ago, but inevitably rumors arise that not everybody left, and they, or their descendants, are still living in undiscovered tunnels or on other rocks in the belt.
In the alternative, the former inmates ARE still around, and were left to become 'permanent colonists' when the RMs pulled out. This requires a certain amount of self-sufficiency on the part of the colony, but the original colonists could be running low on certain materials, or are resentful of the strain on their existing resources and life-support set-up that the influx of new miners and personnel has placed on their little enclave. When things get tough, there's increasing agitation from the 'Old Colony' settlers that the UEEF colonists aren't sharing their supplies with the rest of the settlement. Other points of contention could be mining methods, production qoutas, and management styles(especially when it comes to who has authority over who). Accusations of heavy-handed treatment by the UEEF military personnel assigned to protect the colony can be another potential flashpoint.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:35 pm
by Tiree
I was thinking more of an Australia - the prisoners have been freed. Several generations have passed. Society has grown from the ashes. Communal spouses, and what not.

I always found it was quite interesting how he had set up the family structure. Women were the dominant/decision makers. Women were also protected (because there weren't very many). Plural husbands and wives.

Re: Sentinels Timeline

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:37 am
by ESalter
MikelAmroni wrote:Also, I know the novels and Sentinels series are pretty well toast, and I know *I* am ignoring the bit where Praxis is physically destroyed (there are a lot of ways to "destroy" a planet, not all of which involve the planet itself blowing up, even if it does look awesome and dramatic in a cartoon/movie). Do we have any kind of idea how long it was supposed to take for the Sentinels and Hunter & Crew to actually complete the freeing of the Sentinels Worlds? It makes a difference as to how long any Sentinels aliens can be in the UEEF.

Presumably, the Sentinels are liberated about evenly through the time period between the SDF-3's arrival at Tirol and the beginning of Prelude. When the former actually is depends on your view of the rest of the Robotech universe: for instance, Walker puts it at the end of RW2 to explain why Leonard doesn't know who the Invid are. (FWIW, chapter 1 of Prelude writes,
After decades of struggle, this Pioneer Expedition...would reach an uneasy peace at...Tirol, leaving only the threat of the mysterious Invid race.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:55 pm
by MikelAmroni
Rise, rise from the dead!

I have updated the second post of this thread with Traxon, the colony suggested by Shawn Merrow. Comments welcome. Many thanks to Shawn and everyone for the feedback.


Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:23 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Like the work on Traxon. :ok:

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:16 am
by MikelAmroni
Glad you liked it. If you have any other ideas spring to mind, please post them. That last one was gold :)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:11 pm
by Kagashi
Is this on EU?

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:26 pm
by ArmySGT.
MikelAmroni wrote: (The settlers call it New Colorado; it has a Tirolian name) and they have rebuilt New Denver. I'm open to other names besides New Colorado - it's just the first one that came to mind.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:29 am
by MikelAmroni
Not yet Kagashi. My intent is to run two games, one on RPOL and one on EU. But I'm a logn way off from there

Thanks ArmySGT, though I ended up going with Four Corners for that colony. I may add that in as the Tirolian name though.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:14 pm
by MilkManX
This is a really cool idea and setting for a Sentinels era campaign. Awesome stuff. (also being a long time G.I. Joe comic book fan I loved that you used LRRP)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:24 am
by Shawn Merrow
MikelAmroni wrote:Glad you liked it. If you have any other ideas spring to mind, please post them. That last one was gold :)

Thanks :)

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:21 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Could have an old abandoned colony world where the native life turned out to be highly dangerous and it had to be abandoned. In the time since the warning beacon in orbit has failed and any new colonist will find out the hard way why it was abandoned. A good book for idea on troubles colonies can face in a hostile galaxy is Old Man's War by John Scalzi.

Re: Robotech: Long Range Patrol

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:00 pm
by ArmySGT.
A penal planet for Zentraedi too independent to follow orders, or for experimental programs to improve Zentraedi stock.

A Tirolian clone program dumping ground.

A Tirolian weapons program testing area. The planet is an impact area and dangerous munitions from handgrenades to fusion bombs litter the battered ecosystem.

A barren wasteland planet hiding a clone center, and storage program.

A temperate world with moderate continents. Various alien species have been transported here, genetically modified for aggression, then supplied arms to fight each other. A darwinian experiment in creating super soldiers. Some of the species are from Sentinels aligned worlds.

A agricultural world, automated systems tend crops, herd animals, and harvest sea life. This is processed into storage containers as basic components like animal proteins, or uncooked carbohydrates. The containers start at 500 gallons and get bigger.

Algae rain.... Automated lighter than air vehicles are dropping cellulose bombs containing blue green algae onto a primitive ecosphere. Tech is mostly Tirolian.