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Re: Erin Tarn as a Character

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:05 pm
by sirkermittsg
Braden Campbell wrote:
MurderCityDisciple wrote:When I read her writings I pretend I'm tucked all cozy and snug in my bed, with my footy jammies on. I hear her coming down the hall, she's bringing me some milk and cookies and is going to read to me before I go to sleep. The imaginary Erin Tarn is being portrayed by Happy Day's Marion Ross and my jammies are fuzzy and blue. :D

I can't "like" this enough...

I agree with Brandon.... I love this description. Marion Ross captures some interesting family loving type qualities which come through in her acting. However, if a rifts movie were to ever be made, she would need abit of a mask to look like the pictures we have seen in the books.

As for potentially having children as Brandon has suggested: I see Erin as being a bit of a motherly figure to lots of children in Lazlo and worldwide when she visits places. she has touched many lives and her legacy goes beyond biology. it might be a little late in life for her to have biological children....but then again maybe not because well medicine and magic can make miracles in many places on rifts earth. Then again it might be interesting to be the player who's character has Erin for a significant other..... or as a mother.

Re: Erin Tarn as a Character

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:57 pm
by Tor
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:She is Karl Prosek ex-lover from his young and wilddays, he had to dump this piece of gutter trash and find a respecable woman

That might explain RUE pg 228's image.

Seeing that reminded me of another great rivalry

Hotrod wrote:They may be technically "unauthorized", but they get published far too often for her not to be complicit in their publication.
I don't see the logic here. It's probably hard to enforce copyright laws in Rifts Earth.

Hotrod wrote:Reading Erin whine about unauthorized publications is like hearing Kim Kardashian complaining about her sex tape being distributed while reaping the benefits of her subsequent publicity and fame. I don't buy it.
Her complaints would probably be more focused around not getting royalties, I'm thinking.

Ignornig 'Traversing', there have been some other books by her though right?

I'm actually thinking it might be cool to make a thread about confirmed book titles in the Megaverse. We could not only include those mentioned in text, but also those in pictures, such as 'uses for earmuffs'.

Re: Erin Tarn as a Character

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:32 pm
by zyanitevp
Braden Campbell wrote:While working on my portions of the revised Vampire Kingdoms and the Vampire Sourcebook, I submitted an "opening piece" that cast Erin Tarn in a very different light than what we have seen thus far. In case it actually gets used (kind of doubt it) I won't repost it... but the gist of it was that Erin is at home in Lazlo, drinking and making a recording an audio journal. In it, she recalls the first two times she tried to go to Mexico to proove the existance of the Vampire Kingdoms. Both times she failed. Now, she feels haunted by those that went on without her and (presumably) died, and vows to make one final expedition, come hell or high water, even if she has to finance it herself.

This was, somewhat obviously, a launching point for PC parties to become Erin Tarn's entourage and head south of the Rio Grande, circa 110 PA... although we also learned that she drinks whiskey, throws knives, and was so scared by her first encounter with a vampire that she faked an illness to get out of going into Mexico. She also, and this was important, hates to loose/be beaten.

Erin Tarn as a character? In my mind, regret-filled, lonely (recall that she has never once mentioned a boy friend, husband, or children), and facing the autumn of her life perhaps trying to either forge a legacy or pass on her mantle to a young heir.

Sure would have loved to have had that expanded and published! I agree with much of what Hotrod has said here- Erin Tarn 8 years later needs to have grown more than she has!

Re: Erin Tarn as a Character

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:45 pm
by Braden Campbell
I'm thinking of submitting it to the Rifter as an adventure seed. We'll see...

Re: Erin Tarn as a Character

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:05 pm
by Blastaar
[quote=Then I read her writings I pretend I'm tucked all cozy and snug in my bed, with my footy jammies on. I hear her coming down the hall, she's bringing me some milk and cookies and is going to read to me before I go to sleep. The imaginary Erin Tarn is being portrayed by Happy Day's Marion Ross and my jammies are fuzzy and blue. :D[/quote]

are you saying that her cyber knight protector is the Fonz??