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Re: Psionics as Super Powers?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:03 pm
by csyphrett
Ranger wrote:
csyphrett wrote:
Dakchronos wrote:
csyphrett wrote:I have had players go both ways. Some don't like anything but magic powers or melee weapons and since the mage is one of the few classes that gets a magic weapon, they pick one. On the other hand, I have also seen players build their guys like hardware characters and use magic as a supplement to their skills.

After all, even Harry Dresden just shoots a mofo in the face.

Where's that one? Are you referring to Mystic Study getting a full magic weapon? or just a minor one? a bit confused.

About what? Several magic classes get weapons as part of the class, or can build magic weapons.

Several players that I have had picked classes where they knew they could get a magic weapon with spells on the side as backup. One guy built a guy with mystic study and all the skills that didn't directly tie into his magic went into armor and weapons skills. The first time he went up against a werewolf, he shot it with silver bullets from an assault rifle.

As someone who likes skills over powers, what is the issue with a mystic or mage carrying a few specilty mundane weapons that affect supernatural...especially since those supernatural know that the only one a mystic/mage has the inanate power to harm them. Plus PPE/ISP run out rather fast in combat.

I don't know. Barney and NM have pointed out that the HU book seems to think that magic use means don't use a mundane weapon at all. That kind of breaks down in RIFTS where monsters can have thousands of PPE/ISP but a mage tends to only have 20 to 50, and has to arm themselves, or is back up for a party.


Re: Psionics as Super Powers?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:14 pm
by eliakon
csyphrett wrote:
Ranger wrote:
csyphrett wrote:
Dakchronos wrote:
csyphrett wrote:I have had players go both ways. Some don't like anything but magic powers or melee weapons and since the mage is one of the few classes that gets a magic weapon, they pick one. On the other hand, I have also seen players build their guys like hardware characters and use magic as a supplement to their skills.

After all, even Harry Dresden just shoots a mofo in the face.

Where's that one? Are you referring to Mystic Study getting a full magic weapon? or just a minor one? a bit confused.

About what? Several magic classes get weapons as part of the class, or can build magic weapons.

Several players that I have had picked classes where they knew they could get a magic weapon with spells on the side as backup. One guy built a guy with mystic study and all the skills that didn't directly tie into his magic went into armor and weapons skills. The first time he went up against a werewolf, he shot it with silver bullets from an assault rifle.

As someone who likes skills over powers, what is the issue with a mystic or mage carrying a few specilty mundane weapons that affect supernatural...especially since those supernatural know that the only one a mystic/mage has the inanate power to harm them. Plus PPE/ISP run out rather fast in combat.

I don't know. Barney and NM have pointed out that the HU book seems to think that magic use means don't use a mundane weapon at all. That kind of breaks down in RIFTS where monsters can have thousands of PPE/ISP but a mage tends to only have 20 to 50, and has to arm themselves, or is back up for a party.


The problem is that there is nothing in the books to suggest that everyone is supposed to ignore equipment unless they are a gizmo class....
Nothing in the magic, psychic, mutant, experiment power categories says "shuns weapons" or "avoids using equipment" or anything about "only uses their powers and nothing else"
So why are we to think that mages, and psychics, and supers, and martial artists, and all the other 'not a gun-fu specialist' categories are supposed to be all some sort of elite purists who, to a one, oppose the idea of carrying any sort of equipment, and should use only their powers for everything?

Re: Psionics as Super Powers?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:42 pm
by barna10
eliakon wrote:The problem is that there is nothing in the books to suggest that everyone is supposed to ignore equipment unless they are a gizmo class....
Nothing in the magic, psychic, mutant, experiment power categories says "shuns weapons" or "avoids using equipment" or anything about "only uses their powers and nothing else"
So why are we to think that mages, and psychics, and supers, and martial artists, and all the other 'not a gun-fu specialist' categories are supposed to be all some sort of elite purists who, to a one, oppose the idea of carrying any sort of equipment, and should use only their powers for everything?

It's the crap from the Rifts Book of Magic and other "How to Sections" that give people this impression.

Re: Psionics as Super Powers?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:24 pm
by eliakon
barna10 wrote:
eliakon wrote:The problem is that there is nothing in the books to suggest that everyone is supposed to ignore equipment unless they are a gizmo class....
Nothing in the magic, psychic, mutant, experiment power categories says "shuns weapons" or "avoids using equipment" or anything about "only uses their powers and nothing else"
So why are we to think that mages, and psychics, and supers, and martial artists, and all the other 'not a gun-fu specialist' categories are supposed to be all some sort of elite purists who, to a one, oppose the idea of carrying any sort of equipment, and should use only their powers for everything?

It's the crap from the Rifts Book of Magic and other "How to Sections" that give people this impression.

So its from a totally different game entirely....
Just putting that out there. I mean this is HU, not Rifts, not PF, not After the Bomb.....which is why, for instance that the whole 'guns are bad' section that they put in BTS and such games is missing...since in this game guns are part of the genre....

Re: Psionics as Super Powers?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:43 am
by Nightmask
eliakon wrote:
barna10 wrote:
eliakon wrote:The problem is that there is nothing in the books to suggest that everyone is supposed to ignore equipment unless they are a gizmo class....
Nothing in the magic, psychic, mutant, experiment power categories says "shuns weapons" or "avoids using equipment" or anything about "only uses their powers and nothing else"
So why are we to think that mages, and psychics, and supers, and martial artists, and all the other 'not a gun-fu specialist' categories are supposed to be all some sort of elite purists who, to a one, oppose the idea of carrying any sort of equipment, and should use only their powers for everything?

It's the crap from the Rifts Book of Magic and other "How to Sections" that give people this impression.

So its from a totally different game entirely....
Just putting that out there. I mean this is HU, not Rifts, not PF, not After the Bomb.....which is why, for instance that the whole 'guns are bad' section that they put in BTS and such games is missing...since in this game guns are part of the genre....

That and it's an extreme interpretation of the description of how certain mage types are in general, treating it as a pronouncement from on high physical law rather than a generality that by no means would most let alone all mages be bound by. Same with psychics, the idea that somehow they stop being people with minds and free will and instead are nothing but their powers and incapable of making decisions that don't revolve around using their powers to solve everything.