Blue_Lion wrote:I am willing to bet the tank has more fire power, and armor that also includes a 1 million TW modification budget. The tank does not require as much training for the crew as PA.
The tank is more like a giant robot in than a PA in roll. But it is a matter of personal choice.
The Gladius battery powered exoskeleton is 150K and JA-12 costs 50K. Add in some extra e-clips and some grenades and you're looking at less than 250K per fully equipped suit for hardware costs. Add in a TW modification to give some magical protection and you have a net cost of less than 500K per suit. That's 14 PA suits for every single tank you're outfitting.
You can get a Juicer for around 160K a year. Make it a psychic Juicer and add...what...40K more? That's 200K per year per suit in salaries per suit. The tank takes a crew of four, and they're not working for chicken feed. You're going to pay at least that much for the tank crew, particularly if you include a TW in the mix. I almost forgot that it's 14 Juicers, so drop it back by 4 to make it 10 Juicers (net savings of 1M cr initially and 800K for the first year's salary).
Assuming you're using the Iron Heart Hammer Main Battle Tank, and with all else being equal and assuming everyone is first level, the Juicer will generally get 6-7 attacks per round, compared to the average of 4-5 attacks per round for each person in the tank. I'll assume everyone has boxing and martial arts skills, so that'd be 17 attacks per round for the tank* and 70 attacks per round for the Juicers.
Tank Damage
Maximum tank damage (maximums per combat round)
Main gun damage: 360 (3D6 x 10 x 2 shots*)
IH-100 Rail Gun: 300 (1D6x10 x 5 shots***)
Vulcan Laser: 720 (3D4x10 x 6 shots***)
Medium Range Missile Launchers (2): 3000** (5D6x10 x 10, divided over 3 shots)
Total maximum damage on the first round: 4380
Total maximum damage per typical round: 1380
Juicer Damage
JA-12 Rifle: 4200 (1D6x10x70)
Total maximum damage on the first round: 4200
Total maximum damage per typical round: 4200
If you plan on assaulting another kingdom, the tanks might make more sense, since they'd let you start out with a real wallop before ever closing with them. If you're looking for basic defense though, I'd go with Juicers every time. Even with assault I might go with the Juicers, because if someone lets fly with the missiles, the Juicers get a chance to shoot them down, and lemme tell ya, with 14 Juicers shooting at your missiles, the chances of any of them making it through aren't great. Add in the Juicers' auto-dodge ability and the additional ability to survive that gives them and combine that with the greater overall damage they do, and it makes them a far superior choice for most needs.
Even outside of the Juicer I'd go with Iron Eagle attack helicopters first (using gas engines) and add the TW enhancements to them before I'd go with tanks, since you can get about 3 of those for every single tank you'd be fielding and they pack a serious punch, include flight ability, and
If you're going to go with tanks anyway though, I'd go with old SDC ones, beef up the magical protection on 'em, and mount newer weapons on 'em (with reinforcements to handle the heavier weapon shock).
Oh yeah, and if you want to do an analysis of MDC, we can, but you'll find that 150MD per suit x 10, plus any magical protections (assuming Armor of Ithan at 10th level, it'd be 250MD per suit), is far greater than that you will get from the tanks, and the auto-dodge, superior mobility, and ability to spread out that the juicers have, their situation is far superior to that of the tanks.
*The main gun on the Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank can only fire twice per round, and the gunner is in a compartment in the turret, so he cannot fire anything else. I realized that after I started typing all of this.
**The missile launcher can only do this for one round. After that, it must be reloaded over a period of time so long it might as well not be included in the same combat.
***I maximized damage for actions for each crew member. The main gun can only fire twice per round and can only be fired by a person in the turret compartment. The Vulcan Laser can only fire six times per round, and the maximum number of missiles per volley is 4, and both launchers are fired together, so the remainder of the shots were put on the IH-100 rail gun.