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Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:40 am
by Morgan Vening
Kryptt wrote:At the rate this is progressing maybe wave two won't be out till next year. Maybe

At the rate we've SEEN this progress, I don't see it as possible. At this point last year, we'd seen the entirety of the Zentradi test sprues (May 2), we were two weeks from seeing the last of the RDF pre-production prototypes (Valkyries, May 17), and two months from seeing the last of the RDF test sprues (July 4). And that was for 11 models (over 9 sprues). Wave 2 is 28 models plus the resins. And we've seen 5 digital sculpts so far. No PPP's that aren't over a year old, and no test sprues.

And even with last year's progress, they still only made 2014 with a two month delivery period for the US*. While there's less actual product in Wave 2, the variations on orders is significantly more complicated. Sure, the Wave 2 Battlecry bags are simple. But then there's 10 likely uncommon, 15 common and the 4 resin packs, that'll make auditing each order a lot more complicated than "2 boxes, 2 bags, 1 box, 1 bag, 4 boxes, 4 bags". Wouldn't be surprised if, even with volunteer help again, it took significantly longer this time. And by significantly, I'm talking months, not weeks. Hopefully after the last attempt, they're more on top of the international stuff, but I'm not expecting that.

Now, it's possible there is a lot more happening behind the scenes than they're telling us. And my response to that is "Why?". Sure, you might not want to announce a release date (and with how badly they did on those, I can understand that), but that doesn't mean you have to remain silent. If that's the plan, it's a bad one IMO. And a contradiction to the commitment they made on the KS front page, and have reiterated often since, as recently as two months ago, to keep backers in the loop.

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 8:54 am
by wilycoyote
Hmmm, another week drifts by and still nothing.

It is nearly two months since the last official update to the KS page and week after week we are getting a single line saying something great is coming.

Before anyone else wants to chip in and tell me this is how PB works, consider they are now playing in a different place, not the comfort zone of their eastablished fan base. They reached out for support to a far wider and less forgiving audience - especially true of tabletop gamers who will accept some delays but not being fobbed off week after week.

It does not take much to keep people on your side, a bit more information for a start. Two years development and you still cannot show anything more for wave 2? Do you wonder why the KS board is so negative and simply riddled with "hate" towards PB and consistantly questioning the ability to deliver?

Stop hiding and get some cojones, tell the community what is happenning? Surely we are well beyond keeping everything hush hush. Scared of delivery promises, fine do not make them, simply show us where you are up to.

I have a feeling you are planning an announcement at the Open House to the select few who make it there, a bit of advice. Get a full press release prepared and update the KS and PB newsletter just before you annoubce it at OH. Otherwise third parties will and you have again will have been seen to apparentely not giving a flying $$$$ for anyone outside your coterie.

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 4:55 pm
by Alpha 11
wilycoyote wrote:Hmmm, another week drifts by and still nothing.

It is nearly two months since the last official update to the KS page and week after week we are getting a single line saying something great is coming.

Before anyone else wants to chip in and tell me this is how PB works, consider they are now playing in a different place, not the comfort zone of their eastablished fan base. They reached out for support to a far wider and less forgiving audience - especially true of tabletop gamers who will accept some delays but not being fobbed off week after week.

It does not take much to keep people on your side, a bit more information for a start. Two years development and you still cannot show anything more for wave 2? Do you wonder why the KS board is so negative and simply riddled with "hate" towards PB and consistantly questioning the ability to deliver?

Stop hiding and get some cojones, tell the community what is happenning? Surely we are well beyond keeping everything hush hush. Scared of delivery promises, fine do not make them, simply show us where you are up to.

I have a feeling you are planning an announcement at the Open House to the select few who make it there, a bit of advice. Get a full press release prepared and update the KS and PB newsletter just before you annoubce it at OH. Otherwise third parties will and you have again will have been seen to apparentely not giving a flying $$$$ for anyone outside your coterie.

Ya, they really need to say, something, anything. And I hope they really do that at the OH. I've said it before, in the end, it looks like they have to many irons in the fire, so things are getting dropped/pushed back. What they need is more people on staff to fix these things, but that costs money, and I don't think they have the money for anymore full time people to work for them. :-(

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:01 pm
by Summersnow
Alpha 11 wrote:Ya, they really need to say, something, anything. And I hope they really do that at the OH. I've said it before, in the end, it looks like they have to many irons in the fire, so things are getting dropped/pushed back. What they need is more people on staff to fix these things, but that costs money, and I don't think they have the money for anymore full time people to work for them. :-(

The kickstarter brought in 1.4 MILLION dollars.

That figure should have included the necessary resources, including people, to complete the kickstarter in a timely, efficient fashion, so they should have the money for the people needed.

So, please, the "don't have enough people" excuse doesn't work.

Until they are willing to offer refunds to people for the unfinished portion of there pledges or get the remaining product to those people they have absolutely ZERO business working on ANYTHING else if they are too shorthanded to finish RRT in a timely manner.

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 12:34 pm
I'm not worried about Wave 2 (easy to say since I did not back the KS campaign) minis. That damn rulebook needs to be rewritten. Too many issues where "intent" does not match RAW, and small, but critical things are not crystal clear.

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 2:00 pm
by Kryptt

The "they don't have enough money for more people" excuse is just something many superduper fans use to explain away certain short comings. (Not saying Alpha is one just something I've noticed over and over)

Re: Why the hold up PB?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:51 pm
by wilycoyote
Well hopefully as it seems the PB staff are all engaged at the Open House, one of these "fans" will pass onto us whatever the big announcement and show and tell at the event was.

Oh, being able to get the dicebag with different faction logos is not what I want to hear

Updated - -So , OH is over and nothing apparentely was talked about regarding RRT. Gencon 2016 shows only a small showing for the game.

Start to wonder is what should have been a great opportunity to get a game/miniatures a lot of people waiting years to see, is being allowed to trickle away through the fingers?