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Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:52 pm
by Alpha 11
Spinachcat wrote: should get cracking on designing RIFTS cardboard minis...

Well, my sigpic is a preview of the Adventurers set; the Old-Style Deadboys set is ready, but I want to have a Magic/Psychic set and a set or two of Men at Arms done before we put them in the store.. After the Open House I should have some time to get to them, but right now I'm buried under prep for 4 games at the Open House, three book covers for an independent author, a 40 hour a week day job and Dad duties in a family of six..

:shock: Wow, that's a lot.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:12 am
Alpha 11 wrote:
Spinachcat wrote: should get cracking on designing RIFTS cardboard minis...

Well, my sigpic is a preview of the Adventurers set; the Old-Style Deadboys set is ready, but I want to have a Magic/Psychic set and a set or two of Men at Arms done before we put them in the store.. After the Open House I should have some time to get to them, but right now I'm buried under prep for 4 games at the Open House, three book covers for an independent author, a 40 hour a week day job and Dad duties in a family of six..

:shock: Wow, that's a lot.

You mean the family? I should clarify that there are a total of six of us, not that I have six kids. My mother-in-law lives with us and we have three kids, so I say I have four kids and my wife has five.. But six in the house all together, not including the four fish, two dogs and two guinea pigs.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:12 pm
by Shark_Force
well, from the sound of it you've got about 7-8 months to get ready, so i wouldn't be too excessively rushed on those minis :P

i feel like you've averaged something like 1 set per month, so in theory you've got time for 6 sets of minis, give or take, if i'm right about that average :P

obviously, that won't be enough for most factions, but if you cover some basic stuff (dog boys/dog packs, mages, psychics, and some men-at-arms including a few basic body armour with laser rifle guys, and then maybe some monsters... perhaps xiticix?) would cover an awful lot of ground, imo.

maybe make it even easier on yourself for some of those, steal a video-game idea and just do some pallet swaps for those basic body armour types, and suddenly for the work of making 2 basic guys with body armour and guns you've got minis to represent several different types of basic mooks.

the real trick is gonna come in doing vehicles, though...

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:59 pm
Shark_Force wrote:...the real trick is gonna come in doing vehicles, though...

Yeah.. papercraft engineering is a bit too far outside my wheelhouse..

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:34 pm
by Shark_Force
Shark_Force wrote:...the real trick is gonna come in doing vehicles, though...

Yeah.. papercraft engineering is a bit too far outside my wheelhouse..

well, the engineering could be made pretty easy if you just make it a box with pictures on each side. obviously, more complicated would look better, but i think the main goal is more "reasonable approximation".

i was thinking more along the lines of "how on earth would you make a spider-skull walker in a 3d program that wouldn't require you to make it from scratch?".

"guy in a sci-fi looking body armour with a futuristic weapon" takes time to tweak it to make it look good (pose, rendering, lightning, etc), but most (or all) of the parts you probably have in a library somewhere already i'm guessing. in fact, i think i recall you basically saying something to that effect as far as making certain things is concerned.

even "guy in sci-fi skeletal body armour with a futuristic weapon" is probably not *too* much of a stretch, and while i suspect your options are a bit thinner when it comes to "anthropomorphic dogs in body armour with a futuristic weapon", there's probably a library that has you (more or less) covered.

maybe even "anthropomorphic insects" (ie xiticix) would be reasonable, depending.

in contrast, a UAR-1 is not quite so easy to assemble in a 3d program, i'm thinking. you could likely pull off something like a big boss ATV, wastelander motorcycle, and MDC-refitted tanks or various standard vehicles without too much trouble, but something as distinctive as a glitter boy probably means a lot more work than you've got the time to put into this, seeing as how it can't be a full-time job or anything. unless this takes off to the point where you can hire a full-time 3d modelling crew or something, i don't imagine we're going to get anything distinctively RIFTS in terms of vehicles. though i suppose you could easily enough make generic robot vehicles and power armour for some things.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:40 pm
by Trooper Jim
I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an option for a strictly dice only system.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:42 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Trooper Jim wrote:I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an opting for a strictly dice only system.
Before you "poo-poo" the mechanic give it a chance. It works very quickly and has the added bonus of allowing you to use the cards as turn markers.
If you are worried about adjusting your init there are edges that allow for a redraw if your card pull is below a certain value.
(I was not overly fond of it at first either but it can grow on you).

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:37 pm
by palladiumjunkie
Trooper Jim wrote:I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an opting for a strictly dice only system.

I'm sure that you understand this, but just so there is no confusion, I wanted to point out that the playing card mechanic is only used in determining initiative order. A dice mechanic option could be easily added to the game to replace it, but as Damian pointed out, give it a chance. Savage Worlds initiative mechanic is clearly defined, and everyone at a glance can tell when their turn is coming up, which keeps the game moving. It is also pretty cool to see players getting excited about something as simple as determining initiative, as everyone is watching each flip of the card, hoping the a Joker comes up for a PC, as opposed to the bad guys. :)

As an added note, won't it be awesome to see a Rifts themed deck of playing cards showcasing all of the great art from the game over the years. Even if they used the art from the CCG, it would still be pretty cool. Heck, I'd buy several just to play poker with. :)


Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:44 pm
by Damian Magecraft
palladiumjunkie wrote:
Trooper Jim wrote:I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an opting for a strictly dice only system.

I'm sure that you understand this, but just so there is no confusion, I wanted to point out that the playing card mechanic is only used in determining initiative order. A dice mechanic option could be easily added to the game to replace it, but as Damian pointed out, give it a chance. Savage Worlds initiative mechanic is clearly defined, and everyone at a glance can tell when their turn is coming up, which keeps the game moving. It is also pretty cool to see players getting excited about something as simple as determining initiative, as everyone is watching each flip of the card, hoping the a Joker comes up for a PC, as opposed to the bad guys. :)

As an added note, won't it be awesome to see a Rifts themed deck of playing cards showcasing all of the great art from the game over the years. Even if they used the art from the CCG, it would still be pretty cool. Heck, I'd buy several just to play poker with. :)

That had not even crossed my mind...
The Jokers have to be Crazies!

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:04 pm
by Fell
palladiumjunkie wrote:
Trooper Jim wrote:I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an opting for a strictly dice only system.

I'm sure that you understand this, but just so there is no confusion, I wanted to point out that the playing card mechanic is only used in determining initiative order. A dice mechanic option could be easily added to the game to replace it, but as Damian pointed out, give it a chance. Savage Worlds initiative mechanic is clearly defined, and everyone at a glance can tell when their turn is coming up, which keeps the game moving. It is also pretty cool to see players getting excited about something as simple as determining initiative, as everyone is watching each flip of the card, hoping the a Joker comes up for a PC, as opposed to the bad guys. :)

As an added note, won't it be awesome to see a Rifts themed deck of playing cards showcasing all of the great art from the game over the years. Even if they used the art from the CCG, it would still be pretty cool. Heck, I'd buy several just to play poker with. :)


I thought about doing the Initiative Order thing with a deck of cards but will more than likely stay with a d20.

In my above post I was referring to Adventure cards. I was wondering is a Adventure deck might be made by Savage Worlds for Rifts.

I ordered up a blank deck of 200 playing cards yesterday and am working on my own Adventure deck for my players.

I am still planning on how I will use this deck. The cards will be dealt at the beginning of the night, and players can use them for that night only (maybe a total of 4 cards a night). There will be "bad" cards and "good cards". More good than bad. There will be things like, Your E-clips are mysteriously empty, or you can play this card for a +2 on any roll once tonight (You Feel Good), or Summon an Ally (play when things are going bad and you need reinforcements...and then I the GM will have a NPC show up to assist the players).

That sort of thing. I have only started and don't have a long list of Adventure Cards yet.

I might need to start a thread on people can add their ideas for Cards. :)

EDIT: I started a thread:


Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:27 pm
by Jerell
I'm never encounter savage worlds before, but since they're doing a Rifts line, I'll definitely be checking it out when it arrives. I just went and ordered the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorers Edition so I could see what it's all about.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:25 pm
Shark_Force wrote:well, the engineering could be made pretty easy if you just make it a box with pictures on each side. obviously, more complicated would look better, but i think the main goal is more "reasonable approximation".

i was thinking more along the lines of "how on earth would you make a spider-skull walker in a 3d program that wouldn't require you to make it from scratch?".

"guy in a sci-fi looking body armour with a futuristic weapon" takes time to tweak it to make it look good (pose, rendering, lightning, etc), but most (or all) of the parts you probably have in a library somewhere already i'm guessing. in fact, i think i recall you basically saying something to that effect as far as making certain things is concerned.

even "guy in sci-fi skeletal body armour with a futuristic weapon" is probably not *too* much of a stretch, and while i suspect your options are a bit thinner when it comes to "anthropomorphic dogs in body armour with a futuristic weapon", there's probably a library that has you (more or less) covered.

maybe even "anthropomorphic insects" (ie xiticix) would be reasonable, depending.

in contrast, a UAR-1 is not quite so easy to assemble in a 3d program, i'm thinking. you could likely pull off something like a big boss ATV, wastelander motorcycle, and MDC-refitted tanks or various standard vehicles without too much trouble, but something as distinctive as a glitter boy probably means a lot more work than you've got the time to put into this, seeing as how it can't be a full-time job or anything. unless this takes off to the point where you can hire a full-time 3d modelling crew or something, i don't imagine we're going to get anything distinctively RIFTS in terms of vehicles. though i suppose you could easily enough make generic robot vehicles and power armour for some things.

You're right, it is pretty much a kit-bashing puzzle to build any of the existing elaborate designs.. Here are a few of my attempts across the board.

The cover of Rifter 69 has a German Shepard Dogboy on it, and I'm happy with the Glitterboy I pieced together for that too.

First draft on the New style Deadboys
First draft on a Greyhound Dogboy
First draft on a Spider-Skull Walker (scrapped)
First draft on a Terrain Hopper

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:12 am
by Spinachcat
Chronicler wrote:I ask about the mini's because I lack in that department. (Well 28mm, plenty of random 15mm figs.).

Savage Worlds doesn't really care about mm scale, or exact positioning as its only a hybrid wargame, not something like Warhammer where scale and rule measurements are required.

I have friends who run SW with Legos and it works awesome. If you enjoy 15mm, then rock on!

MADMANMIKE wrote:Yeah.. papercraft engineering is a bit too far outside my wheelhouse..

How do you feel about 2D vehicles?

I agree that 3D makes more sense because of the space the vehicle occupies, but I personally feel 2D works fine for horse shoes and hand grenades. Paper engineering is cool...but putting together the bits can be a bear. And then you have this easily crushed paper model that needs its own box vs. the 2D models which are so easy to store.

MADMANMIKE wrote:but right now I'm buried under prep for 4 games at the Open House, three book covers for an independent author, a 40 hour a week day job and Dad duties in a family of six..

Slacker!!! :)

Running 4 events at the POH! Ouch! But good on you! Hopefully you'll get a chance to play something too!

BTW, this is for MadManMike and all other POH GMs - if you get crunched for time at the last minute, please reach out to the community for pregen PCs and NPCs. As a convention veteran, I know how much time goes into chargen and how that can really cause havoc as the days to the con approach.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:22 am
by blackwingedheaven
Fell wrote:In my above post I was referring to Adventure cards. I was wondering is a Adventure deck might be made by Savage Worlds for Rifts.

Given the way that Pinnacle has done it in the past, I have no doubt they'll release an add-on of Adventure Deck cards for Rifts like they have for several of their other settings. The Adventure Deck is a great addition to the game, and it can be a lot of fun.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:02 am
by dartnet
Damian Magecraft wrote:
palladiumjunkie wrote:
Trooper Jim wrote:I really dislike the playing card mechanic, I hope that there is an opting for a strictly dice only system.

I'm sure that you understand this, but just so there is no confusion, I wanted to point out that the playing card mechanic is only used in determining initiative order. A dice mechanic option could be easily added to the game to replace it, but as Damian pointed out, give it a chance. Savage Worlds initiative mechanic is clearly defined, and everyone at a glance can tell when their turn is coming up, which keeps the game moving. It is also pretty cool to see players getting excited about something as simple as determining initiative, as everyone is watching each flip of the card, hoping the a Joker comes up for a PC, as opposed to the bad guys. :)

As an added note, won't it be awesome to see a Rifts themed deck of playing cards showcasing all of the great art from the game over the years. Even if they used the art from the CCG, it would still be pretty cool. Heck, I'd buy several just to play poker with. :)

That had not even crossed my mind...
The Jokers have to be Crazies!

As a GM I can say that being able to look over the table and see where the players are on initiative makes combat run sooo much smother.

I like the idea of Crazies as jokers.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:21 pm
by Bill
I'd love to see some papercraft models for robots and vehicles. If I had the skills with Blender or another 3D modeling program to do it, I totally would too.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:57 pm
by kaid
Jerell wrote:I'm never encounter savage worlds before, but since they're doing a Rifts line, I'll definitely be checking it out when it arrives. I just went and ordered the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorers Edition so I could see what it's all about.

I picked up a copy at lunch at 10 bucks for the core rule set pretty reasonably priced compared to a lot of the other rule system books these days. That is one thing I do love about palladium they have kept their pricing very sane over the years when other RPG books have gotten extremely expensive so it is nice to see the savage worlds people are of a similar mind.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:22 pm
by Fell
kaid wrote:
Jerell wrote:I'm never encounter savage worlds before, but since they're doing a Rifts line, I'll definitely be checking it out when it arrives. I just went and ordered the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorers Edition so I could see what it's all about.

I picked up a copy at lunch at 10 bucks for the core rule set pretty reasonably priced compared to a lot of the other rule system books these days. That is one thing I do love about palladium they have kept their pricing very sane over the years when other RPG books have gotten extremely expensive so it is nice to see the savage worlds people are of a similar mind.

I got a PDF version (DriveThruRPG has the Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition for $9.99) and read it. There is some cool stuff in it, but I think I prefer the "simple" Palladium rules.
After hearing that SW was coming out with a version of RIFTS I was most excited about additional source books, I always enjoy reading about new or expanded areas of RIFTS.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:57 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
Fell wrote: but I think I prefer the "simple" Palladium rules.

*steps carefully away from this post, then once a safe distance turns and runs like HELL*


Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:12 pm
by Shark_Force
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:
Fell wrote: but I think I prefer the "simple" Palladium rules.

*steps carefully away from this post, then once a safe distance turns and runs like HELL*


funny, i was just thinking to myself "simple rules? what simple rules?"

i could understand "familiar"... and i think given the quotes around simple that might be more along the lines of what he was thinking.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:47 pm
by kaid
Still at work so have not read it yet but one nice thing at a glance is pretty nice to have a full color book for 10 bucks so product quality wise the savage world core book looks good that bodes well for the rifts conversion.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:52 pm
by kaid
Oh also just pure anecdote here when I was in the game store purchasing the savage world core book the guys behind the counter asked if I was just getting into it and I told them I was mostly taking a look at the system because of the upcoming rift conversion for it and a about 5 people there were pretty excited to hear about that and pulled out their smart phones to check out the release announcement. The guys at the counter said the savage world system has worked really well in their in house play sessions and love rifts lore and thought it would be an excellent rule system to run rifts on.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:02 pm
by Fell
heh :lol:



I use my own version of the rules based off the Palladium rules...

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:06 pm
by Jerell
Fell wrote:but I think I prefer the "simple" Palladium rules.
After hearing that SW was coming out with a version of RIFTS I was most excited about additional source books, I always enjoy reading about new or expanded areas of RIFTS.

Yep. I have a feeling I'll be right there with you on all counts.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:26 am
by kaid
Finished my first read through of the savage world system looks pretty decent. Not as detailed in some ways as palladium systems but not as handwave all of the things broad based like some of the more story telling RPG systems. Just doing some basic test scenarios I can see where people like it for conventions or scenariors involving large amounts of units as it seems like it has pretty slick rules for handling large battle scenes smoothly.

As for converting MDC to it they do have a heavy armor mechanic that just makes anything labled heavy armor immune to weapons not labeled as heavy and that is pretty close to MDC right there.

I guess one of my bigger question marks without having played a full game it seems like at a glance magic users are a bit limited. Their spells seem expensive and their pool of power to cast them is pretty limited. I know that is mitigated by rolling well spell wise so without playing a session hard to tell in practice if it has an issue there or not.

I do really like it has mass combat/global combat rules. I love phase world and using fleets of ship but every time my groups tried mass fleet battles we could not find a good way to stream line it to run well so something like this if there is a half decent conversion would be worth whipping out in cases just for that.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:14 pm
by Spinachcat
When I ran SW 40k, we had psykers as PCs and chaos mages as enemies and magic worked fine, and that's with the just the original core book - I understand magic has been expanded notably in later developments.

As for ship-to-ship combat, I know there are lots of SW conversion fan pages out there. I am sure somebody has done spaceship battle rules.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:49 pm
by palladiumjunkie
Spinachcat wrote:When I ran SW 40k, we had psykers as PCs and chaos mages as enemies and magic worked fine, and that's with the just the original core book - I understand magic has been expanded notably in later developments.

As for ship-to-ship combat, I know there are lots of SW conversion fan pages out there. I am sure somebody has done spaceship battle rules.

I am pretty sure that Slipstream had some space combat rules. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I would expect that the recent Sci-Fi Companion that they released probably has the most up to date rules for spaceship battle combat. Wish I was at home so I could look.


Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:05 am
by kaid
Spinachcat wrote:When I ran SW 40k, we had psykers as PCs and chaos mages as enemies and magic worked fine, and that's with the just the original core book - I understand magic has been expanded notably in later developments.

As for ship-to-ship combat, I know there are lots of SW conversion fan pages out there. I am sure somebody has done spaceship battle rules.

I was reading the arcane stuff again I missed a couple edges that turn the regain power points to as low as 1 per 15 minutes ya if they can do that should be fine and I am guessing in practice due to raises lowering the power cost of spells they wind up being in general less pricey than they seem at a glance.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 10:20 pm
by Jerell
kaid wrote:As for converting MDC to it they do have a heavy armor mechanic that just makes anything labled heavy armor immune to weapons not labeled as heavy and that is pretty close to MDC right there.

Heavy armor would work well for that. However, I wonder if mega-damage (or similar system) would be necessary in SW Rifts? I mean if most armor/vehicles/weapons detailed in the book would have it, is there really a point to it? A non-MDC Rifts could be a good thing, I've always run Rifts as an MD setting, but I think running it without the MDC system would be kind of fresh and interesting.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:29 am
by Josh Hilden
I would be happy with a scaling back of MDC.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:42 am
by jaymz
I am sure there a re number ofpeople who would like to see Rifts as heavy SDC instead of MDC altogether...

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 1:19 pm
by Josh Hilden
I think MDC worked best in the original Robotech books.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 1:51 pm
by jaymz
You and I agree fully there....

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:06 pm
by kaid
Jerell wrote:
kaid wrote:As for converting MDC to it they do have a heavy armor mechanic that just makes anything labled heavy armor immune to weapons not labeled as heavy and that is pretty close to MDC right there.

Heavy armor would work well for that. However, I wonder if mega-damage (or similar system) would be necessary in SW Rifts? I mean if most armor/vehicles/weapons detailed in the book would have it, is there really a point to it? A non-MDC Rifts could be a good thing, I've always run Rifts as an MD setting, but I think running it without the MDC system would be kind of fresh and interesting.

The system seems like it goes pretty fast most enemies basically have one wound available so mooks basically go down fast. For players there does not seem to be an issue with the one shot kill problem that can happen in rifts but even players can get incapacitated pretty easily compared to rifts. The heavy mechanic seems like it would translate reasonably well if they wanted to maintain MDC in some form and they can adjust the toughness of the armor so something like the plastic man could be heavy armor so immune to normal weapons but very low toughness so if you have a weapon capable of doing heavy type damage they would drop pretty fast. On the plus side a player using plastic man armor penetration is not instantly fatal as all weapons are basically either making you shaken or doing wounds and there is no amplification for if you get hit by an RPG or a pistol .

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:09 pm
by kaid
Josh Hilden wrote:I think MDC worked best in the original Robotech books.

I would agree in the original robotech pretty much everything that had MDC was effectively very large alien war machines even the stuff humans were using are effectively alien war machines. Almost none of the personal weapons in the original robotech did much if any MDC so human scale conflicts were mostly SDC and big warfare type situations were in veritechs and using MDC.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:44 pm
by Alpha 11
dartnet wrote:A few questions.

Once Savage Rifts is released:

1. Will there be support for Savage Rifts in the Rifter. (If so I have to get a subscription.)

2. Will there be Savage Rifts at Palladium Open Houses? (If so I need to plan to go next year.)

3. Because of the fact that Savage Worlds is a great system for miniatures. Will we see an expansion of the Rifts Miniature line? (Maybe some plastics?)

Some bad news on #2. There might not be a next Open House. IIRR, they said, they were running out of room in there warehouse, were they hold it each time. So if we did have a next time, and not in their warehouse, it would have to be someplace else, and rented. Which, I guarantee would make it more expensive for everyone who would attend.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 1:20 pm
by Jerell
kaid wrote:. On the plus side a player using plastic man armor penetration is not instantly fatal as all weapons are basically either making you shaken or doing wounds and there is no amplification for if you get hit by an RPG or a pistol .

That COULD be a good thing. I'd like to try it when it comes out and see. My group is used to Rifts as is, but I'm sure they'd be open to trying something like this. Speeding combat and increasing PC survivability has potential. But at the same time, I sometimes enjoy the high power lethality that Rifts has.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:20 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Jerell wrote:
kaid wrote:. On the plus side a player using plastic man armor penetration is not instantly fatal as all weapons are basically either making you shaken or doing wounds and there is no amplification for if you get hit by an RPG or a pistol .

That COULD be a good thing. I'd like to try it when it comes out and see. My group is used to Rifts as is, but I'm sure they'd be open to trying something like this. Speeding combat and increasing PC survivability has potential. But at the same time, I sometimes enjoy the high power lethality that Rifts has.

Given how the combat system works in SvW (a successful strike [beat the TN] is shaken each raise [every 4 over the TN] is a wound) the Lethality should still be there...

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 5:00 pm
by Zamion138
Hopefully the extreme lethality will be maintained having people running away and surendering due to over whelming odds or even just having them get the drop on them is a faucet id like to maintain with out making it insain over kill to force a surrender/retreat.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:59 am
by kaid
Well one thing to note is savage worlds is extremely lethal to mooks. Any non special "wildcard" character has a single wound so the first time you penetrate their armor they are "shaken" hit them again or roll a high enough success to get a raise and they take the wound and are gone. Player characters and special wild card characters I believe get three wounds so if you penetrate their armor people can go down pretty quick but it does prevent one shot evaporation's of player characters and special NPC bosses.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 8:56 pm
by Spinachcat
The lethality in a SW game depends on the GM's distribution of bennies. If a GM tosses them around like candy, the PCs can become nigh-invulnerable. If a GM is too stingy, PCs die like flies. There are some good guidelines for distribution, but mostly its something each GM has to gauge for themselves and their players.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:47 am
by Damian Magecraft
Spinachcat wrote:The lethality in a SW game depends on the GM's distribution of bennies. If a GM tosses them around like candy, the PCs can become nigh-invulnerable. If a GM is too stingy, PCs die like flies. There are some good guidelines for distribution, but mostly its something each GM has to gauge for themselves and their players.
with the new shaken rule change (no more needing a raise to lose shaken AND act getting rid of the "shaken lock" that can occur) things are "slightly" more in favor of the PCs... (except vs undead... they are still disgustingly deadly in large masses).

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:51 am
by palladiumjunkie
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Spinachcat wrote:The lethality in a SW game depends on the GM's distribution of bennies. If a GM tosses them around like candy, the PCs can become nigh-invulnerable. If a GM is too stingy, PCs die like flies. There are some good guidelines for distribution, but mostly its something each GM has to gauge for themselves and their players.
with the new shaken rule change (no more needing a raise to lose shaken AND act getting rid of the "shaken lock" that can occur) things are "slightly" more in favor of the PCs... (except vs undead... they are still disgustingly deadly in large masses).

I still have to see it in play, but in my experience as a GM I believe that this will actually make Extras a bit more challenging. When an Extra wasn't simply "blown away", they would be Shaken, and as a result, might as well have been blown away. They had a fair shot at becoming unshaken, but very rarely did they ever get a raise, and of course, as a GM, I'm not going to waste a benny on an Extra. So, even though they were no longer shaken, they still ended up being pretty much sitting ducks because they can't really take any actions that would save them in the long run. Wild Cards, on the other hand, have a better shot at getting that raise, and if they didn't, then they have the benefit (EDIT: pun wasn't intended) of players/GMs being willing to spend a Benny on them. As a GM, I like the change, and really am looking forward to giving it a shot in play.


Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:12 pm
by Damian Magecraft
palladiumjunkie wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Spinachcat wrote:The lethality in a SW game depends on the GM's distribution of bennies. If a GM tosses them around like candy, the PCs can become nigh-invulnerable. If a GM is too stingy, PCs die like flies. There are some good guidelines for distribution, but mostly its something each GM has to gauge for themselves and their players.
with the new shaken rule change (no more needing a raise to lose shaken AND act getting rid of the "shaken lock" that can occur) things are "slightly" more in favor of the PCs... (except vs undead... they are still disgustingly deadly in large masses).

I still have to see it in play, but in my experience as a GM I believe that this will actually make Extras a bit more challenging. When an Extra wasn't simply "blown away", they would be Shaken, and as a result, might as well have been blown away. They had a fair shot at becoming unshaken, but very rarely did they ever get a raise, and of course, as a GM, I'm not going to waste a benny on an Extra. So, even though they were no longer shaken, they still ended up being pretty much sitting ducks because they can't really take any actions that would save them in the long run. Wild Cards, on the other hand, have a better shot at getting that raise, and if they didn't, then they have the benefit (EDIT: pun wasn't intended) of players/GMs being willing to spend a Benny on them. As a GM, I like the change, and really am looking forward to giving it a shot in play.


Well I have seen the shaken lock hit Wild Cards before as well. It usually only happens after they run out of bennies but it did occur.
I like the change. When I first started playing SvW I "thought" the new way was how it was supposed to work.

I foresee a lot of "how many bennies is too many" conversations in Rifts future.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 5:54 pm
by Semi-Retired Gamer
Xar wrote:

This would make me so very happy.

I hear that and I have a new #1 on my must buy list.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 5:48 pm
by greathorned
I'm sure its exciting and all to see another system redo rifts but, I have no plans of jumping ship. I personally see nothing wrong with the system as is. sure it is a little confusing for a newcomer but, if anything palladium could just do an updated core rules book or beginner box to simplify things for people new to the system. other then that I would like to see some detailed adventure modules and maybe some boxed sets would be cool :)

on a side note I'm looking forward to hero's of humanity and, the much anticipated tomb grotesque and book of magic for BTS ;)

I do think a codex of Npc's and book of monsters for rifts would be cool

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 8:57 am
by Jerell
I'm not jumping ship, I'll still run Rifts in the Palladium system. I may 'branch out,' if you will to SW Rifts. Or get one of my players to run something, so I can play for a change. Heroes of Humanity should be good.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:19 pm
by Josh Hilden
Wouldn't really be jumping ship since Palladium will still be making money off the game.

Re: A conversion of RIFTS?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 4:16 pm
by Semi-Retired Gamer
Why jump ship when you can run both?