Tor wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:while you can shoot down missiles, you cannot shoot down nulcear bombs.
Did not even think of this, always assumed you could, but indeed the shoot-em-down tactic is listed under missiles. I guess these are more like grenades, smaller and not plausibly to shoot mid-air?
Pretty much, yup, too small and fast.
Tor wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:Nothern Gun sells all kinds of missiles, including long range, nothing that laucnhes them.
Neat, does anyone recall if it's WB 33 or WB 34 and which page where it talks about this? Kinda wondering why CS wouldn't pressure them to stop selling LRMs since it's clearly not for any of their stuff.
WB 33. in fact it's the first thing it says on page 8. "They produce everything from boots and electric lanters to combat robots and long-range missiles"
As for why not...honestly, I think it's a case of grandfathered contracts. Northern Gun is stated to be the FIRST arms dealer that was able to repair and produce Mega-Damage equipment after the apocalypse, and for well over a century more or less was the only dealer there was for most city-states and petty kingdoms. while they might not sell robots that launch them, they could well just be selling basic, land-based box launchers and sell them to various kingdoms. and Northern Gun probablly quite rightly pointed out that they have been selling Long Range Missiles to the King of Utah under a contract that predates Chi-Towns founding. There's a lot of social pressure behind something like that. As long as they don't openly sell them to enemies of the CS, the CS permits it (And Northern gun offically canceled all deals with magic-using kingdoms (And just continued selling through proxies)
Tor wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:There is that I guess.
Although I think RUE had introduced the speed-based strike penalties, making missiles nigh-unhittable so I don't know how plausible it is to shoot down missiles with anything now unless you get a natural 20.
Those penalties are for characters shooting guns--targeting computers negate these penalties, but require weapon systems (and the skill) to use them properly. that's why naval guns can shoot at targets they can't see without penalties, and why dogfighting can happen at all. Which means only people in power armor or better can give it a try realistically (Although if you have mini-missiles you are better off using them anyway)
Tor wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:Coalition Navy says that Iron Heart Avengers are a group of IHA employees that left port just before the Coalition invaded and successfully smuggled all the plans and designs for IHA equipment with them. It says they are fully capable of restarting the company and producing all designs if they get proper facilities and land based power, however, as of now they have no land base and make a living raiding the CS wherever possible until they can rebuild their facilities somewhere out of the CS's reach.
Isn't there loads of empty space in the City of Brass?
They are irrationally biased against tech there, remember. however much they may want to annoy the CS.
Tor wrote:Gamer wrote:the AC-29 Air Castle (a Heavy bomber that would never have been built with "liquid fuel" engines giving it the pathetic operational range of WW1 era heavy bombers)
Did WW2 bombers use something besides liquid fuel? Do modern ones?
It may well be that the golden-age design was nuclear but due to shortage of materials or the expense, Iron Heart figured out how to modify it to work on liquid fuel so that they could offer it at a lower price.
Some people also might want to give bombers short range so that whoever is piloting them can't easily take off with them and not come back. Limiting their range creatres more incentive to return the valuable vehicle.
Actually it says it sells both nuclear and liquid-fuel. the nuclear powered one is 100 million, the liquid fuel one is 80 million. It's purely a way to shave 1/5 off the price.