Where do i find the basilisk and other "old school" dragons

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Re: Where do i find the basilisk and other "old school" drag

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Prysus wrote:
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:Not just dropped, but changed for no reason.

Wolfen lose their extra attack.... but gain Augmented Strength? (But PF and Space Wolfen still have the extra attack).

There were a BUNCH of changes in CB1r that dont jive with their incarnations in the game they are supposedly being "converted" from (and really, for the purely SDC creatures... why was 'Conversion' even necessary - all that really needed to be presented was how those native to Rifts could select OCCs and which ones).

Greetings and Salutations. *Perks up head.* Did someone mention PF? So a few notes ...

1: Wolfen don't have an extra attack in PF, despite your claim. So CB1r would bring that MORE in line with the other incarnation they're being converted from. Note: Not sure about Space Wolfen as that's a Rifts thing, but since that's not the source of the conversion they're not really relevant either.

2: From what I can tell, Bionic Strength (a.k.a. Augmented, but CB1r uses the term Bionic) is takes the place of Giant Strength in PF. Giant Strength is a thing in PF2, though from what I can tell it only increases a character's throwing range. This is why Ogres also have Bionic Strength, as do some of the True Giants. From the races I checked, if the giant race doesn't have Supernatural Strength, then it has Bionic Strength. So they translated "Giant Strength" into the Rifts equivalent, Bionic/Augmented.

As for the need for the CB1r, I'll agree unless the creature becomes M.D. or stats altered drastically (Creatures of Magic and Supernatural Beings, mostly), then it doesn't need to be in a Conversion Book. However, I do see the advantage to collecting various races from various books and putting them into one easy to find place for people who may not play the PF line. CB1r kind of acts like a Rifts Bestiary. Should it be called a conversion book? Probably not for that alone. But, well, CB2 is a bunch of gods and goddesses that weren't actually converted from any of their settings at all (unless the argument is that they were converted from real mythology, in which case what constitutes a "conversion" book grows considerably larger). All this means is that Palladium doesn't always label their books correctly (such as Vampire Kingdoms which you mentioned earlier being a World Book in your opinion).

Hope some of that clarifies at least a few things. I may not agree with everything Palladium does, but these specific issues seem justifiable. Farewell and safe journeys.

I do not have a problem with things changing. But cut material from the book, to boost sales of other lines is beyond annoying. They should not have dropped conversion notes from conversion book 1.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Where do i find the basilisk and other "old school" drag

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

SolCannibal, D&G includes a couple of additional dragon types and fleshes out both hatchling stats and skill differences between fantasy and rifts dragons more thoroughly than in CB1. I'd imagine that going through individual stat lines would bring up additional minor changes.
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Re: Where do i find the basilisk and other "old school" drag

Unread post by Colonel_Tetsuya »

Prysus wrote:CB1r kind of acts like a Rifts Bestiary

In what way is the non-Revised CB1 any different?

Why was it remotely necessary to revise CB1?

It removed a ton of good material (for instance, a lot of the rules examples)

Stuff was changed for little to no reason

Dragons were removed for no random reason (as were almost all of the ACTUALLY useful creatures - the supernatural ones, since we're told that none of the PF races have sizable populations on earth)..

the Heroes Unlimited/Super Power conversions were overhauled to make less sense and became more powerful (which was definitely not needed).

It became a WAY less useful book.

CB1r is a regressive book compared to the non-revised version. It's a straight up inferior product.
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Re: Where do i find the basilisk and other "old school" drag

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:
Prysus wrote:CB1r kind of acts like a Rifts Bestiary

In what way is the non-Revised CB1 any different?

Why was it remotely necessary to revise CB1?

It removed a ton of good material (for instance, a lot of the rules examples)

Stuff was changed for little to no reason

Dragons were removed for no random reason (as were almost all of the ACTUALLY useful creatures - the supernatural ones, since we're told that none of the PF races have sizable populations on earth)..

the Heroes Unlimited/Super Power conversions were overhauled to make less sense and became more powerful (which was definitely not needed).

It became a WAY less useful book.

CB1r is a regressive book compared to the non-revised version. It's a straight up inferior product.

Dragons elementals, spirits of light and some demons. I remember getting dark conversion and was like half that stuff is in CB1 then found out it was stuff cut from cb1 revised. So now rifts lacks the stats for elementals even though a core class can call them and they are referenced in several books. So they made it so you have to buy non-rifts books for things that they talk about in rifts. That to me is a big no no.
The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

Master of Type-O and the obvios.

Soon my army oc clones and winged-monkies will rule the world but first, must .......

I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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