Fenris2020 wrote:Aermas wrote:Well I can't say anything better than Hotrod did. But do know Fenris, that even Hitler himself gave passes to certain "undesirables" in his regime. I'd have to double check but I think even his tailor got a pass.
Yes, and one of the "passes" was for himself.
The CS has been entrenched for a much longer period of time, however; had the NAZIs had control of their nation for that long, I'm fairly certain the "passes" would have been gone.
Or as time went by, people would soften and wonder why such brutality was ever necessary in the first place.
The only thing that props up a totalitarian state like the CS, is fear of a foreign entity. Not necessarily foreign by nationality, but in other ways. Point being, after Tolkeen was defeated, there could be those within the CS who are less afraid of magic. It's human nature to eventually pity the things you destroyed. The less of a threat they pose, the more likely it happens. Might take a decade, maybe a century. But eventually, you just get tired and stop killin' stuff.
Best example is the Romans. Early on, everybody who wasn't a Roman was a barbarian, therefore, everybody deserved to be subjugated and treated as inferior. Then, eventually, it became, 'hey, these barbarians aren't so bad when they copy everything we do.' And finally, it was, 'eh, let the barbarians run everything.'
If there weren't occasional bipolar swings in public sentiment, then a nation could go on existing as an unchanging monolith for millennia. Pretty sure human psychology doesn't work that way.