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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:07 am
by acreRake
There should be a power called "Zen"

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:22 am
by Iczer
Phase cutting: (By Iczer.
“Hurts..don’t it.”

The character has the ability to make his hands (and other natural weapons) slightly out of phase, as so to cause deep and injurious wounds to another. Essentially, the character strikes with his out of phase limb and then partially reform the limb while inside another person. This is insanely painful, and causes molecular trauma to the recipient rather than mere concussions and piercing.
·The attack inflicts normal damage, but only half the normal damage bonus may be applied
·Any victim of this type of attack may be stunned by it. Make a save vs pain of 12+ (include PE bonuses). Failure means the victim is stunned, losing his next action (and suffering a –4 to defensive maneuvers)
·Works through any form of worn armor, except if said armor is more than 6 inches in thickness, or is reinforced by a force field (scientific, psionic or magical)
·Works through any natural armor ratings, except those provided by transforming into a non organic form (such as alter physical structures)
·Applies only to the character’s natural attacks. Held weapons do not apply, though any inborn weapons (claws, horns, spiked tongue etc)
·Does not work on people with the power of Disruptive touch. (Something to do with their own abilities to manipulate nervous energies)

Paravision (By Iczer.
“What…you thought I didn’t see you there”

The character’s whole body acts like the human eye, turning any light that strikes it into optical images. Effectively the character has a kind of 360 degree vision, but has the advantages of being able to use a pointed finger as a periscope to look over walls, around corners and inside sensitive electronics. A bare foot automatically ‘sees’ under nearby couches (and up lady’s skirts if so inclined… a great party trick.)
Other bonuses
+2 to initiative, and cannot be snuck up on, unless wearing clothing all over his body
+4 to perception checks (If used in your game)
+10% to detect ambush, and detect traps. +5% to electrical and mechanical skills (where being able to get a close and detailed look would help)
All vision powers can be used through his body.
Effectively immune to blindness. While his actual eyes might suffer blindness or even damage, the character can still use his eyelids to see. Bright light and teargas do not impede his skin’s ability to see.
+2 to make aimed, and called shots. In many cases, the character can look straight down the barrel by looking through his knuckles holding the firearm.
The character is immune to the disorientation of seeing through every aspect of his skin (and can turn it off where necessary… imagine looking through your armpits on a sweaty day)
[Minor power]

Thermal dissipation (By Iczer.
“Yo dude…You better chill before I come over there and make you.”

The character has the ability to disperse and dissipate heat on contact with his skin. This violent destruction of thermal energy leaves a cold wake as the character passes.
1)Combat benefits. Striking a normal human or animal inflicts an extra 2d6 damage (+1 point per level) as body heat is leeched away. Character’s normally immune to cold may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count) to resist it, otherwise they suffer half normal damage as their tissues freeze and cells burst. This is not strictly a cold attack so much as normal body heat being leeched away. Creatures of ice or snow, or without normal water filled cells (such as APS Stone or metal) are immune. Aliens from a thermal world will take an extra 50% damage, while characters from frozen environments takes only half damage (no save required). Characters made of, or composed of fire take double damage as do creatures made from plasma.
2)Freezing: The character can freeze up to 4 gallons of water per melee round per level by touch. If touching a body of water, his control is enough to exclude parts of that body. Thus he can create an ice bridge across a swimming pool, leaving the swimmers unharmed (Though all that ice will make the water very cold in a short period of time. By striking character surrounded by water (such as wrestling a crocodile) the character can perform an entangle much like the entangle ability found in APS: Ice.
3)Immune to heat: the character is immune to all forms of heat and fire while conscious. The character simply causes heated molecules to stop their molecular motion by some form of micro scale telekinetics.
4)Fire fighting: The character extinguishes fire as he passes. By concentrating, he can super cool the air around him, dropping the local temperature to around 45 degrees F. This condition causes normal fire and heat to fizzle out, and prevents explosive chemicals from reaching a proper flash point (super cooled gasoline has a sluggish response in an automobile. Super cooled gunpowder may result in a gun either jamming (45%) or delivering a low powered round (half damage). Super cooled explosives explode in a disappointing manner (Half damage, half radius of effect. Note chemical explosions that do not rely on hyper fast combustion are unaffected, so nuclear bombs and semtext are immune to this power). Computers will enjoy all the benefits of this ability, including a 15-25% increase in operating speed. Maintaining this ability costs the character one action every melee round, and has a radius around the character of 20 feet +5 feet per level.
5)Other benefits. As stated above, immune to blazing hot temperatures and fire.
Resistant to cold (half damage)
+ 5D6 SDC
[Major power]

Thickened blood (By Iczer.
“Hmm…I guess blood IS thicker than water……Much thicker”
The character’s blood has the consistency of tree sap, molasses or chilled honey. In any case, his metabolism, and vascular system has adapted to cope, leaving the character with the following benefits.
·Heavier than normal. Weighs 20-30% more than normal
·His adapted heart and lungs work with greater power and efficiency. Can hold his breath for 15 seconds per PE point. Tires at half rate.
·+2 PE
·+15 SDC
·+2 PS
·Hardened body resists blunt impacts, taking ½ damage from blunt force trauma.
·Does not bleed. More precisely, the thickened blood clots quickly and gums up in any exposed wounds
·Thickened blood has more resistance to blood borne toxins and diseases. Take twice as long to onset (or 2 melee’s if onset time is instantaneous) and the character has +4 to resist them.
[Minor power]


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:26 am
by Iczer
Body sculpting (By Iczer.
“Breast enhancements? Naw My doctor just threw these together this morning”

The character has the ability to malleate flesh with his touch. With careful manipulation he can render a person unrecognizable, enhancing and sculpting appearances or shredding them.
1)Delicate surgery: With a willing, or at least unresisting or helpless victim, the character can sculpt and mold their facial features. In reality, as the character lays his hands on a person, tiny needles deliver a chemical potpourri of juices designed to shape cartilage, bone, muscle, flesh and nerves. This is a slow process, but certainly faster than conventional cosmetic surgery. (as a rule, presume 30 minutes minimum time, plus another 5 minutes per point of PB shifted, plus another 5 minutes per point of penalty applied to his basic sculpting skill (see below). Twice this for a slow, careful job, half this for quick and dirty work. This ability can also dye hair and skin (within human tones), modify eye color, add or remove hair, remove or add moles straighten teeth and correct other cosmetic differences. It can also be used to implant regular implants, or just bulk up or slim down fat cells.
2)Dirty pool. If the character can stike an opponent in melee, the opponent must make a save vs non lethal poison or find his flesh melting from the touch. This is a brief period of mutilation, almost as long as the contact lasts, but the victim feels the destroyed flesh. Bare hand blows do and extra 1D4 damage (+1 per level) to those that fail their saving throw. If the character can get a grip on his opponent, he may attempt to tear huge chunks out of him. This can only be done from a grapple and counts as two actions (and the tearing effectively ends the grapple). The victim takes 6d6+PS damage from this attack, and must make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count). If the save is failed he victim also loses a PE point out of the deal as well as a 20% chance of losing a PB point as well. Without the assistance of this character, or an extremely competent surgeon, these points are lost permanently. In any case, any wounds left by this character will appear twice as bad as they should. Targets who are otherwise ‘immune to poisons and toxins’ are immune to this power.
3)Body sculpt: The character has the skill Art: (Sculpt human flesh) at 75% +5% per level. With this power and this skill, the character can make the alterations as outlined above. This skill is only necessary if the character wants to make long lasting, permanent and precise work. To simply disfigure or maim a disfigured victim, all he needs is to have that victim at his mercy. PB can be raised on a person by 30% (+1 point per level). There is a limit to natural beauty in a person.
Other skill notes:
Simple beautification and cosmetic cleansing. –0% for a PB shift of no more than 3 points)
Cosmetic enhancement: -5%
Alter traits directly connected to PB (Breasts, fat, jawline) –5% each
Alter traits not directly connected to PB (Moles, skin color) -0%
Alter appearance as to appear different -5%
Alter appearance to resemble another person -10% (plus will need a picture to work with, and will need to also adjust PB to match)
Add or remove a gross feature of the body (such as horns or thickened skin) –20%
Toughen skin to make an AR of 9 -15%
Alter a person’s height -10% (bones are tricky)
Alter a person’s posture –20% (make your dog walk upright. Includes basic balance)
Radically alter skull structure (give your dog humanoid features) -30%

A failed roll usually results in discomfort for the subject, as his natural features attempt to reassert themselves. 1d4 hours after surgery the character’s body starts to fight back. This painful regression takes 6d6 minutes for every hour spent in surgery, the victim taking 4d6 damage every 5 full minutes. In the case of shaping the skull, failure can result in permanent brain damage.
4)Other benefits: The character gains +10% to first aid, paramedic and MD skills.
+1 PP

Supervision: Electromagnetic density sight (By Iczer.
“Oh man. Of all the dumb luck. X-ray vision without the perks.”

The character’s vision emits a kind of density scanner, that penetrates up to 18 inches through any materiel. Sadly, this type of sight, while much more ‘instantaneous’ than conventional X-ray vision, sees things only in comparison of density. Looking at a person reveals their skeleton, with a faint, wispy outline in the shape of flesh and clothing. With a large ‘lump’ of hard flesh in the center of the chest. Essentially the character can see things rendered with a kind of 3d wireframe vision. With this the character automatically see’s odd things about a person. Characters with super dense skeletons appear to have very solid bones (much more contrast to their surroundings than a normal human’s) likewise character with altered internals, concealed weapons and other suprises of biology or science can be determined with a quick glance (the character need not announce that he is looking, he is assumed to be able to use both visions at once). This ability is marred by a single flaw though. He can see dense objects hidden behind or within less dense objects, but not the reverse. He can see steel support frames in a concrete wall, but not the electrical wiring in the same wall. Likewise, anything can be hidden from this character simply by putting something ‘more dense’ in front of it.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:47 am
by MrTwist
For a power called Zen, I'm thinking there'd have to be some kind of increase in mental capabilities. Maybe even a skill increase of 15% across the board, or 10% across the board and an extra 25% to motorcycle repair.

Maybe a slight increase in combat capabilities. Not really well versed with the whole Zen thing, so I really don't have much of an idea about how to do the bonuses.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:55 am
by Iczer
Zen (By Iczer.
"I knew that was going to happen"

The character has developed a Zen type quality. He has not so much gained a zen like awareness, but actually is the very definition of zen 'Something so different, no one could predict it, transcending language and communication, affecting the most basic instincts and being'

1) Transcend language. The character's brain subconsciusly taps into the language centre of any who come within 50 feet of the character. He speaks all langauges understood by anyone in that area. Furthermore, he imprints any spoken word he makes or any written character with actual meaning. anyone, regardless of native language, even if actual gibbersih is spoken, understands the content of what is said by the character. If confronted with a written language, without a native speaker around he is a stumped as anyone else. The character cannot lie using this ability.
2) Known and loved. The character imprints his essence into anyone within 50 feet. This is a non harmful, non invasive kind of imprinting. A good aligned, friendly character will evoke kind and freindly feelings in others. an evil person with this may invoke other images. in any case the anyone who has seen, or been within 50 feet of the character recognises him instantly with the accompanying 'self image'. additionally, people gain a knowledge of his general proclivities as a matter of course. whether they care or not is a matter of personal taste, and alignment. ("hey..lets not rob that old Lady. Zen wouldn't like it")
3) preturnaturally serene. The character is unflapable, and is always content (though he may display an emotion. note that anyone in his area of affect Knows what he is feeling, even if his face does not change). Immune to horror factor. has a +6 to save vs psionics and mind controlling magics. The character can also fight in a zen like trance. during this trance he posesses an autododge, +2 to strike, parry,m dodge, roll and initiative and cannot be surprised. Zen fighting inflicts only half normal damage, and halves his normal attacks per melee, but he automatically stuns an opponent on a natural 17+. HE also can see through magic or psychic illusions (though normal optical illusions or camoflage can still confound him)
4) Affect moral being: The character can also bump someone's moral compass. This is a kind of mental attack, but is a non invasive kind, one that merely acts like an amplified 'angel on the shoulder'. the recipient can save agsinst this (ME bonuses apply 14+ needed) but it does not shut out the implanted 'voice'. Characters of miscreant alignment are +2 to save vs this effect, while diabolic characters are +6. They are already well down a dark road. To inflict this conscence on another counts as two actions, and lasts for 2d6 minutes per level.
5) Other bonuses.
* +2D4 ME
* +2 MA
* Calms the emotions of beasts and children within 50 feet. traeted as an equal or friend though, not a master. Evil characters with this ability also transmit any evil intent, so the calm, unangered Tiger may still defend itself.
* The power has to be consiously shut off
* The character knows the alignment and emotional state of anyone within 50 feet. typically can feel one unhappy person in a crowd of 100, sense treachery in one stranger. He also knows the preffered name of any one in his range. (This does not reveal secret Identities. If The crimson Cowl comes within 50 feet of a character with this, his preffered name -or Cowl for short- is revealed.)


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:44 am
by Mr Scorpio
Wow, Iczer, you seem to be on a roll again. Thermal Dissipation and Unnatural Selection are my early favorites from this bunch.

While you're on a roll....I've seen one or two probablility control powers but I'd like to see one that allows the character to control improbability.
Character A: "Sure it's possible that Dr. Nasty's Death Ray will blow up in his hand but it's not probable."
Character B: "How sure are you?" BOOM! "Hehehe"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:09 pm
by dark brandon
Touch of Relief -By Darkbrandon

"my pain is yours, your comfort is mine"

The character can transfer wounds from their body onto someone elses. Physical damage as well as any toxins, diseases or just about anything that damages the body

Give the wound
Range: Touch + 2 ft every level after 1st.
Duration: Instant/permanent
damage: The character can transfer 1D6 points of SDC/HP damage from his/her body onto someone elses body per level of experience. The person having the wounds transferred on to takes the same amount of damage plus 1.
save: A one time roll to save of 14 or higher (+ ME bonuses). A failed roll means the person is vulnerable to the power and subsequent touches all affect them. A save means this person for some reason or another is invulnerable to this power.

Give the Poison
Range: Touch
Duration: must remain in contact with the flesh of another person for 15 seconds (1 melee).
Damage: The character transfers all poisons/toxins and diseases from his/her body into the body of another.
Save: Same as with Give the wound. A failed roll means they are vulnerable and have the poisons/diseases/toxins placed into their body. They must then make another save roll against these ailments. The character himself is cured of these problems.

Give the Body
Range: Touch
Duration: Must remain in contact with the flesh of another person for 1 hour.
Damage: The character transfers any permanent damage, such as stiff joints or perhaps partially damaged brain or missing limb to another persons body.
Save: Same as Give the wound. A failed roll means they have become inflicted with the stiff joints, or damaged brain or other permanently damaged body part. The character himself is cured of these problems. This also means the character is always in great physical shape as anything from zits to extra weight is transferred to another person.

Give the Life
Range: Touch
Duration: permanent, instant
Damage: If a person fails any of the aforementioned rolls to save, not only are they inflicted with that damage/problem, they also lose 1 year of their life while the character with the power grows a year younger. For the most part, if the person uses this power often, they never age past 20-25 and they only really need to do this 1 time a year after they are over 25. For some, it may seem like an insignificant change, for others, such as children or elderly, the affects can be noticable. Only the most evil villain would use this on a child or an elderly person.

Give the Control
Range: Touch + 2 ft per level of experience after 1st
Duration: permanent, instant
Save: Whatever the spell or psionic power is to save
Description: Whenever a character with this power comes under control, mind control/possession, he or she will instantly and always try to expel the host at any given time. This means that if they are mind controlled, possessed or any other type of thing, if any creature comes into the characters contact, the character will automatically, without knowing, reject the control and force it upon the person who is within their range. This effectively makes the character nearly impervious to possession or mind control, but those around him will suffer for this. The only sure way to keep this character under control is to keep all creatures away from this character.

Other Bonuses:

+1D4 to ME
+1D6 to PB
Heals 2x's as fast as normal humans

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:00 am
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:Whew, thinks are heating up on this thread again.. OK it's the weekend so I will be putting up these new powers.. I've just realised that I've been updating the page almost daily. I toddle off to do something else, look back and there is six new powers to add to the page!

Most of these should really be submitted for inclusion in the Rifter, what do you think guys? I'm not sure how Palladium would go about it, what with 21 different authors.. perhaps they could sent us out a free book each?

There are so many powers now that sooner or later you're going to have to move them to separate pages (one for Minors, one for Majors, one for silly powers, etc.). Adding pics is a great idea (now I just have to learn how to draw).

Oh, BTW, I've been having trouble coming up with cool quotes to put with my powers any help would be greatly appreciated.

Submitting them to the Rifter is a great idea. There are a lot of awesome powers there! It's hard to say how they should handle the multiple authors thing other than sending each one a free book (that's still a lot of books!).

Geez, this thread has close to 1,000 posts already, cool. 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:37 pm
by acreRake
I don't know if these are covered in PU or whatever, so feel free to disregard...

Animal abilities: Primate

Physical traits: large ears, flattened nose, long arms, fingers and toes.
1. Heightened touch (same as minor power)
2. Natural Acrobatics: 70%+5% per level
3. +2 to initiative, +3 to roll with punch/fall
4. add 6 feet to leap
5. +1D4x10 to SDC
6. add 2D6 to PS
7. Control 2D4 non-human primates

Animal abilities: Amphibian
Physical Traits: Large eyes, moist-looking skin, webbed fingers and toes
1. Adhesion (as minor power, but can only carry half as much and moves at one third speed attribute)
2. Natural swimming at twice normal speed attribute: 80%
3. Hold breath for 2D6 minutes
4. Extraordinary leaping: 20 feet straight up or 40’ long
5. Has a prehensile tongue which can extend up to 10’
6. +1 to parry and dodge
7. Control 4D4 Amphibians

1. Dream travel: The superbeing can enter the Dreamstream™ identically to the Dreamdance (Minor) psionic power. (NB: BtS page 117)
Duration: up to 2 hours per 24 hours, per level.
Though finding other people’s dream-pools has the same chances, the character can never enter other dream-pools (at least, not without help). Once a specific pool is found, she can look in on the dream as the magic spell: observe dream (NB: BtS page 127).
2. Summon and control dream personae: In the Dreamstream™ the superbeing can conjure up personae and dream creatures. Average (of any kind) and loyal (preexisting) “Regulars” appear instantly and are under complete control of the character. Independent personae and Dream Denizens can choose to come when summoned or not, and are under no control, but can be intimidated/bargained/reasoned with or may freely attack.
Creatures the character is able to summon: Guilt Eaters, Dream Furies, Dream Ghouls and Personae (including Living Nightmares). The first two types are likely to attack on sight. (NB:BtS 98-108)
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Attacks per melee: it takes one attack/action to summon
Range: only useable in the Dreamstream™
3. Manipulate Dreams: Within her own dream-pool or in the Dreamstream™ at large, the superbeing can produce any images/visions she desires. However, these only have 10 SDC per cubic foot. Handheld Objects and weapons are limited to 10 SDC each. Maximum Horror Factor is 10 (+1 per level, 18 maximum). Maximum damage for any single attack by any creation (including falling battleships and machinegun bursts) is 2D6 damage.
Attacks: each item or environment change takes one attack
4. Enter Physical World: The Dream-Self of the character can enter the physical world bodily.
Typically its form is an idealized version of the being’s physical body, though disturbed or altered people may have a radically different view/manifestation of themselves. This Dream-Self has an SDC equal to the combined SDC and HP of the character, all other attributes and abilities are identical.
Additionally, the being can bring dream-stuff with her! Any dream-object and up to 1 other Dream Denizen (+1 at levels 4, 8 and 12)
Dream Denizens retain all their natural abilities but dream objects retain only 1D8 SDC and are mostly only good only for tricks or intimidation.
Range: The Dream-Self (and anything else) appears within 20’ of the dreaming superbeing, but can travel as far away from her as they wish.
Duration: Dream-Self and objects last up to 1 hour per level. Dream Denizens can exist outside the Dreamstream™ (in the waking world) for 1D6 minutes +1 minute per level. Dream Ghouls and Living Nightmares can elect to stay in the physical world after the duration elapses if they wish.
Killing the Dream-Self instantly dispels anything brought to the physical world from the Dreamstream™ and throws the character into a light coma. The coma can last up to twice the character’s PE in hours and has a 60% recovery ratio (2 out of 3 per hour)
5. Dream Trap: The victim of this attack is immediately “Dream Blind” (NB: BtS 82), even if awake! This power is essentially equivalent to the Mind Trap animal psionic power (HU2 171) in that the victim is incapable of interacting with the outside world and experiences a hyper-vivid dream reality. As this power taps into the Dreamstream™ , the character cannot determine what the target experiences (unless she is in the Dreamstream™ and uses her “Manipulate Dreams” ability.) Unlike Mind Trap, no insanities are possible, when the victim “wakes up” they know “it was all just a dream!”
Range: 10’
Duration: 5D6 minutes minus the victim’s ME (minimum duration is one minute).
Saving Throw: 12 or higher, adding any ME bonus.
While in the trap little illusory figments will float around the victim’s head.
6. BonusesDream Combat Bonuses: +1 at level one, +1 at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 13
+1D6 to ME
+2 to save versus holograms and illusions
+3 to save versus possession and mind control

edit: put the "™"s back in...

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:24 am
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:Wow, Iczer, you seem to be on a roll again. Thermal Dissipation and Unnatural Selection are my early favorites from this bunch.

While you're on a roll....I've seen one or two probablility control powers but I'd like to see one that allows the character to control improbability.
Character A: "Sure it's possible that Dr. Nasty's Death Ray will blow up in his hand but it's not probable."
Character B: "How sure are you?" BOOM! "Hehehe"

Entropic Cascade
"Now what were the chances of THAT happening? Twice."

The character has the ability to manipulate subtle entropic forces surrouning people, like an attack cloud, or a type of curse.
1) Negative energy cloud: The character can affect an area 30 feet across (+5 feet per level), up to 60 feet away (+10 feet per level). Despite it's name, this cloud is invisible (except to those that can sense entropic forces, death energy or can see the invisible) and unnafected by wind or environmental conditions. The cloud has the simple ability to multiply and worsen elements that already hinder progress. It takes 2 actions to form such a cloud, and it's specific effects are described in section 3 below. The cloud lasts for 3 minutes per level.
2) Curse of Havock: Instead of affecting an area, the character can simply attempt to infect a target within 60 feet (+10 feet per level). any target so affected remains afflicted with the problems listed below in section 3 for a duration of 5 minutes per level. An individual may attempt to save if he is targeted directly (14+ ME bonuses count), but if an item held or controlled by that character is affected then no save is possible. Curse of Havok takes 2 actions to complete.
3) Effects of Entropic Cascade. Firstly, skill performance drops by 3% per level while afflicted, and combat bonuses drop by 1 for every 3 levels of the character. These penalties come about by subtle alterations in a person's environment (floor loses traction, guns more prone to jamming etc..). Secondly, the effects of Luck enhancing powers (such as Karmic power) are negated. Thirdly victims of this power cannot simply fail at a skill check or combat roll. They fail spectacularly. Every time they fail a roll for any reason, then they must save vs entropic cascade (14+ ME bonuses apply) or suffer a disasterous effect. roll 1d20
1-6 Take 2d6 Damage and be stunned for 1d4 rounds
7-12 Take 4d6 Damage
13-17 Knocked down (Lose an action and initiative)
18-19 Knocked down and back 3d6 feet (Lose 2 actions and initiative)
20 Power or piece of equipment ceases to function (Powers for 1d4 rounds, equipment until fixed)
4) Other benefits.
The character is immune to his own power. He can immunise others from his own power by concentrating (loses one action per round)
Character has his own little parcel of luck, gaining +2 to roll and +1 to intiative


Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:06 pm
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:This also marks POST NUMBER ONE THOUSAND on the greatest HU thread of all time!

Yippie, I knew we could make it! Great work everybody

Iczer wrote:Entropic Cascade

Dude, you're the man! That is even better than I imagined. Thanks 8)

While I'm here, I've been thinking about your Chrysalis power. I've started to think that it might be better if instead of adding a random power that maybe it should provide the character with specific physical attribute bonuses. For example the character would be able to choose to shed his skin and temporarily become stronger: +10 to PS which becomes Superhuman (unless he already has better) and +30 to S.D.C. or he could become faster: +20 to Spd. and +2 to initiative. I'd also limit the Duration to 5 mintues per level. It seems a little too powerful for a Minor as well and should probably be upgraded to a Major. Just a couple of suggestions.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:29 am
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:
ZEN wrote:This also marks POST NUMBER ONE THOUSAND on the greatest HU thread of all time!

Yippie, I knew we could make it! Great work everybody

Iczer wrote:Entropic Cascade

Dude, you're the man! That is even better than I imagined. Thanks 8)

While I'm here, I've been thinking about your Chrysalis power. I've started to think that it might be better if instead of adding a random power that maybe it should provide the character with specific physical attribute bonuses. For example the character would be able to choose to shed his skin and temporarily become stronger: +10 to PS which becomes Superhuman (unless he already has better) and +30 to S.D.C. or he could become faster: +20 to Spd. and +2 to initiative. I'd also limit the Duration to 5 mintues per level. It seems a little too powerful for a Minor as well and should probably be upgraded to a Major. Just a couple of suggestions.

It's not really too powerful.

* It only ever provides a minor power
* Without giving you a choice on the actual minor power, it makes it kind of unpredictable. might really need a strength increase, but you could be shedding your skin for the power of.....Bend light. You might want body weapons, but instead get x-ray vision.
* It makes you look freakish when you use it.
* It has limited uses per day and limited duration.

If the bonuses were selectable, then it is more likely to qualify as a major. I'd probably write that up like this

Reconfigure self [Major]
"I think I can handle this...just give me a minute"

The character ahs the ability to selectively pick and choose a series of enhancements to use to augment his body.
1) Power swapping. The character can trade out one minor power for another, chosen when the character is created. The character can choose from an additional power every 2nd level. Changing from one power to another takes 2 minutes of uninterupted concentration. When the power changes, only the raw ability is changed. SDC, HP and attributes remain unchanged. A changed power lasts for 20 minutes per level, before resetting. 20 minutes of rest is required before the character can adopt that power again.
2) Attribute enhancements: The character can activate an attribute enhancement once an hour, gaining the benefits of that increase. The selected ability remains 'enhanced' for 20 minutes per level, or until another ability is selected. Such an ability takes 2 minutes of uninterupted concentration to perform. The character starts with 3 of the following enhancements, and may select an additional enhancement every level. He can only use one of the following at a time.
* SDC Boost Gains 2D4x10 +25 SDC
* IQ Boost Gains 1D4+3 IQ
* ME Boost Gains 2D4 ME
* MA Boost Gains 2D4 MA
* PS Boost Gains 2D6+4 PS
* PS Boost PS becomes superhuman
* PP Boost Gain 1D4+1 PP
* PE boost Gain 1D4+4 PE
* Spd Boost Gain 4D6+6 Spd
* Combat boost Gain a broad spectrum +2 to all combat skills (including melee damage)
* Combat boost II Immeadiately fights as if he posessed HTH: Martial arts at 7th level
* HP Boost Double current HP
* Health Boost Gains +8 to all saves vs poison, disease and pain
* Psychic resistence boost Gains +6 to save vs psi, as well as a mind block
* Magic resistence boost Gains +6 to save vs magic and takes half damage/duration from any magic effect
* Skill boost Gains +20% to 5 skills. (These skills are chosen from the start. can be selected multiple times)
* Ninja Boost Gains acrobatics (87%) Prowl (88%) +4 initiative, Climb (90%) and +2 damage in melee combat
* Immortality Boost: Gains +40% to save vs coma/death, and can be revived at up to -100HP


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:02 am
by Iczer
Everyman (By Iczer,
"This is a good community, a law abiding community, and as their spokesperson, I'm telling you to leave before we have to lay the smack down on your candy ass"

The character gains a kind of empathic feedback from large crowds, subtly sending and recieving impression that both fuel and educate him.
1) The roar of the crowd: The character feels uplifted and invigorated when crowds of people marvel and cheer for him. Whenever he has a genuine cheer squad of at least a dozen people, he gains a temporary 25 SDC, +2 PS and +4PE. IF the crowd numbers at least 100, then he gains an additional 50 SDC, +2PS +2PE +5 Spd and +2 initiative. If the crowd is measured in the thousands or more, he gains +15% to all skills, +10Spd +6 Initiative, a further +4 to PS and PE. To benefit from this, the crowd must be genuinely feeling for the character. a paid and orchestrated cheer squad does nothing, and frightened, helpless people are also unable to assist. The cheering must be vocalised or actualised in some manner to work. simple good intentions are not enough.
2) Feedback: The character automatically feels the mood and anxieties of any crowd. A crowd constitutes 12 or more people. He feels the most common and pervasive of the emotions running through the crowd at any time, and he can gauge when things are about to turn sour (usually has 30-60 seconds warning). More importantly, he gains personality traits and habits common to the whole group, including mannersims, body language and accent. His reflexes and thought patterns adjust to match as well. The character gains +15% to any skill posessed by the group as a whole, or gains the skill at his normal level (whichever is highest). (IE: if amidst a group of Bikers, the character gains an instinctive motorcycle skill, as well as a knowledge of their favourite watering hole (and to call the bartender 'lefty'))
3) Subtle feel: even if the character is alone, he knows the generall feelings and concerns of any neighbourhood he is in, although not as strongly as if he had the emotions of a crowd to bolster him.
4) other bonuses: Gains +15% to impersonation/disguise when trying to adopt a persona that 'fits in'. Gains +4 to MA
Gains a +15% to public speaking, or any musical skills when performing in front of a crowd
The character can also calm a crowd, or stir up public awareness, or even start them rioting, by playing to thier ammased fears and concerns (or likes)

Matter Expulsion: Acid spray.
"heh. acid. It's the gift that keeps on Giving"

The character can create a variable form of corrosive fluid, that he can project like a high powered spray gun
Range: as direct attack, 100 feet +10 feet per level. As wide angled spray 30 feet +5 feet per level.
Attacks: each use of Matter expulsion: acid counts as one attack
Damage: Special.
Bonuses to hit: +3 with aimed, +1 wild.
As a normal attack, the character can inflict 1d6 per level of experience, which typically does half that damage one melee later, and half again a melee after that. As a spray, this damage is halved, but affects affects an area like a sawn off shotgun (Typically 12 feet across). anyone targetted with a spray attack has a -4 to dodge.
This attack is awfully efficient at melting steel, stone and other 'inorganic' substances. Such items take an extra 3d6 damage if their AR is breached, or full normal damage otherwise. Additionally, as the acid tends to billow and make a small cloud of acid mist on contact, Natural AR's are reduced by 2 and worn armour (except fully environmental armour) is no defence at all.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:11 am
by Iczer
Hmmm...must do something to bump this up a bit

Antimatter creation (By Iczer.
"Charlie make things go Boom now?"

The character has the ability to generate miniscule portions of antimatter, barely more than a few atoms, and yet can control the outcome and direction by sheer force of will.

1) Concussive assault: The character crates a small amount of anti hydrogen, where it explodes as a tiny fireball.
Range: 120 feet +20 feet per level.
Damage: 4d6, 6d6 or 8d6
Attacks per melee: each use of this power counts as one melee attack
Bonus to strike +1 with an aimed shot.

2) Concussive Flight: The character can create tiny motes of antimatter in the soles of his shoes, and propell himself in this fashion. This form of flight allows him to travel at 100MPH plus another 10MPH per level, but it is a very loud flight and very wearing on the legs (which effectively cushion the rest of the body). flight in this manner may only be maintained for as long as his endurance holds out (5 minutes per point of PE). additionally, the character steers like a brick.

3) Antimatter defence: with concentration, the character can set himself to create tiny pinpoint spots of antimatter very close to his own body, timed to coincide with impacts from solid objects. This takes a lot of concentration to maintain. while performing this trick, the character loses half his melee attacks, and can move no more than a SPD of 10. Any solid matter that strikes him creates a small detonation that repels and deflects the matter. The explosion does 3d6 damage (the character can shape this away from himself) and has an excellent chance of deflecting the entire attack (has an AR of 16) even attacks that do strike are halved in potency.

4) Blaze: The character can surround himself with a shield of antimatter. This act takes 2 attacks and immeadiately lets off a concussive wave from his body, affecting everyone within 25 feet for 4d6 damage with a 15% chance of knocking normal sized people off their feet.

5) Light show: By creating linked chains of detonating hydrogen, the character can create a show of light. at will he can create a glowing aura around an object, a spidery web of orange lightning or a lumenescant orange 'gas' made from irradiated plasma.

6) Other benefits: The character takes half damage from heat and radiation as well as from conventional eplosives. His sense of hearing is adapted as to resist deafness from long term exposure to loud noises.
+25 SDC The character also takes half damage from the direct effects of antimatter.
[Major power]

Wire frame: (By Iczer.
"Look, Let me sketch it here"

The character has the ability to generate a luminous substance that can be made to 'hang' in mid air, resisting airflow and gravity. This substance has the luminoscity of a standard lamp and comes in 'strands' that emerge from the character's fingers. The substance remains in air for 3 days per level of experience, at which point it fades to half power. another 3 days per level later it fades to nothing. The presence of strong wind (over 35MPH) reduces it's duration, and any solid object passing through it will break it up.
The character also gains a bonus of +10% to the art skill when using this ability. He can dismiss it or make it change colour at will.

Generate Lipase (By Iczer
"No no...I mean Fat. Not Phat. Let me demonstrate"

The character has the disturbing ability to subtly manipulate human fat.
1) Controlled weight gain: The character can bulk up, adding up to 15 lbs per level to himself. This makes him portly and blubbery, but adds the following benefits
* half damage from cold
* Takes 2/3rd damage from normal blunt impacts
* +2 to roll with punch
* +2 to pins and holds that rely on weight
* + adds 1d4+1 SDC per level (heals at a rate of 1 point per hour)
2) Mass attack: The character also has the ability to increase the fat content of others. Unlike the above ability, the character just piles on the weight in an uncontrolled fashion rather than limited to the body's actual endurance. Characters subjected to a touch from this character will need to mae a PE based saving throw (15+) or start gaining weight at a rate of 20 lbs per melee, up to a limit of 50lbs per level. Weight gained in this fashion bleeds off at a rate of 10lbs per hour. apart from the problems this weight can cause (it counts as part of the weight he is carrying, and tight fitting aroumour may be a problem) the character loses 2SPD per level and 1d4+1PP from the massive weight gain. Unlike controlled weight gain (above) the victim of this attack does not benefit overtly from this condition.
(note that mass attack can be used on oneself, and controlled weight gain can be used on allies)
3) Abolish fat: The character can reduce his own body fat, or the body fat of another to 1-2% over the base requirement for the human body. This ultra slim treatment also repairs the skin as it shrinks, healing stretch marks as it goes. it takes a mere 20 minutes of treatment to bring a person to this state (though the heavilly obese may take up to an hour). once abolished, it returns at the normal rate depending on a person's metabolism, diet and lifestyle. This ability also removes fatty acids from the bloodstream. people who willingly undertake this procedure (including the character himself) become healthier and more attractive, gaining +2PB and +1 PE (used with a grain of salt..people already healthy and attractive will not benefit at all)
4) Adipose manipulation: This grotesque sub ability allows the character to actually manipulate the fat in his body. The character needs about 25-30 Lbs of excess fat to perform this trick. With it he can form a limb from his fatty reserves, usually a hand forming from his swollen gut. this limb provides an extra attack per melee has poor dexterity (-2 to weild weapons, -10% on relevant skills) but has the full strength of the character, inflicts 1d6 damage from a punch or slap and can extend up to 10 feet away per every 20 excess lbs of weight. He can also cause his body to jiggle unnaturally or perform quirky feats (Like crushing a beer can on his belly)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:24 pm
by Mr Scorpio
My latest power idea: I was thinking about a power that causes the character's body to act like a high pressure water pump. He could absorb water into his body and then expell it at high pressure from his hands for a variety of effects. He could do a water blast similar to the one under A.P.S.: Water as well as being able to propel himself at high speeds while in the water. As long as he had access to enough water he could put out fires and water the lawn all day long. Perhaps he should be able to store extra water within his body for a while. I have no idea about gallons per minute or anything but there are the basics.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:09 pm
by acreRake
:-x Oi! :nh:

More like a Syphon (To draw off or convey through or as if through a siphon)... That's pretty cool, actually. Could you only do it with water, or with other matter? Or energy? (there are already a few powers, in the books and here that are energy syphon-type powers, so...)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:02 pm
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:My latest power idea: I was thinking about a power that causes the character's body to act like a high pressure water pump. He could absorb water into his body and then expell it at high pressure from his hands for a variety of effects. He could do a water blast similar to the one under A.P.S.: Water as well as being able to propel himself at high speeds while in the water. As long as he had access to enough water he could put out fires and water the lawn all day long. Perhaps he should be able to store extra water within his body for a while. I have no idea about gallons per minute or anything but there are the basics.

"I'm not fat. I'm retaining water is all"

The character has the abilityt to absorb and compress water from virtually any source, storing it for later where he can expell it under pressure.

1) Storage: The character can absorb water from any source by contact, absorbing 20 gallons per action. He can hold a maximum of 200 gallons per level, the weight seemingly vanishing into some sort of limbo where it gets presurised for later use.
2) High pressure blast: the character can expell water in short, pressurised bursts, inflicting damage like heavy punches. These short blasts inflict 2d6 +2 per level of experience and chew up 5 gallons at a time. These blasts have a range of 60 feet. The character also has the option to fire these blasts as a continuous stream. Treat this as per normal burst firing rules (see modern weapons proficiency section). a short burst does double damage and takes a single action to perform and chews 15 gallons. a medium burst chews 25 gallons and inflicts triple damage, requires 2 actions to perform. a long burst inflicts 4 times normal damage and chews 40 gallons it takes 3 actions to perform.. If the character is in direct contact to an open water source, he need not draw from his own internal supply, instead chanelling it straight through himself (this takes no additional actions). Any one hit by a burst has a chance of being knocked over (roll under damage dealt on % dice) Bonuses: +1 to strike with bursts, +3 to strike with aimed shots.
3) Low pressure burst As above, only base damage is a mere 1D4+1 (designed as a non lethal alternative). it too can be fired in bursts. Knock down chances are increased significantly. Chance of knockdown is 10% per point of damage, +1% per point at level2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. ( a 4th level character doing a short burst for 2 damage (x2 for a short burst) has a knockdown chance of 48%)
4) Jump jet: The character can release water as a downward burst, propelling the character in a series of short, water jet powered hops. The character can leap 2o feet, +5 feet per level by expelling 15 gallons. each jump counts as a single action.
5) Flood: By releasing a significant portion of water all at once, the character can literally flood an area. The character needs to release at least 200 gallons to perform this feat, but this water just appears, washing out the surrouding area. all in the area need to make a check for balance or be knocked over by the rush of water. This tactic can be used to escape from a grapple or pin, adding +10 to effective strength for attempting contests of strength. even people caught in the flood that keep their feet may need an action to recover from the washout (PE save, 12+ or lose an action) the flooding only affects an area around the character to 25 feet, but every 50 gallons extends this another 5 feet
6) Manipulate water: The character can, by absorbing water rapidly, and expelling it slowly (or vice versa) acn manipulate local water conditions. He can increase and decrease water turbulence by 20% +3% per level, reducing or increasing the impact of waves or choppy weather for a 30 foot radius. the character must be at least 25% merged with the body of water for this to work, but can use it to reduce the damage of water type attacks aginst himself.
7) Other abilitites
* Can act as a sprinkler, releasing water slowly in an area 20 feet across
* Can use this to perform firefighting tasks
* Can de humidify an area up to 100 feet across in a closed room, or 20 feet across in the open.
* Natural affinnity with water. Can hold his breath for twice as long as a normal man with his PE. gains swimming and swimming advanced at +20%. Any water vehicle piloting skills also recieve +10%
* can manipulate other substances, as long as they are mostly water. Chicken soup, even milk can be absorbed. chemical compounds, and acids cannot.
* Character can act as a filter, absorbing water, leaving the impurities out
* Character cannot affect the water inside a living being


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:10 am
by Mr Scorpio
Thanks once more Iczer. Looks awesome.

acreRake wrote:More like a Syphon (To draw off or convey through or as if through a siphon)... That's pretty cool, actually. Could you only do it with water, or with other matter? Or energy? (there are already a few powers, in the books and here that are energy syphon-type powers, so...)

I thought (briefly) about a version that would syphon matter but wasn't sure how well that would work out. Then I thought about a matter based version of Absorb Bio-Mass but haven't worked out any of the details yet.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:40 am
by acreRake
Nice Ice! But you forgot the part about using the high pressure blast while submerged for rocketing through the water!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:56 pm
by Iczer
Bug powers coming soon.

Beware the wereweevil!


Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:02 am
by Mr Scorpio
Sorry Monkey but I have to agree with ZEN. You have to study existing powers and make sure you don't go beyond that. One of your earlier powers allowed the character to turn anything in the area of effect into anything he could imagine. That's way too much power to put into the hands of an evil mean the players (and who wants to go up against a villain who can turn their underpants into a porcupine just because he can imagine it?). So be careful and make sure things balance better. It's not easy to write new powers (unless you're like Iczer and have a super power that lets you come up with an almost endless supply of them).

the drunken werebear wrote:i was thinking of a power called trinket
one where a power can can imbue an object with a random minor power

or turn it inot an evil power where they can steal the power and place it in a trinket which anyone can use and destruction of the object releases the power back to the original possesor

which would be better
or should they be combined

Both sound like good ideas to me.

First: I like the idea for a super ability that grants a wide variety of minor powers (I actually started working on one a while back before I hit a "creative dry spell"). I was thinking that they should all be less powerful than full Minor Super Abilities. More like sub powers or the additional powers for enchanted objects (don't have my books with me but I remember that one is the power to fly at like 25 or 50 M.P.H.?). Maybe keep damages low like 1D6 per level or a base 2 or 3D6.

Second: The ability to steal a heroes power and place it in an object for the villian (or one of his boys) to use would make an interesting (and scary) Evil power. I say go for both!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:15 pm
by Iczer
Insect Lycanthropy [Major] By Iczer
"Hey buddy, when I get angry, I turn Big and green and very very hungry"

The character has the aility to transform his body into a large humanoid insect. The transformation typically grants the following
* AR 12 - from chitin plates
* 2d4x10 extra SDC
* +4 PS (superhuman)
* +4 PE
* Bite inflicts 2d4, claw like projections deal 2d6
* Antennae provide a kind of motion sensor, granting +4 to initiative plus has a vague awareness of the location of items and people within 40 feet
* Large, gains 50% extra mass and 20% extra height
* gains the skills of prowl (+5% or base of 45%) and Climb (88%, but climbs at normal movement rate)

In addition, the character gains additional abilities dependant on his specific insect type
Ant Gains +4 IQ, double the character's carrying capacity, bite inflicts 2d6 damage +6 Spd +2 PP +1 attack per melee,
Wasp/Bee Wings allow flight at 30Mph (+1 to strike and parry in lfight, +3 to dodge in flight) +2 PP, Stinger inflicts 2d6 damage, plus victim must save vs poison or take a further 4d6,
Mantis: Serrated claws inflict 3d6 damage. Serrated limbs are effective grapplers, adding +8PS to any contests of grappling. Motionless prowl (hide) equal to 75% (95% in greenery), Can bite any grappled foe for an automatic critical +1 to strike and parry with foreclaws
Centepede/Millipede: add an extra 5 feet to length, Climbs as if he had the power of adhesion (though moves at full spd) +4 Spd
Common Fly: Fly at 60Mph +1 to strike and parry in flight +4 to dodge in flight +1 attack/melee in air) 360 degree vision, can track by smell (56% roll once every 1000feet or every 500 feet if tracking by air) +4PP
Spider: Can leap twice his own height, +10Spd +2PS 360 degree vision from eyes, bite inflicts a poison, which does 4d6 damage on a failed save , Can create webbing, a slow process, that can be made into ropes or nets with a PS equal to the character's PE attribute, AR 12 and 45 SDC (100 for a net).
Scorpion: +2 PS. Claws inflict 2d6+4 damage. Scorpion tail adds +1 attack per melee and inflicts 2d6 damage (plus poison, save or take 6d6).
Cockroach: +4PE +1d4x10SDC Can spit a sticky mess for 20 feet once per minute. any one hit with this may be overcome by the stench (save vs non lethal poison or lose -2 to strike/parry and dodge, lose initiative and 1 action for 1d4 rounds)
Beetle: +1D4x10+30SDC AR is 15. +6PS, double carrying capacity +4 PE
Moth/Butterfly: Flies at 45MPH (+1 to strike and parry, +2 to dodge in flight), either has a motionless prowl of 75% (moths) or +4 PB (butterflies) +4 PP +6 Spd

Other bonuses and drawbacks: The character heals at 2 times normal rate. Half PB attribute while transformed. -4 IQ and ME while in insect form. Characters will become more instinctive and less logical while in their bug shape, losing -15% to all skills that require actual thought, but gaining +10% to skills related to survival or hunting.

EntoMorph [Minor] By Iczer
"You wanna see me go bug eyed?"

The character can temporarilly acquire bug like traits, shifting his body to accommodate new growths, which shift back when he is done. These changes take 2 actions to form, and last a total of 10 minutes per level. The character can form one of the following abilities, plus may select one extra at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
* Bug wings: Allows the character to fly at 30 MPH without exhaustion. while in flight the character has +4 to dodge and +1 to strike and parry.
* Claws: Bug like claws inflict 2d4 damage but add +20% to climb.
* Large claws: large claws make the hand useless, but form a protective sheath over the arm, adding +2 to parry and inflicting 2d6+1 damage
* Mandibles: Inflict 2d6 as a bite
* Bug eyes: Immune to the effects of bright light (cannot be blinded) 270 degree vision +1 initiative and dodge
* Antennae: can feel air motions within 60 feet, grants +2 to dodge and cannot be surprised within 60 feet.
* Chitin Plates: AR 11, +30SDC
* Formic acid spray: Once per melee may spray formic acid on a foe, inflictinf 4d6 damage. +2 to strike, range is around 30 feet
* Tunelling: as the mutant animal powers of tunelling, excavating and digging
* Leaping: The character can leap an extra 6 feet up or across from a standing start
* Venom: Has a bite (2d4) or a stinger (2d4) that inflicts 3d6 damage from poison.

Hive mentality [Minor] By Iczer
"We are..I mean..There are termites in the walls and ceiling"

The character has a primitive insect brain structure that allows him to 'feel' the energy patterns found in insect life forms.
He can sense Insect (and arachnid) presences within 100 feet, sensing both type and number. When within 30 feet of an individual or a colony, he can open a type of empathic communication. This communication is rudimentary at best, insects are simple creatures after all. He has no ability to command, but will be believed. Thus he could send a warning for ants to abandon a hive, or to get ready for an incursion. He can also recieve information from local insect life, but there is little information of any merit. Cockroaches may be able to tell you how often they visit a nearby kitchen, or ants may be able to inform a character of an impending earthquake. They cannot describe faces or objects with any great ability.
The character is also immune to the deprevations of insects. He is never bitten, nor attacked, and his presence does not disturb them. IF insect venom were to be somehow introduced into his system, it does no damage. If faced with a sentient insect (alien or mutant) the character has the ability to communicate empathically with them.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:09 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Wow.. :ok:
Your powers kick seven kinds of ass Iczer.. I was not expecting you to pull something live Hive Mind out of your hat like that.

One question though.. do insects heal faster than mammals or is that just a nod to the supernatural Lycanthropy aspect?


While it is a bit of a nod, I wanted to capture the sheer resiliency of the bug kingdom in a more concrete way rather than just slapping on more PE/SDC


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:41 am
by Mr Scorpio
themonkeygotdough wrote:I'm back (my internet was not working because of a virus)

Comparing to other powers? I don't know about that. But come to think about it, I will admit that my powers do need a little bit, awe what the heck; a whole lot of fixing. I may want to remodel the first two powers, but is something too powerful about CEF: Space? Why do I need to compare to other powers?

Why do you need to compare to other powers? If you don't seriously look at what Palladium has already published how can you ever know when one of your powers is too powerful? I mean look at one of your first powers Non Standard Energy Expulsion: Imagination.

This power fires a colorful as the rainbow and beautiful as the night sky beam of energy that turns everything in its path in what the character imagines. For example, he can turn a building into a fairy tale creature. It affects anything, including supernatural beings, ghosts, vampires, etc. Ghost, vampires and other supernatural creatures are affected because they are something that can be imagined.

Now check out HU2, PU1 and AUGG. Do you see anything as powerful as allowing the PCs (and NPCs) to alter EVERYTHING within the path of the power into ANYTHING the character can imagine? Especially without allowing for something as basic as a Saving Throw? NO! That's why you HAVE to compare your powers to the official powers. There are limits in place to maintain balance in the game. I would HATE to have my character killed instantly (without even getting a saving throw) by a super villian who decided to turn my character into a bowl of cat food for his fluffy white cat to munch on. Wouldn't you?

C.E.F.: Space seems a lot like Distort Space from PU1 but with a few extras. Again with no Save.

3. Alter Topology

The character can reshape the topology of other objects and people, warping them like clay.

Range: 100 ft.
Duration: concentration
Attacks per melee: counts as one melee attack

Sorry for sounding so harsh. I'm sure you mean well.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:19 am
by Iczer
Phase touch [Cannot decide if major or minor] By Iczer
"Let me take that for you"

The character has the ability to cause matter touched by him to become out of phase with normal matter, only coming back in phase when released. Living beings posess some sort of natural protection to this [PPE?] but innanimate matter can be played with without restriction.
1) Phase matter: By touching a single item, with a mass limit of 50Lbs per level, the character can make it out of phase, making it intangible to touch. The character retains a 'hold' on the item during this time, and to him it's mass remains constant. This can be used to spare an item from destruction, though it has numerous other uses as outlined below. This effect persists for barely a half second after the character releases the object.
2) Protective phasing: By phasing matter as it strikes him, the character can allow intangible bullets and weapons to pass harmlessly through him as they strike. Hand held weapons will also fall out of a person's hand if phased. The timing needed for this is tricky to get down pat, but it is one that gets better with practise. This is effectively a dodge, Done with ME bonuses (treat ME score as a relevant PP score for bonuses purposes) +2, with a further +1 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. At 5th level, this may be attempted as an auto dodge (but no ME bonuses from ME).
3) Offensive Options: The character has difficulty affecting a person directly with this ability. Any Attack against a hand held object that is successful, can optionallycause that object to go out of phase (and thus drop through the floor). By turning a hand held weapon out of phase, it can be then used to strike an otherwise intangible character. At 4th level the character can turn a person out of phase (victim saves 14+, PE bonuses apply). an out of phase person can be shoved into a solid object as a second action. Victims of this attack are semi protected by some sort of living process [PPE?] and are immeadiately thrust out of any object. This process inflicts 4d6 damage + a damage bonus equal to the AR of the object immersed into. Such a victim has been effectively thrown and loses one attack ans well as initiative for the round (though it may take a bit to wrestle a person into a solid object). At 5th level, the character can distinguish between an object and it's seperate parts. They can take a door off it's hinges, or simply extract the door handle and inner workings. They can Hold a beer bottle, and allow the in phase beer flood out of the out of phase bottle. They can also extract a person from their body armour, ripping the out of phase body armour off the in phase person. The character can attempt to phase a solid item and then leave it in a person. Typically the item inflicts it's normal weapon damage, plus it's AR. THis has the benefits of bypassing armour, boith natural and artificial, but as the item tends to 'ejected' after use, it's not terribly reliable. Thrown Items made out of phase and hurled at another person have to be timed very carefully (-2 to strike) and be made within 40 feet to be made to solidify inside a person.
3) Wall effects: While unable to saw objects in half with this power, the character can at 5th level also tun part of a large, uniform solid out of phase. This creates a sort of tunnell through solid matter that the character or his guests can use. This use takes 2 actions to perform, but remains 'open' until the character leaves contact with the solid (anyone left in mid matter suffers the same effects as if they had been plunged into solid matter (see #2 above). This are affects an area 12 feet across, and while it can be used on a floor section, it affects all targets within 12 feet (even the character) and may involve bending down in mid combat.
4) Other Notes: The character can use this power to store sensitive items, phasing them into solid matter, and using this power to retrieve them later (By phasing them back out). The character will find this power is completely blocked by super hard, super dense materiels (any Adamantium clone, including Kisentite) as well as any type of force field


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:46 am
by Iczer
OK. Probably a major now that I look at it.

Vortex (By Iczer)
"Ready to reap the whirlwind?"

The character can surround himself with chaotic forces, able to create a radius of whirling energy and cyclonic winds around his person, while he remains untouched by the world around him.
1) Create vortex. The tyoical vortex takes one action to initiate and drains one action per melee round to keep active. The vortex craetes Hurricane style winds in a very close vicinity, with lesser force to a greater distance. The character is surrounded by winds which whip around him with enough force to blur his appearance into that of a black shape within a grey wall of wind. These winds extend around the character forming a column 6 feet high (+1 foot per level) and 8 Feet across (+1 per level). anyone entering this radius must check to keep their balance every melee round or be thrown 3d6 feet in a random direction. Character with adghesion, or weighing over 250 lbs are immune to this. Any one in the primary area of effect (usually this is anyone in melee combat) suffers -2 initiative, -2 to strike/parry and dodge from the distraction. A greeater radius of 30 feet across +2 feet per level, is exposed to weaker, but yet still powerfull winds (40MPH +2Mph per level). In areas where debris is freely available, this debris swirls within the area of affect. anyone in this area of affect in this instance will need to dodge once per round (14+) or be slammed by random objects inflicting 3d6 damage. The rushing air makes it hard to hear or speak within the greater radius
2) Defensive bonuses: Ranged attacks of all sorts suffer a -2 within the greater area, or -6 if targetting the character himself. The winds deflect bullets, arrows and thrown projectiles off thier path (cannot harm the character with this power) and larger projectiles inflict half damage. Fire, plasma wind and water attacks are halved in effect against this character, though electricity and lasers work as normal.
3) Offensive options: The character can form attacks that mimic Air rush (see special ability listed in CEF: Air). His personal attacks are backed up by his own vortex of air. Air assited punchs and kicks hit with the force of a sledgehammer, inflicting an extra 1D6 to any bare body blow, and damage is considered double for purposes of determining Knockback.
4) Other benefits. Add 1d4x10+10 to Spd while vortex is active. A character in the centre of a vortex can walk on water and moe at full pace when hovering up to 1 foot off the gr\ound per level. The character can leap 40 feet up or across, and can harmlessly drop from any height.

Pillar: (By Iczer) Minor
The character can suround himself in a pillar of light and energy
Dimensions of Pillar: The character's height, Plus 5 feet. add 2 feet of height per level. The pillar is 4 feet wide, but widening only a foot per level.
Abilities while pillair is active:
* Immune to the energy form represented by the pillar (light, fire, sound, electricity etc).
* Pillar provides the character with 6d6 extra SDC plus an AR vs energy equal to 14
* Can levitate while within the pillar, and even stand atop it's form (a 6 foot man at 4th level can stand atop his 19 foot pillar)
* anyone touching the pillar takes 2d6 damage, unless explicitly protected by the character.
* Pillar adds 4d6 to the character's speed, and may move across water at half his normal speed.
* pillar does not ignite the ground on which it stands (though it may if desired by the character)

(one power at a time)

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:43 pm
by MrTwist
Good to see this is still going. I've been working on a few things, and when I get a bit more work done I'll post them. Since I'm on the road, I don't have access to my books, or any kind of sure access to the boards. Therefore, some of the stuff I end up posting may be repeats of stuff, but only because I have no way of checking for it.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:00 am
by Iczer

I'm on the don't see that stopping me do you. :)

Seriously, I usually post what seems reasonable, and make it neat. If it's bad I'll hear about it :x

If it's good I usually hear about it too. :lol:

I haven't sighted a HU2 book in 3 weeks


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:23 am
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:Hey...

I'm on the don't see that stopping me do you. :)

Seriously, I usually post what seems reasonable, and make it neat. If it's bad I'll hear about it :x

If it's good I usually hear about it too. :lol:

I haven't sighted a HU2 book in 3 weeks


Well, I'm on the road with a coworker. It's his laptop, and I rarely get a chance to use it. So, when I think of something, it's usually gone by the time I get a chance to write it down. It's even rarer I stop somewhere long enough to find an open wireless network. I've got a few pages of stuff so far that may have some powers that require fleshing out, but I'm still coming up with new stuff. Usually there's quite a bit of posts with quite a bit of text to read through each time I can check, so I have been skipping it. I pretty much know the book powers, but I don't know what's already been done by other people on this thread. Therefore, I may post repeats of other powers.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:31 pm
by dark brandon
the drunken werebear wrote: control furniture
"the ottoman empire shall rise again"
the character has the impressive abilty to control all furniture in a 500ft radius
can shoot drawers with amazing accuracy that inflict can 1D4-1D10 depending on the size and material that the drawer is made out of
range 300ft +50ft
ammo: depends on the number of drawers
the dresser can also shoot forth the contents of the drawer such as clothing that can temporarily blind a character.
junk drawer attack:"its the dirty little secret everyone owns"
when the drawer is full of little knick knacks such as battaries pencils keys notepads pliers all go flying forth from the drawer inflicting 1d8 worth of damage per attack
range 150ft +50ft
the armoire has the abilty to swallow people whole depending on the size of the person. and keep them locked inside.
the doors have a Ps equal to 30
tables can come alive and serve as transport for the character
spd = ME*2
rugs can also serve as a flying transport
spd = ME*2
weight limit =500 lbs
altitude =1000 ft
also rugs can use a wrap attack
that binds opponets with an effective ps of 30
can all be used as giant blunt objects to inflict 2d6 worth of damage per strike.

the character has a natural affinity twoards woodwork and appreciates furniture craftsmanship
and racieves a bonus on carpentry(+25) skill when ever making furniture.

and any thoughts on this one


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:58 am
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote: 8-)

Looks great. I only have one problem with the description though, the note at the end.

ZEN wrote:Note: The character can only imbue an object with minor super powers, but can also transfer any of his own minor or major super powers into an object if desired.

I think that this part should go in the paragraph at the top of the power description for clarity. Other than that it's awesome! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:02 pm
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:Well, powers covers Psionics, Magic, Enchanted objects, Mystic Bestowed and Super Side Effects.. We could even throw now Eugenics material in here if we felt like it.. but you know, this thread is massve and probably puts a bit of a drain on Palladium's web resources.
If it dies, it dies.. meanwhile.. you have new Order/Chaos powers?

Yup. A while back Baron von Clogg talked about putting some new Order/Chaos powers up on his site so a couple of us posted a few. After that the good Baron had some kind of problems with his site and it was down for a while. I saved the powers just in case. Not sure about reposting other peoples stuff so I'll just show you the ones I came up with. I'll try to contact the others and ask about posting their powers.

Mr Scorpio wrote:Companion Weapon (both): When the character transforms a second weapon appears (in hand or as part of the character's costume) to be used as a back up, as a second weapon (as long as the character has Paired Weapons) or for throwing. The secondary weapon is less powerful (should probably be limited to 2 or 3D6 and it has no other powers unless the player gives up one of his selections for the main weapon), usually in the form of a dagger, hand axe or even a short sword.

Matching Pair (both): (This option is limited to single handed weapons only) The character has a matching pair of Enchanted Weapons both look identical and do the same damage. They work together and the character can use them as though he had the Paired Weapons skill. Both weapons must be in the character's possession in order for him to activate any of the weapons other powers (pick only the normal amount of Powers of Order/Chaos, not a separate set for each weapon)

(From an earlier discussion about the possibility of a character with an Enchanted Bow)
Instant Arrows (both): Either drawn from a quiver or appearing when the string is drawn the arrows can be anything from normal looking wood to solid gold or energy (like light or lightning)

Animal Companion (Order): Summons/creates a normal animal to aid the character. The animal has average stats for the type but is very intelligent and will follow instructions to the best of it's abilities. If destroyed the animal cannot be summoned again for one full month.

Dark Minion (Chaos): Summons a creature (hound with red eyes, Goblin, 3' tall demon, etc.) to serve the character. The player can assign any number of his remaining weapon powers to the Minion instead of keeping them for himself. If destroyed the Minion can be summoned again after the next full moon.
All attributes are 1D6 + 10
2D4 X 10 S.D.C.
1D4 HP per level of the character
Hand to hand damage 2D6

Vampiric (Chaos): 10% of damage done to living creatures is absorbed by the character and added to his S.D.C. (like Bio-Ghost this can replenish lost S.D.C.)

Well, it's a start. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:13 pm
by Killer Cyborg
A super power for Christmas:

Missile Toes:
The characters toes can shoot off at targets, exploding upon impact for 1d4 damage per level. The toes can be fired in volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or all 10 (more, if the character has more than two feet).
Each toe takes 1d6x10 minutes to regrow (half that time if the character has Healing Factor or other healing powers).

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:01 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Oh by the way.. I still have about 50+ powers to edit and add to the final archive, just to give you some idea of how big the final version is going to be (the original page grew to be over 500 KB with only a few pictures, that is one hell of a lot of text!), now that I'm splitting the work up into different sections, it is a lot faster to splice in new material and update the various index lists (and the big random roll page).

Hmmm.......Maybe I should be adding some more then.... Let me see....

Agility feedback: By Iczer [Minor]
"The better you are the tougher I get chum"

The character has a kind of feedback field that responds to pinpoint accuracy. The more focused an incoming attack, the more the skin and muscles tighten around the point of impact and the more the flesh hardens. Essentially, for any attack that strikes the character, he may ignore an amount of damage equal to the bonus to strike. This number is increased by +1 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. Large scale impacts, that rely on mass or size do not trigger this power, so the character remains vulnerable to area effects as well as explosions and impacts from body block/tackles an auto impacts. The character's skin hardens at the point of impact, granting him an AR of 13 against attacks with small surface area's but high velocity (bullets and blades most typically)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:57 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:It's like reverse psychology or something :-?

Dang Iczer, another winner.. *sigh*.. make that 51 to add.
Did you like the Quantum Dodge?

I do, I do.

I'm adding it to my 'Master' list in fact.

However, I would recommend raising the chance of success though, or atleast alter the definition of 'certain death' a bit.
1) If it cannot be relied on, then players may not be encouraged to take it (random rolls are another factor though). perhaps if it offered an additional bonus or two (Everyone loves PE)
2) Maybe 'certain death' should be defined as 'any situation that threatens to reduce a character to 0 HP or less

Or perhaps it's serendipity value could be altered. Perhaps it could be applied retroactively.
"..... Any time a character takes damage that reduces him to 0 or less HP, renders him unconscious in the face of disaster, incapacitates his ability to defend himself adequately, or subjects him to an effect that is likely to lead to any of the above, he may immeadiately roll against his quantum dodge (Insert % chance of success here). If successful, he has traded bodies with his quantum double and avoided the effect entirely. The sad consequence of all this is that failure to perform a quantum dodge stands a good chance of being danagerously inconvienienced..."


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:22 am
by Iczer
Cutting sheath: By Iczer [Minor]
"Excuse me boys...I gotta take a slash"

The character can form fields of force around his hands or around cutting implements that augment thier potential for harm.
When this field of force surrounds his hands (or feet at 4th level) they inflict 2d6 additional damage from the razor sharp fields surrounding his limbs. While active, the sheaths also protect him from incidental damage, allowing him to parry melee weapons with his bare hands.
When applied to a hand held weapon, the field acts to 'sharpen' the weapon, heightening it's cutting potential. Sharp weapons inflict an extra 2d4 damage, plus 1 per level of experience, especially wicked when applied to thrown weapons.
This cutting force isdesigned to split matter as it strikes. it ignores one point of AR initiatlly, and a further point of AR at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:31 pm
by Iczer
Hmm.....what to do what to do.

I'm thinking Zen, 80% +5% per level BUT drop it permanently by 5% for every use. Makes it relaiable at first, but makes the player cautious about using it.

Camoflage skin: By Iczer [Minor]
" Boo!"

The character has the unnusual ability to transmute his outermost layers of skin and clothing into whatever he happens to be touching. This process takes a mere 3 actions, but when done, the character closeley resembles his backdrop. The resemblance is such that while he reamins in that particular area, he gains +15% to prowl, and gains a motionless prowl of 90%+2% per level. The skin deflects heat, making him as cool as the local area, and makes him smell like the local background. This skin grants the character 1d4 Extra SDC per level while it is on and may remain on indefinately (or until someone peels it off).
This can be used cosmetically as well. By touching something lustrous and metallic, the character may appear as a livingg metal statue. By taking a handfull of Graffiti'd brickwork, he may appear as a walking urban fashion statement.

Coral form: By Iczer [Major]
"Me a hardcase....well I CAN be."

The charactrer can transmute his body into living coral, supported from his own life force. The character may appear as a rough humanoid shape made from disparate coral, to a fine china looking human, multicoloured or bone white. This grants the character a number of enhancements
1) Increased Durability: The coral form has 200 SDC and an AR of 14.The character doubles his mass in this state.
2) Increased Strength and stamina: The coral form grants a PS bonus of +2d6 which is considered extraordanary. The coral form also gains a +2d4 PE bonus.
3) Aquatic adaptation: The coral form is comfortable both in and out of the water. As coral, the character can breathe in sea water (but has respitory problems in fresh 1d4 HP every 15 minutes) and can swim at his own running pace (tires at normal rate).
4) Symbiotic life: Living within his skin are the myriad microscopic colonies that usually inhabit a reef network. The character can select one of the following colonies, plus an additional at levels 5,10 and 15.
* Anenome: usually seen as brightly coloured 'hair' the character can strike with these tendrils which inflict 2d6 damage to any fleshy touch, plus invoke a save vs poison (16+) or be racked with pain and swelling (-2 to all combat manoevres, -1 attack initially. lasts 1d4 melees)
* Lumanescent Spores: The character can lumanesce, lighting up to 30 feet away with a soft bright light.
* Spore cloud: The character can release an airborne spore cloud, choking the air. anyone within 30 feet of the character suffers from choking and wheezing, losing 1 from all combat rolls, and having to make a save vs lethal poison or lose one action from choking. Spore clouds last 1d4 melees and then dissipate.
* Infectious: The character can make his fists raspy, and can leak toxic material into any wounds he inflicts. Every bare handed blow he lands forces opponents to also save vs posion (16+) or have a small colony transfer into his bloodstream. This colony causes itches, discolouration that takes root within 20 minutes, and lasts for one hour per level (plus another hour per each extra released colony). The itching prevents rest and sleep, and inhibits healing. during this time healing powers are reduced in effectiveness (half as fast) and sleep/rest is impossible without medical aid. worse, these wounds tend to heal badly, permanently marking it's recipients.


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:35 pm
by Iczer
Hmmm I'm thinking, with the gravity power, maybe that would best be simulated by taking flight (of some sort) and and force aura, and -Calling- them gravity flight and gravity aura.

I suppose since I'm here, I should contribute.

Sludge generation: BY Iczer
"slippery bugger aint I."

The character can generate a neculous liquid substance that smells foul and feels slick to the touch. the character can spray this sludge 30 feet +10 feet per level, with a +2 to strike.
1) Slick spray: the character generates this sludge as a fine slick spray that coats whatever he touches. Any ground he covers in this fluid becomes difficult to walk on and characters will have to check for balance every round to stay standing (10% chance if walking slowly, 45% chance if moving at walking pace, 60% if moving faster than walking pace and 80% if running.) Characters who fall continue moving at their normal speed for 3d6 yards after falling. Coating a person in this fluid makes them slippery. they have -8 to grapple or be grappled by others.
2) Thickened sludge. Sludge is thicker than spray, and only has half the knockdown chance of slick spray. In combat, an opponent hit by sludge must save (14+ PE bonuses count) or be blinded by the sludge. opponents lose -4 to strike, parry, dodge and initiative while so coated, and need to spend 2 actions cleaning it out of their eyes. Thickened sludge also hits with the force of a thrown baseball, inflicting 2d4 damage (+1 every level). Thickened sludge hardens in sunlight, allowing it to block drains and gum up works. have fun you little ecoterrorist.
3) sliding: The character can 'skate' on his own sludge. By spraying it ahead of himself, the character can triple his own spd attribute while skating. the character has no chance of being knocked down on his own sludge
4) Other effects: The sludge is non toxic, but it smells realy bad. anyone drenched or soaked will need a vigourous shower before the stink washes away (Those tracking by smell have an extra 30% chance to do so). The character can instantly dissolve the substance from any person or an area (which incidentally clears the smell off as well)

Negasynth: BY Iczer
'You know what the problem with the getaway car is....too many tires'

The character has the ability to dissolve petrochemicals and their byproducts, including: Oil, natural Gas, Bitumen, Plastics, rubber (artificial rubber) and so forth. He can destory 10lbs per level at a time up to 60 feet away. If this is directed against a mobile target, the character needs to make a strike roll at +4 to do so.
This power has a large number of benefits:
* Disabling vehicles by dissolving their tyres
* Disabling electronics by dissolving the plastic coating on wires.
* Turning bitumen to gravel (roughly alteringa 10x15 foot section for every 10lbs)
* Harming foes transmuted to rubber or tar (inflicts 1d4x10 damage, +3per level)
Notes: when directed against targets that are sealed (such as internal wiring) the machine gets a saving throw, needing 12 or better. A Machine without insulation will quickly short out. Robots or machines targetted with this need to save every time or lose a random system. Also not that a lot of 'organic' plastics are making their way into the market. Organic plastics are immune. (most are made from resin, such as many 'hardened' plastics)

Strenght of ages: By Iczer
'When I was younger I don't remember being this slow'

The character simply gets stronger as he gets older. Every level he advances gives him the following
* +3PS
* +1PE
* +15 SDC
* +1/2 inch of height
* +10lbs
The character also starts with an AR of 6 which increases every level. The character also recieves these bonuses when he hits the ages of 30, 45 55, 65 and every ten years thereafter.
In addition, the character is also slowing down.
* -2 Spd every time he gains a boost. stops at half speed. (removes 20MPH from super speeds)
* -1 PP every 3 'boosts'
* -1 Action every 5 'Boosts' (stops at half actions)
[A fifth level character with this power would have +15PS, +5PE, +75SDC, would have an extra 2 and ahlaf inches of height, and weigh an extra 50lbs. he would also be down 10Spd, -1PP and -1 action per melee.]

Batts: Accepting applications for the Iczer fan club (2 members and growing!!!)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:04 pm
by Iczer
Doctor Vile wrote:Can no one help with the Tactile Telekinesis?

as long as you don't want to use 'Artifact control' [See Zen's site]

Kinetic Control Field: By Iczer
'Don't worry, I have a perfect... grasp of the situation'

The character has a minor Telekentic type field that extends over his body, allowing him more options in close combat.
1) Protective sheath: while the field is active, the character enjoys a natural armour rating of 14 and a shield of 30SDC (plus 5 per level). This field only stops purely kinetic attacks. Heat, fire, electricity and lasers are unnafected. the sheild recovers at a rate of 1SDC per minute.
2) Altered strength: The character uses a PS equal to his ME score (considered extraordanary) when the field is active rathert than his own strength. This strength applies to anything he touches, as the field surrounds them. In this fashion he can use long, flexible objects as an extension of himself. In these instances he gains +1 to strike and entangle with said objects. This also allows him to manipulate any objects directly touching him. He can apply full strength attacks to manacles, a grappling foe or even his own clothes.
3) Movement: By concentrating, the character can levitate himself, moving through the air by will alone. He gains a Spd score in the air equal to his ME +5 per level. he gains +1 to dodge while in flight.
4) extended effect: The character can also extend his strength, flight and field to another person by touch. extending this to another person uses up one action per melee until the effect is lifted or contact is broken.
5) Concentration issues: Anytime the character loses focus and concentration, this power vanishes like a choirboy in Michale Jackson's court case. Whenver the character is stunned, Knocked out or loses an action from a huge impact or other effect, or is takes any initiative penalty from psionic, magic or chemical sources then the power is lost until the character can recover. [Note, losing an action from being knocked down is presumed to be from having to get upright again, NOT from being stunned from the blow. this is not considered a distraction. Knockback from really heavy blows DO. Likewise losing an action becuase of a dodge is not really a lost action per se. Appropriate phobias may also call for a save vs insaity to keep the field active]

Sorry it took so long.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:30 pm
by Iczer
Flashbacks: By Iczer

The character can reach through the mists of time, through imperfect memory and relive a moment of his life. This allows him to perform feats from his own past, replicating the electronic pathways his nervous system has already taken.

1) Relive instruction: By casting his mind back, he can relive a moment in time where relevant instruction is required. By reliving a key point of his lifetime, he may reproduce the effects of a skill at 98% efficiency. This skill allows him to replace his skill percentage with 98%, even if penalties would have reduced his skill percentage to below this number.

2) Relive reflexes: By casting his mind back to one perfect moment, the character can relive a point where he has done a near perfect combat move. As a prelude to a strike, parry or dodge, the character can add a bonus of +1 to the relevant roll, negating penalties to combat for all but blindness. (+1 additional at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15) In addition, if these bonuses make a roll equal the character's critical number, then that roll is considered a critical.

3) near perfect memory: by reliving a moment in time, the character can recall that moment in perfect clarity, even knowing to look for specific details. (for example, if he was near a car crash yesterday, he can relive the moment and pay as much detail as possible to the driver, rather than his newspaper).

4) Limits: a fair deal of concentration and effort is required to use this ability. In combat, it requires the character to spend an action to initiate, and it takes a minute of concentration to relive a more complex skill. In addition, stress makes this difficult, and it in turn places more stress on the body. Reliving can only be performed as many times per day as half his ME score (and one additional time per level)

Organ Farming: By Iczer
"I don't have the heart to tell you...>Bleerghh< There. Now I do."

The character can spontaneously grow new internal organs. This simple ability allows him to perform the following.
* Ignore critical hits
* repair instantly and reflexively any damaged internal organ
* Recover 3d6 HP or 2d6 SDC 4 times per day (regrows skin and internal organs)
* remove conditiosns that disable an organ (scirrosis of the Liver, Brain hemmoraging, strokes, heart attacks etc)
In addition, this power grants the character the following
+3d6 HP
+6 PE
+4 PB
Lifespan is multiplied by 5 times. does not slow aging, just extends the usefullness of his organs, though his skin can be replaced with baby smooth teenage skin ad infinitum.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:45 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:I considered putting it in gold color as well, but thought bold would get the point across..

Awwww shucks..... All this attention has turned me Red anyway :-D

I have not actually counted how many of the submitted powers are yours Iczer, but it has to be the majority.
Without your continual input, I suspect this project would have ground to a halt 500 posts ago.

62. My flatmate counted.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:46 am
by Iczer
Here's a trick. Randomly select any two Powers.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:39 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:You mean from just PU3.0, or from the random roll tables...

Any 2 powers, from any source


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:30 am
by ZEN
Force Aura and Vocalisation.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 7:03 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Alright..
Force Aura and Vocalisation.




Reticulating Splines...........................

Solid Scream. By Iczer
"My name is a killing word."

The characater with this power has the ability to turn his own voice into solid force with extraordanary consequences.
1) Sound bolt: By yelling loudly the character can create a bolt of force forged from his own soundwaves that extends outwards, knocking down and injuring foes.
Range: 200 feet.
Damage: 6d6. add +2 per level.
Bonus to hit: +2 to strike with an aimed shot
Attacks: each use of sound bolt takes 1 action
2) vocal field: By screaming, the character can create a wall or half dome of force, powered by his own screams. This wall is roughly 8 feet tall and 16 wide and blocks up to 20 points of SDC damage from any kinetic or sonic source (+2 per level). Heat, electricity and lasers are not blocked by this power, but fire will have it's damage halved as it passes through the fields. In addition, any purley physical attack passing through the shimmering, vibrating wall suffers a -6 to strike, as soundwaves buffet and deflect the attack.
The vocal field lasts 1 melee round, during which time the character can take no other actions. after this, he must pause to take a breath. any attack that penetrates the field and strikes the user cancels the effect entirely. By making a save (16+ PE bonuses count) the character can continue for a second melee round.
3): Humming. The character can, by humming, create a skin tight field ver his body of rippling sound waves. anyone touching the character at this point takes 2d6 damage (4d6 if crystaline or glass) and deflecting 1 point of damage every level from any purely kinetic source. The act of humming counts as one action per melee round. Also note that if the character cannot breathe, then this ability fades. He CAN speak while humming, but it will sound odd. like a fly or bee trying to speak.
4) Other abilities:
The character can scream at up to three times normal volume when he needs to (Can be heard over a mile away)
+ 6D6 SDC
+ 2 PE


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:07 am
by ZEN
Nice one Iczer, I begin to see how you think these powers up. 8-)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:19 pm
by Iczer
Living armour: Major. By Iczer
"You Know what would look good on you....ME!"

The character has the ability to attach himself to another person and form into a protective suit that encases and enhances the wearer.
1) Attach to other: When attached to another person the character resembles an organic suit of light armour, with his own colour and texture. As armour, he provides the following.
* AR 12 (or equal to his own AR.)
* SDC: 75 +10% of the character's SDC
* PS +4 (Matches the type posessed by the character. Maximum of superhuman)
* Spd: +4D4. Can leap 15 feet up or across.
* Adds +1 attack per melee.
* Transfers all resistances (except mental) to the recipient.
2): Limitations: The character as a suit of bio-armour can still talk, but has only one action per melee while holding up as a suit of armour. If The armour SDC is depleted, then the character takes 6d6 damage and is forced into human shape. He may not form back into armour for 2d4 hours afterwards. Until 4th level, the character lacks active manipulators as a suit of armour. after 4th level, the character has a cape, or chain oir other appendage with which to use this action.
3) Restrain: The character can also leap onto another as an attempt to grapple. If successfully grappling, the character may, as his NEXT action, form around his opponent and lock his muscles. This requires a contest of strengths for every action the victim wishes to perform, but even if successful, a victim loses 2 actions per melee and -3 to strike, parry and dodge, -20% from skills and half speed.
4) Other bonuses:
* +4D6 SDC
* Heals at 2 times normal rate.

Note: if the character already posesses a ntaural armour rating, then attacks that strike him as 'armour' inflict 1/3rd damage to the armour.


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:32 pm
by Iczer
Omni morph: By Iczer. By Mr Scorpio's request.
'Change is good. You should embrace it'

The character has the ability to alter his form and makeup, creating new details as he advances in levels and gaining greater versatility. Every level he may select a new shape, or a new variation on a shape.
1) Solid form: Character gains 2d4x10 SDC, an AR of 8+1d4, doubles his weight but reduces his Spd by 20% and loses 10% from acrobatics, gymnastics and prowl. Unles he turns to wood, his swimming drops to 0%, he sinks like a stone. The character gains a +4 PS and +2 PE bonus while transformed. A solid form may be stone, brick, crystal, steel, gold wood or any solid shape. If selected multiple times, each shape has it's own SDC pool. At any rate, a selected form has all the advantages and disadvanteges of the appropriate material (Wood burns, ice melts so both would tak 50% extra damage from fire. Iron and steel are magnetic.)
2) Hybrid form: Character gains a 2D4 to spd, +2 to PP, an odd skin color and texture, and natural weapons inflicting 2d6 damage. This form has 1d4x5 Bio-E to spend on animal attributes as appropriate: refer to the mutant animal section In HU2. A second hybrid form may have different animal attributes selected. In the act of turning into a hybrid form heals 3d6 HP or SDC. this can be done once per day per hybrid form. Variations may include a full animal transformation (acts as a disguise only, but includes all relevant animal type powers)
3) Semi solid form: Such as Mud, sand, putty, or sludge. anything particulate in nature. Semi solid forms gain 6d6 SDC, +4 PE +2 PS and 50% increase in weight. Being flexible and slightly amorphous means they gain a +15% in prowl and a +10% to climb but have half normal speed. They take half damage from any purely kinetic damage and are impossible to restrain or hold.
4) Plant form: The character can become a humanoid plant. Humanoid plants enjoy an AR of 9, and 4d6 extra HP, but +6 PE. Plants cannot be suffocated and are immune to most toxins except defoliants. In addition plant forms usually have some defensive feature available to them. [Gains 1d4x5 Bio-E to spend on animal powers. Such powers must resemble something in the plant kingdom. Venus flytraps types can justify bites or claws, Oaks can justify a SL increase. etc. GM's need to monitor this]. Taking multiple plantforms grants variation in the type of powers accessable as well as their seperate SDC pools.
5) Object form: The character can take the form of one artificial object. This object can be up to 1/4 the character's size or up to 3 times his mass. He gains the AR of the object, and all it's normal functions. In addition to this disguise value, he may also move as normal and animate at will. While attacks per melee are unchanged, the character is limited to the type of attaks he can perform (Though an animate refridgerator may still attempt a body block/tackle). If desired, a variation on this type of form is to merely be able to transform a limb or extremity into a usable tool or piece of equipment. The character provide all normal power for the device (but not ammunition). [Also note, if you store something inside yourself, it will be violently ejected when you transform back]
6) Energy form: The character becomes a solidified form of energy. HE gains immunity to that energy type when he does so, and his touch inflicts 2d4 damage (combines with hand to hand attacks). While in this energised state, the character may leap his PP in feet up or across, double his speed and adds +2 to his PP attribute.
7) Combined forms: Once a character has 2 or more forms, he may create a combination form. Such a form has all the advantages and disadvantages of both forms. Obviously, he cannot combine two wildly opposing forms (most semisolid and solid forms are incompatible with each other by their very nature)

[Examples: Ju-Ju a thrid level mutant, has energy form: fire, Hybrid form: Demonic beast and Combined forms (A flaming demon beast).
Torre wilson, a 5th level mutant, has the hybrid forms of wolf, Deer, Fox, and dolphin. She also has a wolf disguise hybrid.
Dr Robotto: a 3rd level experiment has a solid form (Robot) and 2 object forms: a jackhammer arm and a desktop computer.
Sk8R has an Object form (Forms roller blades for feet) and a solid form (Hard plastic) as well as the ability to combine them.
Druid, a 4th level villain, can turn ito 4 distinct and seperate humanoid plant shapes. a venus flytrap man, a mass of vines in humanoid form, a Fungus creature and a bush (for disguise).]


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:30 am
by Mr Scorpio
Iczer wrote:Omni morph: By Iczer. By Mr Scorpio's request.
'Change is good. You should embrace it'


Sweet! Dude you rock. I'm so glad I joined the fan club.

Oh, and thanks!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:44 am
by Killer Cyborg
Impervious to Authority- The character is immune to mind control and cannot get into trouble with any governing body or law enforcement. They can commit crimes, and the cops will simply not arrest, detain, or stop them.