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Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:58 pm
by MrMom
didnt know that was a movie. wow

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:16 pm
by taalismn
Also Death Race race where contestants score points for pedestrian mow-downs(the villians score points early by taking out their pit crew as they pull out) :demon:

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:20 pm
by Aramanthus
How about a universe based on bad movies! You know the worse piece of stick we can imagine. Something even the MST3K people wouldn't touch!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:54 pm
by Aramanthus
That reminds me of an "Outer Limits" episode. Just watch out if they build a statue dedicated to you.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:59 pm
by taalismn
duck-foot wrote:what about a world where everyone controls a pocket dimension (something that can be bought in a store) and rules over the tiny inhabitants of the infinite size pocket dimension like gods. sort of a build your own universe kit.

The ultimate Virtual Reality...or Personal Reality...

Cheap, affordable immortality becomes available...does this prove a benefit to humanity, or the ultimate curse as we stagnate and decline into ennui(and Paris Hilton NEVER matures...)...

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:50 am
by Aramanthus
A Robotech force bound for the Robotech masters folds into earth orbit just after the Rifts hits.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:22 am
by taalismn
The Armies of the Southern Cross get NEMA assistance(either a Rifted army or a Golden Age that never knew the Rifts but has been experimenting with dimensional travel)....

For that matter, how about a Golden Age where the Rifts came, but took place on Mars, ruining the exploration/terraforming experiments there, but not touching Earth(at least not immediately or directly)...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:39 pm
by Aramanthus
Those are very good ones!

What about a world like our where someone stupid government is experimenting with quantum physics and accidently open up a rift to a world where things Palladium Books material Ala Rifts, Heros Unlimited, Robotech really exist and those worlds are unleashed into our dimension.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:49 pm
by taalismn
...Segments of Europe and North America disappear to be replaced by land masses from a fantasy realm...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:26 pm
by Aramanthus
Every major city on earth is replaced by medieval fortified cities.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:28 pm
by Aramanthus
Are you sure that didn't occur before WW2 in our own world, since certain members of the nazi party acted very non-human, almost demonic. Actually very demonic after thinking about it.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:47 pm
by Aramanthus
I thought you'd like it!

Hmm I'm not sure if we've done this one before.

What if all of the major metals were far more difficult to get access too. Imagine a world where it takes many hundred of years longer to get bronze. Even longer to gain access to iron and even far longer for steel.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:42 am
by gaby
I have two ideas (1)The Reality of the Moon landing.

The real reason why we go to the Moon is to get to a Semi-Intact alien Space ship on the surface,it take years but the Us arm forces unlock the sercets of the Alien tech by 1994,with the frist Practical wokring Fusion reactor,by 2000 50% of the US is powered by them,in the 2005 the Us had a SpaceStation and are wokring on making a Ship to go to Mars.

(2)The SpaceStations from (AtB: Mutants in Orbit) go Rifted by Great Cataclysm to a Alternate earth in 2001.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:50 pm
by Aramanthus
Or another alternative is the rest of the world conquers the US. Until the second revolution for freedom occurs in the distant future.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:19 pm
by taalismn
Several centuries ago, Earth was invaded by the Metzla...who did tremendous amounts of damage before something in the Earth environment mutated them....causing them to lose much of their intelligence and social cordination....lapsing them back to a more primitive state as well as affecting additiohn biochemical changes....With the alien invaders reduced to roaming packs or swarms of dumb(but very dangerous) animals, human society has managed to pull back from the edge of extinction and fight back.....Many of the nations of the old world have been lost, and much technology as well...But several decades ago, someone discovered that the Metzla bodies produced a variety of very useful chemicals, their shells could be scavenged for materials, and certain organs could be used in industrial processes...including levitation drives....
NOw, in a resurgence of the old whaling days, human nations and private concerns fit out ships and warmachines to hunt down and harvest the degenerate Metzla for profit...the less well-off operations use mundane technology to hunt them down, while the more sophisticated operations use flying ships lifted by Metzla flight-organs, and sheathed in Metzla body-plate. More daring/more primitive hunters in remote areas even dare to enter Metzla hives to steal eggs and poison the Metzla in their lairs....

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:33 pm
by Aramanthus
That would be a very interesting society to see what they'd end being like. I can see them hunting the metzla like to you suggested. But what about herding them together and raising them like cattle or other dangerous animals. (They do raise and harvest alligators in the south for a variety of things, including food and skins.) I can see people like "green peace" trying to protect the metzla like they do the whales. (Just watch the metzla eat the protestors!) I can see PETA complaining about the killing of them too. (And again watch the metzla eat them too.)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:18 am
by taalismn
During the height of the Cold War, American and Soviet experiments in advanced physics break the dimensional barrier, allowintg both nations/powerblocs to access parallel realities....A new age of imperialism begins....
BOth East and West have each explored several dozen alternate worlds, almost all of them life-sustaining Earth-like worlds, and almost all inhabited by humans of a relatively primitive state of technological and cultural development(the Americans call them collectively 'Hypoborean' worlds, while the Soviets compare them to the wilds of Siberia....So far, the two dimensional empires have only encountered each other offworld twise, largely through the use of pirated coordinates.....On their homeworld, the Cold War tensions have eased off considerably, but on the two worlds they both share, the Cold War runs hot...on one, a nearly uninhabited/uninhabitable cold ice world, American and Soviet forces engage in a meaningless live-fire war for control of a world that ins't particularly useful to either of them except to test their weaponry out on each othe(their experiences here have caused both sides to convene a gentlemen's agreement to keep any fighting offworld). The other front is a proxy war, with the Americans and Soviets arming and directing the local people of an Earth-like world in a nasty little brushwar.
For the most part, both East and West are too busy with their military-industrial complexes getting obscenely rich off free offworld resources and labor.....Both sides have established offworld/outrdimension colonies, outposts, and resource exploitation camps...Often, when the world is inhabited, they'll set up a trading post and/or move in, knock off the local despot or monster, and establish themselves as the new leaders and recruit the local peoples as laborers in return for protection and trade.....
In the Soviet worlds, the locals are organized into communes and indoctrinated in Communist theory....
The West's empire is more varied...The best can be found in theAmerican military outposts, where the military runs its outposts and relations with the locals like a Marshall Plan; locals are treated fairly, schools are set up for local workers, demoracy and law is drummed into them. and they draw pay like everybody else...The worst are commerical outposts where the successful bid corporations mine and pollute with little oversight, and the locals are reduced to being effectively slaves and prostitutes for the workers(one Mafia-owned colony had the local population of attractive-physiqued tropical islanders adopt g-strings as the local 'uniform' for the benefit of visitors.
AS good as the dimensional empire scheme as been, native unrest, espionage and sabotage,the emergence of independent operators and other countries who acquire the d-travel capability(like Europe, South Africa, and China) seeking to carve out their own empires, and the eventuality that the expanding dimensional empires WILL encounter somebody of something more advanced than they are(they're currently at a 2000's level of tech) will cause all manner of problems....

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:47 am
by Aramanthus
That's a great one Taalismn! It sounds a lot like David Weber's and Linda Evans novel "Hellgate" from Baen books. But the twist you put is enough to change it. In the novel two civilazations one tech oriented and one magic oriented meet each other on various dimensional nexus, where they engaged in a war.

I'm not sure if your suggestion was done Pfhreak. Its a great addition to the growing list of infinite possibilities.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:38 pm
by Aramanthus
Yeah, he has a great imagination! And he can fill it out in plenty of detail too in short order.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:33 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:That would be a very interesting society to see what they'd end being like. I can see them hunting the metzla like to you suggested. But what about herding them together and raising them like cattle or other dangerous animals. (They do raise and harvest alligators in the south for a variety of things, including food and skins.) I can see people like "green peace" trying to protect the metzla like they do the whales. (Just watch the metzla eat the protestors!) I can see PETA complaining about the killing of them too. (And again watch the metzla eat them too.)

Pretty much the world as we know it ended when the Metzla blitzed the major cities...PETA just doesn't exist, and there's a rise in various fundamentalist religious groups that see the Invasion as Divine Judegement, and the miraculous transmutation of the aliens into dumb savages as God's Forgiveness....some advocate a return to a simpler and more devout lifestyle(the Metzla were 'visited' upon the old world for its 'wickedness').
Other sects hold that the Metzla are demons, and their being stricken down is a sign that it is meant for Man to hunt the demons down and destroy them(oddly, this is similar to the attitudes of the Quakers who were in the forefront of the whaling industry)...

Currently, the major powers hang on simply because they had more cities and communities to wreck and more resources to rebuild with, though the UNited States and other major powers have balkanized(There are efforts to pull together, but many of the new splinter states are highly religious and value their independence)...much of the Third World, where resistance to the Metzla was token, have simply dissolved as nations....and it is in such underdeveloped nations that the feral Metzla often make their hives(a new era of empire-building is in the works as the more advanced hunting corporations and militaries set up advance ports and camps to facilitate hunting down and harpooning the feral swarms...).

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:26 am
by Aramanthus
That would make a very interesting world. The power structures would be totally different. Different alliance in it too!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:46 pm
by Aramanthus
Cute! (Talking about the name of the human like race, the namuh.) I like your alternate universe. It does make sense about the saurian name too. IT reminds me sort in an off way the "Dragonstar Trilogy" by David Bischoff. Humans and dinosaurs in the same world. It'd be fun and dangerous to be there! 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:32 pm
by taalismn
In 1904, the Norweigan scientist Kristian Birkeland, who first conjectured that the aurora borealis was due to an interaction bewteen the Earth's magnetic field and a particle stream from the Sun, also invented a 'solenoid gun' or electromagnetic cannon that he tried interesting the British Admiralty in....In our timeline Birkeland's demonstrations failed to go off well, a dispute with British scientists over whether space was a true and total vaccum rather than filled with particles and waves led to his aurora work being blasted, and betrayl by his business partner led him to exile in Egypt and then Japan where he died of a drug overdose...His final papers, said to contain 'something important', were sealed unread and put aboard a Japanese freighter for England for eventual transfer to Norway...the ship disappeared, presumed lost at sea...(this would suggest a conspiracy universe where someone is interfering with history to keep certain discoveries from coming too early in Human history....

But what if Birkeland WASN'T dogged by failure, controversy, and betrayl(or the conspirators of time failed in their efforts)....Birkeland, hurting from his business partner's attempt to steal credit, DOES interest the British and the Norweigan governments in his electromagnetic guns, and with their help(no Nobel is Birkeland here) develops them into something more promising than the early pnuematic dynamite guns....Rail guns, and possibly megadamage weaponry...arrive on the scene sooner than expected, first with battleships and shore installations, but later refined as electronics technology advances into more mobile versions!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:17 am
by Aramanthus
That is a very nasty world! Talk about polarization. Things would shift very fast and quick. Ouch! Your battleships might still be queen of the sea after WW2 with those sort of weapons.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:47 am
by taalismn
Of course the Germans will quickly steal the design, and a new arms race will be on....PLus the Norweigans will feel obliged to tes their new guns on the Swedes, who they had managed to shrug off only a few years earlier(the Swedish had invaded and occupied Norway...At the time Birkeland made his aurora observations, Norway had only been independant a year or so, and NOrweigan scientists were under a lot of pressure to assert Norweigan pride with discoveries...Nansen's polar expeditions did considerable good towards that goal...).

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:54 pm
by Aramanthus
Some how I think the designs will end in the hands of the Russians, The Americans, The French, and the Japanese. You think that this sort of development would be widely stolen within 5 years. At most, that sounds responable to me. What do you think Taalismn and others.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:44 pm
by gaby
I changed a few things about the 3 Galaxies.

!1)The majorty of the CCW,TGE and FWC is in the Corkscrew galaxy,they only control a hand full of systems in the other two galaxies.

I wanted each galaxy to have ther own power blocs.
I like making my own.

2)I cut down the Population of the CCW and TGE.
CCW it,s 5 Trillion and for the TGE it,s 4 trillion.

3)the number of member races in CCW is 95.

Tell me What you think...

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:36 pm
by taalismn
(based on Johnathon Swift's 'A MOdest Proposal')
Aristocracy in Europe and Asia becomes truly decandent when it becomes legal for the wealthy and affluent to prey, literally, on the lower classes...since they're at the top of the social scale, why not the food pyramid as well? Most of the elite limit themselves to criminals and the weak, and limit their cannibalism to special events and rituals, but some of the uber-wealthy hold 'hunts' in the countryside or are said to be 'raising their own'. A few of the most diehard aristocratic man-eaters even prey on their own families, using the newly introduced theory of evolution to justify killing off and eating other 'unfit' members of their own families who fail to hold their own. A few even claim to be showing the signs of natural selection, acquiring(or assuming) predator traits, such as improved senses of smell, speed, or enlarged canines and dislocatable jaws....
Occasionally, however, the tables are turned, and thus, when the lower classes rise up, the slogan 'Eat the Rich' takes on a quite literal meaning....

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:10 am
by taalismn
...An infinite Megaverse of pssobilities means exactly that...infinite....

For instance...I may have dream-contacted a universe where I was a nice shade of blue... :D

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:10 pm
by Aramanthus
Your 3Galaxy setting is interesting Gaby. Why reduce the overall population? I don't see why you did that. Did you want a more frontier feel to it? It's your game though and I'll not interfere: personally I have a larger population in my 3Gs universe. Its something like around 25 to 30 trillion. Don't get me wrong it's a great idea. I hope you don't mind my questions. I was a little baffled. :)

That is a twisted universe Taalismn! I like it!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:28 pm
by taalismn
Faerie Food grows on trees....specific foods have propfound and catlogued 'super effects' making control of certain diets and foodstuffs of STRATEGIC importance in world affairs and history....

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:39 pm
by Aramanthus
And just imagine the diets people would be advertising. "Here's the latest craze to loose weight. Just eat this fairey food! Watch the pounds melt away. This is a picture before! (A person who is rather hefty.) And afterwards! (A small but hefty fairey.) See our new diet helped this poor soul shed over 300 pounds. And though they can't fly yet, someday with the grace of goodness they'll fly. (Under his breath; "Even if we have to launch them from a catapult.")

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:49 pm
by taalismn
Invasions to seize croplands, industrial espionage to steal seedstock and cuttings....poisoning orchards to wipe out the production of power-enhancing fruit....

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:23 pm
by Aramanthus
I can see that along with other acts of sabotage to each others crops.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:56 am
by gaby
Well I think it just works better for me and the players.

I wanted the CCW and TGE to be the Big Fishs only in the Corkscrew galaxy,I wanted each Galaxy to have ther own Power Blocs.

People who play P.C from CCW or TGE will be face with unexplored space.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:53 pm
by Aramanthus
That makes sense. I sort of figured that was some of the reasons. But that does explain it to me. Thank you for explainning your rational!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:05 pm
by taalismn
How about the idea from Carl Sagan's old 'Cosmos' series where he illustrates how two space-faring societies, one capable of only making short jumps or missions to neighboring systems runs into a society that makes longer two dendrite-like bushes, the two societies actually wind up intermeshing before they even realize there's another culture out there, by happenstance....

So rather than defined borders, the TGE and CCW, at the time of first contact, discover that a substantial portion of their worlds are actually 'behind each other's lines', and that declaring any volume of space as wholly 'theirs' is difficult, if not impossible....

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:29 am
by Aramanthus
That would make for a fluid sort of front for any sort of war that might occur between the great powers of the 3Gs. I remember the episode your talking about. It was a very cool concept. I can see how amalgamated societies grow like that. I could see that being the case of the CCW especially, considering all of the races involved in there organization.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:41 pm
by Aramanthus
I know exactly where people are coming from. I've played MOO also. I remember how convoluted your empire can appear in the game. Don't get me wrong I've always had fun with those sort of games.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:58 pm
by taalismn
Besides, 'Neutral Zone' and 'Borderspace' sound better than 'That godawful tangle of our and their worlds out towards Delta Pavonis..."

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:05 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL Your right they do sound better. I suppose in this sort of situation certain worlds would be declared neutral. Which could create a buffer zone area.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:06 pm
by Aramanthus
That makes it a world where spec forces would be needed to help contain those sort of people. Or else they might end up rising up and taking control of the various world governments.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:53 pm
by taalismn
The American Civil Rights MOvement would expand its membership to include mutants...
"Many Forms, One People!"

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:55 pm
by Aramanthus
Sounds like a political stand for a presidential canidate.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:27 am
by Aramanthus
And what would they stand on. The Anti-Mutants that is.

Something like...............

"One dead mutant, means one mutant in every cooking pot. So no more hunger in our nation."

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:26 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL :lol: :lol: I just about fell off my chair, that's not fair Duckfoot! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:06 pm
by taalismn
...Soylent Green's Family Restaurant....
...Donner Snacks....
....U.S.S. Essex Seafoods....

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 4:18 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL Not fair Raalismn!!! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:09 pm
by taalismn
"To Serve Man".....

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:53 am
by Aramanthus
That last one sounds like a cookbook you could find in Atlantis.