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Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Edited Fear Feedback (Minor) to take into account Stone Gargoyle's suggestions. :bandit:
Looks good. I'm hoping you'll be doing some variants as well.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:34 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Edited Fear Feedback (Minor) to take into account Stone Gargoyle's suggestions. :bandit:
Looks good. I'm hoping you'll be doing some variants as well.

Count on it, time permitting what with the looming holidays, extra work days, and company parties. ;)


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:49 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Edited Fear Feedback (Minor) to take into account Stone Gargoyle's suggestions. :bandit:
Looks good. I'm hoping you'll be doing some variants as well.

Count on it, time permitting what with the looming holidays, extra work days, and company parties. ;)
And provided the world doesn't end... Gotcha.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:22 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:[Count on it, time permitting what with the looming holidays, extra work days, and company parties. ;)
And provided the world doesn't end... Gotcha.

All the more reason to attend those parties. :wink:


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Edited Fear Feedback (Minor) to take into account Stone Gargoyle's suggestions. :bandit:
Looks good. I'm hoping you'll be doing some variants as well.

Count on it, time permitting what with the looming holidays, extra work days, and company parties. ;)
And provided the world doesn't end... Gotcha.

The world won't end, it's all hype, paranoia and stupidity. Do you think a good Physical Training skill would be Impact Training, involving being hit, knowing how to react, roll and recover and bracing for impact? I think some characters that expect to get hit a lot (Physical Training, Secret Operative, Super Sleuth and Hardware come to mind) might benefit from a skill based on that, rather than just relying on a Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact on the chance someone might try to tackle them or throw a tree at them. It would be similar to Breakfall but could be rolled pre-emptively to see how good the Impact is, and in what kind of state the character is in after the Impact (like Perception; the higher the roll the better the result).
Perhaps. You might want to ask that in the appropriate thread, however.


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:37 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Do you think a good Physical Training skill would be Impact Training, involving being hit, knowing how to react, roll and recover and bracing for impact? I think some characters that expect to get hit a lot (Physical Training, Secret Operative, Super Sleuth and Hardware come to mind) might benefit from a skill based on that, rather than just relying on a Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact on the chance someone might try to tackle them or throw a tree at them. It would be similar to Breakfall but could be rolled pre-emptively to see how good the Impact is, and in what kind of state the character is in after the Impact (like Perception; the higher the roll the better the result).
Perhaps. You might want to ask that in the appropriate thread, however.
I posted an answer to this in the We Gots the Skills thread.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:51 am
by Iczer
Touch of age [Minor]
'look out old timer'

The character's touch causes a target to simply cycle forward in time, withering and aging. In combat, a living being makes a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lower a random attribute by 1D4 as the character begins to age and wither. children under 16 actually gain attributes before they lose them and can gain 8 points before having to slide backwards again. Immortal beings, and those immune to temporal distortion are immune to this as well. those merely resistant, or very long lived enjoy a +4 to the saving throw. Attributes recover at a rate of 1 every minute.
Non living things simply corrode and wither, losing 1D4 AR and losing 1D4x5% of their SDC.
The character has enough fine control to use this in a helpful manner. they can age an infant to adulthood (if they are willing) or a child to young adult status. They can cause a seed to sprout quickly, or muffins to simply reach room temperature after coming from the oven. simply transformations on willing subjects (or the inanimate) last one hour per level or until the target 'çatches up'

Mental Leech [Major]
'tsk tsk Kommander. I know you better than you know yourself'

The character can drain the mental attributes of a target, and gain special bonuses for doing so.
1) mental drain attack: By touching an opponent, the character can attempt to drain their own mental energy. The character can reduce a target's IQ, ME or MA by 1D6 (but not to less than half) or their ISP (If any) by 1D6 per level of experience). the target must make a saving throw Vs psionics to resist this. Lost attributes recover at a rate of 1 point per minute BUT if reduced to half the relevant attribute the effect becomes more long term, and recovery takes one hour per point lost. ISP recovers as normal.
2) Absorbed mental energy. Once a target has failed a saving throw, the character gains a single benefit for each failed save chosen at the time the drain is performed.
IQ: remove a single skill from the target and gain it for yourself (lasts 1 hour per level) OR Sift through the target's memories for a single fact or detail
ME: Absorbing the targets will allows you to gain a damage bonus against the target for all forms of attack equal to the ME absorbed. OR By absorbing the target's confidence you can reduce his damage bonus by the absorbed amount.
MA: Absorbing his natural charisma allow you to become personally terrifying to him (HF of 6+ absorbed points) OR by getting under his skin you can forsee any combat action he is likely to take against you, halving his combat bonuses against you.
ISP: Absorbing a target's ISP allows you to mimic one of his psychic powers, but you only posess his stolen ISP (plus any you may have yourself)
All absorbed bonuses last one minute per level unless otherwise stated.

Acid Manufacture [Major]
'this eats me up inside....just in a good way'

The character can transform his flesh into an acidic mess, able to convert and manufacture his own acidic juices.
1) transformation: as an action, the character can become an acidic factory. he gains about 15% extra mass when he does so, his body swelling and reshaping itself. the new shape has a PB of 1D4+1, +30SDC +4 PE and +4 PS. He is covered with pustules and boils and becomes a little warped. This new shape is immune to acid (but takes double damage from 'basic'or alkaline substances) and stinks of sulphur and ammonia.
2) Acid breath: When transformed, the character gains the ability to belch forth a gobbet of acid in a spray. This is an extra attack granted per melee round and inflicts 4D6 to a single target (+3 to strike, 40 foot range). Unless cleaned off, the acid does 2D6 damage at the beginning of each melee round for 1 melee round per level.
3) Rotten breath. The character can also inflict nasty bites. His bare teeth inflict 2D4 damage (or Plus 2D4 if a bite attack is already possessed) and the acid in the wound does 2D4 at the end of the round. The acid is also poisonous, and requires a saving throw (14+) or the target also takes 1D4 HP as the acid eats from the inside.
4) Explosive tumors. The transformed character's thick skin has an AR of 12. If he should be hit with any cutting or piercing attack (whether it penetrates the AR or not) the character inflicts 4D6 to the weapon piercing his skin (disastrous if these are natural weapons, worse if a bite). The character can choose to spurt this acid outwards, causing the attacker to take 2D6 damage from the splash. blunt trauma of 20 points of damage or more immediately triggers this effect. The character can inflict 4D6 acid damage to targets grappling him, or 6D6 acid damage to targets he is grappling per melee round (and he can 'belch'acid once per melee round on a grappled target)
5) Normal shape. when in his normal form, the character is merely resistant to acid (half damage) and has no vulnerability to alkaline or bases.

Power Horns [Minor]
'Mess with the bull...'

The character can generate a pair of energy horns that inflict damage in melee as if he possessed supernatural PS equal to his own PS or as if he had a PS equal to his ME score. as energy weapons, this does not add any PS damage bonus. he also gains the following special moves.
1) Thunderous charge: as a body block/tackle but add an extra 2D6 damage to the horns.
2) Flip: if struck by horns, the character may immediately take another action out of his normal turn and try to flip the target through the air. both attacker and defender roll a D20 and add their PS or PP scores (or ME if the character is using that as damage) if the attacker wins, then the target is thrown as if from a body flip/throw and is hurled 2D6 feet in a direction of choice and takes 2D6 damage (add +2D6 damage and double distance if combined with the thunderous charge)

Psionic sustenence [Minor]
'great minds....taste great'

The character has an uncanny resistance to mental attack. If he must make a saving throw vs psionics and succeeds, he heals 2D6 HP or SDC, and gains the equivalent of a full meal. If he fails, he gains a +2 to saving throws vs that power or that psionic attacker for the next hour per level (only one power or psionic character at a time)

Untouchable [minor]
'poison darts? HH what is this, middle school?'

The character emits a soft solid field over himself which prevents contact. Heat and damage still radiate through normally, but actual contact does not occur. He cannot be poisoned except if he breathes or eats it, a the field folds over the weapon allowing the blade to cut, but preventing the passage of any poison. likewise any power that requires the character to be touched to work simply fails, the barrier blocks the transmission of the power. Acid is also blocked (it makes no skin contact) though forms of energy still radiate and conduct through him as normal.
The character can shut this power down, but by default it snaps on when unconscious or unaware.

Reality Spindle [Major]
'here..let me make this easier'

The character can fold nearby parallel universes into this one in order to help or hinder others. literally forming and transforming obstacle and objects in his way.
1) massage the fabric of nature: the character creates or alters details in such a way that others are helped or hindered. this is a simple action that adds or subtracts 10% to skill use, or 2 to combat skill rolls, depending on their explanation. living beings automatically resist this, but their environment does not. The change affects an area about 30 feet across up to 60 feet away and persists for 1 round per level, or for as long as the character concentrates (one action per round). Body armour could be skewed downward by 2 points, while swords could be blunted for -2 damage. a wall could become much less smooth adding +10% to climbing attempts while aslippery roads could inflict a -10% to piloting rolls.
2) Outright alteration. A much harder and more focused alteration involves taking a whole chunk of a parallel world and injecting it into ours. any one of the following changes could be made.
* Topology of an object can be made 50% larger or smaller. by spindling the terrain, it can become harder to traverse (a flat plain becoming unexpectedly rugged for example) or easier.
* The material of an object can be made similar but different. hardwood becoming Bamboo, or lead bullets becoming silver. The AR can be adjusted by 2 points at first level and another at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.
* Altering the form, but not function of an object. transforming one type of gun into another, or a locked door into an unlocked door.
* cosmetic alterations, or the creation of minor items under 2 lbs. a top hat, changing my bathrobe to a pair of pants.
each outright alteration takes 3 actions to perform, affects an area of no more than 20 feet across (plus 10 feet per level) lasts no more than one minute per melee round (or as long as he concentrates) and cannot affect an item in excess of 100lbs +20lbs per level out to a range of 50 feet +20feet per level.



Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:13 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:Iczer nice new powers. I have a couple of questions though.

For Touch of Age, the loss of 1D4 points of a random attribute is recovered at a rate 1 every minute. Is that immediate, or is the character stuck with those lost points for a specific duration before recovery? Also does prolonged touch have a cumulative effect? For example, if Captain Youth gets choked by Baron Ageless, does Captain Youth will the choke age him faster than a single touch? And can it be used more than once per melee round?

For Acid Manufacture (another power I quite like), does water dilute the acid attacks at all? I'm going to guess that APS: Glass is completely invulnerable to all aspects of the power, but what about earth, metal, Zombie Flesh, Gas/Smoke/Mist, etc. I'd say that APS: Plant would suffer horribly at the hands of this power. What about APS: Plasma and Fire? Can they set the acid on fire, or negate the acid with their fire blasts? And What about Ice? Sorry for all the questions I'm just wondering how the acid would affect those other powers and defenses.

The recovery is immediate, though undoubtedly the power would have been used again before 4 melee rounds.
a prolonged touch would have additional effects. Presume that the character can, if continuously touching (in a grapple for instance) simply use this ability for each action.

{The bomb has exploded, and the League of Science is down. Through the smoke strides Baron Ageless}
Ageless: "Ahhh my young Captain. You have seem to have this.."
{Ageless grabs the Captain in a choke hold}
Ageless: "...Propensity for walking into my traps."
{The captain struggles, but is still dazed by the bomb. Opening Grapple done, The captain makes a saving throw and fails. He loses 1D4 from..oooh let us say PS, as his body begins to grow withered and old}
Captain Youth "You Fiend...where are the hostages"
{Initiative gets rolled. Captain wins (youth and speed after all). He attempts to escape but is unsuccessful}
Ageless: "Where you will never find them My captain...A deep dark hole far, far away from my little trap"
{Ageless drains again. the Captain saves this time and no effect}
{The pair struggle over the next melee round. the Baron makes 4 more drain attempts, 3 of which are successful and the captain loses 1D4 from ME, PB and PP. New Initiaitive. If the League of science does not awaken shortly, Captain Youth may be a geriatric with a stopped heart}

Acid eats organic matter normally Inorganic matter will probably react differently. Water is a usual method of washing it off by simple dilution, but my current experience with acids have left me with a newfound appreciation of basic solutions. Dilution and negation are the best methods of 'washing'acid off. water is typically fairly close to neutrality so an equal mass of water halves the acidity and much more renders it gone. A small amount of alkaline cleanser will also help with a little more efficiency. Acid has been known to affect stone and metals. as a major power I would rule that the damage is the same against most solid targets. Fire/plasma would not have to worry (the acid never actually touches them and would be disintegrated on contact). water and ice would probably be immune as well.

For more precise physics based answers see a real scientist. I only play one on TV ;P



Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I like Power Horns, but one question: Why no Head Butt damage listed?


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:22 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Power Horns, but one question: Why no Head Butt damage listed?

It is there. They do damage as if supernatural PS is possessed.



Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:50 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Power Horns, but one question: Why no Head Butt damage listed?

It is there. They do damage as if supernatural PS is possessed.

There is no damage amount listed, so I found it to be a little unclear. Punch damages are listed under the Supernatural PS description in the HU@ core rulebook, but there is nothing regarding head butt damage as it is affected by having Supernatural PS.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:09 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Power Horns, but one question: Why no Head Butt damage listed?

It is there. They do damage as if supernatural PS is possessed.

There is no damage amount listed, so I found it to be a little unclear. Punch damages are listed under the Supernatural PS description in the HU@ core rulebook, but there is nothing regarding head butt damage as it is affected by having Supernatural PS.

use punch damage


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Power Horns, but one question: Why no Head Butt damage listed?

It is there. They do damage as if supernatural PS is possessed.

There is no damage amount listed, so I found it to be a little unclear. Punch damages are listed under the Supernatural PS description in the HU2 core rulebook, but there is nothing regarding head butt damage as it is affected by having Supernatural PS.

use punch damage
Okay, cool.


Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:46 am
by Iczer
Impart impulse [Minor]
"ýou need to go for a ride now'

The character can form a reflective field around a target very briefly, that adds kinetic energy to him. By attacking a target with a shove (no damage, strike as usual) a body flip/throw, a body block/tackle or by grappling a target and then releasing him on his next action he may also cause the target to gain speed for a brief second. The target is flung a number of feet equal to the character's PS (plus 2 feet per level). after striking the ground, the target bounces, and moves again half that distance. at 4th level and again at 8th level there is a third and fourth 'bounce'available, each one half the distance as before.
Targets, and the objects they may strike are protected by this field, but if a suitable target is struck by a flung target, then that target may also be knocked down (make a check vs balance or lose one action and initiative)
The target may be able to grab an object to stop himself. if he passes by an applicable object he may make a strike roll (16+ on before the first bounce, 14 for the second, 12 for any third) to grab it
Targets must be of an equivalent size and mass for this to work (within around 50% size/within 100% mass)
By expending an additional attack, the character may make a strike roll to rebound the target into a second target. this strike roll is made with only the character's PP bonus.
The character can also impart impulse to held or thrown items adding +2 to strike. The impulse field prevents any damage from being inflicted, but a struck target must make a sense of balance check or be knocked over.

Phase flesh [Major]
Ï like you. You're full of nerve. Let's touch them"

The character can phase briefly through light fabric and flesh. Defensively, the character can add a +4 to dodge (and to autododge if posessed) or roll with punch when his opponent is a flesh and blood creature fighting unarmed. He simply allows the target to pass through him. this doesn't work on artificial weapons, but will work on wood and other natural substances.
The character can briefly phase through a person, escaping instantly from a grapple (assuming the target is not coated in body armour) or simply pass through them, and can do the same to any natural substances, phasing through thin wooden walls.
The character can slide a hand into a target as an attack and then solidify a little, causing 6D6 damage and forcing the target to make a saving throw vs pain (14+ PE bonuses apply) or lose an attack and -2 from all combat bonuses for the melee round. this cannot be parried in the conventional sense and natural armour does not protect from this at all, but artifical armour does, as do force fields. parrying with a metal or plastic weapon works normally, and a target who is aware of this attack can parry at -2. if they do, the damage inflicted is half and no pain is inflicted (well..none that can't be put up with)
The brevity of this power prevents it from acting like a flesh-only intangibility. phasing can be done as many times in a round as the character desires but lasts only a second or two. if caught inside an object while phasing, the character takes 3D6 damage and must make a saving throw vs pain (with a +2 bonus). he may simply phase again to move out of the object.

Warp ray [Minor]
'Boom goes the dynamite"

The character projects a ray of concussive and tearing force that not only tears apart matter, but flings it around.
Range 70 feet +10 feet per level
Damage Warp ray inflicts 1D6 damage per level of the character. the matter cutting effect ignores the AR of the target (but not invulnerability)
Attacks: each blast with the warp ray counts as a single attack.
Bonus to strike. +2 with an aimed shot. no bonus for wild shots.
Other effects: if a target struck with this power masses less than 50lbs (+50Lbs per level) it is also moved 1D6x3 feet per level in an essentially random direction. this movement is mostly lateral. a teleported target loses one action and loses initiative for being moved through space against his will, though a target who can already teleport or manipulate space can arrive without this issue occuring) Victims of an unwanted teleportaton may make a saving throw (16+ PE bonus applies) to resist.

Fast [Minor]
'Who needs superspeed when you have the whole package'

The character is superhumanly fast. he can hardly keep pace with anyone with superspeed, but his all over enhancements compensate.
* Add +10 to the character's Spd attribute every level.
* The character gains an extra attack per melee and +4 to initiative. he gains this again at levels 4,8 and 12.
* character can leap an extra 8 feet horizontally or 4 feet vertically per level, assuming he has had a run up.
* has a kind of speed vision. can determine the speed of moving objects with 92% efficiency. can envision projectiles moving through space. halve any penalties to dodge or parry objects or attacks due to spd.
* +4 to PE and +4D6 to SDC
* The act of running is barely noticed. running fatigues the character at 1/4 rate.
* can perform the body block/tackle manoevre. any attack that allows him to get to speed (body block tackle, leap attacks from range etc) inflict double their base damage

Unleashed [Minor]
"eat this"

The character can use his own body mass to generate nearly any form of energy he can imagine.
By taking 2D6 damage to his SDC, the character can gain an energy expulsion power of choice for the remainder of the Melee round, at his own level. The character is resistant to energy (half damage) normally, and is immune to his chosen energy type for the round he possesses it.

Imprint [Minor]
"let me introduce you to a friend of mine"

The character can copy the form and function of a nearby target, and store it for later use.
The character gains the following from a target when he imprints it.
* any mutations they possess
* any adjustments for alien environments
* any adjustments for alien form
* any experimental side effects
* blood type, body structure and ethnicity

(Borrower seeks to infiltrate a known Triad group. by targeting one of the members, he becomes asian, though he gains no tattoos, nor does he know cantonese. He looks the part otherwise. Later he targets his Pal Jury-Rigger, but unknown to him, he'is a changeling, and Borrower becomes grey, pasty and hairless. Jurry_rigger has some explaining to do later on)
The character can hold a number of "ímprints' equal to 1 per level. he can always default to a known imprint. He can retain any imprint he knows for as long as he desires. It takes one melee round to imprint on a target with constant contact, or one minute if the target remains within 15 feet +5 feet per level. Turning this power on or off requires a melee action to perform, and changing to one imprint requires turning an active one off.

Instant forge [Major]
"Look..I'm drawing a sword right out of the stone. I'm the next king of England!"

The character can cause solid rock or bare earth to 'give up' their precious elements forming small balls of shapeable metal. The character simply touches the ground (or concrete or rock or earth) and expends 4 actions to draw the metal out. The object gives up 1/10th of its SDC (and 2 AR) as the metallic fragments are dragged through its mass which form in the characters hand.
a solid stone or rocky object, up to about a half ton yields about 2D4 pounds of metal (plus one pound every level, the character gains efficiency) . heavier objects can be targeted multiple times, smaller or lighter objects much less. The ground usually yields that amount over a 20 foot area. To use this power again requires that the character change location or dig down to gain access to new earth. Mineral poor soil, or sand will yield proportionately less metal.

Once the metal is in the character's hand, he may either mine for more on the next round, or forge a solid object. Forging a solid object requires one action per pound of metal required. The character has a general blacksmithing skill using this power of 65% +5% per level. Weapons made are not exceptionally well made (unless the character has other correspondingly usefull skills) but are ideally made for him and have a +1 to strike, parry and +2 damage when he wields them himself.

The character can feel the iron content in the ground he is walking on, to a depth of about 15 feet +5 feet per level as well as through stone or concrete walls. his natural metal affinity adds +10% to most mechanical skills and technical skills where metal tools are required.

Against creatures composed of stone or earth, the character can simply 'swirl the metal around' inflicting 5D6 damage

Unstable space [Major]
"catch me if you can"

The character can turn the space around him into a series of spatial eddies through which he can redirect attacks, either his own or others.
1) Affected area: the character can expend 2 actions to warp an area 50 feet across plus 10 feet per level. the distortions are visible as grey swirling eddies that move, merge and separate. these eddies are not solid, but they do exert a pressure over their event horizon. Attacks or effects that rely on straight lines (charging someone, or firing a shot) suffer a -4 to strike, and anyone moving at a spd greater than 10 must make a sense of balance check or tumble over (lose one attack, and lose initiative) the area remains affect as long as the character remains(concious) in the area or for 1d4 minutes afterward.
2) redirect attacks. the character can auto parry any incoming attack against him with a +4 bonus. The attack is swallowed by a warp and the effect passes out of another one. attacks larger than a foot wide are instead deflected to the side. as an action, he may parry an attack leveled at someone else. an attack that passes through (but not one that is deflected) can be redirected to another target (even the attacker). 10% chance +5% per level that any attack can be sent deliberately to another target (if so the target must make a parry or dodge at -4 against the original strike roll) the character cannot redirect attacks he is unaware of.
3) Attacks everywhere. The character can strike any target within his area of effect with any of his attacks. he slides his punches and kicks (or energy blasts) through one of his own warps and the attack exist from another. the indirect nature of the attack suffers a -2 to strike, but unaware targets have a -6 to dodge these suprise attacks. The character is unimpeded by his own warp field, and may slide through one hole and out the other, and can move any where inside his own affected area (+2 to dodges) The character can also warp any small object to any other location within range. this functions as a disarm against held items (roll with +2 only, target may parry at -4) by warpinf an opponents foot (assuming that foot is small enough) he may cause a target to slip and stumble (dodge at -4 or lose one attack and initiative)

Grounding [minor]
"Come on me what you've got'

The character resists super and psionic powers by transforming the energy into electricity. Whenever the character makes a saving throw vs a super power or a psionic power, the character transforms that power into electricity that grounds around him. everyone within 10 feet takes 3D6 damage from the electrical arcing. the character can discharge this as a ranged attack inflicting 3D6 as an electrical bolt with +2 to strike (+6 to strike the originator) out to 40 feet (up to 90 feet to hit the originator). likewise, the character instantly knows who used the power in the first place if he otherwise could not have. the character has a resistance to electricity (half damage) and a +2 to saving throws vs psionics.

Living weapon [Minor]
"Waspdrone..I CHOOSE YOU"

The character can create short lived biological wasps that live under his skin. By expending 1D6 SDC, the character grows a small (6 inch long) bladed insect like thing under his skin. upon command, the wasp emerges and rockets to a target, slamming into him as a high speed collection of razor blades. The wasp things have a +4 to strike and are -8 to be parried (though not dodged). If they miss their target, they will use thier second attack to swing around and try again. These wasps inflict 3D6 damage upon impact +2 per level. The wasps have 5SDC and an auto dodge of +4 (and are -4 to be struck due to their small size) the character can generate one wasp as an action, and can hold as many in his body as his PE score at any given time.

Co-Operative evolution [Major]
"The power of Hugs!"

The character can fold his body over a willing target, granting him extra help and abilities.
It takes 2 actions to fold over a target in this manner. The target gains a You shaped carapace over his body. while attached to a target, you can perform no actions except to talk or to disengage.
You can absorb some damage instead of your target, and can elect to take any amount. Once you have absorbed 30SDC (+10 per level) you are forcibly disengaged. you take the same damage the target does from crashes, and area affect attacks.
You can also grant your target extra abilities, chosen when this power is selected. Choose 35 Bio_E worth of animal abilities to impart on the target. You do not possess these abilities normally.


Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Imprint seems a bit powerful, but I guess since they don't actually mimic a power, it would not be that overpowering. Is there a duration on how long the adjustments are stored and how long the character remains changed?


Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:55 pm
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Imprint seems a bit powerful, but I guess since they don't actually mimic a power, it would not be that overpowering. Is there a duration on how long the adjustments are stored and how long the character remains changed?

I had envisioned it as being for as long as desired actually. The power offers precious few bonuses as is, and you only get a few to store. So the character is adjusted for as long as he chooses to be. He may wish to turn it on and off though depending on the circumstances. The ímprint slots last until swapped out for a better imprint.

Errata-ing the power now



Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:55 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:Also, I like Warp Ray, but it could easily be a major power as well. It could affect transmutation and metamorphosis powers and abilities, and disrupt dimensional and temporal abilities as a major. I guess the major would be Warp Control, enabling the character to affect matter (but not Negative Matter), by ripping it apart and flinging matter in random or controlled directions. It could also keep matter contained in a particular area (like a prison of random metal that the character warps in the area), and Warping matter in a particular manner (ripping a door into kindling or broomsticks as an example). It would probably require a mechanism like the Perception rules to keep it from being overpowered, where the more powerful effects are more difficult to accomplish, but seems like a pretty viable power to me.
It would be cool to see a Major version of the power. :D


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:47 am
by Iczer
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Also, I like Warp Ray, but it could easily be a major power as well. It could affect transmutation and metamorphosis powers and abilities, and disrupt dimensional and temporal abilities as a major. I guess the major would be Warp Control, enabling the character to affect matter (but not Negative Matter), by ripping it apart and flinging matter in random or controlled directions. It could also keep matter contained in a particular area (like a prison of random metal that the character warps in the area), and Warping matter in a particular manner (ripping a door into kindling or broomsticks as an example). It would probably require a mechanism like the Perception rules to keep it from being overpowered, where the more powerful effects are more difficult to accomplish, but seems like a pretty viable power to me.
It would be cool to see a Major version of the power. :D

I would have to check, but i think I have already done one.

I have done a lot though - my major fear is repetition



Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:01 pm
by taalismn
Iczer wrote:Co-Operative evolution [Major]
"The power of Hugs!"

The character can fold his body over a willing target, granting him extra help and abilities.
It takes 2 actions to fold over a target in this manner. The target gains a You shaped carapace over his body. while attached to a target, you can perform no actions except to talk or to disengage..

This makes me think of the 'armor cats' from the anime El-Hazard. :D


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:58 pm
by say652
Duplication: create one copy of self with equal skill per 1 hp/sdc. These energy clones have only 1 hp/sdc and if destroyed the creator has lost 1 hp/sdc. so with a total hp/sdc of 50. you could in effect have 50 of yourselves running around. lost hp/sdc are restored at normal healing rate. unlike multiple selves/being powers getting a duplicate killed doesnt result in permanent loss of pe,pb. nor can any duplicate possess more than 1 hp/sdc. the are portions of your life force not a true multiple self/being. Hence losing 1 hp/sdc heals while losing a multiple self is quite traumatic.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:22 pm
by Gryphon Chick
say652 wrote:Duplication: create one copy of self with equal skill per 1 hp/sdc. These energy clones have only 1 hp/sdc and if destroyed the creator has lost 1 hp/sdc. so with a total hp/sdc of 50. you could in effect have 50 of yourselves running around. lost hp/sdc are restored at normal healing rate. unlike multiple selves/being powers getting a duplicate killed doesnt result in permanent loss of pe,pb. nor can any duplicate possess more than 1 hp/sdc. the are portions of your life force not a true multiple self/being. Hence losing 1 hp/sdc heals while losing a multiple self is quite traumatic.
They disappear by being scratched though, which is kind of useless.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:16 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
say652 wrote:Duplication: create one copy of self with equal skill per 1 hp/sdc. These energy clones have only 1 hp/sdc and if destroyed the creator has lost 1 hp/sdc. so with a total hp/sdc of 50. you could in effect have 50 of yourselves running around. lost hp/sdc are restored at normal healing rate. unlike multiple selves/being powers getting a duplicate killed doesnt result in permanent loss of pe,pb. nor can any duplicate possess more than 1 hp/sdc. the are portions of your life force not a true multiple self/being. Hence losing 1 hp/sdc heals while losing a multiple self is quite traumatic.
Is this supposed to be a minor or a major power? I would think with the sheer number of duplicates that it would be a major.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:42 am
by Iczer
Seems horribly unbalanced. Certainly a Major. No mention on what it takes to make a duplicate (actions?) but the ability to have 30 allies suddenly appear to spray an area with energy blasts seems a bit more than a minor power.


Will post more powers soon. Need to get married first.


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:Seems horribly unbalanced. Certainly a Major. No mention on what it takes to make a duplicate (actions?) but the ability to have 30 allies suddenly appear to spray an area with energy blasts seems a bit more than a minor power.


Will post more powers soon. Need to get married first.

Iczer getting there is hope for nerds everywhere...can Marriage be considered an achilles heel though?
It definitely was for me. I don't have the proper screening software, apparently, so I don't tend to be attracted to the sane ones, not that there are that many sane ones to begin with.


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:32 pm
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:Seems horribly unbalanced. Certainly a Major. No mention on what it takes to make a duplicate (actions?) but the ability to have 30 allies suddenly appear to spray an area with energy blasts seems a bit more than a minor power.


Will post more powers soon. Need to get married first.

Iczer getting there is hope for nerds everywhere...can Marriage be considered an achilles heel though?

Maybe an optional insanity



Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:47 pm
by Snake Eyes
Lifeguard (Major)
A truly strange power, that some say isn’t a mutant power but a power of the mind and heart, that
manifests itself because of a dire need to say another life. The person can spontaneously manifest the
equivalent of a super ability depending on the situation, such as gaining super human strength to lift
a car off a victim.
Duration: Until the danger is past (maximum duration is 15 minutes; though the same power or another
type will re-manifest if the character or others are still in danger)
1): The character only gains the equivalent of the manifested power, not the bonuses that are
included with the power (i.e. gaining super human strength but not the strength bonus); also the
character can only manifest one major ability or up to two minor abilities.
2): For those powers that increase per level, the character gains the power at +2 levels (i.e. a third level
character has a level five power)
3): Bonuses: +5 to S.D.C. +3 to dodge, +2 to P.S. (always a minimum of 14), +10% to skills that involve
defense or helping another person.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Snake Eyes wrote:Lifeguard
A truly strange power, that some say isn’t a mutant power but a power of the mind and heart, that
manifests itself because of a dire need to say another life. The person can spontaneously manifest the
equivalent of a super ability depending on the situation, such as gaining super human strength to lift
a car off a victim.
Duration: Until the danger is past
1): The character only gains the equivalent of the manifested power, not the bonuses that are
included with the power (i.e. gaining super human strength but not the strength bonus); also the
character can only manifest one major ability or up to two minor abilities.
2): For those powers that increase per level, the character gains the power at +2 levels (i.e. a third level
character has a level five power)
3): Bonuses: +5 to S.D.C. +3 to dodge, +2 to P.S. (always a minimum of 14), +10% to skills that involve
defense or helping another person.
This power is way too ambiguous, especially with no set duration. Some life situations are such that the danger is never truly past. The level bonus of being 2 levels higher just seems ludicrous as well.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:28 pm
by Snake Eyes
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This power is way too ambiguous, especially with no set duration. Some life situations are such that the danger is never truly past. The level bonus of being 2 levels higher just seems ludicrous as well.

Ok, i'll redo it to make it more balanced....Thanks for the feedback :-)


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Snake Eyes wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This power is way too ambiguous, especially with no set duration. Some life situations are such that the danger is never truly past. The level bonus of being 2 levels higher just seems ludicrous as well.

Ok, i'll redo it to make it more balanced....Thanks for the feedback :-)
You also want to make sure and designate it as a Major, as it obviously is too powerful to be a minor ability.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:26 am
by Snake Eyes
Ok, i tweaked the power and added some more detail on the duration, plus i designated it as a major ability


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:45 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Snake Eyes wrote:Ok, i tweaked the power and added some more detail on the duration, plus i designated it as a major ability
It still seems a bit overpowered, but it does read better. :)


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:01 pm
by Snake Eyes
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote:Ok, i tweaked the power and added some more detail on the duration, plus i designated it as a major ability
It still seems a bit overpowered, but it does read better. :)

Thanks SG :)


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:01 pm
by say652
duplication if the character doesn't have anytype of healing powers etc then its a minor power but any type of healing powers make it a major power. sure one sdc doesn't seem like a lot but when you have sixty or seventy I sdc people providing cover fire or swarming the giant sure alotwill be banishedbut five attacks time sixty is three hundred chances for a critical hit or deathblow. vs zombies this power and a successful raid on a military base was a game changer. the army is back! even in mdc worlds this power is awesome. phaseworld adventures this ability and disguise the whole bar was the spy. there is more to gaming thancombat.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:05 pm
by say652
combined with multiple selves a duplicator could be everywhere. prime the multiple and swarm the duplicates. combined with invulnerability you get like 300 energyclones that cant be hurt. 1 sdc but with the protection of being invulnerable.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
say652 wrote:duplication if the character doesn't have any type of healing powers etc then its a minor power but any type of healing powers make it a major power. sure one sdc doesn't seem like a lot but when you have sixty or seventy I sdc people providing cover fire or swarming the giant sure a lot will be banished but five attacks time sixty is three hundred chances for a critical hit or deathblow. vs zombies this power and a successful raid on a military base was a game changer. the army is back! even in mdc worlds this power is awesome. phaseworld adventures this ability and disguise the whole bar was the spy. there is more to gaming than combat.
No, it is way too overpowered to be a minor. You, sir, are a munchkin player, obviously, to be writing as munchkin power like this.


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:05 pm
by say652
yes lets destroy all creativity and origanility. throw insults and quote rules to make yourself feel better much??????


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:19 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
say652 wrote:yes lets destroy all creativity and origanility. throw insults and quote rules to make yourself feel better much??????
It is possible to be original and creative and still write something that falls within a certain amount of reasonable limits. The fact that three people who post here regularly (Iczer, myself and Mephisto) all pretty much called your Duplicates power garbage should tell you it needs to be reworked. If you don't like criticism of your stuff, don't post it for everyone to read.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:47 pm
by say652
i used the power as such. one per hp/sdc (in a mdc realm) the duration was one minute per pe(17) plus one minute per level(lvl 3) yea one hit kills them. but the two skills i used the most was disguise and sniper. major powers for the character(Bumrush) duplication, vibration. his minor powers were ex-pp, ex-ps and healing factor. super rogue scholar using the first edition conversion book. maybe in a sdc realm( the character was played in phaseworld) lots of fun and not game changing or outrageously powerful. my first idea was aps-fire, duplication and sonic flight. the gm said no unless we fight the mechanoids. i replied i am all set with dying. he just smiled in reply.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:53 pm
by say652
fusion. able to combine with another person gaining the added total of attributes and melee attacks. skills remain unchanged but the combined being has acess to all available skills. duration one melee per level. weakness lies in alignment good can only fuse with good, selfish can only fuse with selfish and of course evil can only fuse with evil. got the idea from firestorm who needs to fuse to access his dc yo


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:46 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
say652 wrote:fusion. able to combine with another person gaining the added total of attributes and melee attacks. skills remain unchanged but the combined being has acess to all available skills. duration one melee per level. weakness lies in alignment good can only fuse with good, selfish can only fuse with selfish and of course evil can only fuse with evil. got the idea from firestorm who needs to fuse to access his dc yo
This power has been done before, and you should not list where you get ideas for powers or you will be accused of breaking the NO CONVERSION POLICY.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:26 pm
by taalismn
Iczer wrote:Seems horribly unbalanced. Certainly a Major. No mention on what it takes to make a duplicate (actions?) but the ability to have 30 allies suddenly appear to spray an area with energy blasts seems a bit more than a minor power.


Will post more powers soon. Need to get married first.

Congrats on your impending nuptials(provided you haven't already tied the knot by the time this response is posted).
And yes, Mephisto, I'd tend to regard this as a positive sign of hope for, well, some of us...
Others, well, there's always the Darwin Awards...


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:13 am
by say652
wow that triple threat power seems awesome. i figured combining attributes and attacks was enough to make the power good i didnt think of the other possibilities of the power


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:29 pm
by taalismn
Thanks to Stone Gargoyle for his suggestions on the revision of this power:

Terror Feedback Blast(Major)
“I-I-I really HATE zombies!”

The heavy duty version of Fear Feedback Blast, specifically tuned to defending against supernatural creatures. This version generates a powerful blast of light energy that does extra damage.
Range: 50 ft +50 ft per level of experience
Damage: Equivalent to the Horror Factor x10. So getting scared with a Horror Factor of 12 means the percieved source of the Horror Factor gets hit with 120 points of damage.
The nature of the blast is mystic light in nature, doing DOUBLE damage to creatures of darkness and the undead.
The flash of light is also bright enough to temporarily stun or blind creatures of darkness; -10 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees.
Duration: Instantaneous, the melee of being frightened.
Bonuses: AUTOMATICALLY strikes.
Note: The possessor of this power is still subject to the normal effects of Horror Factor unless they have other modifiers(M.E., OCC bonuses, other superpowers).


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:15 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Thanks to Stone Gargoyle for his suggestions on the revision of this power:

Terror Feedback Blast(Major)
“I-I-I really HATE zombies!”

The heavy duty version of Fear Feedback Blast, specifically tuned to defending against supernatural creatures. This version generates a powerful blast of light energy that does extra damage.
Range: 50 ft +50 ft per level of experience
Damage: Equivalent to the Horror Factor x10. So getting scared with a Horror Factor of 12 means the percieved source of the Horror Factor gets hit with 120 points of damage.
The nature of the blast is mystic light in nature, doing DOUBLE damage to creatures of darkness and the undead.
The flash of light is also bright enough to temporarily stun or blind creatures of darkness; -10 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d4 melees.
Duration: Instantaneous, the melee of being frightened.
Bonuses: AUTOMATICALLY strikes.
Note: The possessor of this power is still subject to the normal effects of Horror Factor unless they have other modifiers(M.E., OCC bonuses, other superpowers).

No problemo, glad you could use my suggestions. I like how this turned out. :-)


Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:56 pm
by taalismn
“AGGHHH!!! You killed Doctor Wizard!”
“Purely unintentional, I assure you. I didn’t see him walking towards me until he spontaneously combusted.”

The superbeing with this power is a walking hazard to creatures of magic. The superbeing radiates a field(called by some an ‘anti-theron particle field’) that reacts badly with Potential Psychic Energy(PPE). The anti-magic particles of this field react with PPE like anti-matter, triggering a miniature explosion. Creatures of magic caught in the field literally burn up as their own PPE is annihilated.
Range: 10 ft radius +10 ft per level of experience.
Damage: Varies; the superbeing generating the WizardBane Field does a baseline damage of their M.E. x1d4.
Depending on how much PPE is present and how essential it is to an organism’s survival, damage to individual targets varies:
Techno-Wizardry Devices(including TW generators), enchanted objects, rune weapons, and other magically-infused(but INANIMATE) objects are NOT affected and take no damage(see Notes for additional effects).
Non-magical beings. psychics, and ‘mundanes’ are unaffected and experience nothing aside from a slight tingling sensation passing through the field of effect.
Magic Users and other beings who have ‘learned’ or artificially acquired magical abilities(including tattoos and implants), but who can otherwise survive without magic present are affected, taking the FULL M.E.x1d4 points of damage(starting with SDC), but the effects aren’t as dramatic. They do NOT get a save versus the disruption because all of their effort has gone into OPENING themselves to the supernatural and embracing their magical potential.
Supernatural Creatures who possess some small measure of magical ability will suffer a greater degree of damage/injury. ...normal damage x1.5. Gargoyles, Brodkil, Lycanthropes, Shapeshifters(including Nightspawn), Possessees, Shifters, and Witches, are all examples of beings in this category. Note that if these beings were to possess bionics or other conditions that NEGATE their magical abilities(like Brodkil bionics) they lose this vulnerability, and are NOT affected, taking damage only as normal. These beings do NOT get a saving roll versus the PPE disruption.
‘High’ Supernatural Beings with a high level of, and reliance on, PPE will suffer greatly, taking DOUBLE damage. This includes Dragons, Angels, Demons, Splugorth, Faerie Folk, Demi-Gods. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Creatures of Pure Magic that cannot survive without magic are the most seriously affected, and take TRIPLE damage. This covers ghosts, possessing entities, Undead, Elemental Beings, Alien Intelligences, and god-beings. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Golems, Iron Juggernauts, and other magically-powered automatons/automations will be effectively STUNNED, being paralyzed for as long as they are trapped in the area of effect, and will be unable to move or defend themselves, as magical energy shorts out and storms over them.They also take the normal M.E. x1d4 damage.

Other Effects:
*Magic Disruption----Each blast/melee encounter NEUTRALIZES HALF the number of PPE points that it does damage...these points are temporarily lost to the magic user/creature until it can regain them normally(by rest or drawing on other sources).
*Magical Forcefields take 1.5 normal damage.
*Invisible beings will be revealed by an anti-theron burst and will remain visible for 2d4 melees(gradually fading) as a result of residual anti-therons causing them to fluoresce and become visible to the naked eye.
*The superbeing takes HALF damage from ranged spells aimed at him, and the casting path of the spell will be clearly illuminated by the flashes as it encounters the anti-theron field.

Duration: The anti-theron field is ALWAYS on. Victims will take damage as long as they remain in the field of effect.
Saves: Save as listed above, or get out of the field.
Notes: As a result of being inside their own magic null-zone, the superbeing is effectively
However, being stabbed or bludgeoned with a magic weapon is equivalent to being hit with something that’s on fire; the superbeing takes DOUBLE damage from magical weapon strikes as the ambient PPE surrounding the weapons liberates its energies in proximity to the anti-theron generator. Magical ointments and skin rubs will raise a painful rash on the superbeing, and potions, even the most benign, will cause the superbeing acute nausea and discomfort, without any benign affect.
The superbeing also CANNOT be teleported or transformed by magical means.


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:WizardBane(Major)
“AGGHHH!!! You killed Doctor Wizard!”
“Purely unintentional, I assure you. I didn’t see him walking towards me until he spontaneously combusted.”

The superbeing with this power is a walking hazard to creatures of magic. The superbeing radiates a field(called by some an ‘anti-theron particle field’) that reacts badly with Potential Psychic Energy(PPE). The anti-magic particles of this field react with PPE like anti-matter, triggering a miniature explosion. Creatures of magic caught in the field literally burn up as their own PPE is annihilated.
Range: 10 ft radius +10 ft per level of experience.
Damage: Varies; the superbeing generating the WizardBane Field does a baseline damage of their M.E. x1d4.
Depending on how much PPE is present and how essential it is to an organism’s survival, damage to individual targets varies:
Techno-Wizardry Devices(including TW generators), enchanted objects, rune weapons, and other magically-infused(but INANIMATE) objects are NOT affected and take no damage(see Notes for additional effects).
Non-magical beings. psychics, and ‘mundanes’ are unaffected and experience nothing aside from a slight tingling sensation passing through the field of effect.
Magic Users and other beings who have ‘learned’ or artificially acquired magical abilities(including tattoos and implants), but who can otherwise survive without magic present are affected, taking the FULL M.E.x1d4 points of damage(starting with SDC), but the effects aren’t as dramatic. They do NOT get a save versus the disruption because all of their effort has gone into OPENING themselves to the supernatural and embracing their magical potential.
Supernatural Creatures who possess some small measure of magical ability will suffer a greater degree of damage/injury. ...normal damage x1.5. Gargoyles, Brodkil, Lycanthropes, Shapeshifters(including Nightspawn), Possessees, Shifters, and Witches, are all examples of beings in this category. Note that if these beings were to possess bionics or other conditions that NEGATE their magical abilities(like Brodkil bionics) they lose this vulnerability, and are NOT affected, taking damage only as normal. These beings do NOT get a saving roll versus the PPE disruption.
‘High’ Supernatural Beings with a high level of, and reliance on, PPE will suffer greatly, taking DOUBLE damage. This includes Dragons, Angels, Demons, Splugorth, Faerie Folk, Demi-Gods. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Creatures of Pure Magic that cannot survive without magic are the most seriously affected, and take TRIPLE damage. This covers ghosts, possessing entities, Undead, Elemental Beings, Alien Intelligences, and god-beings. However, these beings DO get a roll to SAVE versus their own PPE backfiring on them. A successful roll to save HALVES the damage done to them.
Golems, Iron Juggernauts, and other magically-powered automatons/automations will be effectively STUNNED, being paralyzed for as long as they are trapped in the area of effect, and will be unable to move or defend themselves, as magical energy shorts out and storms over them.They also take the normal M.E. x1d4 damage.

Other Effects:
*Magic Disruption----Each blast/melee encounter NEUTRALIZES HALF the number of PPE points that it does damage...these points are temporarily lost to the magic user/creature until it can regain them normally(by rest or drawing on other sources).
*Magical Forcefields take 1.5 normal damage.
*Invisible beings will be revealed by an anti-theron burst and will remain visible for 2d4 melees(gradually fading) as a result of residual anti-therons causing them to fluoresce and become visible to the naked eye.
*The superbeing takes HALF damage from ranged spells aimed at him, and the casting path of the spell will be clearly illuminated by the flashes as it encounters the anti-theron field.

Duration: The anti-theron field is ALWAYS on. Victims will take damage as long as they remain in the field of effect.
Saves: Save as listed above, or get out of the field.
Notes: As a result of being inside their own magic null-zone, the superbeing is effectively
However, being stabbed or bludgeoned with a magic weapon is equivalent to being hit with something that’s on fire; the superbeing takes DOUBLE damage from magical weapon strikes as the ambient PPE surrounding the weapons liberates its energies in proximity to the anti-theron generator. Magical ointments and skin rubs will raise a painful rash on the superbeing, and potions, even the most benign, will cause the superbeing acute nausea and discomfort, without any benign affect.
The superbeing also CANNOT be teleported or transformed by magical means.


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:47 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:[.

Thanks> I figured it sort of like a bug light for vampire bats and zombies. :D

"Brrraaaiii--- #ZARPH#


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:42 pm
by taalismn
Matter Expulsion: Toilet Paper(Minor)
“Somebody TP’ed the Statue of Liberty? Why’s everybody looking at me?”

This power gives the superbeing the ability to produce and project both sheet-streamers and bundled rolls of lightweight, but super-absorbent, toilet paper or paper toweling. Streamers can be used to bind and blind, sop up liquids, and provide a distraction, while bundle-rolls can be fired like baton rounds, or can be placed to absorb impact damage.

Range:(Streamer) 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
(Roll) 100 ft +20 ft per level of experience

-Can produce up to 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience of tissue paper per attack(so a 6th level superbeing with 4 attacks per melee could produce 320 ft of TP per melee)

Damage:(Streamer) None for impact. but if looped/cascaded down around an opponent, it can momentarily blind/obscure their vision similar to a cloud of smoke; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle while wrapped in the paper.
Ripping away the paper is easy enough to do; the material has 2 SDC per square ft(1 SDC if wet), but it can be layered for effect.
(Roll) Does 1 SDC from impact
-Kinetic attacks such as blunt force, punches, kicks, and blows have their damage reduced by HALF if intercepted(match or better the opponent's 'to Strike' roll) by this power, using thrown Rolls.
*Liquid-based attacks do HALF damage if intercepted by this power(using thrown Rolls or Streamers; in the latter case, the TP is +3 to counter the opponent's 'to Strike' roll due to the greater area presented by the streamers), due to the super-absorbent properties, and liquid-based entities find their speed and strength reduced by HALF if bound with the power.
-Fecal/filth-based powers do NO damage if intercepted by this powerr(using thrown Rolls or Streamers; in the latter case, the TP is +3 to counter the opponent's 'to Strike' roll due to the greater area presented by the streamers), due to the super-absorbent properties, and fecal/filth-based entities find themselves stopped dead and their strength sapped to 1 if bound with the power.


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:29 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Matter Expulsion: Toilet Paper(Minor)
“Somebody TP’ed the Statue of Liberty? Why’s everybody looking at me?”

This power gives the superbeing the ability to produce and project both sheet-streamers and bundled rolls of lightweight, but super-absorbent, toilet paper or paper toweling. Streamers can be used to bind and blind, sop up liquids, and provide a distraction, while bundle-rolls can be fired like baton rounds, or can be placed to absorb impact damage.

Range:(Streamer) 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
(Roll) 100 ft +20 ft per level of experience

-Can produce up to 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience of tissue paper per attack(so a 6th level superbeing with 4 attacks per melee could produce 320 ft of TP per melee)

Damage:(Streamer) None for impact. but if looped/cascaded down around an opponent, it can momentarily blind/obscure their vision similar to a cloud of smoke; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle while wrapped in the paper.
Ripping away the paper is easy enough to do; the material has 2 SDC per square ft(1 SDC if wet), but it can layered for effect.
(Roll) Does 1 SDC from impact
-Kinetic attacks such as blunt force, punches, kicks, and blows have their damage reduced by HALF if intercepted by this power.
*Liquid-based attacks do HALF damage if intercepted by this power, due to the super-absorbent properties, and liquid-based entities find their speed and strength reduced by HALF if bound with the power.
-Fecal/filth-based powers do NO damage if intercepted by this power, due to the super-absorbent properties, and fecal/filth-based entities find themselves stopped dead and their strength sapped to 1 if bound with the power.
Even 2 SDC per foot seems a bit high for this power. Otherwise I like it. :lol:


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:26 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Matter Expulsion: Toilet Paper(Minor)
“Somebody TP’ed the Statue of Liberty? Why’s everybody looking at me?”

This power gives the superbeing the ability to produce and project both sheet-streamers and bundled rolls of lightweight, but super-absorbent, toilet paper or paper toweling. Streamers can be used to bind and blind, sop up liquids, and provide a distraction, while bundle-rolls can be fired like baton rounds, or can be placed to absorb impact damage.

Range:(Streamer) 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
(Roll) 100 ft +20 ft per level of experience

-Can produce up to 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience of tissue paper per attack(so a 6th level superbeing with 4 attacks per melee could produce 320 ft of TP per melee)

Damage:(Streamer) None for impact. but if looped/cascaded down around an opponent, it can momentarily blind/obscure their vision similar to a cloud of smoke; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and entangle while wrapped in the paper.
Ripping away the paper is easy enough to do; the material has 2 SDC per square ft(1 SDC if wet), but it can layered for effect.
(Roll) Does 1 SDC from impact
-Kinetic attacks such as blunt force, punches, kicks, and blows have their damage reduced by HALF if intercepted by this power.
*Liquid-based attacks do HALF damage if intercepted by this power, due to the super-absorbent properties, and liquid-based entities find their speed and strength reduced by HALF if bound with the power.
-Fecal/filth-based powers do NO damage if intercepted by this power, due to the super-absorbent properties, and fecal/filth-based entities find themselves stopped dead and their strength sapped to 1 if bound with the power.
Even 2 SDC per foot seems a bit high for this power. Otherwise I like it. :lol:

It's VERY tough paper towel...for those TOUGH clean-up jobs. And the aftermath of that ill-fated decision to have the Burrito Surprise. Any tougher and it would be Matter Expulsion: Sandpaper.

But I'll drop the SDC to one and do some spelling corrections. Also adding the rule for intercepting attacks.