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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:39 pm
by taalismn
Roco Gun
(aka ‘Sluggo’, ‘Beach-Sweeper’)
“The roco looks fairly straightforward, but devastating in its effectiveness. I’ve seen evidence of this weapon in action punching open the bottom of ships’ hulls. It can also do a right number on Horune shark-drones, especially on full auto.”

The ‘Roco Gun’ is another weapon that has appeared in the hands of Gilloc sgen troops, especially the giant grodek subcaste. Though resembling somewhat the Free Quebec Q4-40 ‘Mule’ Assault Rifle, the Roco actually fires large caliber( 32mm) rocket ammunition similar to Columbian heavy rocket guns. However, these projectiles use supercavitation technology and advanced explosives to make them effective both in air and underwater. In burst mode, the Roco can lay down a withering barrage of fire. On Aerthlast, the Roco devastated entire formations of enemy icthyoids and even their octopoid warsteeds. The Horune have learned to fear these weapons both above and below the waves.
The Roco is sturdy, waterproof, and reliable. It has thus far appeared only with the Gilloc sgen, though it is certain to be traded to other EShemar-affiliated groups.

Weight: 50 lbs +60 lb ammo back
MDC: 90
Range: 2,500 ft in air, 1,000 ft underwater
Damage: (Explosive) 5d6 MD to 1 ft blast radius. A five-shot burst does 2d6x10+30 MD, a 10-shot burts does 5d6x10 MD.
(Armor Penetrator) 6d6 MD and does critical damage on an unmodified strike roll of 19-20. A five-shot burst does 6d6x5 MD, a 10-shot burts does 6d6x10 MD.
Rate of Fire: Single shot, 5- or 10-shot bursts,
Payload: 50 shot box magazine or 200-rd belt.
Special Features:
*Neutral Buoyancy
Cost: Not available for sale, and none as yet have been made available to the Black Market

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:03 pm
by kronos
Clan Armorand Psionic Powers

"Clan Armorand have a high percentage of psychic members, thanks to environmental factors and the use of psylite crystals in their cybernetics. It is only natural that over time, they've developed unique psionic powers found only amongst their clan. It is our hope that with exposure to other clans and research, we can share these powers, and ones unique to other Tribes, with all Shemarrians."
Thali Mindweaver, Wayfinder psychic, Project Leader of Tribal Psionic Initiative.


Psionic Flesh
Range: Self
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects psychic.
I.S.P.: 25
With a thought, the psychic infuses their body with psychic energy, strengthening it. The psychic gains 5 M.D.C. Per I.S.P. The psychic has in reserve, after the use of this power, however the psychic can't use any other psychic power while this is active. Use of any other power will cancel this power. While this power is similar to the Telekinetic Force Field, it doesn't create a field around the psychic, instead the user is infused with psychic energy. This also grants a +2 bonus to any saves against any psychic attacks directed at the psychic. For example if, after using this power, the psychic has 10 I.S.P. Left, they gain 50 M.D.C. This power affects the psychic's body, including their cybernetics as they are a part of them.

Strength Through Will
Range: Self
Duration: 5 melees per level.
Saving Throw: None. No saving throw as affects the psychic.
I.S.P.: 20
The psychic infuses their muscles with psychic energy, increasing their strength to supernatural levels. For the duration of this power, the psychic's Strength is considered Supernatural, increasing their damage and carrying capacity. This ability works even on cybernetic limbs as they are a part of the psychic's body and self. If the psychic already has Supernatural Strength, they gain a +5 to their Strength.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:33 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:Clan Armorand Psionic Powers.

"Don't ever corner an Armorand dwarf if you can avoid it. Don't think for a moment that even if they're without their armor and stark naked that you have any sort of advantage. The cyborg ones are bad enough, but the flesh and blood ones got psychic power-ups that make them the equal of the cyborg ones. Wrestling a regular dwarf's bad enough; a TK-amped one can put your head trough a wall and twist your limbs off."

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 12:39 am
by kronos
A couple of upgrades for equine (horse) based warmounts/elites

Ardeni upgrades the horse body/section with more powerful servos allowing for increased carrying capacity for heavier weapons, cargo and increased armour without affecting its speed. Centaur types will also have increased strength for the humanoid body. They are noticeable with thicker, muscular looking bodies, thicker and slightly longer legs.
Make the following changes:
Increase MDC of all sections except main body by 10%;
Increase MDC of main body (or horse section of a centaur type, and human torso by 15%) by 25%;
Increase Strength by +4 (for horse section only of centaur types, torso gains +2 Strength);
Carrying/tow capacity of adjusted Strength is increased a further 25%;
Weapons mounted on main body (or horse section of centaur) can be larger/heavier (example instead of light machine guns can carry heavy).

Ruvas upgrade turns the equine warmount, or centaur elite, into a unicorn-like creature, adding a horn to the head, fur of the body is glossy, tail is long, flexible with a tuff at the end instead of the normal tail, as well as tuffs of fur above the hooves. PPE crystal generator is instead if not already, and if one is already installed, it is boosted with extra batteries and increased PPE generating, allowing the Ruvas to cast spells and greater PPE reserves. Besides any combat or utility spells that might be useful depending on the role of the warmount/elite, typically has 2 healing type spells (heal self or others), hardwired into the system. Range of spells are also increased as they are boasted by the horn which contains systems to help focus spells. Ruvas are found within the Wayfinders, but a few Eccentrics have also been upgraded with the Ruvas Rite of Upgrade.
Make the following changes:
Add Mage Pod;
Add tail, has 25% MDC of a leg, has 8 ft length with 1/3 (one-third) Strength, prehensile;
Add horn, has 50% MDC of head;
Increase PB +2, face, body modified to appear more appealing and beautiful/handsome;
Add Magic Focus System.

Mage-Pod - This is a small PPE generator and battery. The battery can store 150 PPE and can restore 5 PPE every minute, 10 on leyline, 20 at a nexus or pyramid. Spell selection will usually be based on the type of mission assigned. Two healing based spells are hardwired into the system in addition to the 6 card selection. If the warmount/elite already has magical systems & spells, the existing system gains the benefit of the additional battery, the two hardwired spells plus the six additional cards. The main generator regenerates an additional +5 PPE per minute.

Based on Paladin Steel’s famous ‘SpellCard’ and ‘Magebolt/Pod’ system. This system can be powered by the Squire's PPE battery and generator. The technology (magick?) has been considerably refined, through the use of higher quality natural crystals (acquired from the deep space mining operations), improved microchip manufacturing techniques, metal refining methods, and the use of such exotic materials as EctoFiber low-loss magic-conductive cabling. The Shemarrians have managed to miniaturize the system with help from Clan Vespa.
The Mage-Pod has the capacity for 4 SpellCard.
Range: Varies by spell, but spell projection boosters DOUBLE range.
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF.
OR...retain the original PPE costs, but increase range and damage by 20-40% (Use your discretion)...While radius of effect spells may cost an additional 5-20% more PPE for the larger area affected (again, use your discretion)
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle).
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, but can also draw upon supplementary PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell (if any)

Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

Spell Focusing System
Using some of the systems pioneered on the Squire, however it is more limited and only enhances the range of any spells cast by the warmount/elite. Range of any spells cast by the warmount/elite is increased by 50% at no additional PPE cost. Spells with a range of touch will have a range of 25 feet. The horn will glow slightly when casting spells.

Horn - Mounted on the head is a horn which it can use to attack, but it also contains magical focusing systems to increase the range of spells.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD, double damage on a natural roll of 19 and 20

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:03 pm
by taalismn
'Cause if you see anything even remotely normal horse-like in the ranks, you really should know the EShemar don't do normal ANYTHING.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:28 am
by kronos
taalismn wrote:'Cause if you see anything even remotely normal horse-like in the ranks, you really should know the EShemar don't do normal ANYTHING.

There's only 2 equine units that I found, one of the early kitbash warmounts, equus, and a Wayfinder centaur elite.
In theory these upgrades could be applied to cervix (deer li,e warmounts)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:21 am
by taalismn
kronos wrote:[
There's only 2 equine units that I found, one of the early kitbash warmounts, equus, and a Wayfinder centaur elite.
In theory these upgrades could be applied to cervix (deer li,e warmounts)

The neshemar who don't(yet) qualify for a proper Warmount typically use robot horses...your Upgrades could conceivably be used to upgrade the desiring, especially if moving to a Warmount is difficult logistically or inappropriate.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:26 am
by kronos
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[
There's only 2 equine units that I found, one of the early kitbash warmounts, equus, and a Wayfinder centaur elite.
In theory these upgrades could be applied to cervix (deer li,e warmounts)

The neshemar who don't(yet) qualify for a proper Warmount typically use robot horses...your Upgrades could conceivably be used to upgrade the desiring, especially if moving to a Warmount is difficult logistically or inappropriate.

Yeah, that can work too, although technically the Ruvas would turn a robotic horse more into a warmount than it was before, and most likely is Awaken for the upgrade.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:01 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:[

Yeah, that can work too, although technically the Ruvas would turn a robotic horse more into a warmount than it was before, and most likely is Awaken for the upgrade.

Bolstering Warmount-rated rides on , well, not exactly a shoestring resource budget, but relatively cheaper, and allowing riders who have grown attached emotionally to their mount to continue to ride and keep up with the rest of the tribe.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:45 pm
by taalismn
There’s a million epic tales in the ranks of the Shemarrian clans; these are just a few of them.....

Patrick Arvil---Glitterboy Pilot(NPC)
(inspired by a line in Will Erwin and Johnny Roccia’s articles in the Rifter #85)
“Arvil? Cracker geebee pilot; cool as liquid nitrogen, dead-eye shot, and fearless. He’ll pull you out of a tight spot without complaint and won’t accept your thanks afterwards. But he also won’t socialize, and he’ll break hearts with his jut-jawed tactlessness. I can see that losing his family in combat messed him up in the head with not wanting to get emotionally attached to anybody for fear of losing them again, but he managed to go over the line with some of my people when he up and quit. I take that as a sign that maybe he really was getting close in with the Redeyes, and that scared him into leaving, but I can’t say no more than a few of my oficers were relieved to see him go, even if it cost us a Glitterboy assist, but I still wish he’d come to talk to me about his problems before it reached that point. We mighta worked something out.”
---Commander Jaylock Matthews, Redeyes mercenary company.

Patrick Arvil is a freelance Glitterboy Pilot who preforce has become a loner because his previous squad, consisting of his brothers and sisters, was wiped out fighting monsters. He wanders North America from GB group to group, seeking to escape the memories of his past and find an ideal ‘family’ to replace the one he lost. He has so far been unsuccessful, but in the process of attempting to outrace his bad memories, he has built up some small credit with the Glitterboy community.
In reality Arvil is a synthetic humanoid android created by ARCHIE-3 in an effort to bolster the number of operational Glitterboys fighting various threats to North America. Arvil may have been among the first such succesful models(the real rush in canon would be during the Minion War, but in the EShemarverse, ARCHIE-3 would have already fallen, and it would be the EShemmarians gearing up to fight the Infernals) . His secondary function is to spy on the mercenary cultures of North America and gather eye-level intelligence about the many groups and factions in areas like MercTown.
Arvil believes himself to be a cyberhumanoid cyborg, hence his ability to do without a great number of regular bodily functions. Because he has also been programmed to believe that the process, necessitated by a monster attack that left him nearly dead and his fictittious family/past comrades desperate to save his life, was experimental and controversial, he is at pains to conceal his bionic/robotic nature from others. Those few who have seen him injured and hardly bleed, believe that at most he has a cybernetic limb or two. He has killed a former comrade who learned of Arvil’s full ‘bionic’ nature and tried to sell him out to cyber-snatchers.

Patrick tends to be a loner. He is most often associated with the Rigger Association, maonly because his Glitterboy mounts an improvised armor plate shield on one arm. His Chromium Codex has been doctored to have a family history of valor, mainly on the East Coast away from other GB groups(ARCHIE-3 and Hagan created the false background in part from snippets of other Indexes they copied during encounters between their ‘bugged’ GBs and others). ARCHIE-3 actually used a number of villages that have been wiped out, especially those with no known survivors, in the past as the ‘starting points’ for the false backgrounds of many of his replicant agents, so the town Arvil ‘remembers’ being born and raised in actually exists, but has been an overgrown ruin for decades(and no evidence remaining of an Arvil family ever having been there).

Arvil was infected/Awakened with the Ecotroz when he was bitten during an attack by an EShemarrian Wolf that was tracking down the signature of ARCHIE-3’s spy comm links. Arvil accredits the sudden uptick in his awareness to the trauma of the attack somehow awakening some previously untapped mental potential in him. Since being bitten, he’s also discovered that he’s gotten interested in more things and can pick up on extra learning(secondary skills). A bad encounter in the ruins of a midwest city hardened his mind against the supernatural, but exposure to music has taught him the joys of song, among other things.

The EShemarrians are aware of Patrick Arvil and his true nature, and have been using the spy circuits in his Glitterboy to track his movements. So far, since the kantaran’s attack, there’s been no action yet to contact Arvil or bring him into the EShemarrian fold, as his actions have indicated no threat to the EShemar cause and agendas. Arvil remains ignorant of the EShemarrians’ interest in him, though, with his new Telemechanics power, he’s sometimes wondered why his GB sometimes does data dumps when there’s no other GBs around to swap codexes.

ARCHIE-3’s encrypted programming would have Arvil wander about for 4-5 years(unless ordered otherwise) before he made his way back East to be repaired and updated. Arvil’s Awakening has interfered with that timetable somewhat, though Patrick is beginning to feel an interest in going back to the East Coast in spite of ‘bad memories’. He thinks, though, his interest stems from talk of the new community of New Liberty and its Glitterboys.

Patrick Arvil is a classic case of the Ecotroz assuming a programmed cover identity as reality; Eco-Avril genuinely believes himself to be a real human being and he will be both astonished and disturbed to learn he is a full robot with a manufactured backstory.

Level of Experience: 7th Level Glitterboy Pilot/Android
Rank: Eccentric
Race: ARCHIE-3 Android/Robot( Ecotroz-Awakened)
Alignment: Unprincipled
Land of Origin: North America
Age: Appears to be in his late-20s
Sex: Male
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 300 lbs
Physical Description/Appearance:
A tall muscular human male of African-American extraction. Short-cropped and curly dark hair, seemingly permanent five-o-clock shadow, light coffee skin and piercing green eyes. He’s fairly ruggedly handsome in looks.
One of the hobbies he’s recently taken up is singing; he has a surprisingly rich baritone voice, and it’s one of the few social activities he genuinely enjoys and participates in. He often hums or sings to himself while workiing or traveling.
Depending on who and when it is asked, Patrick Arvil is a cool operator, a remorseless fighting machine, or an insensitive bigoted jerk.
Arvil is virtually fearless, professional, modest in promoting himself, quiet, and helpful, perfectly willing to step into the line of fire for a comrade. He also tends to keep to himself when not on duty, doesn’t socialize and is emotionally distant. Given half the chance, it’s often been joked about him, Arvil would stay in his Glitterboy armor most of the time. He only really seems to relate to the armors. He downplays his not-inconsiderable mechanical skills, and, if observed practicing them, will only demurr that his family had to learn to ‘tinker alot’ in absence of steady technical support.
Arvil rarely stays with any one group for more than six months before moving on(the longest was nine months, and only because a contract had them stuck on a vicious fighting campaign well past the time Arvil meant to leave the group). Arvil usually cites personal business, but he has also been known to quietly instigate conflict with one or more members of the group he’s currently in as a pretext to quit. Sometimes he’s hinted at CS leanings to alienate nonhumans in the group, or conversely sympathies towards Lazlo if traveling with human supremacists. He’s coldly rebuffed more than a few romantic advances,
HATES monsters, especially the Splugorth. He also tends to be suspicious of mages and nonhumans in general. He’s exhibited a fear of neromancy(and hinted he’s had at least one bad encounter with undead) and expressed a desire that when he dies, his body not be ‘left for the vultures’, and has taken some pretty extreme measures to prevent that(see Cybernetics/Bionics).

Physical Attributes/Superlatives:
IQ: 20
ME:(Post -Ecotroz Awakening) 21
MA:(Post -Ecotroz Awakening) 9
PS: 25 (Robotic)
PP: 18
PB: 17
SPD: 132(90 MPH)

(PPE): 8

Hit Points:----
Hands(2) 25 each
Arms(2) 25 each
Legs(2) 40 each
Head 45
Main Body 100
Horror Factor:----
Special Abilities/Characteristics/Powers:( Ecotroz)
*Added Skills/Memories----Robot intelligences will find themselves effectively becoming low-level Nueral Intelligence equivalents with the ability to gain, or ‘remember’, Secondary skills similar to the N.I. as they gain in experience, while converted N.I.s gain an extra Secondary skill in addition to those normally gained.

Ecotroz can only take over machines that normally can move by themselves(can’t take over a power armor or truck for instance), and is limited by the physical abilities of that body.
Ecotroz do occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment, but by sacrificing their ability to use their psionics on other machines, or by effectively becoming ‘sterile’; unable to infect other machines)

Magic: None
Psionics:(Post -Ecotroz Awakening) Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, Telemechanic Mental Operation
*Faux-Flesh Covering
*Low-lite/Nightvision Optics, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters.
*Targeting Display: +1 to strike wih handheld ranged weapons.
*Advanced Audio
Sound Editor, Ultra-Ear
*Radio w/ Scrambler-50 mile range
*Voice Synthesizer
*A/V Recorder----Has literally a photographic memory thanks to internal solid state memory banks.
*Radiation Detector
*Clock calendar

*Micro-Repair Robots----A knockoff of the cyborg system, it gives the illusion of organic healing, quickly sealing punctures and rents in Arvil’s faux-skin(20 MDC per dose). He started out with 12 doses, with the expectation of rendezvousing with a ARCHIE-3 agent if he needed more, but the Shemarrian Civil War disrupted that plan and he’s currently down to 2 doses.

*Self-Destruct----Arvil’s been fitted wth a deadman switch self-destruct that immolates his robotic body to prevent any of ARCHIE-3’s secrets from falling into the wrong hands. Though Arvil is consciously unaware that he’s already got a bomb wired into him, he has often enough discussed that he carries a thermite grenade on him into combat as a means of ‘going out fast’ if it ever looks like he’s going to be captured by inhuman foes, and rigged to obliterate his body to keep it being eaten or used in necromantic magic. Thus, even if the grenade he openly carries on his person were to be lost or failed to go off, the android would still be destroyed.

Skills:(7th Level Awakened Articial Intelligence)
-Basic Military
Climbing 98%/90%
Prowl 75%
Swimming 90%
-American-English 96%
-Spanish 96%
-Gobblely 96%
-TechnoCan 96%
Land Navigation 98%
Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 95%
General Repair and Maintenance 80%
Military Etiquette 96%
Pilot: Hovercraft 96%
Pilot: Truck 92%
Pilot: Tanks & Tracked Vehicles 92%
Read Sensory Equipment 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
Hand to Hand(Expert equiv)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Quickdraw(+2 on initiative)
W.P. Blunt (+3 strike/parry)
W.P. Knife(+2 strike, +2 parry, +2 strike w/ throw)
W.P. Shield(+2 parry, +1 strike)
W.P. Handguns(+3 strike)
W.P. Rifles(+3 strike)
W.P. Submachine Gun(+3 strike)
W.P. Energy Pistol(+3 strike)
W.P. Energy Rifle(+3 strike)

-(Special) Glitterboy Pilot
Pilot Power Armor(Glitterboy) 80%
Robot Combat: Power Armor, Elite(Glitterboy)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons(+3 strike)
Basic Mechanics 90%
Basic Electronics 92%

- Mechanical
Vehicle Armorer 90%
Automotive Mechanics 90%
Mechanical Engineer 90%
Robot Mechanics 90%

-Military Intelligence
Camouflage 80%
Detect Ambush 75%
Detect Concealment 68%
Intelligence 90%
Land Navigation 96%
Tracking(People) 80%

Computer Hacking 92%
- Forgery 80%
-Pick Locks 80%
-Impersonation 80%
-Trap/Mine Detection 86%
- Military Fortification 86%

-o2 Lore: D-Bee 60%
-o2 Lore: Demons and Monsters 60%

-o4 Horror Desensitization
-o4 Demolitions 69%

-o6 W/P. Axe(+1 strike, +1 parry)
-o6 Singing 40%

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 7
Strike:+4(+5 w/ ranged weaponry)
Dodge:+5/+6 running
Pull Punch:+3
Damage: +10
Critical Strike on Unmodified 18-20.
+7 Vs Exorcism and Banish spells
Vs Psionics:+3
Vs Insanity:+6
Vs Possession+1
Vs Horror Factor +1
Even on an unsuccessful save versus Horror Factor, only suffers HALF penalties(effect, duration) for being frightened.
Notable Possessions/Equipment:
GB Pilot Armor(40 MDC)
NG-57 Ion Pistol
NG-LP25 Pulse Laser Submachine Rifle
Thermite Grenade(at least one)
Assorted tools
NG Survival Kit/Pack

USA-G10 Glitterboy w/ 200 MDC shield(regular armor plate), mounting brackets for a shov-jax.

Northern Gun Cargonaut w/ hoverjets, +100 MDC main body, nuclear powerplant, and a roof-mounted laser rifle. The cargo bed is rigged to hold Arvil’s Glitterboy.

‘Mert’----Since being Awakened with the Ecrotroz, Arvil has also inadvertently infected a Northern Gun Light Labor Robot, that now operates at a myrmidon level., and follows Arvil around as his personal servant and luggage schlepper. Arvil assumes that the ‘bot’s occasional eccentric behavior and periodic shutdowns(sleep) are the result of quirks and minor malfunctions in the beat-up old machine. ‘Mert’ typically drives the duo’s Cargonaut.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:56 pm
by kronos
EcoS-K-185 Ajairu

"You may have your fancy fighter craft, but none are a match for Cloud Cleaver. She can out run Scorpions and Fangs, flying circles around them."

The Ajairu is a fast cavalry warmount found in the Thousand Dragons tribe, with its sleek body, narrow head on a short neck, flexible tail with fin-like structures, allows it to slice through the air quickly, and its wings able to quickly change shape to allow incredible maneuverability, allowing it to change direction faster than any aircraft. Concealed thrusters allow it to reach speeds of some aircraft. Unfortunately the speed comes at the price of armour and weapons. The Ajairu does maintain a potent breathe weapon based on the Drakar as its primary weapon, with only eye lasers making up the only other weapons in the head. The chest contains a pair of mini-missile launchers, with claws and a blade on the tail rounding out its offensive capabilities. It can carry some weapons on the wings similar to the Drakar, but at half the capacity.
While found primarily amongst the Dragon tribe, examples are found in the Hawkmoons on their more arid worlds, Clan Armorand has a few and the Horrorwoods are looking to get some to study. Ajairu have a bit of a better than other attitudes, especially amongst other flying warmounts, quite ready to prove their faster, but they quite enjoy bathing on rocks high on mountains and racing, especially in areas with obstacles to test their agility.

Type: EcoS-K-185 Ajairu
Class: Robotic Warmount, Aerial
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot,
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 500
Head 100
Eyes (2) 30 each
Cockpit Pod 400
Front Legs (2) 70 each
Front Claws (2) 40 each
Rear Legs (2) 150 each
Rear Claws(2) 75 each
Rear Leg Thrusters (2) 75 each
Thruster Pods (2) 180 each
Wings (2) 100 each
Tail 50 per 20 ft of length
Height: 20 ft when on all fours, 40 ft standing on rear legs
Width: 12 ft at shoulders, 65 ft wingspan
Length: 35 ft nose to rear legs, plus 50 ft of tail
Weight: 68 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Can be supplemented with PPE generators/accumulators
Speed: (Running) 100 MPH
(Leaping) Can make an unassisted leap of 50 ft up/across, 100 ft with a running start, and a jet-assisted gliding leap of 900 ft.
(Flying) Hover to Mach 3, no altitude limit.
(Space) Mach 16
(Underwater) Can thrust through the water at 40 MPH, maximum depth 500 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 90 mile range) and other standard robot-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Cockpit/Saddle Pod---Fully enclosed compartment attached to the back of the neck. It can eject in an emergency.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Ajairu have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 200 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers (2) --- Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Breath Weapon --- The Ajairu uses the same modular breathe weapon systems found in the Drakar and Lagiarus as its primary offensive weapon.
a) Plasma Breath(‘Godzilla Breath’)
Range: 7,000 ft in atmosphere, 14,000 ft in space
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 3 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Ion/Lightning Breath
Range: 12,000 ft in atmosphere, 24,000 ft in space
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per bolt to primary target.
Furthermore, a secondary bolt will jump to 1d6 targets in the vicinity of the main target, starting with the nearest target(or the nearest metallic target) as long as they are within 6 ft(10 ft for metal targets) of the initial target/point of impact, then jumping to the next one until the ball lightning dissipates. Secondary targets can attempt to dodge the energy ball as standard.
Secondary targets will take HALF damage(5d6 MD).
Does only 1/4 of the original damage if the secondary targets are nonmetallic or grounded
Organic targets roll for Stun; save at 16 or better or be -8 to strike, dodge, parry, roll, and initiative, reduce APMs and Spd by HALF, for 2d4 melee rds. A successful save means lose only initiative and 1 APM for 1 melee round.
50% chance of knocking out unshielded electronics(or 1d4 subsystems like radio, electronic image amplification, cybernetic sensory implant, or the like) for 1d4 melees.
Beings susceptible to electricity take DOUBLE damage.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion/EMP Breath
Range: 12,000 ft in atmosphere, 24,000 ft in space
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
On an unmodified roll of 18-20, it causes unshielded BIONICS and robots to spasm for 1d4 melees(Cyborg is at HALF bonuses to strike, parry, dodge, roll, and is -3 to initiative. Reduce speed by HALF).
This weapon does 1d4x10 EMP damage(no physical damage) to a 10 ft radius. The resulting percentage of the target location MDC is the chance of shutdown/disablement. All damage is cumulative. Damage in excess of 50% target MDC will require repair to make it functional; 75% or more damage will require replacement of the entire electrical system. Does double damage to non-shielded civilian systems. Bionics are -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for the affected limb/system, lasting 1d4 melees, non-cumulative, before the system resets itself.
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Light/Laser Breath
Range: 18,000 ft in atmosphere, 32,000 ft in space
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Atomic/Particle Beam Breath
Range: 11,000 ft in atmosphere, 22,000 ft in space
Damage: 6d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) Tachyon Breath
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
* Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

g) Neutron Breath----Apparently developed from Kittani weaponry, owing to its effects on organic tissues.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD
DOUBLE damage to organic materials
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

h) Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon
Range: 8,000 ft in atmosphere, 16,000 ft in space
Damage: 2d4x10 MD at point of impact
Within a 70 ft radius, people, animals, and objects weighing less than 500 lbs are 90% likely to be knocked off their feet and hurled 3d4 yards/meters.
Characters/objects of 500-1,000 lbs weight are 50% likely to be knocked aside 1d4 yards/meters.
Objects of a ton or more are only 25% likely to be knocked over.
Flying characters/objects get knocked away twice the normal distance
EM bolts are -6 to dodge
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

i) Pulse Disruptor---Another weapon copied from another source, this time the Golgans.
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast at the point of impact, plus 1/4 that damage to everything in a 10 ft radius.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

j) ElectroMagnetic Bolt Cannon
Range: 3 miles in air or underwater, 6 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius per bolt!
Does 50% more damage to metal hulls. Crews inside affected hulls also must dodge or take 1d6 MD from loose metal objects being thrown around by the electromagnetic vortex.
Also roll on the following for additional electromagnetic effects:
01-15: No damage
16-30 Instruments flicker out, before coming back online in 1d4 seconds. Target loses Initiative.
31-45 All weapons temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. One system comes back online in 1d4 melee rds.
46-60 All systems temporarily out, and minor electrical fires. -30% to piloting skills if target is a manned vehicle. Systems come back online after 1d4 melee rds.
61-75 Communications, radar, and targeting are disabled, but weapons systems are unaffected. -3 to strike and no initiative. Damage requires physical repair.
76-90 Instruments are completely totaled. If a manned vehicle, the following skill penalties apply; -25% at one-third of maximum speed, -50% at HALF maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. NO initiative roll, -3 to dodge(-5 if an AI), -3 to strike(-5 if an AI), and lose one action per melee round(2 if an AI)
91-00 Total knockout. Controls do not respond, and machine is out of control. Crash/collapse/total shutdown within 2d4 minutes.
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

k) Storm Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the Drakar can bellow out a literal storm(effectively a synthesis of the Air Elemental spell Hurricane and Tornado, only applicable to dry land as well ). CANNOT be cast in space.
Range: 500 ft, and affects a 120 ft area
Damage: 3d6x10 MD to large structures per melee round, 2d4x10 MD per melee to human-sized targets, for 6 melee rounds, with rushing winds throwing around debris, people being swept off their feet, and material being slammed up and down.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 PPE per shot

l) Ice Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the Drakar coughs out a cloud of razor sharp ice shards and freezing vapor.
Range: 500 ft, 120 ft wide area
Damage:(Ice Shards) Creates a cloud of ice projectiles roughly 120 ft wide
Human-sized objects caught in its way will get hit with 1d6 shards, each doing 2d6 MD.
Fighter- and Robot-sized targets (16 ft or larger) will get hit by 1d4x10 shards.
Ships and targets 50 ft and larger will get hit by 2d4x10 shards.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

m) Magma Breath----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth spews a stream of mystically-conjured liquid rock(some describe it as ‘flaming hot asphalt’).
Range: 500 ft, 10 ft wide area; pools on the ground in a 150 ft long, 25 ft wide, and 25 ft deep area.
Damage: Does 1d6x10 MD if used as an impact weapon/in air.
Most effective if used against ground targets, where the molten material can burn for minutes, doing 2d6x10 MD per melee to anything trapped in/on it. The material remains liquid and super-hot for 5 minutes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 PPE per shot

n) Wheel of Fire----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth releases a giant 10 ft thick, 15 ft diameter ‘frisbee’ of living fire that flies and loops about the battlefield, and even bounces along the ground, wreaking havoc, for a full 4 minutes.
Range: Has an effective projection range of 120 ft, but the wheel can course on its own up to 4,320 ft.
Damage: 5d8 MD per strike
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 25 PPE per shot

o) Ice Bombard----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power; the mouth spits a 10 foot wide ball of super-hard ice.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD on striking/collision, then explodes doing 3d6 MD to a 30 ft radius, plus victims must save versus magic or suffer debilitating numbness; -1 APM, -2 initiative, -1 strike/parry/dodge, and speed is reduced by 10%. Effects last 1d4 minutes, and are NOT cumulative.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

p) Wind Blast---Projects a powerful and invisible ‘bullet’ of hypervelocity wind.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10+30 MD, plus target must roll to keep balance or be knocked over/down.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 PPE per shot

q)Nova Blast----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power;
Range: Has an effective range of 4,000 ft in space, 1,500 ft in atmosphere
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast in space, 1d4x10 MD in atmosphere
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 PPE per shot

r)MicroMeteorites----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power and is usable only in space;
Range: Has an effective range of 10,000 ft in space, and covers a 100 ft radius.
Damage: 2d6x10+50 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 28 PPE per shot

s)Meteor Swarm in Space----This TechnoWizardry weapon requires the fitting of PPE generators to power and is usable only in space;
Range: Has an effective range of
Damage: 12d8 MD per strike
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: 145 PPE per shot

3) Chest Mini Missile Launchers (2) --- Concealed in the chest is a pair of mini missile launchers, 12 mini-missiles in each launcher for a total of 24.

4) Wing Hardpoints (2, one per wing) --- Each hardpoint has a 1,000 lb capacity. Loading the hardpoints, however, does incur some extra aerodynamic drag; -5% to maximum speed per hardpoint loaded; typically two hardpoints must be loaded for proper balance(-1 to dodge otherwise, and -5% to flying rolls).
a) Freefall Bombs---’Iron’ or ‘Smart’ varieties
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*750-lb Bomb----4d6x10 MD to 65 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius

b) Mini-Missiles----19-shot pod

c) Short Range Missiles----8-shot pod

d) Medium Range Missiles----4-shot pod

e) Long Range Missiles----1

f) Decoy Pod----Uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 3 decoys are carried per hardpoint

g) Cannon Pod (Chemical Propellant, gauss, or gravitic variety)
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single round, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD per six-shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 120 rds

h) Chaff/Flare Pod
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 18 per launcher

i) Sensor Pallet----Specialized sensor instruments can be carried externally, in these pods.

j) Jamming Pod-----A mini-radio jammer, that can pump out enough multi-wavelength white noise to jam civilian band communications with 90% effectiveness, and military comms with 70% effectiveness, over a 20 mile radius. Additional pods DO NOT add cumulative bonuses, but do provide system redundancy.

k) ECM/Radar Jammer Pod---5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover). Carrying extra jammer pods does NOT increase the range or effective bonuses of the system, but may provide redundancy and multi-wavelength coverage.

l) Ghost Spoofer---A powerful EW system that can create up to EIGHT sensor ‘ghosts’ and project them up to 5 miles away from the Warmount.

5) Tail Blade --- A large vibroblade mounted in the tail, excellent for flyby slashing or stabbing anything caught in its claws.
Range: Melee 40 ft reach
Damage: 3d6 MD stab or slash

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. Ajairu come across as cunning draconic predators, but unlike dragons, tend to work well in hunting packs of their cousin Ajairu, but also think themselves better than other fliers, and will take opportunities to prove it.
Typically has the following:
Standard baseline Montrex programming, plus:
Pilot: Fighter (for aerial maneuvering) 75% (+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Navigation: Space 85%
Movement: Zero Gravity 98%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Ajairu intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Pilot Related(Navigation-Air/Space), Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Wilderness( Hunting, Track and Hunt Sea Animals)

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative +3 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +4)
Dodge +3 (+7 in flight)
Strike +5 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +5
Parry +5
Pull +3
Bite 3d6 MD
Power Bite (2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Punch/Claw 3d6 MD
Power Punch (2 attacks) 1d4x10 MD
Crush/Pry/Tear 2d6 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Leap Kick (2 attacks) 1d8x10 MD
Body Block/Tackle/Ram 3d6 MD
Wing Swipe 2d4 MD
Tail Lash 2d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Ajairu an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Ajairu have a bestial draconic persona; they are intelligent predators (effective IQ rating of 14).

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. Points (most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

The Ajairu sees a great deal of customization between individuals, wings, sub-tribes, and septs. Although most are purely cosmetic changes, various configurations of weaponry, including wing- and tail-mounted melee weapons, are also common. A few of the more common customization options seen on Ajairu are as follows:
-Laser Reflective Armor----Lasers do HALF damage.

-Thermal Refractive Armor---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage

-Stealth Armor---- -20% to be detected by radar and laser range finding systems

-Forcefield Generators---Typically around 200-300 MDC.

-Booster Pods---Improved thrusters and contragravity generators. Increase atmospheric speed to Mach 5.5, and space speed to Mach 18.

-PPE Generators:--Favored add-on for powering TW systems.
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20 PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:35 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:EcoS-K-185 Ajairu

Very nice.....Warmounts are matching dedicated aerospace fighters in performance.... 8)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:37 pm
by taalismn
NeR’Mar Medikos Subtype
(aka ‘Zawbones’, ‘Spidoc’)
“We are aware of your desire to get back in communication with your associates since you have now been rescued, but we cannot permit you access to our interstar communications systems. Both the environment we maintain in our own quarters would kill you and we have religious restrictions against non-Re’Mar accessing the Sacred StarNet. We are, however, only twelve day-cycles away from the nearest colony world known to have stellar radio. We will make best speed and land you there. In the meantime, allow our xeno-liaison specialist to continue to treat your injuries- ”

<<“Freezing the prisoners in a coating-shell of exotic alloy is very effective, Medikos Zaron; did you study under a Basilisa to get the idea?”>>

Though the NeR’Mar prefer to avoid intimate contact with organic beings, and tend to keep their interactions to stoic business occasions, many times dealing with the ugly bags of water is inevitable. Salvaging wrecks carries the chance of finding survivors, ignoring distress signals carries the risk of reprisal if done too many times, and occasionally carrying passengers is vital for maintaining a good balance of trade. in the name of maintaining good will and being prepared, the NeR’Mar needed their own medical practitioners to assist the meatbags, beyond simply copying medical drone programs or carrying ‘salvaged’ medical robots such as the MP-1202 Colonial Med-bot*.
Though the Eshemarrians and the Imur Sgen have offered their services to the NeR’Mar for just such eventualities, the salvagers have demurred, wanting to reduce the number of visible links between them and the greater EShemar nation. Instead, they have developed their own specialists in biological medicine.
The Medikos is a rare sub-class NeR’Mar specializing in dealing with the breakdown problems of that those all-too-fragile meatbags.
The Medikis uses the standard R’Mar frame, but the head features a more prominent three-eyed sensor visor. To the uninitiated, the android appears to be wearing hazmat gear. The secondary tool arms are now adapted to surgical and medical scanner use, and the few outsiders who see them(few do, being either unconscious from injuries or anesthetized beforehand) in use figure that the Medikos are cyborgs.
Medikos also serve as the NeR’Mars’ jailors when keeping organics under lock and key is necessary. A favorite Medikos strategy is to pop any uncooperative organics into bio-stasis, where they can be kept unaware and out of the way until the NeR’Mar can drop them off somewhere.
Besides having medical skills, Medikos are also adept at juryrigging equipment, especially as specialized medical gear is typically not available aboard Ne’R’Mar vessels.
Though they share the basic programming as other NeR’Mar, because of their specialized function, Medikos aren’t as versatile in the NeR’Mars’ main professions. That has made adoption of the new sub-type difficult; few small ‘family’-ships voluntarily commission Medikos as crewmembers, seeing them as the equivalent of ‘unnecessary mouths to feed’. Many conclaves resort to building Medikos from the general resource pool and assign them to ships on a rotating basis. This has led the Ne’R’Mar to have to find addittional ways to put the new subtype to good use. While some Medikos spend most of their time in ‘switched off’ mode until needed, clocking time at a slower rate and studying up on medical texts in some corner of the ship, others have found employment maintaining what biotech systems the NRe’Mar employ, or sort and evaluate scavenged cybernetics and bionics the androids come into possession of. Some Medikos end up the effective general sciences officers of the ships they serve aboard.
Because of their high intelligence, Medikos are aware of their reluctant acceptance among the more conservative of their kin, and this has led to many developing a brusque bedside manner with the organics the Medikos were developed to help. Others become infatuated with studying biologicals and their cultures that they sometimes are pressed into service as negotiators with biological lifeforms(though their relationships with the fleshies is often offset by the Medikos’ heavily-shrouded/robed appearance, which gives many biologicals the impression that the Ne’R’Mar fear contamination). A few Medikos have justified their presence aboard NRe’Mar ships by offering medical services for pay to isolated colonists and outposts that the survey ships come across in their travels. However, already a number of Medikos have, feeling underappreciated among their own people and with few opportunnities for advancement, paid off their construction and jumped ship to join the Imur or other groups more willing to utilize the Medikos’ full potential(including a number of Domimatrices who find it handy to have a medic close by when interrogating fleshbags).

*Note: A good many smaller Ne’R’Mar vessels carry MP-1202 Colonial Med-bots(or equivalents) that they have scavenged or otherwise acquired, and many prefer them to the Medikos, since they can unpack the med-bots and turn them on and off as needed, and the Ne’R’Mar can trade them to outsiders to make extra income, without compromising their security. However, the Medikos can learn with experience and are more versatile in a variety of situations. Occasionally, the open market med-bots have been Awakened with the Ecotroz or Upgraded to acquire full personas; however, many of them develop stuffy and irritating pesonalities(at least to the N’R’Mar) such that the NeR’Mar ultimately prefer the Medikos, as they are at least built of common and familiar stock and easier to relate to. A few Medikos maintain ‘staffs’ of helper med-bots(though some other N’R’Mar cynically joke that this is to give the underappreciated Medikos ‘crews’ of their own).

Type: NeR’Mar Medikos
Class: Robot Android
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 22 each
Arms(2) 60 each
Secondary Surgical Tool Arms(2) 30 each
Modular Surgical Attachments 2-10 each
Legs(2) 105 each
Head 96
Head Legs(4) 5 each
Head Micro-Arms(4) 4 each
Cybertendrils(6) 10 SDC each
Main Body 215
(Optional) Armored Robes 50

Height: 6.5 ft
Width: 3 ft
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 950 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to IQ 26, Robotic PS. 30, PP. 20,.
Cargo: None
Running: 50 MPH
The detached head can run at 30 MPH
Jumping: Standing jump of 15 ft up/actoss, running leap of 100 ft up/200 ft across.
Flying: Not possible without a jetpack or other accessory
The detached head can hover and fly at MPH, maximum altitude of 3,000 ft.
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 25% normal speed. Generally, depth tolerance is about 1,000 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating sponsors or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Detachable Head----The Medikos shares the same detachable head as other N’R’Mar, but with a dual spider-leg/mini-contragravity movement system. The Medikos’ ‘head legs’ are even longer and more spider-like, to allow the detached head to position itself over a patient.
In addition to the four smaller surgical arms, the head also has 6 extendable (1.5 ft length) ‘whiskers’ that are very fine and fragile(10 SDC each) cybertendrils that can perform ultrafine surgical or technical work. These can probe into very small spaces to reach inside a bodu or confined space.

*Medical Optics---Magnification(7 ft range, 400x mag), Thermo-Imaging,
IR/UV Optics.

*Bio-Scanner---Built into the head and arms are the components of a medical scanner system that is equivalent to the PSE-8000 medical scanner(Rifts Dimesnion Book 6 Three Galaxies, pgs 107)

Weapons Systems: None standard, but several of its surgical tools could be used as weapons
1) Scalpels---The forearms conceal a variety of useful surgical tools
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d4 SDC
(Retractable Drill) 3d6 SDC or 1d4 MD

2) Drug Injectors---The hands conceal extendable hypo-injectors.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC plus chemical/drug effects
Payload: 5 doses of up to 4 different chemicals, 20 doses total.

3) Surgical Lasers---These are typically finger-mounted, but the Medikos also has head-mounted micro-lasers as well.
Range: 6 ft
Damage:1d6 , 3d6 SDC, or 1d6 MD, or 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4) Chemical Sprayer---Typically used to dispense antiseptics and anesthetics.
Range: 10 ft radius
Damage: By dispersed agent
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 individual doses (as many as five different chemicals
can be carried)

Programming/Skills:(Neural Intelligence)
Language/Literacy(all at 98%/90%)
-Trade One
-Trade Three
-Trade Four
-Trade Five
-Trade Six
Climbing 98/10%
Swimming 90%
Math: Basic and Advanced 98%
Radio: Basic 94%
Jury Rigging(General) 70%(+5% per level of experience)
Jury Rig(Medical Equipment) 90%
Prowl 64%
Wardrobe 90%
Recycling 90%
W.P. Knife
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Staff

Chemistry 98%
Chemistry: Analytical 96%
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 96%
Computer Operation 96%
Biology 90%
Brewing: Medicinal 80%
Field Surgery 85%
Medical Doctor 86%
Pathology 88%
Sensory Equipment 96%
Sewing 90%
Veterinary Science 80%
Xenology 70%
Stasis Tank Operations 96%

Can also learn 3 Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 1
Dodge +3
Parry +5
Strike +4 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +3
Entangle (w/kos staff )+2
Critical Strike on a Natural unmodified roll of 19-20
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20

Special Equipment:
-Kos Staff
In place of the traditional multi-purpose staff carried by almost all Ne’R’Mar, the Medikos carry a cadecus-styled kos staff. Despite its ornamental appearance, the staff is packed full of useful medical tools.
Size: 7 ft long
MDC: 50
* EM Detector---A highly sensitive electromagnetic scanner that picks up on metal implants and embedded objects. It is also sensitive enough to detect active electrical flow including bio-electrical activity. Effective range of 4 ft.
* Tendrils(2)---The intertwined ‘snakes’ of the cadecus are actually animated robotic tendrils, each with 5 MDC and are capable of very fine surgical work using their extendable ‘tongue’ tendrils.
* Medical Nanite Dispenser---50 doses
* UV Sterilizer--A photonic sterilizer that bathes a 5 ft area in intense ultraviolet light
*Neural Mace---For subduing patients/specimens or self-defense.
*Synaptic Disruptor---A derivative of Neural Mace technology, the Synaptic Disruptor(or Synaptov) generates a powerful, but short-range, neural-electrical field that effectively temporarily scrambles a person’s higher order brain functions, inducing almost instantaneous unconsciousness. The device also has the added bonus of inducing short term amnesia, the person losing memory of the 3d6 minutes prior to being stunned.
Range: Touch or 1-2 inches
Damage/Effect: Save at 16 or higher or be rendered unconscious for 2d6 minutes
Held on or near the spine, unconsciousness is less likely, but on a failed save, the person will be paralyzed and benumbed from below the point of contact. Even on a save, the person will -8 to initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees. Does NOT work through body armor.
Touched or used anywhere else on a target’s body, the Synaptov is ineffective
Save: Standard; 16 or higher

Medikos also typically wear heavy( 50 MDC) robes that feature a sterifield generator(intense UV light in a 6 ft radius) and multiple pockets for medical supplies.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:42 pm
by kronos
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:EcoS-K-185 Ajairu

Very nice.....Warmounts are matching dedicated aerospace fighters in performance.... 8)

Quick, maneuverable, MDC on par (or slightly better) with some ships, but not as well armed, and an attitude to put fighter jocks to shame.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:12 pm
by kronos

The Spartha is based on the Shemarrian 7000 Gravitonic rail gun, developed by the Flamewing for their ground troops, with a heavy punch. While it has 'standard' caliber, the gravitonic systems are tweaked for a bit of extra kinetic energy for potential extra damage and possibly knock a target on the ground. As almost an afterthought, an underbarrel grenade launcher was added to allow other munitions to be used.

Weight: 120 lbs
MDC: 80
Range: 1.5 miles (2.41 km) in atmosphere, 3 mile (4.83 km) in space, Grenade 250 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD rail gun plus human-sized targets must roll or surpass, on a d20, the shooter’s ‘to strike’ roll, or be knocked off their feet and back 1d4 ft, and lose initiative and 1 APM, grenade varies by type
When double 5 or 6 rolled, deals an additional 1d6x10 damage for double 5s or additional 2d6 on double 6s,
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: As the Shemarrian 6000, plus 10 grenades in underbarrel magazine.
Special Features:
Laser Targeting--- +2 strike with single shots
Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrians and not offered for sale, but if it were, it could be expected to bring 65,000 credits

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:04 am
by kronos

Alphas are a fairly rare, and unexpected variant that can be found in almost any tribe at almost any given time. Alphas are larger, more powerful and smarter versions of the warmount. They seem to be as if they were blessed by the Shemar goddess, either not allowing any riders, or drawn to important leaders, War Chiefs and War Goddesses. They exit their pods fully Awaken, seeming to emit power, they usually have supernatural strength, have psionic powers that can improve other warmounts of their type. Appearance, besides being larger, may have either a more primal and feral appearance, or one that gives off an air of elegance, grace and royal power.
Make the following changes to a warmount to make an Alpha variant:
Increase size by 50%;
Increase weight by 75%;
Increase MDC of main body by 75% and all other locations by 50%;
PS is changed from Robotic to Supernatural, increasing melee damage accordingly, if already Supernatural increase by +4 (if the switch to Supernatural doesn't increase damage for melee attacks, increase by 1 die);
Increase one form of movement's speed by 50% (example if warmount has a land speed and a flight speed, pick one to increase. If warmount has both space and air speeds, increase both);
Increase IQ by +2, with a minimum of 9;
Awe/Horror Factor 12, if already have Awe/Horror factor equal or greater increase by +2;
ISP M.E. +3d6 +20;
Two melee weapons have increased damage +2 die of damage (after Supernatural PS increase);
Two ranged weapons have range increased by 50%;
One ranged weapon has damage increased by +2 die of damage;
If can carry optional weapons or systems, increase number by 1 (example an Alpha Monst-Rex has 3 weapon slots), and weight for such optional slots increased by 25%;
Nanite Repair System repairs +1d6 add increase MDC stock by 50%;
Add Psychic Infusion;
Add Psychic Link;
Add Psionic Powers;
If Warmount has magical abilities, increase PPE base by 25%, and range of spells by 25%.
Special systems that reduce damage taken, provide bonuses (not combat programming or targeting systems), or increase an ability, gain an increase of 10% or fixed number increased by +2. For example, if a warmount has a system that reduces damage from fire, heat and plasma weapons by 50% now reduces that damage by 60%, or if has a system that causes an opponent to suffer -5 to strike rolls, increase to -7.

*Psychic Infusion - Using technology from the psynetic systems of the Psi-Blaster and Bruiser, the Alpha can spend ISP to infuse its attacks with psychic energy, allowing it to damage opponents that are immune to most forms of attack and only vulnerable to psionic or magical attacks or weapons. By spending 5 ISP, all attacks of the Alpha can damage such creatures, like vampires, with any of its attacks or weapons for 1 melee round. The Alpha could spend an additional 10 ISP per attack to cause that attack to deal double damage to supernatural creatures.

*Psychic Link - The Alpha shares a bond, and a bit of superiority with other warmounts of its type. Although it acts as a superior to them, it doesn't lord this over others, instead inspires and leads by example, plus it uses its abilities to help the warmounts. All Shemarrian warmounts of the same type of the Alpha within 50 feet +10 feet per level, gain +2 to strike, dodge, initiative.
(Optional Note) It has been observed on the rare occasion when an Alpha and its riding war chieftainess/goddess goes down in combat, it drives all nearby Shermarrians within 2 miles to go into a revenge filled frenzy. All Shemarrian units (troops, warmounts and cyberanimals) must make a save vs psionics at -1 or go into a frenzy to destroy the enemy that hurt, or even killed the Alpha and rider. This frenzy lasts for 1d4 minutes, granting all affected Shemarrians +2 to strike, +1 attacks per melee that can only be used in melee range, +4 melee damage, but -5 to dodge and parry. At the end of the frenzy, affected units will be fatigued and stressed, losing half attacks per melee, all bonuses at half and skills suffer -10%. This lasts for 30 minutes.

*Psionics - Alphas have increased psionic abilities, gaining 1d4 psionic abilities from the following list. If it already has one can select another.
Impervious to Cold (2)
Impervious to Fire (4)
Intuitive Combat (10)
See the Invisible (4)
Psi-Shield (30)
Psychic Body Field (30)
Pyrokinesis (varies)
Telekinesis Super (10+10/100 lbs)
Telekinetic Force Field (30)
Flame Burst Self Mega Damage (8) - This is similar to the Burster OCC power.
Radiate Horror Factor (8)
Neural Strike (25)
Telekinetic Air Walk (8) - This power is based on the Psi-Slayer (Psycape page 72)
Psychic Cloud (4) - Functions like Cloud of Smoke spell
Psychic Shadow Meld (15) - This functions just like the Shadow Meld spell.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:31 pm
by kronos
Shadow Cleaver

"I tells ya I thou' I was a gonner! Them Vampires appeard outta no'ere and started rippin' everyone apart! One of 'em knocked me on me arse, crushed the armour o'er me hart! Then 'ese spikes black as night punched throu' its hart! Then burst in'ta flames!"
-Segment of report from one of the survivors of a village north of Mexico from a major vampire attack.

Shadow Cleaver is an Alpha Monst-Rex, that appears as a wild version with only enough cybernetics, coated in stealth material, to support four weapon slots and the iconic spines. Its skin and fur are so black they seem to absorb all light, and when one can make out its appearance, Shadow Cleaver looks like a nighmare version of a Monst-Rex, enlarged fangs, claws, constantly snarling. The four spines are serrated, made for piercing and shredding, and are longer and more articulated than on other Monst-Rex. Shadow Cleaver is an ambush hunter, preferring to strike from hiding, where it uses its psionic version of Shadow Meld to lay in wait then strike hard and fast. It's favourite targets are vampires, using the darkness against them as it hides in shadows, infusing its claws and spines with psionic energy to rip them to shreds. Shadow Cleaver also has the psionic ability to engulf itself in psychic flames, destroying all shadows around it, which it uses to great effect to make it the stuff of nightmares for vampires.
Shadow Cleaver first appeared in the Horrorwoods tribe, and has migrated south to fight vampires along the Mexico vampire, working with any Shemarrian groups aiding against the fight against the vampire threat. Shadow Cleaver rarely allows a rider, and only one who's hatred for vampires matches its own could ever hope to ride into battle upon its back, of which very few have.
In combat, Shadow Cleaver prefers to use Shadow Meld ability to hide and surprise targets, striking when they least expect it. When against supernatural foes, will infuse its attacks with its Psychic Infusion ability, and for added damage will use its Flame Burst ability for protection and added fire damage.

Type: EcoS-K/A-002Α (Alpha)
Class: Robotic Warmount, 3rd level
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 752
Head 225
Front Paws/Claws (2) 170 each
Front Legs (2) 216 each
Hind Legs (2) 330 each
Tail (prehensile) 104
Spines (4) 83 each
Height: 16 ft at top of back
Width: 12 ft
Length: Body 22 ft from nose to hind quarters. Tail length 18 ft
Weight: 5260 lbs
Cargo: None, rarely has a saddle, but if had one small space on saddle.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Supernatural P.S. of 35
IQ 10, PP 20, ME 19, MA 15, PB 8
ISP: 54
Horror Factor 12*
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 285 MPH
(Leaping) 45 ft standing, speeds over 60 mph adds 2d4x10 yards lengthwise, 25 feet height
(Flying) not possible
(Space) not possible
(Underwater) 20 mph, maximum depth tolerance 1200 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL ---- have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 5d6 MD per hour, and can repair 320 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Horror Factor - Shadow Cleaver has a horror factor of 12. However, if Shadow Cleaver uses its Shadow Meld ability and makes a successful attack from within a shadow, then uses its Flame Burst ability to engulf itself in flames, dispelling all shadows around it, Shadow Cleaver has an effective Horror Factor of 14 for the next two melee rounds.

*Psychic Infusion - Using technology from the psynetic systems of the Psi-Blaster and Bruiser, the Alpha can spend ISP to infuse its attacks with psychic energy, allowing it to damage opponents that are immune to most forms of attack and only vulnerable to psionic or magical attacks or weapons. By spending 5 ISP, all attacks of the Alpha can damage such creatures, like vampires, with any of its attacks or weapons for 1 melee round. The Alpha could spend an additional 10 ISP per attack to cause that attack to deal double damage to supernatural creatures.

*Psychic Link - The Alpha shares a bond, and a bit of superiority with other warmounts of its type. Although it acts as a superior to them, it doesn't lord this over others, instead inspires and leads by example, plus it uses its abilities to help the warmounts. All Shemarrian warmounts of the same type of the Alpha within 50 feet +10 feet per level, gain +2 to strike, dodge, initiative.
(Optional Note) It has been observed on the rare occasion when an Alpha and its riding war chieftainess/goddess goes down in combat, it drives all nearby Shermarrians within 2 miles to go into a revenge filled frenzy. All Shemarrian units (troops, warmounts and cyberanimals) must make a save vs psionics at -1 or go into a frenzy to destroy the enemy that hurt, or even killed the Alpha and rider. This frenzy lasts for 1d4 minutes, granting all affected Shemarrians +2 to strike, +1 attacks per melee that can only be used in melee range, +4 melee damage, but -5 to dodge and parry. At the end of the frenzy, affected units will be fatigued and stressed, losing half attacks per melee, all bonuses at half and skills suffer -10%. This lasts for 30 minutes.

*Stealth Fur/Armour - Shadow Cleaver's fur and armour is made of stealth materials, -25% for others to Detect Ambush/Detect Concealment, +10% to prowl, and has a 60% chance of remaining undetected if standing still (85% if standing in dim light/shadows). Has only a 15% chance of showing up on radar/motion detection systems, only 15% likely to show up on thermal sensors.

*Psionics - Shadow Cleaver has the following psionic powers in addition to the normal ones for Awaken Ecotroz:
See the Invisible (4)
Flame Burst Self Mega Damage (8) - This is similar to the Burster OCC power. Covering itself in flames, granting 36 MD field of protection for 6 melee rounds, and adds 2d6 MD fire damage to melee attacks for 3 melee rounds
Psychic Shadow Meld (15) - This functions just like the Shadow Meld spell. For up to 6 minutes, Shadow Cleaver can become totally invisible, even to "See Invisible" spell and psychic power. The shadow must be at least 10 feet long, serves as a superior means of hiding or moving unseen. Shadow Cleaver can move, walk or run through the length of a shadow or from shadow to shadow. While in Shadow/darkness prowls at +15% normal skill. While hidden in shadow, still susceptible to magic, psionic and physical attacks, although attacks are at -5 to strike.

Weapons Systems:
1) A-002 Weapon Slots (4) - Shadow Cleaver mounts FOUR weapon pods instead of the normal two. Typically carries two of the Forward Facing Lasers, one Mini-missile tubes (6 missiles), and one projectile weapon loaded with wooden rounds. Other weapons of similar size can be carried instead if available, typically ones suited for anti-vampire work.
The lasers will have range upgraded to 3000 ft. The projectile weapon will deal an additional +1 die of damage, regardless of type of weapon.

2) Prehensile Tail (1) - Shadow Cleaver has an 18 foot long, powerful tail, tipped with a wicked looking obsidian black blade, used to whip and stab prey.
Range: 18 feet melee
Damage: Whip or slash 2d4 MD, or stab with point 2d6 MD
Rate of Fire: EECH (use of tail adds 2 attacks per melee)

2) Spine (4) - Four wicked looking spines protrude from Shadow Cleaver's back, the edges near the tips are serrated, and have slightly more flexibility than other Monst-Rex spines, and larger, besides its increased size. The spines have an incredible 24 foot reach.
Range: 24 feet
Damage: 2d6 MD for a single spine thrust, 4d6 MD from two, and 8d6 from all four at once, counts as a single attack instead of normal two attacks like other Monst-Rex.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following:
Standard Monst-Rex programming but all skills are at +15%.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the ---- intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from ()

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 10, two of which are tail
Initiative +5
Dodge +7, +9 when running at speeds over 75 MPH
Strike +8 melee. +6 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll With Impact +5
Parry +8
Pull Punch/claw/tail/bite +7
Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
Restrained Bite/Nip 7d6 SDC
Full Strength Bite 2d6 MD
Blunt Claw 3d4 MD
Claw Strike 5d6+5 MD
Power Claw Strike 1d6x10 MD (counts as two attacks)
Mule Kick with Hind Legs 7d6 MD (counts as two attacks)
Head Butt 1d6 MD
Pounce/Body Block 2d6 MD

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:33 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:Shadow Cleaver

Can't say the bloodsuckers don't deserve this...

And kinda reminds me of the zergling clone in the Ranma 1/2 fan fiction 'Guardians'...especially the second series where the DAPC runs into the Sailor Scouts and fights vampires(It's fantastic crack: the most messed up unit of the Tokyo police fights mutants and undead, Sailor Moon becomes an Inspector Gadget-style cyborg, Sailor Mars becomes a vampire, Sailor Saturn becomes a Sith, Sailor Mercury becomes an alcoholic, Tuxedo Mask gets his kneecaps shot off a lot, and the pet zergling dusts a lot of vampire-spawn).

And I think I've got the Codex on pg. 1 updated with the relevant stuff.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:07 pm
by taalismn
Just had an image in my mind of playing frisbee with Warmounts.
Some of them are intelligent and playful enough to do that sort of thing.

Of course, you'd need a bigger frisbee...and a TOUGHER one....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:01 pm
by kronos
taalismn wrote:Just had an image in my mind of playing frisbee with Warmounts.
Some of them are intelligent and playful enough to do that sort of thing.

Of course, you'd need a bigger frisbee...and a TOUGHER one....

Some are smarter than average human, just not programed to think in similar way

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 12:45 am
by taalismn
kronos wrote:
Some are smarter than average human, just not programed to think in similar way

Such as being able to figure out how to frame somebody else for the destruction of your unattended vehicle. :P

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:15 pm
by kronos
"Many believe that The Goddess has blessed us for all our hardships and achievements. Others that its only natural that a psychic race will evolve and develop new powers.
I believe it is a combination of both. The Goddess inspires us to expand and evolve. Each Tribe in slightly different ways, slowly creating new psionic powers or unique ways to use them."
Thali Mindweaver, Wayfinder psychic, Project Leader of Tribal Psionic Initiative.

Over time, Shemarrians have discovered they have some members who have unique psionic powers amongst their Tribes. The Elders decided to form the Tribal Psionic Initiative to study and hopefully increase the number of members with the new powers and even spread some amongst the other Tribes.

Clan Motron

Adrenaline Boost (Physical)
Range: Self or target touched
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P.: 5
For the duration of the power, the psychic or the recipient feels empowered with psychic power empowering them, boosting their adrenaline levels or pumping more power into their servos and pistons. Boosting their PS and PP by +2. This power will only work on targets with an anatomy, or cybernetic parts to replace parts. It can function on plant-based creatures, even undead.

Burst (Physical)
Range: Self or 1 target touched
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P.: 6
The recipient is imbued with power to go faster, increasing 1 mode of movement, psychic's choice, by 25%, plus gains +2 to Dodge. This power, oddly enough, will also work on vehicles, as long as the psychic in the one controlling the vehicle.


Inspire Mount (Sensitive)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 min / level
Saving Throw: Standard against unwilling target
I.S.P.: 4
The touched mount is enveloped in a golden radiance as it is infused with strength, stamina and speed. The mount gains an increase to speed of +10%, while riding the mount, the mount gains half the psychic's bonus to dodge and parry. This power affects warmounts that have been Awaken, but not those not Awaken.

Lost Eclipse

Blackstone Hammer (Super)
Range: One item touched
Duration: 1 round / level before discharge
Saving Throw: Standard
I.S.P.: 22*
You alter the nature of one weapon and imbue it with the ability to petrify those it strikes. Although the base damage of the weapon is unaltered, the weapon deals bludgeoning damage for the duration of the power. If a creature struck by a weapon affected by blackstone hammer fails its saving throw, it (along with all its carried gear) is turned into a mindless, inert statue fo dark stone. Striking a creature with the weapon discharges the power. If a statue resulting from this power is broken or damaged, the subject (if ever returned to flesh) has similar damage or deformities. The creature is not dead, but neither does it seem to be alive using any forms of detection.
Each additional 11 ISP allows an additional charge.

Claws of Darkness (Super)
Range: Self or willing target touched
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P.: 9
Using psionic energy to draw upon the Plane of Shadows, hands, or paws, elongate and change shape into featureless claws of inky blackness. These claws are treated as magical weapons, able to damage creatures immune to conventional weapons, and deal 4d6 MD plus PS bonus damage that is magically cold. Damage can be increased by an additional 1d6 MD for an extra 5 ISP to a maximum of 10d6 MD (or 1d6x10 MD).


Energy Nullification Field (Super)
Range: 20 ft radius
Duration: 10 min / level
Saving Throw: None
I.S.P.: 18
The psychic concentrates and creates an invisible field around themselves with a low hum. This field negates any psionic powers within the field. Other psychics attempting to spend ISP can't manifest their powers, unless they spend double the ISP and save vs psionics and on a failed save waste the ISP spent and suffer half the ISP spent in damage (hit points for SDC creatures, MD for MDC creatures), while a successful save the power is manifested but at half effectiveness (half range, half damage, half bonuses, etc). Psychic powers that target the psychic stop at the edge of the field, although items moved by psionic power such as telekinesis have any damage that would be dealt by half. The psychic who used this power can't use other psionic powers while this power is active, but they can deactivate it at will. Psionic beings that enter the field must have vs psionic (except the psychic that used the power), and on a failed save suffer 1d6 (SD for SDC creatures, MD for MDC creatures) per 2 levels of the psychic, while a successful save they suffer -2 to all rolls (attack, dodge, parry, saves), and lose 1 attack/action per melee while within the field.
For an additional 9 ISP the psychic can increase the radius by 10 feet, up to a maximum of 50 feet.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:58 am
by taalismn
kronos wrote:"Many believe that The Goddess has blessed us for all our hardships and achievements. Others that its only natural that a psychic race will evolve and develop new powers.
I believe it is a combination of both. The Goddess inspires us to expand and evolve. Each Tribe in slightly different ways, slowly creating new psionic powers or unique ways to use them."
Thali Mindweaver, Wayfinder psychic, Project Leader of Tribal Psionic Initiative.

Over time, Shemarrians have discovered they have some members who have unique psionic powers amongst their Tribes. The Elders decided to form the Tribal Psionic Initiative to study and hopefully increase the number of members with the new powers and even spread some amongst the other Tribes..

Mental Machines, hell yah! 8)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:45 pm
by taalismn
EcoS-K- 186 Xiph Sea-Mount
(aka ‘Beach-dozer’)

“What looked on long range sensors like a ‘mating conga’ of giant horseshoe crabs turned out to be a bombardment train headed to take out the Horune base at Raloco Key. Ever see a firing line of submarine plasma launchers open up on a shore target? Looked like the sea was spitting hellfire!“

“ Anybody who thought that tail spike looked like a silly defense never had one of those bastards suddenly reverse direction and go right up the eyeball sockets at them...that’s -if- the xipher didn’t just blow them away with the tail cannon.“

Though first seen being used by the DarkWaters Tribe, the Xiph is actuallya devlopment of the Steel Gaians, who adapted components of the PS-DSV-MS/UC-7 ‘Polyphemus’ mini-submarine being produced by their hosts in Greater New England to create what was arguably a marine version of the EcoS-K-122 Gundragon Warmount. The initial prototypes were smuggled to the DarkWaters and refined to more properly resemble giant mutant or alien horseshoe crabs.
The Xiph retains the internal cockpit of the Polyphemus rovers, providing the rider and any passengers with the protection of the Warmount’s heavily-armored hull.
Rather than swim on their backs like true Lumulidae, Xiphs use concealed hydrothrusters. To facilitate maneuvering underwater, they possess four small ducted thrusters on the ends of specialized legs that drop below the rim of the heavy upper carapace and can be positioned to steer the Warmount sideways and backwards in the water. These thruster-armatures also stabilize and position the warmount when it is firing its main weapon in open water.
Opponents expecting to face simply an oversized horseshoe crab will be shocked to discover the warmount can deploy large switchblade-like claws from under its blunt front shell. The Xiph also sports concealed eye lasers and countermeasure launchers.
An obvous difference from the Polyphemus submarine is the Xiph‘s tail spike, reinforcing the resemblance to a horseshoe crab. In addition to being a melee weapon, the long thick spike conceals a heavy long range weapon, making the Xiph into a potent submarine artillery carrier. Deployed in numbers and firing in synchronized concert(and often with aerial spotters like seabird-disguised Avyet), a battery-group of these warmounts can devastate coastal targets or even large warships.
Because of its relatively slow speed(compared to other marine Warmounts), the Xiph is typically assigned to support roles, and often to Male EShemar artillerists. However, some individuals have taken advantage of the Warmount’s stealth qualities and long range main armament to operate as heavy snipers.
Currently, as the ‘marine’ Tribes, the DarkWaters and the Horrorwoods are the only ones who deploy the Xiph in their Warmount stables.

Type: EcoS-K- 186 Xiph
Class: Robotic Warmount, Aquatic
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 Shemarrian-sized passenger or two smaller human-sized riders.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 750
Reinforced Crew Compartment 200
*Eye Turrets(2) 60 each
*Foreclaws(2) 200 each
*Legs(10) 55 each
*Maneuvering Thruster Legs(4) 50 each
Tail Spike/Cannon 250

* These are small targets(and in the case of the foreclaws and legs, normally shielded by the overhang of the shell) and are hard to hit;

Height: 10 ft. With legs at full extension, the Xiph stands 18 ft tall
Width: 15 ft
Length: 35 ft; tail spike adds an additional 25 ft
Weight: 70 tons
Cargo: Small space in cabin for up to 300 lbs of cargo, personal possessions, small arms, and provisions.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Land) 40 MPH
(Underwater) Crawl on the bottom at 25 MPH, or swim at 65 MPH. Max Depth 3 miles

Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Tinkers or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Xiph have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 300 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Sonar---80 mile range

* Variable Buoyancy---Special flotation cells allow the crew to adjust the buoyancy of the ‘bot in water

*Molecular Clamp Pads(aka ‘lamprey pads’)---These allow the Warmount to hard-dock to other vessels for transport, rescue, or espionage purposes.

*Stealth---the extensive use of composites, ceramics, and plastics in the construction, the rounded shape of the hull, advanced thermo-insulation, and noise reduction baffles combine to greatly reduce the Warmount’s sensor signature.
Reduce rolls to detect the Xiph on instruments by -50%.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2)----The Xiph retains the Polyphemus rovers’ laser turrets. This has caused some issues with Tinkers more familiar with using one of the standardized Shemarrian eye-laser types for repairs, but Warmount-Riders like the superior range of the copied PS laser systems.
Range: 5,000 ft in air, 3,000 ft underwater
Damage: Variable; 1d6 SDC, 3d6 SDC, 1d6x10 SDC, 2d6 MD, 4d6 MD, or 6D6 MD per laser
1d6x10 MD for both firing on 1 target(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Unlimited

2) Tail Gun(1)---What looks like the horseshoe crab’s long spike tail is the housing for a heavy cannon. Like the Gundragon’s main armament, this means that the Xiph‘s most powerful weapon faces to the rear, and is useful only in retreat or in a prepared position ready to retreat(though the Xiph can swim equally as well backwards as forwards). Energy weapons were chosen for their effectively limitless ammunition supply(as long as the Warmount had power), freeing the warmount from reliance on a suppky train. The heavy weapon mounting has led to the Xiph being compared to a ‘heavy tank or warship turret on legs’.
Mounts ONE of the following:
a) Heavy Plasma Torpedo Launcher---An adaptation of Paladin Steel advanced plasma projection technology, these weapons fire ‘packets’ of plasma. Surprisingly, these plasma ‘bullets’ can be made to ‘curve’ ballistically, allowing them to be used for indirect fire. This is the favored weapon of artillery ‘flotillas’.
Range: 5 miles in air, 1.8 miles underwater
Damage: 1d6x100 MD to a 25 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Can also energize the tail into a giant Kittani-style plasma blade doing 2d4x10 MD on a tail strike.

b) Laser Cannon
Range: 2 miles in air, 1mile underwater
Damage:1d6x10+7 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

c) Ion Cannon
Range: 12,000 ft in air, 6,000 ft underwater
Damage: 3d4x10 MD per shot
Ion Scatter-Shot Mode---5d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d) SpiralWave Disruptor---Derived from Naut’yll weaponry; the squid-heads would tear tentacles off their faces to know how the EShemar not only copied, but improved, upon one of their signature weapons.
Range: 2 miles in air and underwater
Damage: 3d6x10+20 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---What look like small spikes lining the sides of the middle body segment are actually dispenser tubes that can fire off countermeasure pods to decoy torpedoes and distract enemies.
*Sonic Scramblers(“Screamers”)----Screamers are specialized one-use munitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike, plus accoustic-homing weapons will break target lock to attack the decoy.
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhere up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Note: Screamers will affect the user’s own sonar systems.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: None
Rate of Fire: Can fire off Screamers in salvos of 1 or 2
Payload: Each pod holds 12 Screamers

*Deep Flares---Deep Flares are fast-burning underwater illumination sources used as distractions in deep sea operations. Though fairly useless as weapons, Deep Flares are effective at night and against deep-sea creatures sensitive to bright light.
Deep Flares will blind surprised targets for 1d4 melees(half all combat bonuses and skill rolls while trying to overcome temporary blindness). Useless against targets using sonar, or without eyes.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD if it scores a direct hit on a target; Otherwise, no damage, aside from possible flash disorientation. : Area of effect: 100 ft area in diameter(suspended silt/debris in the water may limit this).
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2
Payload: Each pod can hold up to 12 Deep Flares

c)*Ink Cloud---Dumps a water-absorbent powder that quickly gels into a thick suspension that blocks light, clogs gills, and fouls sonar. Though not as potent as the Kittani gill-clog material, it’s still fairly effective at choking off gill-breathing pursuit. Covers a 100 ft area. Depending on water conditions, the cloud can persist for 1d4 minutes. Those caught in the cloud are effectively BLINDED; -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and entangle The particulate nature of the material makes sonar systems less effective as well; -60% to attempts to use sonar reading through the cloud. Gill-breathers must roll a 16 or better or be -6 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce Speed, melee attacks, and skill performance by -50%. Upon exiting the cloud, penalties are reduced by HALF, but persist for 1d6 minutes. Each pod has enough for 6 flushes.

d)*’Fizz’ Cloud---In the alternative the system can be used to dispense a ’Fizz’ Sonar Defense. This flushes foaming chemical compounds out into the water surrounding the boat. This has a multifold purpose; though it clearly shows up on sonar due to the alka-seltzer-like noise, the persistent cloud of bubbles makes it much more difficult for sonar to get an exact lock on the ‘bot behind the bubbles. Furthermore, many sea creatures are hesitant to cross the cloud of bubbles. Roughly 120 ft in diameter. Depending on water conditions, the cloud can persist for 1d6 melees. Sonar-guided weapons(and attackers) are -2 to lock onto the submarine. Creatures caught in the bubbles are -5 to strike, dodge, and parry due to the distraction. Each pod has enough for 6 flushes.

4) (Optional) Spine Launchers(2-8)--Lack of missile weaponry is cited as the Xiph‘s weakness in armaments. This option adds two to eight hollow spines running down the back of the shell. Each spine holds either 4 mini-missiles or 4 mini-torpedos. However, these diminish the stealth lines and properties of the Xiph‘s shell; reduce stealth rolls to detect the Xiph on instruments by -20%.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has all the same standard programing as the Monst-Rex, plus:
Underwater Navigation 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Xiph intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore (Cattle & Animals, Indians, Juicers, Magic, Demons & Monsters, D-Bees, Faerie---at least with regards to identifying their relative threat level), and Wilderness( Hunting).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +2(+3 underwater)
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2(+3 underwater)
Bite 1d6 MD(the mouth is small and hidden under the forward shell)
Restrained Claw/strike/punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Claw/strike/punch 3d6 MD
Power Claw/strike/punch(2 attacks) 1d4x10 MD
Stomp/Kick 1d6 MD
Tail Slash 2d4 on a simple slap, 4d6 MD on a stab.
Body Block/Ram 3d6 M

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Xiph an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Xiphs have rather sedate, obedient personalities, but can be rather stodgy when pushed to do things like climb too-steep slopes. They work well in groups.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:53 pm
by kronos
So.. while waiting for Titan Robotics book, I was thinking of what other sources might the Blacksteel draw from when they can't get their hands on more EShemarrians?
Northern Gun? Coalition States tech?
Blacksteel bringing power armour alive?

I think someone mentioned awhile ago about other evils besides the Blacksteel.. what other forces might exist.. could the EShemarrians make these forces fight each other?

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:16 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:So.. while waiting for Titan Robotics book, I was thinking of what other sources might the Blacksteel draw from when they can't get their hands on more EShemarrians?
Northern Gun? Coalition States tech?
Blacksteel bringing power armour alive?

I think someone mentioned awhile ago about other evils besides the Blacksteel.. what other forces might exist.. could the EShemarrians make these forces fight each other?

89er gave me a list of other 'Elemental Evils', what with BlackSteel being the Earth Element...I've been working off and on on some general qualities and Infecteds for them. I can post what I've got so far, though it's general notes and ideas...

And yeah, somebody finding some alien metal and using it to patch up their Back Market SAMAS....and winding up with something that Angrar Robotics would be proud to call their own? Yeah, definitely a possibility.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:41 am
by kronos
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:So.. while waiting for Titan Robotics book, I was thinking of what other sources might the Blacksteel draw from when they can't get their hands on more EShemarrians?
Northern Gun? Coalition States tech?
Blacksteel bringing power armour alive?

I think someone mentioned awhile ago about other evils besides the Blacksteel.. what other forces might exist.. could the EShemarrians make these forces fight each other?

89er gave me a list of other 'Elemental Evils', what with BlackSteel being the Earth Element...I've been working off and on on some general qualities and Infecteds for them. I can post what I've got so far, though it's general notes and ideas...

And yeah, somebody finding some alien metal and using it to patch up their Back Market SAMAS....and winding up with something that Angrar Robotics would be proud to call their own? Yeah, definitely a possibility.

Yeah, I'd love to see what ideas you've got, and I'd be happy to help with anything you might be stuck on.

I'm toying with some ideas of some NG or CS stuff turned Blacksteel. I just wish Titan Robotics was out so I can pour through it already!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:27 pm
by kronos
Morosel Corrupted Titan Reconnaissance Robot

Morosels are BlackSteel-mutated Titan robots, produced by the BlackSteel Citadel to function as scouts and find new resources before the fall of the Citadel. They are fast and maneuverable, but don't have much in way of offensive weapons, but they are not completely harmless, and follows the BlackSteel inclination for stealth.
The Morosel resembles a Titan Reconnaissance Robot, with armour that looks blistered and half-melted. The sensor doom at the top of the mast is larger and has an additional large central sensor 'eye' giving it a cycloptic appearance. The large search light isn't as round, with a more eye shape with the top and bottom slightly covered as if by eyelids. The dome on the sensor mast is actually capable of detaching and flying about for limited times, which it uses to increase its range of scanning, and has a smaller version of the Agony Caster found in the Warluster, although with shorter range. The blistered hull is capable of changing colour somewhat, allowing it to blend in with the background environment. The eye search light functions as a light, but also able to project a number of spell-like effects.

Type: BlackSteel Abomination---Morosel
Class: Corrupted Robot
Crew: Robot AI
M.D.C. By Location:
Upper Arms/Shoulders (2) 120 ea
Waist Black Light Laser (30)
*Sensor Turret (left shoulder) 30
*Sensor Dome 45
Head 100
Hands (2) 45 each
Arms (2) 120 each
Legs (2) 180 each
Main Body 300

*Destroying the sensor turret or senor dome reduces the range of sensors by half, while just destroying the sensor turret prevents the dome from landing and attaching to the Morosel. Note the turret and dome are small targets and difficult to hit, requiring a called shot and even then, the attacker is -2 to strike.

Height: 17 ft
Width: 7.3 ft
Length: 5 ft ft
Weight: 10.2 tons
Power System: Nuclear(?). Presumably supplemented with the PPE of murdered victims
Physical Attributes: Equal to Supernatural PS. 28, PP 15, IQ 12.
Cargo: None
Running: 160 MPH
Jumping: Can leap 25 ft up/across. Add 15 ft with a running start
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 25 MPH. Estimated depth limit of 5,000 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the BlackSteel Citadel
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Sensory Systems:
*Basic, Low-Light/Night Vision(2,000 ft range), Infrared, Thermo-Imaging(2,000 ft range), telescopic (6,000 ft)and Magnification(x60) Optics.
*Amplified Hearing(can hear noises as low as 10 decibels at 500 ft), plus ultrasonic band hearing.
*Laser Targeting
*Molecular Analyzer---Can track by scent 80%, and recognize specific scents 84%.
*Spotlights (2) --- The Morosel’s two eyes double as high-powered headlights, and are often used at night to surprise and intimidate victims. 600 ft range.
*Radar----30 mile range.
*360-degree Waist Rotation
*Thermo-Imager - A special optical heat sensor that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. Allows it to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke. Range 2000 ft.
*Infrared and Ultraviolet Optics - Projects beams of infrared light that is invisible to normal eye. Allows to see in the dark and to see other infrared beams. The ultraviolet systems allows to see in the ultraviolet spectrum of light and is mostly used to detect the light beams of ultraviolet detection systems.
*Enhanced Radar - Can identify and simultaneously track up to 96 different targets. Range 100 miles.

*Self-Destruct---Standard. Just as ARCHIE-3’s ‘bots will destroy all evidence of themselves, the BlackSteel also leaves little trace of its creations. Completely obliterates itself (1d4x100+250 to immediate vicinity, and 2d4x10 MD to a 50 ft radius). Any remains will be a black slag-like material that slowly evaporates away with the taint of evil.

*Motion Detector----200 ft range

*Molecular Analyzer---Track by smell 80%

*Detect Radio Emissions--- Morosel can pick up and track radio emissions; 70%

*See The Invisible/Ethereal - The Morosel has supernatural senses that allow it to see and sense creatures that are invisible to sensors and incorporeal beings within 600 feet.

*Communications/Radar Jamming ----- Morosels emit a broadband storm of radio interference that can overpower most radio communications systems, and jam radar systems as well. Jams radar sensors and radio transmissions with 90% effectiveness (range: 3 mile radius). The Morosel’s jamming seems to be more than just radio-band static, some witnesses proclaim, because the jamming comes across the airwaves as a deeply disturbing mournful wail or hungry howl.
This theory may have some credence: a Morosel’s jamming attack also has the unwelcome side-effect that Ecotroz Shemarrians tuning in their integrated radios while under a jamming field must save versus psionic attack or be temporarily stunned by the infernal jamming; HALF initiative and strike bonuses, and lose 1 APM for 1d4 melees every time they try to use their radio communications. While some analysts claim that this is evidence of a psionic component to the jamming, others point out that is more likely the result of the EShemars’ habituation to internal radio communications; Ghost Riders suffer a similar loss of 1 APM and initiative, but only for 1 melee.
Wolf’s Path ‘pack-comms’ lose all bonuses to this form of jamming. Horrorwoods’ ‘forest networking’ seems unaffected by it, as long as the communicating parties remain within an ‘electrocology’ that seems to shield and link them.
The only positive note about the Shrieker’s jamming

*Coordination --- Morosel can incite other BlackSteel-possessed robots in their vicinity to greater efficiency/bloodthirstness. Other units within a 5 mile radius of a Morosel are +1 to Initiative, +1 to strike, and +4 to Perception.

*Sensor Dome - The sensor dome is able to detach and fly around, while detached, the sensors of the Morosel are half, and the Sensor Dome has half, but it can fly up to 100 miles from the Morosel and shares everything it senses with the Morosel in real time. While separate, it has a flying speed of 200 MPH, Dodge +10, able to fly separated from the Morosel for up to 10 hours before requiring to reattach itself to the Morosel.

BlackSteel Traits:
*Horror Factor---Has an effective H.F. of 11

*BlackSteel Touch---A Morosel’s touch causes acute agony to living beings: It causes agonizing pain to any living being that touches it, even lightly. It can even send someone into a coma/death situation, unless they are devoid of a soul. Those who touch Blacksteel suffer -2 to all rolls, -20% to skills and loses 2 attacks for 1d4 minutes per melee round touched, plus must save vs coma/death 17. A successful save means the victim is rendered unconscious for 1d4 melee rounds in a near coma-like state, failure means they suffer 4d4 damage straight to Hit Points, or 5d6 M.D. for M.D.C. creatures. If save by more than 5, they are only stunned for that melee round, unable to take any actions or defend themselves.

*Chameleon ---- This seems more a mystic ability than a technological one; when standing still, the mimetic armor of the Morosel allows it to blend into its surroundings. (0% undetectable when standing still, 70% when moving 2 ft per melee round of slower, 20% if going 6 ft per melee or slower. Any faster, and it can be seen, but then the stealth blurring takes over.

*Silver---Silver weaponry does DOUBLE damage to BlackSteel creations. If a called shot of 20+ (modified) strikes the skull or chest area with silver, the tainted container/CPU/powerplant will be struck and an explosion of 6D6 MDC to a 3 ft. radius will erupt and annihilate the Black-Steel... and decommission the ‘bot(self-destruct will still go off, however).
*Holy Magic---Attacking with Holy Magic will cause the normal materials of the ‘bot to expel the BlackSteel. The ‘bot will still fight on using its original programming, but it will lose its viciousness and malevolent cunning(reduce initiative by HALF), and BlackSteel properties, and all other aspects of its operation remain unchanged. However, the expelled BlackSteel will remain a threat if picked up and incorporated into other machines.

Weapons Systems:
1) Dark Light Laser Turret --- The torso mounts a single laser turret . Though effectively identical to the standard T-003 laser turret, the beam fired is some form of corrupted ‘black light’ that causes wounds inflicted to become hypersensitive to light.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD
Does 25% more damage to living beings, and direct exposure of the wound to sunlight(and Globe of Daylight spells) will cause the injury to become acutely photosensitive; victims must roll under their ME or be -1 on initiative, perception, strike, dodge, and parry due to the itching/burning sensations from the wound. The photosensitivity ends when the wound is healed.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Retractable Vibro-Claws (2 each hand)
Range: Melee
Damage: +2d6 MD to punches

3) Agony-Caster ---- The sensor dome contains a smaller version of agony-caster, a powerful short-range psionic-broadcaster that projects a beam of pure agony. The Agony is more than just psionic; it appears to have a microwave component as well, as it will interfere with cybernetics and bionics as well, creating a painful feedback effect. Being psychic beings, Ecotroz-Awakened machines are also vulnerable to this attack. If the
Range: 250 ft, and affects a 20 ft wide area.
Damage: Save versus psionic attack or be -6 to initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and -1 Hit Point per attack. Victims often exhibit bloody irises and bleeding from ears, eyes, and nose. Psychics will also lose 1d4 ISP per attack on a failed save, as the atatck scrambles their brains(the ISP is regained naturally).
Does 1d6 MD to the bionics of partial/full-con cyborgs; Partial Cyborgs have a 50% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 20% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out. Full conversion cyborgs have only a 25%/5% chance, and Assault Cyborgs and those with hardened systems aren’t affected at all.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Spell-Like Abilities - From the 'search light' the Morosel can use a number of effects that are similar to spells, but can only use them several times a day, as a third level caster.
*Horrific Illusion - Similar to the spell, 3 times per day.
*Locate - Similar to the spell, 5 times per day.
*Oracle - Similar to the spell, 2 times per day
*Fog of War - Similar to the cloud spell, 3 minutes, 800 ft. Once per day.

5) Use of Handheld Weapons ---- Morosels can make use of handheld weapons made for their size.

Gorgers have very simple AI brains and simple programming; they exist only to devour and destroy.
Radio: Basic 98%
Land Navigation 80%
Electronic Countermeasures 75%
Radio: Basic 80%
Detect Ambush 80%
Tracking 75%
Camouflage 75%
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Knife
W.P. Sword

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative + 1
Dodge +4
Parry +4
Strike +3 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +3
Disarm +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
Punch 4d6 MD
Power Punch (2 attacks) 1d4x10 MD
Kick 5d6 MD
Stomp (targets 6 ft and smaller) 2d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 1d6 MD

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:03 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:Morosel Corrupted Titan Reconnaissance Robot

Nasty and suitable negatively photogenic. :twisted: :ok:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:11 pm
by kronos
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:Morosel Corrupted Titan Reconnaissance Robot

Nasty and suitable negatively photogenic. :twisted: :ok:

I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:00 am
by taalismn
kronos wrote:I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

I have a whole section for Titan Robotics waiting to be filled in on a massive set of charts for kit bashing new robots for Shemarrian Tinkers...

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:14 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:[

Yeah, I'd love to see what ideas you've got, and I'd be happy to help with anything you might be stuck on.

Okay, I’ve prefaced this with the original post by 89er and followed it up with what I’vs done so far/re-interpreted it as


Elements of Evil(aka Elements of Corruption)
(Inspired by 89er)
Hello to all, I have been away but observing and bring you the potential escalation of the BlackSteel, with your blessings.

Blacksteel was only the beginning, its origins of an elemental evil imbued into a metal that corrupted all that it touched. Some would see this as just another example of the Megaverse spitting up another threat to life, but others more In tune with the elements knew this was only a harbinger of future danger. A small task force of Techno wizards, warlocks, and assorted others investigated this ElEv (Elemental Evil) and others like it. Their studies took them to the trenches of the very Elemental planes where elemental were being sacrificed to keep a dying dimension alive. Amidst the violence, sings of Blacksteel was present but there with other ElEvs that stalked the battlefields. Pools of organic matter that moved like dancing oil, radioactive Techno wizardry constructs that drained life, and breezes that slipped between ears bringing madness. These other forces seem to have a connection with the Blacksteel entity as those ElEvs also hail from the astral void, just a different jurisdiction.
With the Minion war across the Megaverse, it is possible that the other entities have made their way to Rifts Earth and are slowing spreading their influence. Below is a brief, but not finalized summary of the missing three in this quartet of elemental evil.

Water ElEv: DreadFluid, DreadSlick, CruelFluid, CruelSlick, or DireWash
Dark colored liquid of various viscosity that mutates and binds organic tissue into new amphibious creatures. Infects best with mortal creatures and physical supernatural ones. Makes new organism a great swimmer, capable of dimming lights.
Inspiration: Leviathan (1989), SOMA’s Structure gel, and body horror support beam The Thing (1982).

Fire ElEv: VileBurn or RuinBurn
Similar to Blacksteel in that it infects the inanimate, only the transmission is via energy transfer including powerpacks, reactors and other sources. It also infects arcane constructs and TW machines, draining heat, electricity, life and any other sources of sufficient power, leaving enough that turns victims into charred thralls. Often irradiates areas with radioactive and eldritch fallout.

Air ElEv: NoxAir orWoeAir
Most subtle of the three, this entity attacks minds to dissolve restraints and cause havoc. As fickle at the breeze, little is recorded of this force due to lack of records and evidence.
Gird yourselves readers, the future is going to be weird and destructive.


Liquid Evil----Water ElEv
DreadFluid, DreadSlick, CruelFluid, CruelSlick, DireWash, Oil of Evil
Appears as a cloud or slick of discolored or murky water.
*Against Tech
-Shorts out unprotected/unsealed machinery
-Can contaminate liquid cooling systems
*Against Organics:
-Poisonous to drink
-Can infect organic beings, in which case the victim takes on a bloated and discolored look like a drowning victim.
-Can flow into confined spaces
-Most physical attacks do little or no damage.
-Fire and heat-based attacks do HALF damage to Water ElEv
-Water purification magic can damage the evil
-Fire magic does full damage
-Freezing cold slows and even stops it
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage
-Seems to avoid larger bodies of water such as seas and oceans(perhaps due to the presence fo more powerful True Water Elementals in such areas?)

Mutaponds-Mutagen Scum
Mutaponds are a form of Water ElEv that typically takes up residence in a small body of water, such as a reservoir, water cistern, or pond, and takes the form of a cloud of black slime or scum.
Mutaponds are insidious in that they do not devour, they CORRUPT. Unwilling victims are transformed into hideous amphibious monsters that are often driven insane by their monstrous transformation. Those willing to serve a supernatural evil, more willingly become agents of the Mutapond in return for the transformation. Vulnerabilities:
Mutaponds can be attacked with water purification magic
Holy Water ---Holy water BURNS Water ElEv, causing it to bubble and boil on contact.
Mutapond Transformation:
Those drowned in Water ElEv must save versus magic at -3
-Deluged----Victims of the Mutapond who fail their save become known as the Deluged; grotesque frog-like beings in the thrall of the Water ElEv.
Deluged DOUBLE their SDC/MDC, but become dependent on the Mutapond to sustain themselves(thus allowing the Mutapond to keep a rein on its ‘spawn’). Deluged can venture away from the Mutapond for as many days as they have P.E. points, but then they MUST return to immerse themselves in the waters of the Mutapond or begin breaking down.
*Can swim at TWICE their original running speed and at a skill profficiency of 90%
*Breath underwater without problems

- A rare few(5%) of unwilling infectees of Water ElEv are able to retain their sanity and exercise some control over their transformation, preserving some of their original appearance, but they are forever marked by the experience. They have become known as the ‘Drenched’.
The Drenched are characterized by having pale, clammy skin and complexion, pale eyes, webbing between fingers and toes, and a look as if they’ve taken on some water weight. Sections of their skin may show obvious scaling patterns or eruptions of chitinous tissue, often hardened into claws or spines.
*Increase SDC/MDC by 50%
*Automatically gets Swimming at 80%
*Breath underwater without problems

Volunteers who effectively make a pact with the Water ElEv are able to change between their normal form and that of a Deluged at will. They tend to have moist clammy skins, and silvery eyes.

Flames of Evil----Fire ElEv
VileBurn, RuinBurn, BlackFlame
Suspected of having been accidentally summoned by corrupted Larhold Blue Flame magic, Fire Elemental Evil spreads by touch and consumes materials just like regular fire, but it has a number of attributes that make it supernatural.
Fire Elemental Evil is perhaps the most easily basished or destroyed of the Elemental Evils; it can drowned, suffocated, and deprived of fuel, but during its rampage, it is arguably the most destructive of the four ElEvs.
Often mistaken for Fire Elementals ; appears as raging fire. yet somehow off-color.

-Cannot be extiguished by ordinary fire control measures like water or halogen gas.
-Burning Touch
*Against Tech
-Can snuff out combustion-based technology, such as ICEs and jet turbines(cut speed by HALF, can still move by turbine action, but ramjets are snuffed out)
*Against Organics:
-Burn damage
-Can emit choking/mind-controling fumes
-Organic beings killed by direct action of the Flames can be raised again as flaming zombies(the Scorched)
-Physical attacks do little damage
-Can break down into long-lived smoldering embers to survive.
-Needs to keep burning/consuming to survive
-Water-based magic /psionic attacks do DOUBLE damage
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage

The Burned are zombie-like beings made from living(and unwilling) sacrifices to the VileBurn amd resemble charred corpses(sometimes still smouldering, or lit from within by eldritch flames).
Burned NPC/Monster
Physical Attributes: P.S.(supernatural), P.P. , Spd.
Horror Factor:
Actions/Attacks Per Melee
Burning Touch:

Willing volunteers who allow themselves to be consumed by the flames in order to make a pact with the VileBurn become the Cindered, and can switch between human form and flaming lich at will. In human form they are characterized by having immense apettites(always seem to be eating), a tendency to smoke, smell faintly of burning, and have a black flame-shaped mark or scar somewhere on their bodies. They can serve as ‘living embers’ to transport the VileBurn.
Cindered NPC/Monster
Physical Attributes: P.S.(supernatural), P.P. , Spd.
Horror Factor:
Actions/Attacks Per Melee
Burning Touch:

BrainFire----A curse associated with Fire Elemental Evil, BrainFire takes the form of flames dancing on the victim’s head. The pain associated with the flames drives them to madness. Save vs magic at -2; on a failure

Winds of Evil: AirElEv
NoxAir, WoeAir
Often mistaken for Air Elementals, Air Elemental Evil is arguably the most subtle and hard to detect of the four ElEvs. It is also the hardest to combat.
Typically appears as a darkening of the air, a thin dark vapor or mist, or gray fog.
*Turn Invisible

*Against Tech
-Blocks Radio
- Invisible to Radar
-Interferes with unshielded electrical grid(can get into unsealed transmission boxes and shorts them out).
-Chokes off air-dependent/air-cooled machinery(internal combustion engines are choked off)
*Against Organics:
-Respiratory failure
-Goes through simple filter masks/systems
-Causes Hallucinations, Madness if inhaled
-Physical attacks do little or no damage
- Air Purification magic does damage
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage

Cumulous Malice(aka Malicyte Cloud, Deth-Cloud)
This is the most powerful (known) physical manifestation of the AirElEv. Appears as a dark thunderhead, the color of dried blood.
Size: 4d6x100 ft radius
Speed: MPH
-Acid Rain (SDC damage similar to the acidic vapor of the cyborg chemical spray)
-Poison Water---Open bodies of potable water become temporarily poisoned if touched by the Malicyte Cloud; anybody drinking from the tainted water must save vs lethal poison or. This effect is relatively short-lived; after the passage of the Cumulous Malic, the water retains its poisonous properties for only 4d6 minutes before evaporating, but instead of a fresh-washed rain smell, there is a lingering smell of death and corruption left behind.

PsychoNimbus(aka ‘Demon’s Breath’)
This is a manifestation of Air Elemental Evil, and takes the form of a roiling off-color cloud of thick smog that rolls close to the cloud like war-gas, Those who breath the cloud must save versus magic or be struck with berserker madness and murderous rage.
The passage of a PsychoNimbus over a community can result in wholesale chaos and death as the residents turn on each other.
Size: 4d6x100 ft radius
Effect: Those who breath in the vapors of the cloud must make a save versus magic or be struck with a berserker madness that lasts for 1d4x10 minutes, even after the cloud has left.

CryoNimbus(aka ‘Cold Spell’)
The cold side of Air Elemental Evil, this takes the form of a low fog-like bank of cloud-vapor that rolls across the landscape, flashfreezing whatever it rolls over.
Size: 2d6x100 ft radius
Effect: Those caught in the area of the cloud must make a save versus lethal poison or suffer the ravages of hypothermia

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:37 pm
by kronos
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:[

Yeah, I'd love to see what ideas you've got, and I'd be happy to help with anything you might be stuck on.

Okay, I’ve prefaced this with the original post by 89er and followed it up with what I’vs done so far/re-interpreted it as


Elements of Evil(aka Elements of Corruption)
(Inspired by 89er)
Hello to all, I have been away but observing and bring you the potential escalation of the BlackSteel, with your blessings.

Blacksteel was only the beginning, its origins of an elemental evil imbued into a metal that corrupted all that it touched. Some would see this as just another example of the Megaverse spitting up another threat to life, but others more In tune with the elements knew this was only a harbinger of future danger. A small task force of Techno wizards, warlocks, and assorted others investigated this ElEv (Elemental Evil) and others like it. Their studies took them to the trenches of the very Elemental planes where elemental were being sacrificed to keep a dying dimension alive. Amidst the violence, sings of Blacksteel was present but there with other ElEvs that stalked the battlefields. Pools of organic matter that moved like dancing oil, radioactive Techno wizardry constructs that drained life, and breezes that slipped between ears bringing madness. These other forces seem to have a connection with the Blacksteel entity as those ElEvs also hail from the astral void, just a different jurisdiction.
With the Minion war across the Megaverse, it is possible that the other entities have made their way to Rifts Earth and are slowing spreading their influence. Below is a brief, but not finalized summary of the missing three in this quartet of elemental evil.

Water ElEv: DreadFluid, DreadSlick, CruelFluid, CruelSlick, or DireWash
Dark colored liquid of various viscosity that mutates and binds organic tissue into new amphibious creatures. Infects best with mortal creatures and physical supernatural ones. Makes new organism a great swimmer, capable of dimming lights.
Inspiration: Leviathan (1989), SOMA’s Structure gel, and body horror support beam The Thing (1982).

Fire ElEv: VileBurn or RuinBurn
Similar to Blacksteel in that it infects the inanimate, only the transmission is via energy transfer including powerpacks, reactors and other sources. It also infects arcane constructs and TW machines, draining heat, electricity, life and any other sources of sufficient power, leaving enough that turns victims into charred thralls. Often irradiates areas with radioactive and eldritch fallout.

Air ElEv: NoxAir orWoeAir
Most subtle of the three, this entity attacks minds to dissolve restraints and cause havoc. As fickle at the breeze, little is recorded of this force due to lack of records and evidence.
Gird yourselves readers, the future is going to be weird and destructive.


Liquid Evil----Water ElEv
DreadFluid, DreadSlick, CruelFluid, CruelSlick, DireWash, Oil of Evil
Appears as a cloud or slick of discolored or murky water.
*Against Tech
-Shorts out unprotected/unsealed machinery
-Can contaminate liquid cooling systems
*Against Organics:
-Poisonous to drink
-Can infect organic beings, in which case the victim takes on a bloated and discolored look like a drowning victim.
-Can flow into confined spaces
-Most physical attacks do little or no damage.
-Fire and heat-based attacks do HALF damage to Water ElEv
-Water purification magic can damage the evil
-Fire magic does full damage
-Freezing cold slows and even stops it
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage
-Seems to avoid larger bodies of water such as seas and oceans(perhaps due to the presence fo more powerful True Water Elementals in such areas?)

Mutaponds-Mutagen Scum
Mutaponds are a form of Water ElEv that typically takes up residence in a small body of water, such as a reservoir, water cistern, or pond, and takes the form of a cloud of black slime or scum.
Mutaponds are insidious in that they do not devour, they CORRUPT. Unwilling victims are transformed into hideous amphibious monsters that are often driven insane by their monstrous transformation. Those willing to serve a supernatural evil, more willingly become agents of the Mutapond in return for the transformation. Vulnerabilities:
Mutaponds can be attacked with water purification magic
Holy Water ---Holy water BURNS Water ElEv, causing it to bubble and boil on contact.
Mutapond Transformation:
Those drowned in Water ElEv must save versus magic at -3
-Deluged----Victims of the Mutapond who fail their save become known as the Deluged; grotesque frog-like beings in the thrall of the Water ElEv.

Love these.
Maybe some other creatures/corrupted beings have an ooze form or turn to mist/rain or summon poisonous/acid rain?

Flames of Evil----Fire ElEv
VileBurn, RuinBurn, BlackFlame
Suspected of having been accidentally summoned by corrupted Larhold Blue Flame magic, Fire Elemental Evil spreads by touch and consumes materials just like regular fire, but it has a number of attributes that make it supernatural.
Fire Elemental Evil is perhaps the most easily basished or destroyed of the Elemental Evils; it can drowned, suffocated, and deprived of fuel, but during its rampage, it is arguably the most destructive of the four ElEvs.
Often mistaken for Fire Elementals ; appears as raging fire. yet somehow off-color.

-Cannot be extiguished by ordinary fire control measures like water or halogen gas.
-Burning Touch
*Against Tech
-Can snuff out combustion-based technology, such as ICEs and jet turbines(cut speed by HALF, can still move by turbine action, but ramjets are snuffed out)
*Against Organics:
-Burn damage
-Can emit choking/mind-controling fumes
-Organic beings killed by direct action of the Flames can be raised again as flaming zombies(the Scorched)
-Physical attacks do little damage
-Can break down into long-lived smoldering embers to survive.
-Needs to keep burning/consuming to survive
-Water-based magic /psionic attacks do DOUBLE damage
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage

The Burned are zombie-like beings made from living(and unwilling) sacrifices to the VileBurn amd resemble charred corpses(sometimes still smouldering, or lit from within by eldritch flames).
Burned NPC/Monster
Physical Attributes: P.S.(supernatural), P.P. , Spd.
Horror Factor:
Actions/Attacks Per Melee
Burning Touch:

Willing volunteers who allow themselves to be consumed by the flames in order to make a pact with the VileBurn become the Cindered, and can switch between human form and flaming lich at will. In human form they are characterized by having immense apettites(always seem to be eating), a tendency to smoke, smell faintly of burning, and have a black flame-shaped mark or scar somewhere on their bodies. They can serve as ‘living embers’ to transport the VileBurn.

BrainFire----A curse associated with Fire Elemental Evil, BrainFire takes the form of flames dancing on the victim’s head. The pain associated with the flames drives them to madness. Save vs magic at -2; on a failure

Corruption idea.. place a piece of the embers into a victim, not only carrying a piece of the evil, but slowly becomes something like a fire elemental, which can create more Burned?

Winds of Evil: AirElEv
NoxAir, WoeAir
Often mistaken for Air Elementals, Air Elemental Evil is arguably the most subtle and hard to detect of the four ElEvs. It is also the hardest to combat.
Typically appears as a darkening of the air, a thin dark vapor or mist, or gray fog.
*Turn Invisible

*Against Tech
-Blocks Radio
- Invisible to Radar
-Interferes with unshielded electrical grid(can get into unsealed transmission boxes and shorts them out).
-Chokes off air-dependent/air-cooled machinery(internal combustion engines are choked off)
*Against Organics:
-Respiratory failure
-Goes through simple filter masks/systems
-Causes Hallucinations, Madness if inhaled
-Physical attacks do little or no damage
- Air Purification magic does damage
- Holy Magic does DOUBLE damage

Cumulous Malice(aka Malicyte Cloud, Deth-Cloud)
This is the most powerful (known) physical manifestation of the AirElEv. Appears as a dark thunderhead, the color of dried blood.
Size: 4d6x100 ft radius
Speed: MPH
-Acid Rain (SDC damage similar to the acidic vapor of the cyborg chemical spray)
-Poison Water---Open bodies of potable water become temporarily poisoned if touched by the Malicyte Cloud; anybody drinking from the tainted water must save vs lethal poison or. This effect is relatively short-lived; after the passage of the Cumulous Malic, the water retains its poisonous properties for only 4d6 minutes before evaporating, but instead of a fresh-washed rain smell, there is a lingering smell of death and corruption left behind.

PsychoNimbus(aka ‘Demon’s Breath’)
This is a manifestation of Air Elemental Evil, and takes the form of a roiling off-color cloud of thick smog that rolls close to the cloud like war-gas, Those who breath the cloud must save versus magic or be struck with berserker madness and murderous rage.
The passage of a PsychoNimbus over a community can result in wholesale chaos and death as the residents turn on each other.
Size: 4d6x100 ft radius
Effect: Those who breath in the vapors of the cloud must make a save versus magic or be struck with a berserker madness that lasts for 1d4x10 minutes, even after the cloud has left.

CryoNimbus(aka ‘Cold Spell’)
The cold side of Air Elemental Evil, this takes the form of a low fog-like bank of cloud-vapor that rolls across the landscape, flashfreezing whatever it rolls over.
Size: 2d6x100 ft radius
Effect: Those caught in the area of the cloud must make a save versus lethal poison or suffer the ravages of hypothermia

These are nice. What about an ability similar to the Sand/Cloud armours the Shemarrians have, but poisonous/acid cloud, more potent?

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:50 am
by SolCannibal
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

I have a whole section for Titan Robotics waiting to be filled in on a massive set of charts for kit bashing new robots for Shemarrian Tinkers...

Speaking of Shemarrians gone wild, fall of Archie and exploiting bits of the Doomtoasters' know-how to uplifts one tech, i'm struggling with some questions about the Kittani that i would like someone familiar with the Mechanoid Invasion books to talk about.

Was in a thread about how long can a spaceship model in the 3 Galaxies be expected to serve before going from "state of art" to "current", "dated" or "mercy, mothball this poor thing already", degrees of technological advancement & etc and along the way the matter of the Kittani supposed "technological stasis" of 38.000 years under the Splugorths' service poped in my mind.

But how fair or not is that assessment really? How does the Kittani hardware we see - mainly in Rifts, but later on also in Phaseworld - stands up to or even fits with the technology of the many civilizations of the Mechanoid Invasion-verse? Is there some connection, reminiscence, similarity or they seem like something of an odd duck, far more in synch with Rifts Earth or whatever in style than their supposed dimension of origin?

What was gained, what was lost, what just turned weird because the writers were more interested in excuses for high-tech space apes than actual cross-setting consistency? :P

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 4:19 pm
by kronos
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

I have a whole section for Titan Robotics waiting to be filled in on a massive set of charts for kit bashing new robots for Shemarrian Tinkers...

Speaking of Shemarrians gone wild, fall of Archie and exploiting bits of the Doomtoasters' know-how to uplifts one tech, i'm struggling with some questions about the Kittani that i would like someone familiar with the Mechanoid Invasion books to talk about.

Was in a thread about how long can a spaceship model in the 3 Galaxies be expected to serve before going from "state of art" to "current", "dated" or "mercy, mothball this poor thing already", degrees of technological advancement & etc and along the way the matter of the Kittani supposed "technological stasis" of 38.000 years under the Splugorths' service poped in my mind.

But how fair or not is that assessment really? How does the Kittani hardware we see - mainly in Rifts, but later on also in Phaseworld - stands up to or even fits with the technology of the many civilizations of the Mechanoid Invasion-verse? Is there some connection, reminiscence, similarity or they seem like something of an odd duck, far more in synch with Rifts Earth or whatever in style than their supposed dimension of origin?

What was gained, what was lost, what just turned weird because the writers were more interested in excuses for high-tech space apes than actual cross-setting consistency? :P

I have to re-read the Mechanoid Invasion books again, and Atlantis 1 and 2..

But on the subject of how long a ship can serve? Well that depends on a lot of factors.

Let's look at this example..

Say Earth built the most advanced ship possible, it has cannons that deal 5d6 MD, can survive 10 shots from such a weapon before being considered critically damaged, can move at Mach 5.
At the time this is the most advanced war ship. This can serve for years, even decades as "advanced", but becomes current when the technology to make that cannon becomes cheap and easily produced that not only warships are fitted with that gun, but even civilian ships can carry them, the same armour technology is used to fit civilian craft. and now this technology is current or common.
At that point, the new war ships may be fitted with railguns with triple the range, even lasers, with weapons dealing 1d6x10 MD, and could survive dozens of the new weapon hits before considered critically damaged, and has speeds up in Mach 5.
Old would be when those 1d6x10 weapons are replaced with ones dealing up to 5d6x10 or greater, with better range. the 1d6x10 are considered point defense or less.

So it boils down to how long it takes for the advanced tech to become easy to make and cheap enough that any joe average can walk into a dealership and get one without breaking the bank, and how long newer technology surpasses what was state of the art.

Lets look at some real world examples..
The car.. Let's look at the Volkswagon Golf.. when it came out in 1974 I think, it wasn't advanced, but made use of readily available tech, and upper level models maybe had some 'higher tech' (FM radio instead of a-track as an example).
The 1974 model would sell for maybe up to 5 years before considered older, as newer versions would have better equipment, faster, etc. Then look at a 1985 version compared to the 74.. better interior, radio, probably faster and more fuel efficient. relatively cheaper or same equivalent price to the 74 version just better. that same 74 model is outdated, as the 85 version is much better.
Now look at a 2020 VW Golf.. FAR better equipment, faster, way more fuel efficient, more OPTIONS, and that's the base model. that 74 model is now what you'd want to mothball. not worth even maintaining as it's hard to get parts for, the fuel it would require is harder to obtain.
So looking at the Golf, the original model is outdated within 10-15 years, mothball status within 20-30 years. and currently WHY do you still have one running?!

But then if you look at something like the VW Beetle.. even though it's stupid old, you can find ones over 20 years old still running around. They're tough, surprisingly easy to fix at times, and just keep going. So some stuff that is outdated can still be around active as it's just able to keep going, even if a little pricier to maintain than brand new, but you have less cost to train for new craft and build them.

Another example would be our computer technology.. it slowly advanced from the 60s to 80s, then started taking huge leaps in the late 80s into the end of the 90s/early 2000s where it was basically advancing by a decade every year, then plateaued early 2000s. We're still seeing advancements, but not as many as fast. Now it's more creating them more efficiently, cheaper, smaller.
Software is seeing more advancements with AI than the hardware itself currently. Today a computer that is over 10 years old is considered to be ancient and used by only a small number of people.
It all comes down to how fast the tech is made cheap, widely available, and how much better the new thing is.. it can be a few years, it can be decades.

Car tech isn't hugely advanced in the last 20 years, just better efficiency, alternative fuels, and automation, materials for safety, internal improvements that don't really affect the 'car' itself but improved creature comfort inside.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 4:43 pm
by SolCannibal
kronos wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

I have a whole section for Titan Robotics waiting to be filled in on a massive set of charts for kit bashing new robots for Shemarrian Tinkers...

Speaking of Shemarrians gone wild, fall of Archie and exploiting bits of the Doomtoasters' know-how to uplifts one tech, i'm struggling with some questions about the Kittani that i would like someone familiar with the Mechanoid Invasion books to talk about.

Was in a thread about how long can a spaceship model in the 3 Galaxies be expected to serve before going from "state of art" to "current", "dated" or "mercy, mothball this poor thing already", degrees of technological advancement & etc and along the way the matter of the Kittani supposed "technological stasis" of 38.000 years under the Splugorths' service poped in my mind.

But how fair or not is that assessment really? How does the Kittani hardware we see - mainly in Rifts, but later on also in Phaseworld - stands up to or even fits with the technology of the many civilizations of the Mechanoid Invasion-verse? Is there some connection, reminiscence, similarity or they seem like something of an odd duck, far more in synch with Rifts Earth or whatever in style than their supposed dimension of origin?

What was gained, what was lost, what just turned weird because the writers were more interested in excuses for high-tech space apes than actual cross-setting consistency? :P

I have to re-read the Mechanoid Invasion books again, and Atlantis 1 and 2...

Same here, know that feel... (so many books, so little time)

kronos wrote:But on the subject of how long a ship can serve? Well that depends on a lot of factors.

Let's look at this example..

Say Earth built the most advanced ship possible, it has cannons that deal 5d6 MD, can survive 10 shots from such a weapon before being considered critically damaged, can move at Mach 5.
At the time this is the most advanced war ship. This can serve for years, even decades as "advanced", but becomes current when the technology to make that cannon becomes cheap and easily produced that not only warships are fitted with that gun, but even civilian ships can carry them, the same armour technology is used to fit civilian craft. and now this technology is current or common.
At that point, the new war ships may be fitted with railguns with triple the range, even lasers, with weapons dealing 1d6x10 MD, and could survive dozens of the new weapon hits before considered critically damaged, and has speeds up in Mach 5.
Old would be when those 1d6x10 weapons are replaced with ones dealing up to 5d6x10 or greater, with better range. the 1d6x10 are considered point defense or less.

So it boils down to how long it takes for the advanced tech to become easy to make and cheap enough that any joe average can walk into a dealership and get one without breaking the bank, and how long newer technology surpasses what was state of the art.

Lets look at some real world examples..
The car.. Let's look at the Volkswagon Golf.. when it came out in 1974 I think, it wasn't advanced, but made use of readily available tech, and upper level models maybe had some 'higher tech' (FM radio instead of a-track as an example).
The 1974 model would sell for maybe up to 5 years before considered older, as newer versions would have better equipment, faster, etc. Then look at a 1985 version compared to the 74.. better interior, radio, probably faster and more fuel efficient. relatively cheaper or same equivalent price to the 74 version just better. that same 74 model is outdated, as the 85 version is much better.
Now look at a 2020 VW Golf.. FAR better equipment, faster, way more fuel efficient, more OPTIONS, and that's the base model. that 74 model is now what you'd want to mothball. not worth even maintaining as it's hard to get parts for, the fuel it would require is harder to obtain.
So looking at the Golf, the original model is outdated within 10-15 years, mothball status within 20-30 years. and currently WHY do you still have one running?!

But then if you look at something like the VW Beetle.. even though it's stupid old, you can find ones over 20 years old still running around. They're tough, surprisingly easy to fix at times, and just keep going. So some stuff that is outdated can still be around active as it's just able to keep going, even if a little pricier to maintain than brand new, but you have less cost to train for new craft and build them.

Another example would be our computer technology.. it slowly advanced from the 60s to 80s, then started taking huge leaps in the late 80s into the end of the 90s/early 2000s where it was basically advancing by a decade every year, then plateaued early 2000s. We're still seeing advancements, but not as many as fast. Now it's more creating them more efficiently, cheaper, smaller.
Software is seeing more advancements with AI than the hardware itself currently. Today a computer that is over 10 years old is considered to be ancient and used by only a small number of people.
It all comes down to how fast the tech is made cheap, widely available, and how much better the new thing is.. it can be a few years, it can be decades.

Car tech isn't hugely advanced in the last 20 years, just better efficiency, alternative fuels, and automation, materials for safety, internal improvements that don't really affect the 'car' itself but improved creature comfort inside.

Good points and i overall agree. You might think of reposting that part here, in fact.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:10 pm
by kronos
SolCannibal wrote:
kronos wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:I noticed still a few older Titan robots with no corrupted versions, so there's one while waiting for the new book.

I have a whole section for Titan Robotics waiting to be filled in on a massive set of charts for kit bashing new robots for Shemarrian Tinkers...

Speaking of Shemarrians gone wild, fall of Archie and exploiting bits of the Doomtoasters' know-how to uplifts one tech, i'm struggling with some questions about the Kittani that i would like someone familiar with the Mechanoid Invasion books to talk about.

Car tech isn't hugely advanced in the last 20 years, just better efficiency, alternative fuels, and automation, materials for safety, internal improvements that don't really affect the 'car' itself but improved creature comfort inside.

Good points and i overall agree. You might think of reposting that part here, in fact.

I'll have to take a look at some point.
But something g that pushes some technology advances is war.

Using WW2 as example, weapons tech jumped, aircraft propulsion, sensors aka radar was invented, communications also improved, and medical advancements, all had huge improvements.

Nothing drives advancements like stopping a more powerful opponent, or one that has some advantage, or preventing people from dying. Natural disasters can help in medical, sensor and even architectural sciences (buildings to survive earthquake, tornadoes, etc)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:02 pm
by taalismn
Here's an idea in passing: A Mystic Kuznya of Aberrant alignment gets ahold of enough BlackSteel to figure he or she can put it to use, believing that there's no metal, magic or mundane, that Man/Kuznya cannot master and put to use.
The Kuznya figures he's got a surefire way of blending/assemblingBlackSteel with other metals, such as Holy/sanctified metals and materials in such a way as to balance out the evil properties of BlackSteel without destroying it in mutual annihilation. With the more insidious qualities of BlackSteel held in check, its other properties can be safely harnessed and exploited.
Of course, this is akin to thinking that one can turn a murderous psychopath into a willing public servant by harnessing them with an explosive collar...It might work for a while, but ultimately it's going to blow up in everybody's faces.
Still, for a while, it's going to look like the Kuznya's onto something, and the 'blended' BlackSteel weapons and armor sell quite well...until, of course, it all goes bad....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:58 pm
by kronos
taalismn wrote:Here's an idea in passing: A Mystic Kunzya of Aberrant alignment gets ahold of enough BlackSteel to figure he or she can put it to use, believing that there's no metal, magic or mundane, that Man/Kunzya cannot master and put to use.
The Kunzya figures he's got a surefire way of blending/assemblingBlackSteel with other metals, such as Holy/sanctified metals and materials in such a way as to balance out the evil properties of BlackSteel without destroying it in mutual annihilation. With the more insidious qualities of BlackSteel held in check, its other properties can be safely harnessed and exploited.
Of course, this is akin to thinking that one can turn a murderous psychopath into a willing public servant by harnessing them with an explosive collar...It might work for a while, but ultimately it's going to blow up in everybody's faces.
Still, for a while, it's going to look like the Kunzya's onto something, and the 'blended' BlackSteel weapons and armor sell quite well...until, of course, it all goes bad....

This had me thinking of the series Dexter.. murderous psychopath doing good.. sure it'll kill 5hose demon raiders, but now you have to deal with your Blacksteel blended power armour eventually becoming sentient and using you to fuel its own version of a demon blood/bone gun... oooh... there's an idea for Blacksteel unit/weapon
this sounds like a really neat way to introduce Blacksteel to new areas and spread unchecked for awhile until someone really notices.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:42 am
by taalismn
Yah...and the Kuznya, though anybody else would regard him as Evil, because he considers himself honorable, actually thinks he's doing good by doing the sorts of things other folk won't, because of fear and moral squeamishness. NECESSARY things. And 'taming' the big bad BlackSteel is an innovative shortcut to creating the sort of world the Kuznya is willing to sacrifice for.
The Kuznya ultimately comes off looking like the Operative from Serenity; an educated driven, zealous believer in his cause who kills people left and right, while claiming remorse for such actions, but regards them as wholly necessary in creating the sort of world where people like him aren't necessary.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:54 am
by SolCannibal
taalismn wrote:Yah...and the Kuznya, though anybody else would regard him as Evil, because he considers himself honorable, actually thinks he's doing good by doing the sorts of things other folk won't, because of fear and moral squeamishness. NECESSARY things. And 'taming' the big bad BlackSteel is an innovative shortcut to creating the sort of world the Kuznya is willing to sacrifice for.
The Kuznya ultimately comes off looking like the Operative from Serenity; an educated driven, zealous believer in his cause who kills people left and right, while claiming remorse for such actions, but regards them as wholly necessary in creating the sort of world where people like him aren't necessary.

So obsessed with the prize at the end paying off for all the losses that one forgot long ago that it's all a big gamble those dreams and hopes are hanging on....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:59 pm
by taalismn
SolCannibal wrote:
So obsessed with the prize at the end paying off for all the losses that one forgot long ago that it's all a big gamble those dreams and hopes are hanging on....

...and that one is creating or facilitating more monstrousness than they are putting down....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:40 pm
by SolCannibal
taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
So obsessed with the prize at the end paying off for all the losses that one forgot long ago that it's all a big gamble those dreams and hopes are hanging on....

...and that one is creating or facilitating more monstrousness than they are putting down....

The Operative bordered on psychotic self-delusion in his level of self-denial beside the evidence of how wrong he was - evidence he was even more familiar with than the Serenity crew, might be said.

Now the Kuznya, i guess how twisted he or she would be will depend on what each GM will have it doing in game vs stuff that results from its works through others' actions, that it might be aware of to varied degrees.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:34 pm
by taalismn
Auto-Shot Gaunt---Gun Vambrace
“The shot grouping makes for some -ugly- effects on swarms. I’ve seen Xiticix charges stopped head-on by rapid-fire all-barrel blasts.”

“Remember; keep your hands and fingers straight; even with the interrupter sensor gear on the barrels, you don’t want to risk losing any fingers when you’re in full burst mode.”

This is a rather heavy wraparound forearm vambrace holding a six-barrel auto-reloading, 12-gauge shotgun weapon. The ASG is belt-fed from a magazine drum carried on the hip or back.
The ASG was supposedly put together by a Steel Gaian Tinker to take advantage of locally-available shotgun ammunition, but the schematics were offered up through the general EShemarrian share-web network. Most EShemar find the weapon cumbersome, but both Clan Armorand and Clan Vespa have taken a liking for it for dealing close range ‘room sweeper’ damage against swarming enemies.
The ASG can be used by non-Shemar, though it is not recommended for anyone other than cyborgs or exceptionally strong d-bees.

Weight: 7 lbs. A hip drum holding 36 rds weighs 8 lbs, a backpack drum with 180 rds is 35 lbs.
MDC: 40
Range: Varies(see below)
Damage:(12 Gauge)
*Standard Shotgun shell--100 ft range, 5d6 SD
*Standard Buckshot shell---100 ft range, 4d6 SD to 5 ft area
*Tear Gas shell---100 ft range, 25 ft radius---victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 initiative, lose 1 melee attack/action, for the next 1d6+1 melees
*Baton shell---100 ft range, 2d6 SD, plus humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174).
*S-9Dex Incapacitation Munition ---100 ft range, Essentially a paper-shelled shotgun shell-sized gas-propelled 'cold rocket', packed full of taser beads. Beads powder on impact, reducing the chance of bystanders or incoming police stepping on undischarged beads. Great for crowd control and dealing with closed-space situations(alleyways, rooms, vehicle interiors, etc...)
Effective Range: 100 feet, w/ 20 ft radius
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 60% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
*High Explosive Armor Piercing Shell---400 ft range, 6d6 MD(no blast radius)
*Mini-Grenade(plasma)--- 400 ft range, 5d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
*Mini-Grenade II(Fragmentation)---400 ft range, 2d4 MD to 10 ft blast radius
*Standard HESH Shell---400 ft range, 2D4 M.D. plus 4D4 S.D.C. to the person(s) inside of EBA power/body armor & roll versus knockdown (14)
Rate of Fire: Bursts of 1-6 shells, ECHH
Penalties: Rather cumbersome and heavy; users without a P.S. of 15 or better will be -1 to strike and -2 to parry with the arm wearing the weapon.
Payload: 6 in the barrels, 36 rd hip magazine, 180 rd backpack drum
Special Features:
*Interrupter Gear---This senses if the wearer’s hand or fingers are in the way of any of the barrels and stops firing until the line of fire is clear.
Cost: 13,000 credits on the Black Market; rarely available

A four-barrel variant using 23mm ‘finger’ grenades each doing 2d4 MD to a 10 ft area, at a range of 600 ft, is also reportedly in the prototyping stage.

SJ-Rig Accessory Powered Exo-armor
(aka ‘Spider-Jumper’, ‘Spider-Jaeger’, ‘Scuttle-Jumper’)

“Another example of Mother Nature providing the best starting point for a new mechanical predator.”

“ werrryyyy qwiuet; we’re hunting spiny wavager today!”

“Walls present no barrier to these things; they either climb up, jump over, or blast through them.”

This is actually an accessory exo-armor rig that increases the operator’s mobility and firepower.
The SJRig has a heavily-armored abdomen supported on four robotic legs. Each leg conceals powerful spring-actuators, shock absorbers, and a plasma jet booster. Two sub-armatures flank the open cockpit seat at the front, and mount heavy energy cannon. A set of ordnance pods are attached to the sides of the abdominal pod.
To use, the operator sits down and plugs into the frame at the front, though linkages in their spine. A waist clamp-belt locks around their midsection and two armored sleeves lock around their legs.
The SJRig doesn’t offer much armor protection, but does mount an impressive amount of firepower; two large particle beam cannon and a pair of high-capacity mini-missile launchers provide heavy ranged firepower.
In addition to manual control, the SJRig has a limited ability to operate as a semiautonomous drone.
The Spider-Jaeger has proven popular with Clan Vespans assaulting fortified Bee-Girl hives, using their heavy firepower to open up the hives to more mobile attackers. After seeing the rigs in action, the Skullcrushers made the Vespans an offer for the templates, leading to the ‘Skull-Spider Rig’ appearing in limited numbers with the ‘Crushers.

Type: CVsp-SJRig
Class: Accessory Combat Exoframe
Crew: One gynoid, android or cyborg
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 180*
Leg Sleeves(2) 60 each
Pulse Cannon(2) 70 each*
Mini-Missile Launchers(2) 50 each
Legs(4) 75 each

*The operator benefits from the partial cover afforded them by the main body and flanking cannons; attacks from the back and sides are -5 to strike the pilot, even on a called shot.

Height: 4 ft, but can raise and lower on its legs as much as an additional 4 ft
Width: 4 ft, legs can extend out another 4 ft
Length: 6 ft, legs can extend out another 4 ft
Weight: 900 lbs
Cargo: Small compartment in the abdomen large enough to hold a survival pack and a few small personal possessions.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 30.
Powerplant: Nuclear Powercell w/ 10 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 80 MPH
(Jumping) 50 ft up/across standing jump, 600 ft up/across w/ plasma jet assist
(Flying) Not possible, but can use the plasma jets on sustained burn to hover up to ft up for 2d4x10 seconds.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrian Nation; not for sale.
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Optical Systems, plus Infrared, Low-lite, Laser Targeting/Distancing.
*Basic Robot Audio Systems
*Motion Detector--- 100 ft range
*Radio--- 90 mile range
* Cyberlink----An appropriately equipped ‘bot or cyborg can directly link to the SJRig and operate it as if it were an extension of their own body; no manual controls are needed, leaving the hands free for other tasks. Has the following bonuses:
- +3 Actions/Attacks Per Melee
-+1 Strike, Dodge, Parry, and Roll
*Drone Mode---In drone mode, the SJRig has the following bonuses:
- 4 Actions/Attacks Per Melee
-+1 Initiative
-+2 Strike, Dodge, Parry, and Roll
-Programming: Climbing 98%/60%, Land Navigation 94%, Radio: Basic 94%, Detect Ambush 60%
*Molecular Adhesion Pads---Allows the Rig to cling to surfaces and even hang upside down, provided the surface can handle the added weight of the ‘rig.
Weapons Systems:
1) Pulse Cannon(2)---These are twin heavy particle beam rifles that can tear into targets with atomic fury.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Mini-Missile Launchers(2)----Each holds 12 mini-missiles, for a total of 24.

3) Extra Capacity Ammunition Drums(1-2)--The SJRig can carry, slung one on each side, ammunition drums for handheld/mounted belt-fed weapons such as machine guns, rail guns, and grenade launchers. Flame-throwers and chemical sprayers can also be carried and supplied in this manner.

4) Melee Combat---The SJRig offers limited melee combat combat capabilities:
Swat/Punch w/ Gun Barrels 1d4 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Leap Kick/Pounce/Tackle(counts as two attacks) 1d4x10 MD

5) Plasma Jets(6; one on each leg, two on the abdomen)---The leg and abdomen plasma jets can be used as short range incendiary weapons, sending sets of plasma flame into a target. This is especially effective if dropping on a target from above.
Range: 5 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD each, 12d6(or 1d6x10+12) MD for all six jets playing on the same target(counts as two attacks).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

Depending on the mission profile, the most often changed items are the cannons and mini-missile launchers, being swapped out for alternate weapons.
If sustained firepower isn’t an issue, but explosive bombardment is, the particle beam cannon can be swapped out for something like the Shemarrian copy of the Coalition CCT-M20 mini-missile rifle(12 mini-missiles), complete with coaxial light laser(2,000 ft range. 2d6 MD per shot), and a bayonet(1d6+1 MD) fitting under the barrel.
Other alternatives include a brace of RG-14-LX ‘Baby Boom Guns’, LC-33 Long Range Variable Frequency Laser Cannons, 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher, Heavy Flamer, Ion and Plasma Cannons.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:41 pm
by taalismn
Gilloc Grodek
(aka ‘Merzilla’, ‘Grod’, ‘Super-Newt’, ‘Sea-Gorilla’)
“I first saw the Grodek on Aerthlast; those big merzillas were tearing into the Qowoth like they had a personal grudge. Maybe they did; supernaturals get all sorts of funny things in their heads the rest of us don’t, and maybe the grods got some sort of metapsychic ‘f###-you vibe going with the Q-woth. Anyways, they were definitely in a ‘take no prisoners’ mood because there was chum fying all over the place.”

“I don’t know if those big fishmen are the Gilloc equivalent of really clever apes or if they’re a stage of the Gilloc life cycle as I’ve heard some people speculate. What I do know is that they’re STRONG and relentless. Intrude on their territory or get in their way when they’re on the warpath and they’ll hit you like a rogue wave.”

The Gilloc Grodek is a new caste-class SGen developed by Clan Sheley at the behest of their Gilloc Sgen, who wanted a heavier tribe-member sub-class to assist in labor and military actions.
The Grodek resembles a larger, more muscular, Gilloc, with a proportionally larger head, more barrel-like torso, and a thick tail. They possess am energy-projection organ on a stalk growing from the forehead. Their facial features look more streamlined and blunter, and they lack many of the accessory fin growths on the shoulders, the fins moving to the back and spinal ridge.
Grodeks are not considered an Elite as much as a useful subcaste. They come across as more simpleminded than the average Gilloc, or perhaps idiot-savant. This is an act, however, as Grodek can be as sklled as their smaller kin, though with more of a focus on labor and resource-gathering. Their apparent simple-mindedness also doesn’t adversely affect their perception, aggression, or combat reflexes.
Though grodeks have had little contact with land-dwellers, they’ve been observed enough to generate various rumors(some of which have been unapologetically started by the Gilloc themselves). The most common rumor is inspired by several features held in common with the larger Zitheron warmount, which is rumored to be a mature Gilloc female ‘great-mother’ The grodek, it is suspected, are immature or failed Zitherons...or else are Gilloc hermaphrodites, possessing enough female maturation hormones to grow to larger size, but held back back by their male genetics. Other rumors are that the grodek are a earlier less-evolved cousin-line of the Gilloc, like gorillas or neanderthals. Given their rather mute demeanors and the fact that grodek are rarely seen without Gilloc supervision, it is also rumored that the giant fishmen are autistic mutants, the result of flawed hatchings. The truth is, of course, that the Gilloc simply had a heavier and stronger robot frame built that could carry more armor and power.
Grodek are typically found in Gilloc communities doing heavy labor, excavating caverns, hewing timbers, harvesting undersea crops, gathering materials, and weaving fibers into rope, typically under the supervision of regular Gilloc minders. Despite their ‘simplemindedness’ and apparent consignment to menial labor(or combat), Grodek all possess artistic talent, expressed in purely decorative flourishes in their stonework, scrimshaw, woodwork, and weaving. To all appearances, they seldom say much, seem to have a limited vocabulary, and usually communicate with hand signals and nonverbal grunts and squeaks(in reality they are in constant communication with their fellow Gilloc).
In combat, grodek are typically formed into shock formations, armed with simple melee weapons, or heavy weapons like belt-fed rocket-torpedo guns or large bore shotguns, or wield heavy shields to cover smaller Gilloc troops.
Grodeks first appeared in the ranks of the Gilloc on Rifts Earth, undergoing trials before the type began appearing in greater numbers offworld on the Aerthlast campaign.

Type: Shemar Gilloc-Grodek
Class: Robot Android, Amphibious Operations
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 75 each
Arms(2) 200 each
Legs(2) 300 each
Head 200
Energy Organ 60
Main Body 600
Tail 300
Height: 10 ft with crest fully raised, 9 ft with crest fin down
Width: 4 ft at shoulders
Length: 4 ft
Weight: 1.2 tons.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 40, PP. 20, P.B. 2d4.
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms or strapped to harness-webbing
Running: 75 MPH
Jumping: 15 ft up/across, increase distance by 10 ft with a running start in excess of 40 MPH.
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Can swim at 20 MPH, maximum depth 2.2 miles.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 120 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Depth Gauge---Gilloc/Grodeks have an integral sense of pressure and depth.

*Adjustable Buoyancy----Gillocs/Grodeks can actively adjust their own buoyancy through special artificial swim bladders and flotation mechanisms inside their bodies.

*Mini-Sonar---Gillocs/Grodeks possess miniaturized active sonar, w/ 2 mile active range. Note that the active ‘click’ of this system can be detected by others with sonic sensors. To avoid detection, Gillocs will use passive senses.

*Passive Sonar---Grodeks have excellent underwater hearing. +2 initiative in the air(+4 underwater), +1 parry, +2 dodge.

*Acoustic Stealth----The same rubbery false-flesh covering baffles the Gilloc/Grodeks against sonar systems; has only a 20% chance of appearing on sonar detection systems.

*Damage Resistance---Underlaying the false-flesh is a layer of protective insulation that cushions the ‘bot from physical attacks; punches, kicks, blunt blows, bullets and concussive shock do HALF damage.

*Suction Cups----The fingers and toes are lined with small adhesion pads for clinging to watercraft and rocks, or climbing up coastal cliffs and the sides of ships.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---The ‘laser stare’ is an increasingly popular feature of many Elites.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single blast, 4d6 MD from both eyes simultaneously
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +2 to strike (in addition to any other bonuses)

2) Chemical Sprayer---Typically set to release a cloud of sense-confusing ink or repellent chemical into the water around the Gilloc/Grodek. The system can also be used to coat the Gilloc in contact poisons(good for getting large predators to leave the Gilloc alone) or spray their surroundings with incapacitating chemicals.
Range:(Spray) 50 ft, covers a 10 ft area
(Skin Mist) Typically 5-10 ft around the android, depending on local air conditions
Damage: Varies by chemical used, but the Gilloc most commonly use a smoke-like synthetic ink for distraction purposes, or a reactive luminescent solution(especially effective in the dark abyss). Yet another favorite is ‘sonic alka-seltzer’, which hisses and bubbles on contact with water, spoiling sonar fixes. When they can, the Gilloc will attempt to acquire supplies of Splugorth ‘gill clog’, typically from the stocks of Horune pirates.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 doses of up to 5 different chemicals

3) Retractable Claws
Range: Melee
Damage: +2d6 MD to a punch or kick

4) Vibrospines---The back, elbows, and legs of the Grodek are lined with retractable vibrospines hidden in the fins there, that can extend to deliver painful raking wounds on opponents.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 per single spike, but a body slam, tackle, or arm lock does 3d6 MD.
Some Gilloc will have silver-plated spikes to do extra damage to supernatural foes. or will even apply toxins to the quills to poison any raking cuts.

5) Megadamage Bite---Grodek possess a much larger and more powerful jaw than the regular Gilloc, and can thus deliver a more devastating bite.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD per bite

6) Thrasher Tail---This is a larger and more powerful version of the Slasher Tail ‘mutation’ available to the regular Gilloc.
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD slash, +1 strike/parry.

7) Ion ‘Gland’---What looks like an anglerfish’s bioluminescent ‘bait’ organ on the end of a stalk sprouting from the forehead is actually an combination flash-blinder and ion projector.
Range: (Blinder Strobe) 60 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area as a weapon, 100-200 ft as a flashlight.
(Ion Blaster) 1,500 ft in air and underwater
Damage: (Blinder Strobe)Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees.
(Ion Blaster) 4d6 MD. or can do 2d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

8 )(Optional) Use of Handheld weapons---Grodek can pick up and use handheld weapons,. They can even use basic firearms and energy weapons.

Programming/Skills:(Neural Intelligence)(*Ecotroz Awakened)
-(General)(Basic Military Combat)
Climb 96%/86%
Underwater Navigation 94%
Land Navigation 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Military Etiquette 96%
Radio: Basic 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
W.P. Paired Weapons(6th level)
W.P. Blunt(6th level)
W.P. Sword or Knife(6th level)
W.P. Rifles(6th level)
W.P. Energy Rifle or Heavy M.D. Weapons(6th level)

Swimming 90%
-W.P. Shield(6th level)
-W.P. Net(6th level)

Excavation 85%
Mining 90%
Salvage 80%
Masonry 80%

Ropeworks 88%
Carpentry 85%
Whittling & Sculpture 75%(+3% per level of experience*)
Art 55%(+5% per level of experience*)

- W.P. Ancient
FIVE of choice, all at 6th level. Typically set choices consist of Axe, Spear, Net, Trident, and Grappling Hook

-W.P. Modern
FOUR of choice, all at 6th level. Typically set choices include Torpedo and Harpoon/Speargun.

FOUR, at 88%

-Elective Skill Program--Can select an extra skill program from Military(Support, Physical,Communications Basic) or Non-Military(Specialized Heavy Labor, Mining, Technnical: Rescue, Technical: Commerce, Communications: Literacy(any), Technical: Resources).

Can also learn 3 Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
Initiative + 3 initiative in the air(+5 underwater)
Dodge +4 (+5 running, +7 underwater)
Parry + 5
Strike +2 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2(+3 underwater)
Pull Punch +2
Disarm +1
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Bite 3d6 SDC or 2d4 MD
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch 2d6 MD(counts as two attacks)
Claw Strike 3d6 MD
Head Butt 1d4 MD
Kick 3d8 MD
Leap Kick 3d6 MD
Karate Kick 5d8+6 MD(counts as two attacks)
BodyBlock/Tackle 2d4
Crush/Squeeze 2d4+15 SDC per attack

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:08 pm
by SolCannibal
taalismn wrote: Qowoth(Invasive Amphibious Fishmen)
Believed to be an offshoot of the Grouqan, the Qowoth are a race of amphibious piscine humanoids who favor deep oceans, but are perfectly able to venture on land to hunt. Possibly at the advice of the dark gods/alien intelligences the Qowoth worship, as a cure to the deformities common to the Grouqan reproductive cycle, the Qowoth implant their fertilized eggs to brood in the bodies of warm-blooded mammals, with humans(and humanoids most like them) being the preferred hosts. The absorbed PPE also enhances the magical abilities of the Qowoth offspring, through the process is almost always fatal to the host. Thus as part of the ceasefire agreements on Aerthlast, the Qowoth have demanded(and gotten) regular human sacrifices delivered to them.
The Qowoth on Aerthlast claim that they are an ancient race that preceded the evolution of the humans, though outsider evidence suggests the former are only relatively recent arrivals, having likely dimensionally-gated into the planet’s deep oceans 600-800 years ago at the earliest.

Kind of curious about how the Grouqan clans would feel about this singularly mutated and dark gods/alien intelligences-worshipping branch of their people - supposing the two groups even see each other as related still, that is - , considering how their degenerative/mutating condition came to be through the invervention/punishment by Gods of Darkness.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:08 pm
by taalismn
SolCannibal wrote:[
Kind of curious about how the Grouqan clans would feel about this singularly mutated and dark gods/alien intelligences-worshipping branch of their people - supposing the two groups even see each other as related still, that is - , considering how their degenerative/mutating condition came to be through the invervention/punishment by Gods of Darkness.

The Grouqan, being allout nasty bastards in their own right, would consider the Qowoth the same way the Chicago mafia might consider the Detroit organized crime families; possible rivals, possible allies...all on the former's own terms. The more conservative Grouqan would consider the Qowoth heretics for cutting a deal with a different(?) set of dark gods, while the more liberal would be wondering if they couldn't cut a similar deal or if a similar method would work for them.
Either way, their neighbors lose....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:34 pm
by SolCannibal
taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Kind of curious about how the Grouqan clans would feel about this singularly mutated and dark gods/alien intelligences-worshipping branch of their people - supposing the two groups even see each other as related still, that is - , considering how their degenerative/mutating condition came to be through the invervention/punishment by Gods of Darkness.

The Grouqan, being allout nasty bastards in their own right, would consider the Qowoth the same way the Chicago mafia might consider the Detroit organized crime families; possible rivals, possible allies...all on the former's own terms. The more conservative Grouqan would consider the Qowoth heretics for cutting a deal with a different(?) set of dark gods, while the more liberal would be wondering if they couldn't cut a similar deal or if a similar method would work for them.
Either way, their neighbors lose....

Many ways it could go depending on individual clan or alliance of them that learned of their "cousins" & their particular arrangement, i guess.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:49 pm
by kronos
Some magical equipment/weapons developed by the Wayfinders..

ESSPA PP-14 Stone Thrower
This heavy pistol looks like a heavier ESSPA PP-01 or modified ESSPA PP-12ca, with a large heavy barrel that appears to be made of stone. In addition to the ammunition clip, power capacitor, a PPE clip is added to the rear of the weapon. The ESSPA PP-14 Stone Slugger can fire normal ammunition, it can also fire magically conjured stones are railgun speeds that can damage creatures vulnerable to stone and magic as the stones contain traces of magic that make them mega damage structures.

M.D.C. of the Weapon:
Weight: 15 lbs
Range: 2,000 ft
(DU/U Rounds) 1,500 ft
(Stone Thrower) 500 ft*
Damage: 1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 5d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, plus human and human-sized targets must make a roll on a twenty-sided, at -6, to match or surpass the Shemarrian’s ‘to strike’ roll. A successful roll means the target is only staggered(lose initiative) by the heavy round’s impact, while failure means the target is knocked off their feet, flung 8-10 ft, lose initiative and 1 APM, and HALF all combat bonuses for the rest of that turn. Power armors, full conversion cyborgs, robots, superhuman and supernatural creatures are +6 to save versus knockback/knockdown, but lose initiative from heavy round strikes.
(Fletchette) A shotgun-style ‘streetsweeper’ round that does 1d4x10 MD at ranges of 500 ft or less, 3d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, but to a 20-degree wide cone of effect, due to the ‘spray’ of high-density needle-fletchettes. No knockdown effects.
(DU/U Rounds)1d6x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 6d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, plus possible radiation damage/effects from the DU/U-rounds. Same knockdown effects apply.
(Incendiary Round*)1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 4d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, but spatters a thermal-chemical/phosphorus tracer mixture that does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melee rounds(immersion in water does NOT put the fire out), plus an 80% chance of setting combustibles on fire. Same knockdown effects apply.
(Silver Round*)1d4x10 MD at ranges of 600 ft or less, 4d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, plus possible silver poisoning damage(5d6 HP) to supernatural creatures. Same knockdown effects apply.
(Wood Round*) 5d6 MD at ranges of 400 ft or less, 2d6 MD out to 2,000 ft, 6d6 HP to vampires and other supernatural beasts vulnerable to wood. Same knockdown effects apply.
(‘Serpent’s Kiss’ Nanite Round**) 6d6 MD at all ranges, plus 3d6 MD damage per melee, for 1d4 minutes. Can be set to dissolve only metal, plastic, or other specific substances. No knockdown effects.

*These rounds are considered too fragile to be effectively used in a regular rail gun rifle. If used, they do only 1d4 MD at all ranges, and in the case of the Incendiary Round, incendiary effects are reduced to 25%.

**Exclusive to the Sapphire Cobras.
Stone Thrower A magically conjured stone that is launched at railgun speeds that is magically charged, dealing 5d6 MD, double damage to creatures vulnerable to earth/stone, and can damage targets that can only be damaged by magic weapons, but at half damage.

Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 12 rd clip, PPE clip 12 rounds.
In the hands of a Shemarrian or full conversion NeShemar, the weapon recharges by handheld induction at a steady rate without any interruption in power flow. Used by anybody else, the capacitor has enough power for 18 shots before the battery drains.
Bonuses: Integral laser sight adds a +1 to strike
Note: The weapon is NOT designed to allow for the attachment of a bayonet.

Fireblast Gauntlet
These standard gauntlets are modified to accept a PPE power pack, the laser barrel has a fire opal in it, instead of firing laser it releases a blast of magical mega-damage flames like the Fireblast spell, with copper wiring in the shape of fire runes. The Wayfinders developed these gauntlets for use against supernatural creatures vulnerable to magic and magic. They traded these with the Blood Riders for resources so they could develop other new weapons. Usually used in pairs, although some warriors will use one Fireblast and one regular gauntlet for flexibility.
M.D.C. of the Weapon: 50
Weight: 5 lbs
Range: 50 feet long 1 foot wide for Fireblast, the claws are melee only
Mega-Damage: Fireblast: 3d6 MD. Claws 3d6 MD per swipe or stab.
Rate of Fire: each fireblast or claw strike as one melee attack.
Payload: PPE power pack provides 20 blasts, or wearer can pump 8 PPE for 1 blast.

Force Driver Harness
The Force Driver is another weapon harness system developed for warmounts, that are close to the size of the Monst-rex, developed in the last quarter of the Minion War . This harness mounts four Wayfinder built TW force cannons, after reverse engineering those built by Stormspire. These cannons have a Shemarrian design aesthetic, with longer barrels that helps increase the range. The TW force cannons are fed by a Wizard level PPE Powerstone generator, providing ample PPE to allow the four cannons to fire repeatedly.
The Force Driver harness is designed to fit warmounts like the Monst-Rex, rhinobuffalo and similar sized warmounts, up to another 10 feet in length and 5 feet in width, so even warmounts like the Incindar can make use of the harness.

Weight: The harness mounting and weapons adds 700 lbs
Range: Per TW force cannon 2000 ft
Damage:Per tw force cannon 1d6x10 MD (3d6x10 MD at a ley line). So a full simultaneous volley of four shots (fired as one attack) can do 4d6x10 MD (12d6x10 MD at a ley line).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, and in gun-volleys of 1-4 simultaneous shots.
Payload: Each TW force cannon pulls from the single Sorcerer PPE Powerstone with a total of 400 PPE, recharges at 14 PE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a ley line. 100 PPE/hr on a nexus.
Penalty: The only downside of the added gear is its encumberance; a warmount carrying Force Driver Harness loses some agility; -2 to dodge and roll, and reduce maximum running speed by 10%.. The rig also has the drawback that to aim, one aims the warmount, so the weapons rigs have only a +2 to strike.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:39 pm
by taalismn
Opkali Combat Infantry Drone(Silver Moons)
(aka ‘Eye-mer’, ‘Glare-trons’)

“The Chor’ii must have thought they’d finally scored big when the newcomers landed and marched out in mass-formation to meet them; finally the canni-bears had a solid massed target to hit. Only their mortar shells and rockets began exploding in mid-air, and their tactical fliers began going up in smoke. And even though the newcomers took losses, appalling losses in some cases where massed artillery finally broke through, they just kept coming. And Chor’ii frontliners began combusting. At some point the Chor’ii must have realized they were dealing with a shagoon-style situation and they weren’t facing walking meat, and tried to bug out before the drones got to them up close and personal, but by then it was too late. Once up among them, the Opkali set to work depopulating Evales of a substantial number of invasive species.”

“A proper field deployment of warmounts, opkali, and defensive troops creates defense in depth; walls of light to intercept projectiles and airborne attackers. The same walls should be able to be lowered and become massed spears of light to sweep the field of battle.”
---- from The (Unofficial) Silvermoons Tactical Handbook, an e-publication of suspect origin making the rounds of the Tribes’ neshemar.

“I do not always agree with the use of simple-minded drones to do a warrior’s work, but when all that particular work does is dull a warrior’s blades and patience through tedious repetition, then it is not war, it is pest extermination. Under such conditions I wholly approve of the use of appropriate tools, including myrmidons.”
---Holli Shadowbreaker, Silvermoons Chieftainess

Dedicated myrmidon-class robots are rare in the Eshemar ranks, the Awakened A.I.s preferring Warmounts and E-animals for their ‘cannonfodder’(as such) roles, but they DO exist. Most myrmidons are improvised from the robot drones of others, as in the case of the Silver-Skulls made from Coalition State Skelebots, but circumstances arise that require the EShemar to build combat drones. The HorrorWoods of Evales for instance, were forced to develop the Shagoon as a means of countering the Chor’ii hordes that were overrunning that gardenworld. And it was a Silvermoon contingent rushing to relieve the embattled defenders of Evales that devised the Opkalis. Forced by local space/time conditions in the Ender’s Cluster to proceed at slower FTL speeds than they’d have liked, the relief forces were still able to pick up signals from Evales, albeit time-shift distorted by the same conditions that hampered contra-gravitic FRL. While this prevented quick arrival of reinforcements, it did allow the oncoming relief columns time to modify their equipment and tactics to better deal with what they would be facing when they arrived at Evales. This included the manufacture aboard the Silvermoon taskforce’s logistical support ships of a new type of combat drone.
The Opkali is a humanoid robot, with a heavy-set angular body and a distinctive large spherical head. Sensors are actually concealed in the high collar holding the head sphere, and the ‘backpack’ backside of the ‘bot features a pair of fold-out sensor dishes for better aiming of the Opkali’s signature weapon. While the Opkali can pick up and use regular infantry-scale weaponry, its main built-in weapon is a large eye-laser, seconded from Warmount spare parts.
The Silvermoons, who developed ‘walking laser battery’ phalanx-style infantry formations as a way of concentrating firepower, meant the Opkali to ideally move in large formations, using shared targeting data to intercept incoming projectiles and aerial attackers, and burn them from the air with their powerful lasers. The large eye laser eats power at a prodigious rate, but the Opkali’s powerpack is easily swappable for fresh modules if and when they run low on energy.

Basic programming is fairly spartan and appropriate for mass-marching spear-carriers, though additional programming can increase the versatility of the Opkali to become better at operating semi-autonomously in the field and carrying out such tasks as preparing defensive positions.

Opkali have rather bland, basic personas; they are not great conversationalists by any stretch of the imagination and are fairly limited in their conversational repertoires to giving tactical updates, personal systems status, and situational reports and warnings. The Silvermoons rarely Awaken Opkalis with the Ecotroz essence, seeing them as expendable assets. Those that are, are typically personal guards or assigned as officers overseeing special unAwakened myrmidon formations.

The Opkali has so far seen only limited combat against its original intended foes, the Chor’ii, as the Silvermoon contingent has just arrived in the Ender’s Cluster combat zone, but the design templates have already been passed on to the Silvermoon home-Tribe, and from there has become public knowledge to the rest of the Shemarrian Nation. A number of refinements to the design have already been suggested.

Type: Shemar Opkali
Class: Robot , Infantry
Crew: Robot/Artificial Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 20 each
Arms(2) 50 each
Legs(2) 65 each
Head 80
Sensor Dishes(2) 20 each
Main Body 180
Height: 8 ft
Width: 2.8 ft
Length: 2 ft
Weight: 1000 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear w/ 10 year energy life
Physical Attributes: Robotic PS. 32, PP. 18.
Cargo: Only what can be carried in the arms or belted to the waist
Running: 50 MPH
Jumping: 10 ft up/across standing job, 16 ft up/28 ft across w/ running start
Flying: Not possible
Underwater: Limited to walking alog the bottom at MPH, maximum depth tolerance of 2,000 ft.
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Locking Joints---Opkali can lock themselves in place to present a more stable firing platform or a more difficult obstacle. Equivalent to P.S. 40.

*Phalanx Combat Data Link---Stealing an idea from the Wolf’s Path, the Silvermoons have set up similar local network systems that allow massed infantry formations to use their close proximity to share combat data and respond to tactical situations like a single coordinated organism; they enjoy a +1 to Initiative, +1 to strike, and +3 to Perception as long as they are in line of sight of each other.

Weapons Systems:
1) Head Laser(1)---This is a Large Warmount Eye Laser on a spherical housing where the ‘bot’s head would normally be. This affords the weapon a wide arc of fire.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD for a pulse burst(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike; +2 to strike with both sensor dishes operational(combined with the base ranged weapon bonus for a total of +5 to strike)

2) Forearm Vibroblades(2) ---Each forearm mounts a retractable vibrosaber blade.
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD

3) (Optional) Use of Handheld Weapons---The Opkali can pick up and use infantry-scale weapons. Energy weapons benefit from possible induction-link to the Opkali’s own powerpack.

4) (Optional) Self-Destruct---The Opkali drones deployed to Evales could be fitted with a nasty modification to their coolant system; a self-destruct charge that would first leak poisonous laser coolant, then go off in an incendiary fuel-air explosive, completely destroying what remained of the ‘bot and any Chor’ii troops in the immediate vicinity. Chor’ii veterans of shagoon attacks have learned to avoid Shemarrian dead on Evales for good reason.
This package is not usually fitted to examples deployed in other Siilvermoon enclaves.
Damage: (Poison fumes) Leaking coolant forms a cloud roughly 60 ft wide before dissipating. SDC beings breathing the coolant fumes have to make a roll versus lethal poison or take 2d6 Hit Point damage per melee of exposure.
(Explosive) 6d6 MD to 25 ft blast radius

Programming/Skills:(Robot/Artificial Intelligence; IQ 15)
General Repair & Maintenance 80%
Intelligence 85%
Land Navigation 94%
Language:(5) 94%
Mathematics: Basic 98%
Military Etiquette 96%
Pilot: Boat, Motor 86%
Pilot: Hovercycle 92%
Radio: Basic 94%
Weapons Systems 90%
Hand to Hand: Expert
(6th level)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Blunt(+3 strike/parry, +1 Throw)
W.P. Sword (+4 strike, +6 parry)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy MD Weapons

-Ancient Weapons(6th level)
W.P. Spear(+3 strike/parry, +2 Throw)
W.P. Polearm(+3 strike/parry, +1 Throw)
W.P. Staff(+2 strike/parry, +1 Throw)
W.P. Axe(+3 strike/parry, +2 Throw)
W.P. Shield( +2 strike, +3 parry)

-Modern Weapons(6th level)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Handguns
W.P. Flamethrower
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons

-(Optional) Military Intelligence
Camouflage 80%
Detect Ambush 75%
Detect Concealment 68%
Intelligence 90%
Land Navigation 96%

-(Optional) Labor/Combat Engineering
Camouflage 80%
Excavation 85%
Fortification 85%
Demolitions & Demolitions Disposal 85%
Pilot Truck 90%

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative + 1
Dodge +5
Parry +6
Strike +4 (+3 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +2
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d4 MD
Kick 2d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 4d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 1d4 MD

*Laser Upgrade---While the examples deployed to Evales were essentially prototypes and first-gen models assembled from off-the-shelf spare parts, more refined versions produced later have benefitted from the Silvermoons’ expertise with laser systems. Upgrading the eye laser would be an obvious step, especially for point defense phalanxes and guard detail units. The range of the eye laser is increased to 5,000 ft, and damage is now 5d6 MD per blast and 1d6x10 MD for a pulse burst.
Other laser upgrades would include variable frequency capability and scatter-shot area-of-effect lenses.

*Laser Replacements----Replacing the eye-head laser with another type of energy weapon has also been considered. Possible swaps would be ion, particle beam and plasma weapon types, several candidate types being listed below:
a) Ion Projector(aka ‘Shok-eye’)
Range: (Ion Bolt) 3,000 ft
(Spray Bolt)1,500 ft and affects a 15 ft wide area
Damage: (Ion Bolt) 1d6x10 MD per single bolt
(Spray Bolt) 4d6 MD to a 15 ft wide area
On a Natural 20(Critical Strike) the ion weapon does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Particle Beam(aka ‘Rad-eye’)
Range: 3,200 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD to an 8 ft wide swath
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Plasma(aka ‘Red-eye’)
Range: (Plasma Shot)2,500 ft
(Plasma Scattershot) 900 ft
(Plasma Mini-Torpedo) 3,200 ft
Damage:(Plasma Shot) 1d6x10 MD
(Plasma Scattershot) 6d6 MD to 20 ft wide area
(Plasma Mini-Torpedo) 1d4x10 MD to 18 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire:(Plasma Shot) ECHH
(Plasma Scattershot) ECHH
(Plasma Mini-Torpedo) Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Laser-Reflective/Resistant Armor----Mirror-chrome is typically reserved for guard detail units, but less obvious laser-resistant armor types are possible. Lasers do HALF damage to units so equipped. The units developed on the way to Evales largely lacked laser-resistant armor, so as to save on resources and because the Chor’ii were not known to make much use of infantry laser systems(despite having examples from the early outworlder exploration crews they captured and devoured).

*Integral SNARLS PPE Sensor System ----The result of trading with other Tribes, this paranormal sensing gives the ‘bot the ability to detect supernatural beings and activity. The sensor has a 200 ft range(out to 400 ft with 50% error in determination), 60-degree arc, and can detect invisible entities. Other penalties similar to the Japanese SNARLS system(on which it is based.....see Rifts: Japan, pg. 116).