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Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:18 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Iczer, you are a legend.

Why thank you. That will look good on my resume :-)

Well, from the little I have described.. what do you think?

I'm thinking maybe this looks a lot like the Mystic china version of chi entities. (Pick it up if you are unfamiliar with it. It's a good book).

How about: [Rough guide follows]
Plasmic entity
The character is not a flesh and blood being, but rather a creature made from otherworldy matter, from ectoplasm and willpower so to speak.

Step one: The usual. Roll IQ, ME and MA Normally. By default the character does not posess any other attributes.
Step Two: HP and SDC. The character does not posess any of these either, except when creating a mortal shell.
Step three: the powers of the plasmic being.
* Select type of plasmic being [Chi based, PPE based, ISP based, energy based]
* Chi based entities start with 2d4x10 CHI as a reserve, which is designated as being positive or negative. Positive chi characters lose 1 chi per minute in places of negative chi, while negative chi entities lose 1 chi per minute when exposed to places of positive chi. Entities of Chi (both types) lose 1 chi per minute when away from a vital planet (such as outer space)
*Chi based entities may fly in any form they posess, at a speed equal to twice their ME.
* Mortal shells made from chi energy gain a bonus to PS, PP, and Spd equal to the background chi in an area. (This is inverse for creatures of negative chi)
*Can form a mortal shell for 25 Chi. a mortal shell posesses 1 major or 2 minor powers, an SDC of 40, a PS and PP of 4D6 a PB of 4D6 and a spd of 3D6. Extra SDC can be invested into this shell, gaining +3SDC per chi invested. This shell is clothed and represents a typical human shape (though will appear exotic). Invested CHI points do not recover until the body discorporates (see below). forming a mortal shell takes 2 minutes. The mortal shell lacks a PE score, and as such is immune to poisons, fatigue and other torments of a human body.
*Skills. Chi entities posess HTH martial arts and 3 ancient weapons skills. they select an additional 8 skills from Rogue (+15% on prowl) technical (except computer skills) wilderness (+10%) Domestic (+20%) and physical (No increase in attribute bonuses). they also select 8 secondary skills.
* Shapeshift: The chi entity may reform his features at will. this does not allow him to duplicate another specific individual though, and costs an investment of 5 chi
*Discorporate. At will, the character may discorporate, to recover his invested chi. when discorporated, the character is an invisible being, with the consistency of air. When discorporated, he is unable to move through objects, and can be trapped in an area by cunning uses of feng shui. He loses 1Chi per round in a negative chi area, and cannot reform or discorporate in an area filled with negative chi. (The inverse is true for negative chi characters). when discorporate, the character cannot interact with mortals without the use of telepathy, and even then he is treated as being only able to see the life force of objects (he will also be as deaf as a post)
*Chi recovery: the chi entity can recover uninvested chi at arate of 4 per hour (plus the background chi rating) when discorporate, chi recovery is doubled.

*PPE Entity starts with 2d4x10 PPE as a reserve. PPE entities are composed of magic energy,and as such thier natural attacks are treated as magical attacks, even when in their mortal shell. PPE entities take 6d6 damage to SDC when in mortal shell or to PPE base when subjected to any effect that dispells magic, and cannot enter any anti magic zones.
*Can form a mortal shell for 25 PPE. a mortal shell posesses,an SDC of 25+4d6, 6d6+PE HP, a PS, PP and Spd of 3d6 and a PB and PE of 4D6. This shell is clothed and represents a typical human shape. PPE invested in this manner recovers at normal rate. The PS is considered extraordanary, except when within a mile of a ley line, where it is superhuman. forming a mortal shell takes 2 minutes.
*Skills. PPE entities posess 7 skills from science and technical at +15%. They also posess HTH basic, and 8 secondary skills.
* Powers: The PPE entity posess 1 major 1 minor power or 3 minor powers. each use of a power costs 2 PPE from it's reserve (for powers that have no listed or implicit duration, a use is up to 20 minutes long, or until cancelled) a PPE entity may trade a minor power for 3 spells from levels 1-5. such a spell is cast as a normal action, by force of will, and needs no guestures or incantations.
*Discorporate. At will, the PPE entity can discorporate, and must do so when his HP are depleted. When discorporate the character can choose to enter the astral plane or to stay on earth. In the astral plane the character reforms his body, but has no need for SDC (PPE relaces that trait). If he remains on earth, he is an invisible floating mist, visible only by sensitives, children and animals and beings who can see the invisible. as a PPE plasm, the character can move through walls (but not force fields) but has poor vision into our world,a nd is vulnerable to astral hazards like any other traveller.
*Recovering PPE. The character recovers PPE like a wizard does.

*ISP Entity. Character starts with 2d4x10ISP+ his ME attribute. in this isntance, he is floating ectoplasm. As ectoplasm, he is vulnerable only to magic and psionic attacks.
*Can form a mortal shell for 10ISP. a mortal shell posesses a PP and spd of 4d6, a PS of 3d6 and a PB of 4d6. ISP entities have a bonus of +4 to IQ, ME and MA. This shell resembles a typical member of his chosen species. Forming a mortal shell takes 2 minutes. The mortal shell lacks a PE score, and as such is immune to poisons, fatigue and other torments of a human body.
*Semitangible: The mortal shell has a variable consistency, and such a character may move through openings as narrow as a keyhole by pouring himself through. HE also takes half damage from purely physical attacks.
*Powers: The ISP entity posess one major or 2 minor power. alternatively he may instead have 1 super psionic and 3d6 lesser psionic powers.
*Skills. ISP entities posess 20 secondary skills, 3 of which enoy a bonus of +20%.
*Discorporate. At will, the character may discorporate. When dscorporate the character is either ectoplasm or is tangible on the atstral plane. On the astral plane the character is as he appears nwhen in a mortal shell, but enjoys a +6 to PS (extraordanary) +2 to PP and doubled speed. In the mortal realm ectoplasm is unable to affect the real world, but is intangible and invisible (save to sensitives, animals, children and those who can see the invisible). when discorporate they have limited senses and have difficulty seeing anything other than simple shapes. He must roll % dice underneath twice his IQ to make any meaningfull journey. He can appear to others while discorporated, appearing as a greenish, somewhat liquid human being, and may be mistaken for a ghost. when solid like this, the character can (poorly) communicate with others through a kind of rsapy voice.
* Recovery of ISP. ISP recovers at normal rates (Refer to Psychic chapters of HU2)

*Energy entities: Energy entities are real type of living energy form. Energy entities have a HP score equal to their ME, +1d6 per level. as energy, they are slightly warm to the touch and can choose to be vissible (appears as a luminous mist). as an energy entity the character enjoys a speed multiplier of x10 and may fly at this speed but is otherwise intangible.
Energy forms are vulnerble only to cold, psi and magic. energy that matches their own type does no damage, while other energy forms inflict 1/4 damage.
*the mortal shell: The energy entity can create a shell for it's essence so it may interact with mortals. This shape takes 2d4 minutes to form. a mortal shell of this type posesses 1 major 1 minor or 3 minor powers. The shell has an SDC of 1d6x10+10, a PS,PP,Spd and PB of 4d6. The shell cannot pass for a human form without an accompanying power. Instead it appears as a elastic, glistening humanoid form with cracks where the energy leaks away. The character may trade away a minor power for the ability to take human form. as an artificial structure without PEthe body is immune to poisons, fatigue and other torments of a human body.
*Skills. Posess the equivilant of high school education.
*Discorporate. AT will, the energy plasm being may shed it's skin and fly off, reatining all the advantages listed above in it's description. it will lose 1d6 HP every minute it is without some sort of containment shell or insulated room so it must reform quickly. The character can have as many 'spare' bodies lying around as his level for him to inhabit (and as it can take up to 8 minutes to form a new shell, this is very important to do)
*Recovery. Shells recover SDC at a rate of 1 per minute. discarded shells lose SDC at a rate of 1d6 per week. HP recover at a rate of 1d4 per hour.


At will, the character may discorporate, to recover his invested chi. when discorporated, the character is an invisible being, with the consistency of air. When discorporated, he is unable to move through objects, and can be trapped in an area by cunning uses of feng shui. He loses 1Chi per round in a negative chi area, and cannot reform or discorporate in an area filled with negative chi. (The inverse is true for negative chi characters). when discorporate, the character cannot interact with mortals without the use of telepathy, and even then he is treated as being only able to see the life force of objects (he will also be as deaf as a post)

to recover his invested chi. when discorporated, the character is an invisible being, with the consistency of air. When discorporated, he is unable to move through objects, and can be trapped in an area by cunning uses of feng shui. He loses 1Chi per round in a negative chi area, and cannot reform or discorporate in an area filled with negative chi. (The inverse is true for negative chi characters). when discorporate, the character cannot interact with mortals without the use of telepathy, and even then he is treated as being only able to see the life force of objects (he will also be as deaf as a post)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:21 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:The other plasmic entities you describe are cool.. but what happens when a Chi entity runs out of Chi, and what are the positive and negative areas of Chi?
What would the Chi be like in down town New York?
I'm guessing Central Park - positive.. NY Subway tunnel or Sewer - negative.. in a taxi cruising down the street - neutral?

Chi is from N&SS, and is can be sort of summarised in a rating from 1-5 (ish).
Anywhere above ground is has a chi rating of 1 (Positive), the reverse for underground places. Places of high natural power are 5 (Volcanos, rushing waterfalls etc.
So down town NYC would have at least 1, though some of the nasty slum areas could hover around 0 to -1
The subways are around -1, rising to 0 when at high activity periods (all that human life, plus a lot of positive chi can be channelled down there, deliberately or accidentally)
Sewers would be a negative 1, rising to negative 2 or even three in disused and decaying areas
The tops of skyscrapers have to be worth a 2, 3 in less polluted cities.
Heavy storms (above ground) tend to raise the local Chi in the area.

There are Chi expert on these boards that could be a better resource.

Anyway, thanks heaps for that.. please tell me you didn't write all of that from scratch after I posted last time.. man oh man, why have you not written a source book by now Iczer?
Those sixty+ powers you have written.. they are all worthy submissions to the Rifter you realise.. ie, worth some money when they see print?
Just saying..

Yes I did write it from scratch.

as for submitting to the rifter......I had actually never thought about it.

Who do I talk to?


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:22 am
by MrTwist
There's still more stuff I'm working on, but I figured I should participate even though I haven't been around lately. Some stuff may have been previously done, but I really haven't had the availability of access to check.

Acquired Immunity(major)
This super power allows the user to gain immunity to another's power for a limited amount of time. The time before the immunity fades is very large, allowing for the user to possibly still be immune on subsequent encounters, as long as they are within the time span. After enough encounters with the same individual's power, a permanent immunity is gained.
Duration: After immunity is acquired, it lasts for 1 week, plus another week at levels 4,7,11, and 14.
Requirements for Immunity: The person must be affected by a specific power once, successfully, before their super immune system kicks in. On the second successful attempt, roll percentile dice to determine if immunity is acquired. A roll of less than 25% means the attempt is useless and the user is immune to any further attempts to be affected by the power. If that roll fails, and they are affected a third time, a roll under 60% is required to gain immunity. On the fourth successful attempt to affect the user, they gain immunity to that power for the duration, also nullifying any effect it currently has on them. The maximum time between attempts before restarting the sequence for possible immunity is one hour.
Conditions for Permanence: If the user ever gains immunity to the same power on three separate occassions, they gain a permanent immunity to that power. Even if this power is somehow negated(such as by Negate Super Abilities), all permanent and temporary immunities return when the power is regained.
Notes: The power only protects against a specific opponent's powers. Other opponents with the same power can affect the user, with the same chances to gain immunities. If the power affecting the user has subpowers, only the specific subpower being used is what the immunity will protect from. If a foe uses a different subpower to affect the super being, then that subpower will work until an immunity is gained. This only gives immunity to powers which affect the user in some way(Yes, this includes Borrow Power and Negate Super Abilities); i.e. you can gain immunity to the APS: Plasma ability to damage by touch, but you still can't touch them because they are intangible. This power is always on until 7th level, at which point the character can decide not to be immune to a specific person's power, though all previous immunities can not be changed. Enhanced PS powers actually affect the person who possesses them, and not the person with this power, so an immunity can't be gained for them.

True Immunity: Psionics(major)
This is an extension of the minor power, giving the character complete immunity from the effects of psionics. Not only are they immune to psionic powers which give a saving throw, they are also immune to psionic powers and effects that directly affect them. Psi-swords do no damage, and even psionically generated armor and defenses are useless against their attacks. Fortunately for the psychics, their defenses are only useless if the attack by the user of this power is done with their bare hands. Psionic weapons will only do the normal damage for their type, and any extra damage or effects from psionics are useless. From bare handed attacks by this person, psionic-powered armor is only as useful as the material it's made out of. This person is invisible to all psionic senses, including Sixth Sense. Any psychic abilities to read the future will not see this person, and any attempts to object read this person's belongings will not show the person at all. Also, this person can't use any psionic powered device at all.

True Immunity: Magic(major)
This amazing power goes above and beyond the minor power, giving the person total immunity to magic. Not only effective against spells that have saving throws, any and all spells which directly affect the person are negated. Not only spells, but this also extends to magic weapons and armor. Melee magic weapons do normal damage for their type, and any extra damage or effects are useless. Magic ranged weapons that create energy are totally useless, though ones that use magic to enhance physical items still do damage for their type. Magic armor is only as useful(against bare handed strikes by the user of this power) as the material it's made from. This power makes the person invisible to any forms of magic detection or augury, including the triggering of magical traps or wards. Also, this person can't use any magical devices at all
Reduce HP and SDC by 30%.
Notes: In a Rifts setting, or any setting with a lot of magic, this power should either be unavailable or be the entire power set for the character. This power can't be taken or rolled if the person already has some kind of weakness to magic.

True Immunity: Super Powers(major)
This power makes the super being completely immune to any and all attempts by others to use super powers(even super abilities natural to alien races) on them. PS enhancing powers are also nullified, doing damage by unaugmented PS only.
Range: Self.
Duration: This power is either on or off, able to run continuously.
Penalties When Active: Unfortunately, this also negates any powers the user may otherwise possess. They are nullified when this power is active, only coming back when the power is shut off. This includes abilities gained through being a Mega Hero, Mutant, or Experiment.

Invisibility to Psionics(minor)
This power simply makes the super being invisible to any and all forms of psionic detection. This includes psionic items with sensing abilities. If the psychic can see the person with this power with their normal vision, or uses another normal sense to see them, then they can be affected by other powers possessed by that person normally. This also applies to any attempts to predict the future or see the past with psionics.
Notes: If this power seems to much for a minor power in your game, then either make it a major power or declare the user not able to use psionic items of any kind.

Invisibility to Magic(major or minor)
This power makes the person invisible to any magic spells that attempt to sense them, or any magic items trying to sense them. This includes the triggering of magical traps, wards, and circles; the person with this power walks right through them. If the mage can sense the character with any of their normal, non-enhanced, senses, they can affect them normally. This also applies to magical scrying or attempts to see the future.
Notes: In a Rifts setting, or any setting with a lot of magic, this power should be major. Otherwise, it should stay as a minor. If even being a major seems not enough, then make the user not able to use magical items of any kind.

Partial Invulnerability(minor)
This power gives all the benefits of the Invulnerability power(and all the conditions where it is less effective), only over a small area. This power can be gained more than once, each time covering only two body parts. For purposes of what is able to be granted such protection, the hand, forearm, upper arm, foot, calf, and thigh are all considered separate body parts. Also, each side is considered separate, so one use of this power could protect the left hand and right foot, right forearm and left calf, or any combination of two. Those are the only body parts able to be protected.
+4D6 to SDC

Directional Indestructibility(major)
This power can be completely amazing. A certain direction must be chosen when this power is first gained. As long as the opponent is attacking from that direction, and attacking that face of your body, you are immune to any and all physical damage. This includes psionic and magic attacks that cause damage, though things that otherwise affect you still work. If the opponent is in a certain direction, but their attack comes from/attacks a different direction, this power does not work. This resistance also works against magic weapons. Any area effect attack made by someone in the direction you are immune to is reduced to 3/4 of it's normal damage.
+2D4x10 to SDC
+2 PE

You create absolutely no sound. Basically, you can't be sensed by auditory senses of any kind. Sonar can't pick you up either for some reason. This extends only to you and things your personal equipment. If it leaves your hand, it makes whatever normal sound it would create. Large weapons, like machine guns, are only partially muffled. They make only a tenth as much noise as they would normally. Of course, you must be able to hold them and fire them in the first place. Other weapons, like rifles on down through pistols, make no sound from being fired. The only sounds they would make would be from the bullet passing by or impacting something. This power also completely muffles any sound you would make by crossing, at any speed, noisy ground. This does not have any affect on vehicles you are in, though skates and skateboards may be silent at GM's discretion.

Inhuman Condition(minor)
This strangely named power is actually a catch-all for various things you no longer need to do to stay alive. Each time this power is gained, pick a new part of being human you no longer need to worry about.
Becoming Addicted(yes, you no longer get addicted, physically or psychologically, to anything. This only pertains to future addictions, not ones you already have)
Getting Drunk
Waste Products(while you still may eat or drink, you never go to the bathroom. Don't ask why, it just happens)

Deaden Senses(minor)
This power allows you to turn off one or more of your senses. This does not cause an increase in the acuteness of your other senses, it only allows you to choose not to receive input from a specific sense. This can give you increased concentration due to a lack of other distractions to a task at hand, or make you immune to something affecting one of your senses.
+2 ME due to increased ability to concentrate.

Piggyback Senses(minor)
This odd power causes you to piggyback someone else’s senses. This is an all-or-nothing ability, meaning you see, hear, feel, touch, and taste everything the other person does. It is a good idea to be in a safe area when using this power, since you can’t sense anything around you.
Range: One person’s senses only. Maximum range they can go away from you is one mile, plus one mile at every even level. If they leave this range, your senses revert back to you.
Duration: You can only piggyback someone else’s senses for an hour.
Note: You must touch the person that will become your senses. If they have enhanced or weaker senses, you will also sense the at the same level. If they have various sense enhancing powers, you will experience whatever they are. This power only allows you to sense what they are sensing using the five basic senses; any additional senses they may have are unavailable to you.

Power Source(minor)
This is a simple power that allows the super being to become a living battery, able to power a wide variety of items. By holding an item, or touching it, it becomes fully charged. This can affect anything powered by electricity, nuclear energy, or other forms of energy. Items requiring a physical fuel, such as gas powered cars or stoves, can not be powered without their physical requirements. This can’t power items requiring ISP or PPE.
Duration: As long as the item is touched. The moment physical contact is broken, it stops working unless it has some kind of backup energy source.
Size Limit Maximum: Things as large as a sedan can be given power. Anything larger will not work, nor will smaller objects requiring large amounts of power. Power armor can be charged, but large robots are just too big.

This power allows the super being to unlock any locked object touched. The lock to be opened must be able to be touched, so locks out of reach stay locked(a door handle that locks on one or both sides can be unlocked from either side). Even large bank vaults or keypads will unlock with but a touch. Since this power is rather like forcing the lock open, any alarms that would result from improper opening procedures will activate normally. This can also open lids on objects that are tightened to the point where it’s almost impossible to open, or even pop off tops of beer bottles.

Skill Based Powers:
Skill based powers are minor powers that either enhance skills, give new special skills, or are otherwise tied into a characters skill selection.

Crack Pilot
This person has some sort of connection with a specific class of vehicle. When you get this power, choose one type; land vehicles, water vehicles, air vehicles, or spacecraft. Any pilot, or pilot related, skill the character has, or learns, dealing with that specific type of vehicle has a bonus of +20%. Also, choose one specific type of pilot skill within the chosen class of vehicle. This specific pilot skill can be increased beyond 98%. Also, given about 5 minutes to familiarize themselves with the controls of a vehicle they have never driven, they gain the ability to drive it at 35%, no bonuses applicable from any source. When they leave the vehicle, they forget how to drive it and must spend another 5 minutes getting used to it again.

Artistic Savant
This person has any art skill they currently possess, or learn later, at +20%. This includes writing, and various domestic skills like dancing or cooking. One specific skill, chosen when this power is gained, can be increase past 98%. Also, the person gains a special skill; Create Masterpiece.
Create Masterpiece: This special skill takes a long time for a successful use, sometimes requiring weeks to perfect. For larger works, multiple skill rolls may be required. Choose a specific type of art for this to be used for(like painting, sculpture, novel writing, ballet, or Japanese cooking). Successful use of this skill will create a work of art that could easily go down in history as one of the best. Your super powered talent has created something so beautiful, words fail to describe it. No bonuses can be applied to this skill from any other source; it goes by it’s percentage only. 21%+3% per level.

Grease Monkey
This person has a knack for any kind of mechanics, whether it’s fixing a car or repairing a damaged robot. They get a bonus of +15% to all mechanical or engineering skills. They can choose a specific skill that can be increased past 98%. Also, they gain the special skill; Fix Anything.
Fix Anything: Your ability with mechanical objects has extended beyond the level of mechanics most people learn. It almost seems like you can 'hear' what's wrong with a machine, and it gives you a lead on how to bring it back to it's original operating capacity. People with this kind of talent can even work on machines which are completely alien to their knowledge; it's still a machine, and it still 'talks' to them. 24%+5% per level. Alien machinery gives a -10% penalty. Technology based on magic is beyond the scope of this skill, unfortunately. This skill can be used on any machine, from the most simple to the most complex dimension jumping machines.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:24 am
by MrTwist
I forgot to add a note to the True Immunity powers that mention the fact that indirect uses will still affect the person with them. Therefore, if a psychic tries to Telekinetically lift a person with the power off the ground, it won't work. If they use TK to throw a car at them, it will.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:27 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:
Iczer wrote:Yes I did write it from scratch.

as for submitting to the rifter......I had actually never thought about it.

Who do I talk to?

I can help you edit the submission, then you print it out, a Blurb/overview page might help as well.. mailing it to Palladium .. the main Palladium web site has all the information you need, including legal info.
Be prepared to wait a long time though.. I mean it.. it can take years for your material to see print, if at all, and not many people hear back from Palladium.. material may just be put aside for possible inclusion at a later date with no confirmation one way or the other to the author.
I can say with some confidence though, that I think this material is a sure thing for printing.. hell, we might even establish a regular feature page in the Rifter (2-4 new powers per issue, with your 60+ powers alone, thats quite a few issues of the Rifter eh?).

Edit away. I'll give anything a shot. Thats how I got my first book published anyway.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:02 am
by MrTwist
Anyone actually been using these new powers in-game, or playtesting other people's creations? It would be interesting to see how they work out in a real gaming session. Maybe those who have used other people's powers in their game could post a bit of feedback on how things worked out.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:24 am
by dark brandon
Variable Weapon Minor power

Haha, your gonna defeat me, using a wiffle bat?

Any item the character holds can have it's damaged increased/decreased.

Duration: Requires 1 melee to charge and lasts as long as the item is held
Range: By touch only, or lasting 2 seconds (1 melee action)
Damage: Adds 1D6 every odd level. (1, 3, 5...ect) The character may also reduce the damage of any item he/she is holding by 1D6 per even level (2, 4, 6...ect).

Note: While the damage capabilities change, the physical proportions do not. Thus, items that are not weapons or do their physical portions change. The item may break after a few uses if not a weapon. Finally, yes, modern weapons and thrown weapons can have their damage increased temporarily, but once it strikes the ground, or is in the "air" for more than 1 melee action, it's damage reverts back to normal.

Vacillating Weapon Major

"You should be scared, I CAN hurt you."

This power allows any weapon held to sway from one type of damage to another, each with it's own special properties and results.

Duration: As long as item is held, but change from one type of weapon to another costs 1 melee.
Range: by touch only
Damage: Varies

Magic: The weapon being held becomes charged with P.P.E. of the character, and as such, is now considered a magical weapon. While being held, the weapon is indestructible, can fire a charged bolt once per melee round, and can damage creatures that otherwise couldn't be damaged with normal means. Once the weapon is released, it reverts back to a normal weapon. While it is considered magical, it cannot hit incorporeal creatures, passes right through them.

Charged bolt damage: 1D6 per level of experience.

Psionic: The weapon becomes infused with the ISP of the character, and becomes incorporeal, and lacks any real physical mass. While being held, the weapon bypasses armor and parry attacks and can damage incorporeal creatures as well such as astral travelers and Ghosts. The weapon does full damage to these creatures, but only does minor damage to corporeal creatures. Unfortunately, having no mass of it's own, it cannot be used to parry physical attacks.

Damage to incorporeal: Full damage (includes strength bonus)
Damage to corporeal: 1D6 or damage of the weapon, whichever is lower, with no strength bonus.

Other bonuses: +4 strike, +4 to parry, and while turned "on" can see the invisible, in total darkness (even un-natural darkness) at 50ft.

Physical: The weapon becomes infused with Chi of the holder, allowing the character to use this weapon with greater skill.

Bonuses: +3 strike, +3 Parry, +3 to pull. +1 Attack per melee with the weapon, and a critical strike on 18, 19. Triple damage on 20. Also, character penalties to parry gun shots, lazer blasts are reduced by 1/2.

Other bonuses:

+1 PP
+1 PS
+2 to roll
+2 Pull punch

PPE: 2D6 + PE. Add 1D6 per level.
ISP: 2D6 + ME. Add 1D6 per level.
Chi: Equal to PE. Add 1D6 per level.

Note: While it does not cost anything other than an action to switch form to another, the characters PPE, ISP and CHI are given for instances when they are drained of that type of energy. They need only 1 to actually charge any one of the powers, but if they have 0, that power becomes unavailable.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:57 pm
by Iczer
thagema wrote:
ZEN wrote:All I can do is encourage you to keep at it Thagema.. I have seen that you are capable of excellent writing, now I hope to see that you can put the effort in and make something of that talent.

Well thanks, but you don't need me when you have the Iczer writing for you. And since I haven't truly gamed in over a year, the well is pretty much dried up.


Thagema; you have to tap the well to make it dry. I find a period of Inactivity brings new ideas. Kepp plugging.

Besides, no matter how many apple pies I bring to the table, we still need someone to bring the cheescake.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:07 am
by MrTwist
thagema wrote:
Iczer wrote:Bah.

Thagema; you have to tap the well to make it dry. I find a period of Inactivity brings new ideas. Kepp plugging.

Besides, no matter how many apple pies I bring to the table, we still need someone to bring the cheescake.


Interesting analogy, but I hate cheesecake. :)

Anyway, if I'm not playing, then I can't get into the RPG grove I need to write material. Besides, the stuff you're writing is better than anyone elses and why should I try to compete with that?

Like I always say, let those that can, do. I'll just reap the benefits of your work.

I liked the stuff you had done, and it sucked to see you ask for it to be removed. If you have good stuff to share, why not?

Also, Zen, is it possible to grab a bunch of powers that have been created, package them all up, and send it off to the Rifter? Multiple writing credits and all that?

And, I still have a list of new powers I'm working on. I'm currently travelling around the U.S., and working to help pay for it, so I really haven't been able to put much time into it. That previous list took me awhile to put down and flesh out a bit. One of the powers I'm working on requires some info from a power in the main book, but I don't have my copy and am not exactly sure if I can ask for someone to PM me the text.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:55 am
by dark brandon
ZEN wrote:Darkbrandon.. yes, I know reality has little to do with super powers.. but those good ideas need a little more than rules mechanics to make them pass the grade.. you were on the right track with investing P.P.E and Chi.. how about expanding on that?
Add external sources? ("character must have weapon blessed, dipped in holy water, or otherwise sanctified".. "Character must run his fresh blood over the weapon..").. this action of charging it may involve others.. just like mages can have others invest P.P.E.; perhaps it just takes concentration, ritualistic actions and a little time to charge the weapon.

Well, leave out "requireing others". I'm very very against having a superpower that requires others to use. Being as that few other powers, if any require anyone else to "activate" them.

The investment of PPE/CHI was just fluff mechanics. I had contemplated just leaving that out, but then, I figured it really wouldn't make much of a difference.

I figured since you'd need a weapon to charge in the first place, as opposed to creating one out of the air would be balancing in and of itself. Can't really carry a katana around without being noticed.

I guess I could make it so he's required to charge the weapon with his PPE/ISP/CHI of 5 per activation, activation lastin 1 melee per level. Though, I do feel it would be somewhat unfair to whoever choose this, as someone could sit and fire an energy expultion all day without loosing it, while, someone with this power would be limited to what he could do per day.

though, I will change 1 aspect of it. It requires 1 melee (instead of 1 action) to charge.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:41 am
by MrTwist
Spacial Securing(minor)
This power secures an object in space, relative to a larger object. Once secured, it will not move under any circumstances. Depending on the strength of the object itself, it may destroyed, but it can not be moved by any force known to man(or alien). If the SDC of the object is reduced to 0, then the power ends. If the object to which it is secured moves, then the affected object moves with it at an identical acceleration and deceleration.
Range: The anchor must be within 30ft of the user, and the object to be secured must be touched. In the case of securing an object to a planet sized body, then the only limit is both user and object must be within the atmosphere of the planet.
Duration: One hour at first level, and an additional hour at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Weight Limit: The anchor must be at least 1000lbs for this power to secure something to it. The maximum weight of the object is equal to 5lbs per level of experience.
Limitations: Only one object may be affected by this power. If another object is secured to something, then the first object is no longer under the influence of this power. An additional object may be secured at levels 7 and 14.

Switch Grip(minor)
This odd power is a minor teleportation-type ability, limited to small items. When the person touches something small enough to be affected by this power, they can activate the power and the item is instantly in their hand. This can even be used on an object someone else is holding(a sword, a pole, a beer, the tv remote, or a gun). When the grip is switch, the object's default position is what is in your hand. So, for example, if you touched someone's sword and used the power, then the hilt of the sword would be in your hand.
Duration: Once switched, the object is now in your possession. Until, of course, someone takes it away.
Weight Limit: Up to one pound per level of experience can be teleported in this way.
Saves: Normal objects do not get a save versus this power. Magical or psionic objects can save at a 12 or higher to avoid being teleported in this manner.
Note: Use of this power takes up an action. Also, when you teleport the object into your hand, you can teleport it into either hand(or any hand, for those with more than two arms).

This power masks the user's superpowers, and other difference. For all scientific tests, they seem to be a normal member of their race. Even the most sophisticated of devices can not detect any abnormalities. This even applies, in a limited fashion, to magical spells and psionics that detect super powers.
Effects: The presence of super powers, psionics, or magical aptitude in this character is impossible to detect with technology. Also, magical spells and psionics(and super powers) used on this character will detect nothing wrong 25% of the time. At 6th level, that chance is increased to 65% of a chance nothing will be detected. At tenth level, no psionic, super power, or spell(even Spells Of Legend) can detect anything out of the ordinary.
Notes: This power does not protect against Borrow Power or stop someone with Mimic from copying their powers. At GM's discretion, though, the nature of this power could be strong enough to block those powers. If this is done, it should not be done at first level. A suggested level for this would be 7th level or so before it blocks others using those powers. If it is expanded to stop Negate Super Powers from affecting this character, then it should become a Major ability.

This is a shape changing ability that modifies the user into a common example of the majority of the population around them. Not only does this change their physical appearance, it also changes the way they speak. In time, the person with this power will seem like they were born wherever they are currently staying. Even others from the area will not notice the difference.
Duration: This power is always on. Only at 6th level can it be suppressed.
Range: This power takes into account the average populace of a community.
Effects: After one week in a region, the super being's accent will begin to change to match everyone else. Within two weeks, their physical features begin to change to start to match the majority of the surrounding population. At the end of one month, even people living down the street wouldn't be able to tell they were not born there.
Notes: Since this is a shape changing power, yes you can start to look like alien races. This is a superficial change, and you will never gain any kind of benefits beyond looking, and sounding, like the race. The power makes you change into the average individual of the surrounding population. If you stay in a small town, your accent and looks will obviously be from there. If you travel throughout a specific country, you will look and sound like someone born in the country, but with an unplaceable look or speech pattern(you are a combination of all the populations you've been travelling through). If you keep travelling through areas that have different general populaces from each other, you will not change because the power isn't able to find a common denominator(beyond being human, alien, etc..). You will only start to match the sentient beings in the area.

This power joins you and another person into a strange mental symbiosis. From the moment the bond is made, you start to know more about each other, and can even detect when things are wrong with each other.
Range: Generally, best results are within 100ft. Beyond that range, only general impressions of each other are known(general distance, direction, current emotional state, and general physical condition).

+10% to all skills shared by both members of the bond
+2 levels to all Weapon Proficiencies shared by both members of the bond

Bonuses(when within 100ft of each other):
+2 intiative when both are fighting the same opponent
+1 to strike, parry, and dodge when fighting the same opponent
Telepathically communicate with each other
Notes: Over time, your alignments will coincide, slowly slipping towards each other until you get to a midpoint. All bonuses apply to both partners in the bond. You can only bond a willing person, but the bond can be removed whenever you choose if you want to bond with another.

Figured I'd post a few of the other ones I've been working on. Like I said before, if someone else done them before, sorry. Haven't had the time to go through and check.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:52 pm
by Mr Scorpio
Hey guys. A power I've been thinking about lately is the ability to travel through solid objects. Basically the character would be able to merge his body with a car/building/etc. and travel through it and come out on the other side (or any point between). For example a character would be able to step into the outside wall of a building and step out of an interior wall on the 10th floor or on the roof or simply on the other side. It should even work on the ground (up to the range limit naturally). It would be less dangerous than Teleport (not having to worry about appering inside of something but with less range) and faster Intangibility (with out offering any protection from physical and energy attacks). Hopefully that made sense. Any takers?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:14 am
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:Hey guys. A power I've been thinking about lately is the ability to travel through solid objects. Basically the character would be able to merge his body with a car/building/etc. and travel through it and come out on the other side (or any point between). For example a character would be able to step into the outside wall of a building and step out of an interior wall on the 10th floor or on the roof or simply on the other side. It should even work on the ground (up to the range limit naturally). It would be less dangerous than Teleport (not having to worry about appering inside of something but with less range) and faster Intangibility (with out offering any protection from physical and energy attacks). Hopefully that made sense. Any takers?

Immersion. I wrote it and I think it just idled for a bit. It's on this forum.


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:48 am
by Mr Scorpio
Iczer wrote:Immersion. I wrote it and I think it just idled for a bit. It's on this forum.


Ah, so it's probably still sitting there waiting for me to find it? Cool, I'll look for it now. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:38 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:I think I have that.. it's part of the major power of Merging where the character can do more than just step into objects and out somewhere else..
Getting there.. just need to catch up on the editing..

Hh. Take your time man. My well is beginning to dry. Work has picked up a notch and I'm back to GMing 4 games a week now.

That said.....

Spastic power control[Major] By Iczer
"Your powers won't save you this time!."

The character is able to cause the super powers of others to rapidly fluctuate and surge to make life exceedingly uncomfortable while the effect lasts.
1) Single target attack: while targeting a single individual, the character need only acknowledge the target's presence. Targets need to be within 150 feet to be effective, and need to be identified. The target needs to make a saving throw 16+, ME bonuses apply or be afflicted by this effect for 2d6 melee rounds. a single atrget attack requies the use of 2 attacks
2) Area affect: alternatively, the effect can be centred on the character (he is immune) out to a radius of 30 feet (+5 feet per level). all in the area of effect must save (14+ ME bonuses apply) or be afflicted. Targets afflicted with this malady will suffer for 2 melee rounds, +1 extra round at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. The area affect requires 2 actions to complete.
3) Effects: The Victim of this effect no longer has control over his powers. there is a flat 50% chance of power failure every time an afflicted individual attempts to 'turn on' any single power. Worse, once per melee a random power activates (or deactivates as the case may be). If a power that is effectively 'always on' is turned off, it remains off until the character can spend 2 actions (and save vs 16, ME bonuses apply) to reverse it.
[Eg: Stonehenge (APS Stone, Earth control) has fallen victim to spasmodic's use of this power. every round the effect lingers, he has an equal chance of turning back to flesh or randomly activating an aspect of CEF: Earth. worse, every time he tries to use CEF: Earth, there is a flat 50% chance the effect simply fails (or does something unexpected)]
4) Notes: The character is immune to general misfortune brought about by this power. Randomly triggered powers do not acquire him as a target. (though he may find himself in an area affect of a targets misfiring power). The character is also resistant to powers that alter or affect his own powers (Including, but not limited Mimic and Negate super powers).
Also note, this power has no effect on completely inborn powers, or the functions of a human body. Targets of this power may be inconvenienced above and beyond the effects listed, depending on the nature of the afflicted power (an unwanted teleportation can be potentially disasterous, as can the sudden dissapearance of a flight power. Having Flight turn on (or indeed any movement power) can cause a character to be taken right out of combat entirely)

Disrupt Power harmony [Major] By Iczer
"Thats gotta hurt pal. You should stop doing that"

The character can affect another with a type of power reduction that specifically targets a character's inbuilt power immunities that allow him to function.
Range: 100 feet +10 feet per level
Attacks: each use of this ability counts as two attacks.
Damage: none. Targets must save vs this effect (16+ PE bonuses apply) or be afflicted as below.
Duration: targetted beings are affected for 2d4 melees, with an additional 1d4 melees added at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15.
Effect: The target is no longer immunised from the use of his own powers. Each use of any minor power by the target causes 1d4 damage +1 per level of the targets experience. Major powers inflict 1d4 damage per level of the target for every use (or once per melee as appropriate). The damage taken is a direct product of the powers otherwise negated strain on the body. Energy blasts scorch the character's flesh as it erupts from his body, Super speed stresses bones ligaments and muscles, and super strength tears and twists flesh. Powers that do not directly come from the character (such as many of the CEF powers) are relatively immune to this effect, as are strictly mental or pseudo psychic powers or sensory powers. Powers that provide blanket immunities or resistances, including those that provide a natural AR, inflict the relevant damage instead of that of an incoming attack (An invulnerable character at 3rd level would be taking 3d4 every time he is hit). This power also shuts down all regeneration powers while the target is affected.


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:07 am
by MrTwist
Any comments or suggestions on my last few posted powers?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:06 pm
by MrTwist
the drunken werebear wrote:the spatial securment is kind of coll especially for hiding objects/people

the switch grip could get overused alot to switch objects maybe a limited amout of uses could balance it out a little more or even give a resistance to character with adhesion or majical wepons that are bonded to the character also think about the instant wepons powerrs haow the object that is switched has to be of equal weight/size could help balance it alittle but at the same time those restricttions may not be needed

does your native power also affect extreme cosmetic changhes like a race of fish people will he become more fish like with out actually becoming a fish person and does he also gain immediate language bonuses

Well, Switch Grip uses an action, so it is limited by how many attacks you have. I guess things like Adhesion being used to keep something stuck on you would probably fall under the instances where a save is rolled, like with magical weapons.

Native would change you so you looked like the fish people race, though you still wouldn't be able to breathe under water unless you already could. Or, the fish person with the power would slowly start looking human. Getting a language bonus is a good idea. Maybe 15%-20% once you learn the language? It doesn't come automatically, so you actually have to use a skill for it. Unless you think the language should be granted by the power also.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:00 am
by Mr Scorpio
Hmmm, I know a few people who should not have the ability to invest IQ points into anything because they have so few to begin with. In fact a couple should have the ability to borrow IQ points...... :D Anyway...

I've always been interested in weather control powers (I know that Mr Trustrum has a weather control power on his site, though it would be interesting to see either MrTwist's or Iczer's take on it...) so I was thinking about a minor that would give a character his own personal cloud. It should be able to follow him around (at his normal movement rate) and be just big enough to give him shade when he lays down for a nap. It would also be able to rain (or snow when it gets cold enough) and maybe even fire off a cool lightning bolt (1D6 at every odd level?). Dropping it to ground level would create an obscuring fog bank (especially useful indoors). Just an idea (I'm running low on new ones too :oops: ).

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:07 am
by theantman
don't know if anything like this has been posted yet I didn't read all the pages but here's a power I came up with

new major Super ability. control rats.

1. communicate with and understand all rats.
the character can communicate with rats. he can get basic emotions such as fear, hunger, anticipation, etc., he can also get basic information, like if people are approaching, or if a vehicle is coming. the rat can’t tell what type of vehicle it is, or how many people there are. (rats have no concept of numbers) but they can tell if there is one, few, or many
people. also the rat can retrieve small items for the character, or bring items to another person that the character previously has met.
range: 400 feet (122 m) plus 10 feet (3m) per level

2. summon rats.
The character is typically able to mentally summon up to 50 rats plus 5 per lev. note that while under the character’s control, all rats will work together in harmony. the call is irresistible, all types of rats will respond. (ie pet rats and sewer rats).
ramge: One mile (1.6km) radius
duration: regulated by the character; pretty much as long as he wants them- up to the
maximum number under his control.

3. mentally control rats.
the character can mentally control all the rats he has summoned, or rats that are near by. if the controller is physically moved beyond hes range of control or is rendered unconscious, his mental influence over the rats is broken and they will leave the area.
range: 400foot (122 m) radius plus 40 feet (12.2m) per lev
duration: as long as the character desires.
attacks per melee: each command counts as a melee action, however, once the rats are sent on their task, the superbeing is able to take other actions or issue new commands.
while maintaining control over the rats even if no new commands are issued, the character loses one attack per melee round.

rats that attack
the character may order his rats to attack someone. rats will ignore normal fear and defensive instincts and do exactly as he character wishes. they will even attack natural enemies (like cats). if attacking a human the following may happen (GMs choice)

loss on initiative
being swarm with rats is distracting and could cause a penalty on initiative

horror factor 13
being attacked by a dozen or more rats can be frightening. even people who like rats and think their cute would be uncomfortable with the rats ganging up on them. follow the normal rules for horror factor.

typically rats do 1d4 or 1d6 points of damage each. the character can control which rats bite, he can even tell them not to bite but just gently chew to create the sensation of biting but not actually do damage. they can even the directed to do damaged to a particular part of the body. like the hand or arm to make someone drop their weapon. or even to the eyes
to blind someone.

4. friend of all rodents
once reaching 3rd level the power increases in potency and all abilities extend to every rodent. the group of animals that zoologists call rodents comprises almost 40 percent of all mammals! thay include but are not limited to squirrels, chipmonks, marmots, beavers, gophers, woodchucks, mice, hamsters, lemmings, guinea pigs, chinchillas, porcupines, and the biggest rodent, the capybara.

5 other abilities and bonuses:
recognize and identify rodent species 60%+5% per level.
rats and rodents never bite or bother this character. even those not under his direct control will not see him as a threat.
rats will be very friendly to the character and often come up to him. if the character desires he can send them away mentally, but if he does not, he will typically have 1d4+3 rats crawling on him at any given time. they regard him as a friend and will be quite content to sit on his shoulders and head, or ride in coat pockets.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:59 pm
by Carmen
I love all these new powers, what is WILD is that I never would have thought of most of them, some are like stuff I already have, but most are so far out. I have been trying out a few now to they are really cool. Thanks Carmen. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:37 pm
by MrTwist
Carmen wrote:I love all these new powers, what is WILD is that I never would have thought of most of them, some are like stuff I already have, but most are so far out. I have been trying out a few now to they are really cool. Thanks Carmen. :D

Still have more I'm working on. Hopefully soon.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:50 am
by Iczer
Can't type. Broken Finger. will be back on requests asap. I am viewing regularly and the wheels are spinning.


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:56 am
by Mr Scorpio
Carmen wrote:I love all these new powers, what is WILD is that I never would have thought of most of them, some are like stuff I already have, but most are so far out. I have been trying out a few now to they are really cool. Thanks Carmen. :D

Sweet! Carmen actually checked out our stuff! Now maybe we'll see print ahead of schedule (crosses fingers and wishes REALLY hard).

Iczer wrote:Can't type. Broken Finger. will be back on requests asap. I am viewing regularly and the wheels are spinning.


Oh man, that stinks. Well, get better soon but take it easy in the mean time.

And while the wheels are spinning..... Looking at some new gaming books yesterday I got an idea. I love the Energy Doppleganger power from PU1 and have decided that I would like to see a new version called Elemental Dobbleganger. It would allow the character to create a temporary elemental based doppleganger. He could create a doppleganger made of earth either (A.P.S.:Stone), fire (A.P.S.:Fire), water (A.P.S.:Liquid) or air (A.P.S.:Mist). To change the doppleganger from earth to water he would have to dismiss it and then recreate it. The duration should be less than E.D. but the range should be similar.

Now take it easy and heal up.

[edit]sorry Malignor, didn't mean to overlook you... Of the two I love Alter Build. It really adds to the minor shape shifting power set. I'll have to think about the bonuses a little more but looks good other wise.[/edit]

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:05 pm
by Iczer
Mr Scorpio wrote:
Iczer wrote:Can't type. Broken Finger. will be back on requests asap. I am viewing regularly and the wheels are spinning.


Oh man, that stinks. Well, get better soon but take it easy in the mean time.

Now take it easy and heal up.

HH. Will do. Belive it or not, the broken finger is not a real problem (who actually uses thier right little finger anyway??) It's the painkillers and the 2 lb metal brace that make it hard (I keep hitting the dang enter, shift, ' and / keys.)

No kidding, it's a medievil gauntlet for just the finger. I juts want to get a laser beam installed in it. and possibly a retractable corkscrew.

I mean, how am I supposed to fight evil with a broken pinkie?


Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:19 am
by MrTwist
They probably need a bit of work, but I figured I'd post them anyways. Not too sure when I'll get another chance anytime soon to have net access. Power Mooch probably needs a better name, but ah well. Hopefully they haven't been done already.

Supervision: No Obstacles(minor)
This strange vision based power removes obstructions from the super being's vision. This is not an x-ray power, so they can't see into things they normally couldn't; just the entire structure turns transparent. Hiding behind an object, or even a building, is useless to one with this power since they can see right past it. Hiding inside a building, or even a cardboard box is effective since the power 'skips' over the obstruction to see beyond it.
Range: 200ft + 30ft per level.

Power Mooch(major)
Some people just like to copy off others, and those with this power are that kind of person. The super being can 'piggyback' someone else's super power usage, and copy the effect. This only works with powers that actually affect the user, and not powers usable on someone else. Also, there has to be some sort of activation; 'always on' powers can't be copied.
Range: 50ft + 20ft per level.
Attacks: Use of this power takes up one attack, though one does not need to readied for it's use.
Notes: This power will copy all effects within a power or subpower that it is capable of copying. So, if someone uses a subpower within another power to affect themselves, then only that will be copied. If someone uses an Alter Physical Structure, then all subpowers will be gained. If, on the other hand, someone uses Matter Expulsion, then only the part about encasing themselves in armor could be copied(the effect targets the user).

This is a limited shapechange ability, unable to change the inner or outer appearance of a character. What it does change, however, is the composition of the character. They are able to alter their own genetic structure. This does not cause any change in features or anything due to a different genetic structure since the body still knows what the 'template' person is. Any tests done will show the changed genetic structure. Blood type can also be altered at will, making the person the perfect blood/organ donor or recipient. All they need to do is change their own blood type to match, even to the point of very rare blood types.

Data Display Link(minor)
By touching any mechanical device designed to show data on a visual display(like a television, computer, palm pilot, portable game console, cell phone, etc...), the user of this power can usurp the link, causing the data to show in their vision only. This means the original visual output part of the device will not show the data, since the data flow is now going to the power user.
Limitations: The user of this power must touch the device in question, and not just the overall machine. So touching the radio in a car with a digital display can be shunted to the user's vision only, touching the car itself will not let you usurp the flow from the radio to the display.

Cloud Control(minor)
This simple power allows the user to manipulate existing cloud formations into shapes they choose. Unfortunately they can't generate clouds, so they must work with what they have. They can keep a cloud in a certain part of the sky through concentration, maybe to give shade on a hot, sunny day. The complexity of the changes they can make to a cloud's shape is pretty much limitless, though they can't expand the cloud more than double it's original dimensions.
Attacks: If the user tries to keep a cloud in the sky, then they expend half of all attacks per melee and lose -30% on all skill rolls due to the intense concentration required to keep that cloud moving at the perfect speed so it stays in the same spot.

Dream Viewing(minor)
By touching the head of another sentient creature, the user of this power can actually watch their dreams. The power must of course be used while the person is dreaming, or it is ineffective. They can't make any changes to the dream or interact with it in any way; they are just observers of another's nighttime delusions.
Bonuses: Since this power can give someone a bit more intimate feel for someone else, the user gains +20% on any skill rolls towards the subject involving therapy or even seduction.
Note: The touch that is required for this power to work is not felt in any way by the dreamer, so paranoid people who wake up swinging when touched will sleep soundly. The fingertips of both hands must be used for this power to take effect.

Dream Travel(major)
While this may sound like a power that allows someone to enter another's dreams, it is not. Instead, by touching a dreaming, person, the user can teleport across unlimited distances to another dreamer. This power works even across galactic distances, though both dreamers must be in the same dimension.
Limitations: The traveller can only jump between people he knows at least in passing. They must have been in each other's presence at least three times in the past, and must have spoken to each other at least once. Also, this power can only be used once per night on any given person(not the destination target, but the point of origin. You can use it again to get back)
Percent Chance of Success:
1-99% if very well known by the user(like a good friend they see regularly).
1-75% if somewhat well known(used to be friends, but now only talk through emails or the phone).
1-50% if not very well known(hang out with some of the same people, but very rarely at the same time).
1-40% if only known in passing.
Failure Table:
1-20% - Lucked out! Power just doesn't work. You can try again another night.
21-40% - Ouch! Power doesn't work, and you have a splitting headache. You lose -2 from all combat actions for the next day, and skills lose -5%.
41-60% - Huh? This power ceases to work for a week, and you haven't gone anywhere.
61-70% - Uh-oh! This power ceases to work for three nights, but you succeeded in getting where you were going.
71-85% - Uh-oh a lot! You sort of got where you were going, but instead you pop out by a different dreamer within 5 miles of your target.
86-94% - Whoops! Power works, but now the destination person can't be affected by this power for one year.
95-99% - What? Something else, from some dark part of the dream world, has used your gateway to enter our world. GM's discretion on what happens next.
100% - This isn't Topeka! You exit somewhere completely random, anywhere in the entire dimension!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 6:51 pm
by acreRake
ZEN wrote:Dream Viewing
Awesome idea.. I don't think there is even a psionic equivalent for that ability is there?
Not really, but it's almost identical to the magic spell "Observe Dream", from NB:BtS...

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:14 am
by Mr Scorpio
Ok, let's see....

Supervision: No Obstacles (Minor)
I like this one too. It's a keeper.

Power Mooch (Major)
I love Mimic type powers and this one is a great take on that. With the limits it has the best I can think to do with this one is to downgrade it to a Minor. I think it could work that way.

Genemorph (Minor)
Not sure what I would use this power for unless my character was a spy/shapeshifter/etc.

Data Display Link (Minor)
Another one I'm not sure about. Maybe it would make a better sub power for something...

Cloud Control (Minor)
I agree with ZEN, needs the ability to make it rain (snow in the right conditions, maybe even hail?). Could be fun.

Dream Viewing (Minor)
Not one I would pick for a character unless we were playing a specific style of game.

Dream Travel (Major)
ZEN wrote:Hmmm.. again, I don't know.. it is potent, with a nearly unlimited range and no big drawbacks per se.. it does differ significantly from Teleport and it is quite an odd power, good concept.. I just feel it is missing something..
Any thoughts on this one guys?

Not sure I would want to teleport from dreaming person to dreaming person. Seem's like it's less sure than Gateways. I mean, what if little Bobby is suffering from insomnia and you really need to get to Chicago? I'd have to think about this one some more.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:10 am
by Iczer
Pardon. broken finger and drugs have slowed me somewhat.

Intercept energy: [minor] By Iczer
"Laser eye beams?...bah...trite as always Golden Defender"

The character can form a small transperant circular shield that floats 3-6 feet from his body. this shield is tuned into energy fields, and as such, races to intercept them when they become focused. the characeter is allowed an autoparry against every energy type attack against him made with a total bonus equal to ME bonus (as figured by comparing to an equivilant PP bonus) +2. this is an autoparry in the truest sense, as the shield works while unconscious, asleep and unaware of incoming attacks. If the attack is blocked then no damage is inflicted. if not, the character is still allowed an attempt to dodge. The shield can be overwhelmed by numbers. The shield cannot block more than 8 energy attacks in a given melee (+1 per level)
The shield can be placed in front of the character's eyes/face to act as a view screen. It reveals sources of energy through it's surface, revealing people by heat and electrical currents through walls. while using it as a viewer it has no defensive properties (Unless someone targets the face)

Big, dumb, brute. [Major] By Iczer
"Don't worry about the little's the big guy you have to worry about"
The character has the ability to sacrafice his mental faculties in exchange for raw power and strength.
1) Sacrafice intellect: The character can drop his IQ, ME and MA. in exchange for 3 points, the character gains +4PS +1 PE and 1d4x10 SDC. Each 3 points dropped increases the character's mass by 50% and height by 10%.
2) With great power: when the character doubles his mass, he gains an AR of 8 (or +1). he also becomes less capable of finesse. PB drops 2 points for every 6 points of mental attributes that dissapear, while prowl and sedentary skills drop by 10% for every 6 points dropped. On the plus side, brutish intelligence and cunning prevails, gaining +2 to perception (where applicable) +2 to initiative and +2 to resist magic and psionics for every 6 points dropped.
3) absolute max: The character cannot drop any attributes below 6. when his mental attributes have dropped to 6 (all of them) the character becomes mind poppingly aggressive, gaining +1 attack and doubling his HP as well as +2 to strike. strength is considered superhuman and bare handed blows enjoy an additional +1d6 damage.
4) Drawbacks: the character cannot drop more than 6 attribute points at a time (one action). recovery of lost mental attributes occurs at a rate of 1 per minute. bonus SDC gained from this power fades as the attributes do, but any SDC lost due to damage recovers after 12 hours. The character's alignment drops toward anarchist as he gets bigger and dumber.

Sail: [Minor] By Iczer
"come fly with me, come fly come fly away..."

The character can create a solid sheet of membranous material that he can play out with lines from his fingers. with it, he can perform the following stunts
1) Glide. the character can fall safely from any height, just like a parachute. The character controls his motion by playing with the lines, enabling him to move at a speed of 6d6+20 (+2 per level). The character can deploy while on the ground to provide an extra +5 Spd per level through careful hops (doubled when used in conjunction withroller skates or a skateboard natch, and can increase the speed of a sailboat by 20%)
2) Tentage: by deploying the sheet in an arc or braced against walls or trees the sheet acts as a durable tent or fabric wall. such a wall repels common weather effects and has an AR of 6 and an SDC of 20 (+5 per level). the tent retains it's shape after formation. by the same token, the character can form the sheet into simple fabric products, such as blankets, sleeping bags and cloaks, as well as simple bridges, bandages and splints. Tentage can support 200lbs, plus 25lbs per level (triple this if time is taken to weave this as a rope)
3) Defensive uses: apart from it's construction as a primitive wall (see above)the character can take the time to layer the sheets to his body as a type of body armour. Armour produced in this fashion is soft and flexible and has an AR of 12 and an SDC of 45. it takes 10 minutes to shape this armour (one minute of work can repair 10 SDC) but offers no protection against purely blunt impacts.
4) Grapple attack: As a last ditch effort the character can attempt to attach a parachute to an opponent. this requires the character first grapple with an opponent, and then spend 2 attacks to form the fabric. the victim is suddenly wrenched by the tent, forcibly thrown 10 feet for every MPH of nearby breeze. The victim is also moved up the same distance. at the end of that melee, if the victim is not freed by then, (see tentage for SDC damage needed to free oneself) then he loses control and then hurls into the ground, taking 2d4 damage from the force (a combination of falling damage and the force of the hurl)


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:41 am
by znbrtn
very nice additions, iczer. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:44 pm
by Iczer
gwa1965 wrote:Iczer, interested in big, dumb brute, but how about it's opposite, brains over brawn? Sacrifice points from PS, PP, and PE to gain mental or psionic abilities, maybe even combine the 2 into a kind of evolution power. go from caveman to mental entity.

By the by, you mentioned sacrificing 3 points from IQ, ME, and MA. Does it have to be one from each or can you take 2 or 3 from one stat?

Just my 2 cents worth

HH. I need to be more succinct. I blame the painkillers :x

It's 3 points total. It can be 1 from each of the three mental, or a character could just drop his MA by 1 and his ME by 2 (leaving IQ intact). To go the whole hog, the character could (over time) drop his IQ and MA down to 6 leaving his ME intact.

Oddly enough, I ahve an evolution power already done. check out Zen's site.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:59 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Nice additions Iczer, though with Brute, I see little reason why M.E. would need to drop considerably.. unless it's a matter of mental stability, the penalties incurred leave the character wide open to mental attacks and prone to going berserk.. hmm.. on second thought, leave it just the way it is .. heh heh..
So the way I understand it, the reduction is -3 points from all mental attributes in order to recieve each physical bonus (-9 points total)?

(other two powers are cool.. the Sail power is pretty unique.. I would never have thought that one up).

reduction is 3 points total, not 9 (thoug 9 points would indicate 3 uses of the power)


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:20 am
by MrTwist
ZEN wrote:Supervision: No Obstacles
This is an interesting concept.. at first glance it simply blows x-ray vision out of the water.. but then you mentioned hiding inside objects to avoid detection and it suddenly made a lot more sense as a minor power..
Nifty.. and very weird.

Power Mooch
OK, another mimic variant.. but it has an interesting spin on it and has a great drawback.. only able to copy certain types of powers that are in use.. so, what benefits can we give this power to compensate?

Having studied a fair bit of genetics this power.. well, from a player's perspective, this power has very limited applications..
It would round off a shapeshifter nicely though, but hmmm..
I dunno.. any other oppinions on this one guys?

Data Display Link
Excellent little power, I would also allow the character to tap broadcasts from any electronic or communications device (radio, laser, microwave, etc.) he can touch, but tapping computer code would be a bit pointless unless the character could read/translate binary with unearthly skill.

Cloud Control
Throw in the ability to make it rain, cause conditions to shift slightly.. so a misty morning could generate thick fog, etc.
I could imagine some incredible cinematic effects with cloud manipulation though.. nice concept.

Dream Viewing
Awesome idea.. I don't think there is even a psionic equivalent for that ability is there?

Dream Travel
Hmmm.. again, I don't know.. it is potent, with a nearly unlimited range and no big drawbacks per se.. it does differ significantly from Teleport and it is quite an odd power, good concept.. I just feel it is missing something..
Any thoughts on this one guys?

Nice work Mr Twist.

Thanks. They were works in progress, so they did need a bit of work. The reason I gave Dream Travel the range I did was because of the major limitation of requiring dreamers at both start, and finish, of the trip. Without them, there is no travel. Plus I thought it would be nifty to pop out of someone's head.

Genemorph could use a bit of something. The added ability of copying a sampled genetic structure(say, by tasting the blood or playing with a hair) could add some more use to it. If not seemingly useful as a PC, just think of the possibilities of an NPC who keeps leaving genetic data at crime scenes that conforms to whatever trail they feel like leaving. Heck, a super hero with this power would never have to go through the 'Gattaca' thing, and instead would have been able to simply copy the genetic structure.

Cloud control was somewhat of a spur of the moment kind of thing. I was sitting down, trying to figure out ideas for powers. I kept getting annoyed that the sun would always come out from behind a cloud and the glare kept making it hard to see the screen I was typing on. Adding in the ability to prolong weather(keep rain/hail/snow generating clouds in the sky will prolong certain conditions), or even shorten them(get those clouds the heck out of there) would be a good addition. It almost could be a minor weather control power, being able to affect the weather only as long as the weather can be affected by cloud cover.

Still, they were half-formed ideas at best. This whole travel thing has made it difficult to work on anything.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:09 pm
by dark brandon
Silly power

Sticks and stones
"verbal assault, to the second power!"

this is an ability makes it so insults hurt. Physically. Depending on the nature of the insult, how creative and well thought up the insults will depend on the damage this power inflicts. Rankings of damage should be a combination of how much other players agree on, but in the end, final decision is up to the GM. Remember some insults can get old and thus they can have their power rating slowly drop down.

Range: within earshot range.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1 pt of damage for minor insults that use 4 letter words, 1D4 for interesting ones, 1D6 for ones that cause slight giggle, 3D6 for good ones and 1D4x10 of just all out hilarious ones. Damage can only be rated before the insult is spoken, so choose your words carefully.
Special: Once a person is out of all SDC they must roll vs. Horror factor of 14. Failure means they just took a brutal verbal assault (In more ways than one!), and will proceed to cry. While crying has no actual affect on combat, the person is crying, and thus, allows for more opportunities to insult. Also, damage from insults heal much faster, at the rate of 1 SDC/HP per hour. Unfortunately, a damaged ego can take much longer to heal.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:28 pm
by Zenvis
darkbrandon wrote:Silly power

Sticks and stones
"verbal assault, to the second power!"

this is an ability makes it so insults hurt. Physically. Depending on the nature of the insult, how creative and well thought up the insults will depend on the damage this power inflicts. Rankings of damage should be a combination of how much other players agree on, but in the end, final decision is up to the GM. Remember some insults can get old and thus they can have their power rating slowly drop down.

Range: within earshot range.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1 pt of damage for minor insults that use 4 letter words, 1D4 for interesting ones, 1D6 for ones that cause slight giggle, 3D6 for good ones and 1D4x10 of just all out hilarious ones. Damage can only be rated before the insult is spoken, so choose your words carefully.
Special: Once a person is out of all SDC they must roll vs. Horror factor of 14. Failure means they just took a brutal verbal assault (In more ways than one!), and will proceed to cry. While crying has no actual affect on combat, the person is crying, and thus, allows for more opportunities to insult. Also, damage from insults heal much faster, at the rate of 1 SDC/HP per hour. Unfortunately, a damaged ego can take much longer to heal.

I am not grasping the concept to Hurtful Words. It sounds like an excuse to cuss. Could you give an example.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:40 pm
by dark brandon
Zenvis wrote:I am not grasping the concept to Hurtful Words. It sounds like an excuse to cuss. Could you give an example.

In Living color. "your mama so hairy, big foot takes pictures of her". Probably 1D4 damage, maybe 3D6 depending on who you group with

4 letter word. 1pt bonus because it's not creative...yeah, you can cuss, won't do much

"Oh, my god...You must be the dumbest villain ever...I'd rather face a Flooper on Pot than try any mental exercises with you"...1D4x10...cause I said so...

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:10 pm
by MrTwist
I'm getting my books(well some of them) back tomorrow. I hope. But, I'll do some work and post a new idea that's been floating in my head. Matter Expulsion: Copied Physical Structure. I'm thinking of keeping it general, and have three different levels of protection/enhancements like the armor ability part of the other Matter Expulsions. The three levels part I'm talking about would be based on the strength of whatever material you're using. But, finally, I get to use my books again for reference.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:43 am
by Iczer
Duplication via infliction: [Major] By Iczer [Also Neitzeian superhumanity]
"Burn me once, shame on me, burn me you're cooking!"

The Character has a slightly altered form of mimic where he needs to grow from suffering. Essentially heabsorbs and copies powers that have been used against him. Strike him with extraordanary PS and he gains that strength. Stab him with body weapons and he too grows a blade. urn him with EE: fire and...well you get the point.
1) Absorbative mimic: the character accurately duplicates a power used offensively against him. the character only acquires the specific sub ability, and a specific power rating dependant on his experiences. If struck with a 'reduced impact' bolt from a 7th level character with EE: light, Then the character acquires a copy of that same power, at the reduced rate. In addition, this power does not mimic other, associated abilities or strictly defensive powers. He can absorb the shockwave from the vibration power if he is subjected to it, but not theother aspects of the power. He can copy the superhuman strength of an invulnerable character if struck by him, but not his actual invulnerbility. He can copy a persons extra attacks if the target has a power that provides extra attacks, but cannot mimic IQ, ME, MA,PP, PE, PB or spd.
2) Maximum powers: The character can mimic 3 powers at level 1, plus an additional extra power at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. He can keeep an mimiced power for 1 hour per level.
3) Psionic powers. If the character becomes the target of a psionic (not magical) attack, then the character acquires that particular power (presumig he has an available power slot available or is willing to make one available), plus an ISP base equal to twice his ME score, plus the cost to activate the power in question. needless to say, this grants the character +4 to save vs psionics.
4) Mimic natural effects: The character has a limited facility to mimic powers from sources other than superbeings. any source of natural damage may be instantly converted to a one shot ranged attack at +2 to strike out to 200 feet, with the type of damage identical to the type suffered. The damage taken is converted into D6's, at a rate of 4 points to 1D6. (Johnny Damage falls from a 4 storey building and takes 4d6 damage. He takes 17 damage. apart from the bruising, he has now the ability to fire off a 4d6 blast of kinetic energy. If he took 11 damage from an electrical outlet later on, he could fire off a single 2d6 electrical bolt.) The character can store these bolts for 5 minutes per level of experience, but can 'hold' no more than 3 (+1 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15)
5) Other benefits: the character has adapted to using this power, and by putting his body on the line he has developed the following extra abilities.
+4 to PE
+2 to ME
+1D4x10+20 SDC

2 Minds [Minor] By Iczer
" thought I was out of it did you?"

The character has a back up mind. Much like a reserve or spare set of memories and thought patterns. the character can talk to it 'in his head' so to speak, but it is not much smarter than the PC himself, and has no differing opinions. The character can use this mind to perform the following tricks.
1) Partition thoughts. The character can transfer memories to his back up mind. He has no trouble accessing these thoughts and memories, but anyone else attempting to (via psychic powers) will typically fail.
2) Back up and restore. In a similiar vein, the character cannot be brainwashed in any overt fashion. the back up mind simply restores default feelings and thoughts as soon as possible. He cannot have his memory erased, false memories implanted or be hypnotised.
3) Back up Operating system. Should the primary mind fall, the character has a second chance to pick up the slack by having the secondary mind fill in. Psychic powers that override the body or incapacitate the mind have 2 saving throws, one for the primary and one for the secondary mind. this tends to throw off posession, mental stun and other psychic or pseudo psychic powers. (not this does not help with drugs or with powers that affect the body such as dirsuptive touch) Additionally, the character has the ability to set the back up mind to work should the primary ever desert it (such as in the case of transferral/posession or astral travel) effectively becoming two individuals.
4) Cross examination: the character's other mind is occasioanally useful in double checking the character's work. all non physical skills recieve a +5% bonus and the character enjoys a +1 IQ and +2 perception.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:36 pm
by vsper
Has anyone thought about micro-powers, things that are pretty trivial but a normal man can't do. Like a low power beam of light from a finger, Ability to manipulate dice rolls only, type at cosmic speeds, etc. Make it so you could trade in a minor for three micro. It would be good for where there are people with powers but not the ability to be "crimefighters". Sort of like wild cards where some people just got stupid little abilities.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:40 pm
by MrTwist
vsper wrote:Has anyone thought about micro-powers, things that are pretty trivial but a normal man can't do. Like a low power beam of light from a finger, Ability to manipulate dice rolls only, type at cosmic speeds, etc. Make it so you could trade in a minor for three micro. It would be good for where there are people with powers but not the ability to be "crimefighters". Sort of like wild cards where some people just got stupid little abilities.


Check out Marcantony's site, Beyond Heroes. There is a section called the Sub Minors. Great stuff.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:44 pm
by MrTwist
Power Chaos(major)
This power is rather frightening to super heroes and villains alike who have spent years training with their powers. This power puts everyone within range back to square one when it comes to experience with their powers.
Range: 50ft radius + 5 ft per level of experience. This can be reduced, after level 4, to target a single person instead of a radius.
Duration: 2 melee rounds + 1 melee at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
Effect: Every super powered being in radius, even Aliens with 'natural' super powers and characters who have granted powers, rerolls their super powers. First they roll on their normal category's random super abilities table, then they roll for each individual power.
Saving Throw: To resist the effect, a Save at 14 or better with PE bonuses is needed.
Notes: This does not affect characters who have gained their super powers through magic, nor can it ever grant magical spells if a roll on the super power table gives them such.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:38 pm
by Zenvis
mainbox wrote:here and addiction i gave one of my character's to make the game interesting.

Powers Uncontrolled
you powers works like a skill but a little different you have a skill to perform your power (eg. 50% + 5% per level)

a failed roll means you power didn't work or all shots are wild. Gm basically controls what happens to your powers.

but, a good roll mean that you powers work how you want and you get +2% or whatever your gm says is ok.

this option is kind of vag it's just an idea.

Wheres the perks when I could have 100% success choosing any other power? Does this allow me to choose any major? Does it increase range and damage? I see a start of a power but not the completed product.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:29 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Any ideas are welcome here (aside from a couple of Killer Cyborgs.. if he was actually serious that is :lol: )

I had a couple of ideas myself today.
One is the ability to coat objects in some sort of substance exuded from the body which renders the coated surface invisible for one hour per level of experience.. the downside is the hero has to physically coat the object by hand, inch by inch.

The other minor I had in mind was the power to solidify objects, as if they were frozen at room temperature.. liquids turn to ice, solids become harder and more brittle.

I'll get right on it then shall I? [Broken finger status: splinted and sort of dangly. I'm still fighting crime, But the pinky is sort of limp useless and mostly superfluous. Much like Robin]


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:18 am
by wolfsgrin
That is an awesome power Zen. Very simple but pretty darn powerfull until somebody exposes it. Maybe as a side effect the achilles region gets irritated and a rash like condition appears if you try to armor it :D

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:26 am
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Thanks Iczer.. limp and dangling eh? *tsk* You never did state how this damage happened in the first place (feel free to lie outrageously).

OK. First, add Vodka, lemon juice, pineapple juice and Red Bull. add ice and shake. Drink maybe 1...2...3 dozen of these and wait for the puppet show.

Have a fuzzy monkey puppet and a fuzzy kitty puppet start with a john woo style puppet show. Somehow, despite the fact they are only puppets, thier words are badly lip synced as they talk.

Fuzzy Monkey Puppet: "Your flushing crane style... is no match... for my Shaolin Pizza style"

Fuzzy kitty puppet: "Your momma was a hampster...."

Fuzzy Monkey Puppet: "Bring it Biatch!"

Proceed with two drunken idiots, loaded with more vodka than a russian distillery, doing nasty kung fu matrix puppet action.

Now watch carefully, as the fuzzy monkey slams palm first into fuzzy kitty's right arm. where my pinky resided at the time.

The snapping sound was heard above rage against the machine.

I'm not sure if I now have to swear off Vodka, puppet gladiators or perky brunettes now.

But with no further ado.....REQUEST TIME!!

This weeks first request comes from, well heck, they all come from Zen.

zen wrote:One is the ability to coat objects in some sort of substance exuded from the body which renders the coated surface invisible for one hour per level of experience.. the downside is the hero has to physically coat the object by hand, inch by inch.

I see we have been watching the new(ish) invisible man.

Distortion Fluid
"Excuse me, do you know where i can wipe my hands?"

The character has the ability to produce a fine but viscous fluid from the palms of his hands, which he can apply to a solid surface, inanimate object or any other otherwise immobile lifeform.
1) Fluid production: The character can generate one gallon per level per hour of this slime. a gallon, when applied by hand, can cover enough area to cover a 20 foot across section of wall, or a completely cover a human being.
2) effects of fluid. 15seconds after the character has finished coating a subject (after he removes his hands) the gel like substance begins to set. as the gel sets, it renders the object so coated invisible to the human eye. it also vents and reflects heat making it hard to see with thermal or infra red sensors (though ultraviolet works just fine). after 20 minutes per level of the character the gel hardens and flakes off revealing the object in question.
3) Limits: objects coated with the gel must remain relatively immobile. coating a human being with this gel works just fine, but rapid movement (any combat, or motion faster than spd 8) causes the gel to react to the body and begin to run. Worse, the gel is non porous and mildly toxic, and if the gel gets into a characters eyes, throat, nose or other mucous membranes. additionally, as the gel reflects absorbs and relflects heat, a human body can suffer serious frostbite from an application.
4) other effects: The gel is slippery. a half gallon applied to the ground (apart from making the ground resemble a hole) renders that portion of the ground to be extremely hazardous to cross. anyone moving over that ground must make a balance check (-10% if moving faster than a walk, -20% if movign faster than a jog) Applied with moderation, the character can use small amounts of the gel to act as a coolant for people, or as a coolant/lubricant for engine parts.

zen wrote:The other minor I had in mind was the power to solidify objects, as if they were frozen at room temperature.. liquids turn to ice, solids become harder and more brittle.

State alteration
"Let me demonstrate to you, the power of water pressure"

The character can freeze matter without the venting of heat required for the freezing process.
1) freeze solid matter: By freezing solid matter, the character makes them more enduring but more brittle. SDC of large immobile objects increases by 20% +2% per level, but AR drops by 3. worse, if struck by an item with an effective AR (Or PV) greater than or equal to the item's new AR, then the item shatters great chunks of itself, inflicting tripple damage to the object. this ability does not function on living beings.
2) Freeze liquids: By freezing a liquid, it becomes solid and immobile. freezing water in this fashion creates water temperature ice that can be walked upon. The character has a kind of limited control over which portions freeze and which do not, so he could create a narrow bridge across a river with the use of this power. Note that this freeze occurs by locking molecules in place, not by venting heat, so liquids frozen in this fashion do not expand. When used on a character altered into a liquid form, the character reverts to human shape.
3) Freeze gasses. By far the most difficult of all. the character can cause gasses to instantly coalesse into liquids, thus falling straight down (and limiting thier ability to affect others. The character is moderatley selective in this ability, in that he can cause a smokecloud to fall to the ground, or liquify a cloud of sarin gas, but he could not seperate the nitrogen from the air. At 7th level, the character can instead cause these gasses to simply freeze in place, becoming solids instead of liquids. when used against a living being it forms a tight seal around them (roll to strike at +2, targets are encased in a bubble with AR 8, SDC 45 +5 per level of experience, and are unable to breathe).
4) Selective freezing: at 3rd level, the character can take this ability a step further. he may reach into a body of liquid and freeze only select portions, to draw a simple object from the fluid. in this fashion he can freeze a portion of water to form a sword (appearing to draw a glass like sword straight from a lake). in the same manner he can form any simple object with limited moving parts. at 7th level, he can pluck these items 'from thin air' items created tyically posess an AR of 10 and an SDC of around 12 per level. as a weapon, damage will not range higher than 2d6.
5) practical limits: the power can freeze only a certain amount of matter at a time. up to a 10x10 cube can be frozen per level. magical items are only resistant to this if they already resist damage in some fashion. living things, including plants, are immune (though microscopic life will die if their medium is suddenly made involiate). frozen objects remain in that state for 2 minutes, plus 1 minute per level, or indefinately if maintained.

zen wrote:I just thought of another odd ball power.. the ability to condense the character's hit points into a single location on his body, leaving the rest of the body S.D.C. only.. in other words, the character can create an Achilles heel and render the rest of his body immune to critical damage (he may get busted up really badly, but he won't bleed to death as long as his vulnerable spot is undamaged).. the Achilles spot, if damaged, is direct Hit Point damage.. it has no S.D.C.

Jeeze Zen..ask for much?!?

Condense life force
"steel is weak my friend. say hello to the power of flesh"

The character can withdraw his living essence and pack it into a tight point inside his body. when he does this, most of his outer surface becomes inorganic and unliving (but animate) tissue which grants him the following:
1) Increased resistence to damage. The character is immune to the extra damage caused by critical hits (Exception: leap attacks/ jump kicks that are described as 'automatically criticals' are so described because of the raw power of the attack not due thier ability to target weak spots and ergo continue to do the increased damage.). The character still needs to breathe, but poisons and disease do not affect the character in his unliving state. The character does not bleed in this state, and may reattach lost limbs to their stumps in a single action. the character cannot be stunned or knocked out
2) Unyeilding flesh: no longer constrained by delicate flesh, the character's strenght rises by 2D4 points, and becomes extraordanary. he may leap his own body length up and three times that across. his fists can strike steel and stone without harm (ignore three points of AR on an opponent). fire acid and electricity does 1/3rd damage
3) Drawbacks of this state: the character does not heal while he uses this ability. His HP are irrellevant as he is now an unliving object. Powers that affect objects but not human beings now function against the character in this state. Whenever the character uses this power, he concentrates his HP's in a part of his body. until 5th level, the character may only choose between heart and head, but from 5th level onwards, he may place his vital life force in any part of his body. People wishing to attack his vital zones need to make a called shot (-4 until 5th level, then -6. -8 at 8th level, -10 at 12th level.) but must have some way of knowing where the vital spot is located, and must have a means to attack it (the heart cannot be targetted with blunt weapons at all for instance.)
4) Other bonuses: The character can switch back and forth from this state in as little as one melee round, and reverts to normal state when he falls asleep. when he concentates his life force his HP double. When this power is active and the character is depleted of all SDC he becomes immobile, and is at no risk of death until his concentration zone is attacked.

And finally, some mad kudos to Mainbox

Powers Uncontrolled [as suggested by Mainbox]
"ok. lets see what happens when i do...THIS"

The character has the ability to enter an uncontrolled state of flux where his powers are subjected to forces beyond the character's immeadiate control. The character maintains this state for 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes per level. when this state is active, the character literally pulses with the surging and ebbing energies within him. every time he uses any other power (or every minute an active power is in use) the character rolls on the following table.
01 Power fails
02-05 Power works at 1/4 power
06-09 Power works at 1/2 power
10-13 Power works at 3/4 Power
14-15 Power operates as normal
16-17 Power operates at +30%
18 Power operates at +50%
19 Power operates at +100%
20 Power overload: power operates at 150%, but inflicts 3d6 damage to the character and has a 40% chance of shutting off for 1d4x10 minutes

In addition the character's surging superhuman body enjoys the following benefits.
Resistant to energy, 1/2 damage
+ 30 SDC
+2 to PE
energy type powers inflict an extra +1 damage every level.

Did I miss any requests?


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:20 am
by Zenvis
ZEN wrote:Any ideas are welcome here (aside from a couple of Killer Cyborgs.. if he was actually serious that is :lol: )

I had a couple of ideas myself today.
One is the ability to coat objects in some sort of substance exuded from the body which renders the coated surface invisible for one hour per level of experience.. the downside is the hero has to physically coat the object by hand, inch by inch.

The other minor I had in mind was the power to solidify objects, as if they were frozen at room temperature.. liquids turn to ice, solids become harder and more brittle.

Augh.. Something like that would be cool but would drive the character crazy. What roll would you have them do to pay atention to detail? I.Q. or P.P.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:35 pm
by dark brandon
Nerdbane wrote:Iczer - I really like this Powers Uncontrolled table:

01 Power fails
02-05 Power works at 1/4 power
06-09 Power works at 1/2 power
10-13 Power works at 3/4 Power
14-15 Power operates as normal
16-17 Power operates at +30%
18 Power operates at +50%
19 Power operates at +100%
20 Power overload: power operates at 150%, but inflicts 3d6 damage to the character and has a 45% chance of shutting off for 2d4x10 minutes

da Nerdbane

make the power overload time 1D4 minutes. The power rating is already 150% more, they also take damage.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:20 am
by MrTwist
This one needs a name. Don't ask me where it came from; an image just popped into my head of some guy walking down the street connected to everything. Maybe someone can do a once over on it and touch it up a bit.

Sometimes powers are just plain... well, weird. This one fits into that category rather well. Visually, the character grows an attaching strand to every object/person in range. These strands can be manipulated for various effects. The strands, 1 inch in diameter, are made out of the same material as the object/person they are attached too, and visibly connect to some point on the user of this power. The strand is always connected in a straight line from the surface area of the object where the center of it would be to whatever body part of the character is closest, usually the torso.
Range: 100ft + 20ft per level.
Notes: These strands do not hurt the person or object. If destroyed or severed, they disappear with no harm done to either the user or the object/person.
While the strands are solid to everyone else, although they not be very strong, the character's own movements are not hindered by them. So, they can move and the strands will move with their movements, switching connecting points to whatever body part is closest. The only time they become solid to the character is when he/she grabs them.
1. Whip attack
By grabbing a strand and whipping it, they can hurt people or objects.
Range: 1/10th of the full length of the strand away from the strand itself. So, if the object is 60ft away, the attack can be directed at anyone within 6ft of the strand.
Damage: 1D4+1
2. Pull Self To Object
Usually done quickly, by grabbing the strand with one or both hands they can pull themselves towards the object. The object must be heavier than the user for this to happen.
+2 to dodge when a strand is used this way.
3. Toss Object
If the user's strength is high enough to lift the object, they can swing it around as though they had a rope connected to it.
Damage: As per object's weight.

That's really all I have on it. I'm sure there's more that can be done. Someone else want to take a crack at it? I can try to give a better explanation if someone needs it.

Encode Message(minor)
This simple power allows the user to encode a verbal or visual message into any object weighing less than 3lbs. A verbal message, which sounds like the user's voice, is limited to 50 words or less. A visual message is limited to 5 still images or less. The user must specify to whom the message will discharge(one person, a bunch of specified people, anyone who touches it) when used.
Duration: 3 days at level 1. At level 5, the message can last up to 2 weeks. At level 9, the message can last up to 2 months. At level 12, the message can be made permanent.
Notes: The message can be given one use or multiple discharges, as long as they happen within the time limit. For example, the message can repeat every time it's touched, once, or five times whenever Person X touches it. Direct physical contact is required for the message to discharge.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:44 am
by Zenvis
MrTwist wrote:This one needs a name. Don't ask me where it came from; an image just popped into my head of some guy walking down the street connected to everything. Maybe someone can do a once over on it and touch it up a bit.

Sometimes powers are just plain... well, weird. This one fits into that category rather well. Visually, the character grows an attaching strand to every object/person in range. These strands can be manipulated for various effects. The strands, 1 inch in diameter, are made out of the same material as the object/person they are attached too, and visibly connect to some point on the user of this power. The strand is always connected in a straight line from the surface area of the object where the center of it would be to whatever body part of the character is closest, usually the torso.
Range: 100ft + 20ft per level.
Notes: These strands do not hurt the person or object. If destroyed or severed, they disappear with no harm done to either the user or the object/person.
While the strands are solid to everyone else, although they not be very strong, the character's own movements are not hindered by them. So, they can move and the strands will move with their movements, switching connecting points to whatever body part is closest. The only time they become solid to the character is when he/she grabs them.
1. Whip attack
By grabbing a strand and whipping it, they can hurt people or objects.
Range: 1/10th of the full length of the strand away from the strand itself. So, if the object is 60ft away, the attack can be directed at anyone within 6ft of the strand.
Damage: 1D4+1
2. Pull Self To Object
Usually done quickly, by grabbing the strand with one or both hands they can pull themselves towards the object. The object must be heavier than the user for this to happen.
+2 to dodge when a strand is used this way.
3. Toss Object
If the user's strength is high enough to lift the object, they can swing it around as though they had a rope connected to it.
Damage: As per object's weight.

That's really all I have on it. I'm sure there's more that can be done. Someone else want to take a crack at it? I can try to give a better explanation if someone needs it.

I am just suprized that there is not some form of control over the subject bonded or that there is not a save....??

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:01 am
by Iczer
Super vision: Radar sight [Minor] By Iczer
"Hiding in the fog won't do you any good Mistmaster!!!"

The character generates tightly focused EM waves in the same range that a radar does. these waves are focused soley in the direction he faces and covers the same general arc covered by a normal person's vision. With this he can see rough shapes in absolute darkness and through rain, smoke and other visual impediments not including actual solid cover. He automatically ignores the effects of camoflage, invisibility and holograms.
Other notes: Radar acts, in this instance, as a built in range finder, allowing accurate targeting. +3 to strike with all ranged attacks, furtehr more, no ranged attack is considered a wild shot
By emitting active radar waves, the character can paint EM pictures. By concentrating on a radio and focussing his 'vision' on it, he may jam simple transmitters within visual range (This reduces the amount of attacks available in a round by 2 and the character cannot face away from the device in this time.) This also serves to jam the radars of superpowered and technological radars.
The character automatically detect the use of radar in his vicinity, as well as any active transmitters (he can see thier transmissions)
Range: clear definition is out to 300 feet, with a much rougher 'terrain radar' out to 1000 feet.

Blindness compensation [Minor] By Iczer
"Probably the worst bit is everyone thinks I'm daredevil. Man I hate Affleck"

The character loses his sight completely. Instead of crippling the character, his other senses become more focused and acute.
1) heightened senses: the character's sense of smell hearing touch and taste heighten to uncany levels, with the character acquiring the animal powers of the same names.
2) Zen like circle: the character has an awareness around him to about 5 feet in which he has uncanny and unerring senses. for many this is hand to hand fighting range, so the character is unimpeded in that department. attacks originating from outside this circle are defended against (typically dodged) at -5. charge attacks or collisions that originate from outside this range are penalised by only a -2 to dodge. This awareness circle increases by 5 feet every level. The character cannot distinguish colour or shade (He is blind after all) but otherwise notices any activity in this range.
3) Combat notes: when fighting wwith opponents inside his zen like circle, he posesses uncanny combat precisence. He posesses an auto dodge of +2 and enjoys an extra attack as well as +4 to initiative.
4) Sensory powers. apart from the limited sensory enhancements offered by this power, any other sensory power posessed by this character (even esoteric senses) enjoy an increase of 50% range and a +15% chance of success (when compared to the special abilities posessed by heightened sense of smell, and hearing).
5) The out: The character can choose each level whether to remain blind, or whether to 'miraculously' regain his sight. When sighted abilities 1&4 dissapear, and the zen like circledrops to 1/4 normal range. He may normal use of his powers the next time he gains a level (At the cost of his sight of course). If sighted, he automatically regains the above powers if artificially blinded for more than 6 hours.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:36 am
by MrTwist
Zenvis wrote:
MrTwist wrote:This one needs a name. Don't ask me where it came from; an image just popped into my head of some guy walking down the street connected to everything. Maybe someone can do a once over on it and touch it up a bit.

Sometimes powers are just plain... well, weird. This one fits into that category rather well. Visually, the character grows an attaching strand to every object/person in range. These strands can be manipulated for various effects. The strands, 1 inch in diameter, are made out of the same material as the object/person they are attached too, and visibly connect to some point on the user of this power. The strand is always connected in a straight line from the surface area of the object where the center of it would be to whatever body part of the character is closest, usually the torso.
Range: 100ft + 20ft per level.
Notes: These strands do not hurt the person or object. If destroyed or severed, they disappear with no harm done to either the user or the object/person.
While the strands are solid to everyone else, although they not be very strong, the character's own movements are not hindered by them. So, they can move and the strands will move with their movements, switching connecting points to whatever body part is closest. The only time they become solid to the character is when he/she grabs them.
1. Whip attack
By grabbing a strand and whipping it, they can hurt people or objects.
Range: 1/10th of the full length of the strand away from the strand itself. So, if the object is 60ft away, the attack can be directed at anyone within 6ft of the strand.
Damage: 1D4+1
2. Pull Self To Object
Usually done quickly, by grabbing the strand with one or both hands they can pull themselves towards the object. The object must be heavier than the user for this to happen.
+2 to dodge when a strand is used this way.
3. Toss Object
If the user's strength is high enough to lift the object, they can swing it around as though they had a rope connected to it.
Damage: As per object's weight.

That's really all I have on it. I'm sure there's more that can be done. Someone else want to take a crack at it? I can try to give a better explanation if someone needs it.

I am just suprized that there is not some form of control over the subject bonded or that there is not a save....??

Unfinished power. Hadn't quite gone that far yet. The only control over the object/person would be movement. And that would only happen if they are strong enough. I wasn't sure what kind of save to give; maybe a mildly difficult PE save?