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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:52 am
by Zenvis
Iczer wrote:Super vision: Radar sight [Minor] By Iczer
"Hiding in the fog won't do you any good Mistmaster!!!"

The character generates tightly focused EM waves in the same range that a radar does. these waves are focused soley in the direction he faces and covers the same general arc covered by a normal person's vision. With this he can see rough shapes in absolute darkness and through rain, smoke and other visual impediments not including actual solid cover. He automatically ignores the effects of camoflage, invisibility and holograms.
Other notes: Radar acts, in this instance, as a built in range finder, allowing accurate targeting. +3 to strike with all ranged attacks, furtehr more, no ranged attack is considered a wild shot
By emitting active radar waves, the character can paint EM pictures. By concentrating on a radio and focussing his 'vision' on it, he may jam simple transmitters within visual range (This reduces the amount of attacks available in a round by 2 and the character cannot face away from the device in this time.) This also serves to jam the radars of superpowered and technological radars.
The character automatically detect the use of radar in his vicinity, as well as any active transmitters (he can see thier transmissions)
Range: clear definition is out to 300 feet, with a much rougher 'terrain radar' out to 1000 feet.

Blindness compensation [Minor] By Iczer
"Probably the worst bit is everyone thinks I'm daredevil. Man I hate Affleck"

The character loses his sight completely. Instead of crippling the character, his other senses become more focused and acute.
1) heightened senses: the character's sense of smell hearing touch and taste heighten to uncany levels, with the character acquiring the animal powers of the same names.
2) Zen like circle: the character has an awareness around him to about 5 feet in which he has uncanny and unerring senses. for many this is hand to hand fighting range, so the character is unimpeded in that department. attacks originating from outside this circle are defended against (typically dodged) at -5. charge attacks or collisions that originate from outside this range are penalised by only a -2 to dodge. This awareness circle increases by 5 feet every level. The character cannot distinguish colour or shade (He is blind after all) but otherwise notices any activity in this range.
3) Combat notes: when fighting wwith opponents inside his zen like circle, he posesses uncanny combat precisence. He posesses an auto dodge of +2 and enjoys an extra attack as well as +4 to initiative.
4) Sensory powers. apart from the limited sensory enhancements offered by this power, any other sensory power posessed by this character (even esoteric senses) enjoy an increase of 50% range and a +15% chance of success (when compared to the special abilities posessed by heightened sense of smell, and hearing).
5) The out: The character can choose each level whether to remain blind, or whether to 'miraculously' regain his sight. When sighted abilities 1&4 dissapear, and the zen like circledrops to 1/4 normal range. He may normal use of his powers the next time he gains a level (At the cost of his sight of course). If sighted, he automatically regains the above powers if artificially blinded for more than 6 hours.


Wait a minute...! This is a minor? I dont know I would say that this is a major. Heighten senses...? Yea this is a major.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:17 pm
by Zenvis
MrTwist wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
MrTwist wrote:This one needs a name. Don't ask me where it came from; an image just popped into my head of some guy walking down the street connected to everything. Maybe someone can do a once over on it and touch it up a bit.

Sometimes powers are just plain... well, weird. This one fits into that category rather well. Visually, the character grows an attaching strand to every object/person in range. These strands can be manipulated for various effects. The strands, 1 inch in diameter, are made out of the same material as the object/person they are attached too, and visibly connect to some point on the user of this power. The strand is always connected in a straight line from the surface area of the object where the center of it would be to whatever body part of the character is closest, usually the torso.
Range: 100ft + 20ft per level.
Notes: These strands do not hurt the person or object. If destroyed or severed, they disappear with no harm done to either the user or the object/person.
While the strands are solid to everyone else, although they not be very strong, the character's own movements are not hindered by them. So, they can move and the strands will move with their movements, switching connecting points to whatever body part is closest. The only time they become solid to the character is when he/she grabs them.
1. Whip attack
By grabbing a strand and whipping it, they can hurt people or objects.
Range: 1/10th of the full length of the strand away from the strand itself. So, if the object is 60ft away, the attack can be directed at anyone within 6ft of the strand.
Damage: 1D4+1
2. Pull Self To Object
Usually done quickly, by grabbing the strand with one or both hands they can pull themselves towards the object. The object must be heavier than the user for this to happen.
+2 to dodge when a strand is used this way.
3. Toss Object
If the user's strength is high enough to lift the object, they can swing it around as though they had a rope connected to it.
Damage: As per object's weight.

That's really all I have on it. I'm sure there's more that can be done. Someone else want to take a crack at it? I can try to give a better explanation if someone needs it.

I am just suprized that there is not some form of control over the subject bonded or that there is not a save....??

Unfinished power. Hadn't quite gone that far yet. The only control over the object/person would be movement. And that would only happen if they are strong enough. I wasn't sure what kind of save to give; maybe a mildly difficult PE save?

And maybe a boost in powers? Range, P.S., Damage etc...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:08 pm
by Zenvis
Shadow wrote:This is a power I made about 6 years ago, what do you think?

Breath control (major) --- +2 P.E., +1 P.S. ,fatigues at 1/4 rate
1) wind rush by exhaling deeply you can release a wind gust for one melee -range 60ft.+10 ft. per level -40mph +10mph every odd level
2) air blast by exhaling quickly, you can release an air blast that will feel like getting hit with a baseball- 100 ft. + 20ft per level -1d6 damage per level (+10% on the optional knockdown table)
3)Tornado/hurricane disruption- you can inhale air from a tornado/hurricane there by slowing the twister down by 20mph +10mph per level. Tornados only can be dispersed by quickly exhaling the air you removed from them back at them in the opposite direction.
4)Pressure resistance on a roll with impact if you succeed you will take 1/4 damage instead of 1/2. Also when holding you breath before you get hit you will be given a natural AR of 8+1 every 3 levels (3,6,9,etc....)
5)Slow decent by focusing a concentrated exhale blast downward, you are able to cushion your fall. 40ft or lower( no damage), 1pt damage every 20 ft after the first 40.
6) toxin resistance your lungs are naturally resistant to airborne contaminants(+3 save vs. airborne toxins.) You also are able to hold your breath 8min. +2 min.per level

You forgot to hold your breath.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:48 pm
by Iczer
To adress the teeming throng :)

zenvis wrote:Wait a minute...! This is a minor? I dont know I would say that this is a major. Heighten senses...? Yea this is a major.

Not really strong enough to qualify for a major power really. while it does give a lot of sensory abilities, the character is berefit of actual vision, and the compensating heightened senses are of the mutant animal variety (and as such not too crash hot). The power is more usefull when attached to another sensory power, but is not strong enough to qualify on it's own for a major.

Breaking the power down:
* It offers 4 enhanced senses but only to the extent of the mutant animal power equivilants.
* The zen like circle is cool, but has a range of 5 feet per level. It's like Radar's retarded little brother. (and how is sonar nowadays anyway?)
* The sense boost is pretty lame. It's only good if attached to another set of powers, otherwise it's non helpful
* The out provided simply allows the power to be switched oof periodically (though the 1/4 range reduction for the zen like circle is pretty harsh. at 5th level he has a range of only 6 feet.)
* To top it all off, the character has to be blind to use the power.

all in all certainly not potent enoughto qualify as a major. as a minor it rates an at 89 (Don't ask) which makes it kinda high but not so high that I'd call it a major. It has
* Minimal combat applications, and some combat drawbacks
* Sizable social drawback
* No ability to inflict extra damage
* No strong defensive applications. (No AR, No SDC boost, No heightening of PE or HP, No extra healing rate)

the drunken werebear wrote:just wanted to note that this could also be done with the empowered catagory from powers unlim 2
or maybe you could expand it to cover other facets such as hearing compensation or maybe even IQ compensation or strength compensation or various other abnormalities that people posses and then compenaste them but i guess that is what superpoweres in general are for compensation

Yeah I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote the second power. (I do hate Affleck after all :) ) I was actually just filling the gap here, I've noticed a surfeit of all around sensory powers available. true there are a whole heap of minors that when taken are very swish, but you only have so many power slots. I have had a player that *wanted* to play a daredevil inspired character, but after taking his array of heightened sensory powers he found himself rather innefectual compared to the others, AND he would have ended up blind. he ended up taking radar and some other powers and stayed sighted. Physical perfection adds a whole host of relatively minor bonuses to a broad range of physical attributes, without requiring a dozen minor powers be bought, So I thought I'd try the same with the sensory suite.

For the record, I've played with the empowered category (blind) and found that it's substantially hard to do retain a competitive edge. I may have been soured though. I played with sonar, ex PP, lightning reflexes and spatial distortion. Another player had Radar, Ex PP, Lightning reflexes, spatial distortion and physical perfection. and he wasn't blind (but wore a blindfold for frakks sake)


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:18 pm
by MrTwist
Obstructional Invisibility(no idea)
Almost like a cartoon character, this super powered being has the ability to hide in plain sight as long as a smaller object is between them and others. If they duck behind an object, even one that obviously could never hide them, they become undetectable.
Requirements of Obstruction: The object to be hidden behind must be at least 3 inches in diameter and must also be at least one third of the character's height.
Attacks Per Melee: One attack is used up activating this power. No attacks can be made by the character using this ability or the ability is negated. All of their normal attacks per melee can still be used to run away, dodge, or move around a bit to continue being hidden.
Notes: This only works on people on the other side of the object to be hidden behind. This works against normal sight, and even super powers based on sight. It gives no defense against psionic or magical perceptions, or even other super power perceptions.

Merge(no idea)
This power allows the super being to merge into another person. They walk into the other person and are absorbed, without any control over the body. They do, however, share any and all normal or super powered senses the other may have(not magical or psionic). While inside the other person, they can communicate telepathically with the host with perfect clarity. They can emerge at any time they choose.
Saves: An unwilling host, whether conscious or not, saves at a 14 plus any ME bonuses. Any sleeping, unconscious, or comatose host is automatically considered unwilling.
Notes: If the host falls asleep, unconscious, becomes possessed, or controlled by another entity they are considered unwilling and get to roll a save.
Non-Standard Energy Expulsion: Ethereal affects the user of this power, doing damage to them whenever struck by it while merged with another.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:27 pm
by MrTwist
Just thought up another one. Not so sure exactly how well it would work out in actual play though.

This power causes serious problems to any and all within it's field of effect who attempt any form of communication. When activated, every form of communication becomes garbled.
Range: 50ft radius from the user, +10ft per level of experience. At 5th level, this radius can be controlled in 10ft increments, to a minimum of 10ft.
Affected types of communication: Everything from talking to magical communications are affected. Even printed data or data stored in some sort of medium(floppy, cd, solid crystal, etc...) is garbled when accessed. For some reason, even sign language and other hand signals just seem meaningless to people in this field.
Save: This power is very difficult to save against, and affects friend and foe alike. A save at 16 or better is needed to avoid becoming affected. For some reason, the insane have an easier time overcoming this, getting a +1 bonus to their save for each insanity they have. Also, anyone with cryptography skills gets a +2 bonus to save against this power.
Notes: This power also affects incoming transmissions from outside of the field. When in the field, people will perceive them as meaningless symbols or noises. Signals sent from inside the field to others outside it will not be affected. Even a billboard outside of the field will be garbled and useless to anyone inside the field.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:28 am
by Zenvis
MrTwist wrote:Obstructional Invisibility(no idea)
Almost like a cartoon character, this super powered being has the ability to hide in plain sight as long as a smaller object is between them and others. If they duck behind an object, even one that obviously could never hide them, they become undetectable.
Requirements of Obstruction: The object to be hidden behind must be at least 3 inches in diameter and must also be at least one third of the character's height.
Attacks Per Melee: One attack is used up activating this power. No attacks can be made by the character using this ability or the ability is negated. All of their normal attacks per melee can still be used to run away, dodge, or move around a bit to continue being hidden.
Notes: This only works on people on the other side of the object to be hidden behind. This works against normal sight, and even super powers based on sight. It gives no defense against psionic or magical perceptions, or even other super power perceptions.

Merge(no idea)
This power allows the super being to merge into another person. They walk into the other person and are absorbed, without any control over the body. They do, however, share any and all normal or super powered senses the other may have(not magical or psionic). While inside the other person, they can communicate telepathically with the host with perfect clarity. They can emerge at any time they choose.
Saves: An unwilling host, whether conscious or not, saves at a 14 plus any ME bonuses. Any sleeping, unconscious, or comatose host is automatically considered unwilling.
Notes: If the host falls asleep, unconscious, becomes possessed, or controlled by another entity they are considered unwilling and get to roll a save.
Non-Standard Energy Expulsion: Ethereal affects the user of this power, doing damage to them whenever struck by it while merged with another.

Obstructional Invisibility, man thats funny but clever. By the way can "See the Invisible" work against this power? As for merge I could see sneeking out of Gramercy Island with that one. Very dangerous and clever.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:37 am
by Zenvis
MrTwist wrote:Just thought up another one. Not so sure exactly how well it would work out in actual play though.

This power causes serious problems to any and all within it's field of effect who attempt any form of communication. When activated, every form of communication becomes garbled.
Range: 50ft radius from the user, +10ft per level of experience. At 5th level, this radius can be controlled in 10ft increments, to a minimum of 10ft.
Affected types of communication: Everything from talking to magical communications are affected. Even printed data or data stored in some sort of medium(floppy, cd, solid crystal, etc...) is garbled when accessed. For some reason, even sign language and other hand signals just seem meaningless to people in this field.
Save: This power is very difficult to save against, and affects friend and foe alike. A save at 16 or better is needed to avoid becoming affected. For some reason, the insane have an easier time overcoming this, getting a +1 bonus to their save for each insanity they have. Also, anyone with cryptography skills gets a +2 bonus to save against this power.
Notes: This power also affects incoming transmissions from outside of the field. When in the field, people will perceive them as meaningless symbols or noises. Signals sent from inside the field to others outside it will not be affected. Even a billboard outside of the field will be garbled and useless to anyone inside the field.

You forgot they can communicate with anyone... in giberish. The irony is that everyone understands what they are saying. Its more of an empathic transmission.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:09 pm
by MrTwist
Jaegermeister wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Just thought up another one. Not so sure exactly how well it would work out in actual play though.

This power causes serious problems to any and all within it's field of effect who attempt any form of communication. When activated, every form of communication becomes garbled.
Range: 50ft radius from the user, +10ft per level of experience. At 5th level, this radius can be controlled in 10ft increments, to a minimum of 10ft.
Affected types of communication: Everything from talking to magical communications are affected. Even printed data or data stored in some sort of medium(floppy, cd, solid crystal, etc...) is garbled when accessed. For some reason, even sign language and other hand signals just seem meaningless to people in this field.
Save: This power is very difficult to save against, and affects friend and foe alike. A save at 16 or better is needed to avoid becoming affected. For some reason, the insane have an easier time overcoming this, getting a +1 bonus to their save for each insanity they have. Also, anyone with cryptography skills gets a +2 bonus to save against this power.
Notes: This power also affects incoming transmissions from outside of the field. When in the field, people will perceive them as meaningless symbols or noises. Signals sent from inside the field to others outside it will not be affected. Even a billboard outside of the field will be garbled and useless to anyone inside the field.

APS: Lava (major) or Garble (major)? I just don't know. Damn hard decision.

It would work well in ambush situations, where the victims don't have time to communicate and regroup. I'm sure there's plenty of uses for cutting off an area from all communication, even from others within the area. Of course, to make it more major I might want to increase the radius.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:01 pm
by MrTwist
Jaegermeister wrote:
MrTwist wrote:
Jaegermeister wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Just thought up another one. Not so sure exactly how well it would work out in actual play though.

This power causes serious problems to any and all within it's field of effect who attempt any form of communication. When activated, every form of communication becomes garbled.
Range: 50ft radius from the user, +10ft per level of experience. At 5th level, this radius can be controlled in 10ft increments, to a minimum of 10ft.
Affected types of communication: Everything from talking to magical communications are affected. Even printed data or data stored in some sort of medium(floppy, cd, solid crystal, etc...) is garbled when accessed. For some reason, even sign language and other hand signals just seem meaningless to people in this field.
Save: This power is very difficult to save against, and affects friend and foe alike. A save at 16 or better is needed to avoid becoming affected. For some reason, the insane have an easier time overcoming this, getting a +1 bonus to their save for each insanity they have. Also, anyone with cryptography skills gets a +2 bonus to save against this power.
Notes: This power also affects incoming transmissions from outside of the field. When in the field, people will perceive them as meaningless symbols or noises. Signals sent from inside the field to others outside it will not be affected. Even a billboard outside of the field will be garbled and useless to anyone inside the field.

APS: Lava (major) or Garble (major)? I just don't know. Damn hard decision.

It would work well in ambush situations, where the victims don't have time to communicate and regroup. I'm sure there's plenty of uses for cutting off an area from all communication, even from others within the area. Of course, to make it more major I might want to increase the radius.

Dude, these are spells! When a person has 2 or 3 majors (or a combinations of major & minors) they are not going to pick this and Garble everybody! :lol:

Not all powers are created equally, and not everyone picks their abilities. This is just another possible power for people to make available to their players.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:56 am
by MrTwist
Jaegermeister wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Not all powers are created equally, and not everyone picks their abilities. This is just another possible power for people to make available to their players.

And at the first opportunity, the poor player kills himself. (ie. "HEY LOOK! My lucky day, a Grandpa is driving 20 mph in his Lincoln battleship!" (hero stands in front of cruising Lincoln))

Well, I appreciate the constructive criticism.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:13 am
by Mr Scorpio
ZEN wrote:There is nothing stopping anyone from presenting new Psionics or Spells here for HU2ed, though the thread has been exclusively oriented around Super Abilities, we have also discussed whole new power categories..
New powers includes psionic and magic powers.

I've been kind of busy lately. Between keeping up with the girlfriend, working 6 days a week and classes three days a week it's a little hard to find enough time to work on stuff (still haven't come up with any quotes for the powers I came up with).

Anyway, I have thought a little about new powers for Enchanted Weapons (mostly while I'm supposed to be working).

From an old thread where a few of us talked about new Enchanted Weapon powers:
Yukon wrote:just like with mystic shield, invisibility, fly as eagle, etc.. there's lots of spells that could be made to fit well. like summon shadow beast, wind rush, blinding flash, Agony, Cloud of smoke, Armor of Ithan, Animate dead, Sense evil or good, Mystic portal, Phantom horse, Life drain and tons others.

I've been thinking about adding the spells Size of the Behemoth and Phantom Horse. I think they would make pretty good additions. I've also been working on a "Power of Light" and a kind of lesser "Divine Aura" power for Weapons of Order. Got a couple of more in mind as soon as I get the chance to work on them.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:28 am
by Iczer
Hijack Airwaves [Minor] By Iczer
"Do not adjust your television. I control The horizontal, and the vertical"
The character has the ability to seize control of all transmissions within his vicinity, bending them to his will. With this ability, he can speak and hear through any radio, negate all signals and create audo and televised illusions.
Area of affect: Casual area of effct is a 60 foot radius, plus 10 feet per level. Intense area of effect is equal to 1 mile per level.
Capabilities Casual: The character's casual abilities are the abilityt to tune into any signals within his area of affect. He can 'Hear' and potentially 'see' any transmitted information that passes through his sphere of effect, and if either the transmitter or a reciever is nearby, he can transmit his own images and sounds. With this he can blank out all communication devices except those of his allies, and speak through any radio device within range. He also can sense the general location of any transmitters.
Capabilities: Intense: If the character slips into a meditative trance then his area of affect spreads out dramatically. In this fashion he can perform all the effects listed above, but on a much wider scale. left to his own devices, radio devices are pretty much under his control. He can only maintain this trance for 10 minutes per ME point before needing an hour's rest.
Limitations: This ability only functions against radio type broadcasts, including microwave, sattellite and cellular broadcasting. It does not function against any hardwired program, any hardline communication or any point to point laser communication. Its ability to affect other types of transmitted information is left to the GM's fiat.

Avoidance [Minor] By Iczer
"Whoah dude...You missed"The character has a minor teleportative function that moves him a few inches to avoid danger. This ability functions once per round (twice at 4th level, 3 times at 8, 4 at 12th) but is controlled by the PC as to when it functions. Effectively it acts just as contact is being made, acting like a teleportive roll with punch/fall/impact. The character automatically moves 1d4 feet (+1d4 at levels 3,6,9 and 12) in response to damage. the character makes a roll at +6. and compares it with the incoming attack (or 14 in the case of explosives, falls and poisons) a failed roll means the character takes half damage from the violent lurching (but remains untouched) a successful roll means the character is unharmed (though probably shocked by the sudden move) This power functions even to attempt to protect the character from unseen sources of damage and is effective against surprise attacks.
Avoidance works against sources of inobvious damage as well. Poisons for example may cause the character to teleport several feet to the left. embarrassing during a meal perhaps, but it can leave the poison behind (if successfully avoided) or can teleport the character away from an injested poison (leaving the swallowed material behind). failed rolls vs posions and other deletrious effects inflict 2d4 damage. Psionics that can incapacitate or harm the character cause the character to teleport directly away from the target source (possibly to remove from range or behind cover). if the character is still within the area of affect of a power after the 'port, then he is still subject to it's effect. the same goes for explosives and other area affect type attacks.

Ego Conversion [Major] By Iczer
"Join us!"

The character can infect others with small strands of his personaility, bahaviour and even alignment by way of physical contact.
This transfer requires one melee of uninterupted contact, but once this power has begun the victim is effectively paralysed for the duration. (On each of the victim's actions he may roll a d20 and add his ME, and compare to a similiar roll made by the character. If the victim wins this 'battle of wills' then the effect is cancelled. any physical contact stronger than a slap to either the character or his victim ends the process.
1) saving throw: an ME based save of 15+ prevents this (This save is before any battle of wills, and indeed stops the process short. The character can try again and again until successful though.
2) Transferred abilities. The victim's mind becomes fogged as a new copy of the character's personality sets in. The alignment of the victim becomes that of the character [Exception: if the alignments are vastly opposed, principled vs any evil, scrupulous to diabolic, then the victim simply drops to anarchist]. the Victim acquires the basic memories, goals and personality of the character as well.
3) Physical changes. This power also makes some minor physical changes as well. The victim essentially appears similiar to the character, as if he had used the minor power of alter body.
4) Dominance: The victim becomes a fanatically loyal puppet, gaining +4 to resist telepathic or conventional domination and is effectively immune to physical coercion as well as fear. While loyal to his creator, the victim is no smarter than normal, and cannot communicate with the character without conventional means.
5) Duration: one day per level. any purely suicidal command allows another battle of wills (the victim is now at +6) to break it early. The character need only touch a victim once to renw this duration though.
6) other abilities and notes:
add +3 to ME and IQ.
Character who are immune to disease are also immune to this ability. Anyone merely resistant to disease gain a +2 to the battle of wills as well as the save to resist this power.

Shapeshifter resilience [Minor] By Iczer
"You can slice me, you can dice me, but nothing hurts The Shifter!"
The character has the ability to instantly flow around damage and to rapidly squeeze holes in his body shut.
1) damage resilience. Any injury that does less damage than his PE score is effectively ignored. if an injury is greater than his PE score, then he takes half damage.
2) fast healing: the character heals at 3 times normal rate
3) Vulnerabilities: This power is innefective against poisons, disease, psionics and magic. Injuries still hurt, so the character can be dazed and knocked unconscious as normal. energy attacks effectively destroy the character's very cells, and will inflict a minimum of 1 point of damage per impact per dice (So a laser inflicting 5d6 damage will always inflict at least 5 damage)
4) Penalties: Because of the morphean nature of the character's flesh, he loses 20% of his normal SDC.

Life generation: [Major] By iczer
"These guys? Oh don't mind them...they just like to sniff out all my new friends"
The character can generate small life forms to assist him, act as pest of to serve less functional and more aesthetic roles.
1) simple life forms: the character can generate small simple life forms. simple life forms include any creature or living thing less than 5 lbs lacking sufficient complexity to warant a vertebra. This includes whole scores of insectoids, crustaceans, worms slugs and annelids, as well as plants. The character can generate 5 lbs +1 lb per level, per day of simple organisms. These creatures are bound by the laws of nature, but are otherwise as varied as the whimms of the character.
2) Familiar growth: the character can create one creature per hour to act as a familiar. familiars are generated as with simple life forms (above) but are invested with a fraction of the character's will. as such, they can transmit images and sounds to their creator over a range of 500 feet per level. Familiars only have a lifespan of 3 hours unless stowed inside the character's body. Typically, the character can hold 4 familiars inside his body at any time. Familiars are typically 2-3 lbs, and usually have a set of tiny manipulators for the character to perform simple skills through.
3) Enhanced life forms. Every level beyond the first, the character can add special features to his creations. these features only affect new creations, and do not retroactively apply to creatures already in existence.
* Enhanced size. Life forms may be as big as 10lbs +3 per level. add 5 lbs to the character's maximum biomass production for the day. taken twice, the lif form may be 20lbs +6lbs per level, and can produce 4 times normal mass.
* Nutritious: Life forms are optimised to act as nutrition for the character's species.
* Prodigious: The lifeforms can reproduce and create more of their number on their own.
* Increased intelligence: the creatures have the relative intelligence of a reptile or amphibian. taken again increases this to the level of a cat or other small mammal.
* Vertebrates: the character can create vertebrates. Vertebrates are slightly smarter and more complex.
* Juvenile: the character can create embryonic stage creatures and implant them in a willing or restrained receptcale. the recepticle makes a save (use PE bonuses. needs 14+) to resist this implantation. failure emans the victim falls pregnant (even if male, the wrong species or even a plant). the juvinile option is unnavailable until level 5. The character needs to make a biology roll (at -10%) to create a working lifeform.
* Acidic: the lifeform can excrete acid as a defence. this acts as a stinging spray, a mildly stinking gas or sprayed irritant. taken twice the life form has an actual damaging attack, which inflicts 1d6 damage for every 2 levels of the creator. stepping on or crushing such a creature inflicts 2d4 damage (4d4 if taken twice) on the foot of the squishee)
* Explosive: the creature explodes on command (if a familiar) or as an act of self preservation. the exlosion has a radius of a mere 5 feet and inflicts 3d6 damage. evey time this is taken, the radius exopands another 5 feet and the damage increases by 1d6.
* Skilled: the character can design a creature with extra skills, granting it two of the following: prowl, climb, swim, track animals or gymnastics at +10%.
* Growth: the character can create lifeforms that continue to grow. Not applicable to creatures designed with juvinile or vertebra enhancements. The life form has no upper size limit, and continues to grow if supplied with food.
* Harsh survival: Created creatures are 'gifted' with a type of one use shot of the major power 'adapt to environment'. taken twice, the creature may be gifted with the equivilant of an alien's environmental adaptation (though bonuses may be muted due to the creatures size)
*Humanoid: This ability has the prerequisites of intellect (twice) and vertebrate. the character can create simple intelligent beings. they are typically formed immature, depending on daily mass level
* Gestate: the character can create a creature over multiple days. he needs to create some sort of housing for the life form (takes a week to grow the biomatter). each day thereafter, the character adds a little more biomass to the mixture until the creature is complete.

Fight or flight: [Minor] By Iczer
"umm..if anyone needs me, I'll be over there"
The character has the ability to shapeshift to accommodate some of his primary needs.
1) Flight mode: The character slims down and speeds up to enable ihis ability to escape. Weight drops by 25%, while speed triples. character gains autododge at +2, +4 to roll with punch. he gains a +10% bonus to climb and escape artist. the character's PS halves during this time.
2) Fight mode: The character bulks up. Gains a temporary 25SDC and skin and bones harden to AR 11. Bare body blows inflict an extra 2d4 damage and the character's PS rises by 10 points, while his bonus to strike rises by 2 and the character gains +1 attack per melee. the character's parry and dodge drop by 1 each, and the character's speed drops in half.
3) Hide mode: The character gains a climb of +20% and a prowl of +20%. The instant he stands still for more than a few minutes, he enters a type of hibernation, growing a cocoon over his body that resembles his surrounds. he gains a motionless prowl of 88% at this point, and is coated in a sheath with a natural AR of 8 and an SDC of 10 per level. The character awakens when he percieves danager or his sheath loses it's SDC.
4) Tune out mode: the character can enter a zombie like trance which guides him while his mind is elsewhere. He loses all attacks but 2 per level, and even then his combat bonuses are halved. He has no mind to speak of in this state, and as asuch is immune to mind affecting magics, poisons and psionics. He follows the most basic instructions, set before he enters the coma and operates even down to -50HP. During this time he is resistant to hunger and thirst, dehydration and starvation (only 1/5th effect). at the end of this trance, the character awakens, possibly hungry, thirsty and very near death.
5) Activation. any of these modes requires the character to sink into a 10 minute trance. even after than it takes a further 10 minutes for the effects to begin. However, if the character is down to his last 10 HP or less, he may instantly enter fight, flight or hide modes. this shocking reentry heals 3d6 HP and SDC. duration of these effects in these instances is half.
6) Duration: Fight, flight and hide modes tend to last 10 minutes per level. Tune out mode lasts 3 days per level, or until pre set conditions are met (after I get out of the desert, once I've reached a hospital, as soon as I've gotten home etc.)
7) Other bonuses: +1d4 ME (all that meditating)

Cunning [Minor] By Iczer
"Hmmm...doesn't seem right"

The character has a low animal like cunning that can occasionally superceed his intellect. much like danager sense only not so refined.
* The character is resistant to seduction, and ignores trust/intimidate as well as charm/impress attempts.
* The character has detect ambush at +30%
* The character is resistant to cons. much like a BS detector
* Character is immune to illusions, hypnotism (real or magical/psychic)
* +4 to save vs psi and mind affecting magics
* +4 initiative. Penalties for blindness are halved +2 to perception +10% to prowl

Animate object: [Major] By Iczer
"Sic him my loyal....sofa?"

The character can exert a type of control over solid matter, bending it to his will. The character can animate objects up to 50 lbs per level.
Animate object: the character can impart his essence into an object within 30 feet +5 feet per levl. such an act takes 2 attacks to perform. the object gains a very limited mobility. PP 8, Spd 1/2 The character's ME (objects with legs have double normal speed, object with wheels have 4 times normal speed). Normally objects have one attack per melee and have no autoparry. typically, objects may only perform a body block/tackle (which inflicts as much damage on itself as on it's victms), but objects with arms or 'limbs' of any sort may fight normally (albeit with few bonuses: treat the character's ME bonus vs psionics as it's bonus to strike parry and dodge). the character may grant animated objects extra attacks by sacraficing one of his own.
Animate matter: the character may also cause matter to rise up against an opponent, causing swords to bend out of control, and guns to jam. as a defensive action, it causes all weapons within range to flinch, reducing their strike bonus by 5 and halving any inflicted damage. Offensively, the character can cause the ground to attack opponent's in range. this attack is at +4 to strike, and does 4d6 damage (+1 d6 at levels 3,5,7,9 11 and 13) and is -4 to dodge. the character can also use this affect to move water aside, create temporary bridges or small walls etc..
Unlock doors: the character can cause doors to unbar and unlock for him by will alone. the character has a type of lockpicking/hotwiring skill at 75%+ME score. penalties for complexity can be found in the hardware:-electrical hotwireing section. each attempt at such an action takes a melee round, and cannot affect a door that exceeds his mass limit (possibly only really preventing the character from opening vault doors).

Gravity's Friend [Minor] By Iczer
"Excuse me..mind if I cut in?"

The character can cause temporary fluxes in gravity to allow for some unnusual effcts and acrobatic feats.
* Leaping: the character can fling himself 30 feet high or 15 feet acorss by causing gravity to flux, sending him skyward and then softly back down.
* Pounce: by shifting his weight in mid leap the character can perform a leaping body block/tackle at +2 to strike. This functions exactly as any other body block/tackle except thit is considered a critical
* Drop attack: the character can perform all jump and leap attacks as outlined in the combat section of Heroes Unlimited (TM). In addition, by dropping on a target from a height, the character can inflict an extra 6 damage.
* other bonuses: +10% to acrobatics, +2 to dodge.
* can fall from up to 60 feet +10 feet per level without damage.

Thats enoug for the day. see you in a few (the cast has come off the finger)


Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 9:23 am
by Mr Scorpio
Glad to hear that the finger is doing better, Iczer. Now on to your post...

Wow! I've been waiting for a major Animate Objects power and that one hits the spot. I'll have to take the time later to read all of Life Generation but I like what I've seen so far. And I'm really liking Shapeshifter Resilience as well. Great work (as always).

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:50 pm
by Iczer
Absorb energy: [Major] By Iczer
"I dunno about you guys, but I'm feeling very..LIGHT..headed today!..get guys..Light headed..hey guys don't leave...guys..."

The character has the astounding ability to metamorphosise his flesh into living hard energy. Very similiar to many of the Alter physical structure powers, this power has a little more breadth but less power.
1) Resistence to energy. The character takes no damage from any source of energy as long he he permits it to shift his form. In this regard he is impervious to harm from any source of energy except purely kinetic. If for some reason the character does not wish to shift form, then he takes full damage (half if already shifted into an alternate energy form)
2) Energy expulsion: energy aura. This functions exactly like the minor power of the same name. the energy type varies depending on the character's current absorbed energy type.
3) altered body: When the character is in his hard energy form, he enjoys the benefits of such a shape including enhanced physical performance and durability. The energy shape acts like a force field, The character gains a 50 SDC with an extra 10 SDC per level. This extra SDC regenerates at a rate of 3 per minute. His PS is unchanged but becomes extraordanary. He enjoys a one time bonus to PP (+1d4. only applies when in his altered state) and his speed doubles during the transformation. The character can leap his PS+10 feet long, and half that high. the energy shape requires air to breathe, but is unnafected by skin agents (such as contact poisons and acids) and is not affected by disease or other biological deterrants.
4) Energy absorption: the character, once transformed can store 30 points of damage (+5 per level) from outside sources inside his form to be expelled at a later date. he can use this absorbed damage to perform the following feats:
* Release upon contact, inflicting 1d4 damage for every 2 points of reserve spent.
* Release 5 points to double leaping distances
* Release 6 points to expel it out to 40 feet, at +3 to strike. It inflicts 2d4 damage for every 6 points released this way
* turning back into human shape releases all remaining energy, flushing it into the surrouding 15 feet, inflicting 1d6 damage for every 4 points left in the reserve. the Character is immune to this damage.
Note that the character can only store energy of the same type he is currently mimicing. trying to absorb energy of another type only triggers a transformation.
5) Drawbacks and limitations:
Duration: each transformation costs an action to perform. it is not instantaneous (but can be used reflexively, such as when asleep or from behind) In addition, 3d6 minutes after falling asleep or being knocked unconsious, the character returns to his base human form.
The five point rule: Essentially, there needs to be a certain intesnity of energy to trigger a transformation. The character can only use energy to trigger a transformation if it has the potential to inflict 5 or more points of damage. a 1d4 bolt of electricity has not enough strength to trigger a change. a 1d6 bolt does (It CAN inflict 5 points of damage, never mind that it's got a 2 in 3 chance of falling short of that). likewise a character with energy resistance needs to be hit with somehting that can inflict 30 points of damage (ignores the first 20, then halves the rest).


Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:02 am
by Iczer
Jagged edge [Minor] By Iczer
"Hand to hand expert huh?... I've got an edge that can beat that"

The charactre's body can harden and sharpen upon contact with another, partially defelecting blows, but more importantly tearing and ripping flesh.
The character gains an AR of 8 (Defence is not the focus of this power, but it is a handy side benefit). Furthermore, any unwanted physical contact results in the temporarilly hardened skin to grow hooks, barbs and edges in response.
Merely touching this character inflicts 2d6 damage from slicing and peircing
Striking this character with a punch or kick inflicts 1D4 damage every 2 levels, plus the half attacker's PS bonus.
Tackling or grappling the character inflicts 1d6 damage every two levels, plus the attacker's full strength bonus, plus half of any damage bonus acquired from instances such as speed.
+15 SDC.
Note, people protected by force fields or are not made of fl;esh and blood take half damage from this ability. the savage spurs created by this power are only really affective vs living flesh and blood.

Blink defence [Minor] By iczer
"Hah! cannot lay a hand on..the Mighty FLICKER!"

The character can turn insubstantial for a scant second or two, as often as he feels is necessary. This allows him to perform such tricks as running through walls, or evading blows and bullets in combat.
The character can attempt to perform an autododge at +5 in combat. no other bonuses count towards this and it's use is optional in combat. The character performs this feat by becoming insubstantial and then resturning to solidity after the immeadiate hazzard has passed. The biggest drawback is if a solid object occupies the same space as the character after the event (such as a lunging rapier remaining in the extended position) See the end of the power description for more details.
Passing through solid objects is much more simplistic. The character can pass through barriers 3 inches thick, plus 3 inches for every other level while he blinks out. This is achieved by running forward and blinking before impacts with a solid surface, allowing his intangible self to pass through the wall without slowing him down. Every full 10 points of Spd increases this distance by 3 inches. Characters with superhuman levels of speed can alternatively pass through barriers of 1 foot per MPH of travelling speed.
Should the character materialise while within a solid object, the character suffers extreme pain (2d6 HP) and is thrown aside (lose 2 actions and initiative. if he should materialise inside a living being, both parties may suffer this damage.

Accumulated power [Major] By Iczer
"Send all the men you want general...I got plenty of power to spare.."

The character has the ability to grow more powerful when fighting multiple opponents.
1) Increased strength and power. Every opponent over the first increases the characters strength by 1, as well as creating a buffer of 10SDC. This bonus kicks in the instant an opponent presents itself as a direct threat.
2) Massive powers. When fighting a super powered individual, the character develops a single minor power that directly compliments or contrast one posessed by his opponent. The character develops one more minor power for every super powered opponent faced, with a maximum of 1 minor power per level. As above, these powers kick in as soon as the opponent steps up to the plate. SDC gained in this fashion, as with the SDC listed above, is a buffer that rests above his own, and vanishes when no longer confronting a foe.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:09 am
by Iczer
Electrometamorphosis [Major] By Iczer
"Shocking?...thats in poor taste dude."

The character can transform himself to an electrical entity, a blue, green, yellow or white corscucating humanoid form crackling with electrical power. Unlike APS: Electricity, this power focuses less on the offensive aspect and more on utility. It is not out of the question for a character to posess both this power and APS: electricity.
1) Electrical form. While in elctrical form, the character is only semi solid. impacts from kinetic sources simply disperse a small part of his being. physical blows inflict 1/2 normal damage. weapons made from a conductive materiel inflict full normal damage. anyone touching the character at this point (or contacting him with a conductive weapon) recieves an electrical shock equal to 2d6 damage. Obviously the character is immune to electricity in his transformed state.
2) Light and airy: as an electrical being, the character naturally flies at a speed of 12, +1d6 to this flight speed every level. the character is also nebulous and capable of limited adjustment to hs morphology. He can fit through any gap more than a foot across, able to flow partially around and through such openings.
3) Movement of lightning: the character can compress the elctrons in his body into a metal, conductive object for vastly rapid, but limited transportation. In a single melee, the character can touch an electrical outlet, or conductive surface, and vanish in a flash, reapperaing at another point on that surface, emerging from a target power outlet. in this fashion, the character can move 1 mile per level of experience. Refer to the teleport power for details of what happens when you have no idea of where you are teleporting to, though obviously the character will not teleport into a solid object (But MAY be trapped in a capacitor at the GM's (evil) whim) This power can be used to phase through a conductive surface, but requires an action to perform.
4) electrical manipulation: the character can surge any electrical system he can physically handle, just by touching it and wiggling his digits around and through the conductive points. especially sheilded systems may be immune. IF plugged into an active source of electricity, the character can recover 1SDC or HP per 10 minutes. If the character instead tries to absorb an electrical attack directed at him, he can transfer potential damage to SDC/HP at rate of 10 to 1.

Envoy: [Minor] By Iczer
The character can create a single clone of himself. The clone is primitive but loyal and obedient, not to mention short lived. The clone has the following traits.
* Has an SDC of 20 +5 per level.
* Is first level in all abilities and skills
* Has attribute caps of 20
* Posesses none of the original's powers
* is otherwise identical to the creator.
The character can create one envoy an hour, and they persist for 30 minutes per level. If the character reabsorbs an envoy (must touch the envoy to perform this) then he can pump out a replacement in 5 minutes.
Envoy creation takes one minute to perform.

Telepresence [Major] By Iczer
The character posesses a greater version of the Envoy power.
1) Envoy: the character posesses the Envoy power
2) Sensory feedback: The character can sense anything any of his envoys sense, and engage in instantaneous communication with his envoys at all times. He can also extend the duration of any of his envoys from second level, by simply expending any given hour's envoy to extend the life of one up and running.
3) Telejumping. The character can create an envoy and simultaneously inhabit it as he does. when he performs this particular ability, he slumps unconsious as his mind travels to the location of his newly created envoy. this envoy need not appear next to the character's body, but may instead appear anywhere within 200 feet per level of experience OR next to an established Envoy's location. This 'improved' envoy, has an SDC bonus equal to the character's ME and has no attribute caps. In addition it acts as if the character's normal level (but has no additional powers) Telejumping can be performed only when the character has the ability to create an envoy. The character can dissolve his envoy's body and return to his original body at will.


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:58 pm
by Iczer
will do Zen-meister. Happy to oblige.

I'm getting my groove back now that the finger is flying free.

Envoy was my idea of type of harmless body double. something that could die without any negative consequence to the PC. Is also good for establishing alibi's as well.

Jagged edge was inspired by another player with quills. I wanted a more physical version of the dangerous aura posessed by APS: Fire

Accumulated power was inspired by an Amazo story arc featured in the JLA not too long ago. I actually pictured it fitting well with army of One (I have a villain with both that the PC's are going to meet soon.)

Ego conversion was a sad and pathetic (tee hee) rip off of Agent Smith's ability from Matrix reloaded (toned down a bit as so to disguise it's origins)


Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:34 pm
by Iczer
Gozeinya wrote:He is one i have been toying with im not sure if anyone has come up with it or if its in any of the books.

Vigilante/Crime Sense
Similar to ‘Danger Sense’
the character/hero has the ability to ‘sense’ when a crime is being or about to be committed. The player selects a certain type of crime that the hero can sense every second level. IE: Armed robberies, Rape, break and enter jay walking murder, kidnapping etc.
If the crime that the hero can sense is about to or being committed within a ½-mile radius the hero, will ‘pick up’ on it and be drawn to the location of the crime.
The exact nature of the power can be left up to the player and the GM will inform you when your sense will go of, IE: ‘Your crime sense is tingling’
The hero will be warned 20 seconds + 10 seconds per level before the crime is about to be committed

What do you all think?

It's good, but PU1 has this covered already. the power is called 'criminal intuition' and pretty much covers the above very well


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:30 am
by Iczer
Gozeinya lets just forget i posted that then :-(

Naw don't sweat it. In my mind that's just an excuse to make a major version of it.

Judicious Conscience [Major] By Iczer
"Who knows what darkness lurks in the hearts of...what do you mean that's taken? "
The character has an instinct for recognising and combating evil.
1) Kicking Arse and taking names: The presence of evil activates latent energies inside the character, a type of feedback that accellerates this character's heart rate and hardens his resolve. When fighting opponents that are a) evilly aligned and b) in the act of committing a crime (including assault) the character gains an extra attack per melee, +2 to strike and Damage and gains a temporary +30 SDC.
2) Getting a clue: The character percives criminal activity with an unsurpassed clarity. He gains criminal science (no forensics) at 88%, streetwise at 75% and detect ambush at 65%.each of these climbs at a rate of 3% per level. in addition, he needs to spend the barest moment to analyse clues and crimescenes rather than hours.
3) Inner workings: Even spookier is the character's natural insights into evil and crime. He automatically knows if a person has an 'evil' alignment and which one it is. If the person has committed a crime in the past hour (plus one hour per level) then the PC may sense the stink of evil on him. The target makes a save vs detection of 12+ with ME bonuses counting. Crimes that are 'victimless' give the target a +6. Crimes that harm others indirectly are at -2, crimes that involve murder, ongoing deprivation of liberty or victimisation are saved at -6. continuous mass murder, genocide, vast depraved indifference or any dehumanising crime with ongoing consequences are -10 to save against, and can be detected at twice the normal duration. The Character feels the intensity of the crime but no specifics. the character can get this feeling from crimescenes as well, with the energy lingering for 2 hours per level.
4) Mind of evil: the character can hear evil thoughts. while similiar to telepathy, it's a combination of deep intuition, a sort of esp and an attunement to the exitement caused when a person submits to his dark impulses. in any case, anyone actively carrying out an evil act (or planning to) within 40 feet of the character (+10 feet per level) projects their vileness. The character needs to make a perception check (14+) to sense the thoughts, and can pinpoint the thought's origin with 65% accuracy (+5% per level). If the character is in combat with evil beings, he can use this as a compensation for lack of sight dropping blindness penalties to a mere -2 within his area of affect.
5) Fight the good fight: the character's inclination and drive to fight evil results in:
* +25 SDC
* +10% to physical skills
* +1d4 to PE
* +1d4 to PS

Of course, this opens the door to an *evil* power of the same nature.


Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:47 pm
by MrTwist
Shaded Helios wrote:I don't suppose someone could come up with a PPE-based super power that isn't actually magic-based, eh? Like a huge fast regenerating PPE reserve that can be spent on various abilities, something similar to Nightbane talents or the like, but with the stipulation that the PPE cannot be used for magic.

Actually, that would be better designed as a new power category.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 7:17 am
by Iczer
You know, this thread looks like it's about to die off.

however, with over 1200 entries, I'm thinking it's had a good run all things considers.

So, Raise your E-Glasses gentlemen, for a toast to this spectacular thread:

**Commence E-toasting**

Oh.... and while I'm at it........

Nerve connection [Major?] By Iczer
"Take that...and that....and that.... heh...not so cocky now"
The character has developed the ability to conduct a sort of hazardous energy between himself and his opponents. Similiar to disruptive touch, the character can target opponents with a nerve disrupting energy.
1) Disruptive touch: by choosing to strike with this touch, the character strikes a living being and channels his energy through the contact. the precision required to perform this feat precludes using the full foce of the blow, and any associated strike is without damage bonuses (except those derived from combat skill). The Opponent so stricken with this touch must save vs 15+ (PE bonuses apply) or be drained of 1d4 PP for 2d4 minutes. multiple touches stack, but an opponent can only be afflicted with this more than once per melle
2) Nerve strikes: The character's blows naturally inflame the nerve clusters of his opponents in combat. when landing a successful strike, with any bare handed blow (or by natural weapons), the character can choose to have his damage bonus be derived from his PP or ME rather than PS (may choose from round to round). in any case, the blows channel harmful energy straight to nerves, and inflict full damage upon creatures normally immune to physical damage (Typically bypassing natural armour, damage reduction and invulnerability)
3) Channel energy outwards: the character can excite his body with his own energies. If grappled, the character can charge his body. the energies transfer to his attacker, like transmitted vibrations or painfull static. This grants a +1 bonus per level to escape holds and grapples. When so charged, the character is considered a threat by most natural animals, and will be avoided. To reinforce this, the character can touch the ground and transmit the charge to atarget up to 20 feet away per level of experience. the target will feel the sharp shock of the touch and must save (14+ ME bonuses count) or be impelled to leave by the most expediaent method.
4) Other bonuses: The character is resistant (half damage) to electricity and ion weapons. electrical based stunners do not affect this individual.
+ 1D4x10 SDC
+2 PE
+2 PP

Phligosten Body [Major] By Iczer
"Hot stuff huh..wait till they get a load of me"
The character can transmute his body into a flowing, steaming liquid energy form for a few brief moments at a time. This ability to transmute grants a number of bonuses:
1)Melee combat: the character can transform only his out layers of skin into a bubbling morass of energy. the character begins to glow slightly as the energy discharges into the environment as a light show. anyone touching the character takes 1d4 damage per level of the character, and the character adds +1 damage in melee combat per level from the discharge.
2) Defensive purposes: BY rapidly shifting in and out of liquid energy form, the character can bypass many types of damage. When aware of an incoming attack, the character acquires an AR of 16 which is fully effective against all physical weapons, lasers, heat, fire and electricity. Even if struck for damage, the character's shifting reduces the damage from energy or penetrating attacks by 1/2, and reduces bullet damage to 1/4.
3) Transport: by shifting into energy state, the character can 'jet' his liquid self up to 50 feet, pkus 20 feet per level. he can perform this trick once per round, and counts as two actions. he cannot pass through solid objects in this manner, but can pass over them, or around them. if the character does this, he may choose to inflict 6d6 damage in this fashion from the energy. In a similiar fashion, the character can flow through bars, and out of handcuffs as well as combat holds. flowing through obstacles is limited to gaps no narrower than 3 inches, but can be done in a single action.
4) Other notes: The character is constantly burning up his own body mass to perform these tricks, and subsequently he is shedding it as he does. The character needs make a saving throw after any prolonged usage (16+, PE bonuses apply) or lose 1d6 SDC. 'Prolonged usage' is a GM's perogative, but a good rule of thumb is more than 1 minute of constant usage. Additionally, the character is plagued with constant hunger, needing 3 times normal food requirements to sate his appetite for bodymass.
Add 1D6 SDC every level.

Pan dimensional [Major] By Iczer
"Dang it boss, we can't hit him. He keeps....flowing"
The character can shunt part of his mass into a 4 dimensional space. this space does not contain all his body at one time, but contains enough to render him less vulnerable than others. The character seems distorted, and biologically impossible, like perhaps an upright coloured column of floating flesh, but can resemble a human being almost in entirety if he wishes, though his unnatural state will be obvious.
1) While Pan Dimensional, the character enjoys a +4 to dodge and +4 to autododge as well as +4 to roll with punch. Being incomplete, he is not subject to critical injury stemming from precision strikes, and takes half damage from falls explosions and heavy impacts (truck collisions, being stepped on by giant atomic lizards etc...)
2) The character's arms can appear and dissapear, coming from unpredicted angles. in combat the character enjoys a +2 to strike and disarm. if the character performs a disarm successfully, he may opt to transport the weapon into his dimensional space.
3) Mobility: the character can appear to float in air. in reality his legs are pushing along in a paralell dimension, while the rest of his body rides along in ours. in this fashion, the character can ignore some laws of friction. he need not touch the ground (but cannot fly per-se). he enjoys a +20% to climb, +20% to prowl and enjoys an extra 4D6 Spd. additionally, he may avoid some natural hazzards by drawing oxygen from his own dimension. in this fashion, the character is immune to inhaled gasses.
4) Vanish: the character can fold completely into the paralell universe so that he vanishes. while 'vanished' he dissapears completely, but is rendred immobile. the character may choose at any time, but is unnaware of where has transpired in his absence.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:48 pm
by znbrtn
well, i haven't posted anything in a while, so here's what i've been sitting on lately:
by the way, i don't know metric conversions, sorry.

-no quote yet-
this ability allows the superbeing to grow a tough, semi-prehensile tendril from one or both arms that can easily support up to 250 lbs +50 per level while similar to the tentacle power, these tendrils are much less nimble(nothing more complex than grabbing, lifting, and pulling, and the target must be more than 6 inches wide for it to do so.), but more dangerous as whip-like weapons.
damage: 2d6 per tendril used +p.s. damage bonus.
sdc: each tendril has 50 sdc and grows back in 48 hours if severed.
+2 to strike, parry, and disarm with tendrils
+25 sdc.

legendary weapon(major)
"that's not a knife.... THAT'S a knife..."
a character with this ability can enhance a weapon to truly legendary levels of power.
increased weapon skill: any time the character uses a weapon, he gains the appropriate w.p. for it at his level. if the character already has the w.p. for that weapon, his skill in the weapon increases by 5 levels.
power weapon: this part of the power is identical to the minor ability of power weapon, except the character loses the energy blast ability that usually comes with it.
physical boost: when the character activates the power weapon abilities, the weapon also increases in mass and weight, adding 5-10 lbs, 1 foot of length, and 1d6 damage to the weapon at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, and14. normally, this might boost the weapon out of the weapon type for the w.p., but the character somehow preserves the "type" of the weapon for the purposes of w.p.s'. when the weapon changes, it changes its appearance to suit the personality of the character.
throwing ability: when the character throws an activated weapon, it does the same damage as if the character were to attack with it in melee range(ie he keeps his p.s. bonuses to damage). range: 100 ft per level, and returns just before the character's next action.
finally, the character does full damage to otherwise immune enemies with an activated weapon.
can effectively wield any weapon up to 1000 lbs, even if his or her strength would not normally allow it.
naturally has a critical hit at three places lower.
+2 to strike, parry, dodge,pull punch, and disarm with any melee weapon.
+50 sdc.

any questions or comments? :D

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:43 pm
by Iczer
ok. I'm going to be nasty.

Firstly....YAAAAAY!!!! the thread's not dying after all.


brannigan's law wrote:tendrils(minor)
-no quote yet-
this ability allows the superbeing to grow a tough, semi-prehensile tendril from one or both arms that can easily support up to 250 lbs +50 per level while similar to the tentacle power, these tendrils are much less nimble(nothing more complex than grabbing, lifting, and pulling, and the target must be more than 6 inches wide for it to do so.), but more dangerous as whip-like weapons.
damage: 2d6 per tendril used +p.s. damage bonus.
sdc: each tendril has 50 sdc and grows back in 48 hours if severed.
+2 to strike, parry, and disarm with tendrils
+25 sdc.

Nice. I'd have ditched the SDC bonus. A note as to how long these tendrils are would be good. The damage should just be 2d6. (The character only really seems to be able to grow 2 tendrils at once anyway and dual attacks is the GM's call to allow or disallow). As for calling the tendrils less nimble, I'd say that thier use subtracts 25% from relevant skills (which is a non-issue really, as you would just turn your arms back into arms to lose the panalty...but I digress)

brannigan's law wrote:legendary weapon(major)
"that's not a knife.... THAT'S a knife..."

OK, I always have a giggle when someone quotes Paul Hogan (a national Icon, even if he is a bit of a sellout).

a character with this ability can enhance a weapon to truly legendary levels of power.
increased weapon skill: any time the character uses a weapon, he gains the appropriate w.p. for it at his level. if the character already has the w.p. for that weapon, his skill in the weapon increases by 5 levels.


power weapon: this part of the power is identical to the minor ability of power weapon, except the character loses the energy blast ability that usually comes with it.
physical boost: when the character activates the power weapon abilities, the weapon also increases in mass and weight, adding 5-10 lbs, 1 foot of length, and 1d6 damage to the weapon at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, and14. normally, this might boost the weapon out of the weapon type for the w.p., but the character somehow preserves the "type" of the weapon for the purposes of w.p.s'. when the weapon changes, it changes its appearance to suit the personality of the character.

It's getting a bit vague here. So it gets the damage bonus for power weapon AND additional damage. It seems a a little top heavy at that point. also, you should define what you might mean by weapon 'type' From initial inspection it seems there is the possibility that a 'dagger' may grow so large it would be a 'sword'.

throwing ability: when the character throws an activated weapon, it does the same damage as if the character were to attack with it in melee range(ie he keeps his p.s. bonuses to damage). range: 100 ft per level, and returns just before the character's next action. energy blast but it has a different ranged attack anyway.

finally, the character does full damage to otherwise immune enemies with an activated weapon.


can effectively wield any weapon up to 1000 lbs, even if his or her strength would not normally allow it.
naturally has a critical hit at three places lower.
+2 to strike, parry, dodge,pull punch, and disarm with any melee weapon.
+50 sdc.

Hmm. mostly worthy. So if he has the appropriate WP, he gets it 3 places higher (as mentioned above) AND +2 on top of that? that seems a bit much as well. Also, the character can weild high weight weapons. that may need a bit of adjustment. a 5000lb sword would deal like...someone help me here..TK does about 1d6 per 50d6? This power aside, just the ability to heft 2 tonne swords is enough of a major.

you tread on harsh territory with this power, as it gets to be compared to similiar abilities.

As it stands it's got a good basis, and I think I can see the grounds for carrying ruddy great swords. Compare this power to, say, energy weapons extensions or weapon melding for damage and combat bonuses.

If I were to offer an alternative, I would suggest:

* keep the weapon growth sub ability. maybe the ability to morph weapons into other weapons (or to morph standard objects into other weapons) could be added
* Keep only one extra damage enhancer. probably one extra D6 every 2 or so levels.
* Only select one set of combat bonuses. either the +2's or the increase in WP levels. The ability to weild any melee weapon should stay.
* Don't add a minor power to the major power. Thats just tacky. the whole power is just an enhanced version of power weapon anyway, no need to add the minor ability as well.


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:50 am
by Zenvis
gwa1965 wrote:This thread can't die yet :( ! Unless I'm mistaken, nobody's come up with a Matter Transmutation or Matter Metamophasis power yet! And what about Metamorph Others or Substitutiary Locomotion, or Invest Power, or,
Origami Powers, or Projectile Vomiting,or, or,...

OH PLEASE DON'T DIE!!! ("sob")

I got Origami powers covered. Just check out though the thread.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:15 am
by MrTwist
gwa1965 wrote:This thread can't die yet :( ! Unless I'm mistaken, nobody's come up with a Matter Transmutation or Matter Metamophasis power yet! And what about Metamorph Others or Substitutiary Locomotion, or Invest Power, or,
Origami Powers, or Projectile Vomiting,or, or,...

OH PLEASE DON'T DIE!!! ("sob")

I did a version of matter transmutation a long time ago. It'd be easiest to do a search for it. It wasn't really all that complete, though. I just feel matter transmutation is a bit too powerful, and complicated, to do. Take a look at Zen's website for other goodies, and definitely also look at the huge list on Beyond Heroes. Both have quite a few things. I think invest power has been done, in various forms. Not so sure.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:01 pm
by znbrtn
Iczer wrote:Nice. I'd have ditched the SDC bonus. A note as to how long these tendrils are would be good. The damage should just be 2d6. (The character only really seems to be able to grow 2 tendrils at once anyway and dual attacks is the GM's call to allow or disallow). As for calling the tendrils less nimble, I'd say that thier use subtracts 25% from relevant skills (which is a non-issue really, as you would just turn your arms back into arms to lose the panalty...but I digress)

yeah... length is a bit useful... i was just gonna say that skills are pretty much impossible to perform well with 'em, but i think your suggestion would be a better idea. how's about this?

this ability allows the superbeing to grow a tough, semi-prehensile tendril from one or both arms that can easily support up to 250 lbs +50 per level(not sure of metric conversions yet).while similar to the tentacle power, these tendrils are much less nimble(nothing more complex than grabbing, lifting, and pulling, and the target must be more than 6 inches wide for it to do so.), but more dangerous as whip-like weapons.
damage as a whipping attack: 2d6 +p.s. damage bonus.
length: each tendril is 6 ft long + 1 foot per level.
sdc: each tendril has 50 sdc and grows back in 48 hours if severed.
-25% to skills when using tendrils.
+2 to strike, parry, and disarm with tendrils

Iczer wrote:If I were to offer an alternative, I would suggest:

* keep the weapon growth sub ability. maybe the ability to morph weapons into other weapons (or to morph standard objects into other weapons) could be added
* Keep only one extra damage enhancer. probably one extra D6 every 2 or so levels.
* Only select one set of combat bonuses. either the +2's or the increase in WP levels. The ability to weild any melee weapon should stay.
* Don't add a minor power to the major power. Thats just tacky. the whole power is just an enhanced version of power weapon anyway, no need to add the minor ability as well.

let's give that a try, eh?

legendary weapon(major)
"that's not a knife.... THAT'S a knife..."
a character with this ability can enhance a weapon to its full potential to achieve truly legendary levels of power.
increased weapon skill: any time the character uses a weapon, he gains the appropriate w.p. for it at his level. if the character already has the w.p. for that weapon, his skill in the weapon increases by 5 levels.
physical boost: when the character activates the weapon abilities, the weapon also increases in mass and weight, adding 5-10 lbs, 1 foot of length, and 1d6 damage to the weapon at levels 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13, and 14. also, the character can make subtle(or not so subtle) changes to an activated weapon, which allows him to change the appropriate w.p. for the weapon to any other w.p. that he knows. this even goes as far as changing a flashlight(w.p. blunt) into a full sized sword or a combat knife into a longspear type weapon. this also works in the opposite way as well; tetsubo or car door to knife(albeit a giant one), etc...
throwing ability: when the character throws an activated weapon, it does the same damage as if the character were to attack with it in melee range(ie he keeps his p.s. bonuses to damage). range: 100 ft per level, and returns just before the character's next action.
finally, the character does full damage to otherwise immune enemies with an activated weapon.
duration: to activate a weapon it only takes one action of concentration. once activated, the weapon stays that way until the character wills it away or is knocked unconsious.
can effectively wield any weapon up to 500 lbs, even if his or her strength would not normally allow it.
naturally has a critical hit at three places lower with any melee weapon.
+50 sdc.

so how 'bout these? :D

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:12 pm
by MrTwist
Don't know of a good name for this one. Or whether or not it has been done. If it has been done, oops.

This strange super power creates some kind of link between the user and an opponent. Somehow, when they are totally fixated on fighting them, they seem to grow quickly accustomed to the opponent's style.
Duration: This power lasts as long as the combat does. When combat is over, or when the user focuses on anything except melee combat with a specified opponent, the power ends.
Effect: Simply put, every melee round the user is in single melee combat with an opponent, they get +1 to all strike, parry, dodge, and initiative rolls. This bonus is cumulative over following melee rounds(so, the second round of combat gives them a +1, the third gives them a +2, the fourth +3, etc..) until single combat is broken. This bonus is limited by the experience level of the user, so a fifth level super hero can only get a maximum of +5 to combat actions no matter how long combat last.
The user can dodge the attacks of others(at their normal dodge bonus), but can't parry. Parrying the attack of someone other than the selected foe negates the bonuses.

I would say this probably falls into a minor power, though it's effects could become quite major. The limitations should keep it in check.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:51 pm
by Iczer
I like the new changes. makes me feel much more comfortable (Of course, your milage may vary)

Blowback: [Minor] By Iczer
"wham bam thank you Maam"

The character has the ability to generate a mild force around his body that amplifies his blows, but more importantly hurls foes aside as he does so. Hand to hand, melee only blows by this character do +1 damage per level.
In addition, the force of his blows carries with it a wave of pressure, that hurls aside his opponents. Each blow dealt by this character knocks opponents back up to 1d4 feet per level with a 20% chance (+5% per level) of knocking that foe down (Loses 1 attack, loses initiative and has a 50/50 chance of dropping any held items). This power works best and most optimally against opponents between 150 and 300 lbs. opponents over 300lbs are may reduce the distance flown 50% and have only 10% chance (+2% per level) of being knocked down. Opponents over 550lbs are immune to this power (Apart from the extra damage of course). Opponents under 150lbs have an extra 20% chance of knockdown, and are knocked back an extra 2d6 feet. opponents under 75lbs (and how many are there?) are automatically knocked down, and are flung twice as far.
Other benefits: This ability aadds a further +2 to roll with impact. It also adds +8 to his effective PS and PP when trying to escape graples (and can use this power to attack handcuffs, grappling opponents and ropes).

Shift Lock [Minor] By Iczer
"Whatsamatter...were you hoping for a quick change?"

The character has a kind of biomanipulation ability, which he can use on others. Effectively paralysing a target's ability to alter his shape or form. Any target struck with this attack, must save vs bio-manipulation (16+, PE bonuses apply.) failure means the target is unable to shift form or use any shapeshifting or form alteration for the duration ( one melee per level of experience). Form alteration includes, but is not limited to, stetching, all APS powers, body weapons, shapeshifting, alter physical body and any other power that changes the target's shape, form or structure. It does not immediately cancel or negate the power (See below), but it does prevent any immeadiate use (APS character's are locke din their current form, stretched characters remain extended etc).
By Grappling with an opponent for a melee (or any other method of prolonged contact) the character can use this ability to actually negate the target's shapeshifting powers, (same save as usual) for 2d4 +1 melee per level.
This power does not affect any power not immeadiately a shapeshifting type power.


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:00 am
by Zenvis
brannigan's law wrote:legendary weapon(major)
"that's not a knife.... THAT'S a knife..."
a character with this ability can enhance a weapon to its full potential to achieve truly legendary levels of power.
increased weapon skill: any time the character uses a weapon, he gains the appropriate w.p. for it at his level. if the character already has the w.p. for that weapon, his skill in the weapon increases by 5 levels.
physical boost: when the character activates the weapon abilities, the weapon also increases in mass and weight, adding 5-10 lbs, 1 foot of length, and 1d6 damage to the weapon at levels 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13, and 14. also, the character can make subtle(or not so subtle) changes to an activated weapon, which allows him to change the appropriate w.p. for the weapon to any other w.p. that he knows. this even goes as far as changing a flashlight(w.p. blunt) into a full sized sword or a combat knife into a longspear type weapon. this also works in the opposite way as well; tetsubo or car door to knife(albeit a giant one), etc...
throwing ability: when the character throws an activated weapon, it does the same damage as if the character were to attack with it in melee range(ie he keeps his p.s. bonuses to damage). range: 100 ft per level, and returns just before the character's next action.
finally, the character does full damage to otherwise immune enemies with an activated weapon.
duration: to activate a weapon it only takes one action of concentration. once activated, the weapon stays that way until the character wills it away or is knocked unconsious.
can effectively wield any weapon up to 500 lbs, even if his or her strength would not normally allow it.
naturally has a critical hit at three places lower with any melee weapon.
+50 sdc.
so how 'bout these? :D

Wow a weapon power that enhanses the use.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:02 am
by Iczer
Ummm...thats not my power *Points to above post*


Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:14 pm
by Iczer
Hmm from now on I vow to add a new power every time I post here
(Sort of like last ditch attempts to resuscitate the thread)

Rough as guts [Major] By Iczer
"Hmm superhero. Old school."

The character is a classic, posessing a dgree of strength and resilience that so typifies the brick.
1) Immense strength: The character gains +10 PS (Superhuman) and another +1 PS every level.
2) Immense durability: the character has an extra 2d6x10+30 SDC, an extra 4 PE, and an AR of 10.
3) Overall hardiness: The character fatigues at half rate and suffers only half normal effects from poison, disease and toxin.


Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 12:34 pm
by Zenvis
Iczer wrote:Ummm...thats not my power *Points to above post*


Taken care of. Thanks.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:53 am
by Zenvis
ZEN wrote:Hyper Agility -by AJ Pickett-
"Missed.. missed again.. come on, you can do it.. oops.. missed!"
The character is a stereotypical mobility specialist, possessed of inhuman agility, reaction speed, mobility and typically endowed with a razor sharp wit.
1. Astounding Dexterity:

Increase P.P. to 20 + 2D4 (if P.P. is higher than 20 already, add 2D4+4 to it),
2. Lightning Reflexes:

+6 to dodge, +4 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Add two extra attacks per melee round, +2 to entangle or disarm and +3 to parry.
3. Uncanny Senses:
+4 to Initiative, the character can sense attacks from behind and suffers only half the usual penalties to combat rolls if blinded or stunned.
4. Superhuman Speed:
Add 3D6x5 to Speed attribute, the character can make a standing vertical leap of a minimum of 10 feet high, with a running leap he can clear at least 18 feet.
5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Add +1 to M.A.
Add 1D6x10 S.D.C.
Add +1 to P.S. and P.E.


This is a major I take it?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:27 pm
by Iczer
ZEN wrote:Most definately a major, I just took Iczer's latest idea and spun out another one based on agility rather than strength.

Heh...that's almost sig-able.

and now that I've posted...i have to contribute

Nails [Minor] By Iczer
"wanna know why they call me scratch?"

The character has super durable nails, and specialised ability to control their shape and hardness.
Under normal circumstances, the character's nails are as hard as steel. at will she can make them extend to a foot in length and razor sharp (2d6 damage). The character can also control the length and cuvrvature of her nails, one minute making them straight, the next curved and jagged. The nails ignore soft armour (any AR under 11) These nails also add 20% to the climb skill, or if no climb skill is known, grants one at 38%. Thes nails are hard enough to parry melee weapons if necessary, undo screws and pry open wooden planks. By controlling their shape, the nails can function as any simple, sharp hard tool, from a small saw to a screwdriver, a mini rasping file to a chisel.

Matter Transfer [Major] By Iczer
"yeah....My WOODEN sword..heh heh heh"

The character ahs the abilityt to transmute the material structure of certain objects, to match the properties of other held or touched objects. This simple transferal power can give paper the strength of steel, make a gun as fragile as ice or make one's clothing as durable as wood.
Mass affected: The character can alter objects with a mass of up to one pound per level. he can affect multiple items at once (such as a handfull of bullets) but cannot affect only part of an object.
Duration: Items so transformed remain so for one minute per level after they have left contact with the character. Items continually kept on the character's body remain transformed until they leave him.
Effect: each action spent transforming a target, copies the properties of another touched item into the target, transfering one desired property at a time.
Properties list:
* AR: The touched and target items share thier AR's.
* SDC: SDC doesn't transfer directly, rather the target recieves bonus SDC equal to the touched item's AR per action (to a maximum of theItem's normal AR times the character's level)
* Rigidity/ductability: Rope can become as unyeilding of steel, or a gun the flexibility of play-dough
* Ferrous properties: Metal knives can be made as magnetic as wood. Likewise a character's shoes might become conductors
*Appearance: a normally dull blade may acquire a mirror finish, or a portable radio may look like it's covered in rust.
* Other properties: covers a broad range, but includes toxicity, floatation, relative mass, flamability, radioactivity and cohesion.

Notably, this can have numerous uses.
* By transforming a gass into breathable air the character can escape the otherwise deliterious effects of the gas
* Likewise, as long as the character is touching some breathable air, the character cannot drown
* Innocuous items may become weapons (paper with the rigidity, AR and SDC of steel, ropes made as rigid as stone)
* Actual weapons become superior when superior properties are transfered (+1 damage every 2 levels)
* Opponents can be disarmed by turing thier weapons flaccid
* Clothing can be given armour like properties, while remaining as light as regular garments
* Likewise, an opponent's clothes could be rendered as rigid as concrete (but without an SDC boost, the clothes would be shred like tissue paper)

This power suffers the limitation that properties can be transfered by touch only. as such it would be advised that such a character should carry small marbles of appropriate substances to augment his abilities.


Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:11 am
by MrTwist
Mephisto wrote:Iczer, do you ever get tired of being the best HU2 whore out there? I have violated your powers for untold ages. (And BTW keep up the good work).

I hope not. Not every power makes it, but then again not every power is backed by someone who seems to put some good time and effort into it. As a player there are a lot of powers that Iczer has made that just don't make it into my campaigns. Fine with me, though. He has done a great job keeping alive a thread that would've probably died a long time ago. As opposed to those who argue a thread to death, he has helped to keep a thread alive with ingenuity.

I'm sure Zen will agree. Thanks Iczer.

Edit - Forgot to mention. There are a lot of powers that did make it into my campaigns. While edited by my request(to fit into my games), still they are some of the most imaginative.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:05 am
by Iczer
awww shucks. I would be interested in seeing how some of them were edited. do you have a site that I can view?

oh I've posted I have to add........

Body suit [Major] By Iczer
"Waitaminute...if that costume is your skin, does that mean you' were naked all this just had lunch too...."
The character can transmute his flesh into a neutral substance, making his flesh uniform and bland. In this state he is still flesh and blood, but lacks any defining qualities whatsoever (except, of course, his appearance). DNA, fibres, blood, all of these reveal nothing about the character at all, and will never link him to his civilian identity. In this state he has a halved PB score and lacks any reasonable sexual definition (androgynous as well).
This transmuatation provides a number of other benefits as well.
* +2 PP
* +1 PE
* Heals at 3 times normal rate
* Is +25% to prowl
* senses are heightened slightly. has +2 to perception (if used, otherwise prowl attempts around him are reduced by 10%)
* Likewise the character leaves no trace of his own passage. attempts to use tracking on him are reduced by 20%. he also leaves little smell
* While transformed, the character is self contained. he may remain in his transformed state for 5 days +1 day per level of experience. in that time he is resistant to cold and heat (half damage and effect) resistant to pressure (can dive 2000 feet) does not breathe, eat excrete or need water.
* General toughened and protective nature of his 'flesh' grants an AR of 8, an SDC boost of 4d6 and a HP booost of 6d6.
* The altered flesh is also resistant to corrosives an skin agents. In this state he is immune to skin irritants (like mace, itching powder etc) His skin is not porous, so conatct poisons are innefective. as he doesn't eat or breathe in that time, he is relatively resistant to ingested poisons as well. Injury type poisons are still effective. he has a +2 to save vs poisons and toxins, and +4 to save vs biomanipulation type effects. acids do 1/4 damage
* The character's body responds well to conventional medicine. anyone performing the skills of first aid, paramedic or MD enjoy a +20% to their skill while working on a character in his altered flesh state.

Catastrophic adaptation [Minor] By Iczer
"Awww man...not again....."

The character has an involuntary response to danger. Adapt or die. The character has a sixth sense that is triggered by large scale disaters, which in turn causes his body to twist and adapt, often without the character's conscious control.
Any time disaster is immanent the character chekcks th e following and makes changes. Note that 'disaster' in the context of this power, refers to events of a deadly or dangerous nature, affecting a large group of people or operating on a geographically local scale. A car accident doesn't count. a plane crash does. a house fire doesn't. a forest fire does. gas grenades don't. a gas tanker spill does.
The character has about a 10 minute warning, with a +2 minutes per level. the character does not need to be a potential victim, he only needs to be in the vicinity of the impending disaster. The character can delay the changes by consciously holding back, but the change is inevitable. at t minus 2 minutes he must make a save to keep resisting (14+ PE bonuses count). at T minus 15 seconds the change occurs.
* If the character is a victim, he gains a buffer of 60 SDC that vanishes when the disaster has done it's damage. this SDC buffer is increased by 10 per level.
* If the character has a determined percentage chance of survival, or of escaping injury, then it increases by 5% per level. likewise if saving throws will be needed to resist or reduce (or avoid) damage, then he gains a temporary +1 per level todo so.
* If necessary, the character 'develops' wilderness survival at 88% (or gians +15%) this change lasts for his level in days.
* The character's body twists to accomodate for the needs of the disaster. Changes that occur typically last just long enough to get to safety or to render aid, typically no more than 15 minutes per level. Mechanically, the changes mirror what could be expected from adapt to environment (refer to HU2 pg 238). the GM should tailor changes to suit immeadiate needs.
* If the character goes to render aid to others, then he gains an adrenal type burst tto assist. His fatigue vanishes and th e character can function without fatigue for one hour per level. He also gains +6 to strength (extraordinary) for as long as he renders aid without rest.



Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 1:07 am
by Iczer
Mental Sink [Major] By Iczer
" think you're so smart Mentalad..but never had to face me before"

The character projects a harmfull field that drains mental energy and converts it into increased power.
1) Draining field: the character projects a field up to 10 feet (+5 feet per level) away that saps mental energy, disturbs concentration and drains willpower. Anyone caught within this field needs to save vs it (15+ ME bonuses count) or suffer one of the following effects (chosen by the character)
* loss of 1 IQ
* Loss of 1 ME
* Loss of 5 ISP
Duration: lasts as long as the character wills it to. Drained abilities return 5 minutes after leaving the field.
Attacks per melee: the field requires 2 actions per melee to maintain. (but see below)
Control: The character has a fine enough control to make the field pulse out to his maximum range or to act as a fine layer against his skin.
2) enhancement: at 3rd level, the character may direct this against a single opponent within 10 feet. this opponent needs to be otherwise helpless as immense concentration is required. In this instance, the saveing throw is at -2, and the rate of drain is doubled. recovery takes 5 times as long as well.
At 5th level, he can make the field skin tight, affecting everyone who makes contact with him, effectivly draining foes multiple times per melee round.
At 7th level, he may use this as a draining attack, firing a ray out to 40 feet per level with +4 to strike and forcing the same saves and effects as listed in 1)
3) Bonuses: every point of IQ, ME or every 5 ISP drained grants an additional +1 PS to the character, and heals 1d6 HP or SDC. In addition, after sustaining more than 20 successful drains, the character becomes supercharged, granting a +1 attack, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +4 to initiative and making his PS superhuman.
4) Drawbacks: Increased abilities drain away after 5 minutes, but the nasty severe draining available at 3rd level lasts 5 times longer. A supercharge lasts a mere 2 melee rounds per level, and then removes all drained abilities (leaving him at base state) and leaving him exhausted (half combat bonuses, -1 action per melee, half speed). Characters under the effects of a mind block are immune to this ability, as are those that are artificial life forms or posess an immunity to psionics (though this power is not psionic in nature)

Stunning blows: [Minor] By Iczer
"..and the next thing I know is being hurled into a jail cell...and I thought I was invulnerable..."

The character's hands and feet project a stunning like force that shocks and disrupts the nervous system.
1) Shocking discharge: the character adds +1 damage every level when striking a foe from electrical discharges. The character can direct his or her blows through conductive surfaces but these blows inlict half damage.
2) Stunning blows: The character can modulate their discharges to stun opponents. struck opponents take half damage, but must save vs stun (12+) or lose an action and initiative from the shock.
3) Dazing blows: a dazing blow does no real damage, the point being to overload the nervous system. Every dazing blow that strikes is tallied. when the blows outnumber the victims PE, he makes a saving throw vs stun (14+ this time) or be stunned for 1d4 melee's. every time he is struck during this period he risks being knocked out for 1d4 melees (save vs stun 14+)
4) other benefits: the character is light on her feet in order to deliver blows. +1PP +2Spd. +1 Dodge.
When combined with paramedic, it adds +10% to restart a heart.


Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:42 am
by MrTwist
Can't remember whether or not I did this one before, or mentioned it. Anyways, here's an attempt at it. Probably a little wordy, but that seems common when I'm working on a rough draft. If anyone can make it more succint, go for it.

Possess Building(major)
This odd power creates a link between the user and the building they currently occupy. While a building is not intelligent, and can not communicate with the user, there are still a few things the user can make happen.
Range: 2 stories, plus 1 additional story at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
Effects: There are a multitude of effects that are produced by this link to the building.
1. Mental Map
When the link is established, a map appears in the mind of the user. They gain a complete schematic of however many stories their level of power reaches. This schematic includes things like stairs, doors, windows, and even smaller things like a safe set into the wall. This power does not tell the user whether something is a hidden room, or even give a hint as to the purpose of a specific room.
2. Identify Objects
You can identify object connected to the different rooms. When concentrating on the entire building(to the limit the power can reach), the only things that can be sensed is movement, like people or vehicles moving around.
A roll can be done once every minute, with a 68% of success. On a successful roll, only a vague knowledge is gained(there's movement in this room, a lot of fast movement in that other room, and something very heavy is going back and forth over here).
Also, you can focus on one specific room and gain a more detailed knowledge of things. This has a 73% chance of success, and the knowledge gained will enable you to identify the actual objects in the room, as long as they are touching the walls, floor, or ceiling.
And example would be focusing on one room, and knowing there is an object that seems shaped like a desk, along with what seems to be a very heavy chair(most likely containing a person).
3. Open/Close Portals
This allows you to open or close doors and windows within the building. Unfortunately, any obstruction, no matter how small, can keep a portal open/closed. You can also lock/unlock these doors or windows, but only as long as the lock is not electronic and is connected to the door/window frame itself(yes to deadbolts, but no to combination locks that are separate from the door/window itself).
Notes: To use this ability, you must be inside the building to be affected, and touching it with your hands(or tentacles, or whatever you have). You fall into a somewhat trance state, not able to move until the duration of the power is over or you turn it off. You are still able to talk to others around you, though.

Well, that's as far as I have got on it. When I get time I'll try to do a rewrite, and maybe add one or two more subpowers.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:05 am
by znbrtn
mainbox wrote:Tag (Minor) by: mainbox
"tag your it!"

This is simple yet powerful. When you "tag" someone/thing everyone/thing feels that the have to run away form the "taged" perosn/object.
Saveing Throws: Anyone looking at the person/object "taged" has to try and save. Same as save vs horror factor. Failed roll means that you feel you need to get away from the person/object.
note: people who save against the power might wonder why everyone is running away.
Range: line of sight. You have to "tag" the person/object and everyone with in the range ( 60 feet + 10 feet per level ) who as fail the save and can see the person/object feels that they have to run away.
Duration: One minute for every M.E. attribute + One minute at (2,3,5,7,10,13,15)

I'm not sure if I covered everthing about this power, so if you have any questions please ask.

one question, what would the horror factor be? i would probably suggest 8+1 at level 3,6,9,12, and 15.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:43 am
by Iczer
Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.
An 'evolutionary leap' can take the following forms
* Power swapping: the character can swap his powers around, as long as they bear at least a superficial resemblance to his prior powers.
* The character gains 2 PB every time he evolves, and one MA.
* The character may later his appearance slightly every time he evolves
* The charactter can add or subtract a mutation, even if he is not a mutant
* The character gains a new minor power at levels 6 and 12.
* Every time he evolves, he may reconfigure his HP (re rolll, and keep the new roll if higher) This reconfiguring heals him of all wounds.
* If the character dies while he has an evolution left in him, he may make a save vs coma/death upon his demise. If successful (needs to roll 50% or higher) he evolves, coming back from the dead.
* May change aliignment and personality when he evolves.
* Gains a d6HP every time he evolves.

Body harvesting [Major] By Iczer
'Eddie?....Oh meant me...Sorry to tell you this pal...Eddie's Dead'

The character has the gruesome ability to gain strength and vitality from the frshly dead. In all the below cases, the body must be as close to the character biologically (same species) and must have died in the last 3 hours (plus 1 hour per level)
* Cull corpse for healing: By sinkinng his fingers into a freshly dead body, the character can literally absorb it, healing and repairing himself as he does so. This procedure takes 1d4 minutes to complete, and recovers 1d4x10 SDC and 4d6 HP. The body is consumed by this process, both destroying valuable evidence (no body = no crime) and feeding the character. (does not need food or water after feeding for 72 hours)
* Imitate the dead: a more gruesome endeavour. If the character does not wish to consume the corpse as food or healing, then he may adopt the victim's appearance and manerisms. The character mimics him physically, even acquiring his physical attributes (or keeping his own if superior). Mannerisms are kept, and the character has a vague sense of the victims memories (he will recognise family membes, and where he keeps his hideakey, but not safe combinations, pin numbers or details of business meetings.) The appearance change is permanent, until undone by the character, or until he exerts himself. Every point of damage he takes reduces his adopted appearance by 1%. every time he uses a super power he lowers his disguise by 5%. a super scale battle would quickly cast aside this appearance.
* Draw strength from the dead: By consuming a corpse, but not feeding or altering his identity, the character can draw power from the dead. Th character gains an SDC boost of +1 for every 10lbs of dead human he consumes, and a PS bonus of +1 for every 50lbs of dead human he consumes. these bonuses last for an hour, before fading (Bonus SDC fades at 1 point per minute, PS fades at 1 point every 10 minutes)
Other bonuses: The character is resistant to diseases found in and common to his species (+6 to save vs disease)
+2 PE and ME.
+1d4x10 SDC

Power Fists: [Major] By Iczer
'Get ready for the fists...oh hang on..that sounded better in my head'

The character can surround his forarms to the elbows in crackling forcefields that give him exceptional striking and defensive ability.
1) Force fields: The force field limbs allow the character have 250 SDC each and allow him to parry weapons, even energy weapons, with ease only handling hazardous materials, or deliberate attacks against the hands stand any hope of damaging them. the Force field SDC recovers at a rate of 25 per hour. The size of the limbs add an extra +2 to parry with them. In addition, the character can attempt to parry bullets and energy blasts with his hands, parrying at -6. arrows and thrown weapons may be parried as normal (auto parried).
2) Strength of limbs: The hands and forarms have supernatural strength, applied whenever crushing or punching power is required. the character cannot lift this weight however as his shoudlers and biceps, not to mention back and legs, retain their normal strength. The enlarged fists are +2 to strike using bare handed blows.
3) enhanced size. Typically, the force fields make the character's forearms and hands look 50% bigger. If needed the character can pump this out to 150% extra size (usefull for enclosing large explosives, or acting as shields. The length can be extended as well. out to 10 feet the character's effective strength is superhuman only. Out to 25 feet it is extraordanary only. out to 50 feet it is normal strength only. the character can deliver punches out to these ranges. extended limbs have little flexibility (they do not bend or flex except at the wrist, elbow and fingers). as a climbing aid it adds +20% to climb (and automatically climbs any height less than 50 feet, just by reaching upwards and hauling oneself up).

Energy hands [Minor] By Iczer
'reach out and touch someone baby'

The character can coat his hands in energy allowing him self to inflict 2d6 extra damage with his punches (and kicks by coating his feet). These white hot hands also cut through 2 points of AR (treat AR's as being 2 points lower).
In addition, the choice of energy is decided on a moment by moment basis. Kinetic force, Sonics, vibration, fire, heat, light, electricity etcetera are all available allowing the character to swap out his attacks every action (takes no actions to alter energy types). furthermore, when transformed into the appropriate energy type, the character is resistant to that type of energy (half damage) and his hands are immune.
at 6th level, the character moves into the exotic energies range. at 6th level he may alos use any of the following energy types.
* Plasma: this superheated energy does an additional 2d6 damage
* Cosmic: this energy harms foes who are otherwise immune to normal damage (such as vampires and character who are otherwise invulnerable)
* Cold: apart from it's other uses, this harms characters otherwise immune to energy
* Particle beam: nasty. does half damage to invulnerable characters, and ignores 4 points of AR from any targets.
* Radiation: The hands irradiate the surroundings (refer to control radiation). targets within 30 feet are at risk of radiation poisoning.


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:30 am
by Iczer
Inner strength [Minor] By Iczer
" took all my might to perform that little stunt...I think I need a nap now"

The character has the ability to expend a vast amount of his personal energy into a single feat of power or strength. It takes one action to 'charge himself' in this fashion, and this 'charge' remains for 1 mellee round per level of experience or until it is expended.
Holding this 'charge' requires great concentrationm halving the character remaining actions, halving his speed and reducing skill performance by 20%. While 'Charged' the character has a buffer of 10 SDC per level
The charage may be expended with any action. During this action, his PS is raised to supernatural and increases by 2 points per level.
After a charge is released, the character becomes fatigued (-2 to all combat skills, reduce attacks per melee by 2 and reduce skill usage by 20%. also reduce speed by half. this condition takes 20 minutes to recover from.
Other bonuses +2 to ME, +2 MA. This is a mind over matter type ability, implying strong will and persona.
+15 SDC

Matter/energy converter [Major] By Iczer
"Suck it up big boy"

The character has the ability to absorb solid matter and transform it into energy, to be fired at a later date.
1) Absorb matter. The character can absorb 25 lbs of solid matter per level of experience and store it as energy inside his body. the act of absorbtion takes 1 action per 5 lbs of matter absorbed. The matter to be absorbed must be 'free' - either a gas or liquid, or particulate matter (sand, sawdust, metal filings etc..) If matter is not free, IE being solid matter, then the character's absorbtion rate is somewhat reduced.
2) Absorb solid matter. Solid objects require more work to absorb. Every action in contact with a particular substance, allows the character to reduce it's AR by 1d4 in that particular location. after reducing an item's AR in a location to 0, the character can inflict 6d6 damage to it every action (to a maximum of 15% of it's SDC, after which it is 'holed')
3) Stored energy. every 5lbs of matter, or 5 points of damage absorbed, translates into 2d6 dice of energy (type is chosen upon acquiring this power). this energy is +4 to strike targets out to 120 feet (+10 feet per level) with +1 to strike with wild, unaimed shots. Stored energy may be instead directed into hand to hand attacks, adding 2d4 damage per 5lbs or 5 SDC released.
4) stored energy: while the character has any stored energy inside him, he enjoys limited energy resistence (half damage) and a feeling of wellbeing and vitality (+2 to initiative, +2 to save vs psionics and disease)
5) energy to matter conversion: The character can attempt to reverse the procedure. by expending an action to 'parry' incoming energy, he may attempt to convert it into raw matter as it strikes him. the matter created is usually inert gasses, water and simple carbon. the character has +4 to this type of parry, but only takes half damage if unsuccessful
6) Other tricks: as stated, the character can absorb free or particulate matter. this can be used to suck air out of a room, destroy a gas cloud, or just remove humidity. (5 lbs of air is roughly 65 cubic feet) the character can use this ability to parry particulate matter attacks (+6 to auto parry bullets or thrown weapons by absorbing their mass)
7) Other abilities: the character is limited to a maximum of 25lbs or 50SDC of absorbed matter every level.
+2 PE
+1d4 x10 SDC

Copy Metaphysical structure [Major] By Iczer
"The spirit is willing....."

The character can absorb the metaphysical properties of objects or people by touch, acquiring properties equivilant to their supernatural nature.
1) Copying from living targets: When a living target is touched, the character acquires it's supernatural properties. In the case of human beings, this is usually thier PPE adn ISP (and often their Chi). It does not grant any spell casting or psionic abilities unless they are innate abilities. In the case of supernatural beings, the character aquires all their special abilities. This doesn't include their attributes, though strength will jump to supernatural if the target posesses them, but will include all natural abilities not based on thier physical form. Copied abilities last 5 minutes per level of experience.
2) Copying from magical objects: after touching an enchanted or magical object, the character acquires it's magical properties and enchanted abilities. these abilities last for 5 minutes per level before fading. If the object is indestructable, the character will be immobile (as per hyperdensity) for the duration of the transformation.
3) Drawbacks: The character must touch the object to be copied for one melee before the abilities kick in. living beings or sentient objects may save vs 16 (bonuses to save vs magic count).. The character's appearance undergoes subtle alteration when this power is in effect, making him resemble the creature or object he is mimmicking.

Living warp [Major] By Iczer
'Sucked in buddy'

The character can become an aperture into a violent and chaotic realm of extradimensional energy. When this happens, any contact with him results in a harful and violent transferal.
effects: anyone coming into contact with the character suffers 2d6 damage and must save vs transferral (14+ PE bonuses count) or be sucked into this universe, and ejected moments later. The target is violently hurled out of the character up to 6d6 feet (loses this action and his next).
Attacks per melee: this field requires one action to arc up, and a further action per melee round.
Other abilities: While the field is active, the character is immune to energy (it is absorbed) and the character has an AR of 16 vs ranged attacks (the projectiles get absorbed and regergitated).
Harnessing the energy: The character can harness this energy in a number of ways
1) Absorb and expell matter. By contacting a solid object, up to 500 lbs +50lbs per level, he sends it into his limbo. on his next action, he has no choice but to expell it violently. the flaming, charred wreckage can be hurled up to 40 feet away +10 feet per level with +4 to strike. Damage from hurled item is based on weight, with every 25 lbs inflicting 2d6 damage. this ability can be used even if the field is 'off' by turining it on only momentarilly.
2) Fall lightly: by activating this field, and bleeding a little energy out, the character can leap up to 2 feet per PS point, and can fall unlimited distance without harm.
3) Slow bleed: by opening his aperture, he can cause the energy inside him to roll out. This causes 1d4x10 damage to everything within 30 feet. targets within this range may roll vs punch/fall/impact (16+) to take half damage.
4) Release: the character can open his aperture wide to release as much energy as he can allow. This takes 2 full melees of concentration to perform. at the end of those 2 melees the character takes 6d6 damage direct to HP. everyone else within 100 feet takes 2d6x10, and innanimate objects see their AR's reduced by half. out to the next 100 feet, the damage is only 1d4 x10 and the next 50 feet are afflicted with 3d6 damage. the character is knocked out from the shock
5) other abilities:
+2d6 HP
Recognises creatures from other dimensions, extradimensinal phenomenon and any effect that warps sapce and/or time.


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:39 pm
by znbrtn
first, let me say how great this recent set of powers has been, iczer.

now, on to my question. how would you handle a major version of alter physical structure of limb? also, what other transformations of limbs can you think of?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:25 am
by Iczer
znbrtn wrote:first, let me say how great this recent set of powers has been, iczer.

now, on to my question. how would you handle a major version of alter physical structure of limb? also, what other transformations of limbs can you think of?

Thanks's always good to get praise.

Hmmmm..a major version of alterphysical structure limb huh.....

I would go with having all four limbs transform for a start (seems like a given) and probably some sort of bonuses. Elsewhere in this (massive) topic I have a power called harden limbs. I would probably use that as a template.

1) Alter the limbs structure as per the minor power.
2) add a bonus to PS and PE. probably extraordanary or superhuman strength with a +2-+8 bonus. a PP Bonus of about 4, maybe 1D4. flat out double speed and grant leaping bonuses.
3) most likely grant a strike and parry bonus (not more than +2)

Looking at the above, the power doesn't really shape up to several major powers. so...

4) add a 'special manoevre' or two. Probably empower them with a power punch style attack, the ability to regrow lost limbs and perhaps some sort of shockwave or groundstrike ability

as for other altered limb styles.

1) We could probably do with the energy forms, like fire electricity and light/shadow
2) also a smoke limb, or vapour limb. sand and water. Mud. Acid. Void (?)
3) glass, plastic, ceramic.
4) alter physical structure of limb..animal parts.(?)
5) Hurricane!! limb turns into a whirling dervish connected to the shoulder!!!
6) Plasma (eek) Particle beam (Double EEK)
7) alterphyscial structure of limb...other person. copies the handprint of another target by touch. copies that arm's PS and PP as well as thier finger and handprints. if the target is lucky enough to have claws then they are copied too.

thats me done for the moment. stay tuned, a few of these will hit your screens very soon


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:17 pm
by Iczer
thagema wrote:Don't forget to add energy flight for a leg transformation. It just seems logical. I think I've seen a power which transforms the legs into an energy form and creates flight. Not sure if it was cannon or not though.

Naw stuff that. Extra leaping is good, but flight would be waay out. the character could take energy flight as a minor afterwards (but why would you want to?). besides..what if he only transformed his limbs into wood?

with that in mind

Copy Limb [Minor] By Iczer
'Thanks man..i needed a hand'

The character can copy the limbs of others by touch. After the briefest contact with a subject, one limb of the character's choice transforms to mimic the equivilant limb of the subject.
The limb has the following properties:
1) PS and PP of the limb matches the subject.
2) Palmprint and fingerprints match the subject perfectly
3) any features of the subject's limb (color, length and natural weapons for example) are also copied.
Duration: a copied limb remains so for 10 minutes per level, or until cancelled by the character

Alter Limb structure [Major] By Iczer
'Don't mess with Armory Buster!!!'

The character can alter the physical structure of all his limbs gransting several unique and concrete bonuses.
1) Alter physical structure of limb. The character gains this minor power, but note that all four limbs transform at once.
2) Increased PS Once transformed, the limbs have a PS of +8. this does not affect actual lifting capacity, as the back and spine do not enjoy the same increase in PS. The character does keep the ability to do increased damage from this strength.
3) Increased PP: The altered limbs enjoy a 1D4 bonus to PP. In addition the character's Spd is doubled. The character can also leap 15 feet up and across (50% more with a run up)
4) Combat bonuses: the altered limbs deflect blows with greater ease than those of flesh and blood. +2 to parry with the altered limbs
5) Other benefits:
* The character will grow back any altered limb that has been destroyed within 24 hours. If the character loses a flesh and blodd limb, he will be able to recreate it with this power (but only in it's altered form..turning it back to flesh will see it vanish)
* The character can perform a power attack with these limbs, a kind of two fisted attack. The attack takes two attacks to perform and inflicts double normal damage. The two fisted (or two footed) attack also produces a shockwave that affects the surrounding 10 feet for normal damage, and is likely to knock down (2% per point of damage) a man of normal weight (roll vs balance, 16 required).
* Altered limbs are omnidexterous, providing an extra attack per melee.


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:34 pm
by Iczer
thagema wrote:OK, well... I guess I'll just "stuff" my suggestion. Afterall you are the great power writer... ya right


Let me be mor diplomatic then.

Flight is a great ability, but is only really part of a power when it fits well. If the power were exclusively energy based then, yeah, sure. throw in energy flight.

In fact there is no reason not to, just make a new power..

Energy Limbs [major] By Iczer
'Joy buzzer? Why do it half arsed.'

The character can transform his limbs into structures of pure energy.
1) Offensive capabilities: The energy of his limbs cause the character to add 2D6 damage to every bare handed strike. Should he so choose, he may regulate this down to no damage if he wishes.
2) Lightning speed: The limbs are faster than normal. double the character's SPD attribute, and add +2 attacks per melee and +2 to PP
3) Energy type: The character selects a particular type of energy when he starts with this power. he is resistant to that type of energy at all times (half damage) and his limbs take no damage from that type of energy.
4) Energy manipulations: the character can fire parts of his limbs at targets. using up his body in this way is painful draining 1SDC per use, but inflicting 4d6 damage out to a range of 50 feet (+10 feet per level) with +2 to strike. The character can also fly (as per the minor power, Flight: energy) but doing so drains 1 SDC per hour


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:46 am
by Zenvis
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.
An 'evolutionary leap' can take the following forms
* Power swapping: the character can swap his powers around, as long as they bear at least a superficial resemblance to his prior powers.
* The character gains 2 PB every time he evolves, and one MA.
* The character may later his appearance slightly every time he evolves
* The charactter can add or subtract a mutation, even if he is not a mutant
* The character gains a new minor power at levels 6 and 12.
* Every time he evolves, he may reconfigure his HP (re rolll, and keep the new roll if higher) This reconfiguring heals him of all wounds.
* If the character dies while he has an evolution left in him, he may make a save vs coma/death upon his demise. If successful (needs to roll 50% or higher) he evolves, coming back from the dead.
* May change aliignment and personality when he evolves.
* Gains a d6HP every time he evolves.

Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:19 am
by dark brandon
Zenvis wrote:
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.
An 'evolutionary leap' can take the following forms
* Power swapping: the character can swap his powers around, as long as they bear at least a superficial resemblance to his prior powers.
* The character gains 2 PB every time he evolves, and one MA.
* The character may later his appearance slightly every time he evolves
* The charactter can add or subtract a mutation, even if he is not a mutant
* The character gains a new minor power at levels 6 and 12.
* Every time he evolves, he may reconfigure his HP (re rolll, and keep the new roll if higher) This reconfiguring heals him of all wounds.
* If the character dies while he has an evolution left in him, he may make a save vs coma/death upon his demise. If successful (needs to roll 50% or higher) he evolves, coming back from the dead.
* May change aliignment and personality when he evolves.
* Gains a d6HP every time he evolves.

Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

Perhaps if the character just chooses 1 of these everytime he levels?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:34 am
by znbrtn
Iczer wrote:Alter Limb structure [Major] By Iczer
'Don't mess with Armory Buster!!!'

The character can alter the physical structure of all his limbs gransting several unique and concrete bonuses.
1) Alter physical structure of limb. The character gains this minor power, but note that all four limbs transform at once.
2) Increased PS Once transformed, the limbs have a PS of +8. this does not affect actual lifting capacity, as the back and spine do not enjoy the same increase in PS. The character does keep the ability to do increased damage from this strength.
3) Increased PP: The altered limbs enjoy a 1D4 bonus to PP. In addition the character's Spd is doubled. The character can also leap 15 feet up and across (50% more with a run up)
4) Combat bonuses: the altered limbs deflect blows with greater ease than those of flesh and blood. +2 to parry with the altered limbs
5) Other benefits:
* The character will grow back any altered limb that has been destroyed within 24 hours. If the character loses a flesh and blodd limb, he will be able to recreate it with this power (but only in it's altered form..turning it back to flesh will see it vanish)
* The character can perform a power attack with these limbs, a kind of two fisted attack. The attack takes two attacks to perform and inflicts double normal damage. The two fisted (or two footed) attack also produces a shockwave that affects the surrounding 10 feet for normal damage, and is likely to knock down (2% per point of damage) a man of normal weight (roll vs balance, 16 required).
* Altered limbs are omnidexterous, providing an extra attack per melee.


quick question, does this allow you to use ANY of the minor apsl options, or do you pick one?

edit: now that i think about it, i would give the player access to all of the powers, or else it would just be a dumbed down aps power... does that make sense?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:43 am
by Zenvis
darkbrandon wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
Iczer wrote:Evolver: [Minor] By Iczer
'Time to keep up with the times'

The character can perodically evolve into a higher state, becoming edgier and more advanced without losing him self in the process.
The character may evolve once, with an additional evolution possible every level.
An 'evolutionary leap' can take the following forms
* Power swapping: the character can swap his powers around, as long as they bear at least a superficial resemblance to his prior powers.
* The character gains 2 PB every time he evolves, and one MA.
* The character may later his appearance slightly every time he evolves
* The charactter can add or subtract a mutation, even if he is not a mutant
* The character gains a new minor power at levels 6 and 12.
* Every time he evolves, he may reconfigure his HP (re rolll, and keep the new roll if higher) This reconfiguring heals him of all wounds.
* If the character dies while he has an evolution left in him, he may make a save vs coma/death upon his demise. If successful (needs to roll 50% or higher) he evolves, coming back from the dead.
* May change aliignment and personality when he evolves.
* Gains a d6HP every time he evolves.

Evolver goes up every level? You have got to be kidding. That could get out of hand.

Perhaps if the character just chooses 1 of these everytime he levels?

Now your making sense. I would not give all those bonuses every time they went up a level unless it was a mega power (a little beyond a major).