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Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:07 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Fashionista Clothes of Not
L6 common magic (L3 entertainer magic)
Range: self, other by touch
Duration: 30 min. per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 15
Covers the target of the spell in clothes imaged by the caster. These clothes can be solid or permeable at the choice of the caster. If the caster is the one in the clothes then she is able to change the appearance of the close on the fly, along with their permeability. Not but underclothes can be warn while using this spell, otherwise the apparent clothes will not look right. Just like they are being warn over clothes.
Can not be canceled by the caster if someone else is bespelled with the spell, and the wearer can will a saving throw to cancel the spell.

Clothes of Not
L7 (L4 entertainer magic)
Range: self, other by touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: standard
PPE: 23
This spell covers the target with the illusion of clothes. These clothes, seen from the outside will seen as what the onlooker expects to see. The apparent clothing can be tweaked to look to the low end or the high end of the quality scale expected by the viewer.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The Morning Paper
L7 common magic (L5 parenting magic)
Range: touch
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: standard
PPE: 20
The spell records the news on a paper in three section Household, local, and national.
Household: will write down the important things like the teen got pulled over for speeding, the girl/boy friend came over last night, such and such was broken and other important parenting things.
Local: the comings and doings of the neborhood.
Nation: anything major enough to find it's way to your town.

Satchel of Secrets
L8 temporal magic
Range: touch
duration: 1 standard day or 1 year per level
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 31, 165
This will turn a briefcase sized bag or case into a secure dimensional pocket for items that the caster does on want to fall into anyone else's hands. It creates a D-pocket that only the caster can get into. The additional space is about the same size as that of a briefcase.
Even those that can sense dimensional anomalies will have trouble getting into the D-pocket with out tripping off the safeguards that destroy the contents if someone other then the caster tries to take them out.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:25 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
There are some games out there that are a bit crazy, and you want that little bit of extra protection for your char. But you GM it has to be TW. Then here is a TW mod of the Western Empire's most popular magic armor for your fem-fatales.

Runic Bikini Armor (TW mod)
AR 18
SDC 150 (is mdc in rifts)
Humma Humma Factor-16,
The magic armor automatically activates in an unexpected combat situation. But during a fight the wearer has to notice that the magic has run it's course by ether being depleted or it's duration of 10 min. elapses. Then the wearer needs reactivate magic. The RBA can be activated three times before needing to be recharged with 10 PPE per charge. By the wearer or a PPE user of some sort.
[All the other stats are the same as the original]

Disclaimer: My GM didn't like the RBA as it was presented in R9.5. So this was the result of making a compromise.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:14 am
by Mallak's Place
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Mystic Combat Maid
Duration: 1 hour+ 1 hour per level above L10
Range: appears near caster
saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 155
Creates a maid constructed of magical energy but seemingly real. When she first appears she is wearing a maid's outfit of the caster's choosing. The maid will serve and keep the anchor out of life threatening danger. The maid will always defer to their ward except when facing a life threatening situation. When faced with eminent danger, the maid will tend to interpose herself between the danger and her master and attack the danger if it persists. Only if the danger is greater then it can handle will the maid hustle their charge away from the danger.
Stats: Q:16 A:15 S:13-24 P:20 B:17-23 d:150
xDC: 250 ( x=S in sdc settings and x=M in MDC settings)
Height: ether matching the caster's height or the height of the ward.
combat: 6 APM, +5 to Strike, Dodge and parry (in addition to attribute bonus)
WP: is able to handle all melee weapons instinctively equal to the level of the casting mage when first cast. Ranged weapons are used as if she had the WP Modern weapons in the PF2 main book.
Only if the maid is protecting someone do any attacks harm the construct, all others pass harmlessly through.
Will carry things and do menial tasks if set to by the caster or the anchor of the spell. The Maid will fade away if removed for the presence of the anchor for more then a 3 days (72 hrs) if not on a LL. Time on a LL does not count towards the duration of the spell.
*If this spell is cast on a leyline with 4 times the base PPE cost, the duration of the spell is unending with no range limitations. The personality of the maid will also develop with time. Will always be watchful of of her ward.
*Real clothing needs to be acquired if a outfit change is desired. Will revert to initial clothing outfit if no clothes are available.

You need to note that if the cast on a Nexus as a ritual you get a maid with +2 to APM and Combat bonuses, and she is distinguished from the other maids only by the fact she wears glasses.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mallak's Place wrote:
You need to note that if the cast on a Nexus as a ritual you get a maid with +2 to APM and Combat bonuses, and she is distinguished from the other maids only by the fact she wears glasses.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Noted and edited and expanded. :D

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:27 pm
by taalismn
Hmmmm....'Mystic Maid'?
I'll have to work on the male version...something like 'Manservent of Might', or 'Butler of the Gods'. :D

And yeah, 'Mystic Maid' is an instant shoe-in as a candidate for becoming a Living Spell(spells that acquire their own independent existence and intelligence---they are described in one of the Nightspawn books--'Between the Shadows'?...and expanded on in one of the Rifters).

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:46 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:Hmmmm....'Mystic Maid'?
I'll have to work on the male version...something like 'Manservent of Might', or 'Butler of the Gods'. :D

And yeah, 'Mystic Maid' is an instant shoe-in as a candidate for becoming a Living Spell(spells that acquire their own independent existence and intelligence---they are described in one of the Nightspawn books--'Between the Shadows'?...and expanded on in one of the Rifters).

:wink: :D

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:30 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Curse: Passing Bricks
Level: 5
Range: touch, 10'/Level
Duration: 1 Day per level
saving throw: standard (-2 if touched)
PPE: 25
This desiccates the scat of the target so it is had to pass. However, this spell does not magically remove the moisture from their body, so a side-effect is that the target has to frequently pass-water also.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:20 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Magic Archer
level 12
duration: 30 seconds per level
range: appears with in 10' of the caster.
saving throw: special "disbelief" option on Nat die for half damage.
This variant of the magic warrior spell that makes archers. One per 5 levels of the mage, rounded up.

(will finish it later)

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:20 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Curse: Passing Bricks
Level: 5
Range: touch, 10'/Level
Duration: 1 Day per level
saving throw: standard (-2 if touched)
PPE: 25
This desiccates the scat of the target so it is had to pass. However, this spell does not magically remove the moisture from their body, so a side-effect is that the target has to frequently pass-water also.

That is just evil. :P

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:02 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Curse: Passing Bricks
Level: 5
Range: touch, 10'/Level
Duration: 1 Day per level
saving throw: standard (-2 if touched)
PPE: 25
This desiccates the scat of the target so it is hard to pass. However, this spell does not magically remove the moisture from their body, so a side-effect is that the target has to frequently pass-water also.

And you thought gallstones were bad...

However, it brings a new dimension to the expression" "When you see it, you will $#!+ bricks!"

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:51 pm
by taalismn
(Modelled on DrewKitty’s Mystic Maid spell)

Mystic Chauffeur
Level: 12
Type: Invocation
Range: Appears near caster
Duration: 1 hour +1 hour per level above 11
Saving Throw: None/Not Applicable
PPE Cost: 125
Creates a servent driver (of either gender) of mystic energy, seemingly real flesh and blood and clad in the chauffeur uniform of the caster’s choice. The Mystic Chauffeur is loyal to the caster(or the caster’s appointed ‘anchor’) and will obey their orders, including carrying out various small tasks(carrying luggage, fetching people, going back for forgotten items if the anchor can tell them where they are), and can even engage in hand to hand combat(in limited fashion) if so required. The Mystic Chauffeur’s REAL strength, however, is its ability to drive just about anything, from beast-drawn carriages to small spacecraft.
IQ: 10 , MA: 12, PS: 10-18, PP: 18 ,PB:6-20, Spd: 20
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6 APM, Hand to Hand Expert(equivalent to 6th level)
xDC: 50(x=S in SDC settings and M in MDC settings)
Skills: Via a process akin to Telemechanics, the Mystic Chauffeur can instantly learn to drive just about any vehicle, provided it does not require more than one crewmember to function at a basic level. Limitations are for VEHICLES with a passenger capability, so the Mystic Chauffeur will not be able to ride a horse or a unicycle, but will be able to drive a buggy or carriage, or a tandem bicycle. Similarly, the Mystic Chauffeur will not be able to singlehandedly man a supertanker or space battleship(may be able to steer it, but not maintain it), but will do perfectly fine handling a motorboard or small space shuttle/freighter.
The Mystic Chauffeur will be able to figure out how to pilot/drive a new vehicle within 1d4 melees, and will be able to operate it at an 8th level of profficiency. The Mystic Chauffeur will also acquire the basic skills required to affect simple repairs(pr to hotwire the vehicle); so a MC assigned to a horsecart will have Basic Mechanics, Carpentry, and Veterinary skill as BASE LEVEL, while when behind the wheel of a limo will have Automotive Mechanics. Note that these skills ONLY apply to repairing that particularly vehicle/ride( a Mystic Chauffeur cannot use the Carpentry skill it learned re-spoking a carriage wheel to build a shelter for its master).
Mystic Chauffeurs CANNOT run/operate any weapons systems, even if integrated into the vehicle they are operating. They can drive defensively, evade, trail and even ram at the anchor’s instruction, but otherwise cannot engage in combat. They may point accessible weapons systems out, however, to their masters/anchors and instruct them in basic operations.
Mystic Chauffeurs also acquire a basic Navigation skill(BASE profficiency) appropriate to the vehicle they are operating, but unless the anchor/caster has a clear idea of where they want to go, the MC is likely to be as lost as the anchor is(thus, telling a MC to ‘get me home’ when stranded in an unfamiliar universe is a recipe for getting even MORE lost).
Note that the Mystic Chauffeur CANNOT operate vehicles that are specifically designed to be operated magically or psionically, even though the MC is a magic/psionic construct, unless the MC is specifically Bonded to the vehicle in question(see **).
*If this spell is cast on a leyline with 4 times the base PPE cost, the duration of the spell is unending with no range limitations. The personality of the Mystic Chauffeur will also develop with time.
**If, at the time of casting, an additional 30 PPE is spent, the Mystic Chauffeur may be bonded to a particular vehicle. This raises the Piloting profficiency to 10th level, and adds a +20% to relevant maintenance skills. The MC will also be able to coax a 10% increase(20% on a ley line) in speed out of their assigned vehicle. However, a Bonded Chauffeur will NOT be able to operate any other vehicle. Furthermore, if the vehicle that the Chauffeur is Bonded to is destroyed, there is a 50% chance that the Chauffeur will be destroyed along with it. If the MC somehow survives, they will be at HALF SDC/MDC, and will default to the regular ability to pilot vehicles, but takes TWICE as long to learn to do so and only drives/pilots at a 4th level of profficiency.
***As with the Mystic Maid, real clothing must be provided if an outfit change is required for the Mystic Chauffeur. Otherwise, the outfit reverts to the default costume.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:47 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Level: 7
Duration: 10 min per level
Range (A): self and one other by touch
Range (B): 1/4 mile per level.
Saving Throw: N/A
PPE: 16
This cousin of the multiple image spell creates duplicate image of the caster (and his companion.) At the same time it also makes the caster and friend invisible (simple). After casting the image duplicates, which appear at the places of the mage and his companion, seam to run off as if magically fast away from the mage. The images will continue till they reach the edge of the range (B), where they stop, & the image of the mage waves his hands and they disappear as if they teleported.
The invisibility will persist till the end of the full duration unless the mage cancels it.

Suggestions on the level and PPE would be welcome.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:38 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Zoom!
Level: ??
Duration: 10 min per level
Range (A): self and one other by touch
Range (B): 1/4 mile per level.
Saving Throw: N/A
PPE: ??
This cousin of the multiple image spell creates duplicate image of the caster (and his companion.) At the same time it also makes the caster and friend invisible (simple). After casting the image duplicates, which appear at the places of the mage and his companion, seam to run off as if magically fast away from the mage. the images will continue till they reach the edge of the range, Where they stop, & the image of the mage waves his hands and they disappear as if they teleported.
The invisibility will persist till the end of the full duration unless the mage cancels it.

Suggestions on the level and PPE would be welcome.

Well, Multiple Image is a 4th level spell, Invisibility Simple is a 3rd level spell...I'd make this a 7th level spell and charge 14 PPE for the package deal.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:59 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Perception Filter
Level: 8 arch-mage spell
Range: one object per level above 6
Duration: 10 min per level
Saving throw: special
PPE: 42
This omits the object from the minds of those who see it unless it is specifically brought to mind by someone that can see it. This spell can only be saved with the nat die roll vs 19. The only save bonuses that apply to the the saving throw is those specifically vs mind control. However, even these are cut by 50%.
An object can be no bigger then One Foot in any dimension, with those objects with a dimension above 1' but shorter then 2' are counted as two objects. Objects with a dimension of 2'-3' count as three objects, however, all other dimensions of the 3'er must be less then 1'.

[A Doctor Who inspired spell]

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:33 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Perception Filter
Level: 8 arch-mage spell
Range: one object per level above 6
Duration: 10 min per level
Saving throw: special
PPE: 42
This omits the object from the minds of those who see it unless it is specifically brought to mind by someone that can see it. This spell can only be saved with the nat die roll vs 19. The only save bonuses that apply to the the saving throw is those specifically vs mind control. However, even these are cut by 50%.
An object can be no bigger then One Foot in any dimension, with those objects with a dimension above 1' but shorter then 2' are counted as two objects. Objects with a dimension of 2'-3' count as three objects, however, all other dimensions of the 3'er must be less then 1'.

[A Doctor Who inspired spell]

AThe Brits have something for such magic/psionics/metaphysics; there was also the classic 'Somebody Else's Problem Field'. ;)

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:43 pm
by abe
load quack-you make a shout that is LOUD the sounds like a LOUD quack
ppe needed-12
level 1

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
abe wrote:load quack-you make a shout that is LOUD the sounds like a LOUD quack
ppe needed-12
level 1

Why would you need a spell for this?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:11 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
It was pointed out that the following spell...
Homing Spell Strike
L2 Archmage Spell
duration: 1 min per level
PPE: 4

This spell modifies a ranged spell strike to give it a second attack. This is limited to the very next spell the archmage casts with in the duration. Due to the nature of the spell 'range' and 'saving throws' are not applicable.

note: an archmage is one that has reached 7th level and above. Thus, Archmage spells are limited to mages who have reached level 7 and above.

Needed more words in it. Sooo..

Homing Spell Strike
L2 Archmage Spell
duration: 1 min per level
PPE: 4

This spell modifies a ranged spell strike to give it a second attack if it misses on it's initial strike. This is limited to the very next spell the archmage casts with in the duration. Due to the nature of the spell 'range' and 'saving throws' are not applicable.

note: an archmage is one that has reached 7th level and above. Thus, Archmage spells are limited to mages who have reached level 7 and above.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:36 pm
by GaredBattlespike
Greetings! Here is a Spell for Nightbane and their allies to smash the Nightlords and their Minions!

"Dark-Breaker Bomb"
Level: 11 (Common Invocation)
P.P.E.: 125
Range: 100 feet + 50 feet per Level of Caster
Area: 40 foot Radius
Duration: Instant
Damage: 5D6 + 1D6/Level DIRECT TO HIT POINTS! Note that Hounds (etal) and Hunters take double damage from Magic...
Effect: Causes the Tie/Bond between the targets and the Dark to be damaged/severed. Only affects Nightlords/Night Princes, their Avatars, Hounds, Hound Masters, Great Hounds, and Hunters.
If Priests of The Night are in the Area of Effect, their mortal status protects their lives, but lose 1D6 P.P.E. per Level of this spells caster.

"Locate Creatures of the Dark"
Level: 9 (Common Ritual)
P.P.E.: 100
Casting Time: 2D12 Minutes
Range: Self only
Area: 1 Mile per Level Radius
Duration: 12 Melees (3 Minutes) per Level
Effect: This Spell targets all Non-Human creatures with a direct Conecction with The Dark (Nightlords/Princes, thier Avatars, and Hounds, Hound Masters, Great Hounds, and Hunters) and gives Compass Bearing, Numbers, Power (See below), and Range to Targets. The Caster has the duration of the Spell to record or speak the information before the mysticall knowledge fades. Notice; The Caster is TOTALLY helpless as he/she is in a Tranced State and is unaware of his/her surroundings. If no drawing/writing materials are provided, then tha Caster will recite the information gained, without remembering it afterwards.
Power Levels are as follow;
Lesser: Hounds & Hunters
Moderate: Hound Masters & Great Hounds & Avatars of Night Princes
Greater: Night Princes & Avatars of most Nightlords
Greatest: Nightlords (Moloch's Avatars as well)
Overwhelming (Blots out all other readings): King Moloch!

"Excavate Earth and Stone"
Level: 10 (Common Ritual)
Casting Time: 8 + 1D12 Miniutes (9-20 minutes)
P.P.E.: 85
Range: 50 feet per Level
Area: (1 cube of Earth/Stone measuring 10 feet per side) per Level
Effect: This spell allows the Caster to quickly and safely tunnel into the ground, moving the affected material as he/she wishes. Stacking the cubes to make corridors or rooms is like playing with blocks for the Caster. Each block is 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet deep. The Earth and or Stone must be put somewhere as the spell only MOVES the material, and does not destroy it. If Metal items are in the area, they are compleately untouched and are left in place by the spell-so no using this spell beneath a Nightlords residence to cause a Gas Main Explosion/Leak!!! It is often used by the Resistance to make hiding places and caches for goods.
Note that GThis is also an Elemental (Earth Spell at Level 5, and costs Warlocks and Elemental Fusionists only 35 P.P.E. to cast)

More Later

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:55 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Spin C'tubes (lesser)
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: touch/10', effects take place in an area of 1 cubic meter
Duration: 10 min/L
saving throw: n/a
PPE: 20

Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area and remakes them into carbon nano-tubes. The nano-tubes are braided into yarns of differing thicknesses.Making yarns of them from a nanometer across up to 1/4" across. It spins 1 foot of nano-tube yarn per 2 sec. The spell may be maintained or overcharged by 20 ppe increments to make very long yarns. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:36 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Spin C'tubes (lesser)
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: touch/10', effects take place in an area of 1 cubic meter
Duration: 10 min/L
saving throw: n/a
PPE: 20

Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area and remakes them into carbon nano-tubes. The nano-tubes are braided into yarns of differing thicknesses.Making yarns of them from a nanometer across up to 1/4" across. It spins 1 foot of nano-tube yarn per 2 sec. The spell may be maintained or overcharged by 20 ppe increments to make very long yarns. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.

Ah, Industrial Magic...further blurring the boundaries between magic and technology... :ok:

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:48 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Spin C'tubes (lesser)
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: touch/10', effects take place in an area of 1 cubic meter
Duration: 10 min/L
saving throw: n/a
PPE: 20

Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area and remakes them into carbon nano-tubes. The nano-tubes are braided into yarns of differing thicknesses.Making yarns of them from a nanometer across up to 1/4" across. It spins 1 foot of nano-tube yarn per 2 sec. The spell may be maintained or overcharged by 20 ppe increments to make very long yarns. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.

Ah, Industrial Magic...further blurring the boundaries between magic and technology... :ok:
We could use more of this type of magic.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:10 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Spin C'tubes (lesser)
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: touch/10', effects take place in an area of 1 cubic meter
Duration: 10 min/L
saving throw: n/a
PPE: 20

Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area and remakes them into carbon nano-tubes. The nano-tubes are braided into yarns of differing thicknesses.Making yarns of them from a nanometer across up to 1/4" across. It spins 1 foot of nano-tube yarn per 2 sec. The spell may be maintained or overcharged by 20 ppe increments to make very long yarns. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.

Ah, Industrial Magic...further blurring the boundaries between magic and technology... :ok:
We could use more of this type of magic.

Hmmm...if we had a spell that when cast allowed a person to abuse a computer during the spell's duration...and fix it in the process...
Call it 'Cathartic Remedial TechnoBashing' maybe...
The way it would/could work is like this: the spell is cast on a machine in question, and during the duration(maybe one melee every other level of experience) the person gets to haul off and phsyically abuse the machine...(MUST be a contact physical attack such as a punch or kick with flesh contact...using a sledgehammer or firearm just does ACTUAL damage) that does no damage, but the damage it WOULD do translates instead into SDC repair to the device in question, or, if the problem is not a straightout physical SDC problem...such as a clogged pipe, software glitch, or bad connection, each SDC of damage translates into a 1% chance of the problem being resolved/corrected. This is cumulative, but ONLY for the duration of the spell....if the machine is NOT fixed by the virtual damage, when the spell lapses, the accumulated SDC/% is lost, and the spell must be re-cast and the techno-pugalist must start all over again.
Example: The spell is cast on an errant PC(with Windows Blue Screen of Death); the current spell duration is 2 melees, so the appointed abuse-repairer has 30 seconds to punch, kick, and smack around the PC...He has four attacks per melee, so he does about 30 points of 'damage' the first melee, and 40 points the second(thanks to a few critical hits and a kung-fu kick) resulting in a total chance of 70% of the glitch being corrected by the howling, foaming-at-the-mouth tirade, and the guy's term paper coming back up on the screen from the previously defective 'save' file.
The chance of repair tops off at 98%.

PPE-cost and level to be determined(20-30 PPE per casting range maybe? Or jack it up? YOu get a Juicer or Berserker to do the abusin', it's 'Samurai Television Repairman' in an ugly way!)
Maybe doesn't apply to MDC structures(or is correspondingly more expensive PPE-wise).
Shouldn't apply to Neural Intelligence Artificial Intelligences either(they'll just sue you for 'Shaken Computer Syndrome' or find some other way of getting back at you for abusing them).

Well, that's off the top of my head...dunno if it sounds workable in my current state of fatigue.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:59 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Spinning C'tubes (greater)
Level; 6 ArchMage spell
Range: touch/10'
Area of Effect: 1 cubic meter
Duration: 1 hour per 2 levels
Saving Throw: n/a
Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area and remakes them into carbon nano-tubes. The nano-tubes are braided into yarns of differing thicknesses.Making yarns of them from 2mm to 30 mm across. It spins 1 meter of nano-tube yarn per sec. The spell may be maintained or overcharged by 30 ppe increments to make very long yarns. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.

C'Tube Fabric
Level: 8 ArchMage spell
Area Of Effect: 2 cubic meters
Duration: 3-5 sec
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 45 (65)
Takes carbon atoms from the air and from non-living objects in the effect area , over 3 sec, and remakes them into carbon nano-tube fabric. The spell can make the fabric in one, two or three layers, but each layer made divides the total amount of fabric that can be made. ( one layer gets the full yardage of fabric, 2 layers gets only have the yardage of the one layer fabric, and three layer fabric is only a third of the yardage that one layer would get.) Only making a single layer of C'Tube Fabric gets 100 square meters of fabric per level. Weight for weight the product is the same as raw material.
A mage could spend 20 more PPE and have the ability to form the fabric around a form. This requires a from to make the fabric about and 5 sec.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:11 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Rage Against the Machine Least
Level 7
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 50
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell only repairs the physical structure of the device. If the machine has a computer component, then that component will need to be reprogramed.

Rage Against the Machine lesser
Level 8
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 60
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell only repairs the device full, except for any mystical components.

Rage Against the Machine
Level 9
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 80
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell will repair the device completely.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:55 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Rage Against the Machine Least
Level 7
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 50
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell only repairs the physical structure of the device. If the machine has a computer component, then that component will need to be reprogramed.

Rage Against the Machine lesser
Level 8
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 60
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell only repairs the device full, except for any mystical components.

Rage Against the Machine
Level 9
Range: touch
duration: till not mad
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 80
This is allows a mage to take out his or her anger on one tech device and having it be repaired at the end of the spell.
This spell will repair the device completely.

"And this is our people's Ritual of Kick and Scream and Hit Until the High-Tech Thingagummie Works Again!"
"....what scares me is this seems to actually work..." :shock:

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:22 am
by drewkitty ~..~
3D Woven C'Tube Armor
Level: 10 Archmage
Range: 10'
Area of Effect: 25 cubic meters
Duration: takes 15 sec. to make the Armor plate(s)
Saving Throw: n/a
PPE: 90 (100)
Fullerien armor, 3D woven C'tube armor, is the most durable armor by weight then any other outside of Quantum Armor. It is made of interwoven carbon nanotubes that form a 3D matrix. This spell can make fullerien armor plate(s) 5 meters on a side, and from 3mm to up to a meter thick. For most applications these plates are large enough.
These plates can be made to fit a form, costing an extra 10 PPE, for meter think plates. For other thicknesses it takes +1 PPE per 10 cm of thickness. The minimum additional PPE for shaping is +1 PPE.

Shape and Join 3D Woven C'Tube Armor
Level: 8 Archmage
Range: 20'
Area of Effect:
Shaping: one plate
Joining: 100 square meters
Duration: takes place over 15 sec
Saving Throws: n/a
PPE: 60
This spell ether shapes and fits a plate or joins plates together. Is able to shape and fit one plate of fullerien armor not more then 5 meters on a side and 1 meter thing. A form is needed to shape the plate to.
The other use for this spell is to join differing plates together into a whole.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:35 am
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:"And this is our people's Ritual of Kick and Scream and Hit Until the High-Tech Thingagummie Works Again!"
"....what scares me is this seems to actually work..." :shock:

Rage To Fix the Machine
Level: 6
Range: One machine, touch
Duration: Special
Saving throw: special
PPE: 42 (100)
When faced with this spell most mages would rather not perform this spell. The cause of this is the requirement for the mage to beat the machine or other tech device for a minimum of 15 sec. Just to get the device to work for the rest of the day. [rest of the day defined as till the mage goes to sleep.] For a permanent fix the mage must be able to beat, smash, bite, etc... for 15 min, costing 100 PPE. The permanent fix can be done as a ritual with other mages, trading off between each other in assaulting the device.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:42 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
taalismn wrote:"And this is our people's Ritual of Kick and Scream and Hit Until the High-Tech Thingagummie Works Again!"
"....what scares me is this seems to actually work..." :shock:

Rage To Fix the Machine
Level: 6
Range: One machine, touch
Duration: Special
Saving throw: special
PPE: 42 (100)
When faced with this spell most mages would rather not perform this spell. The cause of this is the requirement for the mage to beat the machine or other tech device for a minimum of 15 sec. Just to get the device to work for the rest of the day. [rest of the day defined as till the mage goes to sleep.] For a permanent fix the mage must be able to beat, smash, bite, etc... for 15 min, costing 100 PPE. The permanent fix can be done as a ritual with other mages, trading off between each other in assaulting the device.

:lol: "You got a mallet on you, Gandalf? My PC needs some precision repair attention."

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:01 pm
by abe
stinky feet!
ppe needed-12
basically it makes your feet STINK!
thats about it for this spell.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
abe wrote:stinky feet!
ppe needed-12
basically it makes your feet STINK!
thats about it for this spell.

:lol: :lol:
There is a board game that I play (SmallWorld: Underground) that one of the artifacts that is a part of the game is 'the ogre's stinky socks'. when you use it on an occupied space all of the other player's people move out w/o a fight.
When I saw the title it just made me grin in humor.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:46 am
by abe
phantom smoocher!-level 5
basically you conjure a imp-like creature,but EXTREMELY ugly that proceeds to make out with the victim in question,afterwards the victim is in a "blue funk" for the same amount of time that the creature made out with him/her!
ppe needed-69

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:07 am
by Mallak's Place
taalismn wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
taalismn wrote:"And this is our people's Ritual of Kick and Scream and Hit Until the High-Tech Thingagummie Works Again!"
"....what scares me is this seems to actually work..." :shock:

Rage To Fix the Machine
Level: 6
Range: One machine, touch
Duration: Special
Saving throw: special
PPE: 42 (100)
When faced with this spell most mages would rather not perform this spell. The cause of this is the requirement for the mage to beat the machine or other tech device for a minimum of 15 sec. Just to get the device to work for the rest of the day. [rest of the day defined as till the mage goes to sleep.] For a permanent fix the mage must be able to beat, smash, bite, etc... for 15 min, costing 100 PPE. The permanent fix can be done as a ritual with other mages, trading off between each other in assaulting the device.

:lol: "You got a mallet on you, Gandalf? My PC needs some precision repair attention."

I think this spell is also know as "Emergency Repair Procedure Number One"

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:26 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Transmute Object to Energy (lesser)
Level 6
Range: touch
Duration Permanent
Saving Throw: none
Cost: 25 + 5 PPE per each additional 10 lb.
This spell makes it so the object can be completely transformed into energy when a being transforms into their energy state, so that being can take it along with them. The object returns to a physical state when the being changes back into it's physical form.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:57 pm
by madmarvin
i maintain right to submit these for publication at later date,

Strength of Hercules
level 12
duration: 2 melee per level of caster
save: standard
range: self or other by touch
PPE: 260
this spell increases the target characters strength to that of PS: 50 supernatural and PE to 30 supernatural it also adds 150 SDC or MDC in MDC environments.

Cheetah speed
level 8
duration: 1 minute per level of caster
save: standard
Range: self or other by touch
PPE: 40
This spell bestows the recipient with a speed of 132( 90mph), +1 attack, +2 Parry +6 Dodge and All movements are done without fatigue for duration of the enchantment.

Army of one
level Spell of Legend
Duration: 1hr per level of caster
save: -6 may be able to see through illusion
Range: self or other by touch
PPE: 350
This illusion spell creates 300 identical images of the recipient that mimic his every movement. Only piercing a false image with iron will dispel that particular image. This spell is mainly used to scare and bully groups of enemy into surrendering or fleeing for what appears a larger group. If used in single or small unit combat the recipient recieves bonuses of +6 initiative, +6 dodge, +3 strike.

Chain Lightning (invented before LOB)
level 9
duration: instant
Range: 300 feet line of sight
Damage: 3d6 MD per level of the caster.
Save: None unless know its coming then a 20 to dodge is still needed to avoid it.
PPE: 45
This spell creates multiple lightning bolts to strike at any specific target up to 300 feet away. These lightning bolts strike down from the sky with in the spell casters line of vision.

Control Lightning
level 10
Duration: 1 melee
Range: 300 feet with in line of sight
Damage 1d6 MD per level of caster per strike.
Save: None unless know its coming then a 20 to dodge is still needed to avoid it.
PPE: 90
This spell grants the caster the ability to cause a lightning strike once per melee action up to 300 feet away within his line of sight causing 1d6 MD per level of caster.
level 8
range: 100 miles per level
duration: instant
save: standard
PPE: 200
with this spell the caster can teleport himself and 100 lbs per level up to 100 miles away per level. Chances of failure are the same as teleport superior.

Sphere of lesser Annihilation
level 10
range 500 feet + 100 feet per level of caster
damage: 1d4*100 MD + 2d6*10MD to a 10' radius
save: dodge
PPE: 300
this spell grants a +3 strike plus weapon targeting bonuses plus pp bonuses
note: shifters, conjurers, temporal raiders & temporal wizards can cast this spell at ½ ppe cost

level 13
Range: self or other 10 feet
duration: 2 min per level of caster
save standard
PPE: 200
This spell grants the ability to regenerate similar to that of vampires 2d6 hp,sdc,or mdc per melee. Will not regrow lost limbs.

Warrior Band
level 13
Range: 100 feet per level triple on ley lines
Duration: 2 melees per level of the caster, triple on a ley line or nexus
save: can fight them as would any foe
PPE: 360
this spell creates 2 warriors per level of caster
see warrior horde for description.

Construction battalion
level Spell of Legend
Range: 100 feet triple on level lines
Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster, triple on a ley line or nexus
save: none can be destroyed won’t fight back.
This spell conjures forth 20 workers per level of caster. The exact appearance of the workers is tailored to the imagination of the caster. But they will be human shaped, although solid they glow with a Eire blue aura and move in a herky jerky manner.
All the workers conjured are under the casters complete mental command as long as one worker is with in 100 feet of the caster he can send mental commands to the entire group. These workers are hardly more intelligent then elemental or animated automation. So instructions should be kept simple and specific in nature. These constructs are best suited for heavy labour not skilled finish work.

Construction workers stats
size 4 - 10 feet tall, attributes IQ9, PS30, PP10, PE 28, SPD15, all attributes are considered supernatural and the worker is impervious to pain, poison, cold, heat, and fear.
Combat: none they have 3 actions per round they will continue to work on what ever project or task they were given. If given the option the worker will pick up and use any basic construction equipment at hand, at a trained level of proficiency.

Crowd of one
level 9
Range: self
duration: 1minute per level of the caster
save: - 4 save vs magic, viewers may see through the illusion and identify the true person.
PPE: 70
An illusion Spell that creates 30 extra images of the mage that mimic his every movement exactly. Only piercing a image with iron will dispel that particular one. This spell causes confusion about the location of the mage granting him +4 dodge, +2 strike and +1 attack.

Spatial Portal
Level 15v
Range: a few feet away
duration: 30 seconds per level of the caster or 1min per level if performed as a ritual
save: none
this invocation opens a 2 way door to another specific point anywhere with in the same dimension or any random point with the same dimension.

Enchant Arrow (minor)
level 11
Range: touch
duration: 1 month per level
saving throw: none
PPE:160 half for mystic archer
enchanted arrows have 50mdc each with a AR18 doing MDC equal to twice normal sdc this spell enchants up to 48 arrows.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:05 pm
by madmarvin
this is one i can't figure out

enchant bullet
a variation on enchant weapon minor any sugestions on this one?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
madmarvin wrote:snip...

Chain Lightning (invented before LOB)
level 9
duration: instant
Range: 300 feet line of sight
Damage: 3d6 MD per level of the caster.
Save: None unless know its coming then a 20 to dodge is still needed to avoid it.
PPE: 45
This spell creates multiple lightning bolts to strike at any specific target up to 300 feet away. These lightning bolts strike down from the sky with in the spell casters line of vision. (Unlike the canon version, this spell, as is, does not define 'How many are hit?" It also does not define the SDC world damage values.)

Control Lightning
level 10
Duration: 1 melee
Range: 300 feet with in line of sight
Damage 1d6 MD per level of caster per strike.
Save: None unless know its coming then a 20 to dodge is still needed to avoid it.
PPE: 90
This spell grants the caster the ability to cause a lightning strike once per melee action up to 300 feet away within his line of sight causing 1d6 MD per level of caster. (This looks like 'call lightning' variant. I was expecting by the Name that it would be able to turn lighting attacks or to aim natural lighting.)

Sphere of lesser Annihilation
level 10
range 500 feet + 100 feet per level of caster
damage: 1d4*100 MD + 2d6*10MD to a 10' radius
save: dodge
PPE: 300
this spell grants a +3 strike plus weapon targeting bonuses plus pp bonuses
note: shifters, conjurers, temporal raiders & temporal wizards can cast this spell at ½ ppe cost
(The descriptive text is missing from this spell. All I see are "stats". Needs to be rewritten with any assumptions about the reader's knowledge about other spells.)

level 13
Range: self or other 10 feet
duration: 2 min per level of caster
save standard
PPE: 200
This spell grants the ability to regenerate similar to that of vampires 2d6 hp,sdc,or mdc per melee. Will not regrow lost limbs.
(The the numbers do not feel right. *shrugs*)

Spatial Portal
Level 15v ('v'??? typo?)
Range: a few feet away
duration: 30 seconds per level of the caster or 1min per level if performed as a ritual
save: none
this invocation opens a 2 way door to another specific point anywhere with in the same dimension or any random point with the same dimension.(The descriptive text needs expansion.)

Enchant Arrow (minor)
level 11
Range: touch
duration: 1 month per level
saving throw: none
PPE:160 half for mystic archer
enchanted arrows have 50mdc each with a AR18 doing MDC equal to twice normal sdc this spell enchants up to 48 arrows.( Rewritten to standard: "This spell enchanting up to four dozen arrows, to doing twice the rated damage, MD in MDC settings. This also gives the enchanted arrows 50 SDC/MDC."

Note: I omitted the AR because because 1) it is useless in a MDC/MD setting, and 2) it is useless in SDC/SD settings. They are Arrows not armor. I see no reason why it was included to start of with except to 'look cool'. However, if you meant that it has a greater penetration value (negates part of an armor's AR/NAR) then that would be something.)

Overall the descriptive text for the spells are left wanting and should be rewritten and expanded. (IoW: Describe what the spells do in words that are not "stats.")

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
madmarvin wrote:this is one i can't figure out

enchant bullet
a variation on enchant weapon minor any sugestions on this one?

Your enchant arrow spell would work with the minor change that "mystic archers" do not get any reduction in PPE cost.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:20 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Level: 7, (Spirit Magic L5)
Range: 10'/Touch
Duration: Instante, Perm.
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 35
This spell cleanses the dead of all connection to the world of the living. This is used to prevent a victim of a vampire's slow kill from turning the dead person into a vampire. It will also prevent a necromancer from using the dead body parts of that person as augmentations, and prevent that person from being resurrected by non-deific magic.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:30 am
by abtex
taalismn wrote:Ah! The lost practices of Barbarism! 8)

But honestly... a practical take might be 'Hair Helmet' which temporarily styles and hardens the hair into head-armor (SDC w/ AR for lower powered modes, MDC for megadamage realms)... Of course, if the armor hair is depleted(without bleeding over and decapitating the wearer), the person is left bald (until the hair is regrown/restored).

Other spells might include Medusa Locks (command your hair like prehensile limbs), Hair Lair (styles the hair to conceal small objects in a pocket on top of your head that can't be seen), and Porcupine 'Do (spikes the hair into razor-sharp spikes, like a pufferfish defense).

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Helm of Hair
Level 5
Range: 10'
Duration: 20 min + 10 min per level
Saving throw: N/A, if unwilling vs 10
PPE: 15

And other Hair spells.

Are the spells limited to just humans and DBees? If not what would the PPE cost for casting on riding and pack animals. Maybe using AtB size scale. Any thoughts?

If a Hair helm can be made, would other forms of armor and barding be possible?
Haired chested pirates and like now have 'Chest plating'. Long hair becoming vest or cape. Hairy arms into bucklers or larger shields. The very hairy having light to heavy body armor.I will leave sport cups and kilts along. :-) :eek:
Could dead animals [insides cleaned out] hanging on the be 'armored up' subject or does the to be Haired need to be alive?.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:46 am
by gaby
Carpet of Sliding
range:30 feet)9m)+10 feet (3m)per level of experience
duration:10 melees (2 1/2 minutes)per level of experience
saving throw:special.if a successful saving throw vs magic is made,that player rolls 2d6 to see how many melee rounds it will take him to stand or walk.
Those failing to make the saving throw can't stand for the entire duration of the spell.P.p.e:10
this spell makes any thing it cast on Frictionless.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
abtex wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Helm of Hair
Level 5
Range: 10'
Duration: 20 min + 10 min per level
Saving throw: N/A, if unwilling vs 10
PPE: 15

And other Hair spells.

Are the spells limited to just humans and DBees? If not what would the PPE cost for casting on riding and pack animals. Maybe using AtB size scale. Any thoughts?

If a Hair helm can be made, would other forms of armor and barding be possible?
Haired chested pirates and like now have 'Chest plating'. Long hair becoming vest or cape. Hairy arms into bucklers or larger shields. The very hairy having light to heavy body armor.I will leave sport cups and kilts along. :-) :eek:
Could dead animals [insides cleaned out] hanging on subject, be 'armored up' or does the to be Haired need to be alive?.

I see no limitation written into them, except that what ever it is cast on has to have hair (or say fur.)
To be applicable to other parts of the body other then the head, then the spell needs mod'ing to say so. Feel free to write the Mod'ed spells up.

The spells, as presented, would not work on the dead.

A Necro could make a variant that did. But at the end of the spell the physical components would turn to ash or dust or something.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Swords of The Hero & The Consort.
The room was draped in shadows as the dark figure glides across the floor.Ignoring the gilt and glitter of silver and gold filling the room , the figure moves to a lonely corner of the room. Behind the a jade inlayed changing screen and a tapestry woven from gold and platinum, the figure does find what it seeks. Three narrow boxes are tucked away as the figure leaves the room, not touching any other of the treasures stored there.

The Swords of The Hero & The Consort are strange and storied unique magic weapons. When quiescence these swords appear to be thick tapering sharpening steals wound tightly with shiny bright steal wire, with sword hilts. Each of the swords' hilts is marked with Kanji-like symbols which are untranslatable by magic. The Hero's swords "kanji" read 'Freedom' and 'Justice'. While The Consort's sword is double marked, 'Mother' & 'Father'. The individuals that the swords have pick out will be able to intuitively know how to read.

As unassuming these are when quiescence, when they come alive, their blades became a brazen show of Lightning infused Chi that is difficult to look at. Their forms are taken from the weilder's minds and needs. The blades being able to be as short as the physical components, or longer then the tallest man. Able to cut through men & metal and ghosts and infernals. And able to pass through solid walls & objects without disturbing them or parry blades of all types..Merciful the blades can be, and just stunning the innocents they cut down. When 'The Hero' or 'The Consort' become comfortable with their swords, they can throw lighting bolts with swings of their swords.

Most of the stories about these swords come to being when telling about how the The Hero and Consort come into possession of their blades. There are many a Consort that were given their blade by the government officials sending them to collect the Hero's blades along with the person who took that pair. This is because events around the blades are bent, manipulated, to bring the blades to the two, sometimes three, people they are meant for in that time and bring them together to form a family. Events are also bent around attempts to destroy these swords. Time and time again people have captured these swords only to have something happens to make them put off destroying them.

The stories also tell of the people that end up with them, good people who care about justice and protecting the people from being oppressive rulers. Many of them start off say agents of those rulers and after seeing those ruler's abuses of power. Others start out as wanderers looking for a place for themselves. And about half the stories are of the children of The Hero & Consort, being heir(s) to their parents' legacy. Mostly the stories end with The Hero leaving the town not to return. Others, have both The Hero and Consort traveling together fighting the evils of the land. But the most popular stories have The Hero sneaking into a palace to getting the Hero swords, and the Consort being given the Consort sword to search after the Hero. Eventualy the Consort will find the Hero, with them battling each other or falling in love at first sight. Even if they dispise each other events will bend around them enough to produce a child.Some scholars believe that every Hero are defendants of the first Hero because of this event manipulation to continue the line.

Swords of The Hero and the Sword of the Consort
Is of excellent balance: +2 to strike and parry
Physical Size: 18' from pommel of hilt to the tip of the steal.
Chi Lighting Blade: 12 inches to 8 foot long. The thickness of the blade past the physical component can be as thin as a sheet of paper. The length can be changed by the will of the wielder but each will have a default form dependent on the subconscious of the character.
Damges: SD to SDC & HP and MD to MDC
~6d6 damage to mortals, selfish supernatural beings, ghosts, and other insubstantial beings.
~1d6x10 damage to Evil supernatural being ( an additional x10 to evil gods and Alien Intel.s)
Note: does no damage to good supernatural beings.
Stun: 2d4 minutes to innocent bystanders and the Hero's opponent(s) if he wishes are only stunned by the sword.
Chi Lighting Bolts: When reaching 5th level the Hero (or Consort) may, by swinging their blade, fire off lighting bolts from the blade.
Range: 100 feet per level starting with their 5th level.
Damage: 2d6 damage +1d6 per level above 5th level.
Stun: same as the blade's Stun.

Story Notes:
~Only 1 time out of 10 are the Hero's swords found separately. Yes this means that there could be two heros.
~Sometimes a sword is found by a people not The Hero, that person will carry it till the Hero make an appearance.
~The Hero is not always the man, there are some stories where the Hero is the woman.
~Sometime during the story the Hero and Consort will spend a night together, and it will result with a child. If ending with them as a couple, then they will have at least two children. Anymore are not a result in any manipulation.
~Evil charters will be unable to wake up the chi blade, thus only do blunt damage of 1d6.
~The swords are not overtly intelligent as with rune and artifact weapons.
~The swords have to be touched to be awakened. In some of the stories the hero is captured in his sleep and is unable to use the swords.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:49 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Level 5 Married Magic
Range: appears with in 10 feet of the caster
Duration: 20 min per level
xDC: has 10 xDC per level of caster
Saving Throw:N/A
PPE: 34
This makes a baby/kid carrier in the form the caster wills it. From jogger, to pram, to floater the only style limitation is the imagination of the caster. The carrier will adjust to the size of the child to form a perfect fit. It is limited to 50 lb. of weight, if overloaded it will feel like it is grinding along the ground.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:29 pm
by 13eowulf
New Elemental Spells, inspired but this thread:

Air Elemental Magic
Whirlwind Armour
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
The Spell Caster (or recipient if being bestowed on another) is, as the name suggests, surrounded by a small tightly formed whirlwind that shapes to fit the body of the recipient. The wind and derbies deflect and absorb incoming damage directed against the wearer. The armour has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Additionally the readily available air and accelerated winds surrounding the wearer is effectively protected from environments that lack breathable air, as well as from airborne contagions and attacks including but not limited to smoke, gases, airborne virus, and other airborne contagions while the armour is in place. The swirling wind can, and if the wearer is not careful, will disturb papers, leaves, and other light objects not weighted down. Further due to the constant dust and dirt being kicked up by the whirlwind, as well as other disturbances the wearer is -10% to all prowl rolls (this has earned the armour the nickname ‘Dust Devil Armour).

Armour of Storms
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
When this spell is cast is surrounds the wearer with a tightly formed swirling storm. The storm is never the exact same twice, always reflecting the local type of environment, in the desert it might be a sand storm, on the coast a hurricane, but always raging winds are involved. This armour protects it wearer with a Natural A.R. of 15 and has 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). The readily available air allows the wearer to breath in hostile environments that lack sufficient (or any) breathable air, and the raging storms disperse airborne contagions that would harmfully affect the wearer. The storms are often impressive to view, and are quite audible, as well as the winds disturbing its surroundings in a manner similar, yet greater, than the Whirlwind Armour. The side effect of this is that the wearer is at a -25% to all prowl rolls.

See the Book of Magic for Hand to Hand related spells.

Earth Elemental Magic
See Mysteries of Magic Book 1 for armour and low level Hand to Hand related spells.

Clobberstone Maul
Spell Level: 4
Range: Self; close combat/hand to hand.
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 12
This spell creates a large Warhammer or Maul made out of stone in the hands on the spell caster. The size, type, and shape are all subject to the will of the spell caster, but regardless of such things the weapon can be easily wielded by the caster in either one or two hands. The weapon is well balanced, with a +1 to both strike and parry, and can be used to parry incoming projectile attacks including but not limited to bullets and arrows with no penalty.

Fire Elemental Magic
Smoke/Ash Armour
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
This spell envelops the recipient in a tightly swirling cloud of smoke and ash that forms a protective field that shields the wearer from harm, and damages others who come into contact with it. The armour has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). In addition the cloud is smouldering hot, inflicting 2D6 S.D.C. damage to those that try and touch it (does not become Mega-Damage in such environments), but is controlled enough by the wearer to not damage what he is wearing, however if careless there is a 01-10% chance the armour will ignite nearby flammable objects. This armour keeps the recipient warm if it is cold, and provides protection from all fire and heat based attacks (they inflict no damage, this includes magic based fire attacks).

Armour of Embers
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
A cloud of red-hot embers envelops the recipient of this spell similar to the lower level Ash Armour, protecting the recipient from harm. This armour has a Natural A.R. of 15 and 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Contact with the outside field of this armour burns severely, inflicting 4D6 S.D.C. damage to those that try an touch it, or surrounding objects that come into contact with it (becomes 2D6 Mega-Damage is such environments). It is controlled enough that the wearer’s clothing an personal effects are not harmed, but if carless there is a 01-15% chance of igniting nearby combustibles. This armour keeps the recipient warm if it is cold, and provides protection from all fire and heat based attacks (they inflict no damage, this includes plasma attacks and magic based fire attacks).

Coal Axe
Spell Level: 3
Self; close combat/hand to hand.
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 8
This spell transforms any normal axe, or sufficiently sized stick, into a fiery axe of smouldering coal (which the caster, or whomever they give the weapon to can hold with no ill effect). After creating the weapon the caster can give it to another if they so desire, and it will continue to function for the duration of the spell. The weapon can be used in much the same manner as any melee weapon, and it can be used to parry any incoming flame, fire, or heat attacks (including plasma), be they magic or otherwise. Beings that are vulnerable to fire or heat take 6D6 damage when struck by this weapon, unless their description state that they take double damage from it, in which case they take 8D6 damage. The weapon will not be damage by parrying attacks, but returns to normal when the spell duration ends. Yes this weapon can be used in combination with the Ricochet spell.

Axe of Embers
Spell Level: 4
Range: Self; close combat/hand to hand.
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Damage: 6D6 S.D.C. +2 points of damage per level of experience (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 12
This spell forms an Axe composed of red-hot embers to form in the spell caster’s dominate hand (which the caster can hold with no ill effect). The type, size, and shape, of the axe varies with the weapon’s power, which is represented by the level of experience of the spell caster. Regardless of the size and shape it can be easily wielded one or two handed. The weapon can be used in much the same manner as any melee weapon, and it can be used to parry any incoming flame, fire, or heat attacks (including plasma), be they magic or otherwise. Against all those vulnerable to heat or fire the weapon inflicts double its normal damage. However it inflicts no damage against those immune to fire or heat (even if the immunity does not normally cover magical heat or fire). The weapon is well balanced and is +1 to strike.

Water Elemental Magic
Liquid Armour
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
The recipient of this armour is bathed in a coating of water, with the surface appearance of a still pond or lake, which is magically enhanced to absorb/disperse the damage of attacks directed against the wearer. The armour has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Further the Liquid Armour protects the wearer from airborne effects, toxins, gases, etc. and allows the wearer to breathe under water for the duration of the armour. However any clothing or personal effects on the recipient of the armour that are not properly protected a drenched at the end of the duration.

Tidal Armour
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
Similar to Liquid Armour the recipient is bathed in magically enhanced water, however this surface of this armour gives the appearance of a raging ocean. This armour offers the protection of a Natural A.R. of 15 and has 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). This armour also protects to wearer from airborne effects, toxins, gases, etc. and allows the wearer to breathe under water for the duration of the armour. It also allows the wearer to propel themselves underwater a speeds of up to 5 knots per level of experience, even if the swimming skill is not known. Any clothing or personal effects on the recipient of the armour that are not properly protected a drenched at the end of the duration, further any such items or articles of clothing that are delicate in nature may be damaged by the raging seas of protection that cover them.

Tidal Trident
Spell Level: 4
Range: Self; close combat/hand to hand, can be thrown up to 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Damage: 6D4 +2D4 S.D.C. per level of experience starting at level 2 (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 12
This spell causes a Trident composed of magically solidified water to form in the dominant hand of the spell caster. While feeling and being solid enough to use as a melee weapon the appearance of the Trident is that it is composed of swirling water suspended in this form. Many have underestimated its use as a weapon, but those who have been struck by it know all too well it is not to be trifled with. The exact size of the trident can vary on the whim of the caster at the time it is cast, but regardless the weapon is easily wielded by the caster, and is will balanced for both melee combat and being thrown, +1 to strike as melee or thrown weapon. The trident can be wielded in hand to hand close combat, or thrown similar to a spear, once thrown after it hits (or misses) the target, the weapon collapses into a puddle and the next melee action it reforms in the Spell Caster’s hand. The weapon inflicts 6D4 damage, plus an additional 2D4 damage per level of experience starting at level 2, damage is either S.D.C. or Mega-Damage as is realm-appropriate.

EDIT: Updated description text under Armour of Storms to reflect suggestions below.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:13 am
by drewkitty ~..~
13eowulf wrote:New Elemental Spells, inspired but this thread:

Air Elemental Magic
Whirlwind Armor
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
The Spell Caster (or recipient if being bestowed on another) is, as the name suggests, surrounded by a small tightly formed whirlwind that shapes to fit the body of the recipient. The wind and derbies deflect and absorb incoming damage directed against the wearer. The armor has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Additionally the readily available air and accelerated winds surrounding the wearer is effectively protected from environments that lack breathable air, as well as from airborne contagions and attacks including but not limited to smoke, gases, airborne virus, and other airborne contagions while the armor is in place. The swirling wind can, and if the wearer is not careful, will disturb papers, leaves, and other light objects not weighted down. Further due to the constant dust and dirt being kicked up by the whirlwind, as well as other disturbances the wearer is -10% to all prowl rolls (this has earned the armor the nickname ‘Dust Devil Armor).

Armor of Storms
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
When this spell is cast is surrounds the wearer with a tightly formed swirling storm. The storm is never the exact same twice, always reflecting the local atmospheric conditions, in the desert it might be a sand storm, on the coast a hurricane, but always raging winds are involved. This armor protects it wearer with a Natural A.R. of 15 and has 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). The readily available air allows the wearer to breath in hostile environments that lack sufficient (or any) breathable air, and the raging storms disperse airborne contagions that would harmfully affect the wearer. The storms are often impressive to view, and are quite audible, as well as the winds disturbing its surroundings in a manner similar, yet greater, than the Whirlwind Armor. The side effect of this is that the wearer is at a -25% to all prowl rolls.

See the Book of Magic for Hand to Hand related spells.

These seam to me reminiscent of the Mystic bulwark spell "whirling wall". However, I would, instead of saying "reflecting the local atmospheric conditions", I would take a term from the Kezel and say "reflecting the local type of environment."

13eowulf wrote:snip...
Fire Elemental Magic
Smoke/Ash Armor
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
This spell envelops the recipient in a tightly swirling cloud of smoke and ash that forms a protective field that shields the wearer from harm, and damages others who come into contact with it. The armor has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). In addition the cloud is smoldering hot, inflicting 2D6 S.D.C. damage to those that try and touch it (does not become Mega-Damage in such environments), but is controlled enough by the wearer to not damage what he is wearing, however if careless there is a 01-10% chance the armor will ignite nearby flammable objects. This armor keeps the recipient warm if it is cold, and provides protection from all fire and heat based attacks (they inflict no damage, this includes magic based fire attacks).

Armor of Embers
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
A cloud of red-hot embers envelops the recipient of this spell similar to the lower level Ash Armor, protecting the recipient from harm. This armor has a Natural A.R. of 15 and 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Contact with the outside field of this armor burns severely, inflicting 4D6 S.D.C. damage to those that try an touch it, or surrounding objects that come into contact with it (becomes 2D6 Mega-Damage is such environments). It is controlled enough that the wearer’s clothing an personal effects are not harmed, but if carless there is a 01-15% chance of igniting nearby combustibles. This armor keeps the recipient warm if it is cold, and provides protection from all fire and heat based attacks (they inflict no damage, this includes plasma attacks and magic based fire attacks).

Coal Axe
Spell Level: 3
Self; close combat/hand to hand.
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 8
This spell transforms any normal axe, or sufficiently sized stick, into a fiery axe of smoldering coal (which the caster, or whomever they give the weapon to can hold with no ill effect). After creating the weapon the caster can give it to another if they so desire, and it will continue to function for the duration of the spell. The weapon can be used in much the same manner as any melee weapon, and it can be used to parry any incoming flame, fire, or heat attacks (including plasma), be they magic or otherwise. Beings that are vulnerable to fire or heat take 6D6 damage when struck by this weapon, unless their description state that they take double damage from it, in which case they take 8D6 damage. The weapon will not be damage by parrying attacks, but returns to normal when the spell duration ends. Yes this weapon can be used in combination with the Ricochet spell.

Axe of Embers
Spell Level: 4
Range: Self; close combat/hand to hand.
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Damage: 6D6 S.D.C. +2 points of damage per level of experience (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 12
This spell forms an Axe composed of red-hot embers to form in the spell caster’s dominate hand (which the caster can hold with no ill effect). The type, size, and shape, of the axe varies with the weapon’s power, which is represented by the level of experience of the spell caster. Regardless of the size and shape it can be easily wielded one or two handed. The weapon can be used in much the same manner as any melee weapon, and it can be used to parry any incoming flame, fire, or heat attacks (including plasma), be they magic or otherwise. Against all those vulnerable to heat or fire the weapon inflicts double its normal damage. However it inflicts no damage against those immune to fire or heat (even if the immunity does not normally cover magical heat or fire). The weapon is well balanced and is +1 to strike.

These I could see a Balrog knowing and using. The only one I see that I would add is a flame or ember whip.
Just watched Gandalf the white recounting his fight with the LotR Balrog in the twin Towers movie.

13eowulf wrote:Water Elemental Magic
Liquid Armor
Spell Level: 3
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 12
The recipient of this armor is bathed in a coating of water, with the surface appearance of a still pond or lake, which is magically enhanced to absorb/disperse the damage of attacks directed against the wearer. The armor has a Natural A.R. of 13 and 15 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). Further the Liquid Armor protects the wearer from airborne effects, toxins, gases, etc. and allows the wearer to breathe under water for the duration of the armor. However any clothing or personal effects on the recipient of the armor that are not properly protected a drenched at the end of the duration.

Tidal Armor
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
Similar to Liquid Armor the recipient is bathed in magically enhanced water, however this surface of this armor gives the appearance of a raging ocean. This armor offers the protection of a Natural A.R. of 15 and has 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). This armor also protects to wearer from airborne effects, toxins, gases, etc. and allows the wearer to breathe under water for the duration of the armor. It also allows the wearer to propel themselves underwater a speeds of up to 5 knots per level of experience, even if the swimming skill is not known. Any clothing or personal effects on the recipient of the armor that are not properly protected a drenched at the end of the duration, further any such items or articles of clothing that are delicate in nature may be damaged by the raging seas of protection that cover them.

Tidal Trident
Spell Level: 4
Range: Self; close combat/hand to hand, can be thrown up to 100 feet per level of experience.
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Damage: 6D4 +2D4 S.D.C. per level of experience starting at level 2 (Mega-Damage in appropriate realms)
Saving Throw: None; Parry or dodge only
P.P.E.: 12
This spell causes a Trident composed of magically solidified water to form in the dominant hand of the spell caster. While feeling and being solid enough to use as a melee weapon the appearance of the Trident is that it is composed of swirling water suspended in this form. Many have underestimated its use as a weapon, but those who have been struck by it know all too well it is not to be trifled with. The exact size of the trident can vary on the whim of the caster at the time it is cast, but regardless the weapon is easily wielded by the caster, and is will balanced for both melee combat and being thrown, +1 to strike as melee or thrown weapon. The trident can be wielded in hand to hand close combat, or thrown similar to a spear, once thrown after it hits (or misses) the target, the weapon collapses into a puddle and the next melee action it reforms in the Spell Caster’s hand. The weapon inflicts 6D4 damage, plus an additional 2D4 damage per level of experience starting at level 2, damage is either S.D.C. or Mega-Damage as is realm-appropriate.

These would go well with the Lemura book.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:05 am
by 13eowulf
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
13eowulf wrote: Armor of Storms
Spell Level: 5
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those who don’t want the enchantment
P.P.E.: 24
When this spell is cast is surrounds the wearer with a tightly formed swirling storm. The storm is never the exact same twice, always reflecting the local atmospheric conditions, in the desert it might be a sand storm, on the coast a hurricane, but always raging winds are involved. This armor protects it wearer with a Natural A.R. of 15 and has 25 S.D.C. per level of experience (this becomes M.D.C. in Mega-Damage realms, excepting low magic realms like Splicers). The readily available air allows the wearer to breath in hostile environments that lack sufficient (or any) breathable air, and the raging storms disperse airborne contagions that would harmfully affect the wearer. The storms are often impressive to view, and are quite audible, as well as the winds disturbing its surroundings in a manner similar, yet greater, than the Whirlwind Armor. The side effect of this is that the wearer is at a -25% to all prowl rolls.

These seam to me reminiscent of the Mystic bulwark spell "whirling wall". However, I would, instead of saying "reflecting the local atmospheric conditions", I would take a term from the Kezel and say "reflecting the local type of environment."

I like that, updated original to reflect this.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
13eowulf wrote:snip... & snip...
Fire Elemental Magic
Smoke/Ash Armor
Armor of Embers
Coal Axe
Axe of Embers

These I could see a Balrog knowing and using. The only one I see that I would add is a flame or ember whip.
Just watched Gandalf the white recounting his fight with the LotR Balrog in the twin Towers movie.

Love that scene. I would have done this if there was not already a Level 6 Fire Elemental spell for exactly that.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
13eowulf wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
13eowulf wrote:snip... & snip...
Fire Elemental Magic
Smoke/Ash Armor
Armor of Embers
Coal Axe
Axe of Embers

These I could see a Balrog knowing and using. The only one I see that I would add is a flame or ember whip.
Just watched Gandalf the white recounting his fight with the LotR Balrog in the twin Towers movie.

Love that scene. I would have done this if there was not already a Level 6 Fire Elemental spell for exactly that.

Okay, then there was no need for duplicate.

BTW, the Earth E spell was okay...nothing in it really needed comment on.
Thou I did like how your are listing the damages/armor in SD/SDC, unlike what rifters would do.
The only probles I see is that the Spells and magic items I reasently posted seem to be so Good that No One has responded to them. However, this deprives me of any feedback about them.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The only problems I see is that the Spells and magic items I recently posted seem to be so Good that No One has responded to them. However, this deprives me of any feedback about them.
My issue with Sword of the Consort is that it does no damage to good Supernatural beings. I should think it would do some damage.