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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 8:03 pm
by taalismn
Paladin Steel ‘Brock’ Infantry Transport Walker
(aka “Walrus’, ‘Aper’, ‘Brik-Brok’)
“The Brock’s another basic armored box PBI carrier, but one with more in the way of mobility options. It’s more heavily armored than a Grenser, but lightly armed, though that doesn’t matter if its complement of troops has enough firepower to compensate. And the Usans LOVE kitting out their peebee-eye and guardsmen with heavy guns. So even if you can drill the clam, the fleas can still kill yah.”

“It may be called a brock or a badger, but with those two big flipper-like forelimbs and protruding twin gun barrels, a lot of people have taken to calling it the ‘Walrus’, despite it swimming like a rock. It’s a lot faster than one of those wallowers, though, and it can tank an astonishing amount of damage.”

“Damnfugitall! I don’t have enough artillery to dislodge those damn knucklewalker things! If this is how their MILITIA fights, I don’t wanna hang around to see their regular ARMY arrive! Drop to the dropships, gang! They can have this damned mudball!”

“The Brock’s a bunker on legs. If the crew can find a good place to plop down and entrench, it can become a right stubborn pillbox or mini-strongpoint, and if its troop complement has heavy weapons and good positions to deploy in, they can killzone even heavy armor. I’d hate to go up against urban defenders equipped with these things, which I believe is the message the Paladins are trying to make with these; don’t come looking for trouble in OUR neighborhoods.”

The ‘Brock’ is another in Paladin Steel’s lower-priced militia and security vehicles, a fairly basic armored personnel carrier configured as a quadruped vehicular robot. It has a squarish box-style main body, covered in thick slanted armor to deflect enemy fire, and is carried on four thick robotic limbs. The Brock can balance and walk on its rear legs, but it typically runs on all fours. Both fore and rear limbs have small extendable powered wheels, allowing it to race more quickly on paved surfaces, reserving walking mode for offroad and clambering over obstacles.
The Brock features a large infantry compartment that can be accessed by sidedoors or a ventral hatch with stairs.
The Brock is very well armored, and its outer armor shell has special baffles that absorb kinetic damage. Its forelimbs also feature broad armored plates that serve as deflection shields for its disembarking complement of infantry to shelter behind if they come under fire.
The Brock is let down, in the eyes of some critics, by its light armament; besides two light bow guns, the Brock is typically only armed with a roof powered gun station mounting one or two light weapons. The Brock can carry additional optional weaponry, but it is not regarded as a main battle robot. This issue has been addressed somewhat with several follow-up variants, but PS likes to keep the Brock design focused on being a well-protected battle-taxi.
The Brock is proving popular in its intended role as a militia mech and urban security vehicle. It is also used by the GNEAS as a base security vehicle.

Type: PS-APCIR03 ‘Brock’
Class: All-Terrain Robot Armored Personnel Carrier
Crew: 3(pilot, two gunners)+10 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 600
Crew Compartment 150
Bow Guns(2) 50 each
Top Turret 100
Smoke Mortars(2) 45 each
Arms/Forelegs(2) 330 each
Forearm Shields(2) 300 each*
Claw Hands(2) 200 each
Rear Legs(2) 320 each

*Infantry sheltering behind these plates are -2 to be struck by enemy fire.

Height: 25 ft fully upright
There’s 7 ft of clearance under the main hull
Width: 16 ft at shoulders
Length: 18 ft
Weight: 18 tons
Cargo: Small space in crew compartment for a survival pack, sidearm(s), and a few small personal possessions.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion with 20 year energy life
(Running) 35 MPH running on two legs, 55 MPH on all fours
(Wheels) 75 MPH
(Leaping) Not possible
(Flying) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at MPH, maximum depth of 1 mile
Market Cost: 32 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Basic Robot Systems, plus:
*NBC-shielded crew compartment with air filtration and independent air supply
*Radio----100 mile range
*IR/Normal Light Headlights
*Optical Suite---Low Light/Nightvision Optics, Infrared, Thermo-Imaging, and Laser-Targetting(+1 to strike to ranged weapons)
*Mini-Radar---10 mile range
*Periscope---Standard optics periscope that can elevate up to 6 ft, allowing the tank to remain behind cover while surveying surrounding territory.

*Kinetic Protection---Dead spaces and layers in the armor reduce damage from kinetic attacks and armor-piercing weapons by HALF.

* IED/Mine Resistant Hull---The underside of the Brock’s hull is shaped to deflect blasts from explosives detonating under it, and its legs hold up high enough up of the ground that most conventional explosives only do HALF damage.

*Crash Control/Safety restraints/ Shock-Baffling---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. The isolation of the inner crew compartment also reduces jostling to the crew and passengers.

Weapons Systems:
1) Hull-mount Light Guns(2)---Mounted in ball-mounts in the forward glacis plate are light weapons, usually operated by the driver. Mounts have a 45-degree arc of fire.
a) 7.62mm Machine Gun
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 SDC single round, 4d6x10 SDC per 10 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 600 rd belt. 5,000 rds total carried

b) Light Rail Gun
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd. 6d6 MD per 30 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 600 rd magazine. 5,000 rds total carried
Cost: 60,000 credits

c) Light Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot. 1d4x10+6 MD per triple-shot burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 30,000 credits

d) Ion Blaster---Variant of the popular PSIP-2 ‘Smasher’ series. Mount has a 45-degree arc of fire. Like the handheld version, it can be modified for additional damage effects.
Range: 800 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot
1d4x10 MD per three-shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Can also use a back-up e-clip system; 30 shots short e-clip, 60 shots long e-clip
Options: Like the handgun version, the vehicle-mounted version can be similarly modified for extra effect/power:
Note: It takes a person with the Weapons Engineer skill a successful roll and about 5 minutes to install and test one of the following modules, those with the Armorer/Field Armorer skill about 10 minutes, and someone following the printed instructions about 30-45 minutes to install/swap modules.

*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel clip-on that turns the PSIP-2 into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area. Cost: 5,000 credits

*Ion Booster Module---Another barrel attachment that boosts the range of the ion bolts, albeit with a small reduction in damage capability. Reduce damage to 3d6 MD, but boost range to 1,500 ft. Cost: 7,000 credits

*Ion Focal Booster Module---Aka ‘Puncher’---This barrel attachment improves the focus of the ion pulse density, improving damage at the cost of range. Reduce range to 400 ft, but up damage to 5d6 MD per shot. Cost: 5,000 credits.

*Laser Sight Module---Another underbarrel attachment, this consists of an improved laser sight that adds a bonus to strike, but the laser also creates a temporary ‘guidepath’ of disturbed/ionized air that slightly improves the striking power of the ion bolts. +2 to Strike, and +3 to damage per bolt. This can be used in conjunction with the other barrel attachments, but added damage is reduced to +2 MD. Cost: 1,000 credits

*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode. CAN be used in conjunction with the the Laser Sight Module. Switching between MD/SDC modes takes 2 actions. Popular with urban security and police units.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 1d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Cost: 4,000 credits

e) Flame Thrower
Range:(Direct-Stream Mode) 230 ft
Damage:(Direct-Stream Mode)
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Note: The flame-thrower can also be used to cover an area with fluid: up to 10 ft per attack used. Used with Super-Napalm, this does 1d4 MD, Incendi-Gel does 1d6 MD, and with Napalm-P, this does 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire:(Direct-Stream Mode) Standard
Payload:(Direct-Stream Mode
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 20 blasts
(Napalm) 60 blasts
(MD Fluid) 100 blasts
(Incendi-Gel) 120 blasts
(WI Napalm-P) 200 blasts per tank(much more concentrated than the regular gasoline/alcohol).
Note: Payload can be increased by the addition of external armored fuel tanks(150 MDC for the tanks and TRIPLE payload) (the armored two-wheeled trailer normally available to the New Sherman is NOT available to the Vrock, but larger onboard tanks ARE available). The fuel tanks have an ejection features that catapults the tanks up to 25 ft away from the AFV in the event of a leak or fire(this doesn’t exactly endear the tank to accompanying infantry and many garages and motorpools insist on having a fully fueled-up fire-tank parked in its own revetment or away from other vehicles).
Cost: 30,000 credits. 65,000 credits for external tanks

2)Top Turret----A powered mount that can be remotely operated from inside the Brock. It mounts one or two heavy infantry weapons such as light energy cannon, rail guns, automatic grenade launchers, or light missile launchers. The weapons are mounted with a high angle of elevation possible, allowing them to serve as air defense weapons.
Possible Weapons Types:
a)PS-RFL2-33/D ‘Blazer’ Rapid-Fire Infantry Laser
b)PSIC-03 “Scheffer’ Ion Cannon
c)PSBW-11 ‘Super-BAR’ Particle Beam Rifle
d)PSPPR-5 ‘Lewiston’ Light Plasma Cannon
e)PSAGL-40B 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher----w/ 100 rd magazine
f) 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun or Mini-Gun----w/ 300 rd magazine
g)Taskin 20mm Rapid-Fire Autocannon ----w/ 200 rd magazine
h)McMLR-16 Micro-Missile Launcher Rifle ----w/ 24 micro-missiles
i)ASI/UWW-PB-87 ‘Zoran’ Heavy Blast Rifle
j) PSM811 ‘Gunther’ 52mm Infantry Mortar w/ 35 rd magazine

3) Smoke Mortars(2)---Mounted on the sides of the hull are two gas grenade launchers for providing covering smoke.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: None, smoke(chemical agents such as tear gas can be substituted) in 10 ft radius.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, or 6
Payload: 6 smoke grenades per launcher, 12 total

4) VibroClaws---The forelimbs feature extendable vibroclaws
Note: The Brock’s hands CANNOT pick up weapons modules or gunpods; the best it can do is use blunt weapons.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD alone of added to a punch.

5)(Optional) Upper Deck Missile Launchers---There’s enough space on top of the Brock to mount a missile launcher alongside everything else.
a) Micro-Missile Pod---25x4 launch cassette stack(100 McMs)
b) Mini-Missile Pod---12 MMs
c) Anti-Tank Missile Launcher---6-Pack Smart Missile Launcher
Range: (Copperhead) 1 mile,
(Cobra) 2.8 miles
Damage: (Copperhead) High Explosive 2d4x10 MD,
(Cobra)2d4x10 MD, no blast radius, but CRITICAL(*DOUBLE) damage on an unmodified strike roll of 18-20
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 6
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 90,000 Cr, (Copperhead) missiles cost 600 credits each
(Cobra) 11,000 credits per missile

Hand to Hand Combat
Use the Combat Training, plus the following bonuses:
+2 Parry(on account of the broad forearms)
+2 Roll with Punch, Kick, or Impact
Restrained Punch/Slap 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 2d4+2 MD
Body Block/Tackle 2d6+3 MD + 60% chance of knockdown.
Rear Kick 2d6 MD


*IR Baffling---A passive stealth system that uses special exhausts for the engine and crew compartment, as well as insulation and heatsink systems, to alter and lower the tank’s thermal signature. -20% to detect/target the tank using thermal imaging. Cost: 18,000 credits

*Camou-Shroud---A variant of PS’s portable ‘scrambler’ shelter, only larger to cover the tank. This is a portable folding shelter that can be erected in minutes, providing protection from the elements, limited megadamage protection, as well as concealment from electronic and infrared/thermographic detection.
The ‘Shelter’ consists of a yard-long ‘can’ that looks like a large drum. When activated, about a dozen articulated ‘spider leg’ structural members of carbon composite branch out, anchor themselves in the ground, and form the skeleton of a dome-shaped igloo roughly 7 ft tall by 20 ft in diameter. The pod then deploys a cover sheet of special plastics, with a camouflage print, and integral sensor-baffling elements.
The Camouflage pattern sheet can be chemo-switched to any one of seven different configurations(later versions incorporate chameleon tech roughly equal to Naruni’s camou-sheets). The support elements create a degaussing ‘bubble’ that scrambles radar signals(incoming and outgoing), as well as disrupting magnetic resonances(fouling Magnetic Anomaly Detectors), while the fabric itself insulates and dissipates the infrared and thermal emissions and signatures of the occupants, rendering those means of detection less effective.
Care must be taken in setting up the Shelter---The igloo is not invisible to naked eyeball optical searches, so ‘blending’ the shelter into the natural landscape contours is essential for best results.
The entire shelter can deploy/retract for stowage in 1 melee
MDC: The tent provides about 60 MDC of protection, however, against explosions, it is less effective(being non-rigid, shockwaves pass through its fabric), so explosives will do HALF damage to the occupants, regardless of how much MDC is left in the tent.
Special Features:
*Fire Proofing---Can handle temperatures up to 300 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do NO damage
*Minimal Radiation Shielding--The fabric shell provides some protection against radiation(such as that from expended U-rounds laying nearby, or fallout), but is not recommended for protection in ‘hot’ zones (good for maybe 5-6 minutes of exposure).
*Chameleon-cloth Fabric---Can assume one of seven preset color configurations.
*Thermal Insulation-Infrared and Thermographic sensors are -20% to detect the shelter.
*Electronic Insulation- Radar, MAD, and EM sensors are -15% to detect the shelter
*Extendable Fiber-optic Periscope
Cost: 80,000 credits; currently unavailable outside GNE military forces and approved affiliates.

*External Antipersonnel Fletchette Packs(106)----An effort to further protect slow moving vehicles against faster power armor and infantry, this system consists of s series of directional ‘claymore’-style fragmentation grenades attached to the outer hull and triggered either by command or by motion detector trip to fill a ‘kill zone’ around the tank with lethal shrapnel and antipersonnel fletchettes.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive arMor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Because of the Brock’s quadruped design, it’s been possible(and pilots insist necessary) to place claymore pads on the underside of the vehicle, allowing the crew to deal with opponents who manage to get under the robot in its weapons blindspots, while the roof-mounted mines can deal with top-attack anti-armor missiles and opponents attempting to drop on top of the ‘bot. .
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each side of the Brock (sides, front, back, top and bottom) has 10 fletchette packs each(60 total), the forearms each have 15, the rear legs 8 each, for a possible total of 106(!).
Cost: 3,000 credits for the system, 80 credits per plate.

*Flamer Defense System---This can be an add-on to an existing flame-thrower system, or be wholly separate/independently installed. Based on an experiment in efforts to deter the tankerman’s worst nightmare, demolition-charge-armed infantry swarming up close, the system consists of six short-range flame projectors set up to surround the tank with a four-fan ring of flame.
Range:(Direct-Stream Mode) 100 ft
Damage:(Direct-Stream Mode)
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Note: The flame-thrower can also be used to cover an area with fluid: up to 10 ft per attack used. Used with Super-Napalm, this does 1d4 MD, Incendi-Gel does 1d6 MD, and with Napalm-P, this does 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire:(Direct-Stream Mode) Standard
Payload:(Direct-Stream Mode
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 20 blasts
(Napalm) 60 blasts
(MD Fluid) 100 blasts
(Incendi-Gel) 120 blasts
(WI Napalm-P) 200 blasts per tank(much more concentrated than the regular gasoline/alcohol).
Cost: 27,000 credits.

*Appliqué Armor
Light: +80 MDC main body. Cost: 160,000 credits
Medium:+150 MDC main body. Cost: 280,000 credits
Heavy: +200 MDC main body. Cost: 360,000 credits

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits

*Chaff/Flare Launchers---For those of you afraid of eating a missile from your friendly Coalition Highway Patrol....
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*Forcefield Generators---Any of PS’s vehicle-mount forcefield generator pods can mounted on the Brock. These vary in protective value from 100-360 MDC, and costing from 90,000 to 1 million credits.

*NBC Sensor System Cluster---Small compact mini-lab pod that has the following:
---Geiger Counter---Detects radiation, type, and levels.
---Molecular Analyzer---A flow-through air sampler that tests for various common airborne contaminants and toxins, and determines air quality.
---Pathogen Screener---Another air sampler that looks for dust particles and spores, and the enzyme/molecular interactions of organic pathogens
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Mini-Phalanx Turret--Derived from the PSA-11 Power Armor, this system gives vehicles close-range antimissile defense.
Turret Base Cost: 25,000 credits

*1A) Light Rail Gun---Based on PS’s STARifle:
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per single shot, 5d6 MD on a 5 shot burst, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: Single shot or 5-shot burst, Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: 1,200 rd drum feeding both weapons(60 bursts per gun)
Cost: credits

*2A) Pulse Laser Turret: Paladin Steel also offers a lower-powered laser system, with capacitor battery and a longer range. The Pulse Laser is intended as an antiaircraft/antimissile system, and can be remote-linked to an air defense grid system, such as the Meles AAAV, Rattlesnake AAV, or the Vixen Fighter/Recon Pod, (Part of Paladin Steel's emerging BAMSP: Battlefield Asset Management System Package).
Range: 6,000 ft
Mega-Damage: 3D6 MD single blast, 6D6 MD double- barreled blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: 200 shot batter
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)
Cost: 45,000 credits

*3A) Light Plasma Cannon
Range: 1,800 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: 120 shot battery
Cost: 30,000 credits

*4A) Light Ion Blasters:
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: 280 shot battery
Cost: 30,000 credits

The Brock’s basic enough that a number of variants have already appeared, most modifying the vehicle to operate in specific environments, or fitting it with different weapons configurations(usually at the expense of passenger capacity).
*PS-APCIR03B----An effort to address the weak glacis-plate armament with heavier weaponry.
Weapons Systems:
1) Hull-mount Light Guns(2)---Now upgraded to accommodate heavier weapons:
a)PS-RFL2-33/D ‘Blazer’ Rapid-Fire Infantry Laser
b)PSIC-01 Tesla Infantry Ion Cannon
c)PSIC-02 Infantry Ion Cannon
d) PSIC-03 “Scheffer’ Ion Cannon
e)PSBW-11 ‘Super-BAR’ Particle Beam Rifle
f)PSPPR-5 ‘Lewiston’ Light Plasma Cannon
g)‘PPR-3 Serap’ Heavy Plasma Projector
h) PPR-4 ‘Comet Rifle” Plasma Bazooka

2)Top Turret----A proper turret(200 MDC) is added, mounting two heavy weapons. (x2) means that two weapons can be mounted, or one of that type and another of a pair-able type. (x1) means only one weapon of that type can be mounted.
a)12.7mm PS-MRG03 Snub-nose Short Gatling Gun(x2)--- w/ 500 rd magazine each
b)PSPPR-9 TriBarrel ‘HeatWave’ Gatling Plasma Cannon(CT Cartridge) (x1)--- w/ 300 rd magazine
c) PS-M136 Minigun (x1)--- w/ 4,000 rd drum
d) .50 Caliber Machine Gun(x2)---w/ 1,000 rd drum each
e)*PS-MMLR-14 Mini-Missile Launcher (x2)---Knock-off of the Coalition’s CCT-M20 Missile Rifle,complete down to the light laser. 20 mini-missiles.
f)45mm PS-HRG05 'Hellshot' Rail Cannon (x1)---w/ 40 shot magazine
g)M-50B 20mm Reaper Heavy Machine Gun (x1)---w/ 400 shot magazine
h) OCSW-2 ‘Arden’ 25mm Heavy Machine Gun (x1)---w/ 300 shot magazine
i) PS- AMcMLW02 ‘Gelson’ Belt-Fed MicroMissile Launcher(15mm) (x1)---w/ 300 shot magazine
j) PSPPR-20 ‘Supernova’ Heavy Plasma Rifle (x1)
k) ASI/UWW-PB-90 ‘Spatra’ Light Blast Cannon (x1)
l) PSM811 ‘Gunther’ 52mm Infantry Mortar(x2) w/ 50 rd magazine each
m)GrHW-01 ‘Flamma’ Heavy Gravitonic Rail Gun(x2) w/ 400 rd magazine each

*PS-APCIR03E----Law enforcement/security version. This variant adds sirens and flashers, replaces the armaments with less-lethal types(typically stun cannon, sonic projectors, rubber bullet/rear gas launchers, water cannon), adds a chemical sprayer system to the sides(30 ft range, 4d6 HP to vampires if using water, 100 applications), and blinder spotlights.
Some -APCIR03Es mount a jackhammer slung between the forelegs( 95 MDC, melee range, 4 strikes per melee, 3d6x10 MD per strike) for battering down walls and doors.

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 10:22 pm
by taalismn
Paladin Steel ‘Verndari’ Combat Support Robot
(aka ‘Meka-Magen’, ‘Verny’, ‘Scild’, ‘Harker’. ‘Kruncher’, ‘Nut-krakker’)
“The sheer number of Paladin Steel-produced combat robot types is enough to give Ai-phobics nightmares. The fact that the GN and by extension the United Systems Alliance have AIs working for them and in charge of robot soldiery is NOT any comfort to those people.”

“Roughly speaking, the Verndari costs the same as a standard CS skelebot. Now, the skeliy may be faster and quickler , especially with knives, but the verny can soak up a lot more damage, and if it’s quicker on the draw than the deadbot, it can tear or shoot the skelbot to pieces. Deploy them in equal numbers against each other in general combat, and it’s a close call who’s going to come out on top, but in a defensive action, my money’s on the shielder-bots.”

“What with the smarter and faster Mark II Spartois coming out, they needed something less expensive, but still tough enough to soak up damage and plug holes in the line. It’s hard to believe that the Verndari is even SIMPLIER than the Magnus or even the militarized Danbots, even though it looks like something Chipwell would turn out. It’s chunky, hard-angled, and crude-looking, but it’s got Paladin Steel engineering under the plates, so it’s at least reliable. And it’s CHEAP for a walking light tank.”

“That stupid battery-powered monstrosity of a Battle Droid that Chipwell puts out is still the dirt-cheapest piece of robotry available on the market, and its load-out can strip even a Spartoi down to mission-kill, so even the Verndari’s not going to beat it in sales, but at least our ‘bots are smart enough not to be a regular danger to their own troops, and the power cells and linkages mean they can remain in the fight long after the Chippers have shot their ammo tanks and missile magazines dry.”

“The standard Verndari’s meant to be a less expensive stand-in for the heavier Spartoi, but it’s not entirely a dumbed-down version. The standard issue’s got some basic mechanics programs that make it damn useful to field units, like being able to change tires and replace treads, in addition to digging ditches. I hear the next marks of Spartoi are likely to fix the programming range problem, but having the Verndari NOW is a right sure goodness to the troops already in the field. For example, on Fernando we took a few hundred right off the bat to secure the border , and they’ve worked out just fine scaring the local bandit-lords while we built up a substantial militia to keep the peace.”

“We thought we’d detected several large formations of Usan power armor forming up to resist our landings. We hit them with orbital artillery and obliterated them before sending down our own troops.
Too late we discovered we’d hit robot decoys. The REAL militia were hiding under deep cover and came out to mingle amidst our forces and attack them from within. We couldn’t repeat our ground strikes without hitting our own soldiers! Damn Usan tricks!”

The Verndari(named for a Nordic word for ‘protector’) is a low-end combat support humanoid-frame robot drone meant to accompany soldiers in the field adn work closely with them to provide fire support and cover. It is meant to be stronger and more durable than a Magnus, but less expensive than a Spartoi, and thus can be deployed in greater numbers. It is also skill-wise more versatile than a Coalition States Skelebot or even the early mark Spartois, but lacks the full range of sklll programs available to the more humaniform Magnus.
The Verndari is big, angular and bulky, looking very crude in appearance. Its head is small and sited among protective armor plates on its shoulders, while its CPU is concealed in its broad torso. The chest and thighs hold pull-out drawers holding ready-use supplies, and a power take-off system allows the ‘bots to act as field generators and e-clip rechargers. Mechanical jump boosters in its legs give it improved leaping capabilities while its long stride allows it to keep up a fair pace over even rough terrain. It’s still seen as somewhat stodgy with regards to mobility, but it is in fact a good and tireless marcher.
Unlike the Magnus which can don infantry-issue body armor to supplement its own rugged frame, the Verndari is too bulky to do so. Instead it can be repaired more easily using basic plates that can be slipped or welded into place. Heavy armor is key to the design and the Vernadari can soak up a hefty amount of punishment, especially if it carries disposable armor shields/plates to protect itself and any accompanying troops.
In return, the Verndari can dish back damage with shoulder- or arm-mounted heavy infantry weapons, its powerplant providing energy to quite heavy armaments.
The only real complaints, so far, about the Verndari is that they are too big and heavy to ride with regular troops or drive their own transport and too slow to keep up with most vehicles on their own. For fast transport they have to rely on cargo haulers to move them around.
Mass production of the Verndari has started early and in large-orders, given the need of the GNERA and USAJC ground forces for force multipliers. So far the units that have received them have had no complaints about the ‘bots, and the Verndari is expected to do well in distribution to the GNE’s allies and affiliates, including accepting members of the United Systems Alliance.

Type: PS-SASR-13 Verndari
Class: Combat Support Robot
Crew: None; Robot Intelligence
MDC/Armor by Location:
Hands(2) 60 each
Arms(2) 120 each
Legs(2) 160 each
*Head 90
Main Body 300
Shoulder Hardpoints (1-2) ypically 100 each

*The head is small and protected by surrounding plates; -2 to strike, even with a called shot.

Note: The Verndari can be fitted with any additional armor up to HEAVY Cyborg Armor

Height: 7 ft
Width: 3.4 ft at shoulders
Length: 3 ft
Weight: 1,100 lbs
The Verndari has several concealed compartments in its toro(1 lower torso, 1 each side under the arms, and 2 on the lower back) and legs(1 each) for holding equipment and supplies, such e-clips, grenades, med-kits, and tools accessible by infantry. These are generally the same dimensions and capacity as a footlocker(32” x16” x13”).
Physical Strength: Equiv. Robotic P.S. of 35
Powerplant: Nuclear (5 year energy life)
Speed:(Running) 40 MPH
(Leaping) Can leap approximately 14 ft high or across, running leap in access of 30 MPH adds 10 ft to leap
(Flying) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at about 20 MPH. Maximum depth tolerance of 1,000 ft
Market Cost: 3 million credits without armaments.
Systems of Note:
*Advanced Robot Optics w/ IR, UV, thermo-imaging, low-light and telescopic
*Laser Targeting System (+1 to strike w/ range weapons out to 4,000 ft)
*Mini-Radar---3 mile range(rarely used, as its active emissions can be detected)
*Motion Detector---Effective range of 3,000 ft, but terrain, thick walls/structures, and radar jamming, can limit it to 60 ft or less. The 'tracker CAN see through smoke and thin walls/fences.
*External Surveillance System----A surveillance system and ‘black box’ recorder that can be played back to show what it has seen and done(most users regularly check, then erase and reset this system). Typically records up to 48 hours of real time telemetry.
*Radar Detector---Detects the radiation associated with radar systems. 80% efficiency.
*Explosives Detector---Sniffs out explosives. 12 ft range.
*Advanced Robot Audio w/ audio recorder
*Radio w/ Scrambler-50 mile range
(w/ radio tracker---able to follow a worn or implanted beacon on its charges)
*Data Link/Display----The robot’s sensory input can be accessed by accompanying infantry via wireless link, hard-wire jack-line, or a small video display panel attached to the back and covered by a protective hood.

*Inaudible Frequency Transmission
*Basic Voice Synthesizer(voice sounds obviously artificially and deliberately robotic. Not a great conversationalist; laconic and to the point; ‘DANGER!’, “ENEMY POSITION DETECTED AT 120 DEGREES! INCOMING FIRE! TAKE COVER!”...etc.)

*Locking Joints

*Head 360-degree Swivel

*Upper Torso 360-degree Swivel

*Reverse Elbow Articulation----The forearms can bend to grasp, shoot, or fight behind the back.

*Power Outlet---The Verndari comes equipped with a power outlet that allows the ‘bot to be used to power appliances and auxiliary equipment at a campsite, or to recharge batteries and E-Clips; ideal for infantry support operations.

Weapons Systems:
1) Shoulder Hardpoints (1-2)---Copied from Russian hardware, this fits a more traditional shoulder/back-mounted heavy weapon pintle on a powered gyro-stabilized mount. Typically two heavy infantry weapons or a single large power armor weapon are mounted.

2)Forearm Vibroblades(2)---Standard retractable short sword vibroblades
Range: Melee
Damage: 2d4 MD

3) Hand-held Weapons---The Verndari’s hand-manipulators are scaled to hold and use infantry-scale weaponry. Energy weapons can be powered through link conduits in the hands to provide effectively unlimited shots.
The Verndari is typically issued a large infantry shield, battle rifle, and a melee weapn such as a mace, vibro-sword, or ax.

4) Hand to Hand Combat
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative: +1
Strike: +5, +4 with ranged weapons( in addition to W.P. bonuses)
Parry: +5
Dodge: +5
Roll: +4
Pull Punch: +5
Disarm +2
Critical Strike on a natural 19 or 20
Pin/Incapacitate: +3
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d4 MD
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 4d4 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 1d6 MDC
Body Block/Ram: (2 attacks) 1d8 MD
Kick 2d8 MD

The Verndari’s programming is a lot more limited than that available for the Danbot and Magnus, with a greater emphasis on general combat, fire support, and field labor.
Military Etiquette 96%
General Maintenance and Repair 85%
Basic Mechanics 80%
Automotive Mechanics 80%
Land Navigation 90%
Radio: Basic 96%

Hand to Hand: Expert(8th Level)
W.P. Energy(all)
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Automatic Rifle
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Ax
W.P. Shield

Up to two additional programming slots can be added to the Verndari’s robot intelligence matrix.
The following Robot Programs are available to the Verndari, at a 25% discount: Military Communications Language Program, Mechanical, Military Support, Specialized Labor: Heavy, Specialized Labor: Mining, Technical: Rescue, Weapons Proficiencies(Ancient), and Weapons Proficiencies(Modern).


*Strength Enhancement---More powerful actuators and myomers can be added, increasing the robot’s strength to a maximum Robotic P.S. of 40
Cost: + 8,000 credits per point of enhanced strength

*Thermal Armor---More often than not seen on foundry worker cyborgs. Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits

*Chemical Resistant Armor----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage. Often seen on hazmat response worker cyborgs.
----Cost: +1.1 million credits

*EM Shielding---Protects against radiation and magnetic effects. Cost: 100,000 credits

*External Antipersonel Fletchette Packs----An effort to further protect slow moving tanks and robots against faster power armor and infantry, this system consists of s series of directional ‘claymore’-style fragmentation grenades attached to the outer hull and triggred either by command or by motion detector trip to fill a ‘kill zone’ around the tank with lethal shrapnel and anti-personnel fletchettes.
NOT recommended if traveling with friendly infantry in close proximity.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in multiple volleys.
Payload: The Verndari can cary two mines on its chest, two on each shoulder plate, two on each leg, and four on the back.
A handheld light-shield can mount two, a medium shield three, and a heavy shield six.

*Stabilization Jacks--- This interesting little system uses Glitterboy-style pylon technology to las and hydraulically drive four stabilizer jacks up to 5 ft into the ground, even through concrete and metal gratings, within 5 seconds, affixing you like a barnacle, and able to stay upright in even hurricane-force winds. System can disengage in 2 seconds. Not recommended for shipboard or wharf work.
Cost: 65,000 credits

* Smoke Mortars---Mountable gas grenade launchers for providing covering smoke. 1-4 clusters are typically mounted.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: None, smoke(chemical agents such as tear gas can be substituted) in 10 ft radius.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, or 6
Payload: 6 smoke grenades per launcher, 12 total
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launchers

*Jumpjets--- Copied from Russian cyborg designs(see Rifts: Warlords of Russia) and powered by the ‘bot’s own nuclear powerplant, these ‘jets enable the machine to make leaps of 100 ft up/200 ft across; increase by 30% with a running start. Effectively DOUBLES running speed when leaping. Can also hover in the air, 100 ft up, up to 1d4 minutes at a time.
Cost: 150,000 credits

Most variants of the Verndari are merely cosmetic, the angles of the outer armor varying depending on the buyer/operator. Some replace one arm with a heavy weapon or rocket-launcher pod, sacrificing two-handed versatility for extra firepower.
Depending on its intended role, such as minesweeping or picket duty, additional sensors can be added to the ‘bot.