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Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:13 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Panomas wrote:Stone?

Do you have any requirements as to what sorts of spells you would like to see posted?
I would like spells to be denoted as to what school of magic they pertain to, any conversion notes regarding MDC or SDC differences made, and just generally formatted similar to the way they are in the books, as drewkitty~..~ already mentioned. Personally, I think there are a lot of different types of magic which could be written and lots of spells yet unwritten.

YugTaht wrote:love the paint & tailor magic hope to see more in the future
I still eventually intend to do more different professions done up as mage specialties. It is the whole "Time of a Thousand Magics" idea: Every profession has its own magic attached to it.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by wyrmraker
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Panomas wrote:Stone?

Do you have any requirements as to what sorts of spells you would like to see posted?
I would like spells to be denoted as to what school of magic they pertain to, any conversion notes regarding MDC or SDC differences made, and just generally formatted similar to the way they are in the books, as drewkitty~..~ already mentioned. Personally, I think there are a lot of different types of magic which could be written and lots of spells yet unwritten.

YugTaht wrote:love the paint & tailor magic hope to see more in the future
I still eventually intend to do more different professions done up as mage specialties. It is the whole "Time of a Thousand Magics" idea: Every profession has its own magic attached to it.

That was the general idea I was working towards with my Techo-Wizard Utility Spells. There definitely needs to be more specialized spellcrafting.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I really don't want the thread filled with a bunch of deleted posts. If you want to post them, do so, but don't delete them and leave a bunch of empty spaces on the board. If you want feedback, you could always pm them to me and I would be willing to critique them.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:05 pm
by Kovoston
Damian Magecraft wrote:New Ludicrous spell

with apologies to "the frantics"
Boot to the Head
level: five
PPE cost: 15
save: dodge of 16+ only
spell magically causes a boot to appear from out of thin air and strike the target soundly in the side of the head. a failed save will result in the victim suffering effects similar to the Befuddle spell. Victim also suffers 1d4 points of damage, and has a splitting head ache for 1d4 hours afterward.


Re: Re:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:42 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Kovoston wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:New Ludicrous spell

with apologies to "the frantics"
Boot to the Head
level: five
PPE cost: 15
save: dodge of 16+ only
spell magically causes a boot to appear from out of thin air and strike the target soundly in the side of the head. a failed save will result in the victim suffering effects similar to the Befuddle spell. Victim also suffers 1d4 points of damage, and has a splitting head ache for 1d4 hours afterward.


Thank you.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:53 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Panomas wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I really don't want the thread filled with a bunch of deleted posts. If you want to post them, do so, but don't delete them and leave a bunch of empty spaces on the board. If you want feedback, you could always pm them to me and I would be willing to critique them.

I would love to hear some input-

PM being sent-
Thank you.

Ears of the Cat

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:20 pm
by SittingBull
Name: Ears of the Cat

Level: 9

Range: Self or others by touch.

Duration: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of the spell caster.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 30

Benchmark Spell: Eyes of the Wolf (25) level 8.

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to the Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 18 Weeks.

Gains the ability hearing perception into the ultrasonic range of high frequency sound, like the hearing of a bat. The character endowed with this additional range of hearing can perceive the high-pitched whine of a television capacitor or a dog whistle (inaudible to normal humans) and similiar sounds up to 300 feet (91.5 m), and the flapping of a bird's wing up to 150 feet away (45.7 m). The caster is also able to hear the whine of low frequency trasmissions, so-called "silent alarms", footsteps, the ruffle of fabric rubbing against other fabric, and the scurry of a mouse at 150 feet (45.7 m). However, whenever this spell is active, sounds in the normal decibel range are unintelligible - they sound like a recording slowed down to the point that a normal conversation sounds like a deep rumbling noise and not words at all. For this reason, this part of the spell can switched on and off.

The caster also gains the ability of Amplified Hearing, letting the character hear almost inaudible sounds at up to 360 feet (110 m) away.

At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, sother than a whisper, can be heard.

At 150 feet (45.7 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper, can be heard clearly.

At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet (one meter) away. This is the maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations. Only sounds of 70 decibels (e.g., the sound of heavy traffic) or louder can be accurately heard and the location pinpointed from 500 to 1,000 feet away (152.4 m to 305 m).

The Amplified Hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, ect., as well as barriers like closed doors and walls, WILL decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. G.M.s should use their discrection and common sense. BONUSES: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +3 initiative.

Decibel Scale: The following Decibel Scale is presented for easy reference. A 20 decibel sound is ten times louder than a 10 decibel sound, a 30 decibel sound is 100 times louder than a 10 decibel sound, and 40 decibels is 1000 times louder than a 10 decibel sound. 1 Decibel is the smallest difference between sounds detectable by the human ear.

10 decibels is a light whisper.

20 decibels is a quiet conversation or a muffled noise.

30 decibels is a normal conversation.

40 decibels is light traffic.

50 decibels is a loud conversation.

60 decibels is shouting or a blaring radio.

70 decibels is heavy traffic or automatic gunfire.

80 decibels is loud noise like a subway train, roaring car engine, or rock concert.

90 decibels very loud noise, like thunder or an explosion.

100 decibels is the roar of a jet engine and temporarily deafening (2D4 seconds).

140 decibels is a sonic boom, painful and temporarily deafening (2D4 minutes).

Lastly the spells grants a bonus of +6 to perception. Making it very difficult to sneak up on, set a trap for, or hide something from.

Disrupt Spell

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:21 pm
by SittingBull
Name: Disrupt Spell

Level: 8

Range: 100 feet plus 50 feet per level of experience unless the caster is target of a spell; line of sight to enemy spell caster.

Duration: 1 melee round per level of the spell caster.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 40

Benchmark Spell: Mute (50) level 9.

Adjustments: Weaker that Benchmark Spell (-1 level and -20% PPE), Range increased 1 level (+1 level and +100% PPE), Duration down 1 level (-1 level and -50% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: 1 level lower than Benchmark Spell (+10%) and weaker than the Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 16 Weeks.

This is a unique power in which the mage gives off negative vibes that can disrupt a magic ritual or spell casting.

The expending of one PPE point as negative enery will disrupt and dispel 1 PPE from the magic ritual or spell caster. This means a mage who expends 5 PPE in protest against or in a deliberate act to counter a magic ritual or spell, will negate 5 PPE points.

In most cases, the negation of the enemy casters PPE will be enough to prevent the spell from being successfully cast due to insufficient PPE! If a spell requires 12 PPE and the caster simultaneously eliminates 1 points, the incantation does not have enough magic energy to be successfully cast - the spell caster expends all 12 PPE points but nothing happens.

The spell casters only defense, when he knows that he is confronted by a nega-pyshic or another mage with Disrupt Spell, is to expend 1, or 3, or more PPE than is normally necessary to cast the spell. This can turn into a mental chess game, because the nega-psychic/mage can anticipate the other mage to compensate and willingly expend a specific amount of PPE as a countermeasure(3,6,9,12,ect; always in increments of three with nega-pyschics).

Under all circumstances, the PPE expended by the spell caster, whether the spell is successfully cast or not, is lost in the attempt.

Note: Unlike the psi-nullifier, who’s powers of disruption can affect both magic and psionics, a caster using Disrupt Spell cannot disrupt the casting of psnionic abilities.

Re: Disrupt Spell

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:16 pm
by Damian Magecraft
SittingBull wrote:Disrupt Spell

Level: 8

Range: 100 feet plus 50 feet per level of experience unless the caster is target of a spell; line of sight to enemy spell caster.

Duration: 1 melee round per level of the spell caster.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 45

This is a unique power in which the mage gives off negative vibes that can disrupt a magic ritual or spell casting.

The expending of one PPE point as negative enery will disrupt and dispel 1 PPE from the magic ritual or spell caster. This means a mage who expends 5 PPE in protest against or in a deliberate act to counter a magic ritual or spell, will negate 5 PPE points.

In most cases, the negation of the enemy casters PPE will be enough to prevent the spell from being successfully cast due to insufficient PPE! If a spell requires 12 PPE and the caster simultaneously eliminates 1 points, the incantation does not have enough magic energy to be successfully cast - the spell caster expends all 12 PPE points but nothing happens.

The spell casters only defense, when he knows that he is confronted by a nega-pyshic or another mage with Disrupt Spell, is to expend 1, or 3, or more PPE than is normally necessary to cast the spell. This can turn into a mental chess game, because the nega-psychic/mage can anticipate the other mage to compensate and willingly expend a specific amount of PPE as a countermeasure(3,6,9,12,ect; always in increments of three with nega-pyschics).

Under all circumstances, the PPE expended by the spell caster, whether the spell is successfully cast or not, is lost in the attempt.

Note: Unlike the psi-nullifier, who’s powers of disruption can affect both magic and psionics, a caster using Disrupt Spell cannot disrupt the casting of psnionic abilities.

Level is too high.
As you have it now this spell takes 2 actions to complete. Making it unsuitable for defense against spell levels 1 - 5.
Also if you lower the spell level then the cast cost should be reduced.
I would suggest level 5.
And a cost of 25+ 2 PPE per 1 point being canceled.

Re: Disrupt Spell

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:46 pm
by SittingBull
Damian Magecraft wrote:
SittingBull wrote:Disrupt Spell

Level: 8

Range: 100 feet plus 50 feet per level of experience unless the caster is target of a spell; line of sight to enemy spell caster.

Duration: 1 melee round per level of the spell caster.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 45

This is a unique power in which the mage gives off negative vibes that can disrupt a magic ritual or spell casting.

The expending of one PPE point as negative enery will disrupt and dispel 1 PPE from the magic ritual or spell caster. This means a mage who expends 5 PPE in protest against or in a deliberate act to counter a magic ritual or spell, will negate 5 PPE points.

In most cases, the negation of the enemy casters PPE will be enough to prevent the spell from being successfully cast due to insufficient PPE! If a spell requires 12 PPE and the caster simultaneously eliminates 1 points, the incantation does not have enough magic energy to be successfully cast - the spell caster expends all 12 PPE points but nothing happens.

The spell casters only defense, when he knows that he is confronted by a nega-pyshic or another mage with Disrupt Spell, is to expend 1, or 3, or more PPE than is normally necessary to cast the spell. This can turn into a mental chess game, because the nega-psychic/mage can anticipate the other mage to compensate and willingly expend a specific amount of PPE as a countermeasure(3,6,9,12,ect; always in increments of three with nega-pyschics).

Under all circumstances, the PPE expended by the spell caster, whether the spell is successfully cast or not, is lost in the attempt.

Note: Unlike the psi-nullifier, who’s powers of disruption can affect both magic and psionics, a caster using Disrupt Spell cannot disrupt the casting of psnionic abilities.

Level is too high.
As you have it now this spell takes 2 actions to complete. Making it unsuitable for defense against spell levels 1 - 5.
Also if you lower the spell level then the cast cost should be reduced.
I would suggest level 5.
And a cost of 25+ 2 PPE per 1 point being canceled.

Well against other mages you probably wont have the mage in your face. So level 8 not a problem there. Level 5 makes it too low I think. We are talking about the ability to disrupt magic.

Why 2PPE per 1 enemy ppe being stopped?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:14 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Here is my take on the disrupt magic spell

Disrupt Spell
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: 30 feet per level.
Duration: special.
Saving Throw: standard, -5 penalty
PPE: 18, +2 per 1 negated.

This spell creates a field around the mage that for 1 min. per level of the mage that detects spells being cast. This field is persistent for 5 minutes per level. While this field is active, if the archmage chooses, the archmage can send out a counter energy bolt that can negate some of the mystic energy being used to cast the spell. If the target mage fails their save vs magic at a -5 penalty. If the targeted mage makes his save vs magic, then he can add more energy to the PPE, but this adds an APM to the casting times.

For those that don't know, Archmage spells are those spells that can't be cast by mages under Level 7 of experience, due to the control needed to use the spell.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:26 pm
by SittingBull
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Here is my take on the disrupt magic spell

Disrupt Spell
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: 30 feet per level.
Duration: special.
Saving Throw: standard, -5 penalty
PPE: 18, +2 per 1 negated.

This spell creates a field around the mage that for 1 min. per level of the mage that detects spells being cast. This field is persistent for 5 minutes per level. While this field is active, if the archmage chooses, the archmage can send out a counter energy bolt that can negate some of the mystic energy being used to cast the spell. If the target mage fails their save vs magic at a -5 penalty. If the targeted mage makes his save vs magic, then he can add more energy to the PPE, but this adds an APM to the casting times.

For those that don't know, Archmage spells are those spells that can't be cast by mages under Level 7 of experience, due to the control needed to use the spell.

I would not want this on a starting player for sure.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:33 am
by SittingBull
Name: Dimensional Pockets (Invocation spell)

Level: 13

Range: Self.

Duration: 2 Days per level of the caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 56.

Benchmark Spell: Dimension Pockets (20/140) level 9 (Temporal spell).

Adjustments: Duration down 1 level (-1 spell level and -50% PPE) and spell is 1 level weaker (-1 spell level and -20% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark spell (+10%) and level 13 spell (-40%).

Research time: 13 Months.

Uses the same rules as the Temporal spell Dimensional Pockets (except for listed as above).

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:38 am
by SittingBull
Name: Groom

Level: 3.

Range: Self, one person up to 10 feet (3 m) away, or two people by touch.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 6

Benchmark Spell: Cleanse (6) level 2 spell.

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 6 Weeks.

This spell allows the caster to manicure, pedicure, and shave/shorten any hair on the targets body.

Name: Impervious to Cold

Level: 4

Range: Self or others up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away.

Duration: Five minutes (20 melees) per level of the caster.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 5

Benchmark Spell: Impervious to Fire (5) level 3.

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 8 Weeks.

A magic invocation that makes the individual temporarilt impervious to cold. normal, magical and Mega-Damage cold does no damage to the enchanted individual or to anything he is wearing or is on his person.

Name: Web

Level: 5

Range: 30 Feet (9.1 m) + 10 feet (3 m) per level of the spell caster.

Duration: 10 Melee rounds per level of the spell caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: Special.

P.P.E.: 12

Benchmark Spell: Carpet of Adhesion (10) level 4.

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 10 Weeks.

A variation of the spell Carpet of Adhesion. Instead of a film of 'fly paper' like stickyness this spell creates layer upon layer of webs. Of course this spell will require 'at least' side anchors like walls and is best with anchors above the area of the spell.

The spell caster creates layers of webs, up to 10 feet wide by 20 feet (3x6 m) long, that will adhere firmly to anyone who touches it. The victim stays stuck until the Web spell time elapses or until the spell caster cancels the spell. The webs can be cast on a floor, table, wall, ect., or actually cast upon a person. The spell caster can create this up to 90 feet (27.4 m) away and can alter the size and shape (without exceeding the state limit of 200 square feet/18.6 sq. m).

Saving Throw: If a successful saving throw vs magic is made, that player rolls two six-sided dice to see how many melee rounds it will take him to pull free. Those failing to make the saving throw are stuck for the entire duration fo the spell. Effective even against cyborgs, power armor, robots and those with Supernatural P.S. Someone who Teleports away will Teleport part of the Web with them (just the immediate area around them) and remains stuck when they reach their new destination.

Name: Teleport Self

Level: 14

Range: Self; distance of 1 miles (0.6 km) per level of the caster.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 240

Benchmark Spell: Teleport: Superior (600) level 15 spell.

Adjustments: Range decreased 1 level (-1 spell level and -50% PPE) and Weaker than Benchmark Spell (-1 spell level and -20% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: 14th Level (-40%), variant is weaker than Benchmark Spell (+10%), and variant is similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 28 Weeks.

Uses the same rules as Teleport: Superior.

Name: Summon Tattoo (Invocation spell)

Level: 11.

Range: Touch.

Duration: 2D4 weeks per level of the caster or permanent.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 10 for temporairy or 30 to make permanent.

Benchmark Spell: Summon Tattoo (10/30) level 5 spell (Fleshsculptor spell).

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 11 Months.

Uses the same rules as the Fleshsculptor spell Living Tattoo.

Name: Slumber

Level: 6.

Range: up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away.

Duration: 10 Minutes per level of the caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: Standard.

P.P.E.: 10.

Benchmark Spell: Sleep (10) level 5 spell.

Adjustments: Range increased 1 level (+1 spell level and +100% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 12 Weeks.

The victim can not be awakened by any means except by the mage cancelling the magic or until the magic's duration time lapses. A successful save means the spell has no effect whatsoever.

Name: Remote Viewing (Invocation spell)

Level: 15

Range: 10 Miles (16 km) per level of the caster.

Duration: 1 Minute per level of the caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 45

Benchmark Spell: Remote Viewing (45) level 9 (Temporal spell).

Adjustments: No adjustments.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%) and level 15 spell (-50%).

Research time: 15 Months.

Uses the same rules as the Temporal spell Remote Viewing.

Regen Minor

A short duration regeneration spell.

Level: 6

Range: Touch.

Duration: 1 Melee per level of the spell caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 24

Benchmark Spell: Light Healing (6) level 3.

Adjustments: Duration increase 1 level (+2 spell level and +200% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 12 Weeks.

Regeneration Minor heals 1D6 S.D.C. per melee. If the target of this spell is missing no S.D.C. then the spell heals 1D6 Hit Points. If the target of the spell is an M.D.C. creature then the spell has no effect on the target.

Name: Regeneration Major

Level: 8

Range: Touch or three feet (0.9 m) away.

Duration: 1 Melee per level of the spell caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 40

Benchmark Spell: Heal Wounds (10) level 5.

Adjustments: Duration increase 2 levels (+2 spell level and +200% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 16 Weeks.

This spell will heal minor physical wounds, such as bruises, cuts, gashes, bullet wounds, burned flesh and pull muscles. It will not help against illness, internal damage to organs or nerves, broken bones or poisons/drugs.

In the case of bullet wounds, the bullet should be removed first. If the bullet is left inside a person it will be a constant irritant causing chronic pain; reduce the characters P.E. attribute by one and P.P. attribute by one (and attribute bonuses accordingly) due to stiffness and discomfort.

Regeneration Major restores 3D6 S.D.C. and 1D6 Hit Points per melee round.

Name: Regeneration Greater

Level: 11

Range: One character by touch (can not be used on oneself).

Duration: 1 Melee per level of the spell caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 120

Benchmark Spell: Greater Healing (30) level 8.

Adjustments: Duration increased 2 levels (+2 spell level and +200% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 22 Weeks.

A powerful regeneration spell that can heal external and internal injuries and restore up to 2D4x10 S.D.C. and 6D6 Hit Points, or 1D4 M.D. (only if the latter is a Mega-Damage creature)! The caster may not cast this spell on himself nor give (even temporarily) a character more S.D.C. or Hit Points than he had to begin with.

Name: Regeneration Super

Level: 13

Range: One character by touch (can not be used on oneself).

Duration: 1 Melee per level of the spell caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 280

Benchmark Spell: Super-Healing (70) level 10 spell

Adjustments: Durations increased 2 levels (+2 spell level and +200% PPE).

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark Spell (+10%).

Research time: 26 Weeks.

A powerful healing spell tht can heal external and internal injuries/wounds of Mega-Damage creastures (dinosaurs, dragins, supernatural beings, ect.). Regeneration Super restores 4D6 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures. not applicable to S.D.C./Hit Point creatures.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SittingBull wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Here is my take on the disrupt magic spell

Disrupt Spell
Level 4 archmage spell
Range: 30 feet per level.
Duration: special.
Saving Throw: standard, -5 penalty
PPE: 18, +2 per 1 negated.

This spell creates a field around the mage that for 1 min. per level of the mage that detects spells being cast. This field is persistent for 5 minutes per level. While this field is active, if the archmage chooses, the archmage can send out a counter energy bolt that can negate some of the mystic energy being used to cast the spell. If the target mage fails their save vs magic at a -5 penalty. If the targeted mage makes his save vs magic, then he can add more energy to the PPE, but this adds an APM to the casting times.

For those that don't know, Archmage spells are those spells that can't be cast by mages under Level 7 of experience, due to the control needed to use the spell.

I would not want this on a starting player for sure.

Which is why its an archmage spell.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:29 pm
by SittingBull
If a spell isn't useable below level seven then why make the spell lower than level 7?

I make all my spells by the spell creations rules from TTGS.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:46 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SittingBull wrote:If a spell isn't useable below level seven then why make the spell lower than level 7?

I make all my spells by the spell creations rules from TTGS.

In one of there are Rifters they have Archmage spells. Which is where the archmage idea started.

Because there are some spells that need a level of control that only comes with experience. So even if their 'nominal' level is less then 7, the spell still needs the amount of control to use it.

Game wise...
Because you don't want munchkins taking said spell when they are pick out spells at level 1.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:55 pm
by SittingBull
One, because you don't want munchkins taking said spell when they are pick out spells at level 1.

That last sentence doesn't click with me. Elaborate?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:20 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SittingBull wrote:One, because you don't want munchkins taking said spell when they are pick out spells at level 1.

That last sentence doesn't click with me. Elaborate?

Because I had written that line first, and had forgotten to edit it.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:24 pm
by SittingBull
Ah, ok.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:17 am
by SittingBull
Name: Water Seal (Invocation spell)

Level: 8.

Range: 6 Feet (1.8 m).

Duration: 1 Hour per level of the caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 8.

Benchmark Spell: Water Seal (8) level 2 (Warlock spell).

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark spell (+10%).

Research time: 7 Months.

Uses the same rules as the Warlock spell, Water Seal.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:28 am
by SittingBull
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Tent of the Underseas: Once closed up this tent fills with breathable seawater for aquatic base life. From the outside the tent appears to be normal except in windy times, in that it is not blown about by the wind(s) as other tents. The tent will fill up once the enterance flap is closed, three times per day. The water drains from the tent as magically as it is filled. Opening the door flap while filled has a 28% change of the water being discharged their the door flap. The insides of the tent are usually decorated to depict a coral reef.

Are game stats for this done?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Those are the game stats.

Or are you asking about sdc and ar?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:06 pm
by SittingBull
For undersea tent. Level, ppe, duration, ect?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:28 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
SittingBull wrote:For undersea tent. Level, ppe, duration, ect?

It is not a TW device.

It is a plan old Magic tent. Much like the "Tent of the Environment" from the PFRPG 2nd ed main book in just a magic tent.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:32 pm
by SittingBull
So it uses the same stats at this magic tent spell?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:23 pm
by SittingBull
Name: Favor

Level: 6.

Range: 10 Feet.

Duration: 24 hours.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: Standard.

P.P.E.: 10.

Benchmark Spell: Compulsion (20) level 6 spell.

Adjustments: Range decrease 1 level (-1 spell level and -50% PPE)

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similiar to Benchmark spell (+10%).

Research time: 12 Weeks.

This spell causes to target, instead of commenting poorly or insultingly on the spells caster, to make positive or favorable comments. This spell was designed with the sole use of keeping a person, ideally in the same group, from being a constant source of criticism; also to avoid inter-party fighting. Instead of speaking criticism, they speak in the favor of the spell's caster. Mind you the affects of this spell can be completely avoided if the target of the spell choses to remain quiet or even just stick to the business of the group or at hand.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:47 pm
by SittingBull
Name: Cloaking Waters

Level: 8.

Range: Self or 1 other by touch.

Duration: 3 Minutes per level of the caster.

Damage: N.A.

Saving Throw: None.

P.P.E.: 20.

Benchmark Spell: Invisibility: Superior (20) a level 7 spell.

Adjustments: None.

Penalty/Bonus to Research: Similar to Benchmark spell (+10%).

Research time: 16 Weeks.

This spell allows the creature it is cast on, to be in water without fear of being attacked or noticed. It does NOt allow breathing underwater nor enhance one's ability to swim. This spell would allow the enchanted person to swim amongst piranha, crocodiles, alligators, barracuda, sharks, killer whales, and ect., without any reasonable fear. This spell makes its user invisible to all means of detection in the water. Even disturbing the water with movement is reduced and hard to detect, giving the character a prowl of 84%. Should the enchanted person decides to make a hostile move or engages in combat.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:14 pm
by wyrmraker
I have a new one for the TW Ritual Spell Utility series. It's based on the TW Mystic Power Armor, RMB Page 96. It has a lot of functions that are active either on demand or simply always.
I just made this up, so please take a look and tell me if it's feasible.

Level 14
Always On
Range: TW Unit
Duration: Permanent
PPE: Spell Cost x100
Tool Needed: Described Below
This spell is designed to maintain a spell effect indefinitely. Originally found in the Mystic Power Armor (RMB, Page 96), this keeps a spell going for pretty much ever.
There are limits to this spell, however. Most offensive combat spells aren't included in this spell, but nearly every defensive spell is included, such as Breathe without Air, all of the Impervious spell series, Superhuman Speed and Stamina, etc. In general, any spell with a duration that can't be damaged (Armor of Ithan, Invincibility) can be made permanent by this spell.
The tool needed for this is a specially customized capacitor containing the gems for the spell in question, as well as 50 carats of jewelry quality emerald, bound together with platinum wire. One of these capacitors is needed for each 'permanent' enchantment.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:36 pm
by SittingBull
Looks good to me. Perfect for low cost non-armor spells.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:55 pm
by wyrmraker
SittingBull wrote:Looks good to me. Perfect for low cost non-armor spells.

Thanks. I wanted to make it appropriate for what was being done. I will add it to my list of spells for my character to create.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:14 am
by drewkitty ~..~
level 5 edit

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:05 pm
by SittingBull
>.> What level is your spell?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:43 pm
by SittingBull
wyrmraker wrote:
SittingBull wrote:Looks good to me. Perfect for low cost non-armor spells.

Thanks. I wanted to make it appropriate for what was being done. I will add it to my list of spells for my character to create.

What are you going to call it? Enchant item? Augment TW item?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:34 pm
by wyrmraker
SittingBull wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SittingBull wrote:Looks good to me. Perfect for low cost non-armor spells.

Thanks. I wanted to make it appropriate for what was being done. I will add it to my list of spells for my character to create.

What are you going to call it? Enchant item? Augment TW item?

The temporary name is Always On. I haven't come up with a cool name for it, but then most of my TW Utilities are named in a utilitarian fashion. Vessel of Tomorrow is an exception.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:30 pm
by SittingBull
I wish Windows 7 had a dictionary feature. I am drawing a blank on 'utilitarian'.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:51 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Utilitarian is like naming the power company "The Power Company" instead of something like "Souther California Edison" or "Enron".

Ending up with a list of weapons like gun #1, Gun #2, Gun #3,...... , instead of This is my "Hit'em'Hard Gun" (Plasma Ball Pistol), and my "Shambler Rifle" (Blinder Rifle), and my "Oooo La LA grenade"(a 'nude bomb' nade).

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:43 pm
by wyrmraker
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Utilitarian is like naming the power company "The Power Company" instead of something like "Souther California Edison" or "Enron".

Ending up with a list of weapons like gun #1, Gun #2, Gun #3,...... , instead of This is my "Hit'em'Hard Gun" (Plasma Ball Pistol), and my "Shambler Rifle" (Blinder Rifle), and my "Oooo La LA grenade"(a 'nude bomb' nade).

I know. But I am running my techno-wizard like a mechanic/electrician. And they tend to be fairly unimaginative when it comes to naming new and nifty bits; they just call the items what they are, and that goes for these utility spells. As far as a TW is concerned, these spells would be as much a part of their tool box as a wrench and soldering iron.

Besides, they tend to let the marketing guys deal with such things

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Fuku Nashi (lesser)
Level: 7
Range: 20' per level
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: special
PPE: 22
A japanese techno wizard, who was a collector of pre-golden age movies, got a idea so funny for a spell from a comedy spy movie he had just gotten in trade for a language translator.
The clothes targeted by the spell dissolve into dust in a matter of seconds. This spell works even through metal armor and EBA.
This does not work on magical clothes nor on any armor. When armor is concealed in clothing, the clothing will turned to dust leaving just the armor.

Fuku Nashi (greater)
Level: 12
Range: 50'per level ; 20' radius per level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throws: special
PPE: 68

The clothes int the area targeted by the spell dissolve into dust in a matter of seconds. This spell works even through metal armor and EBA.
This does not work on magical clothes nor on any armor. When armor is concealed in clothing, the clothing will turned to dust leaving just the armor.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:01 pm
by JuliusCreed
Here's one I just thought of... I mean seriously, I was doing the dishes when it popped in my head. Base specs place it as a 7th level Earth Warlock spell that can also be cast as a 8th level Wizard/Line Walker invocation. Have fun!

River of Tar
Earth level 7/Wizard level 8
Range: 100 feet
Duration:5 minutes per level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 60

A unique and rather debilitating defensive spell, this incantation opens up a river (30 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep per level of experience) or a pool (5 foot radius, 3 feet deep per level of experience) of black tar. The tar is thick, gooey and sticks to literally anything it comes in contact with, giving it an effect similar to a Quicksand spell, but with only half of the stated sinking rate (1 foot per melee rather than 2, struggling doubles the rate). As with Quicksand, submerged victims will suffocate/drown within 4 minutes. However, due to the comparatively high density of tar, victims attempting to hold their breath under the surface will only be able to do so for HALF as long as the thick, heavy goo slowly crushes the life out of them. Like Quicksand, it is often covered with leaves, water or even light dirt or dust and blends in remarkably well with the surrounding ground areas. However, being a petroleum based substance, tar stinks! Thus, astute observers may be able to detect the sludge before they can fall victim to it. 65% undetectable outdoors, 85% undetectable in swamps/marshy areas, 10% undetectable indoors.
The real danger of the River of Tar though, is the fact that it is also highly FLAMMABLE! Setting the tar on fire requires the minimum equivalent of a flaming torch, setting the entire surface area of the tar ablaze in mere moments. Anything caught in the blaze will suffer 1d6x10 points of damage per melee round. Worse yet, even if victims manage to pull themselves free of the sludge, the sticky mess will remain on the victim, continuing to burn for 1d6+1 melee rounds, inflicting 5d6 per round before it finally burns out. Saving a person from further damage after pulling them free requires smothering the flames. Rolling the victim around in dirt or mud, dousing them with a significant amount of water (about 5 gallons should do the trick) or just tossing them in a nearby river or lake are all effective means of dousing flaming tar. Anyone attempting to smother burning tar with a flammable item, such as wrapping someone in a cloak or blanket to put out the fire or if the available ground to roll them in is covered with sticks and dead leaves, has a 40% chance of fueling the flames and making a bad situation worse as the flaming tar continues to spread over the victims body, adding an extra 1d6 melee rounds to how long the stuff will burn. (Essentially, treat a victim pulled from flaming tar as a sort of weird Fire elemental; anything it touches is going to start burning as it spreads the tar around to whatever it comes in contact with. Handle with extreme caution!)

There we go... as always, questions, comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions are welcomed!

Good luck and great gaming!

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:42 pm
by 13eowulf
JuliusCreed wrote:Here's one I just thought of... I mean seriously, I was doing the dishes when it popped in my head. Base specs place it as a 7th level Earth Warlock spell that can also be cast as a 8th level Wizard/Line Walker invocation. Have fun!

River of Tar
Earth level 7/Wizard level 8
Range: 100 feet
Duration:5 minutes per level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 60

A unique and rather debilitating defensive spell, this incantation opens up a river (30 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep per level of experience) or a pool (5 foot radius, 3 feet deep per level of experience) of black tar. The tar is thick, gooey and sticks to literally anything it comes in contact with, giving it an effect similar to a Quicksand spell, but with only half of the stated sinking rate (1 foot per melee rather than 2, struggling doubles the rate). As with Quicksand, submerged victims will suffocate/drown within 4 minutes. However, due to the comparatively high density of tar, victims attempting to hold their breath under the surface will only be able to do so for HALF as long as the thick, heavy goo slowly crushes the life out of them. Like Quicksand, it is often covered with leaves, water or even light dirt or dust and blends in remarkably well with the surrounding ground areas. However, being a petroleum based substance, tar stinks! Thus, astute observers may be able to detect the sludge before they can fall victim to it. 65% undetectable outdoors, 85% undetectable in swamps/marshy areas, 10% undetectable indoors.
The real danger of the River of Tar though, is the fact that it is also highly FLAMMABLE! Setting the tar on fire requires the minimum equivalent of a flaming torch, setting the entire surface area of the tar ablaze in mere moments. Anything caught in the blaze will suffer 1d6x10 points of damage per melee round. Worse yet, even if victims manage to pull themselves free of the sludge, the sticky mess will remain on the victim, continuing to burn for 1d6+1 melee rounds, inflicting 5d6 per round before it finally burns out. Saving a person from further damage after pulling them free requires smothering the flames. Rolling the victim around in dirt or mud, dousing them with a significant amount of water (about 5 gallons should do the trick) or just tossing them in a nearby river or lake are all effective means of dousing flaming tar. Anyone attempting to smother burning tar with a flammable item, such as wrapping someone in a cloak or blanket to put out the fire or if the available ground to roll them in is covered with sticks and dead leaves, has a 40% chance of fueling the flames and making a bad situation worse as the flaming tar continues to spread over the victims body, adding an extra 1d6 melee rounds to how long the stuff will burn. (Essentially, treat a victim pulled from flaming tar as a sort of weird Fire elemental; anything it touches is going to start burning as it spreads the tar around to whatever it comes in contact with. Handle with extreme caution!)

There we go... as always, questions, comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions are welcomed!

Good luck and great gaming!

This spell I like, a lot. Well done.

I do have 2 suggestions:
1) Leave it as and Earth Magic only (but that is more a personal thing than anything else, cant give reasoning beyond that).
2) If pulled free of the tar, without it being lit, I assume the Tar still sticks. Might I suggest penalties to speed and/or 'agility' like rolls (such as dodge or physical skills), as well as specifying that the tar will gum-up the internal workings of things like engines, firearms, really anything mechanical that is not 100% sealed.

And one question
1) Is the damage listed as SDC, MD, or both?

But as it is, this is as spell I as a player would use, and as a GM would allow (but maybe not as a wizard incantation).

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The damage would have to be in SD cause it is just normal fire.

The part that stuck in my brain was the disparity of volume between the river of tar and the pool of tar

Q: does the tar sticking to the person just vanish along with the river and pool when the duration ends? If not, then way is there a duration on the rest of it?

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:15 am
by SittingBull
JuliusCreed wrote:Here's one I just thought of... I mean seriously, I was doing the dishes when it popped in my head. Base specs place it as a 7th level Earth Warlock spell that can also be cast as a 8th level Wizard/Line Walker invocation. Have fun!

River of Tar
Earth level 7/Wizard level 8
Range: 100 feet
Duration:5 minutes per level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 60

A unique and rather debilitating defensive spell, this incantation opens up a river (30 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep per level of experience) or a pool (5 foot radius, 3 feet deep per level of experience) of black tar. The tar is thick, gooey and sticks to literally anything it comes in contact with, giving it an effect similar to a Quicksand spell, but with only half of the stated sinking rate (1 foot per melee rather than 2, struggling doubles the rate). As with Quicksand, submerged victims will suffocate/drown within 4 minutes. However, due to the comparatively high density of tar, victims attempting to hold their breath under the surface will only be able to do so for HALF as long as the thick, heavy goo slowly crushes the life out of them. Like Quicksand, it is often covered with leaves, water or even light dirt or dust and blends in remarkably well with the surrounding ground areas. However, being a petroleum based substance, tar stinks! Thus, astute observers may be able to detect the sludge before they can fall victim to it. 65% undetectable outdoors, 85% undetectable in swamps/marshy areas, 10% undetectable indoors.
The real danger of the River of Tar though, is the fact that it is also highly FLAMMABLE! Setting the tar on fire requires the minimum equivalent of a flaming torch, setting the entire surface area of the tar ablaze in mere moments. Anything caught in the blaze will suffer 1d6x10 points of damage per melee round. Worse yet, even if victims manage to pull themselves free of the sludge, the sticky mess will remain on the victim, continuing to burn for 1d6+1 melee rounds, inflicting 5d6 per round before it finally burns out. Saving a person from further damage after pulling them free requires smothering the flames. Rolling the victim around in dirt or mud, dousing them with a significant amount of water (about 5 gallons should do the trick) or just tossing them in a nearby river or lake are all effective means of dousing flaming tar. Anyone attempting to smother burning tar with a flammable item, such as wrapping someone in a cloak or blanket to put out the fire or if the available ground to roll them in is covered with sticks and dead leaves, has a 40% chance of fueling the flames and making a bad situation worse as the flaming tar continues to spread over the victims body, adding an extra 1d6 melee rounds to how long the stuff will burn. (Essentially, treat a victim pulled from flaming tar as a sort of weird Fire elemental; anything it touches is going to start burning as it spreads the tar around to whatever it comes in contact with. Handle with extreme caution!)

There we go... as always, questions, comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions are welcomed!

Good luck and great gaming!

Nice spell. :ok:

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
This was dreamed up as a spell for PF. Literally, it came from a dream I had.

Sleep Bolt
Level: ?? (is thinking 7,8,or 9)
Range: 100'+10' per level
Duration: Special
Saving throw: standard
P.P.E.: ??

This magical ranged attack is towards a group of living beings fires off a bolt of energy (color varies from mage to mage) that strikes the individuals in the group. Bouncing from one to another, causing those that are hit to fall asleep. This continues to happen till 1+1 per level of the caster makes their save vs magic or is canceled by the casting mage. This bolt can be parried by a tool, a bare handed parry counts as striking the individual, with a roll vs 13 to bounce it after another int eh target group. While the casting mage concentrates on the spell, the bolt will only strike at individuals with in the target group.
The sleep caused is a magical sleep which lasts 1d4 melees. However, those that are sleep deprived will not wake up until they have slept themselves out or are woken up by someone.
The spell range is farthest the bolt will reach on any one leg of it bouncing between individuals.

Tech note: force fields do not block this spell nor nonmetallic or non-EBA metallic armors, even MDC armors.

Commentary: Yes, if the mage who cast he spell looses concentration everybody within the spell range, including the mage, can be targeted by the spell bolt.

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:24 pm
by JuliusCreed
13eowulf wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:Here's one I just thought of... I mean seriously, I was doing the dishes when it popped in my head. Base specs place it as a 7th level Earth Warlock spell that can also be cast as a 8th level Wizard/Line Walker invocation. Have fun!

River of Tar
Earth level 7/Wizard level 8
Range: 100 feet
Duration:5 minutes per level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 60

A unique and rather debilitating defensive spell, this incantation opens up a river (30 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep per level of experience) or a pool (5 foot radius, 3 feet deep per level of experience) of black tar. The tar is thick, gooey and sticks to literally anything it comes in contact with, giving it an effect similar to a Quicksand spell, but with only half of the stated sinking rate (1 foot per melee rather than 2, struggling doubles the rate). As with Quicksand, submerged victims will suffocate/drown within 4 minutes. However, due to the comparatively high density of tar, victims attempting to hold their breath under the surface will only be able to do so for HALF as long as the thick, heavy goo slowly crushes the life out of them. Like Quicksand, it is often covered with leaves, water or even light dirt or dust and blends in remarkably well with the surrounding ground areas. However, being a petroleum based substance, tar stinks! Thus, astute observers may be able to detect the sludge before they can fall victim to it. 65% undetectable outdoors, 85% undetectable in swamps/marshy areas, 10% undetectable indoors.
The real danger of the River of Tar though, is the fact that it is also highly FLAMMABLE! Setting the tar on fire requires the minimum equivalent of a flaming torch, setting the entire surface area of the tar ablaze in mere moments. Anything caught in the blaze will suffer 1d6x10 points of damage per melee round. Worse yet, even if victims manage to pull themselves free of the sludge, the sticky mess will remain on the victim, continuing to burn for 1d6+1 melee rounds, inflicting 5d6 per round before it finally burns out. Saving a person from further damage after pulling them free requires smothering the flames. Rolling the victim around in dirt or mud, dousing them with a significant amount of water (about 5 gallons should do the trick) or just tossing them in a nearby river or lake are all effective means of dousing flaming tar. Anyone attempting to smother burning tar with a flammable item, such as wrapping someone in a cloak or blanket to put out the fire or if the available ground to roll them in is covered with sticks and dead leaves, has a 40% chance of fueling the flames and making a bad situation worse as the flaming tar continues to spread over the victims body, adding an extra 1d6 melee rounds to how long the stuff will burn. (Essentially, treat a victim pulled from flaming tar as a sort of weird Fire elemental; anything it touches is going to start burning as it spreads the tar around to whatever it comes in contact with. Handle with extreme caution!)

There we go... as always, questions, comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions are welcomed!

Good luck and great gaming!

This spell I like, a lot. Well done.

Thanks! Glad you like it.

13eowulf wrote:I do have 2 suggestions:
1) Leave it as and Earth Magic only (but that is more a personal thing than anything else, cant give reasoning beyond that).

To each their own. It's your game, adjust as you see fit :-D
13eowulf wrote:2) If pulled free of the tar, without it being lit, I assume the Tar still sticks. Might I suggest penalties to speed and/or 'agility' like rolls (such as dodge or physical skills), as well as specifying that the tar will gum-up the internal workings of things like engines, firearms, really anything mechanical that is not 100% sealed.

Duly noted... still first draft so consider editing in progress

13eowulf wrote:And one question
1) Is the damage listed as SDC, MD, or both?

Normal fire damage, SDC only. However, even in an MD environment a flaming river of tar can make a great obstacle against ground troops, robots, vehicles etc. the flames may not hurt them, but heat can be pretty stifling even in a suit of EBA and the stuff is still stickier than cold molasses mixed with super glue.

13eowulf wrote:But as it is, this is as spell I as a player would use, and as a GM would allow (but maybe not as a wizard incantation).

Thanks again, I'm glad you like it. :)

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:36 pm
by JuliusCreed
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The damage would have to be in SD cause it is just normal fire.

Spot on drew :ok:

drewkitty wrote:The part that stuck in my brain was the disparity of volume between the river of tar and the pool of tar

Yeah, kinda thinking on that part myself... probably going to reduce the river dimensions a bit to reduce the difference
drewkitty wrote:Q: does the tar sticking to the person just vanish along with the river and pool when the duration ends? If not, then way is there a duration on the rest of it?

Good question... short answer is no. explanation... the duration of the river of tar is there for pretty much the same reason there's a duration on a River of Lava or Quicksand spell. A river or pool opens up containing lava, quicksand or, in this case, tar for a certain duration, then closes back up. Any lava, quicksand or tar removed from said river or pit is basically not in the river or pit when it closes, and thus does not just vanish at the end of the spells duration. After all, if you pull a guy out of a Quicksand pit cast there by a mage, he's still covered in muck when the Quicksand vanishes, right? Same basic principle with the River of Tar. And of course if the tar happens to be on fire, or even better, exposed to a sufficient open flame, even after a victim has been pulled free of the pit, you suddenly have yourself an unwitting volunteer in your Human Torch look-alike contest. :twisted:

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:38 pm
by JuliusCreed
SittingBull wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:Here's one I just thought of... I mean seriously, I was doing the dishes when it popped in my head. Base specs place it as a 7th level Earth Warlock spell that can also be cast as a 8th level Wizard/Line Walker invocation. Have fun!

River of Tar
Earth level 7/Wizard level 8
Range: 100 feet
Duration:5 minutes per level of the caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 60

A unique and rather debilitating defensive spell, this incantation opens up a river (30 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep per level of experience) or a pool (5 foot radius, 3 feet deep per level of experience) of black tar. The tar is thick, gooey and sticks to literally anything it comes in contact with, giving it an effect similar to a Quicksand spell, but with only half of the stated sinking rate (1 foot per melee rather than 2, struggling doubles the rate). As with Quicksand, submerged victims will suffocate/drown within 4 minutes. However, due to the comparatively high density of tar, victims attempting to hold their breath under the surface will only be able to do so for HALF as long as the thick, heavy goo slowly crushes the life out of them. Like Quicksand, it is often covered with leaves, water or even light dirt or dust and blends in remarkably well with the surrounding ground areas. However, being a petroleum based substance, tar stinks! Thus, astute observers may be able to detect the sludge before they can fall victim to it. 65% undetectable outdoors, 85% undetectable in swamps/marshy areas, 10% undetectable indoors.
The real danger of the River of Tar though, is the fact that it is also highly FLAMMABLE! Setting the tar on fire requires the minimum equivalent of a flaming torch, setting the entire surface area of the tar ablaze in mere moments. Anything caught in the blaze will suffer 1d6x10 points of damage per melee round. Worse yet, even if victims manage to pull themselves free of the sludge, the sticky mess will remain on the victim, continuing to burn for 1d6+1 melee rounds, inflicting 5d6 per round before it finally burns out. Saving a person from further damage after pulling them free requires smothering the flames. Rolling the victim around in dirt or mud, dousing them with a significant amount of water (about 5 gallons should do the trick) or just tossing them in a nearby river or lake are all effective means of dousing flaming tar. Anyone attempting to smother burning tar with a flammable item, such as wrapping someone in a cloak or blanket to put out the fire or if the available ground to roll them in is covered with sticks and dead leaves, has a 40% chance of fueling the flames and making a bad situation worse as the flaming tar continues to spread over the victims body, adding an extra 1d6 melee rounds to how long the stuff will burn. (Essentially, treat a victim pulled from flaming tar as a sort of weird Fire elemental; anything it touches is going to start burning as it spreads the tar around to whatever it comes in contact with. Handle with extreme caution!)

There we go... as always, questions, comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions are welcomed!

Good luck and great gaming!

Nice spell. :ok:

Thanks Bull :-D

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:46 pm
by JuliusCreed
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:This was dreamed up as a spell for PF. Literally, it came from a dream I had.

Sleep Bolt
Level: ?? (is thinking 7,8,or 9)
Range: 100'+10' per level
Duration: Special
Saving throw: standard
P.P.E.: ??

This magical ranged attack is towards a group of living beings fires off a bolt of energy (color varies from mage to mage) that strikes the individuals in the group. Bouncing from one to another, causing those that are hit to fall asleep. This continues to happen till 1+1 per level of the caster makes their save vs magic or is canceled by the casting mage. This bolt can be parried by a tool, a bare handed parry counts as striking the individual, with a roll vs 13 to bounce it after another int eh target group. While the casting mage concentrates on the spell, the bolt will only strike at individuals with in the target group.
The sleep caused is a magical sleep which lasts 1d4 melees. However, those that are sleep deprived will not wake up until they have slept themselves out or are woken up by someone.
The spell range is farthest the bolt will reach on any one leg of it bouncing between individuals.

Tech note: force fields do not block this spell nor nonmetallic or non-EBA metallic armors, even MDC armors.

Commentary: Yes, if the mage who cast he spell looses concentration everybody within the spell range, including the mage, can be targeted by the spell bolt.

Not sure I follow this one...
You're saying the mage casts the spell, fires the bolt into a group and then the bolt bounces from person to person in that group, either by striking and riccocheting off into another victim or by one of the said victims parrying the bolt away into someone else... and this little fracas goes on until either a> a number of victims equal to the spell caster's level plus one make their saving throw against the effects of the spell (sleep) or b> the caster cancels the spell?
Suddenly have an image of a group of people madly swatting away at a bolt of energy in a weird game of hot potato while a mage sits off to the side giggling like a schoolkid :lol:

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:48 pm
by SittingBull

Re: Invented Spells

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:00 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Till the number of sucessfull "save vs magic" is mage level +1. Or the normal "when the mage cancles the magic".

eg.: mage is Level 5, casts the spell into a group of 100 orks. the spell will continue till 6 orks have successfuly saved vs magic.

This could be the 1st six orks all save could be they all fail.. or it could be 5 successfull save on the 1st time they were hit but fail the next time it hits them. Yes, those that have already saves vs the magic once can be retargeted by the magic.

Suddenly have an image of a group of people madly swatting away at a bolt of energy in a weird game of hot potato while a mage sits off to the side giggling like a schoolkid
While I did not see this, Yes. :lol:

BTW, What level spell do you think it should be? AndHow much do you think it should cost (PPE)?