Page 17 of 121

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:56 am
by MrTwist
I can't remember if I, or someone else, have done a version of this power.

Super Hearing: Selective Hearing
This allows the user to ignore sources of sound that they don't want to hear. It has various uses, because the user can tune out all visible sources of sound and concentrate on unseen noises. Or they can tune out everything but a single target so they can fully concentrate on it. They can even be in the most noisy of environments and only hear their friends.
Range: Line of sight. But if a sound originates outside of line of sight the user can still choose not to hear it, but the player must specifically mention they don't want to hear it. Line of sight sources can be tuned out in a heartbeat(less than a melee action), but out of sight sources require two melee actions before they are tuned out.
Duration: Unlimited. You can permanently tune out a specific source if you choose.
Half damage from sonic attacks
Immune to vertigo
+1 to initiative if unfocused on a single target. +3 to initiative when focused on a single target, but only when compared to that target's initiative roll.
-20% to any prowl rolls attempted against the user of this power.
+10% to Detect Ambush.
+3 to Dodge, Strike, and Parry when focusing on a single target(and only in regards to that target's rolls)
Notes: When tuning out a non-visible source, no melee actions are actually expended. It just takes a few moments to tune out the source, so the user can still be affected by effects taking place in those two actions.
When focusing on a single target, all other sources of noise are nullified. While this can be a benefit, sometimes the user of this power doesn't hear warnings/warning signs of an impending attack.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:59 pm
by Iczer
Heya all. sorry I have been a little delinquent lately, but I'm in Hong Kong and there is less internet access here (what with all the the hiking and walking and more hiking etc...)

can any of you make a super power where the person actually becomes a weapon for another person to use?


APS: weapon [Major]
'Excuse me..can we cut in?'

The chearacter can transform his body into a weapon for another person to use.
1) Weapon transformation: The character can become any single melee weapon. as a weapon he inflicts the normal amount of damage for a weapon of the type he has transformed into, plus 1D6. He also grants the weilder the following bonuses;
* +1 to strike and parry
* May substitute his PS for the PS of the user
* automatically provides the user with the appropriate WP for the weapon, at the characters level or at +3 levels if the user already posesses the relevant WP.
2) Weapon characteristics: as a weapon, the chracater posesses an AR of 17 and an extra 30SDC per level. if all the weapon's SDC is gone, then the character is forced into human form. If the character as a weapon wishes, he may reduce all combat bonuses by half while being weilded and may halve all relevant damage (if picked up by an unwanted user for instance.)
3) Ranged weapon: at 3rd level, the character can become an unpowered ranged weapon (bow, crossbow etc). at 5th level, the character can become any single shot or semiautomatic weapon. at 7th level, the character can become a fully automatic weapon, or single shot energy weapon. at 9th level the character can become virtually any man portable weapon that he can imagine. in all cases the above bonuses apply. the character can supply his own ammunition. ammuntiiont cost 1 HP for ever 4D6 of damage required for the weapon, and provides one shot per level.
4) other bonuses: the character posesses 4 additonal WP's
+2 PP
+3d6 SDC
recognise weapon quality 50% +6% per level


(gotta love Hong Kong)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:06 am
by Sir_Spirit
Lynx8882 wrote:rock on Iczer thank you exactly what i was looking for thank you


But ya gotta start a thread of the Trio though....

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:47 am
by MrTwist
Do we have a 'digital teleport' ability yet? Basically, instantaneous teleportation through phone lines, electrical wiring, and optic cables. You convert yourself to the proper form and travel through the lines to where you want to go. I'm thinking of writing one up.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:22 pm
by NMI
After 40 pages, this thread deserved to be made a sticky.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:52 am
by MrTwist
Ok, so no one replied to my digital teleport question. Probably means I should work on it.

How about an 'information sponge' ability where you automatically know the contents of any touched information storage device(DVD's, CD's, external hard drives, books, etc...)

Edit : Why was this stickied? Didn't really need to be, in my opinion.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:24 pm
by Iczer
Yay! Sticky!!!

I feel so validated.

Anyway guys. Back from Hong Kong, Now off to Cairns. Otherwsie i would have posted some more in the last week or so. Ciao 4 Now


(who is really getting sick of this moving around crap)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:33 am
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:Yay! Sticky!!!

I feel so validated.

Anyway guys. Back from Hong Kong, Now off to Cairns. Otherwsie i would have posted some more in the last week or so. Ciao 4 Now


(who is really getting sick of this moving around crap)

Take your time. And enjoy it.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:04 am
by Iczer
MrTwist wrote:
Iczer wrote:Yay! Sticky!!!

I feel so validated.

Anyway guys. Back from Hong Kong, Now off to Cairns. Otherwsie i would have posted some more in the last week or so. Ciao 4 Now


(who is really getting sick of this moving around crap)

Take your time. And enjoy it.

Bah. The things i enjoy include easy computer access. That said, it seems there is an internet den on my hotel floor. combine that with the very sumptuous room the boss is paying for, and the all meals paid and the fact that I'm getting double overtime for working the weekend anyway and I suppose i'll just have to enjoy it :)


(look, I promise I'll have more powers soon, just give me a chance to to get my bearings back OK)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:52 pm
by Iczer
Ok, so no one replied to my digital teleport question. Probably means I should work on it.

Don't fret. There is already a digital teleport. I'd post mine, but it's someone elses that I 'borrowed' without paying attention to the authour. One does exist though, and if it's author could own up I'm sure Mr Twist would greatly appreciated.

I would think that APS: electricity could already transport himself througth the phone lines or any technology

Urban myth. Someone allowed it in a game, and people began circulating it as fact. Never mentioned in the power's description in any way shape or form. IMHO It shouldn't be allowed.


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:30 am
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:
Ok, so no one replied to my digital teleport question. Probably means I should work on it.

Don't fret. There is already a digital teleport. I'd post mine, but it's someone elses that I 'borrowed' without paying attention to the authour. One does exist though, and if it's author could own up I'm sure Mr Twist would greatly appreciated.


I'd be interested in seeing it. I have my own ideas on how to work it, but if someone else already has a viable one it would save time for a char concept.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:12 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
JTwig wrote:
Power Amine (Major)
The character is able to manifest an aura of pure energy that represents some aspect of the character’s inner concisions. This aura can take any form the character wishes, but once chosen cannot be changed. The most common forms are those of animals, armored humanoids, or fantasy creatures. ....

An amine is an organic compund containing nitrogen. I think perhaps the word you really want is animus.

Iczer wrote:
I would think that APS: electricity could already transport himself througth the phone lines or any technology

Urban myth. Someone allowed it in a game, and people began circulating it as fact. Never mentioned in the power's description in any way shape or form. IMHO It shouldn't be allowed.

Actually that's an official rule from the Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:46 pm
by acreRake
So you can travel digitally through alien powerlines... i can accept that. I think a Digital Teleport power could work, just make sure that it is within the realm of major power power: ie there'd better be some major drawbacks/limits/dangers.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:42 am
by Iczer
Summoner: [Major] By Iczer
'Looky here...I got what you need right here'

The character has the ability to tag items and then retrive them at a later date.
1) tagging: To tag an item in such a fashion involves handling the object for 60 seconds. the object has a maximum size and mass of about 2 to 4 tons. Once an item has been 'tagged' it contains faint traces of the character's power that can be detected by extraordanary sensory technique or those who can sense or see active powers. An item remains tagged until it's status is revoked by the user. A Tagged item can lose it's status as a tagged item by moving it via some method of teleportation, or by exposing it to a powerfull EM field. Severe damage also removes its tagged status. A Character can Tag an unlimited number of items under 3 lbs. The character can tag as many larger items as his ME plus 3 per level. Objects over 50lbs count as 2 items. Objects heavier or as heavy as the character count as three. larger objects count as four.
2) Summoning: The true value of this power is the ability to summon in a single action any tagged item within 5 miles per level. The item appears within 2-3 feet of the character, on a stable surface or in his hands. Up until 5th level this counts as one action per 'object' (so an automobile counting as 4 'objects' would take 4 actions.) from 5th level, objects take half as many actions (round up). items under 3 lbs take no actions (so the character could summon and throw a shuriken for example as a single action). Once an item has been summoned, the character may return it, either to the place it came from, or to a tagged location.
3) Tagged location. The character can Tag a location in a manner similiar to that of tagging objects. The character can Tag an area by residing in it for 48 hours, touching walls, doors, entrances etc. An 'Area' may be any enclosure or open area up to 30 feet across per level. The character can 'tag' one location at level 1, plus another at level 3,6,9, 12 and 15.
4) Other benefits: The character has a kind of 'sixth sense' with regard to his tagged items and area. He knows when there are people in a tagged area and how many, but has no other details. He knows when a tagged object is being used by another, and what it is being used for. The instant summoning of smaller objects and their unlimited nature means that a characte could conceivably have un unending ammunition clip or supply of small objects. Tagged areas cannot be teleported into or across, nor can they be scryed into. In a pinch the character can perform a desperate action and teleport up to five miles per level to land in a tagged zone. such an action immeadiately halves his HP and SDC, as well as draining 2 ME and PE (recover at one per day) and fatigues the character for 1d4 hours.

Clinging: [Major] By Iczer
'I'll stick around here if that's OK with you'

The character has the ability to attach himself to objects, bonding on a molecular level allowing for the following abilities:
1) Adhesion. The character has the adhesion minor power, though his speed is not hampered by horizontal movement, and he 'hangs on' with his full carrying capacity rather than PSx10. In addition, he may 'slide down walls' allowing him to safely and swiftly descend a wall by simply holding onto a wall and applying brakes as gravity pulls.
2) Stability. Unless stunned or otherwise with divided attention, the character cannot be tripped or knocked down unless he chooses to (like in a car crash where he wishes to roll with punch/fall impact). Body block's, tackles, body flip throws and simple knockdowns simply fail. l
3) Wrestling and grip: needless to say the character's grip is remarkable. The character can grapple with every square inch of his body. His effective strength for maintaining a grapple is +10 +1 per level. anyone freeing themselves from a grapple with this character takes 2d4 damage. The character also has the same bonus to resist a disarm attampt. The character is a natural wrestler gaining that skill (without attribute bonuses) The character can also immobilise another when being grappled, simply by making the grappler adhere to his body. The character can also grapple another's weapon as it strikes him. he rolls a normal parry but instead of defending, the character simply grabs the weapon with his skin.
4) Other bonuses: aside from the bonuses provided by the adhesion power.
* +1d4x10 SDC
* +1 to strike when making a grab or grapple.
* +1 to parry with bare hands
* Immune to adhesives, they dissolve in contact with him

5) Thermal redistribution [Major] By Iczer
'Funny you should say that, I'm not cold at all'

The character's natural response to stress is to abosorb local heat. in normal situations the character seems warm or even hot while the local air feels cool, but combat and danger can bring this power out.
1) Combat. The stress of combat as well as the pain causes the character to trigger this power. every round the character heals or gains 20 SDC. this raises his core body temperature and lowers the local air temperature 5 degree F for a distance of 10 feet per level. After the character has gained 60 or more SDC, his body becomes harmfull to touch, adding 1d4 damage to any touch he makes (including hand to hand combat). he adds another 1d4 for every 40 further SDC gained due to the heat he emantes. As the air cools, it becomes uncombfortable for others. At 32 degrees F, the air is freezing and unprotected individuals may start worrying about exposure. this risk increases every round. In addition to SDC, the character gains +1 PS for every 5 SDC gained.
2) Out of combat: the character's natural response to stress is to heat up while cooling the air. in a normal, social settinng unless tempers are really flaring, this is noticable but not odd. In response to an emergency, the character can spend a round 'heating up' This voluntarily induced stress can rise to 20 SDC per round for up to 2 rounds.
3) Dissipation: The character loses 40 SDC (and the other associated benefits such as heat and PS) as soon as he goes one melee round without fighting or stress. If opponent's simply dodge for a round, then the drop begins, rapidly weakening the character. If he connects, or if an opponent connects with him, there is no drop.
4) Heat/cold resistance: the character's heat absorption renders him relatively immuneto fire and heat. Half of any heat damage he takes is converted into bonus SDC. every 20 SDC he gains from this process has the usual benefits. While heated, the character is resistant to cold attacks. They do no damage per se, but they do drain away gained SDC from heat attacks at a rate of 2:1.
5) Other bonuses:
* +1d4 PE
* +6d6 SDC
A note: SDC gained by this power is temporary, and should be tracked seperately from the character's own SDC. damage done to the character is subtracted from gained SDC first, then his own. gained SDC does not heal previous wounds (though it will close them) even if the character has none of his gained SDC left (depleted by wounds) he retains his PS and body temperature. If such a character would lose sdc either from relaxing or from cold attacks, the character will not take SDC loss from his own SDC, rather from his 'virtual' SDC pool.

Screech [Minor] By Iczer

The character can produce immense amounts of volume in a single burst. as an attack counting as two actions, the character can emit a breif sonic boom that can deafen and disorientate. all persons within 20 feet +5 feet per level must save (16+ PE bonuses count) or be deafened (-1 attack initially, and then -4 to initiative -1 to strike/parry and dodge and reduce bonuses for balance by half for 1d4 rounds). those who do save are a little shocked (drop initiative by 2) and become hard of hearing for 1d4 rounds.
If the character wishes, he may modulate this attack into upper or lower frequencies. in either case it inflicts 1d4 damage per level to all those in range and counts as an extra attack (3) (damage is doubled to rigid objects and x4 to glass or crystal.
The character can also just yell really really loudly (can be heard 4 miles away)


(sorry for the delay)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:10 am
by Iczer
Division: [Minor]
'We should put our heads together'

The character can split into 2 beings, by slitting himself up the middle. This process is uncomfortable but painless and takes 2 melee rounds to accomplish. when complete, each half gows a new half. this half is made of a type of ready mix protoplasm that acts as a substitute half body.
When split, each 'half' has half SDC and HP, and is down 4 PS, 2PE, 2 IQ 4Spd. Thier effective level is halved as well (though skills remain unnafected). The protoplasm bodies grant 40 SDC to each half. If one half should be killed, then the other one knows about it immeadiately. The other half lives, but remains halved until he grows a new body out of the protoplasm (Takes 1 week per attribute. heals SDC and HP at rate of 1 per day each. when fully healed, his levels return at a rate of 1 per week).
Other bonuses: Each half knows what the other is up to at any time. The character is also ambidexterous (even when split). Protplasm can be summoned to heal wounds and regrow limbs as well. the character can seal wounds shut with a single action, and can heal 2d6 SDC twice per day. If using protoplasm to replace a limb he suffers -2 to PP PS and Spd until the real one grows back (typically takes 1 month for a limb, less for a hand or finger)

Energy organs [Minor??] By Iczer
'I'm all hot inside'

The character's skin and flesh surround internal organs that are made of pure energy (type decided by character). He may fire off parts of himself out to 100 feet with +2 to strike inflicting 2d6 damage +1d6 damage per level, but such an attack costs the character 2 SDC or HP. Weapons that cut or peirce inflict half damage as the organs remain unnafected. In addition, a peirced character may (optionally) inflict 3d6 damage to a foe within 5 feet from spewing his internal energy outwards. in addiotn any peircing wepaon takes 3d6 damage from being plunged into the character's flesh.
Other bonuses: Half damage from his own energy type.
+4 to resist poison and disease. half effect from either.
The character is immune to attacks that directly attack internal organs.

Return to sender: [Minor] By Iczer
'Never run out of ammo'

The character creates a field around held items that allow them to return after being thrown. Essentially a character can throw and retrieve a thrown item as a single action. people who dodge or are missed by the initial attack are presumed to dodge the return as well. The character is limited to items held and thrown, but dropped items may be willed back in an instant, as can disarmed items. Loaded projectiles, such as arrows or cross bow bolts return, but bullets do not. Nor do energy bolts.
Another trick performable by this character is to perform a judo flip/throw (a talent not provided by this power), on a foe. the foe is knoecked down and away, and then pulled back. Knockdown attacks by this character inflict an extra +1d4 damage and rob the target of an additional attack from rolling and tumbling. Characters may make a sense of balance check to avoid this additional effect.
Other bonuses: +1 to strike with thrown or shot items. (representing the additional chance of striking on the return trip)

Snow: [Minor] By Iczer
'Snow cone anyone?'

The character can simply expend 2 actions to make it start snowing. Snow falls rapidly but oddly, precipitating out of thin air when necessary. Snow falls for 3 minutes per level in an area, accumulating an inch per minute over a Radius of 100 feet +20 feet per level. The air temperature drops 1 degree a round to 30 degrees F or until the duration ends. snow melts at it's usual rate. Thick snow inhibits balance and speed, as well as visibility. Invaluable for putting out fires. the character can reduce the area to as little as 1 foot across, and can optionally make light rain instead.

Manifest venom [Major] By Iczer
'Mmmmm hate tastes good'

The character can cause emotions and feelings to manifest physically, forming into a thick sirypy mess.
1) Produce venom. By concentrating on an emotion, the character can create a viscous liquid that induces the emotion in others. The resulting syrip can be applied by ingestion or via contact (can be spat up to 30 feet with +2 to strike, or can be secreted onto natural weapons). The target makes a save vs poison or succumb to the emotion (refer to the psychic power: empathic manipulation). his save is at -2 if the character genuinely fealt the emotion himself. It takes one action to secrete venom in this fashion for one use. Venom loses it's potency within 5 minutes of creation.
2) Harvest venom. a target within 60 feet can be targeted with this ability. The character concentrates on atarget who must make a save vs poison or start secreting a coloured liquid based on his current emotions. this liquid runs from his pores. anyone contacting the target for the next 5 minutes per level must also save vs poison or contract the emotion as well. Furthermore, the substance has the texture of raw honey, which soils clothes and emanates a sickly sweet smell. (and is also uncomfortable. -5% on all skills)
3) Purge emotion: similiar to ability 2, the character may hype it up though. the target sweats out all of his current emotion, having it pool on the ground and dribble off him. this cancels rage, heady and powerful emotions adn occasionally some powers (such as berzerk fury). anyone contacting the substance for the next 2 minutes per level, aside from the target of course, must make a save or contract the discarded emotion. likewise the character can use this on himself to purge unwanted emotions (heartbreak, fear etc).
4) Other abilities: The durations of all emotional venoms are 1d4 melee's per level, though cumunalitive doses can increase this.
The character has +2 to ME
The character takes half damage from poisons and toxins.
+4d6 SDC

Smart field: [Major] By Iczer
'Fool me once..shame on you...fool me twice..well you can't fool me twice'

The character manifests a force field of energy, resembling a bulky suit of energy. this field provides a number of benefits.
1) Protective: the field has an AR of 12 and 300 SDC. The field enhances the characters PS and Spd adding +4 PS and making it extraordinary, and adding +10 to speed.
2) Lerning curve: the field adapts and alters to suit it's environment. it keeps the wearer comfortable in any temperature. it also learns to recognise the attacks of others leading to the following benefits.
* Can recognise 1 specific attack type per level after being subjected to it. recognising an attack adds +3 to it's AR as well as reducing it's damage by 1 per level.
* Familiar with energy attacks: aftre being struck by an energy attack, the field modulates to resist it in the near furture. all successive attacks from the same energy source deal half damage
* Disrupt powers: after being affected by a power with no real attack benefit, the energy field attempts to compensate by disrupting powers. once per melee it may negate the effects of superpowers within it's own range (about 3 inches over the body's surface). the character and the attacker roll a d20, adding +1 per level as well as their ME bonus. if the character wins, the power's effect is cancelled for him.
* The suit is thick enough to prevent 'touch' from occuring. Touching the energy field is not touching the character. likewise the shield insulates from poison, acid and gas attacks.
3) Modular: the field attapts to make attacks easier for the user, as well as defences. after fighting a single opponent for a melee round, the suit changes shape to make it more suited to his opponents fighting style. gain +1 to strike parry and dodge the foe. likewise the field may do bludgeoning damage or may sharpen along it's edges to act as slashing weapons. This is very much like the power : body weapons, though the character's body does not change, only the field.
4) Drawbacks: the field only lasts 10 minutes, Plus 5 minutes per level or until cancelled. any protections it has when it stops working vanish when it does and must be 'relearnt' by the field. After the fields duration runs out, it cannot be reformed for 5 minutes. furthermore that five minutes of shut down does not restore any damage to the field. The field regenerates a the rate of 1 point per minute while shut down (300 minutes for a full recharge). if the field is destroyed then the character loses this power for 1 hour before it starts recharging (6 hours until full power). the hands of the field are too bulky to handle weapons or objects with any great proficiency (treat as 'partial hands')

(In charge today. Woo Hoo)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:14 am
by Mr Scorpio
Wow, I go away for a while and you guys pass 100 pages in this thread and get it stickied! Cool.

Oh, while I'm here looking around, has anyone seen a Major version of the Detonation/Explosive Power from PU2? I looked back to my last post (on like page 85!) and didn't see one and I don't remember one from before.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:52 pm
by abe
any holiday themed super powers out there?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:17 pm
by MrTwist
abe wrote:any holiday themed super powers out there?

You could always use APS: Ice and modify it to become a snowman. I believe someone made a sound generating power(like having your own theme music and such) that could be used to blast holiday music everywhere you go.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:03 am
by JTwig
Ranged Weapon Powering
The character with this power is able to increase the damage potential and range of ranged weapons they are currently using. The only limitations are that the weapon must be in the characters hand to receive any bonuses, which rules out thrown weapons, and that the range of energy weapons cannot be increased.
Damage: +2d6 at first level, plus 1d6 at 4th, 8th, 11th, and 15th level (for a total of +6d6 at 15th level; this damage is M.D.C. in a mega-damage environment).
Range (Projectile weapons only): +220’ at first level, and +20’ each additional level of experience (for a total of +500' at 15th level).
Increased Payload: The character may use this power to provide ammo to empty weapons, but only inflicts the damage bonus listed above.
Note: A kinetic field that surrounds the projectile/energy blast causes all additional damage; any character or equipment that is resistant to kinetic attacks (such as thru the powers Impact Resistant, or Manipulate Kinetic Energy) is also resistant to this extra damage.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:44 pm
by NMI
abe wrote:any holiday themed super powers out there?
APS: Sand and say it is APS Snow

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:33 pm
by NMI
how about taking some of the energy/ matter manipulation abilities of the Nightlords and turning them into super abilities?

One power I had created (not sure if this has been done) is:

Energy Expulsion: Phase Energy
Range: 300 feet
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level of experience
Special: If target is wearing body armor, this attack will do 1/2 damage to the armor regardless of A.R. and 1/2 damage to the actual victim. This power is blocked by force fields. But not neccessarily energy fields (wall of fire, EE eletrical field, etc...)

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:53 am
by Iczer
Controlled regeneration [?????] By Iczer
'Excuse me gentle men....I just have to pop this bullet out'

The character has a remarkable ability to regenerate by application of his will alone. While more versitile than regular regeneation, it has the limitations of endurance as well as needing concentration.
1) Regenertion Points: the character has a number of RP's to perform his remarkable abilities of self healing, a finite pool which regenerates over time. A character begins with as many RP's as his PE score plus 4 per level. With a bit of concentration, the character can cause there RP's to metabolise into increased bursts of regeneration to perfrom the following tasks:
* Heal 2d6 SDC or 3d6 HP: 1RP
* regrow small organ such as an eye, or a finger: 2 RP
* Regrow a small limb, or section of skin: 4 RP
* Regrow a whole limb, or vital body organ: 8 RP
* Regrow the lower half of the human body: 16 RP
* Reverse (negate) the effects of a non lethal poison: 2RP
* reverse the effects of a lethal poison (stops the poison and heals 6d6 damage it has caused) 4RP
* Negate a non life threatening disease or illness: 4RP
* Negate a life threatening illness: 8 RP
* Reverse the course of an 'incurable' disease 16RP
* Undo fatigue from sleep loss/deprivation: 2RP/8Hrs (BUT until the character gets sleep his recovery of RP halves)
* Undo an unwanted superpower induced condition (such as the effects of mental stun) 6 RP
* Undo the effects of a willingly imbibed poison (such as alcohol or tobacco:-does not releive chronic conditions just the immeadiate effects): 2 RP
* Eject unwanted substance or implant (Bullets, broken glass, gravel, tracking implants) 6 RP
* Purge unwanted body odour: 1RP
* Heal broken bone: 3RP
* Reverse brain damage 4RP (per mental attribute lost)
2) RP recovery. The character regains 1 RP per hour of normal activity or 6 per hour of sleep
3) Spending RP: the character can initially spend RP while in a depp meditative trance. this trance takes 1d4 minutes to enter, and requires that the character be comfortable and able to enter a serene state. Once begun, the character can spend 1 RP per additional minute of trance. at levels 2,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15, the character can expend one additional point per minute. at 6th level, the character need not enter the trance to expend RP, but may only do so at half the normal rate.
4) Other benefits:+6D6 SDC.
will live 5 times longer by undoing the majority of the signs of aging
+2 PE
+1D4 ME

Toxic Child [Major] By Iczer
'Mmmmm...burning tires...anyone else feel like dinner?'

The character's body can subsist on naturally toxic substances, most notably petroleum products, but includes carbon monoxide and other toxic by products of humanity.
1) Toxic body: the character can consume rubber and petrol based products without harm (despite the poor nutritional value of it, the character feels sated by consuming a car tyre a day). He can breate smoke and carbon monoxide fumes. His biochemsitry is so reslient that he posesses a +6 to save vs poisons and toxins of all sorts, and suffers only half effect from them. he is also immune to odd and powerful chemical stenches (bleach and burning oil for instance)
2) Produce toxic substances: the character can produce the following substances and project them at will. while the character keeps no ammunition count per se, he will feel the need to 'restock' after using this power.
* Burning toxic blast: this boiling tar like liquid inflicts 3d6 damage +1 d6 at every even level. it has a range of 50 feet +10 feet per level, and has a +4 to strike. the boiling tar like substance sticks to victims leaving them with a foul smell and noxious appearance.
* Emit great clouds of toxic fumes: these fumes fill a 40 foot across area from the character with thick brown/black/yellow clouds of noxious smoke. those in the smoke are blinded, and must save vs poison each round or take 4d6 damage. in addition, the smoke displaces air so victims in the vicinity willl start to choke as soon as they are exposed to it (provided they do not have access to breathing apparatus) those in the smoke lose 2 attacks per round from choking and retching.
* Produce and oil and rubber: The character can spontaneously generate about a pound of ruber per level per minute. Usefull for filling gaps in windows, gumming up the works of an automobile, or just keeping the dog amused.
3) refine toxic substances: The character can also absorb and refine toxic substances by absorbing them and then expelling them in new forms.
* Air: the character can purify local air from pollution, carbon monoxides and other smokes (but not poison gasses). he destroys a sphere of impurre gasses up to 300 feet across per level. this process takes 5 minutes and leaves regular air in it's place.
* Water: the character can enter oil polluted water and simply draw the oil into himself, leaving only water. the character can clear up to a circle 100 feet across per level.
* solids: the character can consume his own body weight in rubber and crude plastics before he needs to 'excrude' them again. when he excrudes them, he may do so in different shapes and configurations (he can back engineer 200lbs of oil into around 25lbs worrth of gasoline. or 200lbs of hard plastics. Solids take quite a while to process. first it has to be eaten (and 200lbs of car tyres is a nastry meal). excruding that much mass takes 2 minutes per lb (s a 200 lb meal would take 400 minutes to excrude or about 6hrs and 40 minutes)
4) Physical benefits: the character's bio-physical makeup is strengthened with organic rubber making up about 12-21% of his body. this adds 25 lbs to his weight, and adds 50 SDC. His PS and PE rise by 4 points each (strength is considered extraordinary). he is resistant to electrical and ion attacks (half damage each)
Elastic like body means +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +2 PP. character can leap 8 feet by 14 feet.

Hard light ammo [Minor] By iczer
'They call me Hollywood. I NEVER run outa bullets!'

The character can generate hard light or solid energy in the form of small, dense shapes no more than a few inches across. while impractical for any particularly usefull tasks (though he could form a chess set, dice, a rudimentray lockpick) they do have the ability to substitute as ammunition. essentially, any gun the character holds can be reloaded with a though (no actions). Bullets created in this fashion have a damage limit of 3D6, with another +1d6 at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. The character can also create regular arrows (2-3d6 dependant on the bow used), and throwing knives (1d6. too fragile to be used ina protracted fight)
Range: projectiles vanish after 50 feet +20 feet per level
Duration: the pieces remain for up to 1 minute per level, or indefinately while concentrating (-1 attack per round, -2 to s/p/d and -10% to skills)
Special: certain powers such as gun limb and alterlimbs have thie rown capacity to create bullets from HP. the character may substitute these bullets instead. the character cannot make grenades though.

Bio-Forge [Major] By Iczer
'oh yeah baby...syphilis mixed with the common cold. enjoy'

The character can spontaneously generate specifically tailored bacteria and viral colonies and fire them as a burst of virulent pressurised liquid. the target is beset by rapidly mutating and devestating that attemot to overcome and adapt to their new host.
1) Incapacitating: The viruses take on forms simmiliar to the flu, but piggy back harder hitting bacteria. the target is almost immeadiately beset with flu like symptoms, shortness of breath, dizziness. Onset time is instantaneous but the hyperactive viruses have a short shelf life. Those who fail their save lose 1 action per melee, and suffer a -2 to strike, parry and dodge and -10% to skill percentages for the duration. Incapacitating viruses require a save every melee round or the target loses 1 PP and one PE as well.
Duration: until the character makes his first save, then 1d4 additional melees. recovery is full after this time.
2) Injurous: The character ejects a host of highly infections bacteria, but it rapidly mutates into virulent mutant strains as soonas it enters the body, producing cancerous adn ebola like symptoms.
Effect: a failed initial save causes the character to suffer 1d4 HP damage as well as 3d6 SDC, adn causes the body to rack with pain. The character must save again every round or take an additional 2d6 SDc and 1 HP.
Onset time 1d4 rounds after exposure.
Duration: 1 round per level.
3) Weakening: The character launches a viral assualt that takes it's time when establishing a foothold, sacraficing immeadiate gain for long term damage.
Effect: sickened character lose half their combat stats, lower their attacks per mellee by 1 and halve their speed and skill performance.
Onset time: 3d6 hours after exposure.
Duration: 1d4 days. after which the character needs to make a save daily to shake it off.
4) Biological Toxic Shock: The nastiest assault possible with this power. harnessing the mac daddy of all concocted viruse, the character attempts to overwhelm the target's immune system with a barrage of viruses that exist only to harry and deplete the charactre's immune system.
Effect: the character loses any regenerative abilities he normally posesses, and no longer heals any damage whatsoever. This power effectively negates all form of healing, and then reduces PE by 1 point per day until healed.
Alternatively the character can cook up something that shuts down a person's powers and abilities instead. The target either loses half his powers (25%) or periodically loses his powers (26-50%), or Has all his powers act out of control (51-75%) or has powers that don't stop functioning or run into overdrive (76-100%) to do this he needs to specifically sample the subject (see below)
Onset time: instant, though the effects will not be noticable for some time.
Duration: until saved against
5) Delivery: The character typically delivers these viral packets as ranged attacksWith +4 to hit out to a range of 30 feet +10 feet per level. the character can fire twice a melee round. the character can also deliver by forcing or tricking a target to injest it (such as by slipping it into a drink or an IV bag). ingestion reduces the targets save by 2.
6) Special delivery. if the character samples a target's blood (at least 2 fluid ounces) he may create a tailored virus. tailored viruses are -2 to save against. the character may only 'remember' one target per level, but may discard old subjects for new ones.
7) limitations: Once a character has suffered from this character, he has +2 to save against the same effect forever more and half normal durations.
8) other bonuses: the character is immune to most diseases
+1D4x10 HP

Gaia's favour. [Minor] By Iczer
'Hurricane? earth quake? sorry..i hadn't noticed'

The character manipulates the environment in subtle ways to avoid the tradgedies and vagrancies of mother earth. this is a form of wide ranging but limited application telekenisis and matter control, fixating specifically on the character's protection.
Essentially, as vast damaging effects sweep toward the character, it gets channelled away from him as if shrouded ina protective bubble. High winds, and earthquakes settle in his presence, while the world around him swirls and burns. arctic cold and desert heat are similarilly innefective agaisnt this character. He takes 1/10th damage from large scale environmental forces. Concentrated attacks do full normal damage though. the power scoops up kinetic and other energies like a net, not like a shield.
The character can extend this immunity to a sphere 30 feet across plus 20 feet per level by concentrating (uses 2 actions a round and halves speed).

Deflective fields: [Minor?] By Iczer
'What the? assasin.'

The character's body produces energy fields desgned to deflect and turn aside projectiles rather than stop them cold.Typically, the faster the projectile, the greater the deflection. Energy attacks can also be deflected, but the amorphous nature of energy makes the power differeently effective against it.
1) Physical deflection: ranged attacks suffer a minus to hit this character based on the speed of the projectile as well as the distance it must travel to the character. Supersonic projectiles suffer a minus 10 to hit this character. subsonic projectuoes only a minus 8. Mechanically shot projectiles (bow and arrow, crossbow bolts) suffer a minus 6 while hurled or 'spat' missiles suffer a minus 4. additionally, every 100 feet of distance between the shooter and the character reduces the chances to hit by 2. This power only partially deflects large and heavy projectiles (automobile impacts and falling safes). such attacks have no actual penalty to hit, but inflict only half damage.
2) Energy deflection. the character cannot directly affect the path of an energy weapon, but can churn the medium in which it travels through. ranged energy attacks inlfict half damage as the very air bends to distort the attack. note that the character is not immun or resistant to energy that is pretty much 'minding it's own buisness'. the character who grabs live power lines needs his head examined and has no inherant resistance.
3) Melee defences. the character has next to no resistance from melee attacks. these attacks are powered by continuous application of force (the attackers strength driving the attack) nor the short range leaves very klittle room for deflection. That said, he enjoys a +2 to parry melee attacks from hand heald weapons over 2lbs, and may parry such with his bare hands.


(more powers. More often)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:43 pm
by NMI
The Deific NMI wrote:how about taking some of the energy/ matter manipulation abilities of the Nightlords and turning them into super abilities?

One power I had created (not sure if this has been done) is:

Energy Expulsion: Phase Energy
Range: 300 feet
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level of experience
Special: If target is wearing body armor, this attack will do 1/2 damage to the armor regardless of A.R. and 1/2 damage to the actual victim. This power is blocked by force fields. But not neccessarily energy fields (wall of fire, EE eletrical field, etc...)
comments or suggestions welcomed

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:44 pm
by abe
in issue 91/2 there was food powers how about some new food powers?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:05 am
by Iczer
Seperation [Major] By Iczer
'United I fall, Divided I stand'

The character can divide himself into a number of beings. Unlike regular 'multiple bodies' the charcter becomes a handful of imps and midgets.
1) Number of bodies: The character can form between two to six bodies when he uses this power. His normal body divides into six smaller beings, roughly proportionate in size but reduced in mass.
2) Body statistics: Each body is fully functional only smaller. Optionally, the bodies may appear beastial or vn demonic (players choice when he selects this power).
IQ/ME/MA: these remain the same as the hosts but drop by 1 each.
PS: PS divides evenly into each of the bodies, but rises by 1 per level, until it reaches the character's normal PS. These smaller bodies cannot posess strnght greater than 'Extraordinary'
PP: each of the smaller bodies are more agile. +2 PP
PE: PE remains unchanged
PB: unchanged, or lowered by up to half depending on what his new forms look like.
Spd: Speed is reduced by twice the number of bodies formed, with a minimum of 5 Spd.
SDC: SDC is divided amongst each body, but each gains an additional 5 SDC per level.
HP: each unit has it's own HP equal to the character's.
Combat abilities: The units retain their full HTH abilities, but enjoy a +2 to dodge due to their small size.
Damage: reduced size makes for reduced impact. when the character is divided into three or less individuals, he inflicts 3/4 normal damage from all sources. if the character breaks down into more than 3 units, he inflicts half normal damage from all sources.
[Schizo, a third level mutant with '13' in all attributes and 50 SDC, breaks down into 5 units. PS becomes 6 each, PP becomes 15, PE remains unchanged and Spd becomes 5 for each unit. SDC becomes 25 for each unit.]
3) Recombining: as long as the units can touch, they can recombine. when the units recombine they restore all thier values as appropriate. when the units recombine, they add back thier appropriate attributes, but not beyond the character's original values. dead units can be reformed as long as there is at least one survivor, but those attributes do not return for 2d6 days per destroyed units. If a unit is withheld from the group, the character can reform at the lower Mass and reduced attributes until he reclaims the body. If a unit is killed and cannot be reclaimed, the character may choose to let it go. He loses one level for this, but builds the unit back over the course of 2d6 days per destroyed unit.
4) Party tricks:
Dissasemble with punch/fall/impact. as a defence that counts as an action, the character may seperate with the blow. The damage is divided by the number of units formed, and then evenly spread over the remaining units. if the roll with punch/fall/impact is successful, then the damage to each unit is also halved.
[A Minion of T.H.U.G. tosses a grenade at Schizo. being in a bit of a bad state, schizo divides six ways to take the explosion. the grenade does a whopping 70 damage. Schizo divides this by 6 (13 damage) and then divides the damage amongst his units. (3 each rounded up) of course there are six 'mini-schizos' now running around]
Lone minion: The character can simply detach an arm and have it form into a new unit. the unit is considered to have the stats of a 1/6th unit. In this fashion, a character can escape handcuffs and other bindings (not to mention send a loyal minion off on a minior mission.

Brittle blast: [Minor] By Icer
'I want to break free..'

The character produces an energy field that breaks down molecular bonds in inanimate objects.
Damage: special. does 2d6 +1d6 per level but cannot harm living things (see below)
Range: 300 feet +25 feet per level
Attacks: each brittle blast counts as a single action/attack
Bonus to strike: +3 with an aimed shot, +1 wild.
Special effects: Any damage done by this attack against an innanimate object has it's damage reduced by the objects AR. any excess damage is done to the object itself, but the object reduces it's AR by 1 within 5 feet of the impact. Living creatures are relatively unharmed by this, but those turned into inorganic structures (such as APS Steel for instance) are not immune.
Artificial armour, or powers that resemble such, are also affected in the normal manner.

(a little bit for now. Must go shake hands with the weekend)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:39 am
by NMI
Feel free to add flavor text.
I was also thinking of a way to make it into a major other then "Super Energy Expulsion"
Possibly other side effects of using/ being hit by Phase Energy. Possible a force field disruptor like the one weapon in Robotech.

Let me know the link when the power is up.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:04 pm
by Iczer
The Deific NMI wrote:One power I had created (not sure if this has been done) is:

Energy Expulsion: Phase Energy
Range: 300 feet
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level of experience
Special: If target is wearing body armor, this attack will do 1/2 damage to the armor regardless of A.R. and 1/2 damage to the actual victim. This power is blocked by force fields. But not neccessarily energy fields (wall of fire, EE eletrical field, etc...)

Energy expulsion:
Phase energy [Minor] By The Deific NMIczer :)

The character has the ability to unlease furious bolts of phased energy that partially bypass matter to strike the target beneath.
Range: 300 feet +10 feet per level.
Damage: 1d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Attacks: each use of a phased energy blast counts as a single attack per melee
Bonus to strike: +3 to aimed shots, +1 with wild.
Special: Phased shots bypass physical objects. In total, worn body armour takes 1/2 damage from phased shots, while the wearere takes the other half (this presumes a strike below the AR of the target. strikes above the AR do full normal damage). The beam can be made to avoid intervening objects as well, blowing through cover with the same effect (half to cover, half to target). Targets with natural AR have no protection, while invulnerable characters take 1/2 damage from phased blasts.

Disruptor: [Major] By Iczer (inspired by the Deific NMI)
'I call this one, the Eliminator'

The character can unleash bolts of energy that serve to disrupt and interfere with other energy fields.
Range 500 feet +20 feet per level.
Damage 3d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Bonus to attack: +3 aimed, +1 wild
Attacks per melee: one per blast.
Special effects: The disruption blast has anumber of other effects depending on the target.
* Sensitive electronics: 70% chance any sensitive electronics struck by a disruptive blast simply fries. sensitive electronics includes any unarmored or unprotected electrical device.
* Hardened electronics: Takes double damage from the blast, and there is a 30% chance of suffering a shutdown or power disruption.
* Force fields, force walls and force constructs: Disruptive blasts deal double damage to these things. There is also a chance that the entire field comes down with the blast as well. there is a flat 30% chance the field will come down, plus 2% for every 10 damage inflicted by the blast, minus 2% for every 50SDC posessed by the field (thats is, left remaining. as the field wears down this number improves for the character)
* Concentration: if a target is struck while concentrating on a power (such as some aspects of gravity manipulation, then they must save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose that concentration.


(Obsessive/compulsive poster)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:18 pm
by NMI
Iczer wrote:Energy expulsion: Phase energy [Minor] By The Deific NMIczer :)

The character has the ability to unlease furious bolts of phased energy that partially bypass matter to strike the target beneath.
Range: 300 feet +10 feet per level.
Damage: 1d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Attacks: each use of a phased energy blast counts as a single attack per melee
Bonus to strike: +3 to aimed shots, +1 with wild.
Special: Phased shots bypass physical objects. In total, worn body armour takes 1/2 damage from phased shots, while the wearere takes the other half (this presumes a strike below the AR of the target. strikes above the AR do full normal damage). The beam can be made to avoid intervening objects as well, blowing through cover with the same effect (half to cover, half to target). Targets with natural AR have no protection, while invulnerable characters take 1/2 damage from phased blasts.

I like your flavor text and changes. Although, I would have the base damage as 2D6+1D6 Per Level.

Iczer wrote:Disruptor: [Major] By Iczer (inspired by the Deific NMI)
'I call this one, the Eliminator'

The character can unleash bolts of energy that serve to disrupt and interfere with other energy fields.
Range 500 feet +20 feet per level.
Damage 3d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Bonus to attack: +3 aimed, +1 wild
Attacks per melee: one per blast.
Special effects: The disruption blast has anumber of other effects depending on the target.
* Sensitive electronics: 70% chance any sensitive electronics struck by a disruptive blast simply fries. sensitive electronics includes any unarmored or unprotected electrical device.
* Hardened electronics: Takes double damage from the blast, and there is a 30% chance of suffering a shutdown or power disruption.
* Force fields, force walls and force constructs: Disruptive blasts deal double damage to these things. There is also a chance that the entire field comes down with the blast as well. there is a flat 30% chance the field will come down, plus 2% for every 10 damage inflicted by the blast, minus 2% for every 50SDC posessed by the field (thats is, left remaining. as the field wears down this number improves for the character)
* Concentration: if a target is struck while concentrating on a power (such as some aspects of gravity manipulation, then they must save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose that concentration.

I like this. You took my idea to just about what I was thinking. Almost like the the EE: EMP in PU1. Good work.

I am THE DEIFIC NMI, and I fully endorse these two powers.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:42 pm
by Iczer
The Deific NMI wrote:I like your flavor text and changes. Although, I would have the base damage as 2D6+1D6 Per Level.

I Was going to do that, but i figured it's already got something to make it more powerfull than a normal EE, so I thought I'd drop the extra damage to make it at least appear a little balanced


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:20 pm
by Iczer
mainbox wrote:Insta Healing (Major)
"Tis but a flesh wound!"

Didn't I just post controlled regeneration?


Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:15 am
by NMI
AJ Pickett wrote:NMI and Iczer, I better list you as co-authors on the Phase powers OK?
Thats cool.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:40 am
by MrTwist
This power might already exist, but the size of this topic along with the myriad of sites with other powers makes it difficult to research it's existance within Heroes Unlimited contributions. It might need a better name, but the given one is how I've always thought of it.

Yeah, looks like you missed.

This power could be considered a rather minor version of either Intangibility or Vibration. Instead of moving out of the way to avoid an attack, the character becomes intangible just long enough for the attack to pass right through them.
Limitations: When using this power, the character has all the same vulnerabilities of the Intangibility major power(like energy attacks or gas attacks).
The character has an Auto-Dodge, with a +1 bonus. This auto-dodge follows all the rules of a normal auto-dodge, with the exception that other bonuses to an auto-dodge only apply if they don't specifically require the character to move(like the minor power of Sidestep, which doesn't apply because it specifically involves the character moving).
+2 to Perception(if used). The character with this power usually understands this power is only effective if they are aware of an attack, so they tend to pay attention to the world around them.
Using this power is considered a dodge. A character can't parry and use this power, applying parry bonuses. Auto-dodge(or dodge, see below) bonuses apply only.
If the player chooses, this power can be done as a normal dodge. If they have better dodge bonuses, and want to use them, they can choose to use this as a dodge action.
The character and their clothing(and maybe some equipment) become intangible. Other objects carried, up to 5 pounds per level, also become intangible when this power is used. Anything that goes beyond the weight limit will likely be dropped when the character becomes intangible.
By GM's discretion, the character might become more attuned with their small ability to become intangible. At(and only at) levels 6 and 13, they can choose to trade this power in for Intangibility(major). If so, they lose this power in it's entirety(including the auto-dodge, bonuses, and weight limit) and instead now have Intangibility.
If a character is generated at, or beyond, the given levels with this power, then they are assumed to have chosen not to have traded this power in.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:48 am
by znbrtn
Abraxis wrote:Is there a power out there that anybody created that's like Ghost Rider's Penance Stare?? This thread is HUGE and i don't have the time or patience to read through it all! :D

sorry, but we can't help you with this kind of question. it flies far too close to the conversion sun. i like the idea of the power, but i like this thread more.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:53 pm
by Iczer
120% [Minor] By Iczer
'You could go faster'

The character has been amped up to 120% normal speed, giving him an extra 3 seconds in every melee round. this extra time allows him the following extra abilities.
+1 attack per melee
+20% to normal Spd attribute, and to speed type powers
+1 to strike, parry, dodge and roll.
Tasks can be performed 20% faster (so a 20 minute task is completed in under 17 minutes)

Torus: [Minor] By Iczer
'I mean like..I've got this hole in my chest'

The character has the ability to open a gaping hole through his torso as small a a baseball, but as large as 4 feet wide (which expands the outer regions of his body to accommodate.
Defensively, the character can use this to avoid the worst of torso type injuries. opponents not making called shots (say to the head or leg) suffer a -2 to strike this character, and cannot score a critical.
Offensively: this can be used to trap an opponent's weapon. This is an attack timed to coincide with an opponent's thrust. if the character uses this power to 'dodge' an incoming strike, he makes a second strike roll for free. if this strike roll exceeds his opponent's original strike roll, then his weapon (or his arm) becomes grasped shut in the now almost closed hole. The opponent needs to roll a D20 and add his strength and then compare it to the character (who makes the same roll). if the opponent is higher, then he wrenches free otherwise...the character is free to whale on him with his free hands. The closed torus can grasp sharp weapons safely, but not 'energy weapons.
Movement: The character, when expanded to maximum width, lookslike a humanoid donught. while comical, it does allow him to roll at 150% normal speed.

Untouchable: [Minor] By Iczer
'what i miss most is the human contact'

The character generates a low level repulsive force field over his body. this skin tight and mostly invisible field rejects all contact with matter and energy, granting him extraordinary abilities.
The most potent of these abilities is that he cannot be touched. This is not to say he cannot be grappled, punched, kicked or shot, only that the field flexes and then repels. Thus, attacks that require skin to skin contact are ignored. Likewise, chemical reactions, that also require skin to skin contact, such as tear gas an acid, are ignored by this character.
Defensively, the character takes half damage from bullets and sharp pericing weapons, as well as from fire and heat (the heat hurts, but his skin is never exposed to open flame. He cannot be electrocuted, as he is never in contact with electricity for it to pass through him. (though electrical blasts, that contain heat and impact will inflict half damage) lasers pass through the field with ease, as do sonics.
The character can breathe normally (and so gasses are still effective) but cannot eat or drink with the field up. Additionally, unless the character drops his field, he is without a sense of touch, reducing any sense of balance by 15% and any skill requiring a fine touch by 20%. Maintaining the forcefield costs the character an action every melee.

Air swimming: [Minor] By Iczer
'oh wow I can see my house from here'

The character alters his density and the density of localised air molecules to allow him tomove through the air as if it were water. While this power is active, he can move through the air by swimming. due to the decreasde resistance involved, the character's normal swimming speed is doubled when using this power in air. Likewise, the character is resistant to falls, and obviously breathing is not a problem. The power comes with a couple of drawbacks. firstly, the character loses one attack per melee while swimming, until, at least, he lands. Secondly, the increased resistance means that he is -2 to strike and parry while 'air swimming'. Thirdly, swimming in this manner is fatiguing.
On the positive side, the character gains the swimming skill, as well as the following benefits.
+3 PS
+2 PE
+15 SDC.
In addition, semi solid air cushions most heavy impacts. automobile impacts, body blocks/tackles and explosions inflict 1/4 damage. on top of this, the character gains +4 to roll.

Crack shot: [Minor] By Iczer
'Kapow Kapow kapow'

The character has mastered ranged combat. he percieves distances differently than the rest of us and intuitively predicts ballistic arc to produce the following effects.
+1 to strike with any aimed ranged shot.
All penalties for ranged attacks, whether from darkness, extreme range or even blindness, are halved.
When a target is wearing body armour, it's ar is dropped three places, from his ability to place shots in the gaps more accurately
+2 to dodge ranged attacks.

Phase field:
[minor] By Iczer
'Let me just slide through that'

The character projects a force field around himself that affects other force related objects. this field provides 30 SDC +4 per level but has other uses besides the defensive ones.
Firstly, the field disrupts other force fields and objects made of force. Quite simply when a character with this power meets anyone else protected by a force field, the character rolls a D20 and adds his ME. his target does the same. if the character is higher, then the character passes through the field without resistance. (Mechanically produced force fields have a effective ME score equal to cube root of it's SDC or it's AR (if applicable).
Secondly, the character is immune to force type effects. This includes attacks from character's wearing force aura, or someone slinging force bolts or even the claw attacks of force constructs. on a similiar note, this feild also disrupts telekenisis and levitation.


(Stay tuned true believers)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:31 pm
by Iczer
Magnetic field [Minor] By Iczer
'oh darn..that's my hard drive erased again'

The character can generate a magnetic field around his body to protect him. this field repulses metal objects strongly enouygh to protect him, but otherwise has only limited applications.
While the field is active, ferrous, metal items are unable to strike him (or even be picked up by him) making him completely immune.
The field is intense enough to partially deflect non ferrous metal items, including lead. The character has an AR of 14 vs metal weapons which inflict half damage if they do strike.
The field is also usefull for it's magnetic qualities. It will erase hard drives within 4 feet. as this is a repulsive field, it cannot be used to 'stick' to metal, though the character can float at half normal speed about 4 feet from steel objects underneath him.

Tail [Minor] By Iczer
'Ewww..dude.where does that thing retract to'

The character can spontaneously grow a tail, rpoviding all the usual benefits (refer to the mutation of the same name). The tail is fully prehensile and posesses 35 SDC (which regenerates at 1 per minute). the tail can be willed out of existence and resummoned at any time.

Stunblades [Minor] By Iczer
'Scnickt...what am I? a jedi wolverine?'

The character can grow crackling energy blades from his hands that arc and glow in a menacing fashion. These blades inflict 2d6 damage plus the character's strength bonus. In addition, anyone struck by them must make a save vs stun (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose his next action from stun.
In addition, these blades also short out electronic devices unless specifically sheilded. the blades are long enough and solid enough to parrty weapons with.

Energy to matter conversion [Major] By Iczer
'Yes. I do have underwear spun from sunlight. thank you for noticing. give me back my pants now.'

The character can take ambient energy and transform it into matter. this allows the following special effects.
1) Create object. by reaching into the energy, the character can form solid objects spun from that energy. the objects are simple, in that they lack complex electronics and chemicals, but may contain moving parts and even gears. the characters ability to perform delicate craftmasnship with this power is equal to 60% +4% per level, or his score in a relevant craft like skill (such as carpentry). The object has as much SDC as capable of being inflicted by the energy source, and an AR equal to 8 +1 per level. The object can be no bigger than the character himself, but can be made over numerous rounds if the energy source is continuous (such as a continuing current or bonfire). In this fashion, a character can turn the flames from a bonfire into a sword (albeit a rather fragile sword), or take live voltage and spin it into rope. Ambient light can even be slowly woven into very light fabric.
2) Dissipate and handle energy. The character can cause incoming energy attacks or energy sources to dissipate into nothing ness By simply parrying the incoming attack or energy source (takes one action) the character can reduce the energy source's damage by 3d6 +1d6 per level of experience. the character has a +2 to parry attacks in this manner. the energy is dissolved into water or soft particles of matter that spread and diffuse. Under controlled conditions, the character can use this to simply grab a chunk of energy and place it elsewhere. He could, for example, grab a chunk of a local fire, pick it up as a glowing cube, and then place it on a local woodpile and then let the glowing cube turn back into energy (fire/heat). energy made solid in this fashion remains so until the character ceases concentrating on it.
3) other bonuses: aside from the character never being without small tools as long as he has an energy source, the character is resistant to energy (half damage - but takes no damage if carefully creating objects)

Gadgetry: [Major] By Iczer
' it...Ambulance...give me a minute'

The character can create complex mechanical and electrical objects out of raw or basic materials.
1) assembly. as long as the character has the appropriate amount of raw matter available, he may assemble any object he has memorised (see below). this process takes 1 minute for every 25lbs of object required. If the available raw matter is particulate, such as sand, then the time is halved. if it is of an incompatable material (such as trying to make an automobile out of cardboard and wood) the time is doubled or more (GM discretion if at all possible). The matter used for assembly must be within 10 feet of the character, and the assembled item appears within 10 feet of the character. the item lasts for 1 minute per level, but may last indefiately as long as the character concentrates. after the item is dismissed, it dissolves back into it's component parts.
2) Memorisation: the character can memorise an item by touching it for 1 minute and concentrating. he can memorise objects that mass no greater than 1000lbs per level. the character can memorise as many items as his IQ, plus one extra per level.
3) improvisation: The character can make alterations to an object as he assembles it, if he has the skills and the time. an altered object takes 4 times longer to build, and has a success rate of 30% +4% per level, or as per conventional mechanical and electrical skills. The alterations are usually only superficial (+10% to skill) or very minor (such as a change in layout). With this a character could take a modified Porche, and turn it into a different colour (+10% to skill) change it into a slightly different model of porche (+0% to skill) or make it a different vehicle (-50% to skill). Likewise the character could alter the type of gun he has.
4) repair. the character can also use this to repair machinery, even basic tools. the character requires one minute of concentration for every D6 of damage he repairs to an item. after one minute per level, there is a 30% chance that the repairs undo themselves.


(yes. I had some inspiration last night)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:40 am
by Iczer
Um i did it this morning. but yes. Many thanks


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:12 am
by Iczer
Energy wings [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh that angel thing goin' on'

The character can create a pair of wings from his back, spun from pure energy (of a type decided whrn this power is taken). Energy wings allow the character to fly at a speed of 100 MPH, plus 10 MPH per level, as well as adding the following bonses in flight:
* +2 dodge
* +2 to strike
* +4 to damage for every 20 MPH
Other bonuses:
Character is resistant to the type of energy formed by his wings (half damage)
Wings can be used to strike a foe, inflicting 2d6 damage +1 per level.
As energy constructs, the wings are more or less impervious to regular force. if attacked by energy type attacks, the wings take half damage (none if of the same energy type). the wings have 30 SDC each and recover one per minute.
The charactre needs a full wingspan to fly, just like normal wings (Wingspan is twice the character's height). Unlike flight with regular wings, the character can move through narrow gaps (the wings are not solid) and the character can simply stop flapping and levitate.

Autogenesis: [Major] By Iczer
'Introducing my son....the monster'

The character can create a kind of monster by combining his own form with that of another creature, person or thing. This power shares features of both multiple bodies and mimicry, but surpasses each in it's own specialised manner.
1) Merge with another. The character needs to touch another character for 2 melee actions (around 7 or so seconds) to affect this. One melee later, a creature is spawned that has the following features.
Attributes: Has the average attributes of both parties
SDC/HP: has the average of both parties, regardless of the powers posessed by either.
Powers: Has the average amount of powers posessed by both parties, but at the average of both parties level -2. The actual powers are selected from both parties.
Combat abilities: Fights with HTH basic at the better of the two character's levels.
Skills: Posesses the character's skills but at half skill percentages.
Duration: the duplicate lasts until reabsorbed, destroyed or for 1 hour per level.
2) Merge with creature: The character needs to make contact with a creature for 2 actions (around 7 seconds) to affect this change One melee later a new human/animal hybrid is formed with the following abilities.
Attributes: Physical are averaged. mental are averaged or are equal to half that of the creator, whichever is better.
SDC/HP: Averaged between the two. If the target creature is 25% smaller than the character, then the new creature has an additional 50% SDC and HP. If the target creature is 25% larger than the character or more, then the new creature posesses, no more than double the character's SDC (HP have no upper limit).
Powers: the creation has one minor power posessed by the character, plus one animal abilities power dependant on the target creature. The creation also has any natural weapons and powers posessed by the target creature.
Combat skills: The creation has the skill of HTH expert equal to the creators level.
Skills: the creation has all the skills of the character at half normal proficiency, plus all the natural skills posessed by the target creature.
Duration: as per Merge with another.
3) Merge with object: By merging with an inanimate object, the creature formed is an artificial life form, a creature formed by this character's power more than by any laws of biology. The resulting creature has the following attributes:
Attributes: Equal to the creator. PS is adjusted upwards by Half the AR of the object touched, and PE is adjusted upward by 2, Spd is halved, PP is -2. strength is considered extraordinary.
SDC/HP: The new creature has no HP. It has an SDC equal to the average of the character and the object. If the object outmasses the character by more than 3 times, then the target has an SDC equal to half the character's, plus 5 times the objects AR.
AR: the creature has an AR of the character or the object touched, whichever is greater.
Combat: The creation has HTH basic at the character's level, but has one less attack per melee.
Skills: The creation has all the character's skills at half normal skill percentage.
Powers: The creation has 1 minor power posessed by the character. He also posesses any abilities inherant to the target object (So has an icecube maker if merged with a fridge, or wheels if merged with a motorbike)
Duration: as per merge with another.
4) Drawbacks and variations.
A creation may be dispelled before it's time as long as it is within sight of the character. when disolved, it crumbles apart into nothing. if a creation's duration runs out it also dissolves. if a creation is destroyed, the character feels a sharp pain and takes 3d6 damage. in any event, the character cannot create a new creature for 1d4 hours (or 2d4 hours if the creature was 'killed' All creatures created are essentially part of the character, and retain his memories and attitudes.
Variation #1: the character may instead become one with the creation. his body dissapears and forms the new creature. In this state he retains all his skills and fighting abilities as well as mental abilities, but never gains any others. any excess damage over that which is required to destroy the new creature, carries over to the character, on top of the 3d6.
Variation #2: The character can merge two people, creatures or objects, rather than himself and another.

Matter renewal: [Major] By Iczer
'Can I fix it? is that a trick question?'
The character has the ability to restore objects to a more pristine state, purifying and repairing them as he does so. the matter, and it's probable appearance, is pulled from a myriad of multiple realities and reflect a real change.
1) Repair: The character can, by touching solid matter, cause it to rebuild itself, forming new matter to replace what is missing. The object 'heals' SDC at a rate equal to 5 per minute per level. This creates mass and matter where there was none, but if less than 1/4 of the original object remains then the object is unsaveable.
2) Purify: by concentrating, the character can undo pollutants and toxins. Purifing a living being takes roughly 5 minutes, which immeadiately halts the progress of any disease and poisons, and reverts the target back into health (does not restore damage, merely removes the other deleterious effects). This application can also undo fatigue toxins from exhaustion or lack of sleep. Purifying the local air renews it's breathability but cannot destroy gas clouds, only reduce their effectiveness by half. Purifying a water source removes any stagnant quality, and reduces water pollution by half.
3) Increased wealth and diminishing returns: The character suddenly becomes much more wealthy. By tearing a 20 dollar bill in half, he can repair both halves to make 2 20 dollar bills. the same with engagement rings, automobiles etc. This works just fine the first time, but the second time, the character risks making a copy of a copy and has a 20% chance of failure. every additional time, the character performs this on the same item increases the chance of failure by another 10%. Objects recieving maintenence and regular repairs (such as a car, or high tech item) is immune to this, as long as repairs have been effected from another source.
4) Other abilities and qualifiers. The character restores objects in this fashion by taking parts of similiar items from other paralell dimensions and using that matter to weild it back into proper shape. as such, any barriers that prevent dimensional travel also prevent this power from functioning. Constantly replacing matter with an extradimensional equivilant may also result in other long term flaws, depending on the GM's whim. Other applications for this power include using it to remove the viruses from a computer, or causing chemical reactions to slow (half damage from acid, +4 to resist poisons and toxins). the character also heals faster by replacing lost cells in his sleep. he recovers 1 SDC or HP every 2 hours (double this while asleep) He also ages at 1/3rd rate.

Excitement ray [Major] By iczer
'OOOhh I'm so is the fuel tank on this truck'

The character can fire a ray of energy that pervades a target and suffuses it with energy. This is not initiatlly harmfull, but with repeated applications it can be deadly.
1) Fire excitement ray.
Range: 500 feet +25 feet per level
Attacks: each use of the excitement ray counts as one attack per melee
Bonus to strike +3 aimed +1 wild.
2) Effect on inanimate objects: Non living objects take 3d6 damage +1 d6 per level of experience, minus any AR the object may have. if this damage does not destroy the object, it is instead energised (takes no damage) an energised object glows faintly and gives off sparks (1d4 damage per level to anyone who touches an energised object). every round, the object loses 10 points of this energised damage, plus another 10 for every 100 SDC posessed by the object.
If the accumulated damage from successive attacks exceed it's remaining SDC, then the object cracks and explodes. It inflicts damage equal to 1/4 of it's SDC to everyone within 40 feet + 10 feet per level. Explosive compounds that are effected by this will also blow, adding it's damage to the mix. The object itself is shattered, but not necessarilly destroyed.
3) Effect on living targets. (including plants). Living beings are far less likely to explode. an energised character sheds all excess energy at the after one round. Nevertheless, while he is energised, he sheds excess energy, inflicting 1d4 damage per level to everything the character touches. It is also painful, and every time thetarget is struck by this power he must save vs pain (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose an action.
4) Other abilities. The character is resistant to heat and electricity (half from both) and is immune to the sparks given off by charged objects (but not the resulting explosions.)
The character may charge himself, inflicting +1d4 damage per level with his touches. he may retain his charge rather than diminish it by expending 1 action per level.
The character can charge small items under one pound, and hurl them to do 3d6 damage (and explode for 5 feet).

Warp thoughts [Minor] By Iczer
'Feel my power'

The character can produce a kind of electric field around himself that disrupts and distorts brainwaves. This field is 30 feet in radius, and expands by 5 feet every second level. Anyone in this field, aside from the creator, must make a save (16+ ME bonuses count. Resistance to electricity or energy adds +2, immunity adds +4). Those who succeed are wracked with headaches and nausea, but are otherwise unimpared (-10% to skill use, -2 to initiative and finds it difficult to concentrate). Those who fail the roll, are stricken with confusion and mental fatigue. Skill use is down by 20%, initiative is down by 4 and combat skills are down by 2. targets must check vs balance every round they are affected by this or stumble, losing an attack per melee. the field makes concentration impossible, and no called or aimed shots are possible (all are wild).
targets are affected for as long as they persist in the area of effect, which follows the character. the character must expend one action per round to maintain this effect.


(I'm not dead yet you know)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:47 am
by Iczer
Bring out your dead [Major] By Iczer
'They call to me...those things with the hollow eyes call to me at night'

The character draws strength from the dead. This is a passive and less sinister type of necromancy, that draws on the impressions left behind rather than any entropic forces brought on by death.
1) Know the dead. When presented with a corpse of any kind, the character learns that corpses name and the circumstances of his or her death. It imparts no specific knowledge, but does convey the circumstances surrounding his demise. [Eg: It may reveal that he was shot and then stabbed, but not the dimesnions of the knife or the type of gun. ]
2) Feel them: The character feels the pull of dead people. He can sense the nearest concentration of dead bodies within a mile per level, and can see/speak with ghosts and spirits of the dead.
3) Draw from the dead: every corpse within 50 feet of the character grants him extra strength and vitality. Each corpse can provide up to 10 SDC and 2 HP. every 10 corpses provide +1 PS PE and PP as well. it takes one minute to draw upon the dead during which time he must concentrate to do so. If the dead are present spiritually, they may deny this power. moving beyond that 50 foot radus does not cancel the power, but it does set a duration down to 5 minutes per level or until this power is called upon again.
4) Beyond the grave: The character can right the wrongs done to the departed. In the case of murder, the character can gain +1 attack and +5% to all skills when directly attempting to bring that murderer to justice. if the dead in question areaware and sentient, the character may gain this same bonus when directly performing their will.
5) Other bonuses: No stranger to death, the character is immune to the HF of the undead and of dead creatures. He is immune to spiritual posession and cannot be turned into a member of the undead. If he should collapse from wounds, he immeadaitely attempts to draw from the dead to recover (only heals HP, but heals 3 times as many). He has a +10% bonus to save vs coma and death and may persist beow zero for twice as long (double his PE)

Wounder [Minor] By Iczer
'I won't lie to you. This will hurt. A Lot.'

The character's hand to hand attacks generate a kind of deep shockwave that penetrates through a person, enhancing the damage he can cause to others. this provides the following effects.
* Critical places are 2 points lower with hand to hand attacks
* Each blow struck is painful. the target must save vs pain every time he is struck (14+ PE bonuses count) or lose a HP as well as normal damage. if this blow is a critical, a failed save results in an immeadiate injury (roll on the minor injury table, page 19 of heroes unlimited 2nd edition)
* natural AR of the target is reduced by 2
This ability only functions on living, flesh and blood opponents. targets transformed into other substances are immune.

Mimic mind {minor] By Iczer
'You and I think alike'

The character can mimic a target's mental atributes, gaining his facilities and faculties associated with it. By touch ing an opponent (cannot also inflict damage) The character immeadiately gains the targets IQ, ME and MA if they are higher or superior. He gains a +10% to any skills they have in common, as well as half of any ISP the target has (as well as their lesser psychic abilities). he also thinks like the target, gaining an awareness of that specific individual, a process than greatly aids in interrogation and second guessing. Thes changes last for 3 days + 1 day per level.


(ok. Now I'm done)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:57 am
by MrTwist
Nice job Iczer. I was wondering if you had some ideas on how to do a couple powers.

The first one involves doing damage to an opponent using any attack, but you can trade in damage for memories. Basically you can choose to do less damage to your opponents but copy their memories.

The second one is a very limited Intangibility(minor) that can allow you to penetrate substances at a slow rate, but keep yourself solid on either side of the barrier.

I was thinking of doing the first power as a Non-Standard Energy Expulsion: Understanding. I had problems working out a system for both powers.

Maybe you can give me some suggestions on how to work the powers.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:00 pm
by Iczer
MrTwist wrote:Nice job Iczer. I was wondering if you had some ideas on how to do a couple powers.

The first one involves doing damage to an opponent using any attack, but you can trade in damage for memories. Basically you can choose to do less damage to your opponents but copy their memories.

The second one is a very limited Intangibility(minor) that can allow you to penetrate substances at a slow rate, but keep yourself solid on either side of the barrier.

I was thinking of doing the first power as a Non-Standard Energy Expulsion: Understanding. I had problems working out a system for both powers.

Maybe you can give me some suggestions on how to work the powers.

The memory stealing: Obviously this would have a saving throw requirement. if you are stealing memories I'd make a save of 14. If you were merely copying them I'd make a save of 16. in both cases, ME bonuses and other bonuses to save vs psionics would apply. Considereing the very nasty applications for the power, I'd make it a little hard on the character (all the more sweeter when it works.)
Probably something like 'virtual damage'. the character rolls his 2d6+1d6 per level for damage and compares it with the targets IQ. for every time the damage exceeds the target IQ then the following occurs:
* If it's memory stealing (you get it and they lose theirs) then they lose one effective 'skill level' to one of their random skills, plus he loses roughly 5% of his memories (which the player acquires)
* If it's memory copying (you get it and the opponent keeps it) then the character acquires 1d4 of his target's skills at 1st level proficiency, +5% every time that skill is copied again. and the character acquires 5% of the target's memories.
The target gets both a save and there is always the chance to miss or have the attack dodged so, I'm not too concerned with balance issues there. I would probably make the attack use 2 actions, just to give some opponents a fighting chance.

I'd make it look like this: (you flavour to taste)

Non standard Energy expulsion: Understanding [Minor]
'we are of two minds on that subject'

The character can weave bolts of energy that copy thoughts and memories of the target onto the character.
Range: 120 feet +10 feet per level.
Attacks: each use of this power counts as 2 actions per melee
Bonus to strike: +4 with an aimed shot. no bonus for a wild one.
Appearance: Corscucating 'liquid lightning' type blast that jets from the caharcter to target (and back again). variety of colours.
Effect: This attack deals 2d6 damage plus 1d6 per level of the character. this virtual damage is compared against the IQ of the target. If it exceeds the target's IQ then the target must make a save vs psionics or have a copy of some of his memories transfer to the character.
The character recieves the following from a successful attack:
* 1d4 random skills of the target at base percentage. If the character already posesses those skills, either from his own memories or from someone elses, then he gains +10% to those skills (but no higher than the target's percentage)
* Gains 5% of the targets memories. keep a running total. If the character ever needs to access some of the target's memories, he rolls percentile dice for each fact he wants to uncover. if he rolls under the accumulated percentage, then he gains that particular fact.
* If the character's damage exceeded the targets IQ more than once, then the benefits apply more than once.
[Draino targets Goon sqaud with this attack and scores 22 damage. goonsquad has a mere 6 IQ though. the damage is three times the targeted IQ score, so Draino acquires 3d4 random skills and 15% of goon squad's memories.
Duration: The attack is instant. stolen memories last 6 hours per level of experience.
Drawbacks: Holding more than 85% of a person's memories, or 65% of multiple person's memories, can cause the character to break down. Save vs insanity every half hour or the character enters a mildly delusional state which passes when the duration runs out. The character can always opt to shed memories, but not after he fails a save.

The ability to walk through walls seems like a viable minor power. Id'd play with it one of two ways. I'd either make it 'slow intangibility' meaning the character can move through objects, but he needs to apply force and move very slowly. The other option, the one i like a little more, is to make the character attune to the object he will pass through (so it takes an action to attune).
In both cases, there is a power called dorrway, that allows the character to do avery similiar thing. to bring it back into balance I'd add some sort of feature. to the first one, i'd make him immune to crushes and squeeses by simply slow-phasing through the opponent. in the second case i'd make some sort of benefit to attuning with an object.

Slow-phase [Minor]
'Moving on now...'

The character can move through objects, by applying a slow, but steady force and pushing his way through. essentially, the character can walk through any barrier or obstacle with enough time and effort. He has a virtual speed of 2 when moving through objects, but this is halved if his PS does not exceed an object's AR. The terget must be in a postion to apply force when using this power, so immobilisation with low resistance (such as being tied in rubber tubing) is effective in restraining the character.
Other bonuses: Takes no damage from crushing and squeezing. this in fact triggers his power. any hold that pplies any force or restraint simply allows the character to slow-phase out in one action. if the character is being crushed or squeezed, then the character need spend no action whatsoever.
Character cannot suffocate while inside an object, he draws oxygen from stray molecules. as a result, as long as there is oxygen somewhere nearby, he cannot suffocate, and may breathe through any portion of his skin.
Likewise, the character is blind while inside an object, but retains a sense of hearing throughout the object, effectively gaining the minor power of sonar while inside an object.


Attune to matter [Minor]
'Oh yeah..this is pure steel. it will take me a bit, but I can handle this'

The character can touch an object and attune to it over the course of many actions. once attuned to the character, he no longer needs to interact with it in any fashion if he does not choose to do so. Attuning is a process that takes 1 action and requires touch throughout this time. for every 6 AR of the target object (or more) the character needs to spend an action in contact.
Once a character is attuned to a certain object or structure, he may pass through it at will, or remain solid to it, as he desires. This does not hold true for similiar items even ones of the same materiaials and consistency. attuning to one wall of your home, does not allow one to attune to the walls of the next room.
Becuase the character can choose when and how he interacts with a solid object he is attuned to, he may use this to climb a wall, using it like a stepladder.
The character also gets a sense of an object's properties when he attunes to it. He learns it's dimensions and construction, as well as materials and other quirks. he can leran if a door is trapped for instance, or that a desk has a secret portal underneath (though it's contents remain a mystery..until he reaches through the desk to get them of course.
Duration: indefinate. lasts until he attunes to a new object
Area of effect: can attune to an object up to 30 by 30 feet, and up to 10 feet thick. larger objects can only be partially attuned to, though the character can adjust dimensions as necessary. He cannot attune to living objects.



Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Iczer wrote:Bring out the dead [Major] By Iczer
'They call to me...those things with the hollow eyes call to me at night'



(ok. Now I'm done)

This would of been funnyer if it had been named "Bring out Your Dead"


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:30 pm
by Iczer
drewkitty wrote:
Iczer wrote:Bring out the dead [Major] By Iczer
'They call to me...those things with the hollow eyes call to me at night'



(ok. Now I'm done)

This would of been funnyer if it had been named "Bring out Your Dead"


It would have, and consider it done. Not that I was looking for funny.


(So not looking for funny)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:16 am
by Mr Scorpio
Hey Iczer, before I go askin' for stuff I gotta say that you are a machine. I think I even said before that I think you have a super ability (Create Super Powers [Minor], I think). Anyway, I loved Energy Wings and Matter Renewal. Tail caught my eye because I'd like to see a power that lets you change between any of the Unusual Physical Characteristics (especially with Kittenstomps tables!).

Now for the part where I ask for free stuff :D

First, I was hoping that you could come up with a major version of Detonation for me. I figure that it should have it's own version of the Super Nova sub ability from A.P.S.: Fire (would probably have a better chance of survival though as exploding would be the super's natural state).

Second, I don't know if this should be a new option under Multiple Limbs or if it should be a separate power. How about a Minor that would allow the character to have 6 arms. Unlike Multiple Limbs the arms would have to be smaller and weaker (like reducing P.S. by 20% or so) so that they would all fit It would give the character 2 extra attack actions (1 extra per pair of arms) but with a penalty to initiative because of having to coordinate all of those arms. If it's a separate power I guess it could be turned on and off. Maybe call it Arms of Kali?

Now you keep working and I'll make sure the guy with Negate Super Abilities away from you. Hmmmm, now if I can just locate a guy with Amplify Super Abilities.......

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:11 pm
by Iczer

Coming soon for 2006

EE: Single target blast

Body Explosion:

Alter physical structure of limbs: Arms of Kali.


(I nerver get tired. Oh and happy new year from The Land Down Under)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:30 am
by MrTwist
AJ Pickett wrote:You guys are getting lazy, you already know how to write up powers and the ideas are there.

On another note, hey Iczer, how about a power that allows you to shoot energy beams that only effect one substance at a time..

True, I do know how to write up powers. But sometimes I have a tendency to overthink the power itself, leading up to some of the very verbose power descriptions I have posted in the past. Sometimes things just click, and sometimes they don't.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:10 am
by Iczer
EE: Single target blast [Minor] By Iczer
'Of course I'm careless. It's not like you were in any danger'

The character can fire beams of high intensity energy, that is phased specifically to target only a single substance at a time. this provides a means for firing without hittinmg unwanted targets, as well as for unique trick shots not otherwise available.
Range: 100 feet +25 feet per level.
Duration: Instant. each blast uses one attack per melee
Bonus to strike: +3 for aimed shots, +1 for wild.
Effect: 2d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Special effects: By concentrating for one action on a specific target, the character attunes himself so that the enrgy from his beams can only affect that subject. the character remains attuned to that subject until he attunes to another. By this means, a character can choose to target only steel, or flesh, or wood, leaving all other substances. Furtehrmore if the character spends an action touching a target, then his attunement is greater, only allowing the beams to affect that single target (allowing a character to fire into a room full of hostages without risk of harming them). This power also allows a character to fire at a target, such as a fuel tank, without risk of explosion (the beams do not ignite the fuel)
Special: If the character is holding a type the type of matter he is attuned to while firing, his beams become much more deadly. When these conditions exist, the character gains a +2 to strike and +2D6 Damage. This does not apply to 'flesh' unless the character has a sample of the target's specific DNA.
When attuning to flesh, the character's beams tend to flow over and around (and sometimes through) conventional barriers. AR's of worn armour are ignored if the AR is under 16. additionally, any penalties for striking foes under cover are halved (unless in full cover).

Body Explosion [major] BY Iczer
'You are so not going to like this'

The character has the ability to generate a great explosive energy.
1) Explode: The character can produce an explosion from his body. this action, taking three attacks creates an explosive force upt to 30 feet in radius +5 feet per level. everything in this area, save for those under cover, take 6d6 damage. when the character explodes in this fashion, he may choose to remain where he was standing, or discorporate, reappearing somewhere in the explosive radius 1-4 melee rounds later.
2) Detonate limbs: the character can add up to 2d6 damage to his hand to hand strike by allowing the limb to explode. Detonation occurs on impact, and costs the character an extra action. Victims of this ability take the full damage (explosive damage only if protected by armour) and have a 40% chance of being blown off their feet (lose 1 action)
3) Immunities: the character takes half damage from explosions and heat/fire.
4) Explosive teleport: similiar to the explode lesser ability, the character explodes in one location, appearing in another. this kind of teleportation allows the character to move up to 30 feet per level in a single action, once per minute. targets within 10 feet take 3d6 damage from this.
5) Explode on contact: the character can charge his body to explode on contact. this robs the character of half his actions and reduces his combat bonuses by 2 and his speed by half. in return, any kinetic impact causes the character to create a small explosion to counter it. In effect, anyone striking the character recieves his own damage back at him, while the target takes half. this has the effect of ruining melee weapons and breaking fists. If the character takes more damage in a melee round than 20 points, plus 10 per level, then he is forced to explode as described in sub-ability #1
6) Hypernova: The character has the ability to create a really massive explosion. The character spends a round concentrating, where he can perform no other actions, nor can he even defend himself. after this point, the character ha started a timer, and will explode in a few seconds. at the start of the next melee round, the character rolls initiative at -10. on his action, he explodes for the following damage.
All targets within 50 feet take 6D6x10 damage
51-100 feet: 4d6x10 damage
101-150 feet 2d6x10 damage
151-200feet 1d6x10 damage
201-250 feet 5d6 damage
250-300 feet 2d6 damage
The character takes 1d4x10+20 damage from exploding in this fashion, and is knocked unconscious by the effort. he also rolls on the following chart for other side effects.
01-05% Killed: damage is doubled and applied to HP. may survive but unlikely.
06-20% Coma: HP plumets to zero. character wakes after 4d6 days of comatose state (or never if not treated medically)
21-35% Injured: double normal damage and roll on random damage chart
36-50% Discorporated: reappears unconscious after 1d4 weeks
51-65% Rendered powerless. duration is 6d6 weeks.
66-80% concusion: concused but fine. wakes after 3d6 hours.
81-100% Lucked out: no other effects except damage and loss of consciousness.

Arms of Kali [Minor] By Iczer
'Lets shake on it'

The character can split his arms into three pairs of weaker, but fully functional limbs. these limbs provide the following bonuses.
+2 attacks per melee
+2 to strike and parry
+4 to maintain or escpae a grapple.
While the character has the same lifting and carrying capacity, the effective strenght of his limbs are reduced. strikes with the appropriate limb inflict 1d3 damage, plus half the character's strength bonus.

(Taking requests, and reformatting hard drives)

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:27 am
by ZEN
That was exactly what I was looking for thanks Batts :ok:

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:05 am
by Preacher
Without slogging through the previous 109 pages, is there an Alter Physical Structure:LEAD?

I was thinking about this yesterday at work. Heavier with only having 1/3 speed in lead form. Probably have some resistance to physical damage and radiation because it blocks radiation.

Well is there?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:54 am
by Iczer
Preacher wrote:Without slogging through the previous 109 pages, is there an Alter Physical Structure:LEAD?

I was thinking about this yesterday at work. Heavier with only having 1/3 speed in lead form. Probably have some resistance to physical damage and radiation because it blocks radiation.

Well is there?

There isn't presently. there could be.


(Currently thinking of APS: lead)

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:04 am
by Snowtiger
Iczer wrote:Quiet [Minor] By Iczer

The character can create a field around himself that negates sound. the character simplycounters sound generated by himself, by his actions and sounds that emante from within a small area of influence (4 feet +1 foot per level of experience).
Being in such a state, the character has the following abilities.
* +25% to stealth where silence is important.
* Silences weapons weilded by the character, as well as those within his field of influence (a wrestling match effectively silences both the character and his foe)
* invisible to the power of sonar
* immune to sonic attacks

The character wouldn't be invisible to sonar, he would create a sonic "blind spot" around himself, the sonar using character would know that something is there, because sound doesn't penetrate into the field, but wouldn't be able to sense what. Now if the sonar using character went into this field, he would suffer all the effects of "deafness" because he couldn't use his sonar ability to sense his surroundings.