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Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:42 am
by MrTwist
Displaced Duplicate(major)
"No, really. Look behind you."

This power allows the super being to create a perfect duplicate of themself, though just a bit limited. The duplicate's attributes, skills, and experiences are identical to the original. The same applies to powers, with a couple exceptions.

The main difference between this power and Multiple Selves is that this power only creates one duplicate, though that duplicate can appear some distance away from the character. The only way a duplicate can be reabsorbed is touch though. Also, the death of the duplicate isn't a permanent thing though it does affect the character badly if it happens.

Range: The duplicate can appear anywhere the user chooses, within 150ft + 20ft per level of experience. If the duplicate goes more than one mile away from the character, then they will disappear after one melee round unless they get closer.
Duration: Indefinite, unless the duplicate leaves the mile maximum distance or is reabsorbed.
Limitations: The duplicate can be created on the other side of force fields or magically created barriers. If the magical barrier is designed to keep things out, then a character on the inside [i]can[/b] create his duplicate outside of the barrier.
The duplicate possesses all the powers of original, if any. The only exceptions are this power and Multiple Selves. If the character possesses Multiple Selves, or any other duplication-type power, then this power is not possessed by any duplicate created.
Penalties on Death of Duplicate: If the duplicate dies, then the character is at a -2 to all combat actions and -15% to all skills. Also, the character's disposition is slightly depressed.
This last for 1D4 weeks. During this time, the character can't create a duplicate. After this, the character can create another duplicate and the penalties disappear.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:04 pm
by Iczer
Abraxis wrote:Ok Iczer here's a few more for you if you want to do. the first one is the important one and it's actually just an addition to a new power.

1. Ok to the Totem Energy Aura, I want to add an animal aura of a dragon. easy and not much of a challenge for you i know....

2. APS: Hellfire. Of cause it would be more powerful than APS: Fire and blasts from it effects your opponents MA & ME. The flames from it are more of a cold burning than a heat burning and somehow effects your opponents soul.

3. Hellfire Manipulation. This one the creator can channel hellfire through himself to form objects of hellfire such as weapons and such. just for example, a hellfire sword wood have the same "soul numbing" effect 7 effects MA and ME like APS: Hellfire

4. Energy Expulsion: Hellfire. This one is pretty much up in the air as far as effects.

there you go Iczer! have fun bro! :)

Hmmm...i was never overly fond of totem energy aura as a power. I like the concept just not the way it was handled. If I was making a character who had that 'image' I would just combine other powers (Animal totem aura reptile with flight winged, and just say the wings appear as part of the totem aura)
The hellfire I'mn wary of for another reason. I think as you have stated, it tresspasses on the territory of magic, which is a line i think HU should not be crossing.

That said...I don't step away from a challenge like this..... :-P

Dragon Aura [Major] By Iczer...with thanks to Abraxis
'Dragon ball THIS numbnuts'

The character forms a skintight aura around himself, chanelling a primal energy from distant past, and forming it into a shell reminiscant of the great lizards of the past.
The aura works like suit of powerd armour, actually lifting the character up as he rides inside. creating the aura, and dispelling it later takes one action to perform.
Size: the dragon aura is about 25% larger than the character
Bonuses while active:
+1 attack per melee
unarmed attacks inflict +2d4 damage
SDC: 30 per level of the character. when this extra SDC is gone, the aura remains, but the character must spend one action per melee maintiaining it.
PS becomes superhuman
Duration: if undamaged, it lasts as long as the character wishes. after the aura's SDC has dropped to 0, the aura ceases as soon as the character cannot concentrate on it, or refuses to spend an action per round in maintenence. The aura's SDC recovers at a rate of 2d6 every 10 minutes when the aura is down.
Extra abilities: The aura channels some of the powers of a particular aspect of the ancient lizards. as a result, when the character selects this power
Tyrranasaurus Rex: Gains a bite attack, inflicting 3d6 damage or a power bite attack inflicting 4d6 damage plus PS bonus and taking 2 actions. characters bitten by the power bite must make a save vs Knockdown or be hurled (at the characters option) up to 1d4x10 feet away. +2d4PS while feild is active. Natural AR 10 Does not tire while aura is up. +1 to strike, +10 Spd, +30SDC
Velocoraptor: Gains +2PP +15 Spd AR 8 and an additional attack per melee. +20SDC
Dragon: European: Gains a pair of energy wings that allow him to fly at twice his normal speed. +4PS +60SDC to energy aura AR 10
Dragon: Oriental: Gains +2 PP +10 Spd can fly at 3 times his normal speed. +50 SDC AR 8
Ankylosaurus: Gains +4PS AR 16 +100SDC
Pteranadon: Gains the power flight: glide plus 20 SDC an +1D4 PP AR 8
Triceratops: Gains horns that inflict 3d6. any charge, including a bodyblock/tackle with these horns inflict an extra 50% damage. AR 10, +1D6 PS +35 SDC
Stegosaurus: Gains +2PS 50 SDC and AR 10. Thermal venting plates reduce the dmaage from fire and heat by half
Brachiosaur: Gains AR 8 +30 SDC and +2 PS. Gains a swim score of 80%, can hold breath for 1d4x10 +PE minutes and swims at his normal speed.


(The hellfire variants are coming up next)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:46 pm
by Iczer
Hellfire: a description
I cannot even begin to write up the following without clarifying what I intend Hellfire to be. Like Marvel's mysterious 'darkforce' Hellfire is an extradimensional energy, not a natural one. despite this hellfire is not supernatural in origin.
The substance known as hellfire is a psychoactive chemical that recats violently with contact with our world. It is fludic when created, but rapdly expoldes into heat and light. it also gives off electromagnetic waves as it does so which interfere with thought. Think, if you will, 'Liquid microwave'.

Prompted By: Abraxis

APS: hellfire [Major] By iczer

The character can transmute his body into the extradimensional energy dubbed by the uneductade as hellfire. as he does so, he transforms into a pale white/gold liquid humanoid covered in a crackling orange aura.
1) Defensive: the character reacts with everything, the air, the ground anyone who touches him etc. obviously an impediment for stealth, the character becomes resistant to various forms of damage while so transformed.
Energy attacks inflict half damage, except for fire and heat which inflict no damage. the character is not vulnerable to cold or water immersion.
Physical attacks disrupt and deform his liquid like form. he takes half damage from kinetic attacks of all sorts.
When so transformed the character is not alive in the general sense, and has no need for air, food or water nor can poison affect him.
Additionally, as a semi solid, he may flow under cracks and through narrow openings by deforming his topography.
2) Offensive: the character's touch inflicts an extra 6 damage to all attacks from the heat. He may fire off parts of himself at others inflicting 4d6 damage (+2 per level) out to a range of 120 feet with +2 to strike. but this inflicts 1d4 SDC damage to the character
3) Aura: while transformed, the character emits high end EM frequencies out to 30 feet. this aura can be 'felt' by people manifesting as a kind of low level nausea. delicate electrical equipment also experience minor glitches and interfereance when within this aura. Targets truck by the character in Hand to hand, or by the hellfire blast, must save (14+ ME bonuses count) or become momentarilly dazed, losing one action, and -1 to strike parry and dodge for 1d4 rounds. The target can continue to lose actions with each successive hit, but the other effects of Dazing do not buold up.
4) Movement: As a liquid energy full of hyperactive vigour, the character enjoys a +10 to Spd and +4 to PP. He may also shoot himself up to 60 feet in any direction, an act that takes 2 actions to perform.
5) SDC: the hellfire body shape has an SDC value equal to 4 times the character's ME +10 per level.
6) Problems and drawbacks: The character struggles to keep his rampant molecular rections stable, or else the transformation would result in his anihilation. The character can only keep his shape for ME minutes at a time before needing an equal rest period. in addition the character's body loses cohesion every time he is struck by a solid object. any damage that exceeds his ME score forces him to make a save (16+ ME bonuses count) or reverts the character to human form.

Hellfire control [Major] By Iczer

The character can peirce the extradimensional barrier to allow hellfire to bleed into our continuim. his control is sufficient to force the hellfire into a solid shape. As Hellfire naturally dissolves explosively, the character's solid objects are short lived and of limited application.
1) form weapons: with an action, the character can form hellfire into a solid lump of matter, shaped as the character desires. typically this is as a weapon, but any short solid object will suffice. As a weapon, it inflicts the normal amoutn of damage for it's type, plus 2 per level of the character. solid objects have an AR of 10 +1 per level and an SDC of ME+12 per level. Created objects lose 1 AR per minute and dissolve when it's AR reaches 0. anyone struck by a hellfire weapon, must make a saving throw Vs 14 (ME bonuses count) or be affected by hellfire's tendency to disorient the living mind. failure cuases the character to become mildly dazed (-1 to all combat actions for 1d4 rounds)
2) Form obstacles or barricades: The character can create larger objects, most often for use as barricades. The character could create an object up to 750 cubic feet, plus 50 cubic feet per level. Hellfire objects usually posess an SDC of the characters ME+10 per level pfor each 5x5x5 block and has an AR of 16 (losing one AR per minute)
3) Suit of armour: By coating and then holding hellfire steady, the character can forge a suit of armour. Armour posesses an natural AR of 14 and an SDC of 60 plus his ME. (If the armour is not natural armour, raise it by +2 AR and double it's SDC). Hellfire armour is flexible, but only becuase the character wills it so, and the character must maintain the armour by expending one action per melee.
4) Drawbacks: The character vchannells this hellfire from a stable portal within his own body. to let it out the character must suffer damage. Each time a small object is created (such as a weapon or simple tool) the character takes 1 SDC damage. larger objects cause up to 2d6 damage (though this is halved if it is only half as big as it could have been). the armour inflicts 2d4 damage. On the plus side, once the character has taken 6 points of damage, he has enough wounds to let it small items out normally. Once he has taken 15 points of damage he can create armour harmlessly, and with 30 damage he can create anything without further harm

EE Hellfire: [Minor] By Iczer

Range: 30 feet +10 feet per level
Attacks: each use of hellfire counts as one attack per melee
Damage 1d6 plus 1d6 per level
Bonus to strike: +2 with aimed, called shots. +0 with wild.
Special effects: soul numbing: anyone injured by Hellfire must make a saveing throw (14+ ME bonuses count) or become dazed, losing one point of ME (will not drop below half) and -1 from all combat actions for 1d4 rounds.


Is 'Power Whore' too strong a word?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:03 am
by MrTwist
Iczer wrote:Is 'Power Whore' too strong a word?

'Whore' probably is. You're not selling yourself, just giving it away. Maybe 'Power Slut'? :-D

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 2:44 am
by MrTwist
Limit Transformation(optional minor)

This optional power modifies any transformation powers, allowing the user to limit the transformation to smaller areas. This means a character with any of the various APS powers, along with others, can choose to only transform select portions of their bodies. Any power which affects the entire body of the user can be modified through this optional power, though it only applies to triggered physical change powers.

Also, if this power is chosen it applies to every power possessed by the character.

Needed Powers:
Any Alter Physical Structure
Any Alter Physical Structure of Limb
Any other triggered power that alters the character(yes, this includes growth and shrinking)

Range: This option does not change the range of any power or subpower it's applied to.
Bonuses: Any changes or bonuses to physical attributes only apply to the portions of the body being transformed. A character with this option using APS: Metal on their arms is not going to be able to take a bullet to the heart any better than anyone else.

Another change deals with the various subpowers. Certain subpowers are based upon full body transformation, like APS: Liquid's Behemoth subpower. Certain abilities will not work in conjunction with a limited transformation. Increased SDC or AR still work, but only in regards to the portion being transformed. This means that someone with APS: Plasma limits the transformation to their arms, the rest of the body is still vulnerable to normal physical attacks.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:41 am
by MrTwist
Mime Bomb version 1(minor)

This power turns any touched mime into an explosive bomb with a short fuse. The mime themself doesn't realize they've been converted until the last few seconds.

Range: Touch. This power only affects touched mimes. The area of effect of the damage is 20ft.
Damage: To others, 2D6 + 1D6 every third level of experience(3, 6, 9, 12, and 15). To the mime affected, death.
Time until explosion: At the end of whatever melee round the mime is affected by this power, they start to glow. At the beginning of the next melee round the mime explodes into fleshy chunks that damage nearby people. The explosion takes place at the beginning of the melee round before anyone takes an action.

Mime bomb version 2(minor)

This power creates the illusion of a mime going through their normal routine(being in a box, drawing someone in with rope, etc...). This mime is intangible, though it does react to other people around it. Also, as the mime bomb gets ready to detonate, it starts visibly counting down.

Range: A mime bomb can be created 20ft + 10ft per level away from the user.
Attacks Used: Creating a mime bomb must be the first action in a melee round. Creating a mime bomb takes up one melee action.
Damage: 2D6 + 1D6 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. This damage is to a 30ft area.
Dodge: The mime stops whatever it is doing within 3 seconds of the end of a melee round. Then it holds up three fingers. Then two. Then one. And then it explodes. Anyone within the radius is given the chance to dodge.
Using a dodge means losing initiative in the next melee round, along with one attack.
The user of the mime bomb makes a strike roll with all applicable bonuses. Those willing to dodge the mime bomb make a normal dodge roll. If the dodge is successful, they take no damage from the mime bomb.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:17 am
by MrTwist
I posted Mime Bomb? I was extremely drunk when I thought of that. I guess I was able to describe it, in power form, before I passed out.

Here's something inspired by your 'Call Meteor', though it's filtered through a couple beers and my inherent abilty to find anything funny.

Your Momma(Super-Psionic)

"Oh yeah? Well, I called your momma. Look behind you."

This very, very strange psionic power creates an illusion drawn from the target's mind. To put it very bluntly, it creates an illusion visible only to the target of their mother(or whomever they see as a mother figure in their life). This illusion starts to berate the target verbally, telling them how ashamed they are at what they are doing.

The illusion is very personal, so the user of this power and anyone else in the area is unaware of the 'mother's' side of the argument. Actually, everyone but the target is oblivious to the illusion entirely; it's all in the target's mind.

I.S.P. Cost: 35 to activate for the first melee round, +12 per additional melee round.
Range: Sight, limited to 30ft + 10ft per level of experience.
Duration: Concentration. Concentrating on this power uses up two actions per melee, no matter how many targets are affected.
People Affected: Until 7th level, only one person can be affected by this psionic for any given usage. At 7th level, two people can be affected. After this, at levels 10, 12, and 15 another target can be affected. All saving throws are done separately for each target.
Saving Throw: Normal. A save can be made every melee round.

Penaltis: Dealing with 'mom' has some very serious disadvantages. The character has these penalties;

-25% to all skill rolls
-5 to all combat actions
Only has 2 attacks per melee
Can't prowl, or otherwise attempt to be silent in any endeavor

Even if this power is successful on some of the targets, it can be re-attempted on those who failed. Doing this requires the character to spend the base I.S.P. cost again, and also means they have to concentrate on multiple usages of the power(two uses means 4 APM used up, three uses means 6 APM, etc...) along with multiple upkeeps(two uses means 24 I.S.P. per melee upkeep, etc...).
If a mother figure can't be drawn from a specific target's memory, then the power draws the next best thing. This power always draws some kind of idol to the target that will make them feel distracted and disappointed when they hear they are ashamed, even if only an older version of the character would be appropriate.

The only reason it was inspired was because I saw "Call Momma" instead of "Call Meteor".

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:42 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
[size=18]Mime Bomb version 1(minor)


Mime bomb version 2(minor)

was thinking that the super that had this power, if if had an infinent dufation and could be disspelled w/o an explotion would have a good act for the stage or street performer.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:47 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mime Bomb version 1(minor)


Mime bomb version 2(minor)

was thinking that the super that had this power, if if had an infinent dufation and could be disspelled w/o an explotion would have a good act for the stage or street performer.

Your Momma(Super-Psionic)

"Oh yeah? Well, I called your momma. Look behind you."



Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:36 am
by Iczer
Been a while. sorry for the delay.

Morphic wings [Minor] By Iczer
'Oh these? I was hiding these against my back. yeah, i know the scanners didn't see them'

The character has a pair of winngs, similiar to those found in flight: winged and megawings, only these are mutable and flexible. The character can conceal them as a pair of muscular fibres running down his back, can extend them to act as spare limbs, or can unfurl them fully to function as wings. In any case, it provides the following bonuses
* Undetectable when 'folded down' except as a pair of muscular tracks on the back.
* As spare limbs are sharp, inflicting 2d6 damage as a peircing type attack plus PS bonus. spare limbs like these add an extra attack per melee
* As wings, allow the character to fly at Spd equal to 60Mph, plus 5 MPH per level. in flight the character enjoys +2 to dodge and a damage bonus of +2 for every 10 MPH of flight.
* Wings have 25 SDC each, but regenerate 1 SDC every minute. in addition, the wings provide +20 SDC
* Wings change shape and colour at will, resembling feathered bird wings one moment, and insect wings the next.
* retracting or expanding the wings do not require any actions to perform
* +2 to PP, with another +2 while in the air.

Transmute matter to force [Major?] By Iczer
'Feel my katana now'

The character can transmute solid matter into an energy field in the same shape this transmutation is complex enough that it retains all the qualities it had before the tranmutation, in addition to others gained for the duration.
Mass affected: Can affect 10lbs at first level, plus 5 lbs per level. objects exceeding this mass cannot be transformed, but fewer objects, whose combined weight exceeds this weight limit can.
Duration: indefinite while held. after leaving the body, they revert back to their original state after 2d4 melee rounds.
Effects of transmutation: each item transfererd gains the following properties.
* Made of energy: and as such is resistant to energy. half damage. also, does not react chemically as it did before ( a metal sword is no longer conductive, nor is it affected by acid)
* Damage dispersal: Transmuted items gain an SDC boost equal to the character's ME plus 5 per level. damage from outside sources becomes disperersed throughought it's entire form, making it impossible to destroy without destroying the entire item (A door transmuted to forecfields cannot be holed. it must be destroyed utterly before it can be broken through)
* Energy attack: weapons transmuted inflict energy damage (plus PS bonus in the case of melee or thrown weapons) +1 per level.
* Lightweight: transmuted objects become lightweight, weighing only 20% of normal mass for the duration
* Armour: in a pinch, the character can transmute his own clothing to energy, giving himself a force field buffer of SDC equal to the SDC of his clothes (usually very little) plus his ME plus 5 per level. (though once this is gone, the character will be starkers). he can also transmute armour in the same way. the armour loses 6 points of AR (which becomes a natural AR) and gains the normal SDC boost. In any case, the armour extends it's normal defences (acid proof, half damage from energy) to the wearer.
* Emit energy: the transmuted object acts like a torch, giving off light to see by. an object under 1 lb may be transformed irrevocibly into energy, in which case it explodes to 1 foot upon it's next impact. this character can charge and throw these items up to 60 feet inflicting 2d6 damage +1 per level. use the character's normal throwing bonuses

Steal Mutation: [Minor] By Iczer
'sure I can get you a date, but first, let me take care of that ugly mouth of yours'

The character can remove unwanted or even desired mutations from others, simply by touch.
1) Range: touch
2) Actions: 2 actiions to attempt a steal. may be performed once per melee
3) Duration: special. see below.
4) Effect: The target loses any one mutation chosen by the character. if the target does not wish to lose it, he may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count). The mutation goes into the character's 'bank' of mutations for the duration of this power, while the target loses it. Mutattions may include any physical alteration, including side effects of experimentation, regular genetic disorders (albinism, chronic asthma etc), mutations, purely physical powers (wings but not energy expulsion, claws but not Ext PS etc) and BIO-E (Each touch devolves a muant animal by 10 bio-E)
5) Special: the mutations remain gone for a total of one hour per level. during this time, the character can choose to express those mutations himself. these expressions last for 1d4 melee rounds plus one per level. after this time, the character no longer has access to them. the target is still denied access to them until the hour per level duration has expired.

Living Matter [Major] By Iczer
'Yes. My carpet does have a pulse. got a problem?'

The character can transmute inanimate objects into living, albeit simple things. these items have all the cunning and intelligence of a houseplant, but retain a number of useful traits.
Matter limit: the character can transmute items of up to 100lbs per level. items exceeding this mass cannot be transmuted.
Actions to perform: It takes1 minute per pound of item to be transformed. transforming an item reduces the character's ME by 1 for 24 hours.
Time: after the initial time period, the item takes a further minute per SDC to transform as it evolves from unliving to living.
Alterations: the most startling alteration to the object is it's appearance. the item becomes more organic looking, growing veins, and simple biological protuberances. the item no longer resembles an unliving thing, though may still be mistaken for some weird sculpture.
Other changes include:
* The item gains a PE score equal to 1 per level of the character, plus 1 for every 10 lbs.
* The item also gains 1d6 HP per level of the character. As a living being it heals its PE in SDC/HP every hour, assuming it has access to nutrients.
* As a living creature, it needs to eat. the character designates it's food supply. solar energy is popular, so is a chemical stomach. As compared to a physical object, it becomes 3 times as efficient as it was before (so a living motorcycle becomes 3 times more efficient now that it eats grass instead of Gas) the character defines it's source of nutrition
* On the down side, the item needs to respire as well as sleep.
* Posesses limited mobility. objects do not become mobile in it's truest sence, but can manipulate itself. a living gun will not fire for an enemy. a living door will not allow its lock to be picked, and may slam shut on intruders)
* formerly living objects, such as wood, can regain it's orginal functions as a plant, allowing the character to have a rooted dining table replete with sprouted leaves
* Objects so transformed, attempt to bond with the character on an instinctive level. objects grant a +10% bonus to reated skill rolls, or +2 to dodge where appropriate., or +1 to strike
* Transformed clothing or armour attempt to preserve the life of the host that wears it, transferring its +2 dodge to its host. living armour/clothing has a +1 AR (or AR of 12) and grant the character +2 to saving throws vs Poison and disease and magic. It's instincts allow its wearer to react to danger around it, even if the danger comes as a suprise or without being seen.
* Features: other features of living things can be granted to transformed items. eyes are popular, as are mouths (though they can be trained only to make trhe simplest of sounds, but can sing wordlessly at 60%) items can be given any of the enhanced senses listed under mutant animal features.
* Living link: when within 100 feet per level, the character can sense the location and health of any of his transformed items, inclding the ability to borrow their senses, sensing whatever they sense. a cane can be used to look around corners, and paintings to act as a security system.
Duration: indefinate, but may die if mistreated


Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:17 am
by Iczer
Amp [Minor] B Iczer
'Now I'll show you why they call me double take'

The character can perform the minor trick of speeding himself up for extremely sort periods of time, at the cost of his endurance. This allows the character to perform the following
* Take two attacks in the same action. this does not increase his attacks per round, and constant use of this ability will leave him short of breath (out of attacks) early in the round
* Expend two attacks to perform many rapid fire melee attacks. Each of these attacks are at -2 and inflict half damage. these attacks are -4 to parry, but dodging (and autododging) works normally. The character can launch three rapid fire attacks in this manner at first level, plus another one at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14.
* Expend 1 attack to enhance his defence. Opponents are -2 to strike him for the rest of the melee round, -2 more at levels 3,6,9 12 and 15
* Move without shadow: by expending 1 attack, he may move up to three times his SPD plus his level in feet. this can be combined with other actions (so a third level character with Spd 20, can move 69 feet and attack someone for 2 actions.
These abilities may be stacked on top of each other, but cannot be doubled up on. Brian can expend 4 attacks performing rapid fire punches twice in a row on his first action for the round for instance, and blow a fifth action to enhance his defences.
Other abilities: Gains +1 attack per melee and an autododge of +0, plus any PP bonuses)

Masks [Major] By Iczer
'Let us see what the soldier has to say on this'

The character can create a type of shield, a mask the size of his own face that can travel with the character. The mask has a personality, creted conscously (or subconsciously) by the characeter when it first manifests. The mask has the following attributes:
* IQ, ME, MA 2d6+4 +1 every second level
* SDC of mask: 30, +2 per level. Regenerates these SDC at arate of 1 per minute. if destroyed it cannot return for one hour.
* Spd: equal to the character..floats alongside him
* Defensive: each mask can hurl itself in the path of attacks. it has a +4 to do so, and acts as a reserve parry. it absorbs the damage if it succeeds. each mask can perform this twice per melee
* Skills: posesses all the same skills that the character knows. each Mask also has 1d4 secondary skills as well as 2 schoolastic skills at +15%.
* Can scout out to 30 feet +10 feet per level, look around corners, and keep an eye on his back. individually each mask has +6 to dodge and as many attacks per melee as the character.
* Each mask can take up duties and prolonged actions usually spent maintaining other powers. effectively, the character no longer needs to concentrate on powers that require concentration, as the mask takes up this duty. Powers that incapacitate the body (such as transferal/posession) can be performed by the mask (in the example case, the mask can posess the target's body, or may posess the character's while he rides the new body)

Bonuses: allowing one of the masks to sit on the character's face grants the character the following:
* +10% to sedentary type skills
* +2 perception (when used)
* Nightvision for 60 feet
* +2 to save vs magic and +4 to save vs mind affecting magic or psionics
* Enhanced perception and awareness provides +2 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge and +2 to roll with punch. also provides +1 attack per melee
* Of course, it disguises the character's features.
* If the character falls victim to a mind affecting magic effect, an unwanted psionic power or pseudo psionic power, the mask may eject from the body, taking the unwanted affect with it. (the mask remains affcted for the duration, but may be 'shut down' until it recovers.
* Any mask used in this fashion cannot perfrom other feats (but can still speak and advise)

Other abilities: The masks are immune to a single type of energy, though each mask may posess a different immunity. this immunity becomes a resistence (half damage) when 'worn' by a character.
Masks may be worn by allies. they do not provide enhanced perception and awareness, but do allow the masks to be moved beyond the normal distance, and allows telepathic type communication between wearers within 600 feet +100 feet per level.
Adds +1D4x10 SDC
Character can create a single mask, plus one more at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15


Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:22 am
by znbrtn
wow, iczer... masks is freakin' awesome! i must use it! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:20 am
by Iczer
znbrtn wrote:wow, iczer... masks is freakin' awesome! i must use it! :D

Many thanks. Criticism is always appreciated. I was worried it was a bit weak. even with the superfluous extra SDC it only barely scores enough points to make it a major.


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:24 am
by Iczer
Mephisto wrote:
Iczer wrote:
znbrtn wrote:wow, iczer... masks is freakin' awesome! i must use it! :D

Many thanks. Criticism is always appreciated. I was worried it was a bit weak. even with the superfluous extra SDC it only barely scores enough points to make it a major.


If you want to tweak it with a bit more power, make it three or four masks to start, instead of just one (I don't think it's an overpowering major power anyways).

My problem was I thought it a bit weak to be a major, but too much for a minor


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:23 pm
by blade76
Cosmic powers

I am creating a new type of classification of powers

Primal powers: This is a true cosmic ability possessed only by 20th level beings , you can be any class but only by undergoing some kind of apotheosis can you access these levels.Near impossible to reach but once done, a player begins to understand what through power is. Primarily possess only by beings of extreme power i.e most powerful alien intelligence, AIs, The comic forge avatar e.t.c.

Supreme Energy Expulsion: Take your standard energy expusion and replace d6 with d100 for evry class beyond 20th to 25th, d1000 for every class between 25th to 35th and d10000 for class above that .

Can build up a charge of energy , equal to hitpoints x d's used .

Can modify blasts to b varialble energy, piercing, cutting or thermokinetic, depnding on the choise of the player . Still tweaking it tell me what you think of it . I'm also considering listing the different means to attain this power.

What I have is a ritual for magic users requiring 1 million ppe, to gain ascension.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:14 pm
by blade76
I forget to mention range is in lightyears , and has a blast radius in miles

100 at levels ( 20th to 25th), 200 at level( 25th to 30th), 300 at

level (35th to 40th level),400 at (40th to 45th level).

5 light years plus one per level or with charged up shot, * 10 at 20th to

25th, * 15 at 25th to 30th, *20 at 30th to 35th. It's has variable energy

properties to ensure it can harm anything, cutting to apply critical strikes

and grant the blast the ability to pierce anything with a lower AR than it ,

meaning one can slice a planet even a star in half in a single shot!!!

Therefore it is reserved for beings so high up the cosmic ladder, your

average group of NPC's wouldn't even comprehend the notion of trying to

face down these beings and if they do, these beings can show how high up

the power scale they are by obliterating them ,their armies if they came

with one and the countries or planets if they are in a bad mood. Needless

to say your GM must be a real creep to put you up against any being with

this power set.

I'll add more later.Also think up more primal abilities guys, we can create

exceptional powerful abilities as long as one reaches a level high enough

to deserve it.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:18 am
by blade76
That's the point, there's a point where bravery crosses into audacity and this is designed to showed that really courageous cosmic knight and his merry band of crewmates that all the nravery in the world does not compensate for the sheer absurdity in the power scale.

The grunts that charge your super skilled samurai are no less brave than him, they just aren't equipped enough to face him

The apoethesis is desgned as a means to cross thresholds, impossible to accomplish in a short time without shortcuts i.e artifacts , rituals e.t.c that should be near impossible to procure without attracting all the wrong kind of attention, meaning NPC's must be smart in how they go about gathering and take extrme precautions , not to mention stealth.

I also suggest though I haven't worked out the bugs in reality manipulation and a universal power supply , a means to provide limitless power to a character but limited to a certain amount on how much they can draw on the link by endurance and experience.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:32 am
by blade76
Sorry, if I offended you, but think of it! , A being who can obliterate opponents in the first round, rather than being killed by that 3rd level adventurer with a few nifty spells.You can't fight this guy unless you are really good at doging and that's in aerial combat , on the ground no army can stand up to theis being. It has to be deep space combat, with more room to maneuver to stand a chance at least.

I wanted to set a bar, in that ( you can't face this being without extreme preparation like such as starting a fight with a herald of galactus like morg who fights to kills and expect to walk away.I used some ideas and brought them together to create an level of energy blasts almost the match for godblaze ,which is the average level of fire power I'd expect them to have anyway.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:43 am
by MrTwist
"Give me that. Ok, now it's safe."

This power makes a targeted object Invulnerable, as per the power Invulnerability.

Range: Touch only.
Duration: One minute per level of experience.
Weight Restriction: 1lb per level of experience.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:27 pm
by MrTwist
AJ Pickett wrote:Would that stop a grenade going off?
I say yes.

Yes it probably would. I wonder how it would affect other types of explosives.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:30 am
by Iczer
AJ Pickett wrote:Life is change.

Actually, I could do with an assist.
Want to develope this one a bit more.. so far it is good, but I think it is missing something.

Cunning [Minor] -By Iczer (
"Hmmm...doesn't seem right"
The character has a low animal like cunning that can occasionally superceed his intellect. much like danager sense only not so refined.
* The character is resistant to seduction, and ignores trust/intimidate as well as charm/impress attempts.
* The character has detect ambush at +30%
* The character is resistant to cons. much like a BS detector
* Character is immune to illusions, hypnotism (real or magical/psychic)
* +4 to save vs psi and mind affecting magics
* +4 initiative. Penalties for blindness are halved +2 to perception +10% to prowl


I don't know looks like a perfect power to me :)


how about adding a +1D4 ME. and perhaps a +10% to purely physical skills, and tehe ability to see the invisible and sense supernatural creatures (much like dogs and cats are supposed to do)


(geeze, I'm second guessing myself now)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:38 am
by Iczer
Rush [Major] By Iczer
'C'mon..hit me again'

The character gains physical power from pain and injury, resulting in the following effects.

1) fight throught the pain: the character's wounds seal shut as soon as they are inflicted on him. He heals 10% of all damage taken at the end of the round in which he took that damage. this increases by 10% at levels 3,6,9,12 and 15. The remaining damage must heal in and of itself. Furthermore, wounds inflicted on this character close and seal over, halting bloodloss and preventing future infection (but does nothing to prevent scars) damage cuased painlessly is unnafected (suffocation/drowning and poison most notably)
2) Give as good as he takes: The character also becomes invigorated by raw damage, granting bonuses for the remainder of the round (where they end). note that only the gretest wound in a given round counts, not the sum of all wounds.
10 SDC/5 HP +2 PS
+1 Initiative
25 SDC 10HP +1 attack per melee
+1 to strike
These number add up. if cortez takes 30 damage in a single hit, he gains a temporary boost of 6PS +3 initiative as well as the +1 attack and +1 to strike. if he gets hit later for 10 damage his bonuses do not change. if he were hit again for 40 damage, the bonuses would rise.
3) Big man on campus: the characterv also enjoys the following defualt abilities.
+6 to save vs pain (succeed or fail, the save difficulty represents an effective damage dealt for calculating bonuses)
+50 SDC
+8 PE
+3D4 HP
Heals at 4 times normal rate

Landscape daggers [Minor] By Iczer
'awww shoot'

The character can cause the surrounding terrain to form sharp edges and then hurl itself at nearby opponents.
Range: affected terrain is within 10 feet of the character. the daggers range out to 60 feet plus 10 feet per level.
Attacks: each use of landscape daggers takes 2 actions.
Damage: special
1) narrow attack: this cuases the formed shards to fly out as a stream towards a target. the damage is 3D6 +1D6 per level with +2 to strike (no bonus with wild shots) despite this powers name, the daggers my present itself as boulders if the character wants to merely stun an opponent rather than filet him.
2) Area attack: the daggers rise out of the terrain and affect an area, up to 20 feet across. all targets in this area are pummelled with the projectiles taking 3D4 +1D4 per level. area affect attacks are harder to dodge (-2) but their lower concentration means that Armour is much more effective (AR's are considered 2 points higher)
3) affect landscape: the local area is also disturbed by this attack. the ground can be made unstable (like soft sand) by using this ppower to tear up the ground. likewise, shackles can be shredded by using them as ammunition. if an opponentn is close enough, his armour and weapons may be used as ammunition (they take 2D6 damage per level, minus their AR)
4) melee attacks and utilities: a formed dagger or shard may be used as a melee weapon, inflicting 2D4 damage (plus PS bonus) but adding all WP knife bonuses. at 6th level, the damage rises to 2D6. formed daggers can also be used for any other purpose that a dggger can be turned to (door jam, interrogation tool, dinning implement etc)

Water Chanelling: [Minor] By Iczer
'You are all washed up budy'

The character can chanel kinetic energy though a water medium allowing him to express his precence at a distance.
Range: In a normal climate, he may throw punches and kicks out to 15 feet +5 feet per level, chanelling his kientic energy though ambient moisture.
In a humid environment, his range is out to 30 feet +10 feet per level.
During an actual rainstorm, the range is 60 +20 feet per level.
In a dry climate, this power is innefective.
Underwater the range is 120 feet +40 feet per level.
Damage: the character inflits normal damage in normal or humid environments. during high precipitation, the character adds +1 damage per level (Plus 1D4 if used at point blank range). underwater this extra damage is doubled.
The damage may be blunt, as a reflection of his own hands and feet, or sharp, used to form cutting or slashing wounds.
Other abilities:
As most people are made of water, the character can use this fact to chanell his blows deep into opponents. Invulnerble character take half normal damage from this character when in melee with this character. otherwise the character ignores the AR's of other opponents (as long as they have liquid water in their bodies).
In Humid and normal climates, the extended damage is nearly invisible, and is -2 to parry or dodge. the opponent will have to make a perception check (14 in a normal environment or 12 in a humid one) to even notice the character being responsible for his wounds.
Creatures made of fog, mist and water are harmed normally by this character, as are characters made of ice. in addition they take an extra 2D6 damage from hs attacks.
At 6th level, the character can extend this damage to any melee weapons he holds, now able to inflict his weapon damage at a range.
Characters made of fire or electricity (and by extension, plasma) are immune to these attacks as the water is dispersed ahead of time.


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:00 pm
by blade76
Hi, I have come up with a new primal power.

I borrowed from the ideas of some sites and even from this one.

It requires the use of 5 others major powers to work but if you can pull it off

You need the powers

1) Power Sphere
2) Reality Adjustment
3) Overcharge
4) Omniscience:Cosmic
5) Alter PS: 4D

These are all traded up for One primal power .REALITY MANIPULATION.You loose them permanently but gain reality manipulation as a compensation

You gain the ability to influence reality within a certain range. This can be made a wide range effect encompassing the cosmos but with limited if no effect i.e in a war between solar systems, a charcter with this power can use it to lower the mental and combat statis tics of soldiers figtting but can't destroy the armada they are using for their campiagn.

But the lesser of range of effect the greater, the effect that can be generated , with optimum performance within 100ft of the user.

Effects possible under the field at this range

Lower any ability scores of opponents within the sphere by M.E + level , to a minimum of 5 in any score.

Increase saves against magic and psionics and powers for you by 1/2 of your M.E score modifier. If they fail they don't take effect, spells of legend, mega-psionics and cosmic powers are all subject to thisif the wielders fail the save , save to generate effect is at - the level of the user.

Within your field you can generate any physical , energyor psionic superpower such as Mega-strength, adapatable defense either for you or any you designate within your field at will .You can also use the energy powers alter gravity as major power, kinetic control and energy control as normal abilities.You can have more than 4 powers active in this manner though you can swap powers at will

Boost any ability score of choice you have have or your allies have by your M.E + level .

Your mind can visualize the cosmos as it pertains to reality.You have limited omniscience though with it you cna now adjust reality tonfrom to your views , i.e a man on another planet is about to die , you can alter reality so that he survives but you must percieve it with omniscience first .

Think up more variation and tell me what you think.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:19 pm
by MrTwist

"Tough choice. Either I make it through fine, or the Van Gogh does."

The character is completely immune to fire and heat damage. Magical or psionic fire and heat effects are likewise useless against the character. The big difference between this power and Impervious to Fire and Heat is that the protection can be given to something else.
When the character becomes experienced enough, they can give their protection to another object. The trade off for making something else invulnerable is that the character loses their resistance, and it is only temporary.

Range: Touch only. If the object is separated from the character, the resistance still continues.
Duration: For the character, it's always on. When used on another object, the duration is one melee round per level of experience. This can be cancelled prematurely at the expense of two melee actions.
Level Advancement:

Until third level, this power only affects the character.

At third level, this power can affect another object weighing up to 50lbs. Every level past 3rd the weight limit increases by another 50lbs.

At sixth level, the character can affect more than one object. The power is still limited by weight, but the user can extend the protection to anything he is touching when he activates the immunity transfer.

At tenth level, the power automatically extends to the character's normal attire while at the same time protecting the character. Transferring the protection means their normal clothing also lose the protection.

Activation: Activating this power takes one melee action. The character is completely aware of exactly when the protection will return.

Just something that popped into my head. Might need a little refining. Also, it shouldn't just be limited to fire and heat. I'm sure it'd be easy to modify it to another energy, like cold or electricity.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:56 am
by MrTwist
Mephisto wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Fireproof(minor)

"Tough choice. Either I make it through fine, or the Van Gogh does."

The character is completely immune to fire and heat damage. Magical or psionic fire and heat effects are likewise useless against the character. The big difference between this power and Impervious to Fire and Heat is that the protection can be given to something else.
When the character becomes experienced enough, they can give their protection to another object. The trade off for making something else invulnerable is that the character loses their resistance, and it is only temporary.

Range: Touch only. If the object is separated from the character, the resistance still continues.
Duration: For the character, it's always on. When used on another object, the duration is one melee round per level of experience. This can be cancelled prematurely at the expense of two melee actions.
Level Advancement:

Until third level, this power only affects the character.

At third level, this power can affect another object weighing up to 50lbs. Every level past 3rd the weight limit increases by another 50lbs.

At sixth level, the character can affect more than one object. The power is still limited by weight, but the user can extend the protection to anything he is touching when he activates the immunity transfer.

At tenth level, the power automatically extends to the character's normal attire while at the same time protecting the character. Transferring the protection means their normal clothing also lose the protection.

Activation: Activating this power takes one melee action. The character is completely aware of exactly when the protection will return.

Just something that popped into my head. Might need a little refining. Also, it shouldn't just be limited to fire and heat. I'm sure it'd be easy to modify it to another energy, like cold or electricity.

Overall a decent power, but why choose Imp H&F when you can choose this? Since this has all of the benefits of Imp H&F and no drawbacks.

Easy. Impervious to H&F always affects you. With this power, you lose your immunity in exchange for something else. It does have something the normal doesn't have(the level advancement including your clothes in the immunity).
Still, it isn't that easy escaping a burning building when you know you can either protect the baby in your arms or yourself. And you're wearing very volatile ammo. It's a tradeoff. If you never share the power, you end up being better off than the original minor.
If you do, you have the chance of ending up dead.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:11 pm
by MrTwist
AJ Pickett wrote:Easy fixed, simply add a duration to both aspects of the power, while the character can maintain fire resistance (personal) for M.E.x current level x one minute. When aqpplying the power to another object or person, use the original duration as written.

Nice idea, and applicable to a whole host of resistance powers.. even Bullet Proof and anti magic or Psionic powers.

I'm glad you like it. The power has been at the back of my mind for a few days. And it could probably easily apply to various powers other than simple energy resistance(like Hardened Skin), though that would probably mean I need an Optional variant of the power.

I don't like the idea of the main aspect(the character's resistance) being dependent on an attribute. I like the trade-off aspect of the power. Plus, in a strict roleplaying sense, a long-time immunity to something would be pretty hard to give someone else in certain situations.

Re: Feedback welcome

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:54 pm
by NMI
Geeno wrote:Energy Expulsion: Energy Volley

A Charecter who realeses an Energy Volley projects a relativly slow moving (compared to say,light) cluster of energy projctiles. These energy bolts are not realesed in a straight line, but instead burst out from the charecter in a wide arcing blossom, leaving multiple, sinuous trails through the air as they home in on there target.
The impact of the volley, while not requiring multiple dodge rolls, hits a larger area of surface. This manifests in a slightly Higher strike bonus , and a blast radius.
On the down side, this power is extremely unneffective when used in tight quarters. Any attempt to fire off a volly indoors loses its bonus to strike and uses a straight strike roll with no bonuses. This is due to the tremendous difficullty to fire a concentrated, straight line attack.
Damage for a straightline attack is calculated the same as a regular volley.

Range: 350 feet + 10 feet per level.
Damage: 1D4 per bolt.
Attacks per Melee: One.
Bonus:+6 to strike
Blast radius: 5ft + 1 ft per level.
Note: Charecters start with a volley of 4 and gain one additional bolt per level.
You might also want to take a look at the Wide Band Laser System that Wayne Breaux created for the Thropo Full Conversion `Borg - Riftet 17, page 43-44

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:19 am
by MrTwist
mainbox wrote:i had an idea for a power but can't think of enought ideas to really do it any good

the hero can buff the target so that people around them change there reactions to the target.

the hero can choose how people in a radius react to the target like fear ... people fell they have to run away ... or they love the target and do any thing to get close. having the people react and behave in was the probally normally not.

i was thinking of giving a few sud-abillitys and making it a major ... i think it has potencial or even a new power group like Energy Explosion

You could create the tag Grant: with what is granted to another person following the colon. That way it could be the basis of quite a few minor powers. Or just create a Grant major power with various sub-powers based around different types of things granted.

Re: Feedback welcome

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:48 pm
by znbrtn
Geeno wrote: Ggrrrrrrr.... I dont think I wrote the power well enough to convey my idea. If you have seen Robotech, do remember when one of the fighters would launch a volley of missles? They would explode out in a totally chaotic spread of missles but would eventually all home in on one target. Thats gotta be a cool power right?

Can a brother get an amen?

amen. i've always been a fan of that particular effect.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:54 am
by Iczer
Combat adaption [Minor] By Iczer
' shouldn't always lead with your left..I'm on to you now'

The character adapts to changing combat situations, adjusting his fighting style to suit the nuances in combat that only he can percieve.
1) Combat analysis: The character calculates and absorbs the information that he recieves when he faces others in combat. after one melee round of fighting he is made aware of the following:
* HTH fighting style
* Level of experience in that style
* WP's and other known combat skills and thier levels
* Actual strike, parry and dodge bonuses

2) Adapt to opponents: The character can, after one round of fighting, adapt to his opponent(s) by accommodating one of the following changes
* +2 to dodge
* +2 to parry
* Autododge (+0, plus PP bonuses)
* +1 to strike (melee or ranged)
* +4 to damage

Tactopathy [Minor] By Iczer
'As soon as we shook hands Mr Sieg, you were working for me'

The character has the ability to borrow other minds to assist in thought and processing power, merely by touching another.
1) Bolster thought: by touching another, the character may utilise thier brainpower for his own uses. Once contact has been made, the character gains an increase in IQ, ME and MA equal to 20% of the target's, +1 at levels 2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14. the increase remains until contact is broken. in addition, any skills both parties have in common increases the characters skill by 2% per level.
When touching more than one target at a time, the character gains a further gains an increase equal to 20% of the highest IQ, ME and MA's in the group with a further +1 per additional person. this is in addition to the +1 at every even level.
2) Touch communication: by touching another, the character may communicate at the rate of normal, but rushed, human speech. this transcends all language barriers. when used on animals, the character can transfer simple feelings, but cannot control. He can also tell when a person he touches is lying (but not read any thoughts).
3) Wrestling bonuses: whenever the character engages in any form of lock, grapple or hold, or any situation with prolonged contact, he may use his (newly enhanced) ME in place of his PP or PS to escape or maintain the hold. This is achieved by reading the opponent's actions before he does them.


Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:45 am
by Reagren Wright
Not sure if a power like this is on the list, but its a favorite one we use in
our games.


This incredible power functions exactly like the major super power Mimic,
except the character does not imitate or copy another individuals
powers, attributes, and mental abilities as soon as he or she meet them.
After 20 seconds (2 melees) of contact with a super powered individual,
one hour later, any of his or her raw physical, psychic, and/or super abilities
can be duplicated. Furthermore, the character retains these powers and can call them forth
at any time. The character retains the power package for
3D4 days. After that, the character must roll 01-15%
to recall that particular person's power package. After one month, all
traces of that particular person's powers disappear. Nevertheless, if the
hero should have contact with a super powered person for a constant
72 hours straight, there is a 01-10% chance he or she will retain that
power package indefinately. On the downside, if the owner of the powers
comes within 60 feet (18 m) of the character, the duplicator is unable
to call forth the individual's power package. There is no limit to how many
power packages the hero can store within his or her body. When the
summoning of the power package is made, all of the powers come with it,
the hero cannot select one specific power nor can he combine two different
power packages. For example, if a super powered individual has three
minors and one major, then all four are gained. The hero cannot pick and
choose. Only one power package can be maintained at any particular

Switching to a different power package can be done at the beginning of
every melee (15 seconds). The swtich can be done as often as the
character wishes, allowing him or her to access an entire arsenal of
different powers. Note: When using a duplicated power package,
the hero is unable to call forth any of his or her other abilities, unless
they are the same or similiar power that he or she is duplicating (i.e.,
the hero duplicates a person with Extra PS, while he himself possess
Superhuman PS, or the hero duplicates a person with Wingless Flight,
while he or she possess Sonic Flight). All other powers of the hero are
temporarily nullified until the duplicated power package is turned off.

Range: Anyone within a 60 foot (30.m) radius of the hero. The
hero doesn't have to notice the super being. The effect will take
place automatically, if the super powered individual stays 30 seconds
(2 melees) within range.

Duration: Power packages are held for 3D4 days. Afterward, there
is a 15% chance of recalling the power package. One month after
contact, all trace of the power package is removed. The duration cannot
be extended by spending more time with the super powered individual,
unless the hero spends 72 hours continually with the super powered
individual, and even then its a 10% chance. Once the initial duration
has expired, a new duration can begin.

All other aspects of the power are exactly the same as the super power
Mimic. [/b]

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:36 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
if the char doesn't let up on draining the SDC how often is the roll to save made?

once an APM?
once a melee?
once a min.?

New Powers.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:11 pm
by Denizen
Any one want to take writing up the stats for the Ultimate super power?


I'll get to work.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:17 am
by blade76
How far are you along in making the ultimate superpower? I've already tried in a previous post.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:33 am
by Iczer
Transworld access [Major] By Iczer
'You like it? I got it from my garden back home. waaaaay back home'

The character has limited access to other universes by means of this power
1) Number of universes: The character has access to 2 randomly generated universes which he can travel to and fro. The GM should be present to generate these world, and is free to designate any particular quirks he like when he does so. there are a few restrictions to abide by.
A) The world can support the character: the environment is not immeadiately hazardous
B) The world poses no long term danger: the character cannot catch some alien disease, or some wasting illness, nor is he denied water or food (technically a world which is mostly desert is fine, one devoid of life sustaining necessities is not)
The character acquires one new world every time he gains a level (also randomly rolled). additionally, the character can ditch one world every level and replace it with a new world. In addition, if the character stumbles across a new world, dimension, alternate universe orplane, he may ditch one of his known worlds for the newly visited one.
[A note: GM's are encouraged to be impartial when creating these worlds, possibly refering to charts available in megaversal guide, aliens unlimited or even phase world for 'random world generation']
2) Portals: The character can open a portal to a known world by expending a melee round in concentration. this opens a 2 way door to the selected world, which shuts after 1 melee per level. anyone may pass through the portal at this time. The character can create a portal in this fashion once per day. Once a character enters a dimension using one of his own portals, he will appear at that point every time he returns. The exception is returning to earth, which brings him to the point he left from.
3) Extra portals: Forming more than one portal per day begins to take a toll on the character. The character takes 1d4 damage for every extra portal, adding 1d4 for each portal created after the first (the third portal will inflict 3d4 damage). the character must also make a saveing throw (12+, based on ME) a failed save causes the character to drift off course, up to 2d4x10 feet, but always in a safe location. every extra time a portal is opened, the saveing throw increases by 1 and the distance off course doubles.
4) Other abilities: +1D4 ME +10% to wilderness skills in one of his 'home' dimensions. Can sense the opening and closing of extradimensional travel (even teleporters) up to 120 feet +50 feet per level.

Moodswing [Minor] By Iczer
'Can you tell how I'm feeling Now?'

The character can adopt a pigmentation or hue which both augments and enhances him. He gains one new colour per level starting at first level, and may cycle through them as he wills. The colour adopted taints his skin, and any thin clothes he may be wearing, as well as tainting his other powers with the same hue. he even glows while so enhanced, reducing his prowl score and making him obvious in darkness.
Red: Becomes aggressive and bold. +2 to initiative and +1d6 damage, including all natural attacks (but not with firearms)
Orange: Powerful and commanding. Gains +4 PS which becomes extraordinary
Yellow: Cocky and impatient: gains +1 attack per melee and +6 Spd
Green: Cheerful and serene. Gains +6 MA and +6 to save vs psionics/mind affecting magic
Blue: Stoic and unbending. Gains +4 to PE and an AR of 12
Purple: Majestic and regal. Gains 3 to MA plus levitates at a Spd score equal to his adjusted MA. maximum height is his MA in feet.
White: Luminous and divine: The character takes half damage from energy. energy attacks posessed by this character are +2 to strike

SDC: each 'shade' has an SDC bonus equal to the character's ME score. each SDC recovers after 24 hours. depleteing the SD does not cancel the character's hue or other benefits.
Changing colour counts as one action

Force self [Minor] Bby Iczer
'I may be tied up, but I can still whup your butt Mister!'

The character can create a very short lived duplicate of himself, composed of force fields. The duplicate lasts mere seconds, which can be long enough to perform a small variety of tasks
1) Perform action: The summoned duplicate can appear next to the character and then dash as far as his spd in feet away to perform a simple action. This allows the character to contine to fight even if tied, though limits exactly how far away he may move. If the created duplicate appears next to a foe, he attacks from an odd an unexpected angle, the opponent suffers a -2 to parry or dodge the blow. The created duplicate can also perform other relatively quick actions before fading, including body blocks/tackles and body flip/throws (as long as the character can himself perform these). the duplicate can be summoned even if the character is helpless, paralysed or tied, just as long as he is conscious. The duplicate has the same attributes of the character, but no equipment or other powers. its punches inflict 1d6 damage plus PS bonus (its PS is never greater than extraordinary)
2) Take blow: The duplicate can be created to abosrb an incoming blow from a ranged attack. the duplicate appears mere inches in front of the attack and it cushions the blow. The character rolls a parry (may be done on the attackers initiative, but still costs an action) but with a +8 bonus only. the duplicate has an SDC score of the character's ME +1d4 per level. any excess damage continues to the character. in any event the duplicate fades seconds later.
3) Other abilities: The duplicate can perform any task that can be completed in the span of a single action before dissapearing. as an unliving thing, it can be used to test the strenght of a bridge, handle an acidic compound, run interferance, trigger explosives etc. it does not need to breathe, and is immune to poisons and disease (it is not a biological organism). It's translucent, energy nature means that few are fooled by it (it cannot disguise itself as the character) but it can distract and disorient animals and other 'stupid' creatures.
4) Limitations: aside from its really short duration, the act of creating a duplicate costs an action to perform.

Cushion: [Minor] By Iczer
'I got you!'

The character can create a soft cushioning force to protect himself and others.
1) Create cushion: the character can generate a soft field of force some 5 feet on a side. such a force can be placed up to 50 feet away +10 feet per level, though not in any space that is already occupied by a solid object. the cushioning force absorbs the damage from heavy impacts (typically falling and automobile impacts) lowering the damage by the character's ME (+2 per level) and halving any remaining damage. If the cushion needs to be placed as an action, a parry roll (+6 only) may be used (+2 if placed out of the character's initiative).
2) Cushion self: te character may layer light, quilted fields of cushioning force around his body, granting him a natural AR of 12 vs blunt and crushing effects, and reducing the damage of those crushing effects by 2 points per level. this may be applied to bullets but the protection is reduced to 1 point per level.
3) Impede movement. the cushioning force breaks up after any heavy impact, slowly dissolving over the course of a few seconds. if a target is unable to bash thorugh it's protection (ME +2 per level) then it stops. (remember, blunt/crushing impacts inflict half damage) if it inflicts more than this damage, then it is instead slowed to half speed after impact. this can be used effectively to slow pursuit through narrow corridoors

Mind to energy [Major] By Iczer
'Genius huh? time to turn the tables on you, brain boy!'

The character can absorb the intellect of others, and turn that stored 'mental energy' into power points he can use himself.
1) Absorb mental energy: by grabbing and holding a target, the character can attempt to absorb thier intellect and mind. The target must already be grappled or otherwise restrained, and makes a Saveing throw of 15 + (ME bonuses apply) If he fails, he loses 1d4 points divided as he chooses between IQ, ME and MA. Psionic characters may choose to instead lose ISP at a 2-1 rate (so 2-8 ISP lost). Lost ISP recovers at the normal rate. lost mental attributes recover at a rate of 1 per 20 minutes. No mental attribute may be lowered below half its normal rate.
2) Accumulate mental energy. Every attribute point absorbed (or every 2 ISP) grants the character a battery of 10 power points to spend as he needs. the mental energy can be seen as a growth on the character's body, commensurate with it's capacity. a character can hold as much as his MEx2 in power points, plus 12 per level.
3) Spending mental energy: the character can expend6 points of mental energy to form an energy blast that inflicts 1d6 damage per level of the character, with a +2 to strike, out to a range of 75 feet +10 feet per level. the character can expend mental energy at a rate of 2:1 to increase his PS attribute for one action or 5:1 for the entire round. He can expend 25 to use another superpower at 2 levels higher for oneaction or one level higher for one round. finally he can use absorbed mental energy to heal HP or SDC at a rate of 1:5
4) Drawbacks: any character who resists this ability twice in row becomes immune to it for 6 hours.
The character grows a kind of lump or sack on his body when he uses this power. the size varies on the amount of mental energy it holds. every 10 points of mental energy held increases it's size by 6 inches. the lump itself has an SDC equal to 1/4 the mental energy held, +2 per level. Targetting the hump requires a called shot. reducing the lump's SDC to zero releases all the energy as 4d6 energy blast out to 25 feet. the character takes half damage from this, but loses all stored energy.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:22 am
by Iczer
Omnipower [Major] By Iczer
'Heh...of course I can do that. not for very long but I can do that'

The character has a bewilderingly huge array of powers at his disposal, but loses access to them the more he uses them.
At any point, the character can assume the use of 1 major or 2 minor powers of choice for a period of 20 minutes per level. after this period, the character can no longer emulate those powers again.
The character cannot 'bulk up' on powers. If he is emulating 2 minor powers, he must drop them (Thus losing them forever) in order to gain another.
All is not lost though.
1) Once a power has been discarded for good, the character gains 1d6 SDC (1d4 for minor)
2) A variant on a power may (GM's discretion) be emulated at a later date. (Heat ray vision and flame breath for instance). the character may make a saving throw (14+ PE bonuses count) to re-emulate that ability. re-emulated abilities do not result in any gain of SDC when dropped.

Nanoslaves [Minor] By Iczer
'Yes. you just leave me here all tied up...'

The character has thousands of tiny creatures, insects and other invertebrates living inside his skin as a colony. Thousands of creatures, no bigger than a grain of sand serving the characters needs.
1) Repair wounds: The little nanoslaves go to work repairing any open wounds in his body. 6 times per day he can recover 2d4 HP or sdc at will, though he recovers at 3 times normal rate regardless. The nanoslaves can act as if they posess the skills of first aid (75%) or medical doctor (45%) on the character, and usually work to treat and close gaping wounds, remove shrapnel etc..
2) attack object: by excreting his nanoslaves onto a held object, they may eat through it like a slow acid. the nanoslaves inflict 1d4 damage to held objects per minute. Objects with an AR over 12 take 1d4 damage every 10 minutes. AR's of 15 or better remain inpenetrable
3) Spit Slaves: The character can spit a gob of irate nanoslaves at a target. the character may spit up to 20 feet. a single spit inflicts 1d4 damage per round for 4 rounds to a living target, and itches like crazy (-2 to all combat and -20% to skill usage. the character can spit once per hour per level without depleeting his stocks.

Disperse energy [Major] By Iczer
'Oh yeah baby, who's got the power now'

The character can reflect and refract energy damage turning it aside and away from himself.
1) Energy resistant. The character has an AR of 16 vs energy attacks. attacks that exceed his AR do half damage. he is also immune to stunning attacks and electrical type disruptions and disintegrations.
2) Reflected energy. Attacks that fail to exceed his AR are halved, and then released as a burst of energy out to 10 feet. (Johan is struck by a 4d6 energy blast, but it is under his ar. everyone within 10 feet is subjected to a 2d6 energy blast) at the characters option, the energy may simply be redirected safely elsewhere.
3) Direct energy: when exposed to a continuous source of energy, the character may, by simply exposing himself to it, use it to fire off blasts of his own. each such blast requires the character to expend one action per blast. the blasts inflict 1d6 damage per level, or the normal damage for the energy source. the blasts have a +3 to strike with an aimed shot and have a range of 60 feet per level.
4) Other bonuses: +2 to PE, + 1D4x10 SDC


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:01 pm
by znbrtn
good to see you back, iczer! out of your newest bunch, i think i like moodswing the most. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:22 pm
by Yukon
anyone know if there's been a major power of increasing one's own density? affecting sdc, strength, ar, weight...

EDIT: in this thread i mean. and only increasing the user's own density, not to use on others.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:12 pm
by Iczer
Crazed strength: [Minor]
'Don't make me angry fella, you won't like it when I'm angry'

The character has the capacity to simply snap at will, succumbing to deep seated mental anguish to become a little more than normal.
Whenever the character chooses to use this power, he rolls a random insanity, which he immeadiately applies. during this moment of insanity, the character gains the following benefits
* +10 PS (which rises to extraordinary if not already)
* +10 PE
* +30 SDC
* +1 attack per melee
* Spd attribute doubles
* +5 PP

Duration: the insanity, plus its bonuses last for 1d4 melee rounds +1 round per level. The character can cancel the insanity (and bonuses) at any time, but must wait 2d4 minutes before he may try again. The character is also +4 to save Vs insanity.

Fire in the blood [Minor] By Iczer
'Ouch ouch and ouch...feel the burn now'

The character's body churns with energy, corscucating under the skin like living daggers of wicked sizzling energy. despite the power's name, this is not always heat, and individuals with this power may select different energy types when selecting it.
The character gains a number of abilities:
1) Resistant to energy: the energy type posessed by the character inflicst half damage to him
2) Payback: cutting weapons cause the energy to lash out at the attacker, inflicting 2d6 damage when the skin is cut. while the energy continues to ooze out of the character, the lash only happens once per wound.
3) Pericing immunity: peircing weapons inflict half damage, as the projectiles are eaten away before they get to do any harm. In the case of stabbing weapons, the weapon itself takes 6d6 damage.
4) Hurting for power: The character can choose to sacrafice His own HP to create bolts of power. one HP sacraficed in this manner creates a bolt of energy inflicting 1d8 damage with +3 to strike and a range of up to 100 feet +25feet per level. up to 1HP per level may be spent in this fashion, though it can be done over and over until the character is out of HP.
5) Other abilities: +3d6 HP


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:32 am
by Iczer
Disruption [Major] By Iczer
'this is not just a slap in the face, this is a slap right through your face'

The character generates a field of withering energy attuned to specific opponents, desgined to wither their bodies with but a touch. The character must have touched his opponent at least once in the last 15 minutes to perform these strikes, and may be attuned to only one lifeform at a time.
1) disrupt flesh: the characters mere touch requires his opponent to save vs withering (14+ PE bonuses apply) or take an extra 3d6 damage from his bare handed strikes. (save each time he is hit). a successful save still adds +1 damage, plus one every even level.
2) Disrupt natural armour: if the target has natural armour (and is still a valid target..see below) the character can simply ignore it with his diruptive strikes
3) Disrupt bones and organs: By attuning to a target's bones, his unarmed strikes reach deeply. the target makes a saving throw (12+ PE bonuses apply) or recieve a random serious side effect (page 19 HU2)
4) Wither wood: wooden objects and live plants can beattuned to as well. a wood withering strike can act as #1 or #2, or can instead simply create a shattering effect, doing 6d6 damage (plus PS) and putting a hole the size of the characters fist (or foot as the case may be) reducing AR of the object by 1
5) Drawbacks: The character can only attune himself to one opponent at a time and even then only through touch. The character cannot affect those transformed into inorganic substances (such as stone, steel or plasma etc) and if an opponent can drastically alter his biological pattern, then the character is no longer attuned to him (such as transforming from attuned flesh to plant, or changing to an animal, etc) Lastly, the character must strike his opponent. natural weapons are innsuficient to attune or to damage.
6) Other benefits:
+2 to strike living opponents and +2 to damage with bare handed melee attacks.
+6d6 SDC
Character is immune to flesh disruptions, such as this power, the disintegration power and any other flesh stripping attack.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:55 am
by Iczer
Cybridisation [major] By Iczer
'Oh yeah, the machine starts to come out now'

The character can slowly become more machine like, transforming old flesh and blood parts into new bio-mechanical ones. the change is voluntary, and gets better as the character advances in levels.

Stage one: At first level, the character develops a metalic sheen to his skin and hair when he adopts his bio-mechanical form. This form acts as a disguise only, and has no other benefits.

Stage Two: At first level, the character can transform into stage two. At Stage two, the charcater become less human looking (-2 PB) and grows metalic skin (+4 PE, +2PS +35 SDC, Natural AR of 12) the character's punches and kicks do 2d4 Damage (or +1d4). the strength becomes extraordinary and the character takes half damage from cold.

Stage Three: At second level, and at every level beyond that, the character can develop a new stage three adaptation from the following list.
* +2 PS
* PS becomes Superhuman
* +2 PP
* +10 Spd
* +2 PE
* +2 AR
* +1d4x10+10 SDC
* Specific energy resistence (half damage from one energy source)
* +4 IQ
* +4 MA

In addition, the stage three enjoys an additional 1d4x10+20 SDC. If the character desires, he may develop seperate and distinct stage three forms. each new form gains the +1d4x10+20 SDC, but only has access to oe of the new adaptations. (Kyle, at 4th level took +2PS at levels 2,3 and 4 for one powerful stage three form. Lucas has three stage three forms, one with +2 PS, one with +10 Spd and one with fire resistance. each of the seperate forms enjoys their own SDC bonus of +1d4x10+20)

Stage four: at 6th level, the character can enter stage 4. at stage 4 the character becomes wholly machine (though still bio-mechanical). he is immune to poisons, gasses and environmental hazzards (except those tailored to superhumans or bio-mechanical creatures) and has +4 to save Vs Psionics and Magic. his weight doubles, and his PS and PE increase by 4 each, while his SDC grows by 50. the stage 4 form is an outgrowing o one of the character's stage three forms. From level 7 onwards, the adaptations gained on a level by level basis may be applied to the stage 4 form.

Dim Mak [Minor] By Iczer
'Prepare for fist of death technique murderous dog'

While named after an esoteric art, the dim mak power is much less complex. The character can generate a wedge of force ahead of his fist that acts like a sledge or axeblade when he does strike. consequently his blows even light finger touches, can be made as dangerous as sword blows.
Against flesh and blood foes, the character can inflict an extra 2d6 damage with each blow. alternatively, he may instead attempt to touch a foe rather than damage. merely touching a person reduces the effectiveness of Armour ratings or parries (but not dodges) by 4, but overall damage is halved.
Against innanimate objects, the wedge splits and deforms objects. at the point of impact, the character inflicts double his normal damage and he lowers the AR of the object struck by 1 ( by 2 at level 3, by 3 at level 6 by four at level 9 etc) for a 3 inch radius per level from point of impact.

Precognitive combat [Minor] By Iczer
'I knew you were going to do that'

The character recieves information a fraction of a second before time, allowing him to react faster than others.
in addition to the obvious combat benefits, the character may pause at any point in combat and interrupt any other action as it takes place, as long as the character has the greater initiative. after the character acts, then the round proceeds as normal.
+8 Initiative
Auto dodge at +2
+2 to parry and dodge

Alter chemical structure [Major] BY iczer
'Hmm chlorine unfortunate...FOR YOU!!'

The character mimics the chemical properties of objects by contact, without changing his basic makeup or appearance.
If the character contacts a poison, his flesh and blood becomes equally poisonous. If the character contacts acids or strong bases, his touch acts as an acid touch. and by touching solid objects he may mimic their chemical properties as well (Such as conductivity and thermal properties)
Touching a solid object gives the character an AR of 10 and resistance to heat and cold (and if highly conductive, electricity as well).
By altering his chemical structure to match incoming attacks (this is automaticlly achieved) the character is immune to poisons, toxins and acids. The character is still flesh and blood though, and he can be deprived of oxygen.
The character can retain his adaptions for 5 minutes plus 2 minutes per level, or indefinately if he retains contact with the chemical
The character also recieves +1d4x10 SDC and +4 PE

Quantum attunement [Major?] By Iczer
'You have forgotten Deuce, that My brother and I share a bond that runs deeper than flesh'

The character can attune himself to a person or object and resonate with it so perfectly that they are like one and the same. distance and space means nothing to this bond, allowing the character to share and trade qualities as he desires.
1) Damage dump: the character can regenrate HP and SDC by borrowing from the reserves of the attuned object. the Attuned object can 'donate' an ammount of HP or SDC equal to the character's existing SDC or HP, effectively doubling the character's ability to absorb damage. as the character transfers the damage across, the object loses it's own SDC. should it become destroyed in this manner, the attunement is broken. In a similiar fashion, the character can trade his own SDC and HP to the object, repairing it and strengthening it. SDC transfer occurs at a rate of 1d4 per melee round, but takes no actions to perform. borrowing SDC from innanimate objects changes the characters appearance to match, and only living things can loan HP to the character.
2) Sense: The character has a keen awareness of the object so attuned to. he can sense the condition and status of the attuned object at all times, and view the immeadiate surroundings. if the object attuned to is a living being, then the two may share thoughts over any distance. if the character is in the presence of an attuned object, then he may operate without his senses, instead sensing from the objects point of view (though the object may be equally blinded depending on circumstances) the character has a strong sense (85% accyracy) of distance and direction to the attuned object.
3) Benefits of attunement: the character has +2 to strike or parry with attuned weapons. If the character is attuned to a piece of equipment he gains +20% to skills that directly relate (being attuned to an oak tree allows +20% to climb it, being attuned to a chevy adds +20% to auto mechanics and pilot: auto).
4) Attuning: it takes2d4x10 minutes to attune to a new object. the character can attune himself to objects that mass within 500 Lbs per level. the character meditates near the object to perform such a transfer, and any old attunements are lost when a new one is formed.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:07 pm
by abtex
Nice work. :D

New Power

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:19 pm
Energy Expulsion: Power Cosmic

This Power is unlike any noted in the Megaverse. This is just the rough copy of the power, I will revise it in a later note.

Range: Infinte
Damage: 5D6+5 per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Special: Same as most energy expulsions; check for more abliites in a later note.
Attacks per melee: each blast counts as one melee attack as well as blasts from each hand at different targets.
Bonuses: +4 aimed shot no negatives. This power can combine for more effect with the Major and minor abilities: Alter Physical Structure:Void and Space Native.
Note: I will fill in more details but this is a very good Major Ability and should be considered as rare as Immortality.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:31 pm
by TJ_1976
This might be the best place to ask this,if anyone hasn't or has seen my Liquid metal topic you already know what i am going to ask,can some one,if not already in existence,make a power not unlike the aps mercury or liquid metal types we have seen , but based more off of super microscopic nano tech bots so that to the eye it appears like liquid metal,same characteristics but,with more of a emphasis on a machine aspect,if you would like to know where i am going with this...well,i have been given the ok from my gm to play a android/robot with the powers of the particular liquid guy from the killer robot movie,with the basis being basically evolved machine person, in our game we play that palladium fantasy,hu and rifts is all the same planet, just different time lines and guess who gets to go into the past to stop something...,but the mercury thing seems way to far off,thank you if anyone takes up this task.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:41 pm
by NMI
*cracks knuckles*
Sorry, but the NO CONVERSION irule is still in effect.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:34 am
by TJ_1976
The Deific NMI wrote:*cracks knuckles*
Sorry, but the NO CONVERSION irule is still in effect.
what rule?

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:51 am
by NMI
See the thread right above this one labeled "Conversion Policy".

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:06 am
by Zenvis
Added and changed some of the new Freak Power. Check it out.


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:52 pm
by TJ_1976
i get it,i made reference to a movie and that was the clencher.....ok,nevermind, we figured it out anyway. sorry about that.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:52 am
by Iczer
I have noticed a lot of the PU3 powers seem awfully familiar.

I didn't notice any acknowledgements in it.

Has anyone seen their own work in it yet?
