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New books

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:25 am
by The Dark Elf
On this forum we're all constantly moaning about the release (or lack of) new books for PFRPG. IMO mainly due to the teasers given and never received (Old kingdoms, wolfen wars). And Hades and Dyval are rifts books although I see them as being PFRPG dimension book 1&2 (not that its matters really). PFRPG 3rd edition release will be titled "Rifts Dimension book 20" Im sure.

Anyway, two things to discuss:

#1 Do you think that Palladium is trying to "scoot" PFRPG fans over to Rifts (Ill admit Im playing more than ever but Im playing PFRPG, HU, NB and rifts instead of just PFRPG)?

#2 Do you ever wish that they would stop doing the rifter as it takes the focus and workforce away from publishing expansions?

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:50 pm
by The Dark Elf
ROFLMAO! Not at your post but at the location under your name/ID "Location: OK with no book to get out. Im still laughing and Ive finished typing.
Still laughing, :mrgreen:

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:27 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1 Rifts is the cash cow, so they are milking it for all of it's worth. Thou I think its a plausible idea to also call it a PF dimensions book too, even if it's not in my book.
2 It's easier to get the Rifter published then anything else. And the rifters are the ONLY game books PB get out on time. (the most its been late is two weeks and that is On Time for PB. Considering how late some of their books have been.) Besides, 2 out of four Rifters have some sort of PF stuff in them.

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:36 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:1 Rifts is the cash cow, so they are milking it for all of it's worth. Thou I think its a plausible idea to also call it a PF dimensions book too, even if it's not in my book.
2 It's easier to get the Rifter published then anything else. And the rifters are the ONLY game books PB get out on time. (the most its been late is two weeks and that is On Time for PB. Considering how late some of their books have been.) Besides, 2 out of four Rifters have some sort of PF stuff in them.

Drew, argument number 1 of yours has been the PB standard response for waaay too long for me to accept it anymore.

As for number 2, roughly half of the RIFTERs have PF content, by your estimation. Some would argue more than that, some may argue less. *shrug* Either way. Now, taking JUST the ones that DO have PF content, compare the amount of PF content, page by page, to the content for RIFTs.

No further comment needed... but Im going to toss one out there anyways... along with the "Rifts pays the bills" company line goes "Palladium Fantasy is Kevin's favorite"

Im so suckered!

Re: New books

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:51 am
by gaby
Well thers Mysteries of Magic is coming this year,I hope.

What do you want to see in it?

I like to see some of the best Magic O.C.C,s from Rifter.

All New Spells for PF,s Magic O.C.C,s.

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:26 am
by AaronCE
I don't think it'll happen. But I'd like to see some versions of magic from the Time of a Thousand Magics. Crystal, spell, ward, circle, etc...


Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:22 am
by krate
#1. I agree with drewkitty. PB is a business. I love the gang and their product, but like all businesses they want to make a profit and stay in business. So, Rifts gets more titles because they are the most likely to sell.
As much as we would like another PFRPG book (or BTS-2, or pick your line), we are a small sub-group of the PB fanbase. It wouldn't be smart for PB to put time, effort and money into a book that probably won't sell as much as a RIFTS book. It just doesn't make business sense. Especially in these hard times.
But I got my fingers crossed for MOM. Hope it comes out this year. Hey, they got a NB book coming out! :D So, MOM could happen!
#2. I love the Rifter. It comes out on time and it provides support for game lines that probably wouldn't get any. The Rifter is great.

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:21 pm
by Vidynn
The Dark Elf wrote:#1 Do you think that Palladium is trying to "scoot" PFRPG fans over to Rifts ?

could be...but its not working for me. I wouldnt touch Rifts with a ten-foot-pole. The Rifts-Dimension-Book-tag even keeps me away from Hades and Dyval. I would have bought those, if they were Palladium Fantasy books.

The Dark Elf wrote:#2 Do you ever wish that they would stop doing the rifter as it takes the focus and workforce away from publishing expansions?

yeah, sometimes. the Rifter is a magazine, not a sourcebook, even if the ads say otherwise. I understand why PB produces the Rifter and I understand why many fans love it. I like some of it too. on the other hand, I want books (and I dont want the Rifter to be counted as books when it comes to announcements) and the Rifter takes focus and workforce away. So, Id swap four, no eight Rifters for a new Nightbane, BTS or Fantasy book, yeah.

what concers me more is that Kevin wants to answer 50 private messages on this board (probably more by now). I appreciate contact with the fans (and customers), but for Heaven's sake, Kevin please keep writing and editing and forget about the private messages! :-D

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:23 pm
by ScottBernard
krate wrote:#1. I agree with drewkitty. PB is a business. I love the gang and their product, but like all businesses they want to make a profit and stay in business. So, Rifts gets more titles because they are the most likely to sell.
As much as we would like another PFRPG book (or BTS-2, or pick your line), we are a small sub-group of the PB fanbase. It wouldn't be smart for PB to put time, effort and money into a book that probably won't sell as much as a RIFTS book. It just doesn't make business sense. Especially in these hard times.
But I got my fingers crossed for MOM. Hope it comes out this year. Hey, they got a NB book coming out! :D So, MOM could happen!
#2. I love the Rifter. It comes out on time and it provides support for game lines that probably wouldn't get any. The Rifter is great.

Im not disagreeing with you business wise, but if we dont ever get any PF books then whats the point for us PF fans?

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:21 pm
by krate
My bad, Scottbernard, wasn't trying to pile on/pick on you. Sorry if it read that way. I wish it weren't so (that RIFTS gets priority). Not much we can do but wait... til it's the PFRPG's turn to get a book.

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:53 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
MoM, they say, is going to be a series of 2-4 books.

Re: New books

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:34 pm
by ScottBernard
krate wrote:My bad, Scottbernard, wasn't trying to pile on/pick on you. Sorry if it read that way. I wish it weren't so (that RIFTS gets priority). Not much we can do but wait... til it's the PFRPG's turn to get a book.

No, youre fine. It didnt read that way at all. Sorry, I mustve worded it badly.

Im just saying if they only keep doing rifts and robotech then it makes no difference if the company stays afloat or not. Mind you I think theres enough books for PF for a GM to manage a campaign world.

Re: New books

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:16 am
by Goliath Strongarm
ScottBernard wrote:Im not disagreeing with you business wise, but if we dont ever get any PF books then whats the point for us PF fans?

See, I DO disagree with it from a business standpoint.

Q. If I won't buy RIFTs product, but only PF, what am I going to buy when there's no new PF content?
A. Another company's product. NOT good from business view

And since we're talking books, this isn't my two cents, but my twenty-five bucks at a time...

Re: New books

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:05 pm
by krate
Goliath Strongarm wrote:
ScottBernard wrote:Im not disagreeing with you business wise, but if we dont ever get any PF books then whats the point for us PF fans?

See, I DO disagree with it from a business standpoint.

Q. If I won't buy RIFTs product, but only PF, what am I going to buy when there's no new PF content?
A. Another company's product. NOT good from business view

And since we're talking books, this isn't my two cents, but my twenty-five bucks at a time...

but see, that's the point. It takes time and money to make a book. So, PB wants some money back after they put it out. So, what would you put out: a PFRPG book that will sell or a RIFTS book that is going to probably sell 10 times what the PF book does? PB is most likely to get a profit from Rifts than any other line. So, it's safer to invest in a Rifts title than any other title. I don't blame 'em.
Don't get me wrong, I want some PFRPG, BTS-2 and Nightbane stuff. But I know it's a business. So all i can do is wait til they put out product I want then buy itwhen it does come out.

Re: New books

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:02 am
by krate
and sorry gang if my post reads confrontational or like such a debbie downer. Not my intent. Trust me gang, I want and look forward to any books that support the Palladium World (and Nightbane... and BTS-2.. and....)

Re: New books

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:29 pm
by Probitas
On #1, I pretty much have to agree. I hate using the term bait and switch, but since they aren't really focused on making much at all for PFRPG, and keep pointing out that RIFTS products can be ported over, I have to say that they are pushing that product line to the exclusion of all else, even to the point of NOT releasing product if it might affect sales of RIFTS. Case in point, MoM.

As for #2, with all the people who do freelance for PFRPG, there is no dearth of available material should they wish to utilize it, but since the sole creator of PFRPG is just one man, and that one man has the line in a choke hold, I have just about given up hope that anything will be released that meets his approval. I don't think anything will ever be good enough. I also think the reason we keep getting told to be patient is simply damage control at this point. No one wants to drive consumers away, but if they won't make product, they have to tell them something to keep them on the hook; I'm not buying it anymore.

Re: New books

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:46 pm
by Natasha
Some Rifters contain canon material.

This is not a judgement on the wisdom of the decision to do so.

Re: New books

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:34 pm
by Carl Gleba
Let me say a couple of things here.

1. Voice your dissatisfaction in a letter to Palladium. Since staff do not often read the message boards you may want to resort to this ancient style of communication. Think of that little blue box as a magic pigeon that will deliver your message. Seriously though as fans and customers you should write to Kevin and explain your point of view.

Alejandro wrote:The problem with any Rifter is that none of them are canon and therefore aren't something I'd ever qualify as actual Palladium content for PFRPG.

2. Because its not official you won't use it? Sorry have to disagree there. As a GM its your world, why should it matter where the ideas come from? Lets face it, we all tweak game worlds in some way to add our own flavor to it. Why should a Rifter be any different?

The Dark Elf wrote:#1 Do you think that Palladium is trying to "scoot" PFRPG fans over to Rifts ?
Vidynn wrote:could be...but its not working for me. I wouldnt touch Rifts with a ten-foot-pole. The Rifts-Dimension-Book-tag even keeps me away from Hades and Dyval. I would have bought those, if they were Palladium Fantasy books.

No Palladium is not trying to sway PF fans over to Rifts. It has to do with copyrights and blah blah blah, stuff that even I don't fully understand. Kevin had his reason for making them Rifts Dimension Books.

So if you have no interest in dimensional travel for your PF group then hey that's cool. BUT, if you are, then why wouldn't you even consider the book regardless of the Rifts title? I specifically wrote Hades and Dyval to make it easier for PF fans to use. Both book include all S.D.C. stats. No conversion is needed for anything and all you have to do is ignore the M.D.C. Regardless of that, the setting is Hades and Dyval, not Rifts Earth. I would think you could use the setting info alone plus the S.D.C. stats are scaled for Palladium Fantasy. So if you don't want to shell out cash based on my word I'm sure you could ask around these boards or I can point you to a few reviews of the book.

Game on :ok:


Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:38 pm
by Vidynn
Carl Gleba wrote:So if you have no interest in dimensional travel for your PF group then hey that's cool. BUT, if you are, then why wouldn't you even consider the book regardless of the Rifts title? I specifically wrote Hades and Dyval to make it easier for PF fans to use. Both book include all S.D.C. stats. No conversion is needed for anything and all you have to do is ignore the M.D.C.

I guess youre right, I'll have a look at them - maybe they'll be the first rifts-books in my collection. ;)

Re: New books

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:08 pm
by Carl Gleba
Vidynn wrote:I guess youre right, I'll have a look at them - maybe they'll be the first rifts-books in my collection. ;)

Cool to hear :ok:

Here is some more info for you.


Re: New books

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:59 pm
by gaby
Do you think they will do some Mysteries of Magic,s books,before they make a another big book for PFrpg?

Well I hope they give more Spells to the other Schools of Magic.