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What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:16 am
by gaby
Tell me what do you think are the 10 Best Enchantments for Magic Weapons in Palladium Fantasy and Why?

What do you think are the 10 best Magic items (Non-Weapons) in Palladium Fantsay and Why?

Re: What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:38 am
by Goliath Strongarm
Personally, my favorite enchantment in PF has always been to have an item magically colored.

It's cheap, so can be gotten early on (usually after first adventure, or during second), it qualifies it as a magic item, and it's easily replaced.

Besides, with the right color, it can be just plain swanky.

Re: What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:29 am
by UR Leader Hobbes
Considering you can only put three enchantments on a weapon... I would have to go with the following..

Invisible weapon (Gives you bonuses due to foe not being able to see it.)
Spits lightning. (More damage than spits fire and less creatures are resistant to lightning.)
Turns holder invisible. (Can't hit what you can't see)

So you and the weapon vanish and all of a sudden your foe is being blasted with blasts of lightning. So your looking at 9d6+18 before you actually have to get into close quarters with your foe.

If you want something a bit more nasty than go for the ones in the Western Empire book..
Super-Sharpness (Drops the number you need for a critical hit by 2 and gives you +4 to damage.)
Armor Piercing (Now the weapon can't be stopped by AR of creatures or body armor. Any hit that isn't parried or dodged is doing damage!)
Physical Transferal (Any HP & SDC damage you inflict gets added to your own HP & SDC!)

You get this weapon and it's simo attacks all the way! Forget about dodging or blocking. He hits you and you hit back stealing your foes HPs. He hits you again and you only lose the stolen HPs, so you hit him again to steal even more!

A nice assassin weapon would have
Infectious wounds
Teleports to wielder

Re: What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:38 am
by The Dark Elf
UR Leader Hobbes wrote:
Invisible weapon (Gives you bonuses due to foe not being able to see it.)
Spits lightning. (More damage than spits fire and less creatures are resistant to lightning.)
Turns holder invisible. (Can't hit what you can't see)

I would play that when the weapon turns you invisible the weapon is included as well so you could add another to that lot!

Re: What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:40 pm
by gaby
I like eternally sharp blade,Returns to wielder when thrown and Blinding flash.

Come on thers need to be more right?

Re: What do you think are the 10 best Enchantments for weapons?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:17 am
by AaronCE
Gotta throw in on Demon and/or Devil Slayer. If you encounter a significant amount of the Demon/Devil beasties, it's a significant asset. (Summoner, Summoner-hunting, minions of evil warlords..)
