we got into a great discussion awhile back on this when i showcased a failed hive buster.
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=51458&hilit=xiticixThere where some very good ideas thrown around.
My failed answer to the bug problem. But i thought it might be worth a look, was an a light Assault/troop Transport I designed while playing operator. It was designed For iron heart, For a massive spear head into bug country that never happened.
It is the The Bug Burner (Ok the name sucked but the idea was sound,)
well here we go.
Model Type- Light assault / Troop Transport
Crew: 2: Pilot gunner
Troop Transport capabilities: 10
M.D.C. by location:
Weapons turret-150
Twin Napalm-P Flame Cannons-60
Side Fusion breacher Launch Tubes (4)- 40 each
Smoke/gas Dispensers (2)- 15 each
*Reinforced Napalm-P tanks (internal)-100
Reinforced crew compartment-100
**Tread (2)-90 each
***Main body- 320
***destroying main body dose destroy the vehicle And leaves crew compartment And Napalm-P tank exposed!
** destroying tread will immobilize the vehicle until replaced. Replacing a tread will take a trained crew 1d6*10 minutes. (2 spares are carried onboard)
***Blowing the Napalm Tank is bad I mean really bad. A blown tank explodes for 2d6*100 to a 300 foot radius And burn for 1d4 min doing 1d6*10 to anything in the area
(this is why project was canned and gave birth to a MD fuel air-bomb)
((long story))
Speed: 70 mph. 40mph over water has water jets (think big jet ski) with ram plate tilted forward provides a smooth plane of water to glide over.
Height: 10'
length:Ram forward-30' ram up 25'
weight: 20 tons fully loaded
cargo: storage for 12 rifles 4 rocket launchers (CTT-M20s or shoulder launched Med missiles) and 2 extra buster rockets.
Power System: combustion or electric engine or nuclear
Weapon System
1. Twin barreled Napalm-P Cannons 1 The N.F.T. cannon is an off shoot of WI long-lived plasma thrower this Mega-Damage fire does not dissipate in 10-20 seconds
but last for a period of 1d4 minutes. During this time the target continues to take damage.
Weight: 160lbs.
Mega-damage: A burst does 6d6 M.D. A concentrated burst (counts as 2 attacks) does 2d4*10+20 M.D. Or a gunner can cover an area with plasma: up to 20 feet can be covered with each hand to hand attack, so a gunner with 4 attacks could cover a 40' area: everything in the area takes 4d6M.D. Additionally amy target that is hit by plasma will continue to take 4d6M.D> every melee round fore 1d4 minutes! Only way to save oneself is to roll in dirt or sand for 30 seconds (Water will not extinguish)
Rate of fire: single shot or concentrated burst only
effective range:1000 feet
Payload: Internal tanks 1000 shots
2.Fusion breacher (4) is nothing more than a Few fusion blocks Stuffed in the head of a large short ranged rocket used to breach the sides of a mound. Simple bunker buster.
Range: max 900' (about 300 meters)
Damage: 4d6*20 to 20' radius (2 class 3 fusion block for warhead filler)
rate of fire: 1,2,3,or all 4 rocket
No bonus to hit dumb rocket on board weapon targeting only. take a trained team 2 minutes unload spare rockets from track and load into launchers.
Smoke/Gas Dispenser(2): A smoke/gas dispenser is attached to each side. The dense cloud covers a 40 foot area in front of the track. It can also release tear gas.
Payload: 20 total; 10 in each
Ram/Prow:that nasty wedge shaped ram does more than look mean. when crossing rivers and lakes the hydraulics on the ram push it down and foreword some so it works like a bow. But on land it helps these hard charging tracks punch right threw swarm and after the breaching rocket soften the mound the ram widens the hole so it can be flamed while the troop disembark from the rear.
damage: for 1/2 speed rams 1d6*10md or 2d4*10md for full speed rams. plus Xiticix sized targets are hurled 2d6 yards away. (Plus lose 3 actions and initiative) those run over take 1d6*10md
Notes; standard feature include a short range radar (5 mile) Laser targeting (+1 to strike), combat computer (+1 to strike). long-range and short-range radio, loudspeaker, rad. detector, light rad shielding, and (for toc rat) an environmental crew compartment with air-conditioning, heating, oxygen supply and an air purging, purification, and circulation system.