Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I have the old books and would rather use those than PDF's anyday... but then again, this would be a great way to get digital artwork from the books to paste all over my pc
Of course those who cant find copies of the old books should get the PDF versions as they both offer great source material that still applies well to BTS2 with little conversion required.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places." –H.P. Lovecraft
By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
I was pleased enough to write a extensive review of Boxed Nightmares over on Nexus-Nine-dot-Net. Unfortunately, this version doesn't seem to include the After Midnight tabloid. It's still well worth $7.99 in my opinion. I'll post another review of BtS 1st edition as soon as I get my copy back from a friend who is borrowing it. There's actually enough unique information there (like 22 pages of details about ley lines and their effects) to justify picking it up even if you don't play BtS or if you have 2nd edition.
It's perfectly okay to prefer a traditionally printed book, Mr. L. The problem I've seen before with smaller companies is that a very vocal minority starts screaming, "A file isn't the same as holding a real book, and I'm not the only one who feels that way!" That type of dissent played a role in Kenzerco deciding to never offer the option of selling ebooks.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.” -- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
Why not? Adobe Acrobat reader is a free download (and also packaged with lots of different applications. Even your printer or router might have it if they decided to make the documentation a PDF)
GP: 16,019.8 / JP: 30 / MZP: 75 "Overlord Rikonius is the Roland Deschain of Bad Puns, he fires them off that fast" - CornholioPrime "Rik is a deep and abundant reservoir of cool..." - Yisterwald Party hydrants strive when they have a sorority backed by beige regurgitations.
Some of the more recent editions of Adobe Acrobat Reader have been really bad. Even at its best, Reader is bulky and slow. That's a lot of stress just to view a file. I prefer Foxit which is also free and available at download.com. It doesn't have some of the advanced features of Reader, but those features are almost never used by the files' authors anyway.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.” -- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913