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Idea for Massive Dead Reign Game

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:37 am
by MrTwist
So I had an idea for the next Open House. This idea spawned from me being incredibly bored at this Open House and not really wanting to go back. Don't get me wrong; I'm thankful for the opportunity the Palladium staff gave to it's fans by having this in the first place. I just wished there was more to do.

So my idea for the next one is to run a gigantic Dead Reign game. There will be no limit to the amount of players and I'll let anyone join whenever they want. They can even leave whenever they want. It'll basically be a way for people to keep occupied between games. It will be a day long event, starting in the morning and going for as long as I can. There will be twenty or so minute breaks here or there for me to eat and to set up for the next wave.

All it's going to be is one big long constant survival against an onslaught of zombies. I'm not sure if the game is going to be set over the course of one night and what could happen to a struggling community, or if it's going to be multiple nights in the lives of these survivors.

I'll definitely have a whole slew of opponents attacking the town. Other survivors trying to steal their goods, death cults trying to get more sacrifices, and giant herds of thousands of zombies. I'll see if there are any quick and dirty rules for mass combat I can use that will be compatible with zombie hordes to keep things flowing.

I'll definitely have a hundred or so character sheets made up, all using some simple random generation. Basically I'll hand them out like candy to people. If you die, I give you another character to play if you want. You leave, I shove the character back into the pile. There will be a lot of survivors so hopefully there will always be someone to play.

So what do people think? If people seem to like this idea I'll flesh it out some more and post here on it's development.