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Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:17 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
One that was worth using....

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:57 am
by Balabanto

ISP: 30
Duration: 1 Melee per Level
Target: The Psionic

This super psionic power raises the saving throws for all Psionic effects by 1 for every 5 levels of the psionic.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:33 am
by Anthar
The supernatural strength ability that's listed in the Heroes Unlimited book.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:29 am
by rat_bastard
Enhanced Sense of smell to Physical skills.

going for a second or a third I would go with Enhanced Hearing and Enhanced Vision.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:19 am
by runebeo
Impose Will
Range: 100 ft plus 30 per level. (Eye contact is limited to only 60 feet)
Saving Throw: Save vs ME bonus only.
Duration: 15 minutes per level.
I.S.P.: 40

The psychic rolls a mental strike with a bonus of +1 (an additional bonus of +2 if eye contact is made) and add his M.E. bonus to the roll, the victim rolls a vs save with his M.E. bonus and bonus vs mind control only. If the psychic wins this battle of wills the victim is under his mind control. If the victim is ordered to commit suicide or harm a loved one a new battle of wills is initiated. Victims breaking free of this mind control has full memory of the events, but the psychic had such control that he may even ask the victim to block out the past events for up to 24 hours after breaking free of his control. Additional mental commands may be implanted to call o pond later that day, like "I'm your friend" or "let me go with you" the victim gets a vs psionics at a bonus of +2 to save against theses commands over the next 24 hours.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:55 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Lobo wrote:A Super Psychic version of the Mind Blast spell.

If mind bolt were worth using you wouldn't need to.

I would want a non super psionic that grants MDC protection, and one that lets you damage mdc creatures. that way psionics could actually survive, instead of just piddle around. These people were supposed to be instramental in in helping the world survive, but any non-master psychic is worthless in the realm of MDC power. I want a psychic that is worth using, instead of a nice little bonus for my regular character.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:39 pm
by Captain Shiva
I have several suggestions: 1) Teleport Object from HU2. 2) Supercharge,from Nightbane,especially if it makes you temporarily an MDC being. 3) The psychic powers from Rifter #25. 4) Some of the powers from Brett Hegr's site,especially Kinesis Bolts,and his vastly improved version of Mind Bolt. 5) A power from AD&D 2nd Edition psionics called Energy Conversion, which enables the player to absorb energy attacks, and release them as visible light,without harm to himself.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:10 pm
by sHaka
Teleport Object. Odd this one wasn't included - I have made all psychic abilites from all the game lines I possess available in Rifts.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:... that way psychics could actually survive, instead of just piddle around. These people were supposed to be instrumental in in helping the world survive, but any non-master psychic is worthless in the realm of MDC power. I want a psychic that is worth using, instead of a nice little bonus for my regular character.

So how do you figure "mundane" humans have survived? What is it that you consider that psychics are lacking that make them unworthy of use?

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:43 pm
by Captain Shiva
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
Lobo wrote:A Super Psychic version of the Mind Blast spell.

If mind bolt were worth using you wouldn't need to.

I would want a non super psionic that grants MDC protection, and one that lets you damage mdc creatures. that way psionics could actually survive, instead of just piddle around. These people were supposed to be instramental in in helping the world survive, but any non-master psychic is worthless in the realm of MDC power. I want a psychic that is worth using, instead of a nice little bonus for my regular character.

A psychic power need not be offensive in nature to help people survive. Sixth sense might let people know when to avoid danger, as well as clairvoyance. Any healing powers would be useful when no doctors are available.Telekinetic Force Field can provide shelter from the elements,and so on.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:51 pm
by rat_bastard
A psi Power that has Sixth sense as a Perquisite that automatically activates another psi power, like you sense danger and you are wrapped in a psychic body field as a result. It would not have an activation cost, rather a permanent cost (like twice the activated powers base activation cost).

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:14 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
rat_bastard wrote:A psi Power that has Sixth sense as a Perquisite that automatically activates another psi power, like you sense danger and you are wrapped in a psychic body field as a result. It would not have an activation cost, rather a permanent cost (like twice the activated powers base activation cost).

That is a really good idea. Btw, thank very much for the suggestions Captain Shiva. I already use some of those, but I'll have to look up supercharge from nightbane.

I have made changes and borrowed things in order to make my psychics more playable, but my gripe is I shouldn't have to. The psychics should have been worth using in the first place. I have several players who wanted to play them, but didn't want to be psychics because they "had all the good powers" by 5th level, and were generally not able to keep up or felt held back. Psychics get incredibly short-changed in comparison to mages, and I see no need to ever play a psychic, seeing as a mage can do the same things, better, with less difficulty, and a better selection of straight up better abilities, both considering power and versatility. there is even less drive to play one now that the casting times have been shortened. Oh, and mages get more "power points" and recharge faster.

Luckily I have changed some things here and there, and well, just changed nearly everything. Psychics are a lot more fun to play in my games than they ever would have been if I just waited on Palladium. Sorry for the little rant, I just wish Palladium didn't ignore them so much.

The following is 100% topic related

I would like to see Flight, better ranged combat options, more Blankkinesis, and a few more Super-category powers(ones worthy of the title),MDC capable abilities for non-master psychics. I'm not talking on the Super-Psi scale though, just something minor and major psychics can use to give them an edge over mundane humans, when it comes to surviving in supernatural settings.

I also wouldn't mind if psionics were done by level, but that could quickly become cumbersome by the very nature of some of the abilities. Something thats useless in some situations may be ridiculously overpowering in others. That kind of thing can be hard to assign a number to. I could definitely go for actual level progression, instead of the smattering of progressive psionics we have now. However, that isn't particularly difficult, and I can handle it myself.

Sorry if I came across as somewhat offensive or harsh in my previous post, I sometimes forget the impersonal nature of the internet calls for careful use of language.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:02 am
by Preacher
runebeo wrote:Impose Will
Range: 100 ft plus 30 per level. (Eye contact is limited to only 60 feet)
Saving Throw: Save vs ME bonus only.
Duration: 15 minutes per level.
I.S.P.: 40

The psychic rolls a mental strike with a bonus of +1 (an additional bonus of +2 if eye contact is made) and add his M.E. bonus to the roll, the victim rolls a vs save with his M.E. bonus and bonus vs mind control only. If the psychic wins this battle of wills the victim is under his mind control. If the victim is ordered to commit suicide or harm a loved one a new battle of wills is initiated. Victims breaking free of this mind control has full memory of the events, but the psychic had such control that he may even ask the victim to block out the past events for up to 24 hours after breaking free of his control. Additional mental commands may be implanted to call o pond later that day, like "I'm your friend" or "let me go with you" the victim gets a vs psionics at a bonus of +2 to save against theses commands over the next 24 hours.

I was going to say an honest to goodness Mind Control power that works but this is pretty close so I second this.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:19 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:MDC capable abilities for non-master psychics. I'm not talking on the Super-Psi scale though, just something minor and major psychics can use to give them an edge over mundane humans, when it comes to surviving in supernatural settings.

I disagree with this strongly.

I don't want to derail the thread, but you're welcome to take it up with me by PM if you're so inclined.

Suffice to say, my revision heightens the differences in power between minor, major, and master psychics. It does not water them down further.

I respect that sentiment and would not seek to derail this thread. I am glad to see that you would be so kind as to entertain my ideas. However I also think it would be more important to separate the levels, as opposed to blending them farther together. I just want my psionics to be able to put up with the mages at lower levels. And higher levels too. It isn't something I like to do, just something I do to make my players happy. I really can't wait to see your revisions and, honestly, I get like a kid in a candy store just thinking about it.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:40 pm
by Lenwen
Rogue_Scientist wrote:If you could add one psychic power to RUE, what would it be?

It can anything. It could be converted from another Palladium game, a racial ability, something you saw in a movie or read in a book, comics, etc.

The Psionic ability to teleport.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:01 pm
by Daniel Stoker
I'd go with a version of telepathy that was found in the old Heroes Unlimited where for 6 additional ISP you were actually able to probe someone's mind.

Daniel Stoker

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:25 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
I .like that one better, I don't like the way telepathy has been gimped.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:32 pm
by Daniel Stoker
To be honest it's the version I've made available for years now in my games, which is why I know about it still. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:58 pm
by Greyaxe
The Evil Eye:Death.

From PFRPG 1st edition 1st print.
Cost 20 ISP damage per point of ISP put into the attack, direct to hit points (as PFRPG had no SDC initially) Saving throw standard for 1/2 damage.

There were actually several Evil Eyes, Fear, Curses etc. Very Gypsy like in its implications. "Beware the EVIL EYE"

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:13 am
by The Baron of chaos
You alreayd know....
Telekinetic motherfu**ing Flight!!! Damnit it Is not fair that only neo-humans got it!!!

Some way to improve regeneration of ISP and better rule for Psionics. Like using additional ISP to use your power on more than one person at time(bio-manipulation against 5 person at same time...) or using ME bonus as "strike" bonus to break someone else defense, or adjust the cost of a psionic power depending on opponent ME(lower ME will means easier/cheaper cost).

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:32 pm
by Greyaxe
Sunu wrote:
One that I have thought up is called emotion wave. I would cause a group of people to take on a emotion(anger, happy,sad,ect) that is projected.


Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:07 pm
by runebeo
The Baron of chaos wrote:You alreayd know....
Telekinetic motherfu**ing Flight!!! Damnit it Is not fair that only neo-humans got it!!!

Some way to improve regeneration of ISP and better rule for Psionics. Like using additional ISP to use your power on more than one person at time(bio-manipulation against 5 person at same time...) or using ME bonus as "strike" bonus to break someone else defense, or adjust the cost of a psionic power depending on opponent ME(lower ME will means easier/cheaper cost).

I really like the idea of Psionic Strength like spell strength +1 at level 4, 8 & 12. It would work the same as saving vs magic and improve the chances of effecting Master Psychics and characters like Juicers & Crazies who have greater defense against psionics. Giving a boost to more experienced psychics, I never liked the idea a 1st level psychic's power are just as strong as a 15th level with little change other than range and Psi-Sword damage.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:53 pm
by Captain Shiva
Zerebus wrote:Let's see...

In addition the psi-powers found in Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, and Beyond the Supernatural...

Telepathic Illusion. The ability to project the image of a creature, object, or scenery directly into the mind of a person. Can be used to frighten, confuse, and disorient, as well as to subtly hide and distract.

Try Mental Illusion,from PFRPG 2nd edition.Also the Psi-Illusionist from Old Ones.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:49 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
I would like to see something to the effect of Adapt to Environment. I think that Self bio-manipulation is an aspect of psionics that is sorely underestimated, and could be used to great effect. Like enhanced metabolism, or something involving infusing the body with psychic energy, for example, supercharge. I use Supercharge, but have it as a level 3 super psychic ability. I also think super sight- paranormal and a few others would make good psychic abilities as well. I have always found MD capabilities to be far below par, and some, nearly useless. I think new powers involving damage dealing and mitigation are necessary, along with both combat and utility abilities in general. Possibly level requirements for the good stuff.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:53 am
by dark brandon
A simple that makes sense for a psychic to have...A power that will reveal weaknesses of monsters.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:47 am
by Rallan
Can't really think of any off the top of my head. I know which psychic power Patrick Stewart would add though :)

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:16 am
by rbm10101
i propose new uses for already existing psionic powers or combinations of psionic powers.
some examples below
Psionic Power Drawn and Quartered ( really just telekinesis but only available at level 4 as a new STUNT of the power )
TK super grab a targets arms and legs and pull them all in different directions.Even wearing armor wont really help you with this as the armor will pull agaisnt you and really hurt. I have yet to see anything that says you cant TK grab the same thing more than once ( each limb)
TK SPIN ( REALLY JUST TK SUPER and requires level 3 )
lift the target and push on one side and pull on the other to spin them really fast
maybe target loses initiative and some attacks and has to roll a save or become dizzy, nauseas or vomit or some such

Combo of Clairvoyance and Telekinesis - make this have a medium to high level requirement
look inside his body and see his organs - what happens if i TK some of those organs around?
pinch his bladder a little and watch him run off to the bathroom
clamp his eyelids shut ( say level 5 to do
poke his ear drum ( say level 7)
pinch his nose shut so he cant smell ( say level 3 or higher to do )

Combo of Clairvoyance and Force Field ( say required level 7 or some such )
hey I can see inside his helmet and put a force field in his throat so he cant breathe, can he move since I did that ?

these are only examples but I think that combining two or more powers to do STUNTS would be great
perhaps even allow for stunts on using just one psionic power but stunts become available as the character raises in level ( it is not like MOST psionic powers do extra damage as they level - perhaps more utility or functionality as the PSION figures out NEW unthought of potential of his powers or combinations of his powers )

a possible new super psionic power
Psionic Resurection(SUPER 2 choices ) Minimum level 10 ( 7th level for mind melters )
At great cost to the psion he can at the moment of his death attempt to permanently transfer his essence into another ( like prof X in the 3rd Xmen movie )
assign some type of penalty so characters dont go around perma hopping into others bodies and dont give him control over who he goes into or some such

a psionic to buff other psionic abilities
allows the psion to extend the range and or duration and or damage etc etc of other psionic abilities choose one with different ISP cost or multiplier of ISP cost to do so
Psion that allows for a delay of psionic abilities - to explain - what do you mean I cant hypnotic suggestion the guard to call his wife at midnight 2 days from now and wish her happy anniversary as a distraction - the 5 min duration imho is kinda lame
say a different psion for physical , sensitive , healing and super or simply allow a psion to take the same psionic ability a second, third or etc time at x,y,z level to upgrade the ability in SOME way

I find the rules for Danger sense extremely vague and ambiguous

game balance of course needs to be considered
I just want a somewhat versatile weak class or a not so versatile more powerful class
magic users if they have the right spells can do nigh anything they do more dmg as they level , get longer durations etc
psionics are stagnant and do not improve at all other than to get more psionics as the level

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:53 am
by Proseksword
Probably Domination same as the spell.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:26 am
by Shark_Force
ok, maybe i'm missing something here... everyone is going all crazy over dominate. it really isn't that great. the person may as well be a zombie, except that they can resist orders that are against their nature. also, it doesn't penetrate environmental armor.

if i was to pick one mind control spell, it would probably be compulsion. 24 hour duration, longer range, they get only 1 save at the start, they don't refuse orders, it penetrates environmental armor, they don't take any penalties, and you get to pick what they desperately want to do which is as good as mind control. in fact, compared to rifts mind control, it's better. by a lot. it can range from "you really really want to shoot all your dead boy pals" to "you want to do everything i tell you to for the next 24 hours". if you choose your target's want well enough, they may not even realise they've been mind controlled.

so am i missing something here?

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:48 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
No you pretty much hit it on the head. but domination is good too. I have never been much of a mind control kind of guy.

I am very glad to see that Rouge decided to give dominators their own catagory of abilities tho. I did that with erupters in my game, but never really fleshed out dominators.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:05 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:so am i missing something here?

A sense of game balance, perhaps? Or at least of what would actually be fun to game both with and against.

I think a GM would have to be high off his a** to allow your interpretation of Compulsion into a game.

Domination is fine. The spell version is weaker, by design, than the psionic one I adapted. Psychic Domination penetrates body and light power armor, benefits from range revisions to all psionics, and has a solid synergy with new and existing psychic powers. It's limited to Dominator-class psychics, and both magic and psychic versions of the power are capped in the number of people that can be affected at a given time.

Sounds like fun! 8-)

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:53 am
by Shark_Force
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:so am i missing something here?

A sense of game balance, perhaps? Or at least of what would actually be fun to game both with and against.

I think a GM would have to be high off his a** to allow your interpretation of Compulsion into a game.

Domination is fine. The spell version is weaker, by design, than the psionic one I adapted. Psychic Domination penetrates body and light power armor, benefits from range revisions to all psionics, and has a solid synergy with new and existing psychic powers. It's limited to Dominator-class psychics, and both magic and psychic versions of the power are capped in the number of people that can be affected at a given time. The cap starts off small, and grows with experience.

alright, so how does it work then? it sounds like you meant to say "yes you're missing something, i don't think compulsion works like that" but it seems to have come out of your mouth (figuratively speaking) as "shut up i disagree with you but i'm not going to explain why and you're a munchkin".

could you try rephrasing your response in a manner that actually generates understanding rather than sounding hostile, please?

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:42 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
I'd like to see a psionic power that breaks other forms of mind control.
If your friend is under the effects of Trance or Dominate or Hypnotic Suggestion and so forth, use this power to bring them to their senses.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:44 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
I'd like to see a form of biomanipulation that allows suggestion or mind control.
But more suggestion than mind control.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:11 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
I'm not sure what you mean. Expound?

What did you call me!?! j/k

I would like to see a Bio-manipulation ability that alters your perceptions or neural pathways to make you more susceptible to suggestion. I essentially want bio-manipulation to be more useful. It's good but I would like more options, like maybe someone with more intelligence can use more aspects of it, and have mental manipulation as the top level. I like to make my smarter psychics a little better, but thats just me. I think a smarter psychic can use their abilities to a higher level, and with greater complexity. You could argue that a stupid psychic could do as well instinctively, but I don't do it that way. I like more difference in power than ISP pools and level.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:50 pm
by cornholioprime
rat_bastard wrote:A psi Power that has Sixth sense as a Perquisite that automatically activates another psi power, like you sense danger and you are wrapped in a psychic body field as a result. It would not have an activation cost, rather a permanent cost (like twice the activated powers base activation cost).
Me Grimlock like this Power.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:30 pm
by Steeler49er
Captain Shiva wrote:I have several suggestions: 1) Teleport Object from HU2. 2) Supercharge,from Nightbane,especially if it makes you temporarily an MDC being. 3) The psychic powers from Rifter #25. 4) Some of the powers from Brett Hegr's site,especially Kinesis Bolts,and his vastly improved version of Mind Bolt. 5) A power from AD&D 2nd Edition psionics called Energy Conversion, which enables the player to absorb energy attacks, and release them as visible light,without harm to himself.

To add to that list of psi-powers from Other PB games...

The origninal version of 'Hydrokinesis' from Heroes Unlimited!!!
IT was more super than the Rifts super psychic power. The best you can do with the weak-@$$3D Rifts Super Psi power is to "Water Spout hot coffie into your opponents Face"!!!
Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak, Weak!

With Original HK from Original HU, you could DRAW on water from the environment and Chuck it around with some nice force! Additionally you could do stuff like Create impressively large waves!

HK-Major should have the following;
Heat up & Freeze water!
Throw it with Great force!
Shoot it with Near MDC pen Value, like what an industrial 'Water Laser/Drill' or a puncture in a sub at 2miles under the ocean is capable of producing (but with Rifts level Energy is put behind It!).
The Ability to Draw Moisture from the air, when there is some (but with Rifts level Energy is put behind It!).
The Ability to form rough shapes and constructs out of water, as well as the ability to Animate H²O with some fine control (but with Rifts level Energy is put behind It!).
The ability to change it's (H²O/waters) states with out changing it's temp! This creates stunts like Room Temp Fog and Polywater!
Make it Better at Purification.
Additionally, Increase the amount of 'Affectable Water' per level, as the amounts given are Weak and this is Supostabe a freakin SUPER Psi power... And its RIFTS energy Boosted!

Additionally it'd be cooler if you didn't get ALL of your sub abilitys at once! Give us something to shoot for, to earn... That sence of accomplishment that leveling is ment to grant you! This goes for all such powers.
Just fer pitysake, hows about making it as versitial as TK, heck, make it More powerful since it's Limited to Water to begin with!

LASTLY: Make ALL the aspects of psi-powers increase when in/on Rifts Earth type MDC environments... Not just the Damage dealing and Damage resistant aspects of a power... This IS after all intended to be a "THINKING PERSONS GAME", it'd be nice if those of us that aren't Damage junkies could see Our powers increase in effect as well...

Heck, this last part goes for Magic, Chi, Super Powers and Tech as well.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:37 pm
by runebeo
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
gadrin wrote:
jhwrench wrote:I like to see a super psionic power to create telekinetic creatures, like hawks, horses, wolves & lions. Nothing too overpowering maybe 40 M.D.C. for a hawk with flying, 2D4 talons 3 attacks or a lion 80 M.D.C. with 2D6 claws, 4 attacks for 30 i.s.p. and for each creature the psychic controls he loses one attack per round to control them. Since master psychic can't have magic tattoos this could help make up for it and add some extra support for teammates.

Tattoo Magic has Ecto-creatures, so why not Psionics ? Just combine TK + Ecto + lots of research to make the creature
and perfect it. Sorta reminds me of the holo-demons from that episode of Crusade.

I wouldn't have them self-willed though, I'd have the psychic take the 1/2 actions (like Ecto-Disguise) to maintain them.

It would require pre-reqs though in TK and Ecto, something that Palladium doesn't always do.


Ok, now you guys are getting on my nerves. "Stop guessing", lol! :badbad:

It's called "Imaginary Friend", and it's probably my favorites of the powers I wrote myself. It's a combination familiar, assistant, and hallucination. It functions as a minor summon, and looks a little bit like the full-bodied Patronus (sp?) Charm from the recent Harry Potter movies. IE, it tends to have animal shapes, kind of spectral and misty looking, etc.

It has non-combat uses, but can become tangible for combat. There are pre-requisites. It will not eat up a huge chunk of the characters attack/actions (and "why should it?"). That's about all I'm going to give away for now, though. :wink:

All good ideas! If you mix in some illusionary powers to really confuse the enemy then switch hit with some ecto creatures and illusionary ones, it would sure bring some extra fear in dealing with master psychics. What would you be more worried about the 20 foot tall illusionary gargoyle lord or the see threw lion?

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:40 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Irv Gotti wrote:
The Baron of chaos wrote:You alreayd know....
Telekinetic motherfu**ing Flight!!! Damnit it Is not fair that only neo-humans got it!!!

Some way to improve regeneration of ISP and better rule for Psionics. Like using additional ISP to use your power on more than one person at time(bio-manipulation against 5 person at same time...) or using ME bonus as "strike" bonus to break someone else defense, or adjust the cost of a psionic power depending on opponent ME(lower ME will means easier/cheaper cost).

Rifts Ultimate Ed. (illustrated hardcover) states that Super Telekinesis DOES allow the character to use it to obtain flight. The speed of such flight is never mentioned, though I would ASSuME that it would carry the same speed as Neo Human TK flight.

I would love the Psi-Powers in Rifter # 25 to become official. (Enhance Reflexes is what Intuitive Combat SHOULD have been). Although in the games I run, Psi-powers from other Palladium RPGs can easily be learned via Psyscape as a result of the lackluster Psyscape sourcebook. (Kevin Simbieda once said CJ Carella's submission of Psyscape didn't scream "Psyscape" despite what was written for Nightbane (then Nightspawn) and then gave us his version of Psyscape....which ironically didn't scream Psyscape either) How does one spend a mere half page describing the title city and then run SIX pages describing .... Psi-Cola?! :-?

Stupidity? I would have liked to see CJ's original if that isn't what we ended up getting. I dig KS's material, but his ideas often suck in my opinion. Like Coalition Wars. Lots of good stuff, but most of it would have been better suited to an actual novel, with stats and equip put in a small adventure book. Psyscape? meh. Psycola was worth maybe 1/2 a page. Psyscape itself was worth 20 pages, and I think there was 1 1/2 or two pages. Way to properly interpret what your customers want. If thats how he sees Lazlo, I DON'T want to see it. I liked a few things psyscape did, but it just didn't do enough, luckily, the few things worth reading were good enough to buy. otherwise I might have sworn of craptastic palladium right there. good thing all the other books were much better.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:30 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
gadrin wrote:How about Ecto-Disguise + Psychic Body Field + Electokinesis + Psi-Invis (meaning the psychic has all those powers
in order to be able to do this) that brings about a single effect that's equivalent to a Stealth/Radar Absorbent Armor ?

Ecto makes it look putty-plastic, shape it to fit, must be the size of your body (no Titan Combat Robot, or Behemoth bots)
Psychic Body Field gives it MD value (not much but better than nothing)
Electro messes with EM readings (distortions and interference, IR is EM too)
Psi-Invis mean the sensor reader or person looking at it doesn't get the signal...

Sort of a take off on Power Stunts by Heroes Unlimited characters.


I just use the psionic invisiblity from SA2. It actually makes you invisible. But who would want that?

Seriously, psychic invis sucks. Makes you completely invisible to everyone within x feet. everyone else will still see you. People operating cameras and sensors will see you unless they fall within your range. Or they save.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:38 pm
by wildhood
Psi-Disguise & Psi-Suduction because psychics do not get the skills to do the fun stuff.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:41 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
wildhood wrote:Psi-Disguise & Psi-Suduction because psychics do not get the skills to the fun stuff.


Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:25 pm
by Shark_Force
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
wildhood wrote:Psi-Disguise & Psi-Suduction because psychics do not get the skills to do the fun stuff.


Seduction would require the use of a few different psionics, but is definitely possible for some characters. :wink:

[snippity snip]

it really doesn't require that much.

hypnotic suggestion: "Oh come on, you know you want me. I'm the <gender> of your dreams."


(sometimes i feel like i'm the only person who reads these powers... there is a really astonishing amount of versatility and power in a few select mind-control oriented psionic powers that doesn't seem to get noticed, or at least mentioned in these discussions that come up.)

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:58 am
by ShadowLogan
gadrin wrote:
jhwrench wrote:I like to see a super psionic power to create telekinetic creatures, like hawks, horses, wolves & lions. Nothing too overpowering maybe 40 M.D.C. for a hawk with flying, 2D4 talons 3 attacks or a lion 80 M.D.C. with 2D6 claws, 4 attacks for 30 i.s.p. and for each creature the psychic controls he loses one attack per round to control them. Since master psychic can't have magic tattoos this could help make up for it and add some extra support for teammates.

Tattoo Magic has Ecto-creatures, so why not Psionics ? Just combine TK + Ecto + lots of research to make the creature
and perfect it. Sorta reminds me of the holo-demons from that episode of Crusade.

I wouldn't have them self-willed though, I'd have the psychic take the 1/2 actions (like Ecto-Disguise) to maintain them.

It would require pre-reqs though in TK and Ecto, something that Palladium doesn't always do.


So basically you want the Astral Golem Super Psionic Power, but on the material plane and not the astral one. The power is found in Psyscape, but not RUE (not sure about the GM: Guide).

One could either expand the Astral Golem to additionally work on the material plane, or create a variant of the power to work on the material plane.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:56 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Rogue_Scientist wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:One could either expand the Astral Golem to additionally work on the material plane, or create a variant of the power to work on the material plane.

Hush, you!

Astral Golem is one of those powers I seriously want to revamp. I'm just not sure how I'm going to do it yet, and I suspect it will have to wait until my second swing at this.

I'll put the house rule packet (20-30 pages, .docs and .pdfs) up for download around the end of the month. Gather feedback for awhile, let other people play test and find some holes I probably missed, and then shoot for posting an updated/expanded version around Christmas.


Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:49 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Wyrmbear wrote:There is no progress, there is only ZUUL!!! er...I mean there is only the inevitable destruction of the human race. wait, that's not it either. Would you believe...there is only the force? The schwartz? Yogurt? Jam. No? How about the head of Richard Nixon, would you believe him?


Honestly, if I could add a psi-power to Rifts, it'd have to be long-range psychic communication.

I have something similar in my games. I call it telepathic bond, primarily because I'm bad with names. Lets you have a permanent(unless dispelled by either person) telepathic bond to someone. Cost permanent ISP(unless canceled) to create.

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:57 am
by Shark_Force
Wyrmbear wrote:What book is that rework in, RS? Neither RUE nor GMG seem to have it.

i expect he's referring to his personal revision of psionics ;)

Re: You can add any one psi-power to Rifts. What is it?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:31 pm
by Crucible
Psionic Claws for Psi-Stalkers, certain Mutant Animals, and other human/animal types (ferals). My little girl is getting them in the HU2 game that is getting rifted. She's usiing Animal Abilities Big Cat.