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Re: Psyscape Nega-Psychics

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:07 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Tyciol wrote:Part of 'closed to the supernatural' is the inability to sense the supernatural. Does this include the Psyscape Third Eye ability to sense them? One option is to 'open oneself', would they be able to sense the supernatural if they open themself?

Closed to the supernatural means inability to sense the supernatural. third eye won't help.

Another thing I was wondering about Nega-Psychics. They are not prohibited from worshipping a god. As per D&G gods can perceive anything the person sees/hears/etc., but would being a Nega-Psychic interfere with a god perceiving through a Nega-Psychic who worships them? Would a god need to send a minion to tell the Nega to open himself for the god be able to see through them and perform miracles, or would a god bypass that closedness?

Closed to the supernatural means closed to the supernatural. Not even god can do it.

Re: Psyscape Nega-Psychics

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:39 pm
by gaby
But I smart god can trick the Nega-Psychics into believe they get the anti-magic/Psi abilies from them.

that is how I play some of them.