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Mystic OCC and Spell Selection

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:21 pm
by spyrer
I have a fairly simple question with, I suspect, a fairly complex answer.

Question: What spell lists may a Mystic select spells from?

Note that this has been addressed in the FAQ, although the answer leaves me more confused than ever:
"Question: 1) Since Mystics get spells intuitively, can they gain spells other than the common ones?
2) If a Mystic wanted to, could he gain elemental spell, or spells that are generally specialized to other spellcasters? 3) Like Biomancers, Blue Flame magic, Nazca Line magic, or maybe Cloud magic. If the Mystic had been exposed to the use of some of these magics for some time, would that aid his chances?
Answer: 1) As far as I know, only Necromancy (and Temporal Magic?) has been specifically stated to be available to the Mystic OCC in Rifts. However, the Mystic OCC in Nightbane: Through the Glass Darkly can access spells of any type after reaching 4th level.
2) Technically, the Mystic has no say in the matter. The spells gained are supposed to be indicative of the character's personality and goals. However, the player should be free to choose any appropriate spells within the above limitations.
3) As far as the rules are concerned, no. A mystic has more less equal chances of learning any spell, even those the character has never heard of, because they are all acquired unconsciously and intuitively."

Answer 1 says that Necromancy (and...possibly...Temporal Magic) are specifically stated to be available to the Mystic OCC. However, the opposite is true for Necromancy (it specifically states that Mystics CANNOT take it), and Temporal Magic is supposed to be devilishly difficult to learn.

So...I would presume then, logically...the correct answer is actually Necromancy and Temporal Magic are the only spell lists UNavailable to a Mystic.

Is that correct?

Re: Mystic OCC and Spell Selection

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:35 pm
by Anthar
I'm not sure what the official ruling is on that, but I'd allow them access to spell that are available as standard invocation spells levels 1-15. Cloud magic have restrictions on being learned by regular mages as well as Bubble magic, Biomancer magic, Nazca Line magic, spells of legend(not level 1-15), certain elemental spells and there are others that I can't remember at the moment. The only restriction for Blue Flame magic is that it is not taught to outsiders, but Mystics don't "learn" spells in the conventional sense.

Don't forget Ocean magic, Russian Fire magic, Old Believer Nature magic and others that fall in the invocation category.

Re: Mystic OCC and Spell Selection

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:02 am
by Killer Cyborg
spyrer wrote:I have a fairly simple question with, I suspect, a fairly complex answer.

Question: What spell lists may a Mystic select spells from?

Standard mage selection that most magic OCCs get.
He can use Blue Flame magic, if he hears about it and finds somebody to study with, but only because all mages can.

Note that this has been addressed in the FAQ, although the answer leaves me more confused than ever:
"Question: 1) Since Mystics get spells intuitively, can they gain spells other than the common ones?
2) If a Mystic wanted to, could he gain elemental spell, or spells that are generally specialized to other spellcasters? 3) Like Biomancers, Blue Flame magic, Nazca Line magic, or maybe Cloud magic. If the Mystic had been exposed to the use of some of these magics for some time, would that aid his chances?
Answer: 1) As far as I know, only Necromancy (and Temporal Magic?) has been specifically stated to be available to the Mystic OCC in Rifts. However, the Mystic OCC in Nightbane: Through the Glass Darkly can access spells of any type after reaching 4th level.

I think that was just pulled out of a hat.
Ignore it.

Re: Mystic OCC and Spell Selection

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:24 am
by Talavar
I would say that since mystics figure out their magic intuitively they could theoretically learn spells from any of the major types - providing that it made sense for the character, not just whatever was best stat-wise. Basically what I mean is that the character would need to have a a macabre & dark world view to intuit necromancy spells, a major connection to an aspect of nature to learn elemental spells, etc.

I do not think this is necessarily canon, but I do think it makes up for mystics otherwise getting the shaft, and I like the variety of spells Palladium has in print to actually see some use in my games.