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Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:29 am
by Dolcet
i love it when they sign without saying "I am taking the contract to a lawyer" :eek: which the mystic warrior did last week & Last night she took it to one after finding a multitude of bugs in the ship & found out about some things they slid into the contract such as:

1) if you pay off the contract your still have to do assignments for the agreed time frame of the contract (30 years in this case) with the fees for the assignments coming out of ammount left on the ship (which would be zero) or she loses the ship

2) if they refuse an assignment they lose the ship & still owe the money

3) they have a right to copies of ALL communications on the ship both private & public

4) the interest was the highest allowed (22%) compounded weekly (which totals out at roughly 3.5 billion in interest if they wait till the end of the 30 years to pay it off)

5) if they refuse an assignment they lose the ship & still owe the money

6) if the contract is voided for any reason by eather party they lose the ship (they have been informed by the lawyer this clause maybe invalid but it would take a court hearing & the courts would impound the ship till the dispute is settled)

7) if they are carying cargo & have to dump it for any reason including but not limited to picking up survivors of another ship then the party is responsible cost of the cargo plus penelties

The player then got a loan from her Aunt for $25 million to pay off the contract BUT they still have to work for the corp for the length of the contract for nothing :twisted:

(BTW the ship is loaded with weapons. it is an old frieghter that has been converted into a pirate hunter complete concealed weapons & military grade shields. i built her using the Galactic Tracer starship creation rules from Rifter 34)

The character is P.O.'d but they player is only a little miffed at me & is taking it very well and even laughing at herself.

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:07 pm
by taalismn

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:26 pm
OHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:59 am
by Aramanthus
So how much do they owe?

And if they pay off the ship early......I understand about them working for the corporation. And then don't get paid. But can they earn any money on the side? Is there any way they can earn money? Without them being penalized.

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:20 am
by Dolcet
they can earn money on the side. Right now they owe nothing they talked an npc relative (Aunt & member of the the world council of the Owski (a race i designed)) into paying it off for them. it cost them $25 million that they have to pay back. it was only a bill for 10 million but there were fees & an early payment penalty. :eek: The main way they are planning to earn money is bounty hunting & capturing pirates ships for resale to the CCW or Owski Governments.

And as the ship is a converted freighter they can also haul cargo but the cargo area is limited to a max of 70 tons (i ruled that the modifcations for the military shields & engines took up 30% of the cargo space)

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:07 am
by Aramanthus
Not too bad. How fast is their ship anyway? And how big of a crew does it take to crew it?

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:44 am
by devillin
Man, if I pulled something like that, my players would kill me. Then quit. Then kill me again out back.

When they signed the contract, did you role-play it, or did you give them an actual physical piece of paper with the contract printed on it?

Actually, that is the only way I could see sneaking something like that past my players and not have them kill me afterwards.

Re: Contracts Bushi fed style

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:30 am
by Aramanthus
I have to admit I would like to hear that question answered.