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Hardware character inventions

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:00 pm
by Amberjack
Hi all
Just curious as to how you all handle Hardware characters inventing things in game. Do you require that hey have the available monetary resources, job, wealth, etc ?

How often do you allow them to introduce a new gadget/invention?

If using the Super Invention option do you allow them to come up with additional lesser super inventions at higher experience levels ?

Thanks in advance to all who reply. :-D

Re: Hardware character inventions

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:14 pm
by Cybermancer
I generally use budgets to curtail what Hardware characters can do. Although that isn't the same as having the cash. I'll generally allow a Hardware character to be independently wealthy and then grant them an annual budget for gadgets and spare parts. Those who spend all their money up front find they're screwed a few months later when they're out of parts or wish to build a specific item to combat a new villian. The smart Hardware players will keep at least 50% of their budget in reserve. I also allow saving from one year to carry over to the next year.

This generally means that Hardware characters are a lot like Batman, Green Arrow or Iron Man.

It is also how I enjoy playing gadget characters when I get a chance.

Re: Hardware character inventions

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:52 pm
by RockJock
Another option is to recycle. The character runs a salvage yard where he finds lots of parts. I'm not talking your local junk yard, but maybe he runs/has access to a military salvage operation, which is perfect for a Mechanical. Another oddball option is have him work for a major university and run their junk sales. You would be amazed at what shows up as university surplus.

Re: Hardware character inventions

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:00 pm
by gaby
Hardwares do not need to be a PC,they make good Npc,s allies for your hero Pc.