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Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:48 pm
by Carl Gleba
I actually had those in my youth. I forgot all about them.


Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:22 pm
by taalismn
Yeah...I chuckled too when I stumbled across that several years ago...
That's the problem with cool-sounding two syllable names like 'Triax'....they become recurrent in media... :D

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:15 pm
by The Beast
The destroid I had as a kid had a Triax logo on it as well.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:26 pm
by taalismn
Wyrmbear wrote:
Giant bomber that has not one, but apparently two aircraft attached to it at great for space shuttle launches, but really, by the time the fighters get off the freakin' plane, it's too late.

You should see some of the Cold War ideas for various 'parasite' aircraft, and long range nuclear strike aircraft that essentially threw away most of their airframes in order to get to the target(not much thought given to getting back OUT, though)...
This looks TAME in comparison...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:01 am
by Aramanthus
LOL I remember those toys too. Thank you for reminding us of them.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:04 am
by taalismn
Wyrmbear wrote:You mean like the russian aircraft-carrier aircraft? 20+ engines, mile+ wide wings, 8+ stories high...

yeah...if I had a couple of beers the shout of "Brilliant!" would go out in sarcasm.

Nope...they had prop planes that had six-seven smaller planes attached, but the Americans were proposing nuclear-powered flying wings with nose-docking ports for squadrons of fighters on the wings....then there were the ramjet 'sleds' that would be carrier-launched, toss away most of their airframe on the way, and then a smaller jet aircraft perched on top would detach and fly back home(hopefully avoiding the Migs that would be swarming all over Russian airspace looking for the guys who'd just nuked their homeland...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:16 pm
by taalismn
The NGR WISHES Triax had built something like this for them....I mean, look at those 'defensive' armaments....6x475mm cannons and 8x250mm 'submachine guns'?! :shock:
Okay, whoever wrote these up had no idea that 250mm is your high-end field howitzer...or else they had a really SCARY worldview in mind...I mean, a rapid-fire 250mm cannon? When most tanks have only a 150mm cannon?! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I wouldn't want to be downrange of a suppressive burst from THOSE babies!

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:39 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Carl Gleba wrote:I actually had those in my youth. I forgot all about them.


Me too.

Ah, the nostalgia... :)

~ Josh

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:01 am
by Aramanthus
In the PS2 game Naval Ops Warship Gunner they have some rather fun weapons including dattling 88mm and bigger in the game. I know I usually have the dual 88mm gattling guns as my standard anti-whatever weapons for my ships. :D

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:46 pm
by keir451
Giga Damage Girl wrote:The supersonic transport wasn't invented by Triax!

And I have PROOF!

Edit: Further proof!

Clearly, the NGR has successfully wiped out this "V-Rocs" country.. whomever they were....

COOL!!! tho' I think the triax trans port looks alot like the one from the "Silent Mobius" manga(good corporations are all ripoff artists.)
I lso think the mobile fortress reminds me of the one from MD Geist(again a clear case of Triax ripping off old ideas).
P.S. Anyone notice the SDF-1 sitting in the middle of Atlantis?

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:33 am
by Aramanthus
I knew someone who had some of those too. They were neat toys.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:44 am
by green.nova343
Giga Damage Girl wrote:The supersonic transport wasn't invented by Triax!

And I have PROOF!

Edit: Further proof!

Clearly, the NGR has successfully wiped out this "V-Rocs" country.. whomever they were....

Hmmm. so that's where that weird toy my nephew has came from. Apparently, someone picked up the detachable nose of the Stratofortress somewhere along the line (although everything else is missing)...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:58 am
by Aramanthus
You know in some ways that makes a lot of sense! :D

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:57 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Triax is also the name of a real world company, BTW.

~ Josh

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:05 pm
by Anthar
argos wrote:Sign that the rifts are coming. Triax started out as a toy company before they started makin those toys into real war machines.

Not that far from the truth really. Toy companies are experts in fabricating durable plastic parts and some have contracts to produce parts for various weapons. An example is Mattel, who made the plastic handles for the M16 back in the Vietnam war. They had the Mattel label on them, but soldiers complained and the label was removed.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:30 pm
by Anthar
Wyrmbear wrote:
Anthar wrote:An example is Mattel, who made the plastic handles for the M16 back in the Vietnam war. They had the Mattel label on them, but soldiers complained and the label was removed.


You're right. The story was only revised in the last two months though, I was just unaware that there was a change to the story.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:09 pm
by taalismn
As long as they don't farm out the AFV contracts to Tonka...
Although a Tonka-made tank could probably survive being dragged by GODZILLA through a desert, thrown through the air, submweged upside down, and still survive intact....

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:52 pm
by taalismn
Wyrmbear wrote:True...Tonka, the originator of MDC toys.


Demigod toddler beating house-invading Boogieman to death via a combination of superhuman strength...and an MDC dump truck toy...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:51 pm
by taalismn
Wyrmbear wrote:"Alright...who gave baby Hercules the Mighty Mixer?!?!? We're going to be picking up pieces of the daycare center for WEEKS!!!"

(I was going to say Mighty Dump, but that just sounded oh-so-wrong)

Be glad he didn't get the toy police car...Police Brutality!

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:02 am
by Aramanthus
Now that I can definately confirm! Tonka's were tonka tuff! I had several of them growing up and I think that several of them are stored at my Moms.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:55 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Now that I can definately confirm! Tonka's were tonka tuff! I had several of them growing up and I think that several of them are stored at my Moms.

Or possibly even buried UNDER your MOm's place...

Honestly...I kept finding them buried in the beach...
Given that there's a Rifter article on Shifter Familiars based on action figures...what about PPE-infused Haunting Entity-drive toy trucks scrambling out of the beach sands....

Rise of the Zombie Tonka-Tuffs...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:01 am
by Aramanthus
Actually wouldn't those Tonka toys be inhabited by some elemental force.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:37 am
by Kagashi
I had those toys as a kid too.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:40 am
by Library Ogre
Aramanthus wrote:Actually wouldn't those Tonka toys be inhabited by some elemental force.

I just had a mental image of a tectonic entity made up of Tonka toys... like a giant Devastator.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:31 pm
by taalismn
Mark Hall wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Actually wouldn't those Tonka toys be inhabited by some elemental force.

I just had a mental image of a tectonic entity made up of Tonka toys... like a giant Devastator.


The Tectonic Terror Made From Lost Beach Toys

(and you thought 'Cargo Cults of Rifts Earth was weird?)

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:09 am
by Aramanthus
Now that is an image that would scare anyone. I wonder if you could cohearce one to work for you. Maybe they could do some road repair work. :D

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:34 am
by sHaka
I remember those! My mate had loads, but they were hard to get in UK I seem to remember. I asked for some one Christmas but got StarCom instead. I think StarCom was better IMO.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:32 pm
by taalismn
Wyrmbear wrote:Only if they're in a Union... :lol:

"What do we do about a massive demonically-possessed gestalt of lost construction toys with superhuman abilities, untiring energy, and a nasty attitude?"
"Offer it a membership, and tell it the next Local's meeting's Tuesday...And let it know that it does an INCH of work before then without a Union contract, we tear it apart..."

I just may have to create a Contract Engineering NPC along these lines... :-D

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:24 am
by Aramanthus
I would have loved to have gotten StarCom! You were lucky Shaka!

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:16 am
by taalismn
Micronauts fan...even if they broke too easily....(stupid subcontracted cheap %$$^ for the American market...)

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:13 pm
by taalismn
Gefreiter Müller wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Triax is also the name of a real world company, BTW.

~ Josh

Our group almost fell over laughing when after finishing the first (and sadly last) Rifts Europe game we left the building, looked at the neighbours new Satellite dish and saw "TRIAX" in huge, red letters :)

"They're heeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee........."

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:28 pm
by Jeffrey W.
And no matter how often I wear my Palladium Books Triax shirt here in Germany, nobody has asked me about Rifts! It must be the fact that there are two Triax companies here in Germany.

As Josh Sinsapaugh points out, "Triax is also the name of a real world company...", which is only located about an hour and a half away from me at Pliezhausen, Germany. Sure, this Denmark based company has several offices, but I find the one in Germany the most interesting because of the Rifts storyline.

Of further interest for you J.A.P.E. and Juicer fans is knowing that in the real world Germany also has Triax Pharmaceuticals, LLC, a specialty pharmaceutical company, with integrated sales, marketing, and development expertise, and focuses on marketing its products in the United States.

Congratulations to Giga Damage Girl for solving the mystery of the Triax logo in the game and also the probable source of the Kevin Long drawing of the Triax supersonic transport.

That Megaforce toy item from Kenner is marked 1989 on the box, which explains why I've never heard of such a toy. I was involved in combat operations with a special MAGTF in Panama while you youngsters were playing with those toy planes. Gosh, you kids make me feel old.

Anyways, great observations by all.

Jeffrey W.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:40 pm
by taalismn
Okay, all you spin-doctors out there; you can now spread aspersions about about innocuous German companies are destined to turn into a military-industrial complex dealing in giant robots and combat drugs... :twisted:

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:39 am
by Pox
Ah...the Megaforce toys.

Only second to the Barry (Brad Majors from Rocky Horror) Bostwick in Megaforce-named licenses.

seriously though, I do have to blame this line for my terminal aspirations to do landships in Rifts since I thought the before mentioned (Zerebus I think) Tar-Traks was full of awesome.

oh...also to who mentioned the absurdity of having a full-sized Jet fighter bolted to the back of the Stratofortress...there was actually two places and yet another open air garage at the back of the plan that housed another fighter.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:28 am
by Aramanthus
Still interesting to know where the inspirations came from.

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:38 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Still interesting to know where the inspirations came from.

SR-71s right off the bat, plus there were quite a few proposals in the Atomic '50s for parasite aircraft and composite vehicles...some of the Triax 'space shuttles' in the toy series look like the 'Sanger' composite rocket planes.....The Soviets as well toyed with the idea of seaplane lifting bodies that would carry ranjet-equipped scout planes or nuclear-powered buzzbombs over the Pole(they'd also supposedly have the ability to land on the pack-ice and refuel from waiting Soviet submarines...)...

Re: Triax's deepest secret revealed!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:05 am
by Aramanthus
I've heard and seen most of those at Dayton Ohio. The nuclear powered on is the only one we didn't get to see. Read the article on it though.