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Astral Golem (MD/MDC in the Astral)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:40 am
by cchopps
So I'm trying to figure out the point of Astral Golem.

It looks to me like the big benefit of it is the chance to do MD in what is generally an SDC environment. It gets no bonus to strike and penalties to init, parry, and dodge.. and only does 1d6 MD.

I guess the corollary question is what happens to MDC beings when they project (MDC cord?) or use astral transference. If they are MDC, why do all Zaayr Crystal Dragons start with Astral Golem as a power?

Using the Golem costs an attack. I'd even understand if you could use the power while not astral yourself (which it specifically says you can't do) in order to defend yourself against astral beings you may not normally be able to damage.

I just feel like I'm missing something.


C. Chopps