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An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:01 am
by Defender_X
Since we have the marine book and New Gen on the way, I've been thinking on what would have to be done to 'Return of the Masters'. The time frame would be durning the New Gen series, possible starting after Ariel, Corg and Sera are on the scene since we have Humaniod Invid (Stage Five) in the adventure. The next would be to replace all the Sentinals mecha with gear from the current and upcoming books. For the new mecha in the revised edition, I will most likely use some of the munchier ASC and UEEF mecha, with a super alpha and beta in place of the delta fighter, minus the shadow tech. There's more, but this is just a starting point. Opinions and comments are welcome.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:11 pm
by jedi078
I'm actually running this game online, setting it after the Mars Division debacle. I'm using the Masters Hybrid mecha from RoTM 2E, and they have Zent allies. Black Reign is an Invid ally who controls Hanoi. They have all sorts of mecha, and even their own Zent allies. Mecha su-dai has been an underground sport ran by criminal elements since at least 2014 or 15 so it plays a minor role. Once I finish converting the game from the old system to the new system will do away with Mecha-su-dai mecha combat, but will keep the sport around.

As for mecha anything in use by/before 2042 is fair game.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:05 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Defender_X wrote:Since we have the marine book and New Gen on the way, I've been thinking on what would have to be done to 'Return of the Masters'. The time frame would be durning the New Gen series, possible starting after Ariel, Corg and Sera are on the scene since we have Humaniod Invid (Stage Five) in the adventure. The next would be to replace all the Sentinals mecha with gear from the current and upcoming books. For the new mecha in the revised edition, I will most likely use some of the munchier ASC and UEEF mecha, with a super alpha and beta in place of the delta fighter, minus the shadow tech. There's more, but this is just a starting point. Opinions and comments are welcome.

This really would not be a hard thing to do at all, choose when you would insert overwatch team, I think Jedi has the right idea with having it part of Mars Attack force. The fifth stage Invid do not need to be in the begining. In fact it could be a cool twist when they actually arrive.

I did not see anything saying the Super Alpha or Betas would be in either of these new books, so I do not see the reason to remove the delta fighter other then you may not like it. which is actually fine. I have kept the mecha because i have always like it. So that is up to you. But it is not hard to convert the game over.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:35 pm
by jedi078
Mecha selection is always up to the GM. For example I don't like the Super Alpha but prefer the Super Logan instead.
Also keep in mind the time period your running the game in. If you set the game in 2042 the Super Alpha and Beta from TSC they would not be in use.

Another idea is set RoTM 2E a year after the Invid Occupied Earth, and thus make it an ASC game set during the early years of the occupation.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:57 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
jedi078 wrote:Another idea is set RoTM 2E a year after the Invid Occupied Earth, and thus make it an ASC game set during the early years of the occupation.

I like this, and instead of using a crashed Garfish you could use a tri-star or another Southern Cross ship of the GMs choice.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:19 pm
by jedi078
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
jedi078 wrote:Another idea is set RoTM 2E a year after the Invid Occupied Earth, and thus make it an ASC game set during the early years of the occupation.

I like this, and instead of using a crashed Garfish you could use a tri-star or another Southern Cross ship of the GMs choice.

Or better yet an ASC outpost that managed to stay under the Invid radar.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:21 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
jedi078 wrote:
Or better yet an ASC outpost that managed to stay under the Invid radar.

That could be a good alternative, like on the old school underground bases. I do not have the other source books so i am not sure what the ASC powered thier mecha and bases with. I thought it was nuclear in the old school books. So it would make sence if they are still on nuclear power to be able to hide under the invid radar.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:00 pm
by Chris0013
Overwatch could be from the 10th Mars Division (Lancer's unit) and either remove the Beta and Battlers or have them as troops who joined afte thet 21st Mars Division got hosed.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:44 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Chris0013 wrote:Overwatch could be from the 10th Mars Division (Lancer's unit) and either remove the Beta and Battlers or have them as troops who joined afte thet 21st Mars Division got hosed.

Thats how I would do it myself.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:21 am
by Lt Gargoyle
First I think the super alpha and beta that was refered to in the post you are talking about is totally different then that of the super alpha from the return of the masters book. since it links to an alpha and are pretty close to the same look as the standard alpha beta when skull squadron flew them in the shadow chronicle. So totally different alpha.

I am cool with how each gm handles thier colonies and who has jurisdiction of them. I use the UEEF as the primary and the older school mecha as the planetary governments defense force with a small garfish fleet to handle taking their mecha into space.

As for the pioneer fleet they used the old fleet designs, those were the same as the southern cross fleet, that is why Carpenter commanded a Tokugawa ship.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:33 am
by Chris0013
Gryphon wrote:Someone above mentioned that you couldn't use a Super Alpha because of the date being ~2042, but I have to disagree. In ~2044-2045 we see them roll out something like a dozen + of them. They call them prototypes, but that number would be closer to a pre-production model with a few upgrades to a production series status. So 2-3 years prior isn't a bad time to have a Super Alpha running around as a true prototypes, which is what those were supposed to be, and it could have come to Earth with Mars group, or even some slightly later group to test it in what was the only available combat zone, as the UEEF had pretty much finished clean up operations against the Regents Invid by that time. its a bit of a stretch but not much really.

The way I see it....why couldn't they be 2 different things...the one in Masters was a prototype of a heavier fighter that was shelved as being too expensive and the one in TSC was a new production version

Gryphon wrote:And I usually take the view that Gloval did push colonization, and that the Pioneer mission had a dual mission to sport planets to settle and map out the outer edges of the Masters territory. They just kept on pushing because that territory kept being further and further away than they thought. When the UEEF missions shoved off for Tiresian space, the ASC, and by extension the UEG, ended up in charge of the closets colonies to Earth, and so their defense units would by extension be primarily ASC in nature, while colonies in the middle range might be primarily a mix, or as in my world mostly home guards with their own potential mecha and weapon systems. The "outer" colonies would be almost entirely UEEF in nature, forming a chain for unbroken communications back to earth, with the final like at each end being Space Station Liberty and the Robotech factory satellite. This explains things like Carpenter and his group being composed primarily of ASC ships (assuming you don't buy that the Pioneer missions were primarily formed around these ships), as he could have been the semi retired commander of a semi retired capital ship and a bunch or non=fold capable orbital corvettes returning with word form the closest link in that chain, a primarily ASC equipped link.

You might be asking why this matters? This way the ASC prototypes could get a second chance at life on these inner colonies, with the "proven" Logan seeing an upgrade, while the expensive and somewhat shaky AJACs being second fiddle in numbers. (I say shaky because for all its supposed ability is lost the 2nd war, too little too late.) Its also possible some of the UEDF prototypes (from Strike Force) could be serving as the main line in the "middle" colonies, and the outer colonies simply use UEEF gear straight up, or maybe the older UEDF gear the UEEF originally left with if you prefer.

I actually was working on a write up in a thread using some of this assumption....the colonial troops used Heavy assault battloids and super logans from could even do a colony whose only mecha is the Zentraedi Striker Battloid.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:35 am
by Chris0013
Lt Gargoyle wrote:First I think the super alpha and beta that was refered to in the post you are talking about is totally different then that of the super alpha from the return of the masters book. since it links to an alpha and are pretty close to the same look as the standard alpha beta when skull squadron flew them in the shadow chronicle. So totally different alpha.

I am cool with how each gm handles thier colonies and who has jurisdiction of them. I use the UEEF as the primary and the older school mecha as the planetary governments defense force with a small garfish fleet to handle taking their mecha into space.

As for the pioneer fleet they used the old fleet designs, those were the same as the southern cross fleet, that is why Carpenter commanded a Tokugawa ship.

I would actually go with the ASC ships for the colonial forces...maybe even some captured and retrofitted Zent ships....but nothing really bigger than the small scout ship like the one in Ghost Ship....and change the hull color and use the colonial markings

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:13 am
by Defender_X
Nice to see that I go the ideas flowing. I figured on replacement as a quick method without a lot of time on conversion and an excuse to use new toys that might not see a lot of gametime, so yes it's just me being lazy. :D

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:56 am
by Chris0013
Gryphon wrote:Next, Chris...
See above for why the can be the same or different, apply as you wish. I sort of liked the Delta, so I would prefer them to be different evolutions of the same concept, specifically an advanced Alpha based VF.
Also, you could base an entirely colonies defense in the ZEB Striker, but really, should you? Those things were nasty, easily scarier than anything short of a fully crewed Legios. Still, that would be an awful shock to any pirate group that came along, nes pa?
And making colonial defense forces using refitted Zentraedi Scouts sounds cool, especially as each one is the same basic length as a Shimakaze, give or take 30-35 meters. You could treat is as the command ship of a defense flotilla, and assign it a collection of smaller ships for escort and system patrol. In fact, an updated Oberth could fulfill that roll on the cheap if needed, or maybe a Banshee or Garfish, but I would expect those to serve at the front. Actually, I would just create some sort of STL vessel to fill that role really.

What I really want to see, is based on something I saw around here. Someone, not sure who, re-skinned a Tokugawa to make it look like a UEEF craft along the same lines as an Ikazuchi. I would LOVE to see multi-views on the entire ASC spacecraft lineup redone like this, as well as a Zentraedi Scout/Sloop redone like this too. That would scream awesome. But then again, I admit to a bit of fan-boy genetic drift, so what can I say?

The idea of using the ZSB was really just to do something a little different....imagine you group on the run in a Garfish and dropping out of fold into a colonies area without communicating it as your comm gear is hosed and your fold drive is ZSBs converging on your position and ordering the "unknown vessel" to stand down or be destroyed.

Also, the Tokagawa you are refering to was from Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles. Mechanimorph used a scan in one of his adventure write-ups as a ship from a ASC colony that comes back to Earth after the Invid leave saying they are the UEG political body that went into exile when the invid showed up...

link to the post....viewtopic.php?f=9&t=95073&hilit=glorie

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:48 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Gryphon wrote:OK, first reply to LT G...
Yup, fully aware that they are intended to be completely different designs, specially as the first was a PB RPG design, and the second is supposed to be the new flagship mecha of HG and its new movies. But my response is that you could simply replace the first with the second, or treat the first as a prototype of the second that didn't actually end up being the end result, sort of like how the first stealth craft went from the Have Blue to the F-117, a similar, but not identical design.
And I don't want to start an argument, so I'll ask plainly if it has ever been determined what exactly the Pioneer missions were, when they were doing it, what they used to do it, and who and what accomplished anything? Is there an official answer, or is this left up to us?

I think their missions were first priority was to find the Masters Home wolrd and set up peaceful relations to prevent furter war. Or to fight them on thier home terf instead of Earth. So this is a half and half success story.
Second was to colonize the galaxy as they went to prevent the human race from being wiped out in on fatal blow. Though there is not real mention of success stories that i have seen, The HardBack book refers to the colonies in several sections.

And I think the time line on the is the official one and it roughly covers it, with a vague-ish style.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:47 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
the new Shadow Chronicles talks about the fact that there are colonies.

I think that the new book also has included the Zentraedi and Tirolians make up part of the fleet.

I can see the Carpenter thought as being a colony defender. It actually makes lots of sense to me, the older ships that were taken with the pioneer mission being used in colony defense as the new ships come off the production lines.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:10 pm
by Defender_X
After getting the Masters book, what I might do with the new masters' mecha in the revised edition is adjust them to the updated system and leave them for the most part as is. Something I didn't add earlier, have the final encounter at the factory occur durning the Battle of Reflex Point. Just to raise the stakes a bit. :D

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:17 pm
by jedi078
Defender_X wrote: After getting the Masters book, what I might do with the new masters' mecha in the revised edition is adjust them to the updated system and leave them for the most part as is.

I'm doing the same....

Defender_X wrote:Something I didn't add earlier, have the final encounter at the factory occur during the Battle of Reflex Point. Just to raise the stakes a bit. :D

You know I have played with the idea that it takes the UEEF 6 to 9 months to fight their way to Earth because the Invid have Hive ships positioned throughout the solar system and Hive on the various other planets and moons in the solar system as well.

Yes this nixes the idea of Mars Base and ALUCE being operational, as they would have been destroyed. But let’s face the facts. The Invid occupy earth for over ten years, and common sense dictates they would have irradiated any human military presence in the solar system.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:28 pm
by avollant
A simplier scenario would be : "Robotech: Return to Mars".

In this story, the UEEF return to Mars in order to rebuild their outpost only to encounter the Robotech Masters. Due that not all of the RM Mothership arrived on Earth. One or two crashlanded on Mars. Add to the mix some Invids/Haydonites and you got a solid call for adventure.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:56 pm
by jedi078
avollant wrote:A simplier scenario would be : "Robotech: Return to Mars".

In this story, the UEEF return to Mars in order to rebuild their outpost only to encounter the Robotech Masters. Due that not all of the RM Mothership arrived on Earth. One or two crashlanded on Mars. Add to the mix some Invids/Haydonites and you got a solid call for adventure.

Sounds like a good game premise.

Re: An adventure update idea

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:52 am
by taalismn
avollant wrote:A simplier scenario would be : "Robotech: Return to Mars".

In this story, the UEEF return to Mars in order to rebuild their outpost only to encounter the Robotech Masters. Due that not all of the RM Mothership arrived on Earth. One or two crashlanded on Mars. Add to the mix some Invids/Haydonites and you got a solid call for adventure.

Yep....You can throw in a small ASC TSC and TASC group assigned to oversee a cache of gear or snmall colony put down on Mars earlier, and now cut off from Earth by the RM....they're scrambling from small base to small base/outpost and automated SLMH facs trying to stay ahead of the Masters, while attempting to cobble up a long range transmitter to try to alert Earth or anybody else(think of those bad Mars movies like Mission to Mars, only with mecha)